For the past year and a half now I have been trying to get weight on my 8 year old ottb. You name it I have tried it, from 24/7 on a round bale, to supplements and senior feed. The vet has been out multiple times and can not find anything wrong. I just want my horse to be fat and happy like the rest of the heard. Is there something else I should be doing? #askthevetvideo
how to know if your horse is sick? is he not eating properly? is he not pooping normally? are there any unusual fluids leaking from any of his orifices? are any of his appendages not moving in normal matter? is he throwing himself onto the ground and writhing in pain? if the answer is yes to any of these questions, yes your horse is sick😣
For the past year and a half now I have been trying to get weight on my 8 year old ottb. You name it I have tried it, from 24/7 on a round bale, to supplements and senior feed. The vet has been out multiple times and can not find anything wrong. I just want my horse to be fat and happy like the rest of the heard. Is there something else I should be doing? #askthevetvideo
Jenna Head , have you tried adding vegetable oil into his senior feed?
Julie Ayton Yates yes I have literally tried everything
Jenna Head , ahh man, i know how much that sucks.
Women always want to see horse fat - why, I don't know. Leave her alone. It sounds like she's self adjusting quite well.
how to know if your horse is sick? is he not eating properly? is he not pooping normally? are there any unusual fluids leaking from any of his orifices? are any of his appendages not moving in normal matter? is he throwing himself onto the ground and writhing in pain? if the answer is yes to any of these questions, yes your horse is sick😣
Julie Ayton Yates that's Literally what they said in the video...
henriette oakheart , i was just trying save 4 1/2 minutes.