Hand washing, so important

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,6 тис.

  • @newsbuster292
    @newsbuster292 4 роки тому +597

    Dr Campbell was standing in line, behind a sneezing customor, saying "well, this is concerning."

    • @jaktam8765
      @jaktam8765 4 роки тому +34

      Aaahw totaly can see that 😆

    • @bradleyj94
      @bradleyj94 4 роки тому +23

      Yeah, dirty fucker spitting all over the self checkout. Virus or not that is just nasty. Even if you could somehow know 100% you've got no nasties inside you coughing uncovered is just wrong, who wants to breathe/touch the contents of other people...

    • @exopisode
      @exopisode 4 роки тому +15

      With the eyebrows closer together and all 😂

    • @patricksmith407
      @patricksmith407 4 роки тому +4

      The good doctor in return coughing all over the super spreader. Take him out good doctor!

    • @davebellamy4867
      @davebellamy4867 4 роки тому +11

      @@bradleyj94 Yeah that bastard should try doing that in China and see how long he lasts. He'll be in a quarantine centre or correctional facility before he can say atchoo.

  • @victoriaalbastra6325
    @victoriaalbastra6325 4 роки тому +714

    1980: in the future we will have flying cars
    2020: humanity learns how to wash hands

    • @omnipoten8
      @omnipoten8 4 роки тому +14

      Lol that was damn funny 😂

    • @advenco344
      @advenco344 4 роки тому +3


    • @serenitytrek
      @serenitytrek 4 роки тому +1


    • @ben6089
      @ben6089 4 роки тому +14

      Note the video has been watched by approx 0.001% of humanity thus far, so I can't say we've learned yet.

    • @MelliaBoomBot
      @MelliaBoomBot 4 роки тому +1

      very insightful!!

  • @utopiachild71
    @utopiachild71 4 роки тому +562

    The amount of people that just cough on random things in public is staggering.

    • @SkuStyle
      @SkuStyle 4 роки тому +7

      * CCP p.s.y-op to justify locking down a fracturing nation.
      * Wuhan mass protests over air pollution, new incinerator & 5G test site before outbreak / city lock down, residents in poor health & respiratory problems already.
      * Normal flu cases are being used as Coronavirus cases.
      * 5G roll out maybe harming human immune systems / depleting oxygen intake levels - 60 GHZ , (RESEARCH THIS).
      * If the MSM news reported like they are doing now on this alleged coronavirus outbreak on normal flu cases every year, all flu deaths, we'd see the same numbers and deaths reported,
      they're hyping this up on purpose as the MSM outlets are complicit in this false flag as they always are due to being owned by the cabal.
      * All Governments, Corporations & MSM have been infiltrated & controlled by the satanic Cabal.
      * They'll use this event to implement new tyranny control laws, forced vaccinations & more! THIS should be of concern NOT the boogieman Virus.
      5G has never been carefully studied for it's effect on human health ... although this was known ..........
      RF Globalnet April 10 2001.
      Fixed Wireless Communication at 60GHz Unique Oxygen Absorbtion. Properties .
      by Shigeaki (Shey) Hakusui, Pres. Harmonix Corp.
      Topic/5G . Harminder Singh. 1st. Dec. 2017 .*Hong Kong is to be one of the world's earliest adopters of 5G technology* .
      Officials say licence scheme for next generation broadband services taking shape in city ahead of 2020 introduction.
      Courtney Anderson. 4th. Feb. 2019 . New upgrades Debut Onboard Diamond Princess. (Installation of 5G satellite links.)
      Technology/5G 2019
      South Korea leading the 5G Revolution . 5G is a national imperative for South Korea, where big investments in infrastructure
      and cellular technology have given it first move advantage. Oliver Pickup - May 2019.
      Wireless. 5 June 2019 .
      Vodaphone Italia has switched on it's 5G in five cities across the country, ahead of Vodaphone group's launch of 5G roaming in Germany and UK ....
      Population control by microwave radiation, under the guise of a virus pandemic .

    • @sketcharmslong6289
      @sketcharmslong6289 4 роки тому +22

      It is gross. I'm not even a germophobe but it's so fucking careless and selfish. Why not just use your elbow?

    • @joshi897
      @joshi897 4 роки тому +20

      @@SkuStyle take your meds

    • @fionappleisthebest
      @fionappleisthebest 4 роки тому +2

      Josh I hope you take yours also

    • @shadowxxe
      @shadowxxe 4 роки тому +2

      Yeah i always cover my face with my shirt when i cough

  • @tinaschaewel8976
    @tinaschaewel8976 4 роки тому +134

    Honestly Dr. Campbell, I have a Leukemia sick child under chemo-therapy and your content helped me a lot to educate all my family a little bit better regarding infectious diseases and for example these seemingly simple things as washing your hands properly. It is not enough sometimes if a mom says something, kids need repeats and also hear facts from others, and I use your content for that.
    I do believe at the end of the day you have saved lives with what you are presenting here. I studied human genetics and I am impressed by your calm, very clear and easy understandable approach. I would have loved someone like you as teacher / professor. A warm hearted thank you, Sir.

  • @BertisAU
    @BertisAU 4 роки тому +225

    TIL I've never washed my hands properly in my entire life.

    • @kassie5779
      @kassie5779 4 роки тому +3

      Yeah, I usually just rub my hands on the front and back under the water with some soap and I'm done in like 5 seconds, I always thought the water did all the work.

    • @elsagrace3893
      @elsagrace3893 4 роки тому +18

      Well, thankfully you have been educated today and begin to do it properly each and every time. We can stop yearly influenza.

    • @williamswenson5315
      @williamswenson5315 4 роки тому +2

      Good time to start.

    • @Mona001-01g
      @Mona001-01g 4 роки тому +2

      Well you are still alive and well, LOL

    • @guguigugu
      @guguigugu 4 роки тому +6

      my dad just quickly wets them with some cold water and shakes it off. often in the kitchen sink. if i say something he calls me paranoid and some other adjectives id rather not share.

  • @12201185234
    @12201185234 4 роки тому +75

    It's both awesome and saddening to me to think that one man on UA-cam is doing more to inform the public, potentially saving lives, than seemingly every major health organization on the planet combined.

    • @MrsHyde92
      @MrsHyde92 4 роки тому +5

      My friend, major health organizations aren't here to actually help... Believe me. It's up to us the people to care for each other!

