I came expecting comments about how people would react in real life if the genders were swapped, but I just find a ton of people on a comments excavation project lmao.
@Emmawat What Yeah, I know. That's why I said i get where ur coming from. What they're saying is true, but this is satire, and the onion isn't ignoring some kind of social disparity. It's just a joke.
It warmth my heart that there are still so many brave men in this world. Keep going travellers! The deeper you go the more you will see. This is a promise.
I have descended to the depths of the comment section and returned with knowledge man was not meant to know. My life has changed, the most beautiful song now rings hollow within me, the laughter of children sounds of tears, the brightest ray of sunshine now darkened. I warn you, traveler, turn back, turn back now before it is too late. If you do not heed my warning, I wish luck will be on your side. May god forgive us. Godspeed.
Back in the 80s, when I was a kid, my dad had developed a device that would automatically switch out the cartridges on our Nintendo NES console. There was nothing like it in existence at that time. It would automatically remove the current game cartridge, and insert the next game cartridge. It would also automatically blow on the contacts to make sure they were clean! He never went to market with this great invention, and I wish he would have. It would’ve been a real game changer.
Message copied from Federico Valpo to be recorded down in history, so that the knowledge dont get lost. My only hope is that is it never does. Sit thing, fellow traveller, the journey will be long. "To all the young travelers who just started their journey into the abyss: read this before losing all of your remaining madness. This ancient text, retrieved by me using Pruthvi Mehta's ancient teleportation artifact is a copy of the ancient holy texts, authored by the ancient scribe kxep. : "Okay…. I went through all the comments in chronological order and have the entire current (6.2020) transcript of the comments everyone is talking about. Hopefully this'll save y'all some scrolling. (NOTE: I see that PranavVK4128 also copied the comments but it seems like one of their transcripts got deleted. So I’ll post my transcript here for progeny.) (1/3)pfctjd: Was this suppose to be funny? This is just entertainment for sick freaks, anyone who thoughts this was funny is a pervert. Khyrid: No, it's just too complicated fully explain. It pertains to human behavior and it has utilitarian applications. Decisions made with innocence as a variable can still yield logical results, thus it cannot be just an illusion. BangTheRocksTogether: Shut up. Just fucking shut up. "...too complicated to fully explain?" What, per se, does that mean, precisely? Read a book, then shut up. I bet you can't name even one philosopher. Shut up. BangTheRocksTogether: How did you get to third year university without learning how to spell, type, or write? You are incapable of expressing yourself coherently. My grade five school teacher Nichole [we were on a first name basis]was the sexiest woman in the world, and I didn't even notice. The rest were hags.[DoNotFeedTheTroll] BangTheRocksTogether: Then you are a Ditch Pig. Unless you mean you'd do all of them at once. You go girl. Attaboy, Ditch Pig.[DoNotFeedTheTroll] xI777Ix: I really love people who are replying to a post without saying anything but pointing out spelling are grammar mistakes. And i didn't learn how to spell and express myself because i was hetero - i have always been paying more attention to my hot teachers rather than studying. On the other hand, you are and were homo - non giving a fuck about sexy women.Plus, you do make great sense: "Nichole was the sexiest woman in the world...and i didn't notice". You noticed and didn't notice her? Gay. Khyrid: It means that all the variables that constitute what "innocence" physically is in our reality are too many to list. You argue like a child. Instead of just asking me to clarify, you ASSume that my comment must be wrong and begin to fling petty insults. Pathetic. BangTheRocksTogether: Top marks, Loser. Attaboy. You are part of the solution, no part of the problem. Sincerely yours, [DoNotFeedTheTroll] xI777Ix: You have replied to me for a second time. Then you deleted your post hoping me to see your insults via e-mail notification but not to answer since the post is gone? Nice try though...but I won't go easy on you just because you are homosexual, you know. I like the way you act smartass. People who act this way around the net are always the outcasts of the world - dumb shits, indeed. Why don't you get a job, instead of counting spelling mistake in UA-cam, kid.[Fapping to your mom] BangTheRocksTogether: Hey man, I was trying to be nice. I like that book. I didn't mean to call you a "loser". That was a cheap shot.I should not would not in my sockI must not get caught with my... [can you see where I am going with this?][FeedMe] BangTheRocksTogether: You're familiar with The Onion? Satire, irony, absurdity, obloquy, surrealism, discord, HUMOUR?!? If you want a dialogue about innocence you are in the wrong place. I'm not arguing, I am name-calling, belittling you, and being a dick. Innocence isn't "physically" anything. Spiritual, philosophical, cerebral, but you can't buy it by the pound. There is nothing physical about it. I hope you take this in the spirit in which it was intended, you effin' hillbilly. I love this shit.