I have so much respect for Russian women’s loyalty to their men. I liked the lady who said “I’m married already, so I can’t imagine myself with another man”. Beautiful
I think for the ones that say “no” it’s more so about comfort and being with someone they can relate with Not necessarily hate or disgust Understandable tbh
@@lisa196409 No, it would be fine family would be happy if they see daughter happy. Is also fine to want to be married to someone from your culture or race. It don't mean you don't love other cultures and races.
My first Russian woman I saw in Liberia, came to find her Guinean husband. That was before the collapse of The Soviet Union. Beautiful woman ! She couldn't go back because her brothers were not happy about the marriage. They settled in Northwestern Liberia ( Voinjama) and she became closed to my Mom. A catholic nun from Ireland helped her adjusted. They had one son in a few years. Her talent is music, Soon helped her found a job in a boarding School near Monrovia. She started getting calls to play at weddings. Their life turned for the good. The man had a successful Poultry farm, selling eggs to supermarkets until the Liberian civil war. I was told they came to the United States. I hope so because we didn't see them anymore. Olga is her name.
Any Russian woman that has such name Olga are always Good People.... The first woman that thought me Russian Alphabet and gifted me warm wears also is named Olga....
Oh cool I'm Liberian too but I was born in the United States. my grandfather told me stories of working in the diamond minds And how those people from all types of races that work there I was most surprised to find out that his supervisor was Mexican.
here in Scadinavia white men mostly are not ready to date black /african women at all yet. But many scandianvian men can actually date asian women, so I suppose the next step are to date black women, even the difference of white and black skincolor is very big. Asian women are more like us.🥰🤩
@@bluebirdinpiscesyeah because we never met Russian women or been Russia that’s maybe why the west just new to this idea you understand me so coming to this makes a big difference
I speak russian fluently and I have to tell you that you should go over the translation. For example the lady at 8:10 says that she PROBABLY couldn't marry a black guy and not certainly ("of course not" is totally wrong here). There are many more translation errors that gives the audience a false impression imo.
@@igorgrigoryan7583I disagree, he speaks very good advanced Russian ! He has a strong African accent, yes! And at times, he misunderstood their answers, at first! I speak Russian myself and born there!
I'm a Russian girl, living in China. I dated with some African guys and have many black male and female friends. What can I say, if someone don't want to date with black guys or girls is just a question of taste, preferences, not a rasism. I also personally know many black people who wants to be only with black people, because they don't feel that white people look attractive for them. But I know many many many international couples from different countries. Think about it 😉
Its easy to ask such questions in Russia than one may imagine. They are not as hostile as broadcasted all over. I lived with them 6 years, and they also have stories to tell if we give them the right audience. Great video.
True, America needed an adversary after WWII, so they started an anti-russia campaign. As would anybody would do they move forward and didn't lay down.
They are extremely hostile and racist to all nations that escaped the Soviet Union and also to the nations trapped in current Russia. They have armies in 11 African countries already because they are tricking Africans into new colonization by offering to hate Europeans. Its a trick to steal from everyone
@vlogcritter they rascist you can see how uncomfortable there about it Putin is a hitler nazi Eurasian rascist hates Jewish people he wants president zylinesky gone the reason he wants to wipe out Ukrainians Russia are nazis not all but 60 % Putin got rid of young rebellious man by announcing mobilization The ones with connections and going along like sheep to the slaughter house keep quite Do what they told.. film about Russia but not the truth then u left alone .
People will always say something positive in front of camera but in reality it is different also I don't see the point of promoting interracial marriage if it happens it happens but I find odd going round asking random women in Russia wither they like black or not women are for reproductive and I am sure black women is also capable of that too. Africa and Russia can share many other areas such as technology and education.
Chicks hardly give an honest answer on any topic. What they say and do are totally different. They say they want an emotional attachment nice guy but in reality want the impossible to get bad boy.
I understand what your saying, but it's promoted in Western media that Russians and Slavs in general are culturally racist, so for him to promote the idea that Russians are actually tolerant of interracial marriage goes a long way.
Interracial relationships aren’t an indication of anything. Date and love who you want just treat people fairly. Also be friends with whoever you want. It doesn’t make anyone racist.
It doesn't make someone racist necessarily, but having a preference is not the same as I would not date someone outside of my own race. When people say that, they do have negative prejudices within themselves. Because in the end, people are people.
Скажу так - выйти замуж за чернокожего и дружить с ним это оазные вещи и это не расизм. Это не значит, что мы считаем чернокожих хуже, они не хуже, но замуж это не для всех.
Тут нет ненависти или неприязни. Я жил с иностранцами с 1998 года в разных странах. Разного пола, возраста, языка. Я - свидетель на индийско-турецкой свадьбе. И даже с другом, который свободно говорит на английском мы воем, что не можем выразить так, как на родном. У меня богатый русский, у него богатый хинди, но мы говорим на кастрированном английском. Многие вещи иностранец не может понять изнутри в другой нации. Просто разные миры. Это не хорошо и не плохо, это - факт. Да, дети будут чисто говорить на 2х языках, но вы вечно будете во что-то упираться. А, философствовать лучше на родном
@@user-fu8gq5xg5u1ну тогда этот интервьюер бы спросил: а если парень чернокожий, но вырос в России и менталитетом русский, тогда брак возможен? То есть отличия только в цвете кожи.
@@old__gamers он сам глубину вопроса не понимает. Они, иностранцы - так не мыслят, как мы. И не забывай, что для них жениться на русской - перспектива, как и для черной женщины выйти за русского. Для русского это - ничего. Просто другая культура и менталитет, который тебя будет поглощать. Негры не обрусеют, как не пытайся. Либо это полукровка рожденный здесь, либо это навсегда иностранец, как бы он не пытался. НУ и какой смысл в этом браке? Тупо "мулатиков родить" или что.
My dad is Congolese and back in the 70’s many Congolese high school graduates obtained scholarships to go to university in the Soviet Union. My dad was one of them and he met a beautiful soviet woman (my mum), they got married in Moscow and he brought her back to Congo when they were both done with their studies. Hundreds of young Congolese men came back with Soviet women at a time when being black was even more complicated than today, some girls had to fight their families to marry their black lovers and most of them knew nothing about Africa and actually never left the Soviet union before. That is not only the story of some Congolese men but also some Angolans, nigerians, etc… It is really nothing new for the Russian people especially the Russian women to mix with African men.
Today we are a very large community of Afro-russian on the Continent and even around the world. Thanks for the cool video by the way, we need to put more light one this subject.
Just because some women were dumb enough to do such a thing, it doesn't mean that it isn't anything new or is common in any way. To Russians as a whole, it is still something icky and definitely not met with applause when someone decides to commit genetic suicide. And what large communities are you talking about? That community probably wouldn't even fill one small village in the middle of nowhere. And now with many nations ganging up on Russians, there is definitely an ethnic awareness awakening happening. How do I know? Because I'm Russian and I see it happening from within. If before I didn't think about such things and naively would be open to maybe dating an Italian or an English guy, or from some other European nation, at the very least I wouldn't be opposed to such things, they look somewhat similar to us after all..now I wouldn't touch a non-Russian guy with a ten-foot pole. Not when our men are dying in Ukraine because NATO feels like getting closer to Russia. And definitely not a Black, Brown or Asian guy. And I'm not alone in this thinking, it is too bad that a tragedy like this is what it took to get the conversation on ethnic awareness going. Am I glad now that I never dated a non-Russian. I dodged that bullet. Ohh well, at least something good came out of it. The dating market for foreigners amongst Russians is definitely closing. All this being said, It doesn't mean that you would be treated badly if you visited Russia.
