Positioning is the biggest mistake in the low ranks. Neglecting cover, Ignoring high ground, not understanding how to take space or kite ults. They give up good defensive positions too easily and don't understand when they have a positional advantage.
and if you truly believe you are better and in “elo hell” do what i did i made a whole new account and did amazing Diamond 3 tank. Masters 4 dps and plat 4 support(and i got super unlucky on support so i’d doubt you’d get as unlucky as me if you’re around my skill level) moral of the story:When you truly believe it is ur teammates just create a new account. another reason i say this is because the more games you play the HARDER it is to rank up
Id argue Elo Hell is real, but its misunderstood. Elo Hell is the plateau everyone hits when they need to make improvements. Its when the game puts you in an mmr that is competitive for you. The sad thing is, people take it as a sign to give up, instead of a sign to seek improvement. Even if you don't rank up, and just play qp, as long as you are seeking improvement, the game will feel better for you. Take this videos advice, please.
supports dont need to 100% heal everyone, they need to heal just enough for anyone not to die. Otherwise there would be hardly any time to do dmg, which is suboptimal playstyle for Ana.
thats foolish heals heal tank and dmg g oo for map heals they control map heals tasnk to slow to get heals why would they foxus healling a 1sht anyone can 1seasy hot the dmg or heals or 2 shot if tnk and 2 heals focus kill their heals the rest fall easy but dmg hide behind bullet sheild 2 in certain fights
I find that I’m consistently top 2 for DPS in elimination and usually lower death count too, despite that, I always have a support player that does not heal ever. I wish there was a certain penalty for not fulfilling your role
I literally just started playing the game last night (never played the first game either) and I'm already starting to see how common that can be. I'm also starting to see how good some players are at dodging heals from ana. I'm honestly more impressed than disappointed.
People underestimate the importance of comms. When I play with friends and we actually tell each other info, we win so often. It's as simple as "hey, monkey is going behind you" to "spread out, reaper ult is coming." There's so much going on in the game, it's hugely beneficial for everyone to communicate.
@@psychobear10 You can litterally have countless of games in a row where you make no mistakes at all and still lose every game. In the video he's mentioning the most important and relevant part of Overwtch, it's a team based game. You could play like a masters or GM player, but still be hard stuck in bronze 5, because your team suck. Especially if your support only focus damage but can't aim, you're screwd. So that "If YOU improve YOU will climb" makes no sense if your team is constantly feeding or afk all game. I've had countless of tanks engaging a 1v5 with their whole team waiting to respawn, die and then blame the support for not healing, even though both supports have like 10k+ heals at the end of the game. I've played with other tanks that do the same, cause they "just want to have fun in bronze" "If YOU improve YOU will climb" would only make sense if the ranking was determined on the individual players performance and not wins/loses.
You won't believe how many times I've been harassed for simply having "girl" in my name. Let alone for talking lol, I'd never. But I'm a great shot caller through commands like "push forward", "incoming", "fall back", etc.
After 400 hours playing quickplay i finally decided to play ranked and see what rank i get, i saved this video cause i expected to be plat at most but i ended up winning 5 games and losing 2 games in masters 1-5 games and got placed in masters 3, i didnt know i was this good at the game lol
😂😂😂 Your just like me I literally went like 5-4 in placements and placed masters. I think there is a HUGE ranked reset coming next season that will reset all elos
Really helpful video. I often make really bad decisions in game (I main dps) while not knowing what I'm doing wrong. I really think your plan will help me climb
If you are struggling with aim I recommend easy characters. There is nothing wrong with playing characters like symmetra or soldier those are people I MAIN... IDC if they are easy they get wins... Also junkrat
Wish more people would take this advice. I know i make many mistakes, some i notice in the moment, others after the fact. If you feel you are stuck or in Elo Hell, seek out these kind of videos, or coaches, they have so much info on improving. Review your games, practice your fundamentals, and mechanics. The best advice this video has is to focus on improvement.
Thank you for making this video this actually really helped improve my team skills. I actually feel like I can finally rank up now knowing some new things 😢
I’m high diamond flow masters, and you don’t see nearly as many fundamental mistakes as metal ranks I had one of my old accounts that was bronze and it took me a lot longer to crawl out of bronze and deal with the frustration of everyone playing their own game that I almost gave up and getting the account up in rank but that’s OK. Everybody has to learn.
