I'm a serial alt-aholic and I tend to pick a "main" job to use through the MSQ until I reach the patch content of any given part of the game and then take a break to level the other jobs I want. I find this to be the most effective way to do it because while you're leveling your other jobs to catch up to your main you can farm Poetics for gear for them (obviously this applies less in ARR but for the expansions it's helpful) that way once you reach whatever the level cap you're expected to be at for whatever end game content is available you'll have the best gear available already once you reach it.
Oh man, Poetics was one of the big things I was going to mention and just forgot to script it. Yeah, that helps immensely, not just to gear your main as you level the lowers, but also unlocking them sooner and being able to use MSQ roulette for massive xp and poetics for lower classes. Dare I ask how many alts...?
Oh my! The Eorzeon Recovery Center for Alt Addiction won't be open for a few years at least. I pray you make it until then. Until that day, I'll assume any Duty Finder party I'm in has at least one of you, and will be asking for donations to fund the center. To be fair, though, any dungeon you run is likely to have one of my characters, too. #notanaltaholic
@@Eorzeon Any given character you see in the open world with a Chocobo named 'Rex' is probably me. You can hound me for donations I won't give you then. 😋
It's worth mentioning that you also get a flat xp boost when there's a substantial difference between your highest-level job and the one you're currently running. This, as well as wanting earlier access to the jobs that unlock via level, can be a good reason to keep one job way out in front.
Mostly true! I only (very) briefly mentioned this by name, the Armoury Bonus. This is what's listed on consolegameswiki, and I've seen firsthand: "The Armoury Bonus is a bonus applied to EXP gained by combat classes when below the level of your highest class. The bonus is +100% for levels 1-89*, reducing to +50% for levels 90-100. Despite what the in-game Active Help entry implies, this bonus does not otherwise change depending on the discrepancy between levels. This bonus only applies to defeating enemies and FATE rewards. Other sources of experience, such as completing Duty Roulettes, are not affected." *may change, depending on max level Funny enough, this can help *both* methods, as (and here's the only correction), there doesn't have to be any kind of spread between jobs to get the armoury bonus. Any job below your highest level job will get that 100% boost. I'm glad you mentioned this in greater detail!
The biggest bummer in this process is not getting access to AOE on certain jobs until AFTER level 30, meaning even with the ring the prog on those jobs are just a slog....
I used to be a massive advocate for spread leveling, especially with road to 90 buff. But this time around for DT I went with one job per role quest, so 5 in total and even with the road to 90 buff that did take some extra work. But once I got there it was all worth it, and it makes leveling alt jobs, crafters and gatherers a breeze tbh. Because everything is unlocked and available for example my Warrior is leveling by my attempts at soloing Deep Dungeons, some of my classes are used to level my grand company squadrons and some of them are used for frontline roulette and pvp in general. All in all, they're all progressing pretty fast and since I spread out the activities they all feel fresh and unique, and even then I can at any time switch them around for a breath of fresh air. In the past I tried to use dungeons to level all jobs as I went along, and honestly? I burnt out, hard. Even with the road to 90 buff it just becomes to... obsessive for me. Better to finish the story imo.
I've had similar experiences. I generally find that spread leveling leads me to feel a sense of obligation to maintain balance, but I'm also very goal focused. When it becomes a chore, it's not fun. But people are so different! Some people love that kind of stuff.
My general strategy nowadays on my main is to play through an expansion with one class as to keep the story moving and then when I finish the currently available story to level so that I have a max level tank/healer and dps. After that I use more passive ways to level the rest(daily society quests, journals, etc.) If I’d ever start a second character I would likely keep a healer, tank and 1 or 2 dps within 2-5 levels of one another while going through everything so that I can easily switch to something else without it becoming a huge grind.
I definitely follow a similar pattern. I DID, however, find myself kind of "relying" on things like big XP drops from society quests instead of learning the jobs. That took quite a while to correct. But I don't think that's necessarily a problem-it helped me find which jobs I prefer even though I was leveling everything to see all my options.