@@ericaalexandrovnaadebayo4392 Да ладно, серьёзно что-ли? А что такой плохой Русский? Всего в одном слове и то ошибка. Что это за “S privet"? Наверное хотел(а) сказать что ты с приветом. Даже кириллицей написать не соизволил(a). 😂🤣😂🤣
I like Black people. However, I would want my baby to have blue or green eyes and different shades of straight blonde hair. We all have our preferences for what we like and feel comfortable with. Same as selecting cars, houses, clothing, food, music, etc, etc.
Да, у каждого свои вкусы, люди обычно выбирают на себя похожих питомцев, одним нравятся доберманы, другим пекинесы. Также и с кошками: кто-то любит полосатых кошек, кто-то пятнистых, а кто-то пантер.
If you have such genes and they are strong enough, it is possible to have a baby with blue/green eyes and such like. It's extremely rare, but still possible.
@@sonicstep I come from a family with blue and greenish-blue eyes and various shades of blonde hair. I have greenish-blue eyes and natural medium blonde hair. I choose what makes me feel comfortable, familiar, and content.
Fun facts 1) there was African Americans who immigrated to Russia during Jim Crow era 2) African American Paul Robeson was esteemed in Russia (they even named a MOUNTAIN After him) (and a tomato too)
I noticed when I went to Russia (Black American) I had a great time, the females were very very welcoming (lol) but maybe Americans are loved all over the world
Very interesting video. I’m Palestinian-Bulgarian from a mixed Muslim-Christian family. "Where are you from?" is always a difficult question for me to answer. I’ve never felt fully accepted in either the Bulgarian or Arab community and sometimes I've encountered racism and stereotypes about my background. Being mixed has its challenges, but in recent years I've come to appreciate the beauty of it. I realized that being mixed is one of the main reasons why I get along so well with different people, regardless of how different they are to me, where they come from, how they think and which religion they follow. Being mixed is a true blessing that makes a more well-rounded and tolerant human being.
Find someone totally away from the Bulgarian & Palestinian community. Try China, Japan, India, Bangladesh, or Pakistan. When a certain race doesn't accept, another total different race can accept because they have no racial based bias to see any stereo types of being from the same background of either. In the Quran, Allah mentioned that he created us from different tribes & races to recognize one another. This solves the tribalism/racism issue very well because people can be racists against their own people. The following verse from the Quran: يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلنَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَـٰكُم مِّن ذَكَرٍۢ وَأُنثَىٰ وَجَعَلْنَـٰكُمْ شُعُوبًۭا وَقَبَآئِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوٓا۟ ۚ إِنَّ أَكْرَمَكُمْ عِندَ ٱللَّهِ أَتْقَىٰكُمْ ۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ خَبِيرٌۭ "O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may recognize one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted." - [Quran, 49:13]
Ние се запазихме като нация защото бяхме със свойте и в щастие и в трудност под гръцки и османски иго. Жалко, че хората не могат да изпълнят дълга си към предците си, а поставят своето удобство като се крият зад модерните морални ценности или чувства като любов. Не си българин. Предолагам майка ти е българка?
Another good question would be about the cultural and traditional differences! It’s not just the skin difference! There are big worldview differences, esp between an African and an East European countries! These, in reality, could be difficult to navigate! How we parent, where we lay our values, how we celebrate traditions and important occasions, religion, how a couple relates to each other, etc etc! Love and commitment are not enough, even though important! Lots of cultural misunderstandings can occur! I’ve seen a number of beautiful, loving inter-ethnic relationships! It can be a challenge, though, to make these relationships work!
It's not rascist to say that you wouldn't date a black person, it's just they might not be attracted to a black man, it's ok. I am "black" and there are some black men I wouldn't date...at all.
As a Russian person, I can say that girls in Russia are very fond of African Americans. any inadequate person condemns any manifestation of nationalism
Любовь страсть и вся эйфория это конечно замечаиельно , но к сожалению с годами совместной жизни всплывают моменты в которых, в силу разного воспитания, условий жизни, вам свойственно реагировать по разному из-за чего возникают конфликты. И к сожалению недопонимания чаще случается в семьях мультикультурных. Терпения, уважения и понимания всем нам.! 🤲
Well the thing is that from the rise of ussr we had a social politic called "People's Friendship" so actually this topic is a very opened and is not a tabu therefore as it is in the video everyone looks for people they love no matter of his appearance:)
It's perfectly fine if other skin colors aren't your preference, as a partner. For me, many black women are not attractive, few are. But life and coincidence will tell.
Its stupid to ask Russian girls if they had dated a black person before. Because Africans and black people in Russia are basically 0000000000.000001 % of the population, so chances of them meeting Africans or black people, forming a relationship and getting married is very rare. So the appropriate question should have been what do they think about interracial and inter cultural relationships and go on to ask about things that they might encounter. Like families and friends on both sides and traveling back to the homelands of their partners. And have they ever thought about visiting any African country for holidays and what are their expectations and knowledge about life in Africa.
Основная проблема, почему отвечают, что не вышли бы замуж за чернокожего не в цвете кожи, а в том, что для жителя России, чернокожий - почти всегда иностранец, причем даже не европеец, т.е. человек абсолютно другой культуры. Все понимают (особенно женщины), что из этого сразу следует множество обстоятельств, которые в большинстве случаев приведут к тому, что такой союз будет обречен. Заметьте, парни более безразличны и даже позитивно настроены, т.к. они воспринимают это как приключение, а не смотрят далеко вперед. Да и в нашей культуре было принято, что девушка уходит из своей семьи в новую, а не наоборот, поэтому мужскому полу проще воспринять эту мысль. Грубо говоря, для девушки выйти замуж за чернокожего равно уехать в Африку.
I’m not even gonna lie Russian women are beautiful and to be honest I’m actually in a relationship with one she’s my fiancée now we been together for three years and I have to say she is one gem of a girl she makes me the happiest man ever I definitely plan on marrying her soon and having kids with her in the future so there you have it ❤❤😊😁🤗🥰🙌🏽
I studied geology at Patrice Lumumba University (now People's Friendship University of Russia) from 1971-1977. I was a good student but I didn't feel comfortable with Russian language until my third year. I still remember one classmate from southeast Asia who (in our first year) had a funny way of saying ``Ya nyi ponimayu/ I don't understand. I still have his picture. I think that to be this fluent in Russian you have to be in literature, law, journalism or have lived in Russia beyond the school years. I would assume that Russia is now more open to the outside world and that relationships are much easier. Recently I saw an interview of the Polish ambassador in West Africa (Senegal, Cote d'Ivoire,...). I was first surprised by her name Margareta Kassangana. It turned out her father is Congolese (I don't remember whether he is from Republique democratique du Congo (Congo-Kinshasa) or Republique populaire du Congo (Congo Brazzaville). ua-cam.com/video/fttR3iaJ8VQ/v-deo.html
@@UhtredOfBamburgh Thanks for the clarification. The Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev (1894-1971) created the university in 1960 as a symbol of friendship between Russia and the newly independent countries of Africa and the rest of the developing world. It was originally named after Emery Patrice Lumumba (1925-1961) hero of the independence of the Belgian Congo (now Democratic Republic of Congo or Congo-Kinshasa). When I was there, we were about 5000 students from about 70 different countries and 3 students had to share the free dorm room and they had to be from different countries. My two roommates were from Russia and Ecuador (it was internationalism in practice). Apparently we had one of the best school cafeteria in the country.
