Great video, appreciated comments. Thanks for sharing. Gives you an idea of the just released sim. Bet it will pass some days before we can see real tests and improved features. Happy flying!
While this is not the leap forward to XP11 level visuals, I am very much looking forward to this. We will finally be able to take all of our addons (when compatible) and create the environment you want. Without having to worry about VAS issues. Lots of potential here and for one am very optimistic.
I will be impressed when I see a comparison of a fully loaded, fully tweaked FSX and the new P3Dv4 and there is a difference of more than 15FPS. Before that happens, P3D will stay "meh".
When they updated it the other day with the announcement "fixes for upcoming simulator" I knew V4 was soon. Now with 64 bit we should see scenery add on's go to the next level, No more worrying about VAS issues.
Thank's for the good news. I'll go for it even I'm not sure it's the most complete offer on the market today. P3D has now serious compétitors. I'm going to lost a bunch of my $1000 adons as they will not all follow the 64 bits path. I'll stick with my 2 main sims P3D and XP as today. Thank's again :)
Hi Jordan. I touched on this subject earlier, but I'm not real clear on difference, even after reading the EULA of both versions P3D. I just read a post on a forum which says"The Professional is offered to Professionals like most of us who are simulating flight." By simulating flight, does this mean , I load up my sim, along with my aircraft, and flight plan, and then fly from point A to point B. If this is the case, I have no problem looking at the Pro lic. Thanks for your help.
just got a new computer and right before the release of v4. the bad news for me is that I will no longer be able to use the pmdg md-11 with the migration tool
Perfect. Now we can start to load up the simulator as we WANT, not what we CAN. Excellent work and presentation Jordan. So how are we looking for release window?
Until you load so many that fps will be suffering. And then the community, instead of crying about 64bit and OOM, will start complaining about low fps. :P
What does it have to do with my wallet or life? It is a simple fact. People have tons of addons, which they limited before from loading because of OOM. Now that such barrier is dealt with, they will get back on loading new ones and this time it will be GPUs not being able to keep up. A similar thing we saw on XP :)
Francesco Tommaso Savino low fps is easy to fix. Processor speed and gpus. Having 18.4 billion gigabytes of VAS capability (well... as much ram as your pc has lol) says bie bye to the old 4gb OOM
Good video Jordan. Are you able to put together one of your famous side by side video's comparing out of the box P3D V4 against out of the box FSW. Would be very useful for those not yet committed to decide which ESP based simulator to go for.
I learned long ago the FPS meter is just there to torture you. Do a 360 level turn in your plane and look. Does it stutter? Tug,drag, not feel smooth? Yes, well the FPS meter means nothing. Its all about the smoothness. Screw that fps counter. WISHED IT WAS REMOVED.
Jordan, thank you very much for the excellent job on the video. I went ahead and added P3Dv4 to my line up. Existing craft from Carenado, etc., are making it to V4. Also, FSUIPC 5, as you are well aware I'm certain, is now available. I do like the similarity to FSX STEAM. I'm am having some issues getting my controls setup ( I have CH stuff) in FSUIPC, which may be considered crap (have had them 10 years at least), I don't know. I'm wondering if you can do a video on how to use FSUIPC 5 in P3Dv4 and your thoughts on it. Also, are there controls that you feel work better if not outstanding, compared to CH products, or can I make them work for now? As always, thank you for the most professional looking videos, including content, presentation, visual appeal and how they are presented! Jeff B, aka. Beckanator ----------------------------------------------------- Dell XPS 8900 MS Windows 10 X-64 Intel Core i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHX NIVIDI GeForce GTX 1080 64 Gig Memory DDR4-2400 Samsung EVO 960 PRO CH Yoke, Throttle Quadrant & Pro Pedals
Agreed..I love the autogen of P3D V4 horizon to horizon, no pop up issues . HD Fast Tree options where the trees react to wind. Finally a sim that is released more as a finished product than any of it's competitors. Lockheed also worked more directly with third party developers so they would be ready at the release date of may 30. Lockheed also has worked on the platform, so that the mesh stays in focus even at low alt. It is a Win..Win Win !!! REPLY
Hey Jordan! really hate to be that guy - but your videos have gotten me obsessed lately. Are you using any shaders in p3d v4? Also, awesome work and keep it up (when you have the time).
how about replay of the flights ? even if it was not working totally on v3 fs recorder was still usable. wonder if i can keep that tool with v4 or if the built in recorder is now recording more parameters than before
Treated myself to a new 4k 48'' high end tv and a 1080ti. Previous was a 980ti and a 27'' gsync monitor. I7 4.5.. After the WOW of 4K vids I started testing a few games and all were WOW except p3dv3. Saw no difference in performance or looks so back down to 1080p. Going to install v4 eventually. I guess I have easily $700+ in addons and see no reason to rush. Would like to be able to enjoy Orbyx NE though.
Jordan, can you comment on AI traffic from 3rd party or AI freeware in V4 as far as compatibility and do we know if ADE is being updated for V4 AFCADS?
Hope all the addons will work, just spent like 10k Swedish kronor on addons from Orbx :) Interesting of vram, my card has 16 gig so should be fine for a bit.
Everyone complaining about it being "basically the same as v3" without even using the sim yet are out of their minds. The entire night environment will be completely transformed with dynamic lighting like in XP11, and that's enough for me to whip out my credit card. Also, UA-cam videos don't accurately represent the kind of performance you'll be getting. (Screen recorder lag, video compression, etc.) So you won't be able to "feel" the sim for yourself until it's actually available.
+ozzman1997 It won't change the entire night environment, because it is limited to a certain amount of lights and may affect performance. We will have to see how well it works when devs start implementing it. Also, it performs about the same. I wouldn't say youtube affects the performance representation of my videos very much. What you see if what performance was generally like for me.
This applies to any video from any simulator and can be hardly be used here to explain the noticeable lag in certain cinematic views I have seen, if not pure and simple stuttering in others. And note that most videos have traffic to zero. The impression is that Lockheed Martin introduced several good things in v4, yet they rushed to the market without fully optimizing the product, basically for marketing and business reasons, read to stop the current migration to X-Plane and prevent any consolidation of FSW from the start. Probably they will succeed in the short term, yet I can't see anything actually revolutionary here. Time will tell.
Given Lockheed Martin's past, and because they are still running off the 2006-FSX, no, the night lighting will not look as if it were X-Plane 11. And using recorders such as Shadowplay, really can show the performance within it.
do you know if v3 and v4 can be installed on the same computer? I only ask because I often fly the pmdg md-11 (thanks to the migration tool) and it definitely wont work in v4.
Not really impressed. Good work with dynamic lights, but serious concerns with performance and this is probably the smoothest video out of about ten I have seen today. All of them show a noticeable stuttering and the typical old lag from the old FSX32 times in cinematic views. The 3D snow I have seen in another video, well...