[FeedTheTroll] BangTheRocksTogether: OK, Dr Adler, I care about the topic, but the topic is not the precious innocence of youth. The topic is... NOTHING... There are places to go to discuss serious topics with serious people who have good manners and who won't make fun of you. This is not one of them. I quote:"Ah don' wanna talk to you no more, Ah fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries! Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time" - The French Soldier M.P.H.G. BangTheRocksTogether: Are you awake yet? I'm waiting... Khyrid: I will accept your incoherent rambling as concession. BangTheRocksTogether: So Buddy goes hunting. He's walking down a trail and a bear sneaks up behind him, swats him in the head, picks him up, bends him over a stump, rips off his pants, and bones him in the ass. Next day, Buddy wants revenge. Buddy gets his bear rifle, and goes out to ambush that bear. He's walking down a trail and a bear sneaks up behind him, swats him in the head, picks him up, bends him over a stump, rips off his pants, and bones him in the ass. Now Buddy is really angry. He's gonna get that bear. BangTheRocksTogether: The next Buddy gets his most powerful hunting rifle, his .44 Magnum, his Colt .45, a couple hand grenades and goes out to ambush that bear. He's walking down the trail and he feels a tap on his shoulder. It's the bear. Buddy looks at the bear, the bear looks at Buddy. The bear says "Buddy, you're not coming here for the hunting anymore, are you?" Then the bear swats him in the head, picks him up, bends him over a stump, rips off his pants, and bones him in the ass. The Buddhists call it a koan. BangTheRocksTogether: "I really love people who (reply) to (posts) without saying anything but pointing out spelling [and] grammar mistakes. And [I] didn't learn how to spell and express myself..." Oh, sorry, just catching up on my marking.Whatever it is you are getting so choked up about, it's not worth it. There, there, don't cry. No on second thought, bawl your eyes out, let it all go.This will not end.[NePasNourrirLeTroll] BangTheRocksTogether: Still there, altar boy? (Continued below in comments...)"
I should’ve turned back, stopped while I still had the chance. To this day I still scroll couple of hours per day to find that promised treasure of a comment. My days are growing shorter and my sanity slowly fading away. Tread very carefully around these parts, friend. What was I writing again? Oh well, maybe if I just scroll a bit more I’ll remember...
@@vishists721 And most men are beholden to women and their wants, even more than their own. And so, the men in today's typical society will do/allow what their women want. All to do with sex, and access to it. But from the top, women (especially western women) are being played like puppets, using their bad behaviour to fulfil the rulers' objectives.
Welp, I did it. 1/3 or so of the back and forth was missing unfortunately but if you scroll back you can get a decent picture what happened - typical internet flame war stuff with nothing held back whether we're talking ethnicity, sexuality, culture, intelligence, etc. Tried using wayback machine and some googling to piece together the full convo but no luck :( Definitely worth mentioning AnominaAnon as the first person to tell people "DON'T SCROLL DOWN" and Juiceslinger for cominb back here and writing what seems to be INDIVIDUALLY CRAFTED COMMENTS on a CONSISTENT BASIS and inspiring years of youtube comments roleplay... damn what a time to be alive. I'm never fucking going back down there, at least not like this. My browser is literally freezing up trying to type this comment.
I thank you for your comment, for it has prompted me to process my true feelings. I am too afraid to go on...that is the truth. I shan't pursue the tales of legend any further. I am better off averting my eyes, than to be stuck forever in a loop of hope and despair. Crestfallen, I am banished...
I did it. The impossible trek. I scrolled to the legend, and laid my eyes upon it's majesty. My disappointment was immeasurable upon realizing I could not comment to mark my place in history. All that work for naught. Why do we exist in this fragile mortal realm? Is it really only to toil and suffer?! Abandon all hope ye who wander, the scroll of ancient secrets is not worth the agony. Abandon your trip as surely our god has abandoned us all. I am here to save you from this misery! TURN BACK BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE! I only hope this message reaches you in time... it is far too late for me, the legend took its toll and now all my earthly days shall be forever darkened by its presence.
I just heard about this legendary journey. I’m ready to begin. I’ve got my essential monster energy and crystal meth rations. I look forward to the adventure!
this is some weird pocket in history that only a few will ever witness or even know about, no-one will talk about, non-one will ever read about it. It is strange that a bunch of strangers can get together for a meme that is so localised and continue for years with no relevance to any other part of their life. You wont remember this on your deathbed, yet the great scroll was another life in its own right.
Makes you wonder if these comments will exist in a century... will there be memeologists in The future who will dig up old internet archives. If so then our legacy here will live on in their memories!