Interesting. Interesting. One has to wonder how widepread such open mindedness is though. Would you have received similar responses in much less cosmopolitan, rural parts, such as Siberia or far east city Vladivostok perhaps.?
As a moorish person .. y’all gotta stop doing this shit .. it’s embarrassing. Why do you wanna know if another race would marry you …. Or even give you the time of day ?! It’s degrading
@@logikius Racist as usual, and I suppose to you bigots a white priest raping young boys is not disgusting since he is white, but a Russian girl dating a black medical student or any kind of black successful scholar is disgusting because he is black, this is how fucked up you racists are!
There is a UA-camr name Phiko who dated many Russian women and he used to live in Russia for about 8 years. He is a black guy from the USA. He left Russia when Russia went to war with Ukraine and the sanctions screwed up his money flow. Now he is in Thialand with his Russian girlfriend. Also Mike Diamond on UA-cam who is a Afro Cuban dated many a handful of Russian women.
@Porter94 this is the most ridiculous stupid, racist ,idiotic, dumb comment ever heard ,if Russian women are attracted to black men it has nothing to do with blacks being better or worse just that they are curious of differences, and what is different to them is attractive, black music is worshipped in Russia ,same as famous black athletic celebrities, and most blacks in Russia are top students doctors and engineers etc.......! And no you are not better as white nor more appreciated only racists would appreciate your kind! Especially when your kind invented bombs destroying the planet, many Russian women are attracted to black men and there is nothing you can do about it ,go join the kkk or the nazi party ,and by the way many Russians have all kinds of different ethnical backgrounds if you know Russia's history!
People should marry from within their communities as a first preference .It's easy to cope .You share a lot together. Marriage is not about sharing the bed only, though it's one of the most important aspects of being married.Even among Black or White there are different tribes so it's best you marry within your tribe. If you marry outside your community, you must be sure the marriage would be sustainable,otherwise, the resultant divorce would hurt your children most.
Interesting video 😊 Would love to date and marry a real and wonderful Russian woman but everything in my situation is pointing towards emigrating from London to Brazil - even further away from Eastern Europe and Asia 😏 If it’s meant to be God will do it but I’m not feeling encouraged 😊
I see absolutely nothing wrong with the ladies that said they wouldn't date or marry a black guy, I'm black from Africa and I know so many African/Black women that won't go near a white guy, they actually would never even consider it and could even act grossed out about the thought, so it goes both ways, has nothing to do with racism.
I have a hard time believing that. White guys can smash any women on the continent. Are you joking? Even other African men told me that many African women lust for White dudes. Mental colonization.
That's the point. Some are ready, some are not. Some will give birth to children who speak two languages, while others will carry the blood of generations further. Natural balance. Not bad and not good.
Great video! You have the courage and great idea to do this in Russia. It about time for someone to take the lead and asking about interracial and race matters into Russia. Keep up the good work.
Я нерусский , я бы никогда не женился на афроамериканке. Слишком большая разница культур да и не по вкусу они мне. Я против того что бы мои женились на чернокожых
Одно и то же. Культура, история и отношения между африканцами и русскими настолько противоположны друг другу, что, скорее всего, приведут к разрушению общества. Если бы это был мой выбор, я бы полностью запретил вступать в брак или вступать в сексуальные отношения с такими людьми. И последствия неповиновения будут суровыми. Настолько суровый, что гулаги кажутся проявлением доброты по сравнению с ним.
Незачем мешать кровь. Все должны жить дома со своими народами. Дружить, общаться, путешествовать, учиться - пожалуйста. Что угодно. Но смешивать народы - глупо. У всех свои правила и традиции, свои порядки и природа.
@@user-fu8gq5xg5u1 A вот Точно. Что мне не нравится в этом ролике, так это то, что люди здесь, похоже, навязывают дегенеративный принцип "разнообразия". Эта идея крайне вредна для характера нации. На самом деле, это принудительное разнообразие - одна из причин, по которой я лично считаю, что США умирают.
It's funny to see the Russian men so excited with the thought of being with a black woman.☺️ I guess that makes sense because in general, men seem to have the upper hand in not being judged as negatively as women would be if they date outside their race. So, for that reason, I would be curious to see if these men were asked how THEY would feel about Russian women dating and wanting to be with a black man. The answer might not be that obvious. Or maybe I'm wrong.
As a white Russian man, I can say that I don't care at all. It's up to a particular woman what kind of man she will be with. But I can't speak for all Russians, I know that some people don't like it. But who cares?
You're neither wrong nor right per se, it honestly depends. Some of our local nations here tend to judge marriages outside of their ethnicity/community, but they tend to be equally strict with both men and women concerning this. And some people are just weirdly controlling to the extent of trying to tell others what to do and who to date/to marry. Some of the worst "no they can't do this!" comments I've seen here are actually coming from Russian women, and it makes me cringe so damn hard. If a person is chill and open-minded, they will never say stuff like "I think (this gender) isn't allowed to date a person of this race/religion/whatever", regardless of whether they're a man or a woman. They also tend to be aware that what others do in their lives and beds is simply NOT their business.Those dudes in the video who talked about admiring Black women didn't seem like the sort that would try to control other women's love lives, outside of demanding loyalty from their own ladies (which is only good and proper). I think they'd be totally cool. But controlling men (and women) do exist, sadly enough. Happily enough, they're not the majority either, in my experience.
He minded me, when I use to live in Russia, it is true they are loyal, not expensive,I remember when, if give Russian lady, snickers bar she was your, that is it, no dinner no fancy date nothing else.
я вообще замуж не хочу. ни за кого. и единственный мой опыт общения с темнокожими мужчинами был в больнице, мне было 8, и ко мне водили студентов медиков(я была редким случаем, считай учебным пособием) они спрашивали у 8 летнего ребенка есть ли у него тахикардия. я даже слова такого не знала.... мое впечатление от этого- наверное те студенты были не самыми сообразительными людьми в мире, во всяком случае студенты медики которые хорошо по русски говорили мне таких вопросов не задавали... и африканские студенты заходили чаще всего... видна целеустремленность в учебе
Так они едут за тысячи километров из бедных стран. Они должны учиться, а не заниматься ерундой. Их государства оплачивают им учёбу в России как я слышал.