I'm honestly suprised that there's people disappointed with this. I by far don't consider myself a die-hard fan of P3D, I've had my fair share with other sims including X-Plane, but I firmly believe that this new update will set P3D ahead once again. This is 64 bit simulation folks! This is the potential for a new era of flight simulation! You can finally have your PMDG 737 with McPhat textures flying into UK2000 EGLL scenery with Active Sky 2016 and everything in between. And with all of that, you won't have to worry about the dreaded OOM. Now, you're largely limited by your hardware capabilities. Remember back when people considered P3D V3 as just a mere bug fix? Look at it now. Numerous improvements, a few new features here and there like Avatar mode and speedtree. It doesn't look like much, but it's something that sets P3D one level up. What I'm thinking is that the same thing is going to happen with P3D V4. There's going to be people who are disappointed (somehow). But give it a few months. Maybe a few more patches. A few months to let the developers to convert over to 64 bit... Think of all the new possibilities. The new depth of simulation. We won't have to worry a lot about performance as much, a considerable amount of weight has been lifted off our backs. Prepar3D has already made itself one of the most prominent simulators on the market. This... This right here? This could possibly be a new era in our passion for flight simulation
Skybluex Given I used the Microsoft/Lockheed Martin software for about a decade, if not longer, I actually have to disagree (respectfully) with you. This release is what v3 should have been. I do not see how this sets P3D above XP, as it still lacks in lighting, rain effects, and even details such as curved runways (which really do affect flight). X-Plane is optimized to be easier for the user, with things such as being able to start a scenario at any given altitude and height and allow one to be on short final--that is something that is not given in P3D. Developers such as Flight Factor, IXEG, and JarDesign are making excellent aircraft, that in my opinion, really can rival PMDG. Even default/freeware aircraft get within the threshold of top payware aircraft for P3D. You must remember that X-Plane was running on 64-bit prior to P3D (by a good amount of time, too) and was able to do the things listed. If you want to have P3D look similar to X-Plane Graphic wise (with terrain and/or aircraft), money *will* have to be spent. Because of this, and the abundance of quality Freeware and detail, it is unlikely I will be using P3D often. Things you want to achieve in P3D usually have already been done in X-Plane (such as running on 64-bit). Lamimar Research as a company even appears to be more customer-friendly, with adding in community created aircraft, actually given updates that change the game, and the support. Whereas Lockheed Martin is likely to not do that. I'm not saying P3D is a bad simulator, as it's not, yet I do not see it "coming on top", even for a decent amount of time.
Fair argument I suppose. But alas, if it wasn't clear enough in my first rant, I still believe that Prepar3d will be the go- to -flight simulator. All of the stuff about X-Plane you pointed out, yes, it's true. The aerodynamic model is better than P3D (but I still don't believe is the best. I absolutely love the aerodynamic model of DCS World), it has runways that follow terrain, lighting, and most important of all, 64 Bit. But the thing is, most of the stuff that X-Plane had an advantage over P3D, now has actually been met by P3D in this new update, if the feature list holds true. We're getting a new dynamic lighting system (which in itself is an huge improvement), new rain effects, and of course now 64 Bit. All of these things that X-Plane had an advantage over P3D are suddenly gone.... poof.... The only significant advantages X-Plane has over P3D is the aerodynamics, and curving runways. That being said, I'm not saying that X-Plane is bad. In fact, I see the two simulators fitting two different audiences. X-plane, with its aerodynamic model, amongst other things, is better suited for GA flying. But where Prepar3d shines best is when flying glass cockpits. The navigation, ATC, weather... Actually doing things by the book. That's where Prepar3d performs best. It unarguably has the best 3rd party support of any flight sim. If you're interested in flying 737s cross country, using actual navigation procedures, using actual flight planning, going from gate to gate and everything in between. That's where Prepar3d shines best. In X-Plane, most of this stuff haven't reached really deep simulation. With the new update, Prepar3d will take another leap with technology. It's amazing how people don't realize how big of a deal this is for the flight simulation community. Our biggest complaint: performance... That's all a thing of the past now with 64 bit. I firmly believe that once a few months had passed, you will see amazing things being done with the sim. I personally prefer flying bigger jets, and after trying most, if not all Flight sims on the market, I have to say that P3D does the job well. Sure, there's hiccups here and there, but a majority of that is solved with this update. It's truly a new era of flight simulation.
Skybluex In my eyes, aircraft like the IXEG 737, Rotate MD-80, JarDesign A320 (and soon to be Flight Factor A320) are great for "actual flight planning". X-Plane 11 shines with VFR flying, and yes, it does flight planning just as well as P3D does, if not better with addons. Weather, I see as better (clouds actually are hard, if not impossible to see through, like real clouds. Not just balls of cotton with 60-70% transparency). I honestly don't see how X-Plane isn't suit for a "glass cockpit", as my main airliners I fly (767, MD-82, 757, 737NG/CL, and soon-to-be A330) all function just as the real aircraft and I can do flight planning from start to stop, and operate from the textbook. A 737-300 or 752 flight im X-Plane cane be done to the same level of detail, and honestly more with the added detail, than P3D. More and more developers are moving into this new market, which is certainly easier to develop for (coming from even personal experience here). Again, the IXEG can be seen as just as in-depth, along with numerous other addons. P3D, while it is getting tweaked things, still looks like good ol' FSX from 2006, and regardless of it's fixing, I visually do not see it better X-Plane anytime soon. Just because it's being fixed, doesn't mean it will be better. I still see dull autogen, and the only significant thing is moving to 64-bit, which really should have happened from the start. The rain effects will have to be a huge leap (which, knowing Lockheed Martin, will probably not do for a while) to compete with X-Plane, and the night lighting will be a hurtle the size of the Empire-State building for P3D. X-Plane has more detail (just look at roadways for examples), and even has more realistic failures and can be taken more seriously. Fly upside down? - You will lose power and controls from the internals being disrupted. Start engines incorrectly? - You'll have an overheat and thay will lead to a fire (Had to learn this ome from personal experience). You certainly didnt have that in P3D, and likely will not for at least years to come. This new "era" is just catching up to what X-Plane has already done, for years. This really isn't a leap, it's catching up to what has already been done. From this beta, I am kinda disappointed seeing how this new "lighting engine" doesn't look nearly as good as it's competition. The changes from XP10 to XP11 are phenomenal. P3D v3 to v4 makes you have to stare at the footage and look for differences. It's really astonishing how a couple of guys with Macs really are challenging this large multi-corporation simulator, and beating it in areas. I only see P3D beaten in aircraft such as the PMDG, even though we have some of our own aircraft that is just as good. (I.e. we do not have a fully payware 747-400, though a -8 is available)
