Shoot Off: Speed and Accuracy Drill

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • It’s time to have some fun with a shooting drill that builds speed, rewards accuracy and adds the stress of shooting in competition. This drill has one biathlete facing off against another biathlete on the same target. The biathlete that hits three targets first wins. In biathlon each target has a name which from left to right is: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, and Echo.
    This drill can be done from the standing or prone position and is a great activity to do with a team with winners advancing to the next round and a consolation bracket.
    Two biathletes will be in the ready position behind the shooting mat on adjacent lanes with rifles on their back. On the command of go each biathlete will remove their rifle from their back and proceed to shoot. They will both be shooting at the same target with the biathlete on the left starting to shoot on target Alpha and the biathlete on the right staring to shoot on target Echo. Biathletes will continue to shoot at a target until it is hit and then proceed to the next target. The biathlete on the right will be shooting at Alpha, Bravo and Charlie in that order. The biathlete on the right will be shooting at Echo, Delt and Charlie in that order. The biathlete that hits the Charlie target first is the winner. This drill can be done in the prone position or the standing position. Variations of the drill can include adding a run to prior to shoot with an elevated heart rate or it can be done with handloading each round as done in a relay. If Charlie target is not hit after 5 shots the winner is the biathlete that hit the most targets and finished taking 5 shots first.
    This is a fun drill and a great way to end a practice and put a smile on faces and can also lead to some fun rivalries between biathletes.