Interesting. I see a lot of these videos and still can't understand why people go to these far off places and ask if they are acceptable there. For me, its not something i would do because I think it sends the wrong message...that we're looking for acceptance from others. But its still good to see someone exploring places where a lot of Africans don't go. I'm actually more open to visiting Russia after seeing this video because there's more nuance to Russia than what we see in western propaganda.
@@souljawaya4181 african women would date a carabean before a black american. And how black american come in here nobody is interested in you. The owner of the channel is a 100% pure african man
I would not promote interracial mariages because it leads to losing identity for the black and for the white. It is important for people to have equal rights regardless of their color rather than be a color blind. Of course, mixed marriages should not be forbidden.
Same. Only your body getting older. Not your soul. So what a difference 20, 30, 60 if you want just a simple things same as everyshere. There was a music festival in Moscow in 89. And one guy Richie Samborra - guitar player from Bon Jovi band said "C chord in United states is the same C chord in Russia" - hold it in your mind when you start to look for your destiny
Я этнически русская и моя вторая половина тоже русская. Тут только любовь и не важно кто каким цветом. Но вообще нормально белый к белому а черный к черному. Это сохраняет наши народы.
Birth rate is low so interracial relationship won't matter. 90%+ of humanity prefer their race but a good chunk of the world have low birth rates. Maybe question the same race couples on why they're not having kids.
I believe you Marrying your own race will save you from lots of other issues you may have to deal with Marriage is more econo.ical than just romance and having kids
White flour, white sugar, white snow, a white man walks on white sand, white clouds and white sun in the sky, Russian history X is made white!!! Misha Mavashi
St Petersburg is mostly Europe, i think you have to gather opinions from other people in other different cities. Usually racists are those people who are not used to foreign Africans so in other words the result is biased for now
I wish everybody understood this in full Russian because the subtitles aren’t really close to what they said. They all pretty much said probably not because it’s not their type, nothing bad here. Nobody made any rude comments just giving their personal preferences
I am Turkish and I dont know why black men ask this question in Türkiye too, so why you always wonder about that? "The whole world despises us because of our skin color" Black people always have this perception and they always seem to want approval from people People are free in their choices. For example, some people may say, "I would never marry a person who is not from my own nation." Cultural difference can destroy a marriage. This is not a simple problem.
I am a bit uneasy with this. It is like trying to seek approval from Russians. Many non-black women without the wherewithal to have a comfortable life on their own seek out black men with money. Of course they will say the 'love' him but would never have thought him good enough to befriend him when he was poor.
I have so much respect for Russian women’s loyalty to their men. I liked the lady who said “I’m married already, so I can’t imagine myself with another man”. Beautiful
Funny how you admire them for loving their own men, meanwhile black women all over the world hate and despise their own men?? Make it make sense!
@@hectordecimo8896 ? Hurt?
@@ShadowMaster1443 what
The Russians are straightforward people I like that
I think for the ones that say “no” it’s more so about comfort and being with someone they can relate with
Not necessarily hate or disgust
Understandable tbh
I guess anybody from any country can get with a black guy, there is a women for every man as they say.
Culture and background makes a person, color shouldn’t
@@GGibril absolutely and the ones saying no just feel more comfortable with their own culture
I agree I don't think she hates our is disgusted by them however she would be ostracized by her family and peers
@@lisa196409 No, it would be fine family would be happy if they see daughter happy. Is also fine to want to be married to someone from your culture or race. It don't mean you don't love other cultures and races.
My first Russian woman I saw in Liberia, came to find her Guinean husband. That was before the collapse of The Soviet Union. Beautiful woman ! She couldn't go back because her brothers were not happy about the marriage. They settled in Northwestern Liberia ( Voinjama) and she became closed to my Mom.
A catholic nun from Ireland helped her adjusted.
They had one son in a few years. Her talent is music, Soon helped her found a job in a boarding School near Monrovia. She started getting calls to play at weddings. Their life turned for the good. The man had a successful Poultry farm, selling eggs to supermarkets until the Liberian civil war. I was told they came to the United States. I hope so because we didn't see them anymore. Olga is her name.
Beautiful story, I hope they're doing good wherever they are now
Any Russian woman that has such name Olga are always Good People.... The first woman that thought me Russian Alphabet and gifted me warm wears also is named Olga....
@@AvidAfricansweet memories 😊
Oh cool I'm Liberian too but I was born in the United States. my grandfather told me stories of working in the diamond minds And how those people from all types of races that work there I was most surprised to find out that his supervisor was Mexican.
Russians are good people, they are friendly. I'm a Nigerian, I'm married to a Russian man. We have been together since 2012 with a beautiful daughter
Wow congratulations my Sister I'm really happy to hear this 😀 if you don't mind, which city do you and your family live?
Счастья Вам и Долгих Лет Жизни !!!
@@AfroRussiaTv I like your Tv's program
here in Scadinavia white men mostly are not ready to date black /african women at all yet. But many scandianvian men can actually date asian women, so I suppose the next step are to date black women, even the difference of white and black skincolor is very big. Asian women are more like us.🥰🤩
Russians have beautiful souls 😢 I didn’t expect this wow, thanx for your videos I now want to come to Russia
That's actually is really sad that people don't expect it
@@bluebirdinpiscesyeah because we never met Russian women or been Russia that’s maybe why the west just new to this idea you understand me so coming to this makes a big difference
To Russia never, it is a nazi country, why they destroy Ukraine?
Every race prefers their own kind. it doesn't mean they're racist n there's nothing wrong with that..👍👍👍👍👏👏👏
You right 🇬🇧
I speak russian fluently and I have to tell you that you should go over the translation. For example the lady at 8:10 says that she PROBABLY couldn't marry a black guy and not certainly ("of course not" is totally wrong here). There are many more translation errors that gives the audience a false impression imo.
Это потому что ведущий сам плохо говорит по-русски😂
@@igorgrigoryan7583 ну прямо Голливуд. Миллионы на фильм, а русского с кириллицей не найти.
В центре Питера не найти русского, чтобы перевести ответы
@@igorgrigoryan7583I disagree, he speaks very good advanced Russian ! He has a strong African accent, yes! And at times, he misunderstood their answers, at first!
I speak Russian myself and born there!
I'm a Russian girl, living in China. I dated with some African guys and have many black male and female friends. What can I say, if someone don't want to date with black guys or girls is just a question of taste, preferences, not a rasism. I also personally know many black people who wants to be only with black people, because they don't feel that white people look attractive for them. But I know many many many international couples from different countries. Think about it 😉
It's a question of racial awareness and consciousness. Whether you want to betray your race or not by intermingling with savages.
Love Russia from India
Nice and intelligent comment 👍
@@crossmodulation9730 wow, who is savage? And who are you? Hitler?
Its easy to ask such questions in Russia than one may imagine. They are not as hostile as broadcasted all over. I lived with them 6 years, and they also have stories to tell if we give them the right audience. Great video.
Russian people racist in the blood
True, America needed an adversary after WWII, so they started an anti-russia campaign. As would anybody would do they move forward and didn't lay down.
