I bought a cheapo telescope and mount to observe comet neowise. I put my phone up to the eye piece to take a picture and that was the beginning of my addiction. I went on UA-cam to find out more about cellphone astrophotography and found the dark, seedy underworld of amateur astrophotography. A few years and about $12k later, I have 2 full rigs and am currently trying to figure out how to afford an edge HD 11, a mount and camera to go with it. I NEED HELP LOL
Best color commentary in the hobby.
Wow, thanks! Damn I hope so lol
First...Great info my Astro friend!!
Thanks for watching!
It's doesn't take much to get addicted to drugs either... but after a few months you sell your house and kids to fund your new habit/ Hobbie lol
Aaahhh. I see what you did there :)
I bought a cheapo telescope and mount to observe comet neowise. I put my phone up to the eye piece to take a picture and that was the beginning of my addiction. I went on UA-cam to find out more about cellphone astrophotography and found the dark, seedy underworld of amateur astrophotography. A few years and about $12k later, I have 2 full rigs and am currently trying to figure out how to afford an edge HD 11, a mount and camera to go with it. I NEED HELP LOL
@@akb1974 sounds familiar lol