I won 125 games in open queue this season and im stuck in plat because of my dead brain teammates. When season 7 was one day away to end i was plat 1 i was going to go to diamond but i didnt because of my teammates i always carry the team and lose and went to plat 3
Queue up with teammates who know what they're doing. That's what I've done. I paid attention to who was doing really well in my games (sometimes even from the enemy team), friended them, and asked them to play. It's so much better going into the game knowing you have at least one or two other teammates who have some game sense and skill.
Hard stuck in bronze, specially bronze 3 with dps. I’m definitely not the best, but when I’m able to get more damage than my pocketed Bastion as Ashe, it’s almost worrying? I’ll take these into account and update if I’ll be able to climb.
Honestly I’ve been Smurfing a lot recently because rank is so broken with the new tank. I don’t dps because I don’t think it’s fun just shitting on people but I have been playing support. What I’ve seen is awareness is awful and mental. I’ve played a lot of games where we were getting rolled first half and I’d listen as everyone points fingers. Then I’d butt in and start doing call outs reinforcing positive decisions making by saying good shit or nice shot and I’d watch my team do this crazy shift in energy and we start rolling. Low elow games are rough I won’t lie but I just feel like you have to take lead and make call outs and people will win more. But if you are going to be the lead u better make plays. Just my thoughts tho it’s all team work in the game.
ive noticed taking the lead in games even if nobody else is talking has improved my game sense so much, keep track of cooldowns, and win WAYYYY more games.
Self-confessed smurf,yuck. Players like you that circumvent the matchmaking are part of the reason its broken and hard to balance as it is. Nothing builds a player base like getting swamped by a smurf, selfish.
Not me being a Mercy main who is constantly moving in and out of the air, behind walls and out of harms way, barely dies, averages 5-6 Rez per match (because I don’t go for risky ones unless it’s absolutely necessary), averages around 15-20 assists with 10,000 healing (which means I’ve been balancing heals and damage boost), and popping my ultimate constantly because there’s no such thing as a wasted mercy ult if there’s someone to heal or boost…and still being stuck mid silver. I play with my fiancé, who has less game sense than me, and managed to climb to plat as a suicide Junkrat main, and I’m still stuck at silver because I’m hard stuck…I hope they add some stuff soon that can help with people that have improved and their rank isn’t showing that, because I win more games than I lose and still consistently stay the same or go down.
Thats odd, im not sure what actually dictates a rank up or not.. Ive noticed when I play support I ONLY play baptiste and have had some quick and good success with him.
the thing with Mercy is that she is less about individual skill and more about how good her teammates are, since she can't do much by herself, unlike Ana or Bap, so she is very dependent on your team's collective performance
In original OW i got around 3100 sr/master as support. In ow2 i hit gold after elo, and its hard to get out of it. It often feels like we are 4v5 since 1 is either doing less damage than healer, tank plays and stays dva vs zarya and so on.
Talking about ranking up and mentioning communication shows the huge disconnect to lower ranks. I can go months with playing and not hear a single person on the mics. Maybe in higher ranks people use mics but not in Diamond and lower. Just sayin. So it’s hard to even practice how to use comms when NO ONE DOES.
i just got done with a bronze role queue game. i thought i was doing pretty decent. i had 7,000 damage the whole game and died 5 times. the other dps had died 12 times. i thought i was doing pretty good. fast forward to the end of the game, everyone starts saying "sombra was throwing" and somebody else said "shes not throwing, shes just trash" i really dont know what i did wrong at all. someone else was blaming me for only protecting the mercy?? i saw somewhere that said "overwatch players have the social skills of a neandrethal man" and theyre completely right :,) this game was like 10 mins ago and now im scared to go back into queue. it seems every time i play dps, even though im a sombra/widow main, we always seem to lose. but if i go support (kiriko, mercy, ana) we always seem to win. idk what to do! sorrry for the paragraph btw
Vod review yourself. Also, your damage numbers don't matter. What matters is if you're actually killing enemies. Getting 7k damage but 2 picks does nothing but feed the enemy supports' ults.
Not sure I follow about ana focusing on dmg. There was someone who made a video about playing ana more aggressively and letting heals take a backseat and it helped a lot of people rank up, fast.