They are extremely hostile and racist to all nations that escaped the Soviet Union and also to the nations trapped in current Russia. They have armies in 11 African countries already because they are tricking Africans into new colonization by offering to hate Europeans. Its a trick to steal from everyone
Thats true. its much worse being a russian in africa. Get killed or robbed there pretty fast for being european
@vlogcritter they rascist you can see how uncomfortable there about it Putin is a hitler nazi Eurasian rascist hates Jewish people he wants president zylinesky gone the reason he wants to wipe out Ukrainians
Russia are nazis not all but 60 %
Putin got rid of young rebellious man by announcing mobilization
The ones with connections and going along like sheep to the slaughter house keep quite
Do what they told.. film about Russia but not the truth then u left alone .
People will always say something positive in front of camera but in reality it is different also I don't see the point of promoting interracial marriage if it happens it happens but I find odd going round asking random women in Russia wither they like black or not women are for reproductive and I am sure black women is also capable of that too. Africa and Russia can share many other areas such as technology and education.
Stop hating.
Chicks hardly give an honest answer on any topic. What they say and do are totally different. They say they want an emotional attachment nice guy but in reality want the impossible to get bad boy.
What the fuck
Technology and Africa un the same quote hahahaha
I understand what your saying, but it's promoted in Western media that Russians and Slavs in general are culturally racist, so for him to promote the idea that Russians are actually tolerant of interracial marriage goes a long way.
Nicky Menaj 🤣🤣 That was the funniest part of the video 👍👍
Moscow here I come! Russian girls are beautifully honest!
You had a great chance to go there so I got a chance too I will date Russian I love them so much
@@nshimiyeramso3299Why do you blacks hate your own women so much? Why are you so obsessed with white skin?
The most Russian poet, Alexander Pushkin, had African roots. For reference.
Молодец, парень, у тебя отличный канал - очень интересно смотреть
Большое спасибо 🙏🏿
I had a few Russian girlfriends and regular friends and band members in a music band, they understand team spirit and have a lot of fun. Great people
Interracial relationships aren’t an indication of anything. Date and love who you want just treat people fairly. Also be friends with whoever you want. It doesn’t make anyone racist.
You are smart!
White women not all but most r racists
I wish we can get in touch with you and we talk more
It doesn't make someone racist necessarily, but having a preference is not the same as I would not date someone outside of my own race. When people say that, they do have negative prejudices within themselves. Because in the end, people are people.
Скажу так - выйти замуж за чернокожего и дружить с ним это оазные вещи и это не расизм. Это не значит, что мы считаем чернокожих хуже, они не хуже, но замуж это не для всех.
Тут нет ненависти или неприязни. Я жил с иностранцами с 1998 года в разных странах. Разного пола, возраста, языка. Я - свидетель на индийско-турецкой свадьбе.
И даже с другом, который свободно говорит на английском мы воем, что не можем выразить так, как на родном. У меня богатый русский, у него богатый хинди, но мы говорим на кастрированном английском.
Многие вещи иностранец не может понять изнутри в другой нации. Просто разные миры. Это не хорошо и не плохо, это - факт. Да, дети будут чисто говорить на 2х языках, но вы вечно будете во что-то упираться.
А, философствовать лучше на родном
@@user-fu8gq5xg5u1ну тогда этот интервьюер бы спросил: а если парень чернокожий, но вырос в России и менталитетом русский, тогда брак возможен? То есть отличия только в цвете кожи.
@@old__gamers он сам глубину вопроса не понимает. Они, иностранцы - так не мыслят, как мы.
И не забывай, что для них жениться на русской - перспектива, как и для черной женщины выйти за русского. Для русского это - ничего. Просто другая культура и менталитет, который тебя будет поглощать. Негры не обрусеют, как не пытайся. Либо это полукровка рожденный здесь, либо это навсегда иностранец, как бы он не пытался.
НУ и какой смысл в этом браке? Тупо "мулатиков родить" или что.
I love Russia ladies and I need them to be my friends and am waiting for them in my box
I am African and I dated a russian for three years and we are still close friends
That was beautiful thanks Russian girls for being positive.
My dad is Congolese and back in the 70’s many Congolese high school graduates obtained scholarships to go to university in the Soviet Union. My dad was one of them and he met a beautiful soviet woman (my mum), they got married in Moscow and he brought her back to Congo when they were both done with their studies. Hundreds of young Congolese men came back with Soviet women at a time when being black was even more complicated than today, some girls had to fight their families to marry their black lovers and most of them knew nothing about Africa and actually never left the Soviet union before. That is not only the story of some Congolese men but also some Angolans, nigerians, etc… It is really nothing new for the Russian people especially the Russian women to mix with African men.
Today we are a very large community of Afro-russian on the Continent and even around the world.
Thanks for the cool video by the way, we need to put more light one this subject.
Just because some women were dumb enough to do such a thing, it doesn't mean that it isn't anything new or is common in any way. To Russians as a whole, it is still something icky and definitely not met with applause when someone decides to commit genetic suicide. And what large communities are you talking about? That community probably wouldn't even fill one small village in the middle of nowhere.
And now with many nations ganging up on Russians, there is definitely an ethnic awareness awakening happening. How do I know? Because I'm Russian and I see it happening from within.
If before I didn't think about such things and naively would be open to maybe dating an Italian or an English guy, or from some other European nation, at the very least I wouldn't be opposed to such things, they look somewhat similar to us after all..now I wouldn't touch a non-Russian guy with a ten-foot pole. Not when our men are dying in Ukraine because NATO feels like getting closer to Russia. And definitely not a Black, Brown or Asian guy. And I'm not alone in this thinking, it is too bad that a tragedy like this is what it took to get the conversation on ethnic awareness going.
Am I glad now that I never dated a non-Russian.
I dodged that bullet.
Ohh well, at least something good came out of it. The dating market for foreigners amongst Russians is definitely closing.
All this being said, It doesn't mean that you would be treated badly if you visited Russia.
S privet I’m from Nigeria
Russian married to Nigerian 35 years ago
Marriage blessed with 8 kids and 3 grandchildren now
@@ericaalexandrovnaadebayo4392 Да ладно, серьёзно что-ли? А что такой плохой Русский? Всего в одном слове и то ошибка. Что это за “S privet"? Наверное хотел(а) сказать что ты с приветом. Даже кириллицей написать не соизволил(a). 😂🤣😂🤣
Thanks i was in Russia for 7 years am from Tanzania Russian are the best 'and lovely
@@FreshPine-cz2sqНу, зачем вы придрались к нему? А ещё и смеётесь! Не хорошо это!
I like Black people. However, I would want my baby to have blue or green eyes and different shades of straight blonde hair. We all have our preferences for what we like and feel comfortable with. Same as selecting cars, houses, clothing, food, music, etc, etc.
Да, у каждого свои вкусы, люди обычно выбирают на себя похожих питомцев, одним нравятся доберманы, другим пекинесы. Также и с кошками: кто-то любит полосатых кошек, кто-то пятнистых, а кто-то пантер.
We need to increase the population of white people
If you have such genes and they are strong enough, it is possible to have a baby with blue/green eyes and such like. It's extremely rare, but still possible.
