***** nice assumption, but no. i havnt been on halfchan since 09' because its fucking cancerous, and to bring that cancer here is pathetic. im not claiming to "know the ins and outs of the meme world" because thats also fucking pathetic. just keep these maymays in that cesspool reddit and halfchan.
Yeah I kinda physically gagged within the first few minutes of this vid. That's no small feat since given my time on the internet for 15 years, I have seen plenty of gross shit.
***** The "deep web" (stop using that shitty word) just consists of websites you can only access through Tor (.onion sites). Too many people (and news) talk utter garbage about it. Yes there's CP on it (just like on the regular web). Yes you can buy drugs there (just like on the regular web). There's also tons of information on it and stuff (hiddenwiki for example). And viruses? Seriously? Why would you put viruses on the deep web where much less people are active? Also the Tor browser is more secure than a regular browser.
Watching people argue about animal fucking ethics is strange to say the least, people need to get off their high horse and get a horse that doesn't need a bucket!
Me and one of my best friends Kyle would watch these reaction videos religiously and we'd have so much fun. He's gone now but these videos and the fond memories are still here and for that, I'm grateful. Papa Bless Kyle ❤
Red X'ed I agree, i really miss their old content like this. although i appreciate their new stuff and we know how one video takes em like a week+ to film/edit, it'd be nice to see this kinda stuff on their side channel again
LISTEN TO THE WAY THEY'RE CATCALLING THESE HORSES. If you walked down the street and some guys started going "Unnnnh, yeah, hey pretty boy, yeaaaaah." Call the police. Call them.
I think he would get. Gay for either John Elway or Shannon Sharpe. I imagine between the horse faces and the bronco uniforms he would follow them around like that freak with the clipboard follows dirk diggler in the movie boogie nights.
Never trust people with names which begin with "dan". Danny, Danni, Danika, Dan, Danella, Danamarquisha, Daniphonia....they all have a genetic predisposition for being untrustworthy. No idea why. Odd.
its been 8 years and just a few days ago the words "just the right hight no bucket required" came out of my mouth and i had to explain to my wife what it meant. why does that stick so well....??
I've heard stories of people having rescued animals from people who keep them for sexual pleasure, and I simply cannot fathom why anyone would defend it when it physically and mentally hurts the completely innocent animal who has to endure this kind of abuse. Dogs and other smaller animals get their insides fucked up because of people like the ones in the documentary here, and I'm sure it hurts the horses as well. Animals are not able to give consent - they don't communicate like we do, we often misinterperet their body language because every species has different ways of expression.
I'm not defending this disgusting behavior, but I don't think animals care if they get fucked or not. They don't really think about morals... In other words they don't think.
Does a cow give consent on giving out its milk? No. Does a chicken give consent on its eggs being taken away? No. I'm not saying that what this guy is doing is alright, but if someone is gonna call the guy a rapist then he should be a vegan no less.
You gotta admit the man has balls to admit that fetish on TV Now that I think about it, 2 years later, this is probably fake. Now that I think about it 3 years later, dude needs help
Stacy Yep, I was wondering the same thing. If it’s in the US, maybe there is a state or county legislature? I don’t know though. Dogs and horses. Mankind’s best friends, and best helpers. I kind of hate seeing animals with such a close relationship to humans getting abused worst of all, but it’s still wrong on all fronts.
Well you would think that it’s common knowledge to not fuck an animal but... Idk man I agree there should be a law in all the states that bans beastiality
Parker Yokey didnt the girl who had sex with her dog get charged with animal cruelty? I think its probably cause this footage looks alot older and nobody really heard of it back then
I'm so oblivious, for a moment when he said, "...j.r.h.n.b.n....just the right height no bucket needed, I thought bucket was cowboy slang for a saddle or something. Like he was going to ride it bareback, then it hit me, he was just thinking about a different kind of bareback riding.
I just thought of something: Don`t horses tend to kick, when they get pissed off? And when you are doing... what you`re doing, you are in perfect line of fire. (And a kick from a horse can fuck you up badly)
I was being facetious mostly. You're right, a horse can fuck you up pretty badly. The horse that bucked me wasn't exactly a pony, it was about a hand taller (you measure horse height in hands, roughly 4 inches i think) but it still sent me to the ground pretty good. Most people are lucky that horses are generally timid animals, once they realize how easily they can overpower people that horse is pretty much useless because it will try to fuck you up. You see that with lone mares that don't see others of their species for long periods of time. They're social creatures and if they don't get the behavioural cues they would in a group setting they move on to the next thing, people.
By far my fave h3h3Productions video. This dude that fucks horses is the creepiest dude I’ve ever seen and Ethan just knocks this shit out of the park.
Maregasm This is a horses equivalent of a orgasm. In some hick towns in America where sleeping with animals is accepted, boasting in the bar about giving your horse a "Maregasm" is quite common and completely acceptable. Cletis: I gone and got me a new horse called Betsie, She's a beauty, it took me a while but i gave her a "Maregasm" she aint never gonna forget! John Boy: Way ta go Cletis, you a lucky man!
In some states it's illegal, the federal law has left the issue of zoophilia (Sex with animals) to the states. In some states such as Texas (Go Texas!) it's legal. Keep in mind that these states where it's legal does not mean they passed a law allowing it, it simply means they have not discussed the issue and have no laws against or with zoophilia.
"were both sexually active with animals when they married"
>freeze frame on their pet dog
oh no
soliduswasright the vagina of a dog is actually tighter than that of a woman
no wonder why he went to have sex with mares
twan lenaerts How do you know that?
***** lol
soliduswasright trying to greentext on youtube...
fucking cancer.
you didnt even do it properly either.
nice assumption, but no.
i havnt been on halfchan since 09' because its fucking cancerous, and to bring that cancer here is pathetic.
im not claiming to "know the ins and outs of the meme world" because thats also fucking pathetic. just keep these maymays in that cesspool reddit and halfchan.
So he has a day-wife, and a night-mare
T Timeler this comment is perfection
this is peak pun
What's the difference
iDubbbzTv in this case, no difference at all, sadly.
T Timeler fuck yes m8 that was clever
Anyone ever watch h3h3 videos in public and then get really paranoid that people can hear the vid even though you're using headphones
jmcrofts Lol
jmcrofts yes same thing with my music and other youtubers.
I'm experiencing that right now
Yes lol
You're not paranoid, & they CAN hear you.
This sent chills down my spine. I honestly can't believe people like this exist.
There’s so many fucked up people in the world.....😑
y are u kink shaming, maybe i liek horses too MANE
I’m literally shaking and crying right now. So sad!!!!111
If this is already unbeliveable, brace yourself
GMak81 if you think this is unbelievable you are so innocent
I've resisted clicking on this video for 3 years now. Things will never go back to the way they were before.
dont be such a pussy...
Did you watch the new video?
Same wow
@@igavemydogablowjob6498 die
That dog has seen things
That dog is included in things
As soon as I saw Lassie I knew he had eat’n some human stank n crank
That dog has felt things
@@j8rh3ad43 aw fuck. congrats on typing it first
"i thought you were just a normal guy with a hobby"
Gsawce a very very bizarre hobby. Lmao
or an animal lover...not an animal "lover"
*Ethan gags*
Beanie 89 Z
Only true OG's remember when this video was called "Maregasm"
Dude, yo momma remember shit was called maregasm, bro. Come at me bro, I drink mountain Dew. You can't beat me.
@@RapiDEraZeR what flavor of mountain dew though?
my mom says this is where centaurs come from
Bobby Smith I laughed way too hard at this, mostly because I read it in a kid's voice...
Bobby Smith this makes sense.
+Centaur LMAO
Hes not even remotely sorry
"Helllllooooo pretty boy". Fuck me, that's a nightmare right there
Kevin Believes in the sky haha nightMARE
Kevin Believes in the sky M!
Yeah I kinda physically gagged within the first few minutes of this vid. That's no small feat since given my time on the internet for 15 years, I have seen plenty of gross shit.
Bittergamer1886 Pussy
no bucked required. *shivers*
he probably likes horses for the stable relationship
+TheJkatz321 Best horse-fucking pun ever. You won the internet.
+TheJkatz321 You really hit it spot on there.
+TheJkatz321 fucking hell
'Please do come visit'
Vilen Everett, Alright, but next time I’m coming back with a Lynching Mob.
I Googled "Maregasm" and now I'm on an FBI watch list.
***** Let's just say I've seen things I probably shouldn't have.
***** You sound like you speak from experience.
***** k
Wow... your shitty comment just proved you have no fucking clue about the ominous "deep web".
The "deep web" (stop using that shitty word) just consists of websites you can only access through Tor (.onion sites). Too many people (and news) talk utter garbage about it. Yes there's CP on it (just like on the regular web). Yes you can buy drugs there (just like on the regular web). There's also tons of information on it and stuff (hiddenwiki for example). And viruses? Seriously? Why would you put viruses on the deep web where much less people are active? Also the Tor browser is more secure than a regular browser.
these people are so fucked in the head i'm surprised they remember to eat every day without some kind of carer.
The other neat thing is your PFP, my dude
Hannya 😂😂
Wolf This video is JRHNBR
This dude's definitely got "horses in the back"
Aravinth more like he’s in the back of the horses
And sometimes the horse is at the back of him.
Horses in the back
Dick shoved up their ass
@@mrbutton8564 bestiality is only illegal in Washington state bc a guy got himself killed getting anal from a horse
*no clue what Maregasm means, clicks video, 5 seconds in*
*kills self*
TootTootMcbumbersnazzle haha
Watching people argue about animal fucking ethics is strange to say the least, people need to get off their high horse and get a horse that doesn't need a bucket!
Easily Offended Don't Read This... Kek
Get off your high horse and get a horse off.
jesus, that's disturbing
What a unique comment dawg
Once you go mare you never come back from there.
anyone else hard? 0:01
Says the disturbing face. lol
Me and one of my best friends Kyle would watch these reaction videos religiously and we'd have so much fun. He's gone now but these videos and the fond memories are still here and for that, I'm grateful. Papa Bless Kyle ❤
rip kyle this reminded me of a friend of mine
Kyle definitely used a bucket. Heard he couldn’t even stay hard
sorry for your loss, papa bless
This woman is even more insane for not leaving this dude...
ricoco7891 What the fuck, man...
Justin Crawford A match made in heaven, or in this case, probably hell.
holy shit this dude might reproduce...they definitely need to be in prison.
He already has, multiple times.
+Tanner bananer69 Too late, he already reproduced...
I got 99 problems but a mare J.R.H.N.B.R. ain't one.
Burrito 😂😂😂
lmao too dead
this is one of those comments I will remember for awhile...
If it can't say yes, the answer is no
If they can't say no?
But if it can say no, anything else is yes, and it can say no, by kicking your fucking ribs out :)
well fucked my parrot last night
But what if she is mute and is literally doing every "I want to be fucked" motion in existence?
Humans of course
@3:20 that zoom in on the dog and that eerie instrumental in the background will forever haunt me.
so, a guy came in a bar
no wait it was a horse, let me start over
a guy came in a horse
I didn't think id ever use this joke, but here I am..
heyimbori what if he came in a horse in a bar?
I am definitely gonna use that joke with my friends.
heyimbori oof
heyimbori you stole that joke
I'm stealing that joke
heyimbori Stop it!
it's pretty fun seeing these guys cat call the horses at the farm.
Rape isn’t fun
Words can't rape people
Nichole well, it's fun for at least 1 person
or was it horse calling
Did you mean funny
i wish ethan would still do these reaction so raw and funny
Red X'ed I agree, i really miss their old content like this. although i appreciate their new stuff and we know how one video takes em like a week+ to film/edit, it'd be nice to see this kinda stuff on their side channel again
Red X'ed old ethan aint coming back unfortunately
Did you watch the new video?
well they're actually response videos
Well he’s pretty much back now
As a Mormon, this offends me, my father was a horse and he was the nicest horse I've ever known.
thats horseshittttt
Olly Hahn LMAO
If you walked down the street and some guys started going
"Unnnnh, yeah, hey pretty boy, yeaaaaah."
Call the police. Call them.
How does he buy new horses? Does he get behind them then go "oh she isn't JRHNBR I can't buy her"
Ultimate horse pickup line: Hay 😉
The hila handcam, the toxic mold killing Ethan, the poverty.... Classic H3
Don't waste money be smart like me my enema bucket doubles as my marefucking bucket.
Remember to work the clamp though.
+Dávid Tóth Grapefruit yo mare.
+ldmt1995 I'd like to play chess against you but you would probrably be 3 buckets ahead of me.
You smart, you loyal
+Felix Hinz YOU GENIUS!!!