I made a new account just to try and get into bronze as mercy. All I did was hold down left click and run around without flying to anyone and it put me in gold.... I cant even get into bronze if I try... I dont understand how people get into bronze.
i have a problem as a support main ( im in silver as supp and platinum in dps and tank, weird), i try to not heal bot but if i spend 0,5 seconds trying to focus on some target my team is focusing always someone dies and we lose the fight, but if i dont do a little dpsing i will probably loose the match because lack of damage in my team, i normaly try to save everyone but if my 1 kill genji is alive all the game but doesnt kill its the same as he if he was dead. maybe i should pick moira in this low elo and focus on dps until i reach a little higher rank to get better dps?
I think elo hell exists. Ive lost 4 games out of the last 25 I played and I’m still in bronze. Many of those I got the most healing in the game, most games I have less than 5 deaths and one game i got a solo team kill (I was playing moira so honestly not crazy in bronze, it was a full bronze lobby at the time). Meanwhile my duo is already almost plat (he got 97% rp the moira match even though statistically I did better on supp than him on dmg, he was so excited he took a picture). We only play together. I get about 9% per win 😇
I love these bait videos. Like the copium level is crazy. The fact is, the only way to get out of your rank is to play at 2 divisions above it in skill. Plat isn't "low rank" at all. It's amix of players with silver skill and masters skill level. It's a horrific rank to be in for longer than a couple weeks. MMR gets set in stone, and you get stuck plat mmr unfortunately. Personal performance doesn't affect mmr, so 'improving" only goes so far and it's dependent on your role and luck. Like DPS you can climb easily out of plat, diamond, to masters+ on mechanics alone. There's going to be a lot of games where tanks just shield against you all the time or it's a bad matchup, tracer ruining the backlines, stuff that isnt great. But a good dps player can pump out a 55-60% winrate consistently. If you're tank, it's up to your supports/dps if you win or lose in most of the games. If you're support, it's up to your other support, dps, and tank if you win or lose. Hardest to rank up on is support. Mid is tank, easiest dps. It's that simple. This kind of blanket statement video does not matter to the top 10% percentile players outside of dps at all, because personal skill is no longer affecting the ability to rank up. It's wild to even state anything else. And if your MMR mismatches your Rank, you will get bad teammates or good teammates. Yes, bad players actually get rewarded with good teams more consistently than good players. Good players are designated carry. It's really simple, the game ranking system is fundamentally broken, and allows higher rank players of the same skill ability to look down on others (anyone diamond or below) and create content and bait videos like this. Any wannabe coach will criticize you from hell and back on ur vods too, but then if you watch them play they are mistake mcgill just doing braindead stuff, holding "space", trying to gimmick their way to a win. But behold they're always plat/diamond coaches, trying to coach other plat/diamond players how to get out of the rank. And the others who are top 500 coaches, they can only get somebody so far, cus once you hit like d2 it's pure luck whether or not you rank up to go back down to plat, then back up to dia, then back down to plat, then up to dia, over and over and over again for the next year until u get bored and quit.
what helped me rank up is to be creative with the way u engage. (im a ball otp but this applies to every single tank) many ppl watch someone play and think, ah i gotta do this etc. U should think of creative, even crazy and dumb ways to do what u want, not only is this more fun but makes you learn the game and help you understand teamfights. making space is essentially just making the enemy focus you. so just try out shit and if they start to focus u, congrats u made space! TLDR: be creative and try crazy stuff, all that matters as tank is that they focused u and your dps had time to get an offangle and kill shit. hopefully this helped someone!
I do agree with this... By being creative it allows you to generate new opportunities that you might not have seen. Sometimes, you just have to experiment and figure out what works and what doesnt work.
1:00 I feel like this only really takes effect around plat+ u can basically get to plat on mechanics alone cuz 90% of ur bronze, silver and gold games are going to have at least 1-4 trash can idiots with 0 braincells or just started. but after plat u need to start communicating with ur team.
Positioning is the biggest mistake in the low ranks. Neglecting cover, Ignoring high ground, not understanding how to take space or kite ults. They give up good defensive positions too easily and don't understand when they have a positional advantage.
and if you truly believe you are better and in “elo hell” do what i did i made a whole new account and did amazing Diamond 3 tank. Masters 4 dps and plat 4 support(and i got super unlucky on support so i’d doubt you’d get as unlucky as me if you’re around my skill level) moral of the story:When you truly believe it is ur teammates just create a new account. another reason i say this is because the more games you play the HARDER it is to rank up
What ranks were u on ur main?
I would not make a new account either, that defeats the purpose.