    • @Emidoki
      @Emidoki 4 роки тому +3

      @@MrsHyde92 Can confirm! Nearly died from a couple of unprofessional doctors, most always seem to carelessly delay care (they really don't care) but at least two of them almost killed me and they're still practicing, no justice. Then every flu season they will push the flu shot and give a false sense of security without ever really pushing the basics like practicing better health habits. I may have had the flu once when I was healthy at around age 5? Now I'm always at risk with my chronic illness but I've never had the flu since nor the shot since I'm sensitive. I boost my immune system as best I can, stay in and I'm mindful. Imagine how many lives might we have saved each flu season had we just used the caution we are finally using right now? Even without the staying home part, people being more aware makes a difference.
      Still, healthcare rarely ever helps in preventive care as much as they should. We are not prepared for pandemics or much of anything, we put all our money into war instead. They don't even know what to do with people like me, I have had to fight for the care I do have. It took doing my own research to finally figure out what I have going on with me and finding out, oh there's actually treatment? Then I'd inform them of where I have to go for the treatment or the necessary tests. It shouldn't be so hard but it is. Also the FDA not only uses a poor outdated system that has harmed people, they're corrupt and have their way of cutting corners as well.

    • @MrsHyde92
      @MrsHyde92 4 роки тому +3

      @@Emidoki Oh dear, I'm so sorry you had those experiences... I don't know where you live, but I agree with you, most Healthcare Systems are ruled by Big Pharma, and Medicine students aren't taught to cure the cause, but merely mitigate symptoms, and that among other factors have as a result lot of ill people and also many deaths which could have been avoided.
      Stay safe! 🙌

    • @Emidoki
      @Emidoki 4 роки тому +1

      @@MrsHyde92 Thank you, that means a lot, not everyone understands this and many assume that just because it's the US, we're the best at everything including healthcare. I started out healthy and was an athlete, completely ignorant to how bad it actually was. It's been a little over a decade and a half since it all started, have had some success in one condition but still fighting in many other ways especially these last few years. What's upsetting to me, had they found the main underlying problem that started this sooner instead of putting me on antidepressants at 14 (because they didn't believe me), and only fixed that, I probably would have been okay enough to come out of this; could have been much more productive as a citizen.
      But it took too long and a couple of procedures left me with damage that led into more problems. I could have avoided so much heartache and pain but for whatever reason I guess this is my journey in life. Help has gone on pause at the moment, along with the rest of the world, but I'm hopeful that after all this calms down I'll be able to get the last of my surgeries/treatment at John Hopkins and will no longer be as bedridden and disabled. I will never be the same but I will improve surely, it's just a lot to do since we have to be overly proactive and determined to get somewhere, mentally it is draining. Not to mention expensive and having to rely on family.
      It's a shame, one doctor told me he's learned more from me than school, only half-jokingly really. They're barely taught about finding cause let alone on how to treat. Then they get hung up on if it's in your head too much and won't test for rare things just because they're rare which makes it even more rare to find. I have multiple rare conditions but only because of a connecting underlying factor, one which I tested negative for twice before I found a surgeon who could finally confirmed it which led to a difficult but successful surgery for MALS, Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome aka Celiac Artery Compression Syndrome. Many illnesses are under and mis-diagnosed. One of my conditions that's actually very common (POTS) as a result of the major underlying problem is actually not that difficult to understand and treat, yet they're still pretty clueless about it.
      Sorry for the rant, I could go on and on but I'll stop here and hope some come across this and learns something. You have to be proactive about your health, one can't simply wait around for doctors, not even for test results sometimes. I definitely wouldn't be here today had I waited in my case. Best wishes and stay well! ❤️

    • @skopjemk
      @skopjemk 4 роки тому +1


  • @cadowyn735
    @cadowyn735 4 роки тому +1947

    One man has done more to inform and save people than some organizations and countries.

    • @zero_meercat8624
      @zero_meercat8624 4 роки тому +41

      Cadowyn *most countries and organisations lol

    • @nowpresent2167
      @nowpresent2167 4 роки тому +14

      Power of service

    • @nowpresent2167
      @nowpresent2167 4 роки тому +22

      Power of sense to serve another.

    • @davebellamy4867
      @davebellamy4867 4 роки тому +48

      John is outside all that save your own job, groupthink, political correctness and ass licking of government institutions, thankfully. . He's a real public servant. A private individual public servant.

    • @agateanne6384
      @agateanne6384 4 роки тому +18

      That is so true! Thank you so much Dr. Campbell!

  • @seb7391
    @seb7391 4 роки тому +126

    2020 will be known as the year when people learned to wash their hands

    • @Sheba_316
      @Sheba_316 4 роки тому +4

      seb 😃 new achievement

    • @almanashshi
      @almanashshi 4 роки тому +2

      😃 yes

    • @catspaw3815
      @catspaw3815 4 роки тому +2

      yes, but don't forget to turn on the tap first with your unwashed, germ-riddled fingers

    • @piotrstrycharz2876
      @piotrstrycharz2876 4 роки тому

      I still dont

    • @rosscoats9261
      @rosscoats9261 3 роки тому

      Ive never washed my hands to that extent at all throughout this pandemic, being a fulltime firefighter it makes it difficult to socially distance either in the back of the appliances, touch wood to this day still not contracted any virus that I know of. Must be doing something right, out fire gear is louping and we are forever touching door handles, chairs in the station etc etc, you would think we would be prime time candidates for catching covid, especially having to interact with the public also

  • @dancolombo6050
    @dancolombo6050 4 роки тому +171

    The highest ranked hand washing on UA-cam.

  • @robbnagle
    @robbnagle 4 роки тому +3

    3 Months ago this would have seemed ridiculous, Today this guy is a Hero! Thanks Dr. John!! You really are a life saver!

  • @heatherbfromtn2679
    @heatherbfromtn2679 4 роки тому +483

    I just had my 5 year old watch this and afterwards he wanted to show me how it’s done ✅ lol thank you!

    • @miriamclark13
      @miriamclark13 4 роки тому +6

      Same here haha. We were copying Dr. Campbells hand washing movements .

    • @williamswenson5315
      @williamswenson5315 4 роки тому +5

      I suspect he'll really enjoy your comment. Cheers!

    • @X13-k5c
      @X13-k5c 4 роки тому +3

      Be safe

    • @nikkihinton5642
      @nikkihinton5642 4 роки тому +3

      Don't forget to sing happy birthday twice.

    • @valereehansen1277
      @valereehansen1277 4 роки тому +1

      You are a wonderful parent. So nice to hear.

