The One with Lyre - Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Tier List (Part 3)

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


  • @kowtow773
    @kowtow773 3 місяці тому +19

    Giving Shinon the Crossbow(1-2 range) you get from the 3-P boss, and later on purchasing bowguns/crossbows as a side honestly makes him a pretty good base enemy phase unit in early part 3, when combined with good avoid, dealing enough damage to give other unit kills. Personally think Shinon is a mid-A tier, but thats just me
    Boyd really is one of those "first few level better be good" types, if his speed gets going, he's honestly pretty good, shame his def caps pretty low (31 iirc), but 68HP cap is pretty huge
    Almost forgot how Paladins/ Sage caps really are kinda scuffed in RD

    • @Bunnymafia8150
      @Bunnymafia8150 3 місяці тому +1

      I feel like people write off crossbows in this game without really trying them. From what I’ve found Shinon with a crossbow has a comparable enemy phase to anyone using a wind edge, which is obviously worse than a forged javelin/hand axe but still better than nothing. Besides Shinon is doing about the same damage with 2 crossbow hits as Boyd/Oscar do in one. That ridiculous defense stat lets him expose himself more than they can as well. Mine could actually 3 hit KO part 4 enemies with the Aqqar, just slapped an adept scroll on him and along with that crit bonus he went off.
      I’d still say high B tier though, because people like Mia and Ike can choose between one rounding at 1 range or 2 rounding at 1-2 range, whereas Shinon can only do the latter. But I’d take him over any other GM I’d have to dump 5 levels or a crown on to be tolerable. Shinon definitely gets a bad rap by people who judge him the same way they judge snipers in other games.

  • @FriendlyFireFox
    @FriendlyFireFox 3 місяці тому +11

    It is so freaking funny when you compare Gatrie's stats next to Boyd's. Just outclassed across the board

  • @gamermanzeake
    @gamermanzeake 3 місяці тому +9

    Unfortunately you may be missing the point of provoke on Shinon. Provoke works on a priority based system. If Mist is next to Shinon, he will get attacked at one range before her. But if you had provoke on Gatrie, Mist would be attacked instead.
    The game checks for; whether it can kill, deal good damage, whether it dies, takes damage or a counterattack. It's not foolproof, but the general idea is that it's actually fantastic on Shinon for redirecting units. This doesn't mean it's bad on Gatrie, not at all. Of course Shinon has no enemy phase (outside crossbows) so, if you want provoke to be useful in enemy phase for more than misdirection, having it on Gatrie whilst he's next to other units like Titania and Ike, would make all of the enemies attack him for fear of the counters from the other two. It's interesting. It is the same way shade and stillness works but in reverse. Stillness negates the priority however, and just makes it impossible for said unit to be attacked unless that unit is the only one who can be.

  • @sarasaland4709
    @sarasaland4709 2 місяці тому +15

    My favorite part of Lyre is how outside of Luck, all of her personal stats are literally 0. Everything is class bases.

  • @anonsenpai6533
    @anonsenpai6533 3 місяці тому +10

    Shinon + Double Bow + Provoke + Vantage = Insane Enemy Phase potential in the End Game. Crossbows can carry him until then. Low to Mid A IMO. As you said, it's a waste not to bring someone capable of using the Double Bow to the finale, and not only is Shinon the absolute strongest Sniper, he can be built to chew through the Enemy Phase by the end.

  • @TheZipding
    @TheZipding 3 місяці тому +5

    Yeah, on previous videos I was excited to hear the breakdown on Gatrie. I think he might be the best general in the entire series

  • @Refiadragoon
    @Refiadragoon 3 місяці тому +6

    We. Like. IKE.

  • @davekat
    @davekat Місяць тому +2

    I played a game once with Kyza and found him serviceable. At least you can work with Kyza if you want to unlike Lyre who remains irredeemable at all stages. I also ship Ranulf and Kyza because Kyza's support suggests a romantic interest.

  • @AlexT7916
    @AlexT7916 2 місяці тому +2

    58:36 You literally get a 1-2 range crossbow for finishing the first GM map, Shinon has a plenty good enemy ohase to speak off

  • @auroraborealis4468
    @auroraborealis4468 3 місяці тому +4

    I do think you kind of explained yourself why I don't think Mia's super great, she's definitely better than the scrubs at the bottom but a unit who's constantly relying on low to mid rng chances to ... do things as good as the others do at base with no rng procs involved (obviously besides hit) I can't see her being higher than C. We got on Boyd's case for being very luck dependent to get going and be good, so I don't see why Mia should realistically be treated too much different (better than Boyd though, top of C). It's easier to make her good than him but it's still a LOT of rng involved all the time.
    Good series of videos though!!!

    • @jason200912
      @jason200912 Місяць тому +1

      A good dodger. Lower stats than zihark but lots of xp opportunities to level up mia. Dawn brigade has fewer xp opportunities

    • @0ctopusComp1etely
      @0ctopusComp1etely 8 днів тому

      I think the difference is the "rate" of RNG involved. Mia is effectively always going to double attack, unless you fight a ridiculous other Swordmaster or something. Potentially even more with Adept (Speed % chance). She's far, far more likely to dodge than most characters, and tanky enough that when she doesn't, she doesn't fold immediately. Astra is an insane Skill that opens up MORE Crit chances, which are based on her already high Skill. And while Swords may not be the best weapon overall... there ARE good Sword options, especially in endgame.
      Are almost all of Mia's options to operate well based on chance? Yes. But she skews that chance in her favor very, very heavily. She won't be as consistent as raw numerical advantages that just flat-out outperform her, like Ike or Haar, but her inconsistency is mitigated in a way that pushes her closer than most units can even hope to reach.

  • @andyvanmuilekom7390
    @andyvanmuilekom7390 Місяць тому +2

    Mia suffers from female trueblade caps she wont do dmg in endgame zihark edward and even stefan do better

  • @Realitylex
    @Realitylex 3 місяці тому +1

    So excited for part 3! Actual good units for the first time

  • @ladyriethegoldendelmo5441
    @ladyriethegoldendelmo5441 3 місяці тому +4

    Yoo I know my girl mia is s tier bruh 👀

    • @jason200912
      @jason200912 Місяць тому +1

      Ikr. I'd put her right behind zihark

  • @Bunnymafia8150
    @Bunnymafia8150 3 місяці тому +2

    I actually think Titania is better than Ike which some people might disagree with, but Ike's promotion is kinda late and until then his 1-2 range is awful because wind edges are awful, he's better off making sure the 1 range enemies that attack him are finished off. You mentioned that a speedwing would be wasted on Titania but who else is really taking it? Soren and Boyd won't double with it, Mia and Shinon double everything already, Oscar and Gatrie have pretty shitty tier 2 speed caps, and then Mist and Rhys still get doubled even with a speedwing. I'm not a huge fan of leaving it with the Dawn brigade either because those chapters usually have 1-2 good units like Jill or Nolan take most of the investment, plus Volug gaining strike rank, and they'll double just fine. So that pretty much leaves Ike and Titania. Ike is definitely a good candidate for it, he'll double just about everything except swordmasters and bosses. However I think Titania is still the best user of it because of how it combines with her promotion bonuses. I think saying 23 speed doesn't double is a bit inaccurate. Generals, sages, paladins, dracomasters and halberdiers/warriors that low roll on speed will all get doubled by 23 speed, and those enemies are pretty common, but enemies like snipers, higher level halberdiers/warriors, and bosses will avoid being doubled. However with a quick promotion she doubles everything except for swordmasters which is amazing. I'd like to give her the master crown but it really belongs to Haar, so you have to get her to level 21 naturally. But it's not really that hard to do, no one in the Greil Mercenaries is starving for bonus experience so you can honestly just dump your bonus experience on Titania and promote her quickly. Plus she just naturally gets a lot of experience in the chapters because she's always at the front and kills about half the things that attack her with a speedwing and forged steel axe. In my last run I promoted her in 3-4, but you could ease off the gas a bit wait until 3-5 because she's not super helpful in 3-4 honestly, gives the other Greil Mercenaries a chance to bonus experience abuse a bit more. She should have 27 speed after promotion if she capped speed in tier 2 which should happen on average, which is only 1 point below base Mia. This actually allows her to one round most of the bosses you go up against in part 3 like Lombroso, and with 28 she can one round Sergei and Goran. This is something she can do that Haar actually can't which I find pretty cool, even the most broken units have roles they can't fulfill. In part 4 I actually think she does fall off a bit but she's done so well up to this point I really can't blame her at all. She'll do fine in 4-1 but in 4-4 she has trouble doubling depending on her level ups, however these are the hardest set of pre tower enemies so I don't think it's a performance to be ashamed of. Hell even Nailah has trouble one rounding generals in this chapter so that should tell you all you need to know. I don't even bring Titania into the tower most of the time but she's okay, it's just a shame that her speed cap prevents her from doubling auras with white pool, though a lot of units have this issue, even Haar. She can still clean out the generals with a hammer in rebirth 1 though so she's definitely not bad, competition is just really tight. With all that I think she's either right above Ike or right below him. She's better in part 3 in almost every way besides 3-4 and 3-7, but Ike is just a monster in part 4 and has a free spot in the tower which he also does great in. I could go either way but I don't think they're a tier apart. All that writing to move her 2 places up lol, I was more against the comments about her speed. (What is it about red headed women that makes me write a decertation in defense of them I swear.)
    I think the reason a lot of people like Boyd is likely because of transfers, that's the reason he's such a divisive unit because we're basically talking about 2 different units here. I completely agree with your placement when it comes to no transfers, but he's easily the most changed unit by transfers in this game except possibly Jill. Boyd caps strength and speed easily in path of radiance which grants him 20 speed and 24 strength. Not turning any heads on it's own but when you give him a speedwing he has similar offense to Ike allowing him to snowball even further, and in a transfers playthrough Titania doesn't need a speedwing because she caps speed super easily in path of radiance due to the knight ward and will start with 23 in this game. Boyd's strength cap in tier 3 is also incredible, I believe he one rounds generals with forged hand axes in part 4 which is absolutely friggin crazy, even Nailah and Naesala struggle with that. I'm not even sure Jill can do it despite how much I simped over her on your first part.
    So basically, transfers Boyd= low S tier/high A tier, no transfers Boyd=C/B tier, I understand your confusion about why so many people like him.
    I was gonna argue the Rolf placement to below Mordecai but after you called him a good boi I guess I can't really argue that.
    I think Mia is better than Zihark but that says more about where Zihark is placed than Mia being too low. Zihark having poor durability against laguz that have crazy high hit rates isn't a good combination for him. The double earth support isn't even enough to offset this, it's still practically a coin flip if he gets hit. And for some dumbass reason every generic laguz in part 3 has S rank strike despite Ranulf, Janaff, and Ulki all having A rank despite being royal attendants. This makes it pretty much impossible for Zihark to take more than one hit. I still think any unit in the Dawn Brigade that doesn't require investment is still super helpful because they can contribute without taking resources from people like Jill and Nolan though, same reason I love Volug.
    It funny how much you hyped up Janaff and Ulki and I'm gonna say they go higher lol. Janaff makes really good use of the energy drop you get from the 3-5 boss because he one rounds everything except generals with that, without it he literally falls 3-4 damage short on halberdiers and warriors which is annoying but might have been intentional from the devs. However Janaff gains 4 strength from an energy drop because of the transformation bonuses. With the energy drop he can gain strike rank very quickly since he'll spearhead the charge from turn 3 onwards, allowing foot units to clean up the 1-2 range units he leaves behind. With S rank he tears up the pre tower part 4, and with SS he can even one round the generals in rebirth 1, it's like you're training a laguz royal. Plus they double literally everything they need to at base, Janaff only misses out on the absolute fastest part 4 swordmasters, and he can double auras with white pool. Unlike Caineghis or Giffca he can use white pool and blood tide super easily thanks to canto. I've never done this strategy with Ulki because of his lower strength, he's only able to match Janaff's base strength if he gets the energy drop which isn't good enough to one round much other than swordmasters and sages until he gets his strike rank up. It's sorta like Luke and Rody in FE12 where there's no reason to use Rody over Luke and there's not enough food on the table for both of them, but he's still better than most other units which is hard to rate because of the opportunity cost. Even without investment into strike rank Ulki is still great though, he may not be one rounding but a lot of people at this point aren't one rounding, and most of those people don't even have wings or ridiculous bulk as compensation. The laguz gauge is a problem for sure, but their player phase offense is so good that they can just huff olivi grass every turn and not really care, and you get enough laguz stones to get your main hawk going immediately for 2 or 3 maps before the tower, in maps like 3-10 and 3-E I'd definitely pop a laguz stone on Janaff. Plus in part 3 they're guaranteed to have a heron with them unlike Volug. This way they can hit something, fall back, and then jump right back into the fray and use some grass. I'd personally say Janaff right below Sothe disregarding Zihark, and Ulki below Volug. I don't know where you plan on putting Tibarn and Naesala but I unironically think Janaff is better than them, and Ulki is at least in the same ball park thanks to availabilty and a comparable tower performance in all honesty, the only thing the royals do that's unattainable for the hawks is doubling auras without boosts and attacking on turn one.

    • @jason200912
      @jason200912 Місяць тому

      I hand over all resources to dawn brigade because those guys are weak af and almost unusable with how little game time they get and how weak they are.

    • @Bunnymafia8150
      @Bunnymafia8150 Місяць тому

      @@jason200912 I can see that but the resources they get aren’t used particularly well by them. They can’t use gold well because they can’t forge in part 3, the speedwing isn’t super helpful because Volug and whoever you chose as your main beorc will double everything anyway. (Or one shot cats with beastfoe)
      As for skills celerity isn’t particularly helpful because the enemies are too strong to throw yourself into a large pack and survive unlike the Greil mercenaries, plus you get boots in 3-12. Paragon is nice for Volug if you want to use him but I prefer it on the Greil mercenaries because they have over twice as many chapters to abuse it, plus your main beorc has to use beastfoe in 3-6 and 3-13 so they can’t fit paragon in their loadout. Savior isn’t great on them for the same reason celerity is superfluous.
      I do think resolve should stay with the dawn brigade though because it actually does allow you to take on a bunch of enemies, sadly it won’t fit with celerity.
      I agree that the dawn brigade really struggles in part 3 but the resources they have aren’t particularly helpful, so I’d rather send it to an army that makes good use of movement and gold.

    • @jason200912
      @jason200912 Місяць тому

      @@Bunnymafia8150 give the speed to anybody. There's only a few meatshield tanks in dawn. Nolan, volug, nailah. Zihark is the only one that ever dodges attacks and Edward needs all of your bonus xp to make him work

    • @Bunnymafia8150
      @Bunnymafia8150 Місяць тому

      @@jason200912 I don’t understand why any of those units need a speedwing. What benchmark is that allowing them to hit? Nolan/Jill will double every part 3 enemy except for cats which they can one shot with beastfoe anyway, and Volug doubles everything including cats. The good dawn brigade units have problems surviving, not doubling. As long as you’re not using trash like Aran and Leonardo you shouldn’t need a speedwing in that army. Meanwhile the Greil Mercenaries have many units that are borderline on doubling (Ike, Titania, Haar, Boyd, Gatrie, Oscar). A speedwing is better spent there than in the dawn brigade.

    • @The_Tower__
      @The_Tower__ 13 днів тому

      Hawks hit 42 speed so they do double Auras, it is the Ashera they don't double without support which Tibarn and Naesala both do.

  • @jordanelliott8821
    @jordanelliott8821 3 місяці тому +2

    Tanith is way better than Sigrun. Sigruns growths are really bad to the point she only really doubles magic users and generals.
    Tanith is worse for like a chapter, then if she gets a couple levels is a very good unit. Nullify or not being near bows makes falcon knights really strong. They’re great in most part 4 maps and have great endgame stats (and canto which is great w/ tides).
    I think Mist is better than Rhys. Her stats blow, but healer stats don’t matter (they die instantly anyway). Her move is better, and when she promotes she becomes viable offensively and gets canto. Elincia is by far the best endgame healer, so you just use whoever you like the best.
    Lyre should actually be even lower than she is (somehow).

    • @jordanelliott8821
      @jordanelliott8821 3 місяці тому +1

      @@JoanFarjasPastor you rarely heal less on Mist. She gets a mend and 90% of the time it’s a full heal.
      Sigrun definitely isn’t better. That gap is easily closed in the bridge chapter. If not, she’ll gain a level every 2-3 kills in part 4.

    • @JoanFarjasPastor
      @JoanFarjasPastor 3 місяці тому

      @@jordanelliott8821 no du to havig to lose some time tanehit is 3 lelves lower if ther reches the smae level as sigurn she s beter but you cna esely bone exp hec to get he to tear 3 and the ande bonte of tpos will make her beter. And foem the mist it esay to just grab a phisse and give it wot wrys makein his mov eproblem not existent finaly wrys and with wrisy yo cna use a med to cerar all an aslw she is nt like hleing a lot witb a mend

    • @crenando288
      @crenando288 2 місяці тому

      ​@@JoanFarjasPastorplease for the love of God learn to spell ☠️☠️☠️

  • @allyrose9494
    @allyrose9494 4 дні тому

    Is Soren the best unit in the game, no far from it. Am I always going to use him cause character wise he's my fave in the series, absofuckinglutely and that would be true even if he was Lyre bad (though thank Yune he isn't)

  • @FuchsFalke
    @FuchsFalke 3 місяці тому +4

    Boyd :)

  • @hrr2b239
    @hrr2b239 3 місяці тому +1

    I think you might be overestimating the importance of growth rates on the long term viability of units. While I agree that for the purposes of short term benchmarks (like Eddy) they matter, but as long as a character has good enough growths in 2-ish areas, they will essentially be able to cap or nearly cap all of their relevant stats by the end of the game. This is not only because of bonus experience, but also because of Radiant Dawn’s level-up mechanics. RD will not allow you to blank a level up, meaning that even non-bonus exp levels after you cap stats will start seeing less likely stats rising. I think most of your specific placements of units are agreeable enough, but I just don’t think that growths really matter very much unless they are either very bad

    • @jason200912
      @jason200912 Місяць тому

      If we edward requires all of your resources then it means the rest of your team isn't getting enough

  • @Zyaire286
    @Zyaire286 3 місяці тому

    Yay, the meme unit Lyre!

  • @MisterSA
    @MisterSA 11 днів тому

    i had full shinon in the game he carried me

  • @jason200912
    @jason200912 Місяць тому

    Astrid deserves an e even if the best method is to steal her paragon skill.

  • @jason200912
    @jason200912 Місяць тому

    My Ike in path radiance is far stronger than radiant dawn ike.