Revisiting the American Revolution with Charles Coulombe

  • Опубліковано 25 жов 2024


  • @davidm5662
    @davidm5662 7 років тому +72

    I saw a documentary once on the American Revolution and someone asked a loyalist why he was loyal to the crown and he said "I rather be under one dictator over three thousand miles away then under five hundred dictators only one mile"...I always thought that was a good answer

  • @LukeAvedon
    @LukeAvedon 4 роки тому +28

    1:08:00 "The great plague of 2019..." Charles was only off by one year!

  • @cbislarich65
    @cbislarich65 9 років тому +30

    America is not a nation but an idea imposed upon several ethnic groups and held together by a state and an ideology. This is the reason that it is virtually impossible to separate patriotism and support for the state in America.

    • @MichaelLantz
      @MichaelLantz 7 років тому +1

      No,We are Babylon The Great in The bible according to Isaiah 13,14,47 Jeremiah 50,51 and Revelations 8,9,16,17,18 and 19.

    • @AJ-ox8xy
      @AJ-ox8xy 5 років тому +6

      Yes I am beginning to understand that. America is an Empire that has forced many ethnic groups together and now expects them to identify as one. This will lead to much conflict over time as nations are bound and built by blood. You can not take a person born in Japan and bring him to London and expect him to be treated as someone who is apart of the English Posterity.

    • @perperson199
      @perperson199 4 роки тому +2

      False ideas I might add

    • @dogwood3946
      @dogwood3946 Рік тому +1

      @@AJ-ox8xy I disagree. The idea of people coming from other nations "willingly and freely, not forced", should form an alliance to keep themselves free! No one was forced to come here...

    • @Shevytruck6
      @Shevytruck6 Рік тому

      I believe America is Babylon in the sense that it is the spirit of Babylon. This spirit manifest itself throughout different empires at different times, this is Americas turn, and they chose their destiny through free will.

  • @st_robert_bellarmine
    @st_robert_bellarmine 4 роки тому +7

    James Madison: "Never Was a Mason"
    “I never was a mason, and no one perhaps could be more a stranger to the principles, rites, and fruits of the Institution. I had never regarded it as dangerous or noxious; nor, on the other hand, as deriving importance from anything publicly known of it. From the number and character of those who now support the charges against masonry, I cannot doubt that it is at least susceptible of abuses, outweighing any advantages promised by its patrons.” ~ James Madison, 1831 (1)
    1. Letter from James Madison to Stephen Bates, January 24, 1831.

  • @edwardkarlson8192
    @edwardkarlson8192 6 років тому +9

    The People belong to no one and they have no one to defend them. They have an equivalent shadow kingship that has the four modern traits of monarchy: Perpetuity, Unaccountability, Infallibility, and Omnipotence. (I don't like the last three; they come from the nation-state system that followed upon the supposed 'Reformation' and I'm not a Catholic apologist like Hillaire Belloc although I've read some of his books.) All four of those kingship traits are emplaced in the Federal Reserve which is perpetual, unaccountable, infallible, and omnipotent over the real power which is money. (Someone said the FED chairman reports to Congress and is therefore accountable. No. the FED chairman tells Congress the economic rules and there is no recourse against that.) A king in modern terms is needed to broker the dispensation of Labor and insure the equitable disbursement and value of the monetary unit, unlike the FED that prints fiat money and drives up prices without end. The economy must be confined to nobility estates that serve the same purpose provincially and defend local economies against being undercut by world-wide corporations. Imagine every department in Wal-Mart being a locally owned franchise, and the commodity costs being confined to local businesses. It is vital that the King own all the land in order to defend it against being bought out from under the people, now even by foreigners with cash. True kingship is the deepest and most ancient and most natural archetype in human consciousness and unconsciousness - the king and queen archetypes run deepest in human soulfulness and bonding. The deepest social drive is belonging and in the ancient and Medieval systems the people belonged to a lord who was responsible for their care. Today you belong to no one and your elected representatives either don't care for you personally and are helpless to serve you fully even if they do. (Forget auditing the FEd - you can audit them every day if you want and aside from most people not being able to understand its books, it won't make any difference. The value of the People's work has been alienated [I'm not a Marxist] and their money has been lifted above their power over it and is being manipulated by the financiers and central bankers for their own profit while contrived and hopeless debt is laid upon the People. I'm surprised the money powers have not begun to make the People work off the purported debt, thus working for negative money instead of earning positive money.)

  • @RomneyGack
    @RomneyGack 8 років тому +3

    Thank you so much for posting this video. Very informative.

  • @TRichmond1964
    @TRichmond1964 7 років тому +13

    We've been taught a great deal of nonsense, about our history!

    • @suppeople9987
      @suppeople9987 6 років тому

      TRichmond1964 what part of what he said was wrong?