@@sonicstep I come from a family with blue and greenish-blue eyes and various shades of blonde hair. I have greenish-blue eyes and natural medium blonde hair. I choose what makes me feel comfortable, familiar, and content.
Fun facts
1) there was African Americans who immigrated to Russia during Jim Crow era
2) African American Paul Robeson was esteemed in Russia (they even named a MOUNTAIN After him) (and a tomato too)
Soviet Commies used him for propaganda purposes because he was famous in the US
I noticed when I went to Russia (Black American) I had a great time, the females were very very welcoming (lol) but maybe Americans are loved all over the world
@@17SAIMPOINT rather black Americans arouse more the interest ,just like Africans!
Why are you men going and ruining Russian genetics, so many black people in the world already we don’t need more ugly people
@@17SAIMPOINT lol, you dreaming, lol looooooool
much love for Russians from kenya
Mimi, pia, kaka!
Mambo dadangu😊❤
Dada or kaka ...sijui😂
Russians are actually very nice people, dont believe what you see on tv. Im black African have so many Russian friends.
Same some of the coolest people I ever met no lie
Вы очень культурно и вежливо берете интервью, очень профессионально ❤
Спасибо, смотреть приятно
Thanks brother.such a nice interview.
Very interesting video. I’m Palestinian-Bulgarian from a mixed Muslim-Christian family. "Where are you from?" is always a difficult question for me to answer. I’ve never felt fully accepted in either the Bulgarian or Arab community and sometimes I've encountered racism and stereotypes about my background. Being mixed has its challenges, but in recent years I've come to appreciate the beauty of it. I realized that being mixed is one of the main reasons why I get along so well with different people, regardless of how different they are to me, where they come from, how they think and which religion they follow. Being mixed is a true blessing that makes a more well-rounded and tolerant human being.
Find someone totally away from the Bulgarian & Palestinian community. Try China, Japan, India, Bangladesh, or Pakistan. When a certain race doesn't accept, another total different race can accept because they have no racial based bias to see any stereo types of being from the same background of either. In the Quran, Allah mentioned that he created us from different tribes & races to recognize one another. This solves the tribalism/racism issue very well because people can be racists against their own people. The following verse from the Quran:
يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلنَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَـٰكُم مِّن ذَكَرٍۢ وَأُنثَىٰ وَجَعَلْنَـٰكُمْ شُعُوبًۭا وَقَبَآئِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوٓا۟ ۚ إِنَّ أَكْرَمَكُمْ عِندَ ٱللَّهِ أَتْقَىٰكُمْ ۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ خَبِيرٌۭ
"O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may recognize one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted." - [Quran, 49:13]
Ние се запазихме като нация защото бяхме със свойте и в щастие и в трудност под гръцки и османски иго. Жалко, че хората не могат да изпълнят дълга си към предците си, а поставят своето удобство като се крият зад модерните морални ценности или чувства като любов.
Не си българин. Предолагам майка ти е българка?
Very relatable , as a mixed persona aswell , especially the religious part where u come from a christian and muslim background
@@halalfoodtours3673 O certo é povo não raça
Эх, жаль с африканскими девушками познакомиться сложнее, чем с парнями. 😔
8:09 if she said no to this question while in UK for example she would possibly be in a trouble 😢
I am a Russian guy, I like black girls!
Another good question would be about the cultural and traditional differences! It’s not just the skin difference! There are big worldview differences, esp between an African and an East European countries! These, in reality, could be difficult to navigate! How we parent, where we lay our values, how we celebrate traditions and important occasions, religion, how a couple relates to each other, etc etc! Love and commitment are not enough, even though important! Lots of cultural misunderstandings can occur!
I’ve seen a number of beautiful, loving inter-ethnic relationships! It can be a challenge, though, to make these relationships work!
It's not rascist to say that you wouldn't date a black person, it's just they might not be attracted to a black man, it's ok. I am "black" and there are some black men I wouldn't date...at all.
As a Russian person, I can say that girls in Russia are very fond of African Americans. any inadequate person condemns any manifestation of nationalism
Wow! He speaks great Russian!🙎🏾♂️🤦🏽♂️🤷🏾♂️🤷🏾♂️👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾
It would be interesting to do same survey somewhere in Africa, and compare results....
Любовь страсть и вся эйфория это конечно замечаиельно , но к сожалению с годами совместной жизни всплывают моменты в которых, в силу разного воспитания, условий жизни, вам свойственно реагировать по разному из-за чего возникают конфликты. И к сожалению недопонимания чаще случается в семьях мультикультурных. Терпения, уважения и понимания всем нам.! 🤲
We need to talk with Kokozamimoza about more things
Much ❤ for Russians from South Carolina U.S.A. 🎉 ❤
Russian women are so beautiful 😍
Not on this video
@@ginacampbell8766 lol
The red head on the left at 10:44 is stunningly beautiful.
Bist du Deutscher?
Well the thing is that from the rise of ussr we had a social politic called "People's Friendship" so actually this topic is a very opened and is not a tabu therefore as it is in the video everyone looks for people they love no matter of his appearance:)
It's perfectly fine if other skin colors aren't your preference, as a partner. For me, many black women are not attractive, few are. But life and coincidence will tell.
Тоже могу сказать, что за все время я встречал пару чернокожих женщин, на которых бы женился не задумываясь. Все-таки все зависит от конкретных людей.
Its stupid to ask Russian girls if they had dated a black person before. Because Africans and black people in Russia are basically 0000000000.000001 % of the population, so chances of them meeting Africans or black people, forming a relationship and getting married is very rare. So the appropriate question should have been what do they think about interracial and inter cultural relationships and go on to ask about things that they might encounter. Like families and friends on both sides and traveling back to the homelands of their partners. And have they ever thought about visiting any African country for holidays and what are their expectations and knowledge about life in Africa.
1:46 it’s not only about skin color but facial traits
Russian are very warm and honest people.
If only the media would show the world the real Russians and not just propaganda always.
Основная проблема, почему отвечают, что не вышли бы замуж за чернокожего не в цвете кожи, а в том, что для жителя России, чернокожий - почти всегда иностранец, причем даже не европеец, т.е. человек абсолютно другой культуры. Все понимают (особенно женщины), что из этого сразу следует множество обстоятельств, которые в большинстве случаев приведут к тому, что такой союз будет обречен. Заметьте, парни более безразличны и даже позитивно настроены, т.к. они воспринимают это как приключение, а не смотрят далеко вперед. Да и в нашей культуре было принято, что девушка уходит из своей семьи в новую, а не наоборот, поэтому мужскому полу проще воспринять эту мысль. Грубо говоря, для девушки выйти замуж за чернокожего равно уехать в Африку.
As an interviewer,you did a wonderful job.
Is it because of insecurity that this question is asked so often?
What insecurity are you talking about? Could you please explain?
You should put this question to the millions of single mother, black family members there are in the world.
I’m not even gonna lie Russian women are beautiful and to be honest I’m actually in a relationship with one she’s my fiancée now we been together for three years and I have to say she is one gem of a girl she makes me the happiest man ever I definitely plan on marrying her soon and having kids with her in the future so there you have it ❤❤😊😁🤗🥰🙌🏽
Slavic women are the ideal women nowadays, so good shit brother.