Well, not trying to advertise myself here, but if you've taken a look of my "From the Flight Deck" series, you will see a perfect example of what I'm talking about (minus the last episode, that was rushed XD ). All of those details I put into it, every last little thing is actually what happened in the simulator. I'm not putting some sort of sugar coat. Getting delayed by dispatch because of bad weather? That actually happened in the sim. Gate not connected because of poor ground crew communication? That actually happened. It's the little details that Prepar3d has is what I love about it. You actually have the feeling of being an airline captain. You're at the controls. You have the ability to make changes to the flight. Sure, the addons are quite expensive, but it's worth it. If you're a person like me who loves the little detail, you will love P3D. Back when I tried X-Plane 10, I didn't get that same feeling. Sure, there was the added plus of all those things you mentioned, but it never felt actually deeply simulated. It just felt like I was pressing a button and bingo! Something magically happened. No. In P3D, you don't get that. If you have the simulator carefully set up to what you want, you can achieve great things. I have my sim configured just the way I want it. When I press a button, there's actually simulation going on in the background. There's logic. Something happens. I just don't get that feeling in X-Plane. And with the amazing 3rd party community that we have, we have endless possibilities. Just because something was performing badly one day, doesn't mean that it was improved later on. It may be good ol FSX under the hood, but it's a whole new chassis. And personally, I actually prefer that 'baked' texture kind of feel that P3D has. It's somewhat more realistic. Xp has a more cartoony feel, kind of saturated if you will. If you haven't guessed it, it all comes down to personal preference really. In essence, P3D and X-Plane are the same thing. A flight simulator. But they have little advantages and disadvantages that set them apart, and may be better suited for different people. But with this new update P3D has, it could potentially have this extra 'oomph' to compete with X-Plane. Yeah, X-Plane may have had these same advantages years ago, but P3D brings with it a whole set of it's own larger advantages. The way I see it, it's just a dead on, head to head race for the time being
Skybluex Like I mentioned earlier, in X-Plane, it's the same level of detail, if not more. You can have a random bird strike, failure, hydraulic loss, etc (many failures P3D doesn't simulate, or simulate well). I've used real world weather in my sim, and had to compensate for it. If you don't like saturated colors, get BluFx (free, of course) to tweak it. I still see X-Plane being a leading competitor, for a decently long period of time, at least until Lockheed gets their act together. When the day has set, X-Plane still has the tools to beat P3D, regardless of it's (let's be honest) tweaked v3 version to v4 that really should be more of a patch as v3.5, or just had been v3 all to begin with. Besides, detail at airports can be seen, and is much more detailed than in P3D. When I'm doing my preflight and see another WN 737 being loaded with catering and baggage, that adds to it, not in P3D, however. Fly over a city a night and seeing individual cars move naturally (key word: naturally) on the highway. If you saw my SWA night LAX arrival, you'd see the detail. I love having to actually turn amd handle the aircraft specifically, knowing I will stall if I do things out of order (Which I never had in P3D, even with the PMDG aircraft). I'd rather be able to spend $50 and get detail you'd have to spend well over $100 in P3D just to match. Yes, P3D moved closer, yet not close enough. It's finally time for these developers to let go of FSX, and move on. There is only so much you can do before you cannot add any more, and I feel as if we're at that mark. I respect your decision to have loyalty and preference to P3D, as I had it too, yet I felt as if spending a decade one sided was enough, and moved on, and I'm glad I did, as I will not be looking back.
still not sloped runways ? and still rotating cloud when flying over clouds and With top down view they are twisting and turning and spinning around, i like my x-plane 11 better than my P3D 3.4 when p3d has a fix for sloped RW and cloud fix I would consider buying v4 sorrey for my bad inglish still Learning
At 2:11 you mentioned that it has compatibility with FSUIPC, though later in the video you said it isn't compatible with FSUIPC and may never be. What gives?
I never said it was compatible. In the graphic I said "compatibility and FSUIPC" meaning general compatibility and whether or not FSUIPC works right now.
I'd love to try out P3D, but when your $1000 and more invested into FSX, where most addons such as PMDG require a seperate purchase for P3D, im not gonna switch anytime soon, because money dont grow on trees!
Im currently on FSX SE, not P3D, and a lot of addons such as PMDG addons, require a separate purchase of P3D, i never jumped to P3D as i didnt see the benefit outweigh the cost, but now with 64bit coming, it may change the "cost/benefit" equation for me. I do believe though that P3D V4 is going to be more successful than FSW, hence long term it might be wise to take the jump. What do you think is more likely to succeed (FSW/P3DV4)?
NorwegianVikingMods true, im also going to switch from FSX SE to p3d v4. And your right we have to buy everything again in this case :( will be worth it tho :)
NorwegianVikingMods i think putting your money in p3d v4 is gonna be smarter than FSW, just because of how long p3d have been in the game and the fact that FSW making it hard for 3rd party devs to sell on their own platforms. I think p3d v4 is what all the FSX SE simmers have been waiting for, this is the future i think.
True, and i can only assume if P3D addons require a separate purchase, FSW will also require one. P3D never really attracted me particularly but the 64bit is a feature me and other simmers would be willing to pay a lot of $$ for.
90 days free trial! Hell yea! Of all the addons I have spended hundreds of dollars on there is only one sane choice for me in terms of sim choice between the 3 64bit sims. P3DV4!
guys, a flight sim like this is not all about graphics, dont you get that? its about the feeling, how "real" the simulation feels and how realistic everything is handled
Yes there is, just wait for 30 May when it will be released. Lockeed Martin has given no one the oportunity to beta test P3D 3.4, either this video so what you see here is just someone talking about P3D 3.4 ;)
with your experience with this sim would you think i could get a pleasurable smooth flight experience with an i5 6600k and a gtx 1050 ti and 16gb ram i really want to try this sim
I would say that you could get a good frame rate at 1080p and scaled back settings. Processor speed is important, so making sure the 4 cores in that 6600k are clocked as high as possible, is important.
que lastima que lancen un 64 bits i no se tomaron la molestia de arreglar el efecto de lluvia en los cristales yo en lo personal seguiría con la 3.4 ya que no veo cambios excepto la arquitectura saludos.
OK, had a new retake on it, from a viable source. We have a great 64 bit sandbox/engine.. so it's up to the third party devs to really push this and see where it will go.
What a bad thing! It is the same I put into the bin time ago, with 1000 euro of addons that I bought trying to improve it. Fortunately there is Xplane and the gorgeous Aerofly.
X-Plane better in price with realistic runways, runway lights i dont no what P3D guys were thinking after all they had the chance to see what X-Plane11 has. I think X-Plan is pushing hard to make changes where they are lacking and i believe they will improve in upcoming years.