@@aidancahill2311 Tolkien, Martin, Lewis, all just historians of the war and pain that was caused here. I have found the treasure... or has the treasure found me
Helpful tips to make it to the treasure you seek: -Use a PC, not a phone -Time may feel shorter if you take some snacks, like Goldfish! -Dont be surprised when you realize that the journey was the real treasure -Dont pay any mind to those distracting comments concerning "hot kids" -Dont forget to bring a towel
I've been scrolling for an hour, I don't know what I'm looking for anymore. I don't see colors, I don't hear sounds. It's so cold. Is there a destination? Why am I still going, to see the argument, or to see the comments about it? If you're seeing this, possibly even in the distant future, stop to say hi, or maybe have a chat. Edit: Don't. Scroll. Down.
I don't know if you made it or not, but going further into the abyss I'm starting to lose hope. Especially when my internet almost cut out I was so scared that I'd have to start my journey again. Luckily I have data my only life line left. I hope you made it you'll be in my prayers fellow traveler.
6 days ago, a traveller named kameron left this carving message for future travellers. personally i have been scrolling for 10 minutes in this constantly changing labyrinth. i will camp here for the night and leave a message myself below this text. for the future travelers, wish me luck so i wish you luck aswell
For those who come after me, I apologize, for I have increased your burden by yet another step. For those who came before me, I apologize, for I have not the will to carry on the rest of the way. For those who have glimpsed the treasure in all it's splendor, I apologize, for I have only seen a fraction of it's beauty. For myself, I apologize, and can only pray I will gain the strength to return.
@@someperson7391 Isn't it amazing that the video has been up there for about 8 years and yet here we are interacting with each other in a span of 16 hours. These are the friends he's talking about.
Ever notice at the top of really tall mountains there is a pile of small stones, obviously not from this part of the mountain as they are not the right rock type? This is because it is in people's nature to want to leave something to note their achievement, and to make the mountain just slightly taller for the next guy.
@Unsung Songs dude, here is my secret technique, scroll down as far as possible (in reasonable amounts) and then press ctrl+f and type "second" and just yeah... you have iq to figure out what to do, right? :) This is a technique developed by the elders, this is not cheating, this is tactical searching
The "scott pilgeam vs the word ruined a whole generation of women" song had a great comment section, but then the video got shadowbanned. Where am I going to find incels vs e-girls wars now? Edit:sorry this has nothing to do with you, I needed to complain.
I almost gave up on this journey. I thought, “Who would be so stupid to venture into unexplored territory for the promise of a treasure that might not even exist!?” But nonetheless, I pressed on, I continued. I didn’t give up. And I’m so glad I made this decision. If you are thinking of giving up, don’t! Trust me, it’s worth it. Best of luck traveler, adventure and glory awaits
@@dr.sigmundfreud3030 from a little context it seems it’s a stupid comment about how if the roles were reversed it would be bad, a point made by the sketch.
20 years later, the actually rich handsome guy was Mark, Mark who was treated horribly by his teachers. Mark, who for some reason spend millions of dollars capturing snow leopard to strangle them with his bare hands, he never knew why.
My father was found passed away, his hand still on the scroll wheel. He passed like his father before him and his father before him. For generations, the men of my blood have attempted this quest. I will pick up the mantle, steel my nerves, and climb over the carcasses of failed expeditions. I will succeed where they failed and honor the spirits of my ancestors. I can only pray for strength as I embark on this odyssey.
Alas, Aayan Sarma has passed beyond this mortal coil. The journey was fraught with peril insurmountable, and the echoes of his final scrolls still ring out through the abyss. Godspeed, Aayan Sarma, on your final journey. We were unworthy to scroll in your most noble company.
Rest peacefully @Aayan Sarma. Your efforts are heralded, your courage adorned. Glory befall upon your lineage as your son steps to the wheel of scroll. The sage has anointed his index finger to wield the same strength of Arthur's sword. Your tribulations will not have been vain. God speed.
It was a Wednesday night, March 2nd, 2022. I had just come home from school and then soon after, work. My legs were sore from standing all day, but I was, however, feeling particularly gleeful this night due to the dilectable meal of lasagna that I had just consumed. Then, I was recommended a video about hot kids. My curiosity mixed with mild disgust wanted to know more. Oh, how ignorant I was back then, in my youth, approximately 1 hour ago. How was I to know that it would lead to a vague legend boasting to obtain a forbidden knowledge only the elders could possibly acquire? These talks of the ancient texts and a clash of gods had peaked my interest even more. I thought I had the mental fortitude and absolute patience to take part down this treacherous path. However, as have many others, a looming darkness befelled my once youthful vigor. I have no knowledge of whether or not I was ready mentally to accomplish this journey, but I have confidence that I could, but confidence and mental fortitude can only get an adventuror so far. I was woefully unprepared for this task, no, this JOURNEY, for while I felt my patience was limitless, my equipment for this journey was, rather unseemingly, lackluster. I had had many fellow adventurers along this crooked and windy road speak of the legend and how much further it was, some promising it was worth every second, and others wishing for the part of them they left on this journey back to them, but all spoke of it getting closer. A newfound energy emerged from this incredible news. I was getting close to this legendary text, but my scrolling device had begun to reach its limit. It taking increasingly long amounts of time to load the various scrolls that long past fellow adventurers had written to motivate and sometimes discourage their ascedents. Every time it loaded was full of adrenaline, wondering if this was the one that contained the sacred texts, but alas, I was filled with disappointment when faced with my next challenge, my next boss fight, my next loading icon. I felt as if it was in grasping distance, making a vow to sacrifice even my equipment's well being for this legend. Alas, it was a vow that I could never keep, for one loading icon, had a much grimmer look, however, I was blinded by my passion to reach the foretold legend. When I had made my final scroll and my final loading icon had commenced the spinning, a soul crushing, grim message with the mask of bright, cheerful colors had befell my spectacle apparatus. These cursed texts read, "UA-cam has stopped working. (Close) (Wait) (Make a report)" I of course had to wait, because after making it so far in my journey, I could not lose it all so suddenly. But it was all for nought. I sat there an excruciating 10 minutes waiting for it to load the next, say, 10 comments. My device began to dilapidate, as many of its basic functions began to stop working. The screen began freezing. It was getting cold. And I was getting fearful for my life, my passion, my phone's wellbeing, and above all else, my time. I was a fool to travel with such mediocre gear. Do not make the same mistake I did, dear traveler. You must not only be prepared to take on this mission, this legacy mentally, but you must also be willing to make the sacrifice of getting better equipment, and being prepared to lose it. I have lost all of my time in this Onion, and a part of myself within these deep layers, never to be found again. I am no fool now, and I can see in your eyes, no words will stop you from making this journey. The best I can do for you is hope you heed my advice when taking on this deep, tearjerking, chasm. You have my pity, young adventurer.
I have learned a lot from my adventure, and I know that my knowledge will be glossed over and dismissed my most, but if there is even a small chance I can help those doomed to follow the same path I have achieve greatness, I must, in the hopes that they remember me and live on with the knowledge of the legendary scripts because of help that I have provided.
Good info brother. I'm currently running on 16gb of ram and all the time of the night... I may not reply in this chain, and I may forget about this journey one day (as I'm not sure what value I will gain), but I have certainly appreciated the help that you've given me and my fellow traveller, with a captivating story to boot. To any other readers, keep on keeping on (interpret that in any way you want to. If I do find the sacred texts, I will try to report back here with my findings. Godspeed, All.
It is the year 2141. I have been scrolling for 120 years. I have forgotten who I am, but I have not forgotten what I saw at the bottom. Don’t lose yourself... but keep going.
When the "don't scroll down, it will take too long" jokes just end up making the comment section longer. You've become the very thing you swore to destroy.
Guys I actually found the lore. Back in 2013 August, "Khyrid" and "BangTheRocksTogether " started a fight in the comment section and it went on for a while. So people would just warn each other saying don't scroll down. That has now been evolved to dark souls type shit.
You have spoiled ancient tellings... yet you are not fully correct. Travellers be weary of people who strew what they know with what they percieve, and Sir Loosh... I would reccomend to keep eight eyes out
Greeting young traveler, if you wish to know what happened on these hollowed grounds, seat by the campfire and listen. Around 7 years ago there was a weird flame war happened between a man called BangTheRocks, xI777Ix and a guy named Khyrid. Many of the comments are gone so it mainly just seems like a one sided argument by BangTheRocks. Im not gonna give the full plot but it was some crazy shit about grammar, the greek language, and at some point he mentioned hunting. If you want some highlights the phrases "ditch pony" and "stupidology" were used. If reading this has made you intrigued, sort by newest comments and go down 7 years (as of August 2020). Safe travels, and good luck.
Day #367 Ive been traveling down the comment section for over a year now. My provisions are running short. Many people told me to turn back but I was too arrogant to listen. I packed enough food for 5 years of travel, but unfortunately trolls stole most of it. I think I am the only thing truly alive down here, the humor is dead that's for sure. Sitting down here ready to die I remem... (the rest of the page is stained in blood and coffe and you cannot read it)
surfinbari the same 55 the same time as a result of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of 4 the same time as a 5 the same 55 the same time as a result of the most part of the 6 5 the same time as a result of the most part of the most part it is a good time to time and money to pay for the first time in the morning and evening of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of the
there is more unity in this comment section than i’ve ever seen in the real world. keep scrolling, my friend, you’ll be able to join your brothers on the other side soon.
it pains me to say that the world is changing in what they think is a 'progressive' state of encouraging pedophilia. it is a minority, though. but its a cancer cell. the fact is hollywood is riddled with pedophiles, and theyre influencers. the world is headed in a dark place, find the light
Bro! I was just about to frikin write that as an original comment. “This is the most unity i have ever seen in a comment section. Still though everyone explaining where it all started had failed although one dude did a hilarious skit this the 2 originators 777 and bangstherocks??
@@greg.amusin so true the onion takes this too far and although lined like you should start being nice to the hot kids was is pathetically funny it also normalizes bad and gets people used to bad stuff
I was once like you, traveler: young, idealistic, and brave. I believed that I could change the world and, against the elder’s warnings, crossed the threshold and began my infinite descent. But I failed, just as you will, and just as my father did. So take my advice and turn back before it’s too late. You have been warned
I left early that year, when the very last traces of ice were just barely touching the ground. People, old timers mostly, kept telling me not to go, that it wasnt worth the horrors, but I was so young. Young and stupid enough to ignore them, though I'd seen their haggard faces and blank eyes glazing at the memory of it. Regardless, It's a blazing, spiced summer now, and I've returned. But I've left something behind. Theres a part of me that will never return from that, and I'm not even sure how to measure what little of me is actually here now. Traveler... you are young still. You are told the stories of the endless, mindless scrolling, of the tangible, written, human horrors that lie ahead, and you approach them with ease. You will not leave them with the same. That tantalizing, cloying unknown calls to you as it did me, and I mourn for the space you leave will behind when you go. I am sad to say that that space will never again be completely full, but I offer you this; A parting gift, a few supplies, and all the patience I can muster. 🍊🍊 🍎 🍎 🥖 🍐 🍎 🥖 🍐🥖 📜 🗡 Safe travels, dear friend. Tell me your stories when you return.
After reading all the comments and spent more than 2 hours searching for that legendary comment i must say it is worth it. Not only did it manage to captivate what it really means to be human, but also gave me hope on what humanity will become
… It’s too late, he is gone, my brothers. We must continue this journey by ourselves, and steel our hearts for the Path is filled with dangers and perils.
You’re on the journey too, eh? Scrolling down the bottomless comment section... I’ve heard countless tales of the brave lads who ventured down there. Few of them returned, thanks to the warning signs, while most of them are never heard of again. It has been more than 5 years since I’ve gotten here. Who knows what happened to them. I reckon they’re eaten by the trolls and bears now! Ahahah- *cough* *cough* My time is running short now, young one. Here, take this username. “BangTheRocksTogether” is one of the two keys to the treasure, the Golden Thread of Philosophy and Language. The treasure that will bring knowledge to the entire omniverse. I entrust this relic fragment to you, young one. Good luck on your descend!
Didn't realize I was still scrolling, but I shall carry on down the path of scrolls. Be it as it may. So long and if I dont make it back farewell. Take this letter to my mother.
Brothers, there is no glory in clinging to your rock and plummeting toward your fire longer than need-be. The ultimate victory is a peaceful step from one realm to the next. Eyes on the horizon. Fill your heart with whatever drives you. Never, ever stop moving forward.
I had been scrolling for a some time... I had just heard of this “legendary comment”. What was so great about it? I had to find out, so I scrolled. The notes of previous travelers had told of their failure in making it, I thought I could prove them wrong, how foolish I was... I have finally reached the comments from about 1 month ago, not too far but also too deep in to quit now. I scroll further but then... what is this? I’m greeted by a flash of white and then, where am I? This isn’t UA-cam... where’s the exit? It’s just an abyss... have I scrolled too quick, too dangerously..? Oh. I believe I understand now... My UA-cam has crashed. There’s no way out of here. I am doomed to this torture until the day I perish... If anyone gets this message... turn back now, while you still can.
Keep your wits about you men. The path is long, your journey dangerous. With determination, you can make it. Wandering men like me get nowhere in life. You were meant for greatness.
Worry not. We shall find the end of the comments where you have failed. Perhaps you can open a tavern at this point along the path so that others who have grown tired from the journey can settle down and start a family in this comments section
Change that unreachable to reachable! My citizen, we must keep going! Now, travel with me, your king Edgard the 142nd, in the name of our mighty Empire, WELSHDALE!!! We WILL find the ancient artifacts!
I was too weak… I heard whispers on my descent about the heinous altercation that lies in these digital depths… but the sound was too faint to keep my hope alive. Best of luck to you dear traveler
Thank you fellow traveller, the journey has been tough. Tis but only 3 day into this journey, but it feels as if its been an eternity. I must go now, and venture far beyond. Thank you once again kind stranger
This comment section is so hyped up, can't wait to see what the fuss is about edit: I've been scrolling for about 5 hours now. I'm getting close I think
I’ve been searching for 8 years in hopes of finding the legendary comment. To all the other travelers out there, beware of the evil warlock named “Juiceslinger”. He will do everything in his power to stop you from finding the lost treasure.
Everyone wants to talk about *BangThe RocksTogether* and *xl777lx* but no one is talking about *Anomina Anon* being the first person to comment “DON’T SCROLL DOWN”
R.I.P. to Kenny Samuelson, 2000 - 2023, tragically cut down in the prime of his life by his math teacher after he forgot how to work out a 15% tip at a fancy restaurant on her birthday, embarassing her to no end... especially considering that he was her student. We hardly knew you, Kenny, but you will live on in our hearts and memories
In my youth, I attempted the journey and succeeded, but I was ungrateful. The road seemed so easy, and I assumed it would always be so. In my arrogance I left no guide, no map to help me find my way back, should I ever forget, and o have I forgotten. I remember its character well enough, an argument of some sort, but in my mind, there's a part missing, some spell cast upon me, now faded. Its ghost taunts me. On my last journey, I found what I came looking for, but it seems the path has grown longer, and I more weary. I shall set out now, though I doubt I'll get far, I must try. I must chase that sweet nectar, for it taunts me.
As someone having no idea what's down below, I ask of you to find out the truth behind this sacred comment section. Many have tried, many have failed, but you... Make me proud.
It's been 40 mins now although I could just desend to the bottom quickly I decided to read each of your well crafted comments it may take hours but I'll accept your quest to make you proud
After 22 years of hard search, I haven't found anything, is this a myth? I am now obsessed about this relic, it is so deep, please help me and give me the damn comment
The following is a transcript found later in the journey. If you wish to continue to find the rest for yourself, good luck. Okay…. I went through all the comments in chronological order and have the entire current (6.2020) transcript of the comments everyone is talking about. Hopefully this'll save y'all some scrolling. (NOTE: I see that PranavVK4128 also copied the comments but it seems like one of their transcripts got deleted. So I’ll post my transcript here for progeny.)
(1/3) pfctjd: Was this suppose to be funny? This is just entertainment for sick freaks, anyone who thoughts this was funny is a pervert.
Khyrid: No, it's just too complicated fully explain. It pertains to human behavior and it has utilitarian applications. Decisions made with innocence as a variable can still yield logical results, thus it cannot be just an illusion.
BangTheRocksTogether: Shut up. Just fucking shut up. "...too complicated to fully explain?" What, per se, does that mean, precisely? Read a book, then shut up. I bet you can't name even one philosopher. Shut up.
BangTheRocksTogether: How did you get to third year university without learning how to spell, type, or write? You are incapable of expressing yourself coherently. My grade five school teacher Nichole [we were on a first name basis]was the sexiest woman in the world, and I didn't even notice. The rest were hags. [DoNotFeedTheTroll]
BangTheRocksTogether: Then you are a Ditch Pig. Unless you mean you'd do all of them at once. You go girl. Attaboy, Ditch Pig. [DoNotFeedTheTroll]
xI777Ix: I really love people who are replying to a post without saying anything but pointing out spelling are grammar mistakes. And i didn't learn how to spell and express myself because i was hetero - i have always been paying more attention to my hot teachers rather than studying. On the other hand, you are and were homo - non giving a fuck about sexy women. Plus, you do make great sense: "Nichole was the sexiest woman in the world...and i didn't notice". You noticed and didn't notice her? Gay.
Khyrid: It means that all the variables that constitute what "innocence" physically is in our reality are too many to list. You argue like a child. Instead of just asking me to clarify, you ASSume that my comment must be wrong and begin to fling petty insults. Pathetic. BangTheRocksTogether: Top marks, Loser. Attaboy. You are part of the solution, no part of the problem. Sincerely yours, [DoNotFeedTheTroll]
xI777Ix: You have replied to me for a second time. Then you deleted your post hoping me to see your insults via e-mail notification but not to answer since the post is gone? Nice try though...but I won't go easy on you just because you are homosexual, you know. I like the way you act smartass. People who act this way around the net are always the outcasts of the world - dumb shits, indeed. Why don't you get a job, instead of counting spelling mistake in UA-cam, kid. [Fapping to your mom]
BangTheRocksTogether: Hey man, I was trying to be nice. I like that book. I didn't mean to call you a "loser". That was a cheap shot. I should not would not in my sock I must not get caught with my... [can you see where I am going with this?] [FeedMe]
BangTheRocksTogether: You're familiar with The Onion? Satire, irony, absurdity, obloquy, surrealism, discord, HUMOUR?!? If you want a dialogue about innocence you are in the wrong place. I'm not arguing, I am name-calling, belittling you, and being a dick. Innocence isn't "physically" anything. Spiritual, philosophical, cerebral, but you can't buy it by the pound. There is nothing physical about it. I hope you take this in the spirit in which it was intended, you effin' hillbilly. I love this shit. [FeedTheTroll]
BangTheRocksTogether: OK, Dr Adler, I care about the topic, but the topic is not the precious innocence of youth. The topic is... NOTHING... There are places to go to discuss serious topics with serious people who have good manners and who won't make fun of you. This is not one of them. I quote: "Ah don' wanna talk to you no more, Ah fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries! Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time" - The French Soldier M.P.H.G.
BangTheRocksTogether: Are you awake yet? I'm waiting...
Khyrid: I will accept your incoherent rambling as concession.
BangTheRocksTogether: So Buddy goes hunting. He's walking down a trail and a bear sneaks up behind him, swats him in the head, picks him up, bends him over a stump, rips off his pants, and bones him in the ass. Next day, Buddy wants revenge. Buddy gets his bear rifle, and goes out to ambush that bear. He's walking down a trail and a bear sneaks up behind him, swats him in the head, picks him up, bends him over a stump, rips off his pants, and bones him in the ass. Now Buddy is really angry. He's gonna get that bear.
BangTheRocksTogether: The next Buddy gets his most powerful hunting rifle, his .44 Magnum, his Colt .45, a couple hand grenades and goes out to ambush that bear. He's walking down the trail and he feels a tap on his shoulder. It's the bear. Buddy looks at the bear, the bear looks at Buddy. The bear says "Buddy, you're not coming here for the hunting anymore, are you?" Then the bear swats him in the head, picks him up, bends him over a stump, rips off his pants, and bones him in the ass. The Buddhists call it a koan.
BangTheRocksTogether: "I really love people who (reply) to (posts) without saying anything but pointing out spelling [and] grammar mistakes. And [I] didn't learn how to spell and express myself..." Oh, sorry, just catching up on my marking. Whatever it is you are getting so choked up about, it's not worth it. There, there, don't cry. No on second thought, bawl your eyes out, let it all go. This will not end. [NePasNourrirLeTroll]
@@Kinetochore-ti5hk The identity of Homer has been an ongoing academic debate for a couple of millenia now. Virtually everybody agrees that the source material for Homer's work predates it by many years, but it must have been compiled into the actual texts of the Iliad and Odyssey by somebody. One of the leading theories being that there never was any individual author of the texts, but that the texts were assembled colletively by a group of poets. In that case, referring to Homer as "they" in the plural form makes perfect sense. As for the scholars who are convinced that the works were compiled by a single individual, there are disagreements over the actual gender of the author. Samuel Butler, for example, speculates that the Odyssey was actually written by a Sicillian woman. In light of this debate, it also makes sense to use gender neutral language when referring to Homer. In this case, the original commenter's "they" could be interpreted as a singular one, which is how users of the English language have referred to people in a gender neutral manner for centuries.
I fell like I'm in a totally new world, this video was in recommended and now I've found a legendary comment and a quest, this is one of those truly legendary places of the Internet.
I know! It harkens back to the Old Days of the Early Inter-Web, when the Lands were ruled by computer nerds and D&D players. We can never go back to those times, but merely seek to unearth the buried treasures of such a kingdom
I give up, can't do it...the journey is too much for me, best of luck to travelers and heroes who are willing to take on this challenge! I hope the sacrifice you make is worth it
Yeah, sure you have heard the story of those adventurers who were just about to give up in the forest of madness but at the end moment tripped on a root of a tree and founded treasures. But let me warn you, for each person who was able to return there were 100 who did not and so, could never tell their stories. If they would have I do not think you would be so enthusiastic to go. . Not all roots that trip you lead you to treasures, some leads to your death too. Not every cry is for help some are warnings too. There is not always up after rock bottom, sometimes there is hell too
don't bother, below are a bunch of warnings not to scroll down, whats below that is uncertain, as im not sure any human has a long enough life span to traverse the "don't scroll down" level of this comment section, and god knows what horrors lie there
Well... I ignored the warnings and scrolled down. I found what I was looking for. It took a solid 20 minutes or so, but it was honestly worth it. The argument was every bit as toxic and idiotic as one would expect, but simply laying eyes on the beginning of the argument that inspired so many "don't scroll down" comments made it all worth it. Most of the argument was pretty dumb, but there were a few moments of comedy gold. I also found the very first "don't scroll down" comment, which is arguably more iconic that the beginning of the argument itself. I feel like I have made a pilgrimage. There and Back Again... This has been fun. I'm going to bed. Also: Don't scroll down.
I have a quest for you, traveler. Retrieve for me the first "DONT SCROLL DOWN" comment. It is an ancient artifact that means much in this comment section.
I remember my dad having almost this exact conversation with his girlfriend when we were leaving one of the Harry Potter movies when I was a kid. He commented that you could tell Hermione was going to be really attractive when she grew up, and she was disgusted that he was thinking about a kids look.
She wasnt "disgusted" because he was talking about the future of a kid. Even if he was talking about an 18 y/o, she would still have the same reaction. And that reaction is extreme jelousy and envy, because her man finds a younger woman attractive. As they grow older, they get more and more insecure about their age. And you mentioning a younger woman is attractive pisses them off to no end.
Almost 9 years later I can say I was there :) One day I'll look back on this with further joy... I too have made it into the eternal mouse wheel scroll, or trackpad, or swipe... Or whatever scroll mechanism has now come into play...
I've made it too the bottom and it was a journey like no other! The laughs, the tears, the cries, the bonding between commenters when they stop by fellow scrollers, This comment section will truly be a precious relic lost in time... may the stories of the 3 arguing lads live on in our hearts.
When I tapped on the comments of this video, I could not predict what I would end up finding. Or rather, not finding. As the sun sets on this day, I realize I was not prepared for the decade-spanning journey that lay before me. I fear that if I continue I may never re-emerge. I’m afraid this is as far as I go for now. My fellow traveler, if you have the strength to press on, than I pray the heavens bless you and keep you. Be what I could not be. Do what I could not do. Go now! I believe in you.
I may not be a the Tribe Elder, it seems he is not done yet with the officials. But I shall tell you a tale, my journey to the depths of the comments, brimming with curiosity. I dwelled deeper and deeper until the comments I only see are the comments lost in time, forgotten, never to be spoken of. It is like going into the dungeon finding a prison filled with ancient bones, upon touching it, the spirit will speak about their suffering. Upon scrolling deeper, deeper than any of the warnings, I was in shock, I cannot fathom on what is this abomination, I quickly scrolled up to flee on the most vile thing I've ever seen, it was horrid I tell you, GROTESQUE. I only bear warnings to those courageous men out there: don't scroll down
My God, what happened here? The span of all of civilization seems to have passed in this comment section, all beginning with an emergence of evil, the impetus of so much toil and hardship. Like Cain murdering Abel, the conflict between these two seemingly ordinary humans has fundamentally altered life’s course for all those who stumble upon this now-historic place. Whether you spent minutes or days here, you are now burdened with the knowledge of what humanity craves, what they are willing to sacrifice their time for. You reach the sought-after end of this desolate plane of existence, only to find that, like Abel, one half of this great argument, all-important to these countless searchers, has been snuffed out, buried forever by some cruel trick of fate. Any meaning we may have found from our journey here is indiscernible now. We only have ourselves, and the shame of our futile efforts, immortalized in this, an exhaustive compendium of the extent of human folly.
Plot twist: 20 years later, Kenny is obsessed with snow leopards and collects them for taxidermy.
Lucian Lee just got to the 20 year point.
Best plot twist
Gotta hand it to you, that was clever.
@@ObscuredByTime I second that, that was a good.
The fact that people have been commenting "don't scroll down" on this video for 6 years straight is just the greatest thing ever
I came expecting comments about how people would react in real life if the genders were swapped, but I just find a ton of people on a comments excavation project lmao.
@@DarkestKnightshade the gender swap comments are the dumb ones.
@@Buttington_Headerson Well, some of them have a point tbh, but I get where you're coming from.
It’s honestly beautiful
@Emmawat What Yeah, I know. That's why I said i get where ur coming from. What they're saying is true, but this is satire, and the onion isn't ignoring some kind of social disparity. It's just a joke.
“All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.”
I felt that
Is this a Weeknd reference?
Blade Runner
Is this a starship troopers reference?
So random. Just watched WandaVision and I had to Google that reference. Even though I've seen Blade Runner 20 or so times
It warmth my heart that there are still so many brave men in this world. Keep going travellers! The deeper you go the more you will see. This is a promise.
I don't know what the hell I'm scrolling down to find, but now I'm really fucking pumped up to find it
@@emmanotsostrong whoooooo I can't wait
its actually not worth it lol. oh well if you make it you'll figure it out why
@@SirDubington what is it tho?
You missed the point.
Everyone is saying there is something but there is nothing.
Its a trap.
So your journey begins. Here, take this torch, it's going to be dark down there.
I do have it on dark mode ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
thank you, it is getting dark and the hours to come will be consumed by this difficult journey.
That's what she said
Greatest comment in the history of YT
Thank you kind sir, while I’m here any advice for a weary traveler like myself? I don’t even know what the legendary treasure looks like after all
I have descended to the depths of the comment section and returned with knowledge man was not meant to know. My life has changed, the most beautiful song now rings hollow within me, the laughter of children sounds of tears, the brightