Jonathan Coulton in LA -01-The Future Soon
- Опубліковано 8 лют 2025
- First song-The future Soon
Recorded at the Temple Bar Santa Monica CA
October 9 2006
The show started before I was done setting up so it jumpy and dark. It does get better. At least the audio was good.
MP3s of this performance graciously made available at Check out his amazing JoCo/WoW videos too.
This is why I love Jonathan Coulton's songs. They're so funny, and witty, and then he throws in these little poignant moments "when the things that make me weak and strange get engineered away" for example, that give his work so much heart.
It's exactly why I listen to him. You get a fairly funny and satirical mood while also being able to relate to deeper issues. It helps relieve it in a way.
7 years late but yeah man that like always hit hard.
My favorite live performance.
Even with all the mistakes it's just him and his guitar. No tricks or gimmicks, just the music.
Aye, it's my favorite rendition of this song by far.
The thing that's so great about this guy is how he seems to be able to be geekily humorous, and completely heartfelt at the same time. I mean, I find the verses funny, but the chorus here makes me want to cry.
Still revisiting this set after more than a decade. Please never take them down.
He truely deserves fame. He writes amazing songs and he's got a ton of em. What a musical genius!
This man wrote "Still Alive".
He's AWESOME! We nerds should all show our support to him. I bought all his music, I wish all his fans do the same!
Really excellent work making all these clips of the show - many thanks for posting them :)
I love this song so much. JoCo is awesome.
Great song Mr. Coulton, but I do feel your pain and agree that the future can't get here soon enough
this is my favorite song by jonathan coulton
He was still in the middle of doing Thing-a-week. G4 hadn't used his song for the show Code Monkeys yet and he hadn't written the song for Portal yet. But he was already contributing Troubador for Popular Science magazineand he had just been on Attack of the Show with His friend John Hodgeman.
This man is a GENIOUS!!
All of his songs are awsome and funny as hell. I recogmend everyone to subscribe.
JoCo is probably my favorite artist, It's sad that he's not as known as say, Green Day, but I'm glad that he has a growing fandom.
i luv this song
JoCo is awesome
Kick ass! Thanks for posting these. I know I'm years behind the curve hey! I made it!
love it! so awesome and relatable!
Man I love this song.
Furry Old Lobster is AMAZING!
But if I had to make a list of my favorite JoCo songs, there would probably be, like, 20 songs long. Probably start with Mandelbrot Set, cause I'm a math nerd. But then I Feel Fantastic, Furry Old Lobster, Future Soon, Re: Your Brains, Ikea, Skullcrusher Mountain, First of May, Todd the T1000, That Spells DNA... the list goes on. JoCo is amazing
I will be buying everything he has for sell. Freakin amazing melodies
Yes, the audio is great, thank you.
this guy rocks i loooove this song but the wow music video is good tooo
somethin about this guys music that i love PERFORM IN ENGLAND JOHN PLEASSSEE!!!!!!!!
he songs are sooo good casue there like fun little storys ^_^
just saw the new episode of Curiosity, the one where Adam Savage tries to live forever. Kept thinking of this song the whole time.
Hehe. I love the introduction. x x
This guy is amazing. Why isnt he famous... i wanna be him friend man
Great song.
BTW the AMV ppl are talking about was either AMV hell 3 or 4 (can't remember) they did part of this song to the scene in full metal alchemist:conqueror of Shambala with all the Ed look alikes.
He is touring right now. He is almost always putting new work out. Check out his web site and you can get a lot of info about him.
u are so right^^
i am all for that
actually someone with talent these days? my god it's been so long..
I love how people say "NERDS SHOULD HAVE NEVER EXISTED!" If we never did than there's a REALLY high chance you wouldn't be here either.
@crindeg Yarp, I'd forgot his name at the time. Just watched Black Death with him as one of the heroes, he's badass in that too.
Have to say I read Gle3nn posts with delight and envy. I love to see every live post but I realise the chances of him coming to Australia are pretty low. USA needs to appreciate what they have got here. Wish I was there....
jonathan coulton is the best singer ever do eny one know if he still is making songs??
i like it~~
I wasn't connected to the sound board. I was able to get a good central location and the acoustics of the club were good.
The audio is so good, I'm kind of surprised
HELL YEA!!1!1!!!1!1one!11!!!11!!
I have seen a signed JoCo pony. At PAX, we got him to autograph it.
Go Jonathan Coulton
Shopvac, The Future Soon, or Chiron Beta Prime.
I got hooked on Still Alive and wondered what kind of mad genius wrote it. It's all downhill* from there.
*more like a cliff drop into paradise, actually
2006 video has higher audio quality than most videos in youtube now 💀💀
JoCo's Space lab in Space Is right next to the Canadian Baseball League of Canadian Baseball and the Redundancy Prevention Agency for Preventing Redundancy
Agreed. 100%.
@Kenpokid4 yeah i like this acoustic version more too
i was writing a report about my plans for the future while listening to this song, and almost typed the lyrics. LOL
of course, there wouldn't be much different, but still.
@justinrixx How does Transformers tell us that robots will take over?
But he could be if he really REALLY wanted to.
He's letting his fans decide whether he's famous or not.
I say he is, being a talented songwriter and an ultimate guitarist!
he So good lissen to his musik evry day XD
@EmperorZ19 IM WITH YOU ON THAT!!!
JoCo has fantastic songs, but I have to admit that the WoW animations give them an even funnier impact.
I have a horrific crush on this guy. But, I totally relate to all his music. Nothing sucks more than being rejected... constantly.
But, at least the geekiness makes me smile while I'm sad. ^_^
What dork hasn't dreamed of their awesome fantastic future when they were getting tortured by their peers?
I second that motion from now on it shall be known as GEEK ROCK!
i agree.
Jonathan Coulton kicks ass, he's like the Mozart of nerd music
@omgalreadyinuse because it is. It's a kid dreaming of the future after some girl turns him down. I love this song!!
Cause you can scream and try to run, but there's nowhere you can hide, when a crazy cyborg wants to make you his robot-bride!
@Nacimota I think he means it describes alot of peoples lifes.
@Nedac365 JoCo, Paul and Storm, Wil Wheaton, and the guy that plays Ned Stark/Boromir (badass bar fight ftw) are my personal heroes. Followed by numerous other people. :D
were you not paying attention? Its the Awesome genre.
@cprich22 There's no I in apple, either :3
You made still alive therfore you are very epic
Or Jonathan Coulton! and what kind of world would that be?
Ponies always take you to something amazing, don't they? =)
I actually found JoCo through Portal, but that's beside the point.
In my space lab in space! :D
I believe it's classified as awesome.
Yeah! Love all of those especially Big Bad World and Drinking with you-- but then Again- people do such great clips to Skullcrusher Mountain. Anyway- sent you a friends request if you wanna chat sometime. Ignore the twighlight messages, I do - thats what liking a JoCo vampire song gets you.
@Thecoolaccount ALL OF THEM
realy good song mate have you seen spiffworlds movies?
if you haven't watch them! good luck further
Actually, he wroteand composed the song for the ending credits of "Portal" A very successful and awesome video game, however he didn't sing it.
I'm a brony, and not all of us are like him. If you don't like it, that's ok. I like it, I don't disrespect you for not liking the show, so you shouldn't disrespect us. Simple as that.
I think he said somewhere that Laura was his first crush and the beginning of the song was a true story.
@sniperjolly I drew that for BronyMike. PinkieQuest was awesome. Anyone have a link to the EqD article? I seem to have missed it.
Am I the only one who thinks this song is better live than recorded?
@lncoming golden
Nerd Pride: It's kind of weird, but frack if it doesn't give me that warm and fuzzy feeling inside.
@EmperorZ19 Looks like you did too
hell yes, I'm the 170.000th viewer!
@gun0man without nerds we wouldnt have a mic or amp so very very few ppl could listen at a time
@Metalpulsecannon Sadly, it describes many's life.
@Thecoolaccount I have no favorites by this genius
Thousands of fans Australia wide I believe (based on some facebook petition -but who can believe those) but here in the Australian Capital of Canberra only a hundred or so. Maybe Commonwealth fans like you and I should stick together and request a tour dedicated to countries attached to Queen Elizabeth II ! My favourite JoCo is Blue Sunny Day- what's yours?
@SomeDudeThatRants YES.
Yah what a horrible world that would be, I mean Nerds everywhere would No longer be distracted by Such awesome artistry, and we might just get some WORK done,
@SomeDudeThatRants and without those things we wouldn't have nerds!
Yeah Jono is the Man of Indie, i love him to... and yes i a straight xD
I'm not a Brony, but I am addicted to POM and it is made for kids, but it has a lot of funny jokes for adults, just like mlpfm. so Leave them alone
lol i just thought the exact same thing... :D
Dude, you just got owned xD.
still i call him JocO (:
The song "You Ruined Everything" which he sings later in this very concert is about his own daughter. You fail :p
October 9 2006 was my unbirthday. Coincidence?