Yay! Practically the same sim we've had for the last 15 years repackaged with a few fixes that should have been made 14.5 years ago. And extra-hooray that we all get to repurchase all the addons we've already spent hundreds of dollars on. Of course though, developers will stop supporting P3D v3 and force us to buy their stuff all over again. Hello X-Plane. :)
Ballinger French meanwhile at PMDG... [23MAY17] Prepar3D v4 compatibility and PMDG Products Captains, Now that the cat is out of the bag on the worst kept secret in simming, we can **finally** give you a bit of information on what our Prepar3D customers can expect to expect moving forward during the next few weeks and months. As we promised back in 2015, customers who have purchased our products for Prepar3D v3 are going to enjoy a free transition to Prepar3D v4 and the advent of 64bit simming technology, as this was already rolled up into the development costs of the product you already purchased. Those who are already customers of our Prepar3D products will be able to obtain these new versions at no cost.
Orbx committed to a yes to that answer years ago. Heck you can use their FSX products in P3Dv1,2&3 already without re-purchasing. (I literally still use some of my scenery products without re-installing, just indexing the scenery library to the same folder in FSX for both sims!) Same with Majestic Q400 (though that needed a reinstall) Only worried about ActiveSky, but I guess ActiveSky whatever comes after 2016 will be a new purchase anyway, probably with an upgrade price for those that already had next/2016
It's the addon compatibility that makes P3D far more viable than FSW. Right now it's questionable whether Dovetail want to permit existing addons or push their in-app purchasing model.
"physics same as V3".......that statement alone may be a deal breaker for me. After experiencing XP11 physics P3D just feels like a video game. Same shitty physics and decades old graphics. I can't wait to see how much $$$ they want for that.
8-12 gigs of VRAM for highest LOD settings?!! Yeah, I Think I WILL wait until hardware catches up. There's now going to be a tsunami of people complaining about VRAM issues rather than VAS problems.*fetches the popcorn*
+Blake Tuszynski The installers that are made by the developer of the addon you want to use. Most active developers are still converting their products.
in comparison to XP11 out of the box i'm really shocked about the poor graphics. I know, it's not all about the gfx but it looks like FSX with some enhancements. It looks like a 8-10 yrs old game. For the next time LM have to increase the autogen dramatically.
Well aware. I don't care what you call it (P3d, Dovetail's abomination, whatever), but FSXs turd is still being dropped, and still smells... 10 years later.
I'll give you that. But at least they're allowing user content to be uploaded and integrated into new releases. And, there are hundreds of freeware sceneries of the more custom variety for downloading, if a particular area interests you.
Bruno Barreto because in South Africa not everyone can afford unlimited data. Ready disk packages works better. And btw P3D cannot be resold. Thats why we can't keep it. It doesn't mean anything to us financially. Not viable...
That is so wrong. X-Plane is far superior over FSX/P3D in phsysics and realism. The only downside of X-Plane is the lack of aircrafts, which have a highly system depth. I still use both, X-Plane and P3D, but when there are more good planes out there for X, I will definitely say goodbye to P3D.
Oh sweet! I didn't expect to see video of it today.
Hope you enjoyed it.
Great video, appreciated comments. Thanks for sharing. Gives you an idea of the just released sim. Bet it will pass some days before we can see real tests and improved features. Happy flying!
Thanks for posting this, Jordan. It was great to be able to see a preview on announcement day.
Glad you enjoyed it!
Great Information Jordan for the Sim Community,,!! Greeting from Venezuela..!!
Háblame! Glad you enjoyed it!
Todo Fino mi Pana... Gracias por responder....!! Every thing is cool my friend, Glad for your feedback..!!
While this is not the leap forward to XP11 level visuals, I am very much looking forward to this. We will finally be able to take all of our addons (when compatible) and create the environment you want. Without having to worry about VAS issues. Lots of potential here and for one am very optimistic.
I will be impressed when I see a comparison of a fully loaded, fully tweaked FSX and the new P3Dv4 and there is a difference of more than 15FPS. Before that happens, P3D will stay "meh".
nice, I lile the autogen draw distance slider. hopefully the max setting will draw it out at a great distance.
Nice to see Chaseplane already working with V4
The FSFX team was quick
When they updated it the other day with the announcement "fixes for upcoming simulator" I knew V4 was soon. Now with 64 bit we should see scenery add on's go to the next level, No more worrying about VAS issues.
Thank's for the good news. I'll go for it even I'm not sure it's the most complete offer on the market today. P3D has now serious compétitors. I'm going to lost a bunch of my $1000 adons as they will not all follow the 64 bits path. I'll stick with my 2 main sims P3D and XP as today. Thank's again :)
Looks very promising looking forward to the new potential that will be gained by devs.
By the time that a perfect flight simulator comes out I will be able to afford my own plane
Hi Jordan. I touched on this subject earlier, but I'm not real clear on difference, even after reading the EULA of both versions P3D. I just read a post on a forum which says"The Professional is offered to Professionals like most of us who are simulating flight." By simulating flight, does this mean , I load up my sim, along with my aircraft, and flight plan, and then fly from point A to point B. If this is the case, I have no problem looking at the Pro lic. Thanks for your help.
just got a new computer and right before the release of v4. the bad news for me is that I will no longer be able to use the pmdg md-11 with the migration tool
Perfect. Now we can start to load up the simulator as we WANT, not what we CAN. Excellent work and presentation Jordan. So how are we looking for release window?
Until you load so many that fps will be suffering. And then the community, instead of crying about 64bit and OOM, will start complaining about low fps. :P
Glad you enjoyed the video. It is scheduled for release on May 30th.
Well... that is YOUR problem, not Lockheed Martin. That is your wallet/life talking Francesco, not a technical barrier. Thanks Jordan :)
What does it have to do with my wallet or life?
It is a simple fact. People have tons of addons, which they limited before from loading because of OOM. Now that such barrier is dealt with, they will get back on loading new ones and this time it will be GPUs not being able to keep up. A similar thing we saw on XP :)
Francesco Tommaso Savino low fps is easy to fix. Processor speed and gpus.
Having 18.4 billion gigabytes of VAS capability (well... as much ram as your pc has lol) says bie bye to the old 4gb OOM
Nice video however I will wait and see if all my P3D v3 add-ons will work. Right now I am sticking with X-Plane 11.
Good video Jordan. Are you able to put together one of your famous side by side video's comparing out of the box P3D V4 against out of the box FSW. Would be very useful for those not yet committed to decide which ESP based simulator to go for.
+Philphy Forty two I will once DTG is a little further in their development cycle and their product is a little more concrete.
According to Fly Tampa on their facebook page, they are seeing 10-15fps more at their airports with V4. Thats pretty significant imo.
I havent noticed any performance improvements, but I am certain devs along with LM will continue to improve.
Oh really? Thats a bummer. I'll have to see myself.