@@j.a.hernandez9742 too bad they are killing each other
Dont look into them untrmensch
Uhmm..Is that her in the picture? I didn't know that Russians can be THAT dark....😂😂😂
Молодец автор канала! Очень хорошая работа! Креативно, красиво снято, интелигентно и вопросы острые!
They don't want bro. Just leave it
How do you know?
Give respect take respect.. Defends on personality not color....
Wow really interesting topic and I'm inspired how you speak Russian so fluently how long did it take you to be this fluent
I studied geology at Patrice Lumumba University (now People's Friendship University of Russia) from 1971-1977. I was a good student but I didn't feel comfortable with Russian language until my third year. I still remember one classmate from southeast Asia who (in our first year) had a funny way of saying ``Ya nyi ponimayu/ I don't understand. I still have his picture. I think that to be this fluent in Russian you have to be in literature, law, journalism or have lived in Russia beyond the school years.
I would assume that Russia is now more open to the outside world and that relationships are much easier.
Recently I saw an interview of the Polish ambassador in West Africa (Senegal, Cote d'Ivoire,...). I was first surprised by her name Margareta Kassangana. It turned out her father is Congolese (I don't remember whether he is from Republique democratique du Congo (Congo-Kinshasa) or Republique populaire du Congo (Congo Brazzaville).
@@stansiyomana1239 "People's Friendship University" LMAOOOOO!!!!!!!!\ orks
@@UhtredOfBamburgh I didn't get what LMAOOOO!!!\orks means, so I am confused, I don't know whether I should thank you for the comment or not.
@@stansiyomana1239 the name of the university is hilarious
@@UhtredOfBamburgh Thanks for the clarification. The Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev (1894-1971) created the university in 1960 as a symbol of friendship between Russia and the newly independent countries of Africa and the rest of the developing world. It was originally named after Emery Patrice Lumumba (1925-1961) hero of the independence of the Belgian Congo (now Democratic Republic of Congo or Congo-Kinshasa). When I was there, we were about 5000 students from about 70 different countries and 3 students had to share the free dorm room and they had to be from different countries. My two roommates were from Russia and Ecuador (it was internationalism in practice). Apparently we had one of the best school cafeteria in the country.
I must say that you are a great interviewer.
I love Russian coz they are loving and they have true love
I have to admit that your Videos are so helpful and interesting. Keep the good work up, and I would love to visit too.
Интересное интервью, с удовольствием посмотрела. Радует молодежь, у многих умные ответы.
Спасибо большое ☺️ очень приятно это слышать я очень рад что вам нравятся это видео 😀
Interesting. Interesting. One has to wonder how widepread such open mindedness is though. Would you have received similar responses in much less cosmopolitan, rural parts, such as Siberia or far east city Vladivostok perhaps.?
As a moorish person .. y’all gotta stop doing this shit .. it’s embarrassing. Why do you wanna know if another race would marry you …. Or even give you the time of day ?! It’s degrading
bro who cares just a video
Most moors love white women why yall care about who is dating who dafuq 🤣
Stop the negativity ,we all know that you are a dam racist who can't stand the fact that blacks in Russia are very popular among Russian women!
content, views and engagement. he's playing the algorithm and isn't the first or last one to do this.
Yep, 100% agree. No matter what they say "Personal preference" it really comes from low racial self-esteem, inferiorty complex, and self hate.
I have seen quite a lot of Russian girls dating black guys who are students!
@@logikius Racist as usual, and I suppose to you bigots a white priest raping young boys is not disgusting since he is white, but a Russian girl dating a black medical student or any kind of black successful scholar is disgusting because he is black, this is how fucked up you racists are!
@@logikius no its not what are you talking about.
There is a UA-camr name Phiko who dated many Russian women and he used to live in Russia for about 8 years. He is a black guy from the USA. He left Russia when Russia went to war with Ukraine and the sanctions screwed up his money flow. Now he is in Thialand with his Russian girlfriend.
Also Mike Diamond on UA-cam who is a Afro Cuban dated many a handful of Russian women.
@Porter94 this is the most ridiculous stupid, racist ,idiotic, dumb comment ever heard ,if Russian women are attracted to black men it has nothing to do with blacks being better or worse just that they are curious of differences, and what is different to them is attractive, black music is worshipped in Russia ,same as famous black athletic celebrities, and most blacks in Russia are top students doctors and engineers etc.......! And no you are not better as white nor more appreciated only racists would appreciate your kind! Especially when your kind invented bombs destroying the planet, many Russian women are attracted to black men and there is nothing you can do about it ,go join the kkk or the nazi party ,and by the way many Russians have all kinds of different ethnical backgrounds if you know Russia's history!
Но колено преклонять не надо как на западе , да и не за что, надо иметь хоть какую-то гордость за себя
This is a good one for people like me as a black person interested in Russian or Mexican lady to marry
It's amazing all Russian women I encountered are very attractive! Definitely beauty is in their DNA!
People should marry from within their communities as a first preference .It's easy to cope .You share a lot together. Marriage is not about sharing the bed only, though it's one of the most important aspects of being married.Even among Black or White there are different tribes so it's best you marry within your tribe.
If you marry outside your community, you must be sure the marriage would be sustainable,otherwise, the resultant divorce would hurt your children most.
Do all Russian girls have the same black leather jacket?
Interesting video 😊
Would love to date and marry a real and wonderful Russian woman but everything in my situation is pointing towards emigrating from London to Brazil - even further away from Eastern Europe and Asia 😏
If it’s meant to be God will do it but I’m not feeling encouraged 😊
I'm from Ethiopia and i love to marry Russian woman.
@@tadessefeleke8207 cringe
I see absolutely nothing wrong with the ladies that said they wouldn't date or marry a black guy, I'm black from Africa and I know so many African/Black women that won't go near a white guy, they actually would never even consider it and could even act grossed out about the thought, so it goes both ways, has nothing to do with racism.
I have a hard time believing that. White guys can smash any women on the continent. Are you joking? Even other African men told me that many African women lust for White dudes. Mental colonization.
That's the point. Some are ready, some are not. Some will give birth to children who speak two languages, while others will carry the blood of generations further. Natural balance. Not bad and not good.
Great video! You have the courage and great idea to do this in Russia. It about time for someone to take the lead and asking about interracial and race matters into Russia. Keep up the good work.
Nothing like courage.. 😂 the media has really influence a lot of people so sad
Why? Why not have only white children in a white country? Blacks are violent in USA.
All good Russians are inside the Ukrainian soil! They are acting as compost now!
Я нерусский , я бы никогда не женился на афроамериканке. Слишком большая разница культур да и не по вкусу они мне. Я против того что бы мои женились на чернокожых
Одно и то же. Культура, история и отношения между африканцами и русскими настолько противоположны друг другу, что, скорее всего, приведут к разрушению общества. Если бы это был мой выбор, я бы полностью запретил вступать в брак или вступать в сексуальные отношения с такими людьми. И последствия неповиновения будут суровыми. Настолько суровый, что гулаги кажутся проявлением доброты по сравнению с ним.