I do not think elo hell exists. Most of the time it comes from skill issues and having a big ego.
Id argue Elo Hell is real, but its misunderstood. Elo Hell is the plateau everyone hits when they need to make improvements. Its when the game puts you in an mmr that is competitive for you. The sad thing is, people take it as a sign to give up, instead of a sign to seek improvement.
Even if you don't rank up, and just play qp, as long as you are seeking improvement, the game will feel better for you. Take this videos advice, please.
@@Myloh_YT all plat i still play on it tho for fun i run a fun character and still win a little more than half my games
supports dont need to 100% heal everyone, they need to heal just enough for anyone not to die. Otherwise there would be hardly any time to do dmg, which is suboptimal playstyle for Ana.
yes I agree with this, they should be outputting dps if they are not healing...
You underestimate my teammates' ability to die on a whim. 😭
@@HalzeeyYT they should be outputting dps while healing ...
thats foolish heals heal tank and dmg g oo for map heals they control map heals tasnk to slow to get heals why would they foxus healling a 1sht anyone can 1seasy hot the dmg or heals or 2 shot if tnk and 2 heals focus kill their heals the rest fall easy but dmg hide behind bullet sheild 2 in certain fights
I find that I’m consistently top 2 for DPS in elimination and usually lower death count too, despite that, I always have a support player that does not heal ever. I wish there was a certain penalty for not fulfilling your role
Its very difficult now to climb in the dps role I find due to heros having more HP it sucks
I literally just started playing the game last night (never played the first game either) and I'm already starting to see how common that can be.
I'm also starting to see how good some players are at dodging heals from ana. I'm honestly more impressed than disappointed.
@@breakfaith3031and the moment you stop moving so she can land her shots easier, she starts healing the air around you :/
People underestimate the importance of comms. When I play with friends and we actually tell each other info, we win so often. It's as simple as "hey, monkey is going behind you" to "spread out, reaper ult is coming." There's so much going on in the game, it's hugely beneficial for everyone to communicate.
Spacing isn't talked about enough, great to see it in this video.
Loved it! Would love more in depth follow up guides on each role.
Glad you loved it! Great idea! I will for sure do that in the future
my team should watch this. Last game was miserable
LOLL we all have those games
Or you should learn from your mistakes and just forget about your team because they dont matter.
@@psychobear10it’s a team game team does matter if your bastions getting diffed all game your in a 4v5 that matters if your kiri is afk that matters
I had to laugh so hard, made me cry. Thanks for this comment!
@@psychobear10 You can litterally have countless of games in a row where you make no mistakes at all and still lose every game. In the video he's mentioning the most important and relevant part of Overwtch, it's a team based game. You could play like a masters or GM player, but still be hard stuck in bronze 5, because your team suck. Especially if your support only focus damage but can't aim, you're screwd.
So that "If YOU improve YOU will climb" makes no sense if your team is constantly feeding or afk all game.
I've had countless of tanks engaging a 1v5 with their whole team waiting to respawn, die and then blame the support for not healing, even though both supports have like 10k+ heals at the end of the game.
I've played with other tanks that do the same, cause they "just want to have fun in bronze"
"If YOU improve YOU will climb" would only make sense if the ranking was determined on the individual players performance and not wins/loses.
I almost choked when you said communication. Most people are terrified to talk in chat for some damn reason. I do call outs but no one else does.
Most players in low elo only use voice chat to rage on their team and blame others for their own mistakes
You won't believe how many times I've been harassed for simply having "girl" in my name. Let alone for talking lol, I'd never. But I'm a great shot caller through commands like "push forward", "incoming", "fall back", etc.
"For some reason". Dude this community is toxic as hell
After 400 hours playing quickplay i finally decided to play ranked and see what rank i get, i saved this video cause i expected to be plat at most but i ended up winning 5 games and losing 2 games in masters 1-5 games and got placed in masters 3, i didnt know i was this good at the game lol
😂😂😂 Your just like me I literally went like 5-4 in placements and placed masters. I think there is a HUGE ranked reset coming next season that will reset all elos
these videos have the same vibe as old OW1 videos, not toxic, not complaining, just advice and jokes. Hope you keep it up
Really helpful video. I often make really bad decisions in game (I main dps) while not knowing what I'm doing wrong. I really think your plan will help me climb
Im glad to have helped Chevrix! Hopefully, these help... another tip specifically for dps is to play characters that are easy to play such as soldier.