My current leveling plan is to complete the ARR hunting logs (so 40+ on all classes) then only take the jobs i'm interested in for the later expansions, mostly focusing on doing the MSQ with DPS so I don't have to wait on Red queues. Later on i'll get the level experience for those other job and give myself more chances to learn something i may not be as good at
@@Eorzeon Dragoon's my main/lead and I like that quite a bit. Bard feels really good. And I've been enjoying Monk and Ninja way more than I thought I would. Monk mostly because it mapped to controller really well. Ninja I'm not so good at (forgetful) but it feels fun at least. Both of the tanks feel good too of course. Granted most of these aren't even level 40 yet and I haven't done much duty content at all.
Sounds like a pretty heavy love of melee. I think you'll enjoy tanking on those times you want to pop a fast queue. And based on those classes you listed, I'm leaning toward Warrior for you 🤔
I’ve been playing through the story and decided to level all jobs and play through their storylines to completion, and do all alliance raids/raids before moving onto the next expansion, and it’s been super fun! Took me 230 hours to get through ARR, now I’m in the middle of HW, and so far I’m loving it. The way all the job quests give new insight into the story, like how the scholar quests explain tonberrys, or the dragoon quests explain a ton about ishgard before getting to heavenward. I’d totally reccomend playing through like this. Another plus is if you’re playing on free trial, you get the most bang for your buck, as opposed to just rushing the story and leveling one job, and going back to level jobs once you have a sub.
That's some good insight. I love how this discussion has helped people see how there are different ways to enjoy the same game. I'd say "story cohesion" lines up nicely with the "sense of completion instead of speedy progression."
I mostly do the story on one job, but like to have another couple of jobs close by in level, so when I reach max level I can swap to one of those and not waste the XP from MSQ. Leveling jobs which use the same gear in a group is definitely a lot of help with gearing and the limited inventory space. Another interesting one is how to level crafters and gatherers. Some people prefer the power leveling once their combat jobs are done, I leveled mine alongside my main job and pretty much crafted every new gear for myself, which always had me on the highest ilvl possible and the things I crafted were actually useful. I tried power leveling the crafters on my alt, but crafting the same thing over and over again was boring for me, so I'll leave the Firmament for those who enjoy it :D
That's a great approach. Better gear is better dps and survivability, so your team certainly thanks you. I usually wind up going so fast through the dungeons that I just wear whatever's handy... generally as a tank through the base game. >_< it's a good thing I've done it so many times to know where to adjust! :D Also we don't talk about Firmament :o
I leveled my crafters almost exclusively for a while because I didn't want to play the actual game much but I did my GC dailies religiously. Had to stop when I couldn't access the resources anymore because I hadn't unlocked the map 😅
@@TuftyTaltan I've been there too, refused to buy the items on the Marketboard because I wanted to gather them myself. As soon as I unlocked the next map, I run around to check all the nodes so I could send my retainers for the stuff while I continued the story. GC dailies are really great!
@lanah_tyra I don't mind buying a few things here and there, especially for a deal. But I don't pay my sub so I can play shopping simulator... I pay it for the extra storage space 😬
@ honestly any way is fine but definitely the first thing should be to unlock the leveling roulette as that gives you a massive amount of experience at low levels. So after you unlock that there’s really no wrong way.
I would say if you aim to level many/all DPS jobs, maximise the use of the single use large sources of experience, like MSQ experience, rest bonus, daily tribes, bounties, sidequest turnins and daily frontline and roulette reward. Whilst fun, queueing up for duty finder as a DPS has long queues and once your big chunk sources are gone, you're stuck. Combat leves don't exist outside of
Very true, there are so many sources of experience in this game, and you make an excellent point about DPS queues and using them to accomplish other things. One warning goes along with that, too, and that's not to develop a sense of "having to do it all," unless you can mentally and physically handle that. It can burn you out soooo quickly.