Незачем мешать кровь. Все должны жить дома со своими народами. Дружить, общаться, путешествовать, учиться - пожалуйста. Что угодно. Но смешивать народы - глупо. У всех свои правила и традиции, свои порядки и природа.
@@user-fu8gq5xg5u1 A вот Точно. Что мне не нравится в этом ролике, так это то, что люди здесь, похоже, навязывают дегенеративный принцип "разнообразия". Эта идея крайне вредна для характера нации. На самом деле, это принудительное разнообразие - одна из причин, по которой я лично считаю, что США умирают.
Nice content! Very honest opinions, it seems! They are more open than my parents were when I brought home a white woman!
Amazing video with great questions. Watching from Sweden🙏🙏
I love it when people from different culture mix the ingredience-vibes!
It's funny to see the Russian men so excited with the thought of being with a black woman.☺️ I guess that makes sense because in general, men seem to have the upper hand in not being judged as negatively as women would be if they date outside their race. So, for that reason, I would be curious to see if these men were asked how THEY would feel about Russian women dating and wanting to be with a black man. The answer might not be that obvious. Or maybe I'm wrong.
You are wrong.
As a white Russian man, I can say that I don't care at all. It's up to a particular woman what kind of man she will be with. But I can't speak for all Russians, I know that some people don't like it. But who cares?
You're neither wrong nor right per se, it honestly depends. Some of our local nations here tend to judge marriages outside of their ethnicity/community, but they tend to be equally strict with both men and women concerning this. And some people are just weirdly controlling to the extent of trying to tell others what to do and who to date/to marry. Some of the worst "no they can't do this!" comments I've seen here are actually coming from Russian women, and it makes me cringe so damn hard.
If a person is chill and open-minded, they will never say stuff like "I think (this gender) isn't allowed to date a person of this race/religion/whatever", regardless of whether they're a man or a woman. They also tend to be aware that what others do in their lives and beds is simply NOT their business.Those dudes in the video who talked about admiring Black women didn't seem like the sort that would try to control other women's love lives, outside of demanding loyalty from their own ladies (which is only good and proper). I think they'd be totally cool. But controlling men (and women) do exist, sadly enough. Happily enough, they're not the majority either, in my experience.
I enjoy your social experiment
Nice interview and nice people.
He minded me, when I use to live in Russia, it is true they are loyal, not expensive,I remember when, if give Russian lady, snickers bar she was your, that is it, no dinner no fancy date nothing else.
I want to go visit St Petersburg .
The world has been blending for thousands of years already - especially in the Eurasian way.
я вообще замуж не хочу. ни за кого. и единственный мой опыт общения с темнокожими мужчинами был в больнице, мне было 8, и ко мне водили студентов медиков(я была редким случаем, считай учебным пособием) они спрашивали у 8 летнего ребенка есть ли у него тахикардия. я даже слова такого не знала.... мое впечатление от этого- наверное те студенты были не самыми сообразительными людьми в мире, во всяком случае студенты медики которые хорошо по русски говорили мне таких вопросов не задавали... и африканские студенты заходили чаще всего... видна целеустремленность в учебе
Так они едут за тысячи километров из бедных стран. Они должны учиться, а не заниматься ерундой. Их государства оплачивают им учёбу в России как я слышал.
Interesting. I see a lot of these videos and still can't understand why people go to these far off places and ask if they are acceptable there. For me, its not something i would do because I think it sends the wrong message...that we're looking for acceptance from others.
But its still good to see someone exploring places where a lot of Africans don't go. I'm actually more open to visiting Russia after seeing this video because there's more nuance to Russia than what we see in western propaganda.
African women are the most beautiful in the world, don't understand why you would date outside with all thick thighs,hips,skin tones etc
@Slavic Melodies can't compare a Ferrari to a Toyota
Why everytime I come on here its always a man talking about Africa...so called black American men barely date African women 🙄
@@souljawaya4181 and your point is??
@@souljawaya4181 african women would date a carabean before a black american. And how black american come in here nobody is interested in you. The owner of the channel is a 100% pure african man
Man in the long run who cares about who dates out of there race only the racists!
Tochi nwanne your doing a great job
I would not promote interracial mariages because it leads to losing identity for the black and for the white. It is important for people to have equal rights regardless of their color rather than be a color blind.
Of course, mixed marriages should not be forbidden.
This is nice. I would like to know the opinions of Russians in my age group over 60. 💜💜💜
Same. Only your body getting older. Not your soul. So what a difference 20, 30, 60 if you want just a simple things same as everyshere.
There was a music festival in Moscow in 89. And one guy Richie Samborra - guitar player from Bon Jovi band said "C chord in United states is the same C chord in Russia" - hold it in your mind when you start to look for your destiny
Я этнически русская и моя вторая половина тоже русская.
Тут только любовь и не важно кто каким цветом.
Но вообще нормально белый к белому а черный к черному.
Это сохраняет наши народы.
No. You need to break out of that.
Birth rate is low so interracial relationship won't matter. 90%+ of humanity prefer their race but a good chunk of the world have low birth rates. Maybe question the same race couples on why they're not having kids.
@@RY97z что ты свои 5 копеек вставляешь здесь?
@@RY97zwhy brake out? Make no sense.
I believe you
Marrying your own race will save you from lots of other issues you may have to deal with
Marriage is more econo.ical than just romance and having kids
Shouts to Philko tho 💯
White flour, white sugar, white snow, a white man walks on white sand, white clouds and white sun in the sky, Russian history X is made white!!!
Misha Mavashi
I like Russia girl but to come to Tanzania will be cool i'm in 43 old and father of boys❤
St Petersburg is mostly Europe, i think you have to gather opinions from other people in other different cities. Usually racists are those people who are not used to foreign Africans so in other words the result is biased for now
This is embarrassing, I wish people would stop with these videos.
that's a ptoblem in your head
I wish everybody understood this in full Russian because the subtitles aren’t really close to what they said. They all pretty much said probably not because it’s not their type, nothing bad here. Nobody made any rude comments just giving their personal preferences
my wife is from Ghana . 24 years
As a black man I love my Russian ladies so down to earth and respectful
They don't want u bro
I am Turkish and I dont know why black men ask this question in Türkiye too, so why you always wonder about that?
"The whole world despises us because of our skin color" Black people always have this perception and they always seem to want approval from people
People are free in their choices. For example, some people may say, "I would never marry a person who is not from my own nation." Cultural difference can destroy a marriage. This is not a simple problem.
белые должны быть с белыми,чёрные с чёрными.
I'm already mixed.most people are mixed.what then DNA to see what you mixed with?
They Shouldn’t be together at all.
@@erikybarra3898 it’s messed up.
I am a bit uneasy with this. It is like trying to seek approval from Russians. Many non-black women without the wherewithal to have a comfortable life on their own seek out black men with money. Of course they will say the 'love' him but would never have thought him good enough to befriend him when he was poor.
it's just a simple question without anu additional ideas behind that
афроамеканцы поржал конечно :) имхо этот термин чуть ли не оскорбление
В брак можно вступить хоть с обезьяной, но зачем?