8 Toxic Guilt Battles Christians Struggle With

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @tatianainchrist
    @tatianainchrist Рік тому +48

    Please don’t stop making videos

    • @miggy2g
      @miggy2g 5 місяців тому +1

      I second that❕❕❕

  • @BlAcKeYs00
    @BlAcKeYs00 Рік тому +13

    Always listening to your videos from South Korea especially at night as I fall asleep 😊 I hope that more pastors in Korea preach out of God's love and grace instead of fear and guilt. I hear the word "repent" often on Sundays..

  • @tonypino5415
    @tonypino5415 Рік тому +18

    I'm a recovering addict and lost custody of my kids over 3 years ago. I havent seen them in person since. So yeah parenting is a very sensitive subject to me. Its like a knife in my heart that just stays there.

    • @beckiwildeman600
      @beckiwildeman600 Рік тому +2

      You can overcome this and rebuild up your character. You are loved you only need to love yourself enough to walk the path that you know you will see your children again and be able to engage with them with positive actions. You are LOVED. Walk in Faith you know everything will be made right.

    • @marianmears8026
      @marianmears8026 Рік тому

      God's love just hug you so tight to him💕💕

    • @carolyncherry2628
      @carolyncherry2628 Рік тому

      Praying for you always!

    • @gailwright8082
      @gailwright8082 Рік тому

  • @LexHeroux
    @LexHeroux Рік тому +5

    Mark can you make more videos on unworthiness and the roots and how to identify it?

  • @rockerune
    @rockerune Рік тому +5

    This is so good. Going on a guilt detox

  • @danielleo.2581
    @danielleo.2581 Рік тому +5

    Oh this is gooood!

  • @jessicascott8780
    @jessicascott8780 Рік тому +4

    Literally talked about a lot of this with my therapist yesterday. So thankful you talk about this, Mark!

  • @OceanOfChristConsciousness
    @OceanOfChristConsciousness Рік тому +6

    I TRULY NEEDED THIS!!! Brought a bright light.
    So much clarity and it was spoke in a very loving gentleness.
    Like 👍 a big brother from a different mother
    Many blessings 🙌 to you and your beautiful family
    I'm currently listening to it again. Because when you where describing each one my mind and thoughts when off and took off after it. Like a dog seen a squirrel 😆 🤣
    The clarity you brought lifted something bcuz it felt good truly breathing. Thank you Father Abba for your beautiful vessel

  • @HisBelovedSon70x7
    @HisBelovedSon70x7 Рік тому +4

    You were on fire this video Mark! Thank you once again for making such valuable teaching available for free. You are a real blessing to the body of Christ, and I believe God has you teaching on a deeply needed topic addressing some big problems in His church. Thank you for bringing light to what can be a very confusing and painful experience. God bless you.

  • @Victoria-yr4oi
    @Victoria-yr4oi Рік тому +3

    Thank you, this video was very timely :)

  • @perfectly_imperfectGDGRL
    @perfectly_imperfectGDGRL 5 місяців тому

    Thank you for teaching on this. There are so many of us Christians that whether we admit it or not, we struggle with these toxic guilt battles. Including myself. I will definitely listen to this again as often as I need it.

  • @finnrasmussen8153
    @finnrasmussen8153 Рік тому +2

    i have some thought on no 2 when you ask God for forgiveness, write it down and the date, and remember it, no 8, if you are a giver you have to recieve Gods gift, because God has promised it in His words, then you reject God fulfilling His promise to you, and you need to experience Gods faithfullness to His Promises, that is very important for your walk whit God. Thank you Jesus Christ my Brother

  • @Sarah-kb2yr
    @Sarah-kb2yr Рік тому +3

    Just to let you know I had a scam message which appeared to be from you on a comment I made on a previous video. I don’t know how to contact you other than on here. It was asking me to WhatsApp a number involving a business deal.
    I haven’t watched your videos for a while as I’m in a much better place now, but keep up the good work. Thank you for all your doing 😊 xx

  • @Godlovesyouandcherishesyou
    @Godlovesyouandcherishesyou 15 днів тому

    Ive suffered with guilt all my life and people pleasing im working on it! 💕 and your helping me mark! Thank you so much im trying to stop listening to my chaotic thinking! Do you have any recommendations?

  • @DebbieSparrow
    @DebbieSparrow Рік тому

    I felt so guilty after our bankruptcy....Omgoodness i stopped living. I wanted to punish myself. I had to give up my Huge show horse. She loved me so much. She died 7 moths later. I need to forgive myself.

  • @Luv_Rin40
    @Luv_Rin40 Рік тому +4

    I love this! Please keep this up I have OCD!

  • @martineblanchet-art3377
    @martineblanchet-art3377 Рік тому +3

    thank you Mark !

  • @kellywalsh4596
    @kellywalsh4596 Рік тому +1

    Amazing video ❤

  • @korcampbell6096
    @korcampbell6096 Рік тому

    Thank you for touching this topic because thats the reason i leave a church to a different one because when i dont show up to church for 1 or 2 sabbath they always say where have you been stranger and it was uncomfortable to handle and i was already struggling and they make it worst for me. Am happy you touch these topic God bless

  • @parker1144
    @parker1144 Рік тому

    thank you Mark u have helped me thru my worst ocd times. u have helped me mold my fear based living into a love based relationship with God. i still struggle with it but i’m trying to work on it. it’s getting better. thank you i really appreciate it

  • @michellesmith9285
    @michellesmith9285 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for the hope an encouragement you provide. I am dealing with multiple issues but the worst seems to be chronic sorrow. Do you have any content that addresses this issue?

  • @carolyncherry2628
    @carolyncherry2628 Рік тому

    I am a recovering addict trying very hard to stay sober. I had many bad experiences in my childhood and I never learned how to Love which caused me to sabotage many family and friend relationships. I lost my marriage and I have no relationship with my children. They resent me for my past actions and they have every right to. I pray every day that God shows me a way to rebuild a relationship with my children. I have lost so much time I do not want to lose anymore.

    • @philisaakak
      @philisaakak 7 днів тому

      Carolyn I pray they’ll get saved and forgive and restore with you!!! 🙏🏻

  • @BlAcKeYs00
    @BlAcKeYs00 Рік тому

    What would you say about serving the church? I'm not doing anything to serve the chuch at the moment and feel like I don't deserve to be there at the service, which all the people who does serve makes it possible every Sunday. Is it okay to never actually serve the chuch and and only enjoy the service?

  • @T33NPreaching
    @T33NPreaching Рік тому +2

    Hey Mark can you explain to me or make a vid about Hebrews 12:16-17 I’m afraid of God letting go of me like Esau I struggle with lust and I’m afraid God will leave me when I fall into Lust. I am afraid of what happened to Esau to happen to me even before I do the sin but then I did it am afraid God won’t help me repent and I can’t be saved.

    • @lukastheprussian
      @lukastheprussian Рік тому +5

      The unpardonable sin is not that God one day does not forgive you anymore, but that you don't ask for forgiveness anymore. You don't pursue repentance anymore.
      This fear comes out of a punishment based relationship with God. Remember He said that he will not leave you, nor forsake you. That's His promise and He always keeps what he promises

    • @T33NPreaching
      @T33NPreaching Рік тому +3

      @@lukastheprussian thankyou because that makes me feel a lot better because I have repented by the grace and mercy of God I just doubt it but this is reassuring so thankyou I have fleed from that sexual sin and don’t regret it. I want Gods will not mine.

    • @lukastheprussian
      @lukastheprussian Рік тому

      @@T33NPreaching I'm glad, but please work on the OCD. Because otherwise, nurture and encouragement just become reassurance and that will make it worse over time....
      God bless you!

  • @philisaakak
    @philisaakak 7 днів тому

    6k views when 80% of Christians have these struggles…..should be 6 million views just sayin