It's extremely dependent on the person. If the game is entirely new to you and you're still learning the basics, stick to the job you picked at the beginning. It's okay to play around with the other jobs to see if there's one you might like even more, but then stick to that one until you get more comfortable. Also important to keep in mind is that you only get to level each job once per character. If you want to level Monk again, you need to create a new character and do the ENTIRE MSQ on it all over again. Make it count, make sure you have fun while leveling. Don't feel rushed. The exp bonuses exist for those who want them, they aren't mandatory if you really want to make the most of your leveling experiences. Some activities that you can do while leveling other jobs include: - Hunting Log for all ARR classes - FATEs around the world - Weekly Challenge Log entries (unlocked at level 15 in the Drowning Wench of Limsa Lominsa) - Dungeons - Deep Dungeon (Palace of the Deep, Heaven-on-High, etc) - Field Operations (for 70+; Bozjan Southern Front) - Battle Levequests in A Realm Reborn (though not as efficient) - Always do your class and job quests; role quests from Shadowbringers onwards - Weekly Wondrous Tails (unlocked in Idyllshire) - Daily Allied Society quests (aka 'beast tribe'- or 'tribe' quests) - Daily roulettes
Absolutely the most important words here are "have fun." While I advocate learning and optimizing to save time and frustration, I 100% agree with you that the game should be a game. (Great list of EXP options, btw, thanks!)
By the way, certain EXP rewards are greater when you're higher level, such as Frontline bonus, Leveling Roulette, challenge logs, etc. These can help boost one class even further, and then later can be used to help with catching up.
I've been playing about a month and a half and I played Ninja to the early 50s when I swapped over to SAM which is now my main for MSQ. However on the side I'm also doing other classes and working on leveling all ARR classes to 30 to unlock jobs at the very least. I have made a flex main of AST though so I can heal as well.
Which is your favorite (most fun to play)? And how do you feel about focused leveling vs more spread out leveling? Love to have your thoughts Also, welcome to Eorzea! Hope it's to your liking.
I've been leveling all the jobs simultaneously and I wanted to share a few things too. - I think that leveling everything together is better in the long run for a single heavy point. The further you advance in the game, the more content, mechanics and systems you gonna face, making the previous content increasingly dated and difficult to redo. You'll never be free from the chance of falling into low-level DGs or events, but the greater the content pull, the less likely you are to fall into an unpleasant one. Having to level one by one and knowing that when you start the next one you'll have to go through the same suffering of having to do old content all the time is a much greater pain than simply doing them all together. - I do not recommend anyone to level jobs before finishing ARR, as this creates a snowball effect that must be taken care of when leveling jobs, the snow ball of disorganization. At the end of ARR, you will unlock an NPC from whom you can buy a "final set" of the ARR, but this set is generic and is usually used by multiple jobs that share similar stats, for example 1 set for all healers and 1 set for all tanks. When you level your job individually, you will start to accumulate different pieces of clothing of different levels, and sometimes, exclusive to 1 job, we want to avoid this and always keep your inventory clean and organized. - Along with the previous tip, I recommend that you always create quick goals for the jobs, for example, leveling them up together between 10 levels. Creating goals will help you to control yourself better and keep the jobs always updated with the following set's, helping to keep everything organized. The feeling of achieving a personal goal is also great for keeping you motivated. - In "Character Configuration" within "Item Configuration" there is the option to prevent items from going directly to your Armory Chest. by doing this, each new equipment item will be in your inventory first. It may seem annoying, but it is great for you to organize yourself and, consciously, decide what you want or don't want in your armory, what you will scrap and what you will sell. - The biggest burn will always be leveling up to 50, I recommend doing this before with the initial jobs of the game, but for this I do not recommend you use the daily bonus. The initial DG's, Sastasha starting at lv15 to Aurum Vale lv47 were buffed in XP gain, so alone they are enough to level up a character to lv 50, take advantage of this and leave the daily missions for jobs beyond 50 - Every expansion, since ARR, has a tribe, both for crafter and normal jobs. While you are leveling up a job, always be sure to do the 3 tribe quests daily. This will advance your relationship with that tribe for unique items and cosmetics, as well as giving you a cool XP bonus. - Take advantage of the queue time to do other activities in the game such as extra content and MSQ, this will ease the grind and give you new motivation to keep playing. - If you want extra XP by doing DGs, always do the ones marked as "synced duty". The XP from mobs and bosses is higher and will help you level up faster. - There's no need to rush, do it at your own pace and take it easy, nothing in FFXIV will pressure you to run in the "FOMO" style when you're tired, take some time for yourself, look at a distant point, clean your glasses, get up from your chair, go drink water, the game and the grind will be here waiting for you.