Great video, thanks. I just unlocked ranked mode yesterday, so I want to make sure I'm ready. I just subscribed!
Glad you enjoyed the video!
Most of the problem is definitely game sense and aim, sometimes you just find hella Smurfs 3 stacking while you’re solo 😢
If you are struggling with aim I recommend easy characters. There is nothing wrong with playing characters like symmetra or soldier those are people I MAIN... IDC if they are easy they get wins... Also junkrat
Wish more people would take this advice. I know i make many mistakes, some i notice in the moment, others after the fact.
If you feel you are stuck or in Elo Hell, seek out these kind of videos, or coaches, they have so much info on improving. Review your games, practice your fundamentals, and mechanics. The best advice this video has is to focus on improvement.
Glad you found the video useful!
Guys, as of November, Gold 3 is the average player rank. By definition that means 'low rank' certainly doesn't include Gold or Plat.
saying average player rank and low rank is roughly high platinum downwards In my opinion.
Thank you for making this video this actually really helped improve my team skills. I actually feel like I can finally rank up now knowing some new things 😢
I hope that you can see some progess! Im glad to have helped.
I’m high diamond flow masters, and you don’t see nearly as many fundamental mistakes as metal ranks I had one of my old accounts that was bronze and it took me a lot longer to crawl out of bronze and deal with the frustration of everyone playing their own game that I almost gave up and getting the account up in rank but that’s OK. Everybody has to learn.
I won 125 games in open queue this season and im stuck in plat because of my dead brain teammates. When season 7 was one day away to end i was plat 1 i was going to go to diamond but i didnt because of my teammates i always carry the team and lose and went to plat 3
I feel like open queue is a coin flip I tend to avoid it at all costs. I think the best option really is to main one role.
Queue up with teammates who know what they're doing. That's what I've done. I paid attention to who was doing really well in my games (sometimes even from the enemy team), friended them, and asked them to play. It's so much better going into the game knowing you have at least one or two other teammates who have some game sense and skill.
You’re just bad
@@zombiiie1760 Save it for the game 🙄
Hard stuck in bronze, specially bronze 3 with dps. I’m definitely not the best, but when I’m able to get more damage than my pocketed Bastion as Ashe, it’s almost worrying? I’ll take these into account and update if I’ll be able to climb.
keep grinding bro
Honestly I’ve been Smurfing a lot recently because rank is so broken with the new tank. I don’t dps because I don’t think it’s fun just shitting on people but I have been playing support. What I’ve seen is awareness is awful and mental. I’ve played a lot of games where we were getting rolled first half and I’d listen as everyone points fingers. Then I’d butt in and start doing call outs reinforcing positive decisions making by saying good shit or nice shot and I’d watch my team do this crazy shift in energy and we start rolling. Low elow games are rough I won’t lie but I just feel like you have to take lead and make call outs and people will win more. But if you are going to be the lead u better make plays. Just my thoughts tho it’s all team work in the game.
ive noticed taking the lead in games even if nobody else is talking has improved my game sense so much, keep track of cooldowns, and win WAYYYY more games.
Self-confessed smurf,yuck. Players like you that circumvent the matchmaking are part of the reason its broken and hard to balance as it is. Nothing builds a player base like getting swamped by a smurf, selfish.
This is the most eye opening guide on this topic I've ever seen. Thanks for the tips!
Glad it was helpful!
So glad I clicked on this vid, lots of well articulated points. Keep up the good work!
just another W vid from halzeey! i think communication in ow is gone cause nobody talks in vc(even though its important)
glad to see you around man, nobody talks ever that's why you gotta be the one to do it
Not me being a Mercy main who is constantly moving in and out of the air, behind walls and out of harms way, barely dies, averages 5-6 Rez per match (because I don’t go for risky ones unless it’s absolutely necessary), averages around 15-20 assists with 10,000 healing (which means I’ve been balancing heals and damage boost), and popping my ultimate constantly because there’s no such thing as a wasted mercy ult if there’s someone to heal or boost…and still being stuck mid silver. I play with my fiancé, who has less game sense than me, and managed to climb to plat as a suicide Junkrat main, and I’m still stuck at silver because I’m hard stuck…I hope they add some stuff soon that can help with people that have improved and their rank isn’t showing that, because I win more games than I lose and still consistently stay the same or go down.
Thats odd, im not sure what actually dictates a rank up or not.. Ive noticed when I play support I ONLY play baptiste and have had some quick and good success with him.
mercy is only as good as her teammates are
the thing with Mercy is that she is less about individual skill and more about how good her teammates are, since she can't do much by herself, unlike Ana or Bap, so she is very dependent on your team's collective performance
That's because Mercy sucks.
Because mercy rely on teammates. in low elo you shouldn’t be playing mercy unless your teammates are absolutely ruining the enemy team
thanks needed this i avoided rank for the longest while only really playing qp but after this video i can q up for comp only now
Thx man!!! Very useful and informative guide💪🏾😎
Unfortunately, only 1% of matches will have someone who is willing to use their mic.
In original OW i got around 3100 sr/master as support. In ow2 i hit gold after elo, and its hard to get out of it. It often feels like we are 4v5 since 1 is either doing less damage than healer, tank plays and stays dva vs zarya and so on.
Talking about ranking up and mentioning communication shows the huge disconnect to lower ranks. I can go months with playing and not hear a single person on the mics. Maybe in higher ranks people use mics but not in Diamond and lower. Just sayin. So it’s hard to even practice how to use comms when NO ONE DOES.
there is a massive disconnect I think, Might be worth it to demonstrate how to climb eventually.
Problem with low elo is when you communicate they say don’t talk a lot 😂
ya most of the time Im just talking to air, but it can also help team moral and bring the team together even if nobody else is talking.
I see that you have returned
yes :0
i just got done with a bronze role queue game. i thought i was doing pretty decent. i had 7,000 damage the whole game and died 5 times. the other dps had died 12 times. i thought i was doing pretty good. fast forward to the end of the game, everyone starts saying "sombra was throwing" and somebody else said "shes not throwing, shes just trash" i really dont know what i did wrong at all. someone else was blaming me for only protecting the mercy?? i saw somewhere that said "overwatch players have the social skills of a neandrethal man" and theyre completely right :,) this game was like 10 mins ago and now im scared to go back into queue. it seems every time i play dps, even though im a sombra/widow main, we always seem to lose. but if i go support (kiriko, mercy, ana) we always seem to win. idk what to do! sorrry for the paragraph btw
Vod review yourself. Also, your damage numbers don't matter. What matters is if you're actually killing enemies. Getting 7k damage but 2 picks does nothing but feed the enemy supports' ults.
ur first problem is playing sombra
Not sure I follow about ana focusing on dmg.
There was someone who made a video about playing ana more aggressively and letting heals take a backseat and it helped a lot of people rank up, fast.
So who’s hard stuck silver seriously tryna grind to get up. Talking everyday type grind.
Teams biggest mistake is not playing high ground and I constantly yell at my team to focus the healers but that’s not helping anything
The best tip ever is to look after your team don't go alone and wait also look after your support
This has been very helpful
This helped a little but I’m still stuck between play 5 and gold 1
1: don't queue with that Venture that always goes 0-11
2: don't play support
3: don't follow rein anywhere :D
There is one decisive mistake that hindrers players: THE RANKING SYSTEM
i tried playing a game as ana only focusing on heals before, we lost badly
I made a new account just to try and get into bronze as mercy. All I did was hold down left click and run around without flying to anyone and it put me in gold.... I cant even get into bronze if I try... I dont understand how people get into bronze.
I main dps and im stuck in gold but i feel like i should be a plat-diamond max because of how good i usually do , but solo q is hard
There’s still a lot I need to learn and I’m getting better but i lose motivation when I see no progress in my rank
who do you main??
Just keep grinding I reccomend easy characters, for example I literally play sym and soldier mainly😂😂
I followed this, yet my team had the positioning comparable to a blind man doing it for the first time. Any tips?
how do you win when your monkey/dva insists on holding left click on the enemy rein?
i have a problem as a support main ( im in silver as supp and platinum in dps and tank, weird), i try to not heal bot but if i spend 0,5 seconds trying to focus on some target my team is focusing always someone dies and we lose the fight, but if i dont do a little dpsing i will probably loose the match because lack of damage in my team, i normaly try to save everyone but if my 1 kill genji is alive all the game but doesnt kill its the same as he if he was dead. maybe i should pick moira in this low elo and focus on dps until i reach a little higher rank to get better dps?
@3:20 so what do you do when 90% of the time nobody is in VC and the other 10% there’s like one person in VC who doesn’t have a mic?
I think elo hell exists. Ive lost 4 games out of the last 25 I played and I’m still in bronze. Many of those I got the most healing in the game, most games I have less than 5 deaths and one game i got a solo team kill (I was playing moira so honestly not crazy in bronze, it was a full bronze lobby at the time). Meanwhile my duo is already almost plat (he got 97% rp the moira match even though statistically I did better on supp than him on dmg, he was so excited he took a picture). We only play together. I get about 9% per win 😇
3 games out of 10 you get a doomfist that gets melted and refuses to swap
I love these bait videos. Like the copium level is crazy. The fact is, the only way to get out of your rank is to play at 2 divisions above it in skill. Plat isn't "low rank" at all. It's amix of players with silver skill and masters skill level. It's a horrific rank to be in for longer than a couple weeks. MMR gets set in stone, and you get stuck plat mmr unfortunately. Personal performance doesn't affect mmr, so 'improving" only goes so far and it's dependent on your role and luck. Like DPS you can climb easily out of plat, diamond, to masters+ on mechanics alone. There's going to be a lot of games where tanks just shield against you all the time or it's a bad matchup, tracer ruining the backlines, stuff that isnt great. But a good dps player can pump out a 55-60% winrate consistently. If you're tank, it's up to your supports/dps if you win or lose in most of the games. If you're support, it's up to your other support, dps, and tank if you win or lose. Hardest to rank up on is support. Mid is tank, easiest dps. It's that simple. This kind of blanket statement video does not matter to the top 10% percentile players outside of dps at all, because personal skill is no longer affecting the ability to rank up. It's wild to even state anything else. And if your MMR mismatches your Rank, you will get bad teammates or good teammates. Yes, bad players actually get rewarded with good teams more consistently than good players. Good players are designated carry. It's really simple, the game ranking system is fundamentally broken, and allows higher rank players of the same skill ability to look down on others (anyone diamond or below) and create content and bait videos like this. Any wannabe coach will criticize you from hell and back on ur vods too, but then if you watch them play they are mistake mcgill just doing braindead stuff, holding "space", trying to gimmick their way to a win. But behold they're always plat/diamond coaches, trying to coach other plat/diamond players how to get out of the rank. And the others who are top 500 coaches, they can only get somebody so far, cus once you hit like d2 it's pure luck whether or not you rank up to go back down to plat, then back up to dia, then back down to plat, then up to dia, over and over and over again for the next year until u get bored and quit.
what helped me rank up is to be creative with the way u engage. (im a ball otp but this applies to every single tank) many ppl watch someone play and think, ah i gotta do this etc. U should think of creative, even crazy and dumb ways to do what u want, not only is this more fun but makes you learn the game and help you understand teamfights. making space is essentially just making the enemy focus you. so just try out shit and if they start to focus u, congrats u made space! TLDR: be creative and try crazy stuff, all that matters as tank is that they focused u and your dps had time to get an offangle and kill shit.
hopefully this helped someone!
I do agree with this... By being creative it allows you to generate new opportunities that you might not have seen. Sometimes, you just have to experiment and figure out what works and what doesnt work.
You do not need communication period there’s 100% no need for it just turn off coms
60% of the players are either gold or plat. It’s never the players’ fault to not invest their time in this game
I went 8-2 as tank and got plat 5. Then went 3 and 7 as dps and got plat 1, game dont make sense
it’s performance based as well as elo
What is keeping you trapped?
w vid lets go
Its even, not evan btw
mf really said supports need to healbot
I’m stuck in platinum lmao 😭
what role do you main?
OW2 so weird. The game becomes a safe ground for snowflakes and social distancing mfs
Removing that Communication part will make the vid accurate 😂
LOLL so true thats why if you communicate you fly up ranks
If you’re playing like a master and are in silver you’re a smurf
He wants you to heal bot don’t listen !
Boost me out of plat lmao
😂😂😂 who do you main
@@HalzeeyYT on tank I main mauga/zarya and on dps I main reaper/tracer
very mid advice
No one asked for ur opinion
Ngl...this is bad advice. Every character on every role, dmg dmg dmg, save someone if you can, then do more dmg
1:00 I feel like this only really takes effect around plat+ u can basically get to plat on mechanics alone cuz 90% of ur bronze, silver and gold games are going to have at least 1-4 trash can idiots with 0 braincells or just started. but after plat u need to start communicating with ur team.