    • @markmazzurco150
      @markmazzurco150 3 роки тому +4

      @@suppeople9987 i think he means in general, like in the schools

  • @st_robert_bellarmine
    @st_robert_bellarmine 4 роки тому +5

    Benjamin Franklin: A Self-Described “Fool” for Joining Masonry
    “[W]hen Franklin was consulted by a relation on the propriety of his becoming a mason, the sage replied with his characteristic humour and candor, ‘one fool in a family is enough.’” ~ Joseph Ritner, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1837 (1)
    1. Ritner, Joseph, _Vindication of General Washington_ (Harrisburg: Theo. Fenn, 1837), pp. 18-19.

    • @bluesaberproductions8991
      @bluesaberproductions8991 4 роки тому +5

      He was a member of the satanic hellfire club, and I find that harder to dismiss as just a joke. Not to mention his role in the French Revolution, which was deeply masonic in its roots.

    • @bass9351
      @bass9351 2 роки тому +2

      @@bluesaberproductions8991 100% accurate no one ever points this out that he and his brothers r devils.
      Good job

    • @MichaelTreadwell-jo9bi
      @MichaelTreadwell-jo9bi 3 місяці тому

      Benjamin Franklin disowned his son William because he was a Loyalist during the Revolution. He cut William out of his will. That was nasty. I don’t like Benjamin Franklin and am tired of hearing about how great he was.

  • @RomneyGack
    @RomneyGack 7 років тому +9

    Is it possible to get these talks on CD?

    • @gobert9316
      @gobert9316 3 роки тому

      You could download it and burn it onto a disc

  • @st_robert_bellarmine
    @st_robert_bellarmine 4 роки тому +6

    The Catholic Church: "Unopposed by the Constitution"
    “[T]hanks are due to the equity of the laws which obtain in America and to the customs of the well-ordered Republic. For the Church amongst you, unopposed by the Constitution and government of your nation, fettered by no hostile legislation, protected against violence by the common laws and the impartiality of the tribunals, is free to live and act without hindrance.” ~ Pope Leo XIII, Longinqua, #6 (Given at Rome, at St. Peter's, on the feast of the Epiphany, the sixth day of January, 1895)

  • @seriouscat2231
    @seriouscat2231 11 місяців тому

    Incredibly difficult to follow. When the guest says "rather", you only hear "rr-rr". Would like to listen in its entirety, but not sure if I can make it.

  • @RomneyGack
    @RomneyGack 7 років тому +2

    42:40 Significant.

  • @st_robert_bellarmine
    @st_robert_bellarmine 4 роки тому +3

    St. Robert Bellarmine’s Theory of Government: Acted on by the Framers of the American Constitution
    “Bellarmine’s teaching on the subject of the State and of law and government is, in its more characteristic and fundamental points, the same as the theory acted on by those chiefly responsible for the framing and the sound and successful interpretation of our American Constitution.” ~ Rev. Moorhouse F.X. Millar, S.J., Head, Department of Political Science, Fordham University, New York, 1930 (1)
    1. Millar, Moorhouse F.X., “Bellarmine and the American Constitution,” (Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review, Vol. 19, No. 75, Irish Province of the Society of Jesus, September, 1930), p. 361.

    • @seydasneed
      @seydasneed 2 роки тому +5

      Americanists really can't help but parrot the same passages can't they? Funny how you lot love to ignore the inherent belief in monarchism that Bellarmine and Aquinas held.

    • @gch8810
      @gch8810 Рік тому

      Americanism is a heresy. It is time you put your faith first before your beliefs about the greatness of the U.S.A.

    • @MichaelTreadwell-jo9bi
      @MichaelTreadwell-jo9bi 3 місяці тому

      I support monarchy and was born in Connecticut. I have never even been to England and would like to go if I could get there someday. I take the side of the American Loyalists during the Revolution who wanted to remain part of England and loyal to George III.

  • @st_robert_bellarmine
    @st_robert_bellarmine 4 роки тому +6

    America: "the only country where I am truly considered a Pope in the eyes of the Government"
    “America today is the only country where I am truly considered a Pope in the eyes of the Government. In the nations of Europe, I have reason to fear that my acts are checked or rejected by the governments. But I can send any pontifical document whatsoever to America with complete freedom and without fear that the Government might oppose its publication.” ~ Pope Pius IX, confiding to an American priest named Fr. Delay (1)
    1. Zaratti, Alfonso, _The Work of the Catholic Church in the United States of America_ (Rome: Nardini, 1956) p. 269.

    • @bluesaberproductions8991
      @bluesaberproductions8991 4 роки тому +7

      That only proves that America did not give a crap about religion from the start. Is that, in and of itself, a good thing? It may have some silver lining, but that doesn't mean it's a good thing.

  • @st_robert_bellarmine
    @st_robert_bellarmine 3 роки тому +4

    Warren H. Carroll on the War for American Independence:
    "America was trying to preserve, not overthrow and destroy, its system of free representative government through the colonial legislatures, which it felt, with good reason, was threatened by the British Government. So let us have done with calling this 'the American Revolution' and all the distorted thinking that has grown from that. Let us call it what it was: the War for American Independence, fought from 1776 to 1783, which America, with the aid of pre-revolutionary France, won, thereby changing the history of the whole world for all time." ~ Warren H. Carroll, The Revolution against Christendom (2005), p. 104.

    • @seydasneed
      @seydasneed 2 роки тому +1

      Changing world history for the worse...

  • @st_robert_bellarmine
    @st_robert_bellarmine 3 роки тому +2

    Pope Leo XIII on "Americanism": "[T]here is no reason to take exception to the name."
    "From the foregoing it is manifest, beloved son, that we are not able to give approval to those views which, in their collective sense, are called by some 'Americanism.' But if by this name are to be understood certain endowments of mind which belong to the American people, just as other characteristics belong to various other nations, and if, moreover, by it is designated your political condition and the laws and customs by which you are governed, there is no reason to take exception to the name." ~ Pope Leo XIII, Testem Benevolentiae Nostrae, January 22, 1899

  • @jimmyjames417
    @jimmyjames417 5 років тому

    Why would there have been no Anglo-Canada if the American Revolution had not been fought

    • @ZeDocta1
      @ZeDocta1 10 місяців тому

      I know this comment is years old, but if anybody wanted an answer, it is because Anglo-Canada came into existence only after the Revolution - the core population being Loyalists who fled the United States after their defeat.
      Before that, the Province of Canada was almost entirely French-Canadian, and when Canada and Canadians were mentioned in this time period, it referred to the French Canadiens.

  • @st_robert_bellarmine
    @st_robert_bellarmine 4 роки тому +4

    Thomas Jefferson: "Not a Mason"
    “Thomas Jefferson, despite claims by enthusiasts and detractors, was not a Mason; there is nothing to connect Jefferson to the fraternity other than wishful thinking.” ~ S. Brent Morris, Ph.D., 2006 (1)
    1. Morris, S. Brent, _The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Essentials of Freemasonry_ (New York, NY: Penguin Group, 2006), p. 181.

    • @bass9351
      @bass9351 2 роки тому +1

      U need to stop believing the false letters they hav given to the public. They r all devil masons. Thats how they play the game.
      If u dont know how its played by now u will fall for anything like that deception u parroted

    • @gch8810
      @gch8810 Рік тому

      That doesn’t mean he did not hold to Masonic ways of thinking.

  • @zacharyvortivask9734
    @zacharyvortivask9734 9 місяців тому

    55:33 The Founding Fathers and Freemasonry

  • @jasonludwig2488
    @jasonludwig2488 4 роки тому +1

    1:08:04 Ummmm... whoa...

    • @JoshuaCueva
      @JoshuaCueva 7 місяців тому

      He almost predicted it lol

  • @st_robert_bellarmine
    @st_robert_bellarmine 4 роки тому +4

    Pope Leo XIII's "admiration for the Constitution of the United States"
    “We wish that Your Eminence would express to the President [Grover Cleveland] all our admiration for the Constitution of the United States, not only because it permits active, intelligent citizens to achieve such a high level of prosperity, but also because under its protection, Catholics have enjoyed a liberty that has undoubtedly spurred their extraordinary religious development in the past and that will permit them we believe to further America’s political institutions in the future.” ~ Pope Leo XIII, in a letter to the Cardinal of Baltimore, 1887 (1)
    1. Zaratti, Alfonso, _The Work of the Catholic Church in the United States of America_ (Rome: Nardini, 1956) p. 271.

    • @bluesaberproductions8991
      @bluesaberproductions8991 4 роки тому +7

      That same pope repeatedly wrote to remind his bishops of the errors of Americanism, and told them that such a state of affairs as that in America was not by any means ideal, and that it was "evil to believe" that it was. He wrote that the church in America "would bring forth more abundant fruits if, in addition to liberty, she enjoyed the favor of the laws and the patronage of the public authority." In 1898, Leo lamented an America where church and state are "dissevered and divorced", and wrote of his preference for a closer relationship between the Catholic Church and the State, along European lines. John Ireland, archbishop of Saint Paul, Minnesota sought to adapt the social and religious values of the Catholic Church to American political and cultural, especially religious liberty, separation of church and state, cooperation with non-Catholics, and lay participation in ecclesiastical decisionmaking. Many of his ideas were implicitly condemned by Pope Leo XIII's Testem benevolentiae (1899) as a heresy and Americanism.

  • @st_robert_bellarmine
    @st_robert_bellarmine 4 роки тому +2

    Masonic Report: George Washington Not a Private Brother
    “The committee appointed to draft an address to our worthy Brother, His Excellency General Washington, report, that on enquiry they find General Washington not to be Grand Master of North America, as was supposed, nor even Master of any particular Lodge. They are therefore of the opinion, that this Lodge would not choose to address him as a private brother, - at the same time, think it would not be agreeable to our worthy brother to be addressed as such.” ~ At King David’s Lodge, Newport, Rhode Island, held by request of the Right Worshipful Master, February 14th, 1781 (1)
    1. Ritner, Joseph, _Vindication of General Washington_ (Harrisburg: Theo. Fenn, 1837), p. 11.

  • @argononya913
    @argononya913 Рік тому

    What's the age of consent in the Vatican city?