I learned long ago the FPS meter is just there to torture you. Do a 360 level turn in your plane and look. Does it stutter? Tug,drag, not feel smooth? Yes, well the FPS meter means nothing. Its all about the smoothness. Screw that fps counter. WISHED IT WAS REMOVED.
Jordan, thank you very much for the excellent job on the video. I went ahead and added P3Dv4 to my line up. Existing craft from Carenado, etc., are making it to V4. Also, FSUIPC 5, as you are well aware I'm certain, is now available. I do like the similarity to FSX STEAM. I'm am having some issues getting my controls setup ( I have CH stuff) in FSUIPC, which may be considered crap (have had them 10 years at least), I don't know.
I'm wondering if you can do a video on how to use FSUIPC 5 in P3Dv4 and your thoughts on it. Also, are there controls that you feel work better if not outstanding, compared to CH products, or can I make them work for now?
As always, thank you for the most professional looking videos, including content, presentation, visual appeal and how they are presented!
Jeff B,
aka. Beckanator
Dell XPS 8900 MS Windows 10 X-64
Intel Core i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHX
NIVIDI GeForce GTX 1080
64 Gig Memory DDR4-2400
Samsung EVO 960 PRO
CH Yoke, Throttle Quadrant & Pro Pedals
Agreed..I love the autogen of P3D V4 horizon to horizon, no pop up issues . HD Fast Tree options where the trees react to wind. Finally a sim that is released more as a finished product than any of it's competitors. Lockheed also worked more directly with third party developers so they would be ready at the release date of may 30. Lockheed also has worked on the platform, so that the mesh stays in focus even at low alt. It is a Win..Win Win !!!
i took 4 versions just to get the option to enter options from the start menu, good job ...
Great video! Thank you!
You are welcome!
i dont have xp11 yet but having waited 5 years for LM to get this far x plane is a no brainer
Looks...more or less the same to me :P but, is the viewrange/pop ins fixed now? Anyway, 64 bit architecture opens up for the better features anyway.
I just upgraded and notice it is actually a bit more fluid than v3.4... and that's w/ ORBX add-ons... Thanky P3D... :-P for v4... :-P
Hey Jordan! really hate to be that guy - but your videos have gotten me obsessed lately. Are you using any shaders in p3d v4? Also, awesome work and keep it up (when you have the time).
how about replay of the flights ? even if it was not working totally on v3 fs recorder was still usable. wonder if i can keep that tool with v4 or if the built in recorder is now recording more parameters than before
Treated myself to a new 4k 48'' high end tv and a 1080ti. Previous was a 980ti and a 27'' gsync monitor. I7 4.5.. After the WOW of 4K vids I started testing a few games and all were WOW except p3dv3. Saw no difference in performance or looks so back down to 1080p. Going to install v4 eventually. I guess I have easily $700+ in addons and see no reason to rush. Would like to be able to enjoy Orbyx NE though.
I was wondering why they put this agly vc money in the program???regards instead of cerenado money
Still no Raindrops on the window.. Hope they will make it soon
Jetline System PC used:
I5 6600k, 12gb DD4 Ram, GTX980ti performance ?? 6 core + and 1080 FPS performance ?
Jordan, can you comment on AI traffic from 3rd party or AI freeware in V4 as far as compatibility and do we know if ADE is being updated for V4 AFCADS?
How about true full screen mode and complete Nvidia driver compatibility?
Hope all the addons will work, just spent like 10k Swedish kronor on addons from Orbx :)
Interesting of vram, my card has 16 gig so should be fine for a bit.
So VAS still be an issue? So with good hardware I will have to use lower settings to be able play without OOM error?
Everyone complaining about it being "basically the same as v3" without even using the sim yet are out of their minds. The entire night environment will be completely transformed with dynamic lighting like in XP11, and that's enough for me to whip out my credit card. Also, UA-cam videos don't accurately represent the kind of performance you'll be getting. (Screen recorder lag, video compression, etc.) So you won't be able to "feel" the sim for yourself until it's actually available.
+ozzman1997 It won't change the entire night environment, because it is limited to a certain amount of lights and may affect performance. We will have to see how well it works when devs start implementing it. Also, it performs about the same. I wouldn't say youtube affects the performance representation of my videos very much. What you see if what performance was generally like for me.
This applies to any video from any simulator and can be hardly be used here to explain the noticeable lag in certain cinematic views I have seen, if not pure and simple stuttering in others. And note that most videos have traffic to zero. The impression is that Lockheed Martin introduced several good things in v4, yet they rushed to the market without fully optimizing the product, basically for marketing and business reasons, read to stop the current migration to X-Plane and prevent any consolidation of FSW from the start. Probably they will succeed in the short term, yet I can't see anything actually revolutionary here. Time will tell.
Given Lockheed Martin's past, and because they are still running off the 2006-FSX, no, the night lighting will not look as if it were X-Plane 11. And using recorders such as Shadowplay, really can show the performance within it.
Hello, this is something not relevant to this video, but have you considered finishing the TFDi 717-200 series? they're really helpful.
I cant wait to try it!
amazing desktop wallpaper! where can i get it? =)
Fsuipc is released for P3D V4 actually just in case anyone wonders.
Still no rain effects on windows, eh ?
9:33 terrain mesh still popping in at near distance.
Pete Dawson has announced FSUIPC v5 for P3D v4
+V1 Flight Sim Channel, Ultra Realism Live! Yes, it was told to us on the ADX live stream the other day. Good to hear
do you know if v3 and v4 can be installed on the same computer? I only ask because I often fly the pmdg md-11 (thanks to the migration tool) and it definitely wont work in v4.
Very curious to see how the new dynamic lighting measures up against the king of night lighting - x plane.
Not really impressed. Good work with dynamic lights, but serious concerns with performance and this is probably the smoothest video out of about ten I have seen today. All of them show a noticeable stuttering and the typical old lag from the old FSX32 times in cinematic views. The 3D snow I have seen in another video, well...
I'm honestly suprised that there's people disappointed with this. I by far don't consider myself a die-hard fan of P3D, I've had my fair share with other sims including X-Plane, but I firmly believe that this new update will set P3D ahead once again. This is 64 bit simulation folks! This is the potential for a new era of flight simulation! You can finally have your PMDG 737 with McPhat textures flying into UK2000 EGLL scenery with Active Sky 2016 and everything in between. And with all of that, you won't have to worry about the dreaded OOM. Now, you're largely limited by your hardware capabilities.
