Baltic Culture is Changing (For the Better!)

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
  • A major UN survey comparing national happiness has just been released showing that of all countries the Baltic States are advancing up the ranks the fastest, with Lithuania breaking the top 20 for the first time.
    The happiness report is multi-factorial, examining felicity and well-being across six critical metrics. Most countries remain fairly stable in the rankings year on year, or if they do shift, it's most often downward owing to some calamity. Crispin examines the reasons why the Baltic States continues to rise in the happiness index, and what this says about changing cultural dynamics and norms in Baltic society.
    Baltic Times Article: www.baltictime...
    World Happiness Report 2023:
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  • @Paul_Ironwolf
    @Paul_Ironwolf Рік тому +5

    I'm Lithuanian myself, i know my country is on the right path, our growth is undeniable, i can feel it even year to year, and if we take even 5 years in to account it is insane how much better a live now then even so few years ago. The crazy thing is we used to look at countries like Germany and Frace as inspiration and a model how we want to live, we no longer do, now its Norway and Denmark, we take inspiration from the best, and if we get there, we will not stop there either. The day will come when they will say "look at the Baltics, thats how people are supposed to live" and even then we will not be content, we will strive for more.

  • @anzelmasmatutis2500
    @anzelmasmatutis2500 Рік тому +14

    I'm Happy to be Happy! :D

  • @eglunasklimavicius9771
    @eglunasklimavicius9771 Рік тому +2

    Thank you for video. I’m from Lithuania but live UK. I’m happy because I’m going home in two month time. Your video make me feel much confident regarding my decision. Thank you!

  • @maryng3940
    @maryng3940 Рік тому +7

    Looking forward to visit the happy countries soon. Happy to 😊feel happy among the happy people ❤

  • @vytautassulcas6494
    @vytautassulcas6494 Рік тому +7

    love to be social, despite my introvercy

  • @andrius505
    @andrius505 Рік тому +8

    Well... As a Lithuanian.... I keep it simple/or hard, and enjoy with what I have

  • @Audrrys
    @Audrrys Рік тому +5


  • @jayt658
    @jayt658 Рік тому +3

    I met a Lithuanian girl online during COVID and recently moved there. I love Lithuania and everyone has been very friendly and helpful. They're just amazed that an American would move there😂

    • @Paul_Ironwolf
      @Paul_Ironwolf Рік тому +1

      i think a lot of us take a lot of amazing things we have as granted, yet are envious of things that are in retrospect way less more important. People here often overlook the piece, serenity and quiet that we have here as a normal thing, they forget its really not like that in other countries even those we consider "better" then our own.

    • @jayt658
      @jayt658 Рік тому +1

      @@Paul_Ironwolf the simple fact that you can drink tap water in Lithuania still blows my mind.

  • @cheesewulf8854
    @cheesewulf8854 Рік тому +13

    I think it definitely helps that our countries are smaller in population (thought problematic long-term) which allows us to have that sort of cozy, maintained culture and serene lifestyle. It's both fortunate and unfortunate that our capitals are quite mixed traditionally, though I would desire pushing out native Russians who refuse to learn our languages much less are vatniks or Z-zombies. I'm not sure if you have read but Lithuania recently ratified a bill banning Russians from owning real estate, citizenship in our country.

  • @user-py9cy1sy9u
    @user-py9cy1sy9u Рік тому +5

    Now Lithuanians think if this is what top 20 is then just think how badly other people live

    • @Paul_Ironwolf
      @Paul_Ironwolf Рік тому +1

      Well to be honest i used to even 5 years ago, now i feel quite content. |I'm not rich by any means, but i cant say i don't live a comfortable life.

  • @Jaiven
    @Jaiven Рік тому +1

    As an Australian living in Estonia I agree with the insights. The improvements in Estonia are noticeable on so many levels, from the most mundane aspects of daily life such as the footpath you walk along to the bus you take, the daily occurrences with people to friends, work and economic activity you can see so many improvements. When I first visited Estonia a decade ago the trains were Soviet and people barely spoke, the streets were dark in our town and by enlarge the country was in the USSR shadows. Nowadays I see so many things which make me happy here and I can point to several examples of things that are better in the Baltics than AUS. Estonia is not perfect. There's problems. Many, but looking at Australia from here - I'm very worried about Australia and the West more generally. While even the ground beneath our feet here improves as we walk to a better future, I'm concerned for Australia's - rising crime, economic inequality and an increasingly aggressive and authoritarian government. The Balts have much to be proud about.

  • @arturasandriusaitis8832
    @arturasandriusaitis8832 Рік тому +4

    GDP per capita in PPP (Eurostat, 2022):
    Slovenia - 92% from the EU average;
    Czechia - 91%
    Lithuania - 90%
    Estonia - 87%
    Japan - 86%
    Spain - 85%
    Poland - 79%
    Hungary - 77%
    Portugal - 77%
    Romania - 77%
    Latvia - 74%
    Croatia - 73%
    Greece - 68%
    Slovakia - 67%
    Bulgaria - 59%

  • @eddyengelman5125
    @eddyengelman5125 Рік тому +5

    I assess (Estonians) as practical, well balanced (as was mentioned below), hard working and appreciative. Cynicism is also there, but on the decline. It is no wonder to me, given these traits, that they are rising in the ranks. It's also no coincidence that while Finland tops the ranks, much of what Estonia does comes from Finland.

  • @amberandgold
    @amberandgold Рік тому +4

    Neither we are getting more extraverted nor our relations with happiness have changed, we were balanced and we are balanced people, however something is worsening in advanced societies of advanced countries, so to say...

    • @eddyengelman5125
      @eddyengelman5125 Рік тому +1

      I think there is more an extrovert trend going on, but your point that 'well balanced' is the foundation is spot on.

  • @kodilodinoza
    @kodilodinoza Рік тому +5

    The fact that we are not beeing invaded by Ruszian Reich and that we are not beeing slaughtered and ra*ed by the hundreds of thousands really puts things into perspective and allows me to reflect on my life and be grateful that I have food to eat every DAY, that I have pretty decent place to live, that I can live in a pretty safe place. Perhaps I can't earn as much money as many people in theFar West countries, however the economy in past 3 decades risen so much that even living from low wage it is possible to have pretty decent life on top of that I am more free and respected in my own country that I would be if I would be native in some of the Far West counties. Reason beeing is that in many Far West counties there are radical ideologies induced stigma to be born white, male and heterosexual. There are very very little of that ideology in Lithuania especially on the daily life. Which is another reason to be more contented with your life. In fact very few people in Lithuania are affected by the radical ideologies to the level that they would, with the straight face, claim that there are more than 2 genders and that anyone can change their gender by the virtue of claiming so verbaly or even worse by damaging their bodies by the use of medicine or surgeries. This is another reason people in Lithuania are more happy since most Lithuanians adhear to the reality of this world and unlike the Far West we don't need to have so much arguments about basic reality between us and can instead have more sophisticated arguments that can progress our society.

  • @martso9288
    @martso9288 Рік тому +1

    I am still miserable, as I've died inside many moons ago.

  • @expert69able
    @expert69able Рік тому +4

    I think Crispin is biased even though it is all based on serious arguments. Either way, I can't deny that I like that.

  • @andrius505
    @andrius505 Рік тому +1

    Brother, we want none cheap tourist :P

    • @advdraugams9531
      @advdraugams9531 Рік тому

      :)))) It's a meme from some politician, who say that, rigtht?

  • @andrius505
    @andrius505 Рік тому +1

    BRUH.... THERE IS NO NUMBERS, no stats, no nothing...... Australia, be same way to

  • @andrius505
    @andrius505 Рік тому +1

    just fuckin sad stats

  • @andrius505
    @andrius505 Рік тому +1