Those are great points, thanks for sharing them! I'm particularly curious about why you want to keep the gear in your inventory. Typically, I've just donated gear for company seals, so I'd love to hear the idea behind this approach.
@@Eorzeon Just to organize what you want to put in armory and what you want to throw, but It is easier for that too, if the itens are on inventory you can filter then in the npc to only show itens in inventory and it becomes impossible to sell the wrong item
I've played for quite a while, and still don't have more than 3 jobs above 90. It just hasn't been a priority. And yet, I never knew about the Neophyte Ring. @_@
No worries, Warrior of Light! Play the jobs you like. Of course, if you're *concerned* about the lack of levels, then there are ways to rectify that, but don't make it a chore. Also, the Neophyte's Ring is NEW, which is why many don't know about it. It's a patch 7.1 addition.
@@Eorzeon I absolutely agree, I haven't wanted it to be a chore, so I just play the content that's fun. It's the point after all! However I greatly appreciate the information on the new changes, I haven't had a chance to dive in to all of it yet. You deserve many more followers, may you ever walk in the Light of the Crystal. 💙
Dont really have anything to add here as this doesnt super apply to me. though on my "solo only" copycat alt im doing spread leveling so thats fun. anyway im just making this comment for *user engagement* #leveling #advice #nonbias
I'm a serial alt-aholic and I tend to pick a "main" job to use through the MSQ until I reach the patch content of any given part of the game and then take a break to level the other jobs I want. I find this to be the most effective way to do it because while you're leveling your other jobs to catch up to your main you can farm Poetics for gear for them (obviously this applies less in ARR but for the expansions it's helpful) that way once you reach whatever the level cap you're expected to be at for whatever end game content is available you'll have the best gear available already once you reach it.
Oh man, Poetics was one of the big things I was going to mention and just forgot to script it. Yeah, that helps immensely, not just to gear your main as you level the lowers, but also unlocking them sooner and being able to use MSQ roulette for massive xp and poetics for lower classes.
Dare I ask how many alts...?
@Eorzeon Oh babe. It's a problem. I've reached the max limit at least twice and had to send many I had long abandoned to the shadow realm.
Oh my! The Eorzeon Recovery Center for Alt Addiction won't be open for a few years at least. I pray you make it until then. Until that day, I'll assume any Duty Finder party I'm in has at least one of you, and will be asking for donations to fund the center.
To be fair, though, any dungeon you run is likely to have one of my characters, too. #notanaltaholic
@@Eorzeon Any given character you see in the open world with a Chocobo named 'Rex' is probably me. You can hound me for donations I won't give you then. 😋
It's worth mentioning that you also get a flat xp boost when there's a substantial difference between your highest-level job and the one you're currently running. This, as well as wanting earlier access to the jobs that unlock via level, can be a good reason to keep one job way out in front.
Mostly true! I only (very) briefly mentioned this by name, the Armoury Bonus. This is what's listed on consolegameswiki, and I've seen firsthand:
"The Armoury Bonus is a bonus applied to EXP gained by combat classes when below the level of your highest class. The bonus is +100% for levels 1-89*, reducing to +50% for levels 90-100. Despite what the in-game Active Help entry implies, this bonus does not otherwise change depending on the discrepancy between levels. This bonus only applies to defeating enemies and FATE rewards. Other sources of experience, such as completing Duty Roulettes, are not affected."
*may change, depending on max level
Funny enough, this can help *both* methods, as (and here's the only correction), there doesn't have to be any kind of spread between jobs to get the armoury bonus. Any job below your highest level job will get that 100% boost. I'm glad you mentioned this in greater detail!
Thank you for sharing those rings. Didn't even know they existed. I'll be using them now that I'm trying to level a second job for the first time
Yes, super handy. The Neophyte's Ring is new, so many people didn't know about it.
The biggest bummer in this process is not getting access to AOE on certain jobs until AFTER level 30, meaning even with the ring the prog on those jobs are just a slog....