Remember back when people considered P3D V3 as just a mere bug fix? Look at it now. Numerous improvements, a few new features here and there like Avatar mode and speedtree. It doesn't look like much, but it's something that sets P3D one level up. What I'm thinking is that the same thing is going to happen with P3D V4. There's going to be people who are disappointed (somehow). But give it a few months. Maybe a few more patches. A few months to let the developers to convert over to 64 bit... Think of all the new possibilities. The new depth of simulation. We won't have to worry a lot about performance as much, a considerable amount of weight has been lifted off our backs. Prepar3D has already made itself one of the most prominent simulators on the market. This... This right here? This could possibly be a new era in our passion for flight simulation
Skybluex Given I used the Microsoft/Lockheed Martin software for about a decade, if not longer, I actually have to disagree (respectfully) with you. This release is what v3 should have been. I do not see how this sets P3D above XP, as it still lacks in lighting, rain effects, and even details such as curved runways (which really do affect flight). X-Plane is optimized to be easier for the user, with things such as being able to start a scenario at any given altitude and height and allow one to be on short final--that is something that is not given in P3D. Developers such as Flight Factor, IXEG, and JarDesign are making excellent aircraft, that in my opinion, really can rival PMDG. Even default/freeware aircraft get within the threshold of top payware aircraft for P3D. You must remember that X-Plane was running on 64-bit prior to P3D (by a good amount of time, too) and was able to do the things listed. If you want to have P3D look similar to X-Plane Graphic wise (with terrain and/or aircraft), money *will* have to be spent. Because of this, and the abundance of quality Freeware and detail, it is unlikely I will be using P3D often. Things you want to achieve in P3D usually have already been done in X-Plane (such as running on 64-bit). Lamimar Research as a company even appears to be more customer-friendly, with adding in community created aircraft, actually given updates that change the game, and the support. Whereas Lockheed Martin is likely to not do that. I'm not saying P3D is a bad simulator, as it's not, yet I do not see it "coming on top", even for a decent amount of time.
Fair argument I suppose. But alas, if it wasn't clear enough in my first rant, I still believe that Prepar3d will be the go- to -flight simulator.
All of the stuff about X-Plane you pointed out, yes, it's true. The aerodynamic model is better than P3D (but I still don't believe is the best. I absolutely love the aerodynamic model of DCS World), it has runways that follow terrain, lighting, and most important of all, 64 Bit.
But the thing is, most of the stuff that X-Plane had an advantage over P3D, now has actually been met by P3D in this new update, if the feature list holds true. We're getting a new dynamic lighting system (which in itself is an huge improvement), new rain effects, and of course now 64 Bit. All of these things that X-Plane had an advantage over P3D are suddenly gone.... poof.... The only significant advantages X-Plane has over P3D is the aerodynamics, and curving runways.
That being said, I'm not saying that X-Plane is bad. In fact, I see the two simulators fitting two different audiences. X-plane, with its aerodynamic model, amongst other things, is better suited for GA flying. But where Prepar3d shines best is when flying glass cockpits. The navigation, ATC, weather... Actually doing things by the book. That's where Prepar3d performs best. It unarguably has the best 3rd party support of any flight sim. If you're interested in flying 737s cross country, using actual navigation procedures, using actual flight planning, going from gate to gate and everything in between. That's where Prepar3d shines best. In X-Plane, most of this stuff haven't reached really deep simulation.
With the new update, Prepar3d will take another leap with technology. It's amazing how people don't realize how big of a deal this is for the flight simulation community. Our biggest complaint: performance... That's all a thing of the past now with 64 bit. I firmly believe that once a few months had passed, you will see amazing things being done with the sim. I personally prefer flying bigger jets, and after trying most, if not all Flight sims on the market, I have to say that P3D does the job well. Sure, there's hiccups here and there, but a majority of that is solved with this update. It's truly a new era of flight simulation.
Skybluex In my eyes, aircraft like the IXEG 737, Rotate MD-80, JarDesign A320 (and soon to be Flight Factor A320) are great for "actual flight planning". X-Plane 11 shines with VFR flying, and yes, it does flight planning just as well as P3D does, if not better with addons. Weather, I see as better (clouds actually are hard, if not impossible to see through, like real clouds. Not just balls of cotton with 60-70% transparency). I honestly don't see how X-Plane isn't suit for a "glass cockpit", as my main airliners I fly (767, MD-82, 757, 737NG/CL, and soon-to-be A330) all function just as the real aircraft and I can do flight planning from start to stop, and operate from the textbook. A 737-300 or 752 flight im X-Plane cane be done to the same level of detail, and honestly more with the added detail, than P3D. More and more developers are moving into this new market, which is certainly easier to develop for (coming from even personal experience here). Again, the IXEG can be seen as just as in-depth, along with numerous other addons. P3D, while it is getting tweaked things, still looks like good ol' FSX from 2006, and regardless of it's fixing, I visually do not see it better X-Plane anytime soon. Just because it's being fixed, doesn't mean it will be better. I still see dull autogen, and the only significant thing is moving to 64-bit, which really should have happened from the start. The rain effects will have to be a huge leap (which, knowing Lockheed Martin, will probably not do for a while) to compete with X-Plane, and the night lighting will be a hurtle the size of the Empire-State building for P3D. X-Plane has more detail (just look at roadways for examples), and even has more realistic failures and can be taken more seriously. Fly upside down? - You will lose power and controls from the internals being disrupted. Start engines incorrectly? - You'll have an overheat and thay will lead to a fire (Had to learn this ome from personal experience). You certainly didnt have that in P3D, and likely will not for at least years to come. This new "era" is just catching up to what X-Plane has already done, for years. This really isn't a leap, it's catching up to what has already been done. From this beta, I am kinda disappointed seeing how this new "lighting engine" doesn't look nearly as good as it's competition. The changes from XP10 to XP11 are phenomenal. P3D v3 to v4 makes you have to stare at the footage and look for differences. It's really astonishing how a couple of guys with Macs really are challenging this large multi-corporation simulator, and beating it in areas. I only see P3D beaten in aircraft such as the PMDG, even though we have some of our own aircraft that is just as good. (I.e. we do not have a fully payware 747-400, though a -8 is available)
Well, not trying to advertise myself here, but if you've taken a look of my "From the Flight Deck" series, you will see a perfect example of what I'm talking about (minus the last episode, that was rushed XD ). All of those details I put into it, every last little thing is actually what happened in the simulator. I'm not putting some sort of sugar coat. Getting delayed by dispatch because of bad weather? That actually happened in the sim. Gate not connected because of poor ground crew communication? That actually happened. It's the little details that Prepar3d has is what I love about it. You actually have the feeling of being an airline captain. You're at the controls. You have the ability to make changes to the flight. Sure, the addons are quite expensive, but it's worth it. If you're a person like me who loves the little detail, you will love P3D. Back when I tried X-Plane 10, I didn't get that same feeling. Sure, there was the added plus of all those things you mentioned, but it never felt actually deeply simulated. It just felt like I was pressing a button and bingo! Something magically happened.
No. In P3D, you don't get that. If you have the simulator carefully set up to what you want, you can achieve great things. I have my sim configured just the way I want it. When I press a button, there's actually simulation going on in the background. There's logic. Something happens. I just don't get that feeling in X-Plane.