  • @guguigugu
    @guguigugu 4 роки тому +35

    i cant even count how many public toilets ive been in, including restaurants and bars, that didnt even have soap, paper towels, or sometimes even hot water.

    • @MelliaBoomBot
      @MelliaBoomBot 4 роки тому

      exactly! even in the UK and same here in France! disgusting.....

    • @Danuxsy
      @Danuxsy 4 роки тому


    • @ttephi3667
      @ttephi3667 4 роки тому +2

      Terrible... better to take your own.

  • @MamaStyles
    @MamaStyles 4 роки тому +226

    The one daughter I homeschool due to bullying wants to be a biologist.She is in grade six and she’s got an assignment on this video.Ty for being the teacher we need Dr Campbell ♥️

    • @sudomeister1911
      @sudomeister1911 4 роки тому +14

      I wish her good luck in her life hope she becomes successful!

    • @well-8814
      @well-8814 4 роки тому +18

      I really admire you for home schooling. There's too much attempted indoctrination in schools now. It's not an easy job so well done to you ❤

    • @alison367
      @alison367 4 роки тому +7

      @@well-8814 way to go.I totally think it has it's benefits especially in this climate

    • @funnyanimalshorts643
      @funnyanimalshorts643 4 роки тому +8

      My son is 10 and I homeschool him too. I will make an assignment on this too. Its important to know the most recent proven methods for hand washing.

    • @valereehansen1277
      @valereehansen1277 4 роки тому +5

      Rose Gold - love hearing about great parents. Too few in the world today. Makes me think this is a major part of why the world is so messed up. Your daughter is going to be an outstanding enhancement to the human race. Really nice.

  • @TheOriginalNaugaHyde
    @TheOriginalNaugaHyde 4 роки тому +5

    I am 56 years old and I have watched a video of somebody washing their hands. Not a bucket-list item of mine but thanks none the less. Stay well!

  • @halfcrazyoldchristianredne895
    @halfcrazyoldchristianredne895 4 роки тому +205

    I nominate Dr. John Campbell for knighthood.

  • @nackaskoglund7316
    @nackaskoglund7316 4 роки тому +24

    When all this is over, it is our duty to ensure that John gets the attention he deserves!
    Thank you John!

  • @JoseVGavila
    @JoseVGavila 4 роки тому +30

    Sometimes the most basic thing is the key. Thanks for reminding us!

    • @valereehansen1277
      @valereehansen1277 4 роки тому

      Yeah, I really dislike having to give my car key to the maintenance crew every time I get car maintenance. Used to have a separate key for them, lost it, now I have to think how I'm going to start dealing with that.

  • @jasminakovacic1666
    @jasminakovacic1666 4 роки тому +49

    "keep calm and wash your hands" 😉

  • @Kaff231
    @Kaff231 4 роки тому +11

    Great video...I would also include wiping clean the front doorknobs and other surfaces that are touched after coming from the store, office ect. Washing your hands are essential but cleaning the door knobs and other items touched is also just as important. Thanks for keeping us up to date with the latest on Coronavirus.

    • @paddymaluco
      @paddymaluco 3 роки тому

      Shoes off before coming in. Think Japan.

  • @GoferZeroSix
    @GoferZeroSix 4 роки тому +111

    John, go back and clean the door handle you touched at the beginning. We need you.

    • @cristian_calin
      @cristian_calin 4 роки тому +17

      Also clean your Smartphone / Card / Wallet that you've used to pay at the supermarket. And for God's sake, wear at least a n95 mask when going into crowded places. We need you here, not in a hospital.

    • @jennywagner2448
      @jennywagner2448 4 роки тому +27

      also the tap which he touched with "dirty" hands.... I was surprised he didn't cover those points

    • @Lisa-cj6vx
      @Lisa-cj6vx 4 роки тому +15

      And the steering wheel and the car shifter and the......

    • @cristian_calin
      @cristian_calin 4 роки тому +5

      @@Lisa-cj6vx He will leave the car in the garage for 1 month, and the virus will die off by itself.

    • @fim1968
      @fim1968 4 роки тому +14

      But when he came into the house he touched door knobs, keys etc which also need to be cleaned regularly. I always feel like a hypochondriac washing my keys but I feel like they are so dirty. We always touch them when we're entering our house, they often fall down. I also wipe credit cards and cells with wipes etc. And then you have people saying that it's good to not clean things because it strengthens the immune system. I am so confused.

  • @jennifergibson2867
    @jennifergibson2867 4 роки тому +3

    We Love you Dr. John Campbell ❤️❤️ thank you 🙏🏼

  • @alexgrant1176
    @alexgrant1176 4 роки тому +88

    We have a dirty John today

  • @wantsmoreinkwork
    @wantsmoreinkwork 4 роки тому +14

    Everyone in the food industry needs your hand washing video. Thank you Dr. John

  • @deslomeslager
    @deslomeslager 4 роки тому +187

    That was easy!
    But no: everyone should try it out for himself to do as John does. Really!
    I memorized from the pictures he showed but forgot to do the fingertips in the palm. Learn by pratice and practice a lot.

    • @MamaStyles
      @MamaStyles 4 роки тому +3

      deslomeslager Now show this to everyone in your life you care about esp children.We posted a Stop behind our bathroom door so the teenagers wash

    • @MommaHun
      @MommaHun 4 роки тому +2

      Thank you so much. I have many questions about sanitizing at home, especially with the possibility of being quarantined. I will keep them down to just a couple for this comment and do some of my own research as well. 1. What is the least percentage of of bleach solution for disinfecting surfaces? Somewhere back in the day I remember a 10-10. Ten percent bleach solution, for ten minutes. I am hoping I can get by with a less than 10% solution to make the bleach last longer. 2
      At home, how often should I be disinfecting common touch surfaces like doorknobs if someone in the family is showing symptoms of a cold? 3. In an earlier video you were talking about in the older days, they opened the window for fresh air. Do you recommend this as a home practice? 4. What temp should we keep the home heat at seeing as the virus has been known to last longer on surfaces at colder temps and hotter temps? Thank you again for your time and effort in helping whoever you can in dealing with this situation.

    • @gwynjustice2575
      @gwynjustice2575 4 роки тому +1

      I watched it and did it along with him

    • @2100BLF
      @2100BLF 4 роки тому +1

      He was washing for a total of 90 seconds!! And i thought my 30-45 seconds is already very long.

    • @bugtussle7475
      @bugtussle7475 4 роки тому

      @@2100BLF He said that 20-30 seconds was sufficient. He just did it longer in the video for demonstration purposes to show each step in more detail.

  • @OnePiece-os3pe
    @OnePiece-os3pe 4 роки тому +2

    It’s absolutely how much this channel has grown since the start of the year which was ,as i can vividly remember, at 226k and now it’s at 358k.Thats 132k subs in just 3 months .Dr campbell you deserve all of this and more .You will see the fruits of your labour before the end of this year when you hit the 1million milestone and i look forward to that day .You deserve a nobel prize for everything your doing .May allah bless you for the great work you have been doing to save humanity .

  • @Only1God
    @Only1God 4 роки тому +174

    It's shocking how many adults don't wash their hands on a regular basis, especially after using the restroom! 🤧🤒🤢🤮😷

    • @penitentone6998
      @penitentone6998 4 роки тому +9

      I work at an airport and the amount of guys that dont wash their hands after using the public restrooms is scary

    • @CoKaNee
      @CoKaNee 4 роки тому +13

      I have guy at work who dont wash his hands after taking a sh*t. Seen it few times and thought Im gonna throw up.

    • @Only1God
      @Only1God 4 роки тому +2

      We're up to 112 confirmed

    • @jcsxyz2005
      @jcsxyz2005 4 роки тому +5

      @@CoKaNee Yes me too! That is why I keep my towel after leaving the restroom to open all the doors until I get into my office.

    • @davtk8
      @davtk8 4 роки тому +1

      We need CCTV and apprehend them as they leave.

  • @KaseyLynn55
    @KaseyLynn55 4 роки тому +1

    I love how you genuinely care about people!! God Bless You John!! I wish everyone in this world could be like you!!

  • @twiggy1415
    @twiggy1415 4 роки тому +8

    You forgot to sing Happy Birthday twice! You great. Love these videos

  • @z44k5
    @z44k5 4 роки тому +29

    just realized I've been pretty shit at washing my hands for 33 years.. I thought I was cleanly. apparently not.. thanks doc.

  • @steveturner6732
    @steveturner6732 4 роки тому +1

    You are one of the best on UA-cam concerning COVID-19, and what people REALLY need to know! Thanks for everything you do, Sir. You deserve a medal for it!

  • @littlefrog9553
    @littlefrog9553 4 роки тому +44

    Sending this to everyone I know.

  • @paulround8501
    @paulround8501 4 роки тому +11

    I haven't seen anything on this from main stream media, at this time we should be being bombarded with this kind of information.

  • @hiiamhi.23
    @hiiamhi.23 4 роки тому +51

    Man.... I have never washed my hands properly....

    • @melgrant7404
      @melgrant7404 4 роки тому

      Even after using the toilet?

    • @Sorest2
      @Sorest2 4 роки тому

      but have you washed TV properly?

    • @hiiamhi.23
      @hiiamhi.23 4 роки тому

      @@Sorest2 Rip English

    • @seb7391
      @seb7391 4 роки тому

      nobody has... until now

  • @KM-nq7ez
    @KM-nq7ez 4 роки тому +7

    Just had my children watch this video, their now in the Bathroom practicing. Thank you Doctor.

  • @eskimocommotion4965
    @eskimocommotion4965 4 роки тому +4

    Thank you. I learned something new today from you and will add it to my own technique. Please stay healthy, we need you.

  • @JessDrinks
    @JessDrinks 4 роки тому +55

    Never in a million years did I think I’d watch a video on hand washing with the same enthusiasm as watching the second coming of Christ

    • @andylane7142
      @andylane7142 4 роки тому

      Jess Drinks I’d love it if the second coming of Christ was on UA-cam... As an atheist I’d have a lot of humble pie to eat.

    • @davidignatiusbalestreri1737
      @davidignatiusbalestreri1737 4 роки тому

      @@andylane7142 Wont need you tube for that

    • @davidignatiusbalestreri1737
      @davidignatiusbalestreri1737 4 роки тому

      @Tiger Momma Howard Hughes was a good hand washer

    • @andylane7142
      @andylane7142 4 роки тому

      Tiger Momma Now I’m ROFLing imagining the good doctor doing backflips and somersaults like Catwoman in Batman returns just trying to follow all of your instructions.

    • @andylane7142
      @andylane7142 4 роки тому +1

      David B. Not a good example. He burned everything he owned when he suspected bacteria contamination and washed his hands so much they would bleed constantly. I’m not sure mental illness is the best remedy...

  • @Jack_k32
    @Jack_k32 4 роки тому +48

    My mum came in and she asked me why I am watching a man seductively wash his hands

    • @orbitingdecay6797
      @orbitingdecay6797 3 роки тому

      Good job she didn't just hear that squelching sound.

    • @rosscoats9261
      @rosscoats9261 3 роки тому

      @@orbitingdecay6797 vinegarstrokes

  • @dallastaylor5479
    @dallastaylor5479 4 роки тому +14

    Does anyone know a germ phobe that's paranoid in normal times? They gotta be living in a constant cringe state now. I know one that's terrified, stark raving off the charts paralyzed by this.

    • @fim1968
      @fim1968 4 роки тому +8

      Yeah me! I am actually quite happy that people are seeing things my way now and no longer think that I am a freak of nature, washing keys and wiping credit cards and so on. So no cringe at all!

    • @maries2313
      @maries2313 4 роки тому +2

      @@fim1968 It all makes sense now to be so careful.

    • @fionac7020
      @fionac7020 4 роки тому +2

      I've always been a germaphobe and have always been disgusted by peoples lack of hygiene and this is my biggest nightmare right now. 😞😢

    • @nhmooytis7058
      @nhmooytis7058 4 роки тому +2

      dallastaylor 547 I was raised by germophobes, took years to unlearn the OCD behavior. Now I have to relearn it!

  • @jenniferbate9682
    @jenniferbate9682 4 роки тому +1

    He’s quite funny too. Makes me chuckle as well as feel really scared. We all need to wash our hands really well.

  • @cadowyn735
    @cadowyn735 4 роки тому +77

    Who else is trying to look around his house? lol

    • @alzabeesww
      @alzabeesww 4 роки тому +12

      He's such a lovely man. I cannot believe he apologized (today) for having been emotional during yesterday's broadcast. I'd be leaping around the room shouting malfeasance if I were in his shoes!

    • @nikkihinton5642
      @nikkihinton5642 4 роки тому +1

      But it shut too quick: tried to squeeze through his door to see the garden. 🕯️🍁🐝

    • @MelliaBoomBot
      @MelliaBoomBot 4 роки тому +1

      LOL lovely sink!

  • @AnonningAnon
    @AnonningAnon 4 роки тому +7

    Surprisingly, I already wash my hands like this, which leaves me wondering who the hell taught me this as a kid. I need to thank them xD!

  • @stefs3460
    @stefs3460 4 роки тому

    🤣 your facial expressions in your opening explanations were HILARIOUS! You might consider acting after this is all over!

  • @azezking4638
    @azezking4638 4 роки тому +19

    Before I watch i Liked... keep up man i really like your Works

  • @DrBiohack
    @DrBiohack 4 роки тому +1

    I am going to link this video in all my uploads as every video I feel like I am saying "good handwashing is essential" - this is great

  • @tired_buthappy
    @tired_buthappy 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks so much Dr Campbell! I watched with my 6 year old daughter and she loved seeing the information.

  • @fullscreennationalism1658
    @fullscreennationalism1658 4 роки тому +17

    Another tip: try to use your knuckles to press buttons in public.

    • @christiana-7158
      @christiana-7158 4 роки тому +2

      Yes and use tissue when possiable. Been carrying a few in coat pocket n I have a bag in car w gloves, masks , and tissues for when getting gas or bank transactions.

    • @LHAnthony
      @LHAnthony 4 роки тому

      @@christiana-7158 hope you're not reusing the tissues, or you're just getting your pockets dirty.

    • @shawnalLovesJesus
      @shawnalLovesJesus 4 роки тому

      @@christiana-7158 or buy a small container of baby wipes.

  • @donaldtrump4053
    @donaldtrump4053 4 роки тому

    Thanks Doctor, seems so obvious, but easy to forget. I appreciate all the information you are supplying, you are a life saver. A lot of people are watching, you are doing a great service to people by making all these videos. Love you John.
    GOD bless you

  • @fredo1070
    @fredo1070 4 роки тому +7

    Best info and advice of the year. Never knew how to wash my hands thoroughly.

  • @hgn2321
    @hgn2321 4 роки тому +1

    A voice of reason and wisdom. Thank you!

  • @Lilducktator
    @Lilducktator 4 роки тому +10

    Also sanitise any part of the tap/hand wash bottle/whatever has been touched. 🤷‍♂️ (if at home)

  • @leopardwoman1704
    @leopardwoman1704 4 роки тому

    Thank you Dr. Campbell. I learned a couple of things from your video- I thought I was doing a good job. I have shared your video widely.
    You are doing more to save the people of this earth than anyone. All the best to you!
    Thank you from a small town in Southern California

  • @franny5295
    @franny5295 4 роки тому +9

    I'm appalled to learn that, in fact, I did not know how to wash my hands. My 3 year old and I are grateful for the instruction.

    • @Danuxsy
      @Danuxsy 4 роки тому +1

      yeah you look like someone whom wouldn't know how to wash her own hands.

    • @franny5295
      @franny5295 4 роки тому +1

      @@Danuxsy No need to be rude.

  • @timashton1353
    @timashton1353 4 роки тому +8

    Dear Doctor ,
    Could you now do a video on using Isopropyl Alcohol as a spray, please?

  • @ONightbird
    @ONightbird 4 роки тому +16

    Wait... so you touched the faucet with nasty fingers... and then you got it on your forearm.
    Years ago I started using tissues to touch EVERYTHING in public.
    NEVER come home and touch your stuff after being out. Take you shoes off too. 🤦‍♂️

    • @laurac56
      @laurac56 4 роки тому +3

      Nightbird I noticed that too! Used his arm AFTER his hands were clean, but his hand before cleaning. 😧

    • @ONightbird
      @ONightbird 4 роки тому +3

      Laura C - anyone that would catch that (imo) already knows how to keep their hands clean.
      I’m just being my OCD self 🙃

    • @quillpen815
      @quillpen815 4 роки тому

      This is just a procedure on how to wash your hands. Ideally for your home you would go retrace your steps and disinfect surfaces youve touched with disinfectant wipes (a paper towel soaked in isoprolyl alcohol at least 60% alcohol content works as well), then you are to wash your hands again. Dr. John may not have been able to enter rooms of his house if the doors are closed, so he's bound to touch surfaces on his way to wash his hands.

  • @Hatsuharu1987
    @Hatsuharu1987 4 роки тому

    Dr. Campbell you are amazing! Thanks for saving lives with this video.

  • @mr.marmot39
    @mr.marmot39 4 роки тому +37

    Thanks for this valuable info doc
    i'd like to know, is it necessary to also wash your arm if it's exposed ?
    also can viruses stay in the clothes you're wearing ? how do we make sure we enter our home without little pathogens coming with us ?

    • @robertbogan225
      @robertbogan225 4 роки тому +5

      Airborne virus id assume its on my hair if im near someone coughing.

    • @photios4779
      @photios4779 4 роки тому +13

      According to the World Health Organization fact page, "It is not certain how long the virus that causes COVID-19 survives on surfaces, but it seems to behave like other coronaviruses. Studies suggest that coronaviruses (including preliminary information on the COVID-19 virus) may persist on surfaces for a few hours or up to several days. This may vary under different conditions (e.g. type of surface, temperature or humidity of the environment)."
      It may be a good idea to wear a long-sleeved coat or shirt when you go out into a public place (and gloves will help too!) If you think you may have brushed up against an infected surface, immediately remove these clothes upon entering your residence and change into something else. What I'm more concerned about is fresh produce in the supermarkets possibly becoming contaminated by infected people touching and coughing on them. Tomatoes and apples are just sitting there without any packaging, waiting to be purchased and eaten. And since this is biological matter, perhaps it will be more amenable for viruses to remain active for a longer period of time than an inorganic surface. I suppose one would have to wash them carefully with soap and warm to hot water *before* putting them in the fridge.

    • @cissyu9187
      @cissyu9187 4 роки тому +6

      Mr. Marmot yes, you should wash the parts of your arms which were exposed. But according to some reliable information from China, people don’t need to worry about the virus on the clothes, just hang them separately from other clothes and the virus would die after a while. They prefer smooth surfaces.

    • @mollasima3251
      @mollasima3251 4 роки тому +2

      @@photios4779 I was thinking the same thing about grocery store produce

    • @mki_kitlof
      @mki_kitlof 4 роки тому +27

      As a nurse, after I've dealt with isolated patients, when I get home I take my shoes off outside my front door. Once I'm in I head straight to laundry room and throw my clothes in the washer, keeping my mouth/ eyes shut during the process of clothing removal, I hold my breath too just incase. Then I go right into the shower. If you live with someone they can spray the door and washer behind you with sanitizing spray or just leave it out and within reach, and the outside of the bath/shower as well. Typically, I wash the inside of my shower while I'm in there anyways. Hope that helps.
      I've even started taking the sanitizer spray with me to work so when I get out I sanitize my car seat, steering wheel etc etc

  • @jeffm9227
    @jeffm9227 4 роки тому +10

    Observation: Don't turn ON the water with your dirty hands. Use a towel or your elbow if possible to hook under it. This handle needs to be disinfected.

    • @AirIndiaAnand
      @AirIndiaAnand 4 роки тому

      Perfect Observation... I too noticed it. He should have wiped the tap with Second Wet Paper Towel before heading to the door 🚪 Handle. 👍

  • @DianeSturlinXX
    @DianeSturlinXX 4 роки тому +36

    Quit talking and go wash your hands. OMGoodness, you're the only reasonable person through this whole ordeal that I have been able to follow, please be careful! I guarantee you, there are thousands of people out here who are relying on you to keep the voice of reason going.

    • @PiperRoo
      @PiperRoo 4 роки тому +1

      I agree. The doc gives it to us straight without scaring the life out of us. I've had to stop watching some others because the utter doom and gloom was starting to get to me, like seriously. Morale has to be kept up, or stress may kill us before the virus even comes our way.

    • @PiperRoo
      @PiperRoo 4 роки тому +1

      @Peggy Smulligan Same here! Yes, to the point of exhaustion. My husband is disabled so everything is on my plate. I'm finally settled in now, recovering from post-traumatic
      shopping-syndrome. 🙄

    • @SkuStyle
      @SkuStyle 4 роки тому +1

      * CCP p.s.y-op to justify locking down a fracturing nation.
      * Wuhan mass protests over air pollution, new incinerator & 5G test site before outbreak / city lock down, residents in poor health & respiratory problems already.
      * Normal flu cases are being used as Coronavirus cases.
      * 5G roll out maybe harming human immune systems / depleting oxygen intake levels - 60 GHZ , (RESEARCH THIS).
      * If the MSM news reported like they are doing now on this alleged coronavirus outbreak on normal flu cases every year, all flu deaths, we'd see the same numbers and deaths reported,
      they're hyping this up on purpose as the MSM outlets are complicit in this false flag as they always are due to being owned by the cabal.
      * All Governments, Corporations & MSM have been infiltrated & controlled by the satanic Cabal.
      * They'll use this event to implement new tyranny control laws, forced vaccinations & more! THIS should be of concern NOT the boogieman Virus.
      5G has never been carefully studied for it's effect on human health ... although this was known ..........
      RF Globalnet April 10 2001.
      Fixed Wireless Communication at 60GHz Unique Oxygen Absorbtion. Properties .
      by Shigeaki (Shey) Hakusui, Pres. Harmonix Corp.
      Topic/5G . Harminder Singh. 1st. Dec. 2017 .*Hong Kong is to be one of the world's earliest adopters of 5G technology* .
      Officials say licence scheme for next generation broadband services taking shape in city ahead of 2020 introduction.
      Courtney Anderson. 4th. Feb. 2019 . New upgrades Debut Onboard Diamond Princess. (Installation of 5G satellite links.)
      Technology/5G 2019
      South Korea leading the 5G Revolution . 5G is a national imperative for South Korea, where big investments in infrastructure
      and cellular technology have given it first move advantage. Oliver Pickup - May 2019.
      Wireless. 5 June 2019 .
      Vodaphone Italia has switched on it's 5G in five cities across the country, ahead of Vodaphone group's launch of 5G roaming in Germany and UK ....
      Population control by microwave radiation, under the guise of a virus pandemic .

    • @PiperRoo
      @PiperRoo 4 роки тому

      @Peggy Smulligan I'm rural (which is good) and have a farm full of animals, included an old pony who can no longer eat hay. 40 pound feed bags galore! 😓 My husband thought I was a bit crazy, too, but is now glad we can sit tight awhile.
      Get your rest (like I should talk🙄😁) Be safe! ♡

    • @sallydown4636
      @sallydown4636 4 роки тому

      @Peggy Smulligan Look up "cytokine storm." It's a condition in which the immune system goes into overdrive and gets stuck there when reacting to an infection, creating so much of a reaction that it kills the victim - often very quickly. Dr. Campbell has several videos that address the topic of cytokine storms - particularly his series on sepsis and his series on inflammation, both posted several years ago, but still very valid.

  • @tedshikon8823
    @tedshikon8823 4 роки тому

    Hey, doc, just wanted to thank you for your work. Watching from Albania on a daily basis. You set the right standard with these videos. Faleminderit! (Thanks!)

  • @ASMRconKiki
    @ASMRconKiki 4 роки тому +2

    I am ashamed to say I have never washed my hand so thoroughly in my entire life! Especially the rotating motions, I tend to stick to palm to palm and the back of my hands/in between fingers. Very insightful, thank you!

    • @craggerrs
      @craggerrs 3 роки тому +1

      you should spend at least 10hours a day washing your hands and then when your done, wrap yourself in cling film so you don't kill grandma - and also don't visit grandma, even once wrapped in cling film, because we must protect grandma (even when she's on her death bed - don't see her then either otherwise because then you will destroy the NHS) - I HOPE THIS MAKES SENSE TO YOU

    • @paddymaluco
      @paddymaluco 3 роки тому

      I'll give you a damn good washing from top to bottom. 😀😀😀😀

  • @dallastaylor5479
    @dallastaylor5479 4 роки тому +36

    But doc, someone was just in that bathroom and coughed, there's virus on the paper towel. Wash your hands again.

    • @robertbogan225
      @robertbogan225 4 роки тому +14

      Take the ones that are still in the machine not the one half hanging out.

    • @hollyavillella554
      @hollyavillella554 4 роки тому +2

      @@robertbogan225 😊

    • @Doxymeister
      @Doxymeister 4 роки тому +13

      @@robertbogan225 LOL, exactly--I pull the one hanging first and throw it away before I even start washing my hands.

      @AMYBIERHAUS 4 роки тому +5

      Apparently, he carries his own roll of paper towels with him when he is out and about... smart man, brilliant doctor! Love this channel!

  • @marilynyoung8477
    @marilynyoung8477 4 роки тому

    Ty, dr. Campbell. This is fantastic to show how to wash hands properly. I always wash my hands whenever I come home.

  • @bwktlcn
    @bwktlcn 4 роки тому +14

    We cannot afford you becoming ill! Please be safe!

  • @DavidIstre
    @DavidIstre 4 роки тому

    Proper hygiene like this is woefully overlooked! Thank you for taking the time to produce this video. I grew up with a mother whose immune system was compromised, so I learned how to do this from an early age, but a lot of people do it wrong.

  • @KeroŞero
    @KeroŞero 4 роки тому +9

    Thanks for the handwashing asmr doc

  • @SuccessforLifester
    @SuccessforLifester 4 роки тому +2

    I remember when I used to take care of my mother, I always washed my hands before I handled her. However when visitors come , they proceeded to touch her directly. I regretted that I didn't voice out to them.

  • @MachinaOpus
    @MachinaOpus 4 роки тому +13

    instructions unclear: now I have an extra finger

    • @simpslayer7664
      @simpslayer7664 4 роки тому

      Now is not the time to act funny or oversmart...

    • @notsure5702
      @notsure5702 4 роки тому +2

      HaHaHaHa, that’s hilarious, God Bless You! I hope you understand that you have made my day much better!

  • @watrgrl2
    @watrgrl2 4 роки тому

    Excellent ! I definitely need to improve my technique as a nurse. Your process is much more thorough than what nurses have been taught in my community. We all know the amount of time we need to spend and about using the paper towels to shut the tap off and to open the bathroom door. We are aware that the thumbs medial and the hands lateral surface tend to be overlooked but the actual handwashing process you used was much more thorough than we typically see.

  • @blahblah62800
    @blahblah62800 4 роки тому

    Its just incomprehensible just how many lives you are saving...this was so easy to play to my young children...you are the nations true hero x

  • @itsokrocklee8252
    @itsokrocklee8252 4 роки тому +33

    John I swear to god I want to buy you a pint and have a good chat

    • @mistymac9345
      @mistymac9345 4 роки тому +2

      I want to give him a big hug 🤗

    • @GlobalAdventurer
      @GlobalAdventurer 4 роки тому

      @@mistymac9345 me too, take a number 😀

      @SEISMICNOISEDNB 4 роки тому +1

      You have to social isolate atm :)

    • @billtownsend6270
      @billtownsend6270 4 роки тому

      Can I come? I'll buy a round.

    • @PiperRoo
      @PiperRoo 4 роки тому +3

      @@mistymac9345 ... me, too, but no hugs and kisses.☹ Elbow bump, Japanese bow with prayer hands? I saw Wuhan guys do a toe-tapping dance in greeting.😄

  • @cedarpope
    @cedarpope 4 роки тому

    Bless you, Dr. John. We are all soooo grateful for all you share and teach.

  • @tonyjones9442
    @tonyjones9442 4 роки тому +6

    Public toilets should have swing doors so you can use your feet to open them. Those Dyson driers are awful too.

    • @maxpower6918
      @maxpower6918 4 роки тому

      Perverts would have nowhere to go to have sex with strangers if you did that!!

    • @tonyjones9442
      @tonyjones9442 4 роки тому +1

      @@maxpower6918 I'm not talking about the stall doors but the main doors in and out. Do people still do that kind if thing.

    • @maxpower6918
      @maxpower6918 4 роки тому

      @@tonyjones9442 Oh yes it goes on all the............errrrrrrrrr Yeah I'm told so.

    • @tonyjones9442
      @tonyjones9442 4 роки тому

      @@maxpower6918 Not just men apparently. By coincidence I read this article few months ago.

  • @meganplacidi4919
    @meganplacidi4919 4 роки тому

    This video made me smile. You are quite the actor Dr. Campbell!

  • @kathleenmurphy2379
    @kathleenmurphy2379 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you.... I'm a retired teacher and I substitute taught and it amazed me the kids who don't wash their hands and come back right away from the bathroom. I would ask the boys who came back so quickly if they had washed their hands and they'd say yes. I knew perfectly well they had so I said will they smell like soap or did you just run them under the water so they could save face. So they go I forgot to use soap so they go back to wash their hands. At the school I retired from the custodian was mad at the 8th grade girls because the soap dispenser kept breaking so he refused to give them a new one. So the 8th grade girls had no soap to use in the bathroom. I told the custodian he needed to put a soap dispenser in there he refused. I went to the school nurse and she got him to put a soap dispenser in the girls bathroom. I was teaching a Pre-K class or why was the assistant and the kids were coming out of the bathroom right away no one had taught them to wash their hands meaning their parents. So I would take them in the bathroom have them turn on the water get their hands wet and put soap on their hands and tell them they had to say the ABC's while they move the soap around all over their hands back front fingers Etc. I said the soap is Magic it takes all the germs and puts them down the drain so you don't get sick. I think the teacher was a little aggravated with me that I was teaching them how to wash their hands but I didn't care if I had to work in that room and touch things I wanted to make sure things or sanitized as they could be

  • @scottstensland
    @scottstensland 4 роки тому +4

    why did Dr John grab the faucet with his virus hands as he turned on the water ? ditto for the soap dispenser ... this is what elbows are for ! doing it his way the next person hitting that faucet will pickup whatever was on his hands !

  • @paulaoyedele2081
    @paulaoyedele2081 4 роки тому

    Boy do I appreciate your videos Dr Campbell.

  • @jacquelinefoote8081
    @jacquelinefoote8081 4 роки тому +4

    Exactly how I’ve done this all my life,my mum and dad taught me well 🙂

  • @rud
    @rud 4 роки тому +2

    When I am at a public toilet I always think about my exit plan when I enter so I look for where I can get clean paper for opening the door. Thought I was just being weird. :)

  • @southanger
    @southanger 4 роки тому +14

    Thank you Doctor. Perfect! But I have a query: in the UK we tend to have separate hot and cold taps. I know Continental Europeans are baffled by this - and quite rightly. I can fill a bowl with warm water, thus defeating the running water method. Or I can scald my hands under the hot tap. Will the cold tap do the trick?

    • @brandimarshall3864
      @brandimarshall3864 4 роки тому +1

      Turn them both on just a little bit. It should equal warm

    • @marilena5801
      @marilena5801 4 роки тому

      In south Africa to we have separate hot and cold taps the new modern taps are both as in this video

    • @mki_kitlof
      @mki_kitlof 4 роки тому +1

      And you can sway your hands side to side in order to obtain the warmth to aid in cleansing and the cool so as to not burn the skin.
      Cold water typically does not clean as well as warm water, however if it's all you have it's better than nothing.

    • @seroxen1
      @seroxen1 4 роки тому

      I think they mean is it better to wash with flowing water that is either too hot or too cold, or is it better to wash with a still bowl of water thats of a medium temp.

    • @seroxen1
      @seroxen1 4 роки тому +2

      If you're worried, personally i'd fill the sink and wash twice, making sure you rinse down the taps and sink inbetween.

  • @mimifleming369
    @mimifleming369 4 роки тому +1

    I am a RN in the U.S. I have been watching you since the beginning of the Cov-19. I spend a good part of the day with you, on a daily basis. First, it was a lesson, then it became personal, then there was a seriousness. This Virus has the potential to be globally catastrophic, already is catastrophic, already personal. And, I thank God I have you, had you so far and hope to see you through. No one talks about this, they are Not Listening, Preparing. My husband is still going to store. They wont live in fear, they say. This Video is a New Day, New Way, a Reality. We dont have Protective wear. It's not pretty I'm afraid. But we have you, Sir. And I thank all of our Angel's, Mary Jesus and Joseph, God, Friends and Family on Other Side- For You, Sir. You Actually make me smile, great demonstration of proper hand washing and our new day, new way. Smiling with ya, Sir. 💋🙏🌞 from U.S. A Registered Nurse of 35 yrs

  • @matthewedwardsRHS
    @matthewedwardsRHS 4 роки тому +3

    WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. TUT, TUT, TUT. You forgot to sing, 'Happy Birthday.'

  • @justlooking2222
    @justlooking2222 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you for the lesson on proper hand washing. That drain is slow but still working. Before it becomes blocked, use a sink plunger on it (don't forget a small wet cloth to block the overflow so the plunger air power is forced into the trap and not out the overflow) or chemically clean it or take the trap apart and clean it. It's the usual soap build up.

  • @mistymac9345
    @mistymac9345 4 роки тому +14

    I use Glen20 a lot, it comes in Hospital grade and lists the germs and viruses it kills. Get into the habit of wearing no shoes inside as well.

  • @pamelafunk618
    @pamelafunk618 4 роки тому

    I have watched you daily since this all began. Thank you for your trustworthy and helpful updates. Canada.

  • @SuccessforLifester
    @SuccessforLifester 4 роки тому +2

    I learned the technique long ago when I need to hook up my dad to a daily dialysis machine

  • @TooManyDonuts922
    @TooManyDonuts922 4 роки тому +6

    Thank you so much for everything you do. ❤️

  • @gaellemaz3727
    @gaellemaz3727 4 роки тому

    I am paying attention and doing what you are recommending me to do. I was always careful with handwashing but I have upped my game now. Thank you for teaching us such valuable lessons.

  • @bronzegonnagy
    @bronzegonnagy 4 роки тому +4

    At what point in the sequence does bringing in the groceries and putting them away come?

    • @maries2313
      @maries2313 4 роки тому +1

      Extreme germaphobes might wipe off most of the groceries before putting them away and that can make sense now.

    • @carstenssmith753
      @carstenssmith753 4 роки тому

      Erika Rommel Thanks for reminding me to wash the reusable bags! I need to make that part of my routine.

  • @alisonmills4121
    @alisonmills4121 4 роки тому

    Dr John. You are an absolute legend and champion. Your information is, as always, proficient and very helpful. Thankyou

  • @eternalfizzer
    @eternalfizzer 4 роки тому +1

    I feel like you are my personal health coach. Im trying to think ahead of taking care of my dad when the time comes.

  • @sandyelliott3350
    @sandyelliott3350 4 роки тому +3

    What about everything you touched between store and home ? Car keys, steering wheel, etc ?

    • @nikkihinton5642
      @nikkihinton5642 4 роки тому

      Advice: stay out of touch.

    • @ladykickboxer23
      @ladykickboxer23 4 роки тому

      That's why my husband cleans every last thing when he comes from work at the hospital.

  • @GamonpatSanganunt
    @GamonpatSanganunt 4 роки тому

    I just found your youtube page today, and wow, the videos you share are super informative! Love them! Wish your channel was recommended way earlier than today.

  • @sageforce9306
    @sageforce9306 4 роки тому +9

    This Doctor really out here doing God's work

    • @meh2972
      @meh2972 4 роки тому

      Isn't the virus also doing that?

  • @rosep8481
    @rosep8481 4 роки тому

    I am so grateful for this man and his channel.

  • @lisachick8934
    @lisachick8934 4 роки тому

    Thank You Doctor! I really appreciate all your videos!

  • @maxpower6918
    @maxpower6918 4 роки тому +5

    Everything you scanned at the till and then placed on the platform before bagging is likely to be contaminated on the packaging.
    Just saying.

  • @StarWarsDebunked
    @StarWarsDebunked 4 роки тому +1

    This is honestly the most important thing in personal hygiene. Wash your hands no matter how clean you think some place is. You never know who touched what or been near something. If you're living in a public dorm in university, if you leave your room, and end up coming back inside, even though you were maybe only in your communal kitchen, if you have a sink in your room, wash your hands the moment you return. Because for me, I'd rather have to wash my hands as much as possible than to regret it later on.

  • @ckellyllc
    @ckellyllc 3 роки тому +4

    Ha. Mr Campbell you forgot a couple things. Everything you failed to clean after you touched it with your dirty hands. By youre own logic it’s a contagion and cleaning is a must. You failed to clean the door handles. The car steering wheel. Did you forget to put your seat belt on? If not, then you ought to clean that. Everything that you touched since you were at the store where the man coughed must be cleaned, lest you get infected. Why don’t you wash the whole damn door down while your at it. Did you use a bag at the store? Wash that down too. And rewash everything three times minimum. This guy is Neauseating

    • @muhammadalieesaa3379
      @muhammadalieesaa3379 3 роки тому +1

      You can bring diseases home off your shoes all over your floor, when you go outside you have a lot of people spitting on the street & you could be walking on it & bring it home with you off your shoes.

  • @micha_666
    @micha_666 4 роки тому

    Every country should use all of their media power to inform people about hand washing right now. Great video.

  • @weatherqueennami
    @weatherqueennami 4 роки тому

    We have these instructions on the mirror in my office. Very good! Thanks doc for educating people!