If he loves horses so much, then why doesn't he mare-y them?
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I really wanted to like you comment, but it already had 420 thumbs up. Couldn't bring myself to do it :D
Blockhead will you be my best friend?
Get out.
Revealed Joe Go back to the hub joe
go back to baby babu damnit
+Revealed Joe Why, hellooooo, pretty booooy.
+Revealed Joe Damn dude...
This is totally me when I find a horse that is just the right height no bucked required.
Stay gold Ponyboy...
thats an amazing turn on
That works in two ways haha
Oh man, great book though my dood
Thought Johnny died
Good god, this is probably my favorite h3 video. I laughed just the right amount, no bucket required.
surprised you missed the circus music playing in reverse at 3:03. Pretty much explains that relationship.
yeah that music is creepy
I've legi tbeen looking for that song for a while, it's hilariously creepy.
“I enjoy speaking and visiting with women”
For some reason I doubt that feeling’s mutual
this is a night-mare.
Bourbon Ernie ayyyyeeeee nah but thats still fucked up
you just broke my cringe meter
This guy is the most intense bronie I have ever seen
Seems pretty typical for a brony, though clearly more out of the closet.
Yeah, but what about the guy that fucks horses?
No lo c rik, parec falso xdddd
This guy isn't horsin' around...
Jesus S T O P 😂
Not funny at all.
Jamie O'Shaughnessy ha, beastiality puns..
so is my little pony like hentai to him?
Life's biggest questions. You've opened my mind
That doesn't make any sense.
Is any animated tv hentai to you
Well, i don't think he is that weird. I mean beastiality and zoophilia are one thing, but bronies are weird maaan (sarcasm in case it wasn't obvious)
To him
Horse kissing prank (GONE SEXUAL)
+lady12480 GONE SEXUAL
He's there on the farm and it's Mare Makeout Day.
Holy fuck, I thought Ethan was joking around till almost have way through the video.
+ShantyGaming same here lol
I kept going wait what..wait..WAIT..NO!
Getting my yearly classic H3 binge watch done early this year
Ethan: different passions for different people
Dr phil: different strokes for different folks
Kinda wonder what faces the camera men are making.
Probably one of these: ☹️🤢😧😰😂🤣🤠
this guy will love sarah Jessica parker
Oh my god why doesn't this have like 5k likes
And Sigourney Weaver.
I think he would get. Gay for either John Elway or Shannon Sharpe. I imagine between the horse faces and the bronco uniforms he would follow them around like that freak with the clipboard follows dirk diggler in the movie boogie nights.
Once you go golden retriever, you're gonna leave her...
SneakingMOUSE ah SHIT.
This comment made me choke on my food.
Lone Ech. It made me jack off.
Even if he had sexual attraction to women, who would go to the beach or mall and say this is ecstacy
A man who jizzes in his pants might.
this guy is never coming near my barn jesus
SouthernSweets *come heeeeeerrrrreeee pretty boy*
Ill come in your barn(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
SouthernSweets ikr
SouthernSweets hehehe too late..
SouthernSweets, Don’t bring Jesus into this.
I wanted to cry and throw up at the same time.
Danika Padin me too
You're just jealous he said mares were better than women.
Never trust people with names which begin with "dan". Danny, Danni, Danika, Dan, Danella, Danamarquisha, Daniphonia....they all have a genetic predisposition for being untrustworthy. No idea why. Odd.
Welcome to my girlfriends life with me.
Cap, youre a woman so you fantasize about dogs
see's them and the family dog
Kylah Rose How do you type like that?
I come back and watch this every couple of months to laugh my ass off..it never gets old.. top notch content right here lmao
Ethan, quit horsing around...
I will never look at horses the same again
its been 8 years and just a few days ago the words "just the right hight no bucket required" came out of my mouth and i had to explain to my wife what it meant. why does that stick so well....??
Me toooooo, it haunts me
I've heard stories of people having rescued animals from people who keep them for sexual pleasure, and I simply cannot fathom why anyone would defend it when it physically and mentally hurts the completely innocent animal who has to endure this kind of abuse. Dogs and other smaller animals get their insides fucked up because of people like the ones in the documentary here, and I'm sure it hurts the horses as well. Animals are not able to give consent - they don't communicate like we do, we often misinterperet their body language because every species has different ways of expression.
I'm not defending this disgusting behavior, but I don't think animals care if they get fucked or not. They don't really think about morals... In other words they don't think.
Does a cow give consent on giving out its milk? No.
Does a chicken give consent on its eggs being taken away? No.
I'm not saying that what this guy is doing is alright, but if someone is gonna call the guy a rapist then he should be a vegan no less.
Also, having a pet cat is not considered kidnapping, is it? I mean, the cat doesn't give its consent...
Fuck feminist, go back to tumblr
I lol'd when you said "it physically and mentally hurts the completely innocent animal" :D
top tier brony
Ponies are perfect jrhnbrs
Dis nigga OG brony
Brony? You mean horny
I thought this was going to be an awkward video about animal husbandry and artificial insemination...
MAN, was I wrong!
+Kevin Walter Well, it was "animal husbandry" in a way
+Glebinator Chernobyl ? not fucked up enough for that im afraid
+lain iwakura Kino ain't journeying there.
Hey, it's Vaush!
You gotta admit the man has balls to admit that fetish on TV
Now that I think about it, 2 years later, this is probably fake.
Now that I think about it 3 years later, dude needs help
It's a paraphilia not a fetish...animals cant consent
@@talloncusack Can*
He does have balls... But he shouldnt
gotta have balls to call that a fetish, goddamn
And thus the first centar was born
"He is like a Mormon, except instead of having two wives, he has a wife and a FUCKING HORSE, DUDE"
These videos have been a throwback comfort during this pandemic
So there's 14 states where this is totally legal and about 20 where it's a misdemeanor. WOW
+ZeSarcasticJuan inspiring
+TobiasJLogan Hey it's not just America anymore, Canada just legalized animal fucking!
This raises so many more questions...
You know.. Being a furry/brony is one thing.. But this is 2 steps further.
I've been a furry, and have never fucked an animal. I have also met people that have been all of those things. Please save me from the internet.
Slaughter Daughter That's why I said that this is 2 steps further.
Ilan Kuzmich I understand my man.
Ilan Kuzmich more like 15 steps further, jesus christ.
Ilan Kuzmich the one with a furry profile picture
They have kids.......oh nooo........
lmao I heard jontron "oh noooooooo"
Mefi Person The animals fuck the kids, This man is related to Mr Hands.
I wish i could pull off casually inserting a JRHNBR into every day conversation
I wonder how that guy is not in jail admitting that shit
Stacy Yep, I was wondering the same thing. If it’s in the US, maybe there is a state or county legislature? I don’t know though. Dogs and horses. Mankind’s best friends, and best helpers. I kind of hate seeing animals with such a close relationship to humans getting abused worst of all, but it’s still wrong on all fronts.
I thought the horse fucking was a joke until 3:19 WTF
They're white,of course they unironically have intercourse with animals (also I bet you forgot about this,huh?)
how is that not illegal in the states?!?!
It's illegal in most states. But why isn't it illegal in ALL states? Who knows?
Chris P .Bacon it is
just not in some
Well you would think that it’s common knowledge to not fuck an animal but... Idk man I agree there should be a law in all the states that bans beastiality
There really is a state in the US for everyone. It's what makes America so great.
m p freedom
Chuck Norris has lost it
That's the title if cr1tikal made the video
That's some fine equine behind
Umm... why aren't they in prison? WHY IS THIS LEGAL IN SO MANY STATES?????
Parker Yokey didnt the girl who had sex with her dog get charged with animal cruelty? I think its probably cause this footage looks alot older and nobody really heard of it back then
I’d look up which states bestiality is illegal in but I don’t want that in my search history
Because american people.
Right! It's basically animal abuse.
The guy looks like a mix between Chuck Norris and Gene Hackman in Young Frankenstein
Gene Wilder was in Young Frankenstein, not Gene Hackman.
Mr. Flibble even so, don't bring him into this.
Looks like a Bee Gees member.
Here for the 2021 reunion, anyone else from the new podcast here?
Aren't most humans jrhnbr
did you just asume my bucket status?
Well, I've had a couple where a bucket would have been judicious, not quite for the same reason however
Not Shaq
@Skitarii Scribe trying to let people know you have sex and are tall lol shut up nerd
@@silverback5814 lmao you're letting people know you're short and don't fuck
thanks for this h3h3 now im gunna have nightmares... honestly no pun intended
JuliAnn Schmidt the dude in the video has a nightmare every night
JuliAnn Schmidt huehuehue
I think theme parks are hotter than horses.
Yeah, can't see the narrowness of the jibbs on a horse.
I'm so oblivious, for a moment when he said, "...j.r.h.n.b.n....just the right height no bucket needed, I thought bucket was cowboy slang for a saddle or something. Like he was going to ride it bareback, then it hit me, he was just thinking about a different kind of bareback riding.
Not the best video to eat with
exactly what I'm doing and now I feel super grossed out lmao
Im eating
+WozZ same
I was just about to post the same thing...
I ate dinner to this crap until about halfway through lol
*throw up noise in the distance*
*shotgun pumping intensifies*
I just thought of something:
Don`t horses tend to kick, when they get pissed off?
And when you are doing... what you`re doing, you are in perfect line of fire.
(And a kick from a horse can fuck you up badly)
Max Mustermann A risk he's willing to take.
+Max Mustermann Have you ever been kicked by a pony? I have. Sure it hurt like hell but i still got up after.
(and finished the job).
I haven't but a buddy of mine sure has been.
Broke both of his knees. (Lucky shot, I guess.)
I was being facetious mostly. You're right, a horse can fuck you up pretty badly. The horse that bucked me wasn't exactly a pony, it was about a hand taller (you measure horse height in hands, roughly 4 inches i think) but it still sent me to the ground pretty good.
Most people are lucky that horses are generally timid animals, once they realize how easily they can overpower people that horse is pretty much useless because it will try to fuck you up. You see that with lone mares that don't see others of their species for long periods of time. They're social creatures and if they don't get the behavioural cues they would in a group setting they move on to the next thing, people.
+Max Mustermann I'm just guessing the horse is into it too??
I just got this in my recommended after so ma y years … damn that h3tv dolphin discussion lol
A real life clopper.... wow.
Sentient cartoon ponies is one thing. This shit is just...
RIP Maregasm, long live True Animal Love.
And thats how Centaurs are made
if he gets the horse pregnant, will it be abled to go on MAREternity leave?
Idk, but you can.
Leave the room, that is.
John Smith Perhaps if she unbridled herself from work, she could get support from her neigh-bors...
you can't, the DNA is too different
25 bucks says he watches My Little Pony and uses 4chan.
Just a hunch.
+Haze Haberdasher I bet YOU watch My Little Pony and use 4chan.
Just a hunch.
+Zeropointill ecccchhhh bronies
+Haze Haberdasher 7chan and 9gag*
only the edgiest will do
+Haze Haberdasher let's make it 25 buckets
You just lost $25.
Dude looks like the guy on that show sisterwives on TLC
I miss these I wish they did more an opened this up again
By far my fave h3h3Productions video. This dude that fucks horses is the creepiest dude I’ve ever seen and Ethan just knocks this shit out of the park.
"I break mares with my face in the united states" - MacRide 2010
This is a horses equivalent of a orgasm. In some hick towns in America where sleeping with animals is accepted, boasting in the bar about giving your horse a "Maregasm" is quite common and completely acceptable.
Cletis: I gone and got me a new horse called Betsie, She's a beauty, it took me a while but i gave her a "Maregasm" she aint never gonna forget!
John Boy: Way ta go Cletis, you a lucky man!
eric cartmendez *cletis* 😂💀
Not true I live in WestVirginia and that doesn't happen trust me
It happens in North Carolina. I saw a guy fucking his zebra. Yes, a zebra.
Tbh it's borderline animal abuse
There's nothing borderline about it. It's clearly abuse and they should be arrested immediately.
Isn't this illegal?
Dark sauce.
+PanicGiraffe It is counted as a misdemeanor or in some states tried as animal abuse.
In some states it's illegal, the federal law has left the issue of zoophilia (Sex with animals) to the states. In some states such as Texas (Go Texas!) it's legal. Keep in mind that these states where it's legal does not mean they passed a law allowing it, it simply means they have not discussed the issue and have no laws against or with zoophilia.
It is now. Remember Mr Hands? "Too much? Too much?" "Ohhhhhhhh"
i cant believe I'm here after they talked about this on H3 podcast
WOW Ethan great Hoves keep it up!