But 30% LESS slog :o
I used to be a massive advocate for spread leveling, especially with road to 90 buff.
But this time around for DT I went with one job per role quest, so 5 in total and even with the road to 90 buff that did take some extra work. But once I got there it was all worth it, and it makes leveling alt jobs, crafters and gatherers a breeze tbh. Because everything is unlocked and available for example my Warrior is leveling by my attempts at soloing Deep Dungeons, some of my classes are used to level my grand company squadrons and some of them are used for frontline roulette and pvp in general.
All in all, they're all progressing pretty fast and since I spread out the activities they all feel fresh and unique, and even then I can at any time switch them around for a breath of fresh air.
In the past I tried to use dungeons to level all jobs as I went along, and honestly? I burnt out, hard. Even with the road to 90 buff it just becomes to... obsessive for me. Better to finish the story imo.
I've had similar experiences. I generally find that spread leveling leads me to feel a sense of obligation to maintain balance, but I'm also very goal focused. When it becomes a chore, it's not fun. But people are so different! Some people love that kind of stuff.
Great video Eorzeon! I made it in the video some how
ty! And nice! Let's get your WoL famous xD
My general strategy nowadays on my main is to play through an expansion with one class as to keep the story moving and then when I finish the currently available story to level so that I have a max level tank/healer and dps. After that I use more passive ways to level the rest(daily society quests, journals, etc.) If I’d ever start a second character I would likely keep a healer, tank and 1 or 2 dps within 2-5 levels of one another while going through everything so that I can easily switch to something else without it becoming a huge grind.
I definitely follow a similar pattern. I DID, however, find myself kind of "relying" on things like big XP drops from society quests instead of learning the jobs. That took quite a while to correct. But I don't think that's necessarily a problem-it helped me find which jobs I prefer even though I was leveling everything to see all my options.
My current leveling plan is to complete the ARR hunting logs (so 40+ on all classes) then only take the jobs i'm interested in for the later expansions, mostly focusing on doing the MSQ with DPS so I don't have to wait on Red queues.
Later on i'll get the level experience for those other job and give myself more chances to learn something i may not be as good at
Interesting idea. A little bit of hybridization. Curious, what jobs do you like best so far?
@@Eorzeon Dragoon's my main/lead and I like that quite a bit. Bard feels really good. And I've been enjoying Monk and Ninja way more than I thought I would. Monk mostly because it mapped to controller really well. Ninja I'm not so good at (forgetful) but it feels fun at least.
Both of the tanks feel good too of course.
Granted most of these aren't even level 40 yet and I haven't done much duty content at all.
Sounds like a pretty heavy love of melee. I think you'll enjoy tanking on those times you want to pop a fast queue. And based on those classes you listed, I'm leaning toward Warrior for you 🤔
@@Eorzeon Fell Cleave! Fell Cleave! 🪓
I’ve been playing through the story and decided to level all jobs and play through their storylines to completion, and do all alliance raids/raids before moving onto the next expansion, and it’s been super fun! Took me 230 hours to get through ARR, now I’m in the middle of HW, and so far I’m loving it. The way all the job quests give new insight into the story, like how the scholar quests explain tonberrys, or the dragoon quests explain a ton about ishgard before getting to heavenward. I’d totally reccomend playing through like this. Another plus is if you’re playing on free trial, you get the most bang for your buck, as opposed to just rushing the story and leveling one job, and going back to level jobs once you have a sub.
That's some good insight. I love how this discussion has helped people see how there are different ways to enjoy the same game. I'd say "story cohesion" lines up nicely with the "sense of completion instead of speedy progression."
I mostly do the story on one job, but like to have another couple of jobs close by in level, so when I reach max level I can swap to one of those and not waste the XP from MSQ. Leveling jobs which use the same gear in a group is definitely a lot of help with gearing and the limited inventory space. Another interesting one is how to level crafters and gatherers. Some people prefer the power leveling once their combat jobs are done, I leveled mine alongside my main job and pretty much crafted every new gear for myself, which always had me on the highest ilvl possible and the things I crafted were actually useful. I tried power leveling the crafters on my alt, but crafting the same thing over and over again was boring for me, so I'll leave the Firmament for those who enjoy it :D
That's a great approach. Better gear is better dps and survivability, so your team certainly thanks you. I usually wind up going so fast through the dungeons that I just wear whatever's handy... generally as a tank through the base game. >_< it's a good thing I've done it so many times to know where to adjust! :D
Also we don't talk about Firmament :o
I leveled my crafters almost exclusively for a while because I didn't want to play the actual game much but I did my GC dailies religiously. Had to stop when I couldn't access the resources anymore because I hadn't unlocked the map 😅
@@TuftyTaltan I've been there too, refused to buy the items on the Marketboard because I wanted to gather them myself. As soon as I unlocked the next map, I run around to check all the nodes so I could send my retainers for the stuff while I continued the story. GC dailies are really great!
@lanah_tyra I don't mind buying a few things here and there, especially for a deal. But I don't pay my sub so I can play shopping simulator...
I pay it for the extra storage space 😬
As someone who has just finished leveling all of my jobs this is extremely helpful information thank you very much good sir
So glad to hear that! Gotta ask which job is your favorite, and which method you think is better for new players?
@ honestly any way is fine but definitely the first thing should be to unlock the leveling roulette as that gives you a massive amount of experience at low levels. So after you unlock that there’s really no wrong way.
I would say if you aim to level many/all DPS jobs, maximise the use of the single use large sources of experience, like MSQ experience, rest bonus, daily tribes, bounties, sidequest turnins and daily frontline and roulette reward. Whilst fun, queueing up for duty finder as a DPS has long queues and once your big chunk sources are gone, you're stuck. Combat leves don't exist outside of
Very true, there are so many sources of experience in this game, and you make an excellent point about DPS queues and using them to accomplish other things. One warning goes along with that, too, and that's not to develop a sense of "having to do it all," unless you can mentally and physically handle that. It can burn you out soooo quickly.
It's extremely dependent on the person. If the game is entirely new to you and you're still learning the basics, stick to the job you picked at the beginning. It's okay to play around with the other jobs to see if there's one you might like even more, but then stick to that one until you get more comfortable.
Also important to keep in mind is that you only get to level each job once per character. If you want to level Monk again, you need to create a new character and do the ENTIRE MSQ on it all over again. Make it count, make sure you have fun while leveling. Don't feel rushed. The exp bonuses exist for those who want them, they aren't mandatory if you really want to make the most of your leveling experiences.
Some activities that you can do while leveling other jobs include:
- Hunting Log for all ARR classes
- FATEs around the world
- Weekly Challenge Log entries (unlocked at level 15 in the Drowning Wench of Limsa Lominsa)
- Dungeons
- Deep Dungeon (Palace of the Deep, Heaven-on-High, etc)
- Field Operations (for 70+; Bozjan Southern Front)
- Battle Levequests in A Realm Reborn (though not as efficient)
- Always do your class and job quests; role quests from Shadowbringers onwards
- Weekly Wondrous Tails (unlocked in Idyllshire)
- Daily Allied Society quests (aka 'beast tribe'- or 'tribe' quests)
- Daily roulettes
Absolutely the most important words here are "have fun." While I advocate learning and optimizing to save time and frustration, I 100% agree with you that the game should be a game. (Great list of EXP options, btw, thanks!)
By the way, certain EXP rewards are greater when you're higher level, such as Frontline bonus, Leveling Roulette, challenge logs, etc. These can help boost one class even further, and then later can be used to help with catching up.
I've been playing about a month and a half and I played Ninja to the early 50s when I swapped over to SAM which is now my main for MSQ. However on the side I'm also doing other classes and working on leveling all ARR classes to 30 to unlock jobs at the very least. I have made a flex main of AST though so I can heal as well.
Which is your favorite (most fun to play)? And how do you feel about focused leveling vs more spread out leveling? Love to have your thoughts
Also, welcome to Eorzea! Hope it's to your liking.
I've been leveling all the jobs simultaneously and I wanted to share a few things too.
- I think that leveling everything together is better in the long run for a single heavy point. The further you advance in the game, the more content, mechanics and systems you gonna face, making the previous content increasingly dated and difficult to redo. You'll never be free from the chance of falling into low-level DGs or events, but the greater the content pull, the less likely you are to fall into an unpleasant one. Having to level one by one and knowing that when you start the next one you'll have to go through the same suffering of having to do old content all the time is a much greater pain than simply doing them all together.
- I do not recommend anyone to level jobs before finishing ARR, as this creates a snowball effect that must be taken care of when leveling jobs, the snow ball of disorganization. At the end of ARR, you will unlock an NPC from whom you can buy a "final set" of the ARR, but this set is generic and is usually used by multiple jobs that share similar stats, for example 1 set for all healers and 1 set for all tanks. When you level your job individually, you will start to accumulate different pieces of clothing of different levels, and sometimes, exclusive to 1 job, we want to avoid this and always keep your inventory clean and organized.
- Along with the previous tip, I recommend that you always create quick goals for the jobs, for example, leveling them up together between 10 levels. Creating goals will help you to control yourself better and keep the jobs always updated with the following set's, helping to keep everything organized. The feeling of achieving a personal goal is also great for keeping you motivated.
- In "Character Configuration" within "Item Configuration" there is the option to prevent items from going directly to your Armory Chest. by doing this, each new equipment item will be in your inventory first. It may seem annoying, but it is great for you to organize yourself and, consciously, decide what you want or don't want in your armory, what you will scrap and what you will sell.
- The biggest burn will always be leveling up to 50, I recommend doing this before with the initial jobs of the game, but for this I do not recommend you use the daily bonus. The initial DG's, Sastasha starting at lv15 to Aurum Vale lv47 were buffed in XP gain, so alone they are enough to level up a character to lv 50, take advantage of this and leave the daily missions for jobs beyond 50
- Every expansion, since ARR, has a tribe, both for crafter and normal jobs. While you are leveling up a job, always be sure to do the 3 tribe quests daily. This will advance your relationship with that tribe for unique items and cosmetics, as well as giving you a cool XP bonus.
- Take advantage of the queue time to do other activities in the game such as extra content and MSQ, this will ease the grind and give you new motivation to keep playing.
- If you want extra XP by doing DGs, always do the ones marked as "synced duty". The XP from mobs and bosses is higher and will help you level up faster.
- There's no need to rush, do it at your own pace and take it easy, nothing in FFXIV will pressure you to run in the "FOMO" style when you're tired, take some time for yourself, look at a distant point, clean your glasses, get up from your chair, go drink water, the game and the grind will be here waiting for you.
Those are great points, thanks for sharing them! I'm particularly curious about why you want to keep the gear in your inventory. Typically, I've just donated gear for company seals, so I'd love to hear the idea behind this approach.
@@Eorzeon Just to organize what you want to put in armory and what you want to throw, but It is easier for that too, if the itens are on inventory you can filter then in the npc to only show itens in inventory and it becomes impossible to sell the wrong item
I've played for quite a while, and still don't have more than 3 jobs above 90. It just hasn't been a priority. And yet, I never knew about the Neophyte Ring. @_@
No worries, Warrior of Light! Play the jobs you like. Of course, if you're *concerned* about the lack of levels, then there are ways to rectify that, but don't make it a chore. Also, the Neophyte's Ring is NEW, which is why many don't know about it. It's a patch 7.1 addition.
@@Eorzeon I absolutely agree, I haven't wanted it to be a chore, so I just play the content that's fun. It's the point after all! However I greatly appreciate the information on the new changes, I haven't had a chance to dive in to all of it yet.
You deserve many more followers, may you ever walk in the Light of the Crystal. 💙
Aww, Roegadyn-sized thanks, friend!
Dont really have anything to add here as this doesnt super apply to me. though on my "solo only" copycat alt im doing spread leveling so thats fun. anyway im just making this comment for *user engagement* #leveling #advice #nonbias
Hey, awesome to have your thoughts
What do you like most about spread leveling?
@@Eorzeon Mostly just messing around. I like being able to mess around. its mostly because im taking my time and now worried about finishing the msq
I'll say it often: "Games are for fun"