And with the amazing 3rd party community that we have, we have endless possibilities. Just because something was performing badly one day, doesn't mean that it was improved later on. It may be good ol FSX under the hood, but it's a whole new chassis.
And personally, I actually prefer that 'baked' texture kind of feel that P3D has. It's somewhat more realistic. Xp has a more cartoony feel, kind of saturated if you will.
If you haven't guessed it, it all comes down to personal preference really. In essence, P3D and X-Plane are the same thing. A flight simulator. But they have little advantages and disadvantages that set them apart, and may be better suited for different people. But with this new update P3D has, it could potentially have this extra 'oomph' to compete with X-Plane. Yeah, X-Plane may have had these same advantages years ago, but P3D brings with it a whole set of it's own larger advantages. The way I see it, it's just a dead on, head to head race for the time being
Skybluex Like I mentioned earlier, in X-Plane, it's the same level of detail, if not more. You can have a random bird strike, failure, hydraulic loss, etc (many failures P3D doesn't simulate, or simulate well). I've used real world weather in my sim, and had to compensate for it. If you don't like saturated colors, get BluFx (free, of course) to tweak it. I still see X-Plane being a leading competitor, for a decently long period of time, at least until Lockheed gets their act together. When the day has set, X-Plane still has the tools to beat P3D, regardless of it's (let's be honest) tweaked v3 version to v4 that really should be more of a patch as v3.5, or just had been v3 all to begin with. Besides, detail at airports can be seen, and is much more detailed than in P3D. When I'm doing my preflight and see another WN 737 being loaded with catering and baggage, that adds to it, not in P3D, however. Fly over a city a night and seeing individual cars move naturally (key word: naturally) on the highway. If you saw my SWA night LAX arrival, you'd see the detail. I love having to actually turn amd handle the aircraft specifically, knowing I will stall if I do things out of order (Which I never had in P3D, even with the PMDG aircraft). I'd rather be able to spend $50 and get detail you'd have to spend well over $100 in P3D just to match. Yes, P3D moved closer, yet not close enough. It's finally time for these developers to let go of FSX, and move on. There is only so much you can do before you cannot add any more, and I feel as if we're at that mark. I respect your decision to have loyalty and preference to P3D, as I had it too, yet I felt as if spending a decade one sided was enough, and moved on, and I'm glad I did, as I will not be looking back.
I'm shifting to X-Plane 11 - Looks so much better
Dude your voice is soothing
still not sloped runways ? and still rotating cloud when flying over clouds and With top down view they are twisting and turning and spinning around, i like my x-plane 11 better than my P3D 3.4 when p3d has a fix for sloped RW and cloud fix I would consider buying v4 sorrey for my bad inglish still Learning
At 2:11 you mentioned that it has compatibility with FSUIPC, though later in the video you said it isn't compatible with FSUIPC and may never be. What gives?
I never said it was compatible. In the graphic I said "compatibility and FSUIPC" meaning general compatibility and whether or not FSUIPC works right now.
I'd love to try out P3D, but when your $1000 and more invested into FSX, where most addons such as PMDG require a seperate purchase for P3D, im not gonna switch anytime soon, because money dont grow on trees!
NorwegianVikingMods who said you have re buy? Pmdg, a2a, orbx give free updates....
Im currently on FSX SE, not P3D, and a lot of addons such as PMDG addons, require a separate purchase of P3D, i never jumped to P3D as i didnt see the benefit outweigh the cost, but now with 64bit coming, it may change the "cost/benefit" equation for me. I do believe though that P3D V4 is going to be more successful than FSW, hence long term it might be wise to take the jump. What do you think is more likely to succeed (FSW/P3DV4)?
NorwegianVikingMods true, im also going to switch from FSX SE to p3d v4. And your right we have to buy everything again in this case :( will be worth it tho :)
NorwegianVikingMods i think putting your money in p3d v4 is gonna be smarter than FSW, just because of how long p3d have been in the game and the fact that FSW making it hard for 3rd party devs to sell on their own platforms.
I think p3d v4 is what all the FSX SE simmers have been waiting for, this is the future i think.
True, and i can only assume if P3D addons require a separate purchase, FSW will also require one. P3D never really attracted me particularly but the 64bit is a feature me and other simmers would be willing to pay a lot of $$ for.
90 days free trial! Hell yea!
Of all the addons I have spended hundreds of dollars on there is only one sane choice for me in terms of sim choice between the 3 64bit sims. P3DV4!
Where is the windshield rain????
will we need new installers for airports?
guys, a flight sim like this is not all about graphics, dont you get that? its about the feeling, how "real" the simulation feels and how realistic everything is handled
Graphics are a major part of any "feeling". Otherwise we could just close our eyes and pretend.
no rain effect?
No, that will remain left up to developers.
+Jordan King LOL.
Yes there is, just wait for 30 May when it will be released. Lockeed Martin has given no one the oportunity to beta test P3D 3.4, either this video so what you see here is just someone talking about P3D 3.4 ;)
Wrong! Watch Belynz.
Mah, so what. I'll sit in the wings with my v3.4 and wait for someone to wake my up once V4 has been around for a couple of years.
with your experience with this sim would you think i could get a pleasurable smooth flight experience with an i5 6600k and a gtx 1050 ti and 16gb ram i really want to try this sim
I would say that you could get a good frame rate at 1080p and scaled back settings. Processor speed is important, so making sure the 4 cores in that 6600k are clocked as high as possible, is important.
Please tell me, as you own the beta, did they change the way the processor cores are used?
+Prepar3dForFlight No
Guys, you do realise this isn't a visual update, it is 64bit!!
que lastima que lancen un 64 bits i no se tomaron la molestia de arreglar el efecto de lluvia en los cristales yo en lo personal seguiría con la 3.4 ya que no veo cambios excepto la arquitectura saludos.
OK, had a new retake on it, from a viable source. We have a great 64 bit sandbox/engine.. so it's up to the third party devs to really push this and see where it will go.
That has always been the story of flight simulation.
Where did you get that wallpaper?
Any addons?
wait, there are free trial?
Lighting is not as dynamic as in some other simulators LOL
Yea, they are 10 years late on that one.
I'm looking to buy p3d v4 but I don't know what to get. Should I get academic or professional or what? I'm unsure. Please reply with help!
Nationwide Cup Series If you are not a student of aviation you should get Professional.
lolol you're dumb if you bought the pro lolol
are sceneries v3 compatible with v4?
Yes please !!
are u sure is p3d v4? i think is 2.5...
What a bad thing! It is the same I put into the bin time ago, with 1000 euro of addons that I bought trying to improve it. Fortunately there is Xplane and the gorgeous Aerofly.
X-Plane better in price with realistic runways, runway lights i dont no what P3D guys were thinking after all they had the chance to see what X-Plane11 has. I think X-Plan is pushing hard to make changes where they are lacking and i believe they will improve in upcoming years.
Will PMDG planes work with the new P3D v4?
Eventually yes. Not immediately after release.
Yay! Practically the same sim we've had for the last 15 years repackaged with a few fixes that should have been made 14.5 years ago. And extra-hooray that we all get to repurchase all the addons we've already spent hundreds of dollars on. Of course though, developers will stop supporting P3D v3 and force us to buy their stuff all over again. Hello X-Plane. :)
Ballinger French meanwhile at PMDG...
[23MAY17] Prepar3D v4 compatibility and PMDG Products
Now that the cat is out of the bag on the worst kept secret in simming, we can **finally** give you a bit of information on what our Prepar3D customers can expect to expect moving forward during the next few weeks and months.
As we promised back in 2015, customers who have purchased our products for Prepar3D v3 are going to enjoy a free transition to Prepar3D v4 and the advent of 64bit simming technology, as this was already rolled up into the development costs of the product you already purchased.
Those who are already customers of our Prepar3D products will be able to obtain these new versions at no cost.
Like Musicalaviator wrote about PMDG update free, there will be free update from A2A and ORBX... Hello who ? ;-)
Orbx committed to a yes to that answer years ago. Heck you can use their FSX products in P3Dv1,2&3 already without re-purchasing. (I literally still use some of my scenery products without re-installing, just indexing the scenery library to the same folder in FSX for both sims!)
Same with Majestic Q400 (though that needed a reinstall)
Only worried about ActiveSky, but I guess ActiveSky whatever comes after 2016 will be a new purchase anyway, probably with an upgrade price for those that already had next/2016
About A2A have just a look on their's announced and official.
It's the addon compatibility that makes P3D far more viable than FSW. Right now it's questionable whether Dovetail want to permit existing addons or push their in-app purchasing model.
"physics same as V3".......that statement alone may be a deal breaker for me. After experiencing XP11 physics P3D just feels like a video game. Same shitty physics and decades old graphics. I can't wait to see how much $$$ they want for that.
8-12 gigs of VRAM for highest LOD settings?!! Yeah, I Think I WILL wait until hardware catches up. There's now going to be a tsunami of people complaining about VRAM issues rather than VAS problems.*fetches the popcorn*
+muppen83 Only if you tweak it.
64-bit now?
Same old same old - thats what I thought I'll pass - XP looks way better - thanks for the video nice job
Well shit it's actually been announced/released!!
when will P3d come for mac
Are 2D cockpits still supported?
I believe so.
I'll buy it so fast that it will make their head spin, but I may not install it until addon developers catch up.
NO MORE OOM ERRORS Whoooo. Its over after 10 years of flightsim we finaly have 64Bit
kevindt12 that's what you think
32GB of ram if the addons will now also go 64Bit than yes i am right im always right.
Glad I started buying addons when I got P3d! not gonna have to do all the transfering shit! (==
How did you transfer addons from p3d v3 to v4?
You can wait for the installers to work, and can also use tools like FSCubed
What are the installers?
+Blake Tuszynski The installers that are made by the developer of the addon you want to use. Most active developers are still converting their products.
Thank you, I appreciate it!
in comparison to XP11 out of the box i'm really shocked about the poor graphics. I know, it's not all about the gfx but it looks like FSX with some enhancements. It looks like a 8-10 yrs old game. For the next time LM have to increase the autogen dramatically.
Lars Meins I agree, it's what P3d v3 should have been. I don't see any difference visually from comparing it to Dovetails new offering too.
Lars Meins Exactly! Why I've moved over to XPlane
JordanCO_ TV He's said in comparison to Xplane 11 this P3d V4 looks like FSX....which it does. Therefore is disappointed with P3d V4.
MayDay GoingDown!! *I just read my comment, I intended to say "why I moved over the X-Plane, yet I said P3D for some retarded reason, my apologies
JordanCO_ TV Lol, no worries brother.
Thought that's what you meant too:)
it's out now???!???! wtf!!!
No, it releases on May 30th
Классный канал молодцы рибята)
Still relies on easily over $1000 worth of addons to look decent.
nah..they can keep it.
How is it that a few dudes working on their Macs can straight *crush* Microsoft AND Lockheed Martin?
+Rooster Cogburn Microsoft hasn't made a flight sim in 10 years.
Well aware. I don't care what you call it (P3d, Dovetail's abomination, whatever), but FSXs turd is still being dropped, and still smells... 10 years later.
How is it the few dudes that work on Macs can't even make real landmarks? Been like that for what 17yrs now? Now that's pathetic.
ontop of that there simulation engine sucks anyways. XP 11 aka XP 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. same bullshit every release.
I'll give you that. But at least they're allowing user content to be uploaded and integrated into new releases. And, there are hundreds of freeware sceneries of the more custom variety for downloading, if a particular area interests you.
YES 64 bit!!!!!!!
Not impressed at all.... :( I will stay with P3D V3 or XP11. And our shop can't even sell it because it is not on disk! Pathetic!
2017 and u are still using disk?
Bruno Barreto because in South Africa not everyone can afford unlimited data. Ready disk packages works better. And btw P3D cannot be resold. Thats why we can't keep it. It doesn't mean anything to us financially. Not viable...
bare in mind we are also a Flight Simulator store selling physical products has to be on Disk...
Wow those graphics looks shitty has shitty can be.
I'll stick with XP 11.
InFiD3L737 mostly default scenery and aircraft compared to fsx this is much better
Okay you stay with your shitty XP11
XP11 is hardly a flight simulator and more like Scenery Simulator
That is so wrong. X-Plane is far superior over FSX/P3D in phsysics and realism. The only downside of X-Plane is the lack of aircrafts, which have a highly system depth. I still use both, X-Plane and P3D, but when there are more good planes out there for X, I will definitely say goodbye to P3D.
Nope xD... The one thing I do miss from the likes of MSFS and p3D is ATC and traffic.. That aspect of things is really piss poor in XP... Atm.
Tired of these incremental changes
ispaze tiny incremental changes like upgrading from being able to use 4gb of VAS memory, up to being able to use 18.4 Billion gb of VAS memory
"People are still going to buy it anyway for the 64bit and there are many add-ons support that fixes things, so why trying too hard?" -Somebody
I don't think you can call a move to 64bit an incremental change..........
rip dovetail fsw
+Yudha Adigutama Not yet. We will see how early access goes
Pfft early access is just a fancy way of saying "we don't know wtf are we supose to do with our game/platform, so we ask people instead"
at 09:10 the autogen is a bit weird ;)
It is a compatibility issue as of this build. Orbx may have it ready in time for public release.
Jordan King I'm kidding, everything needs to be checked. but very nice video
Lol. Sorry, I cant tell when people are serious or joking anymore. You would be surprised the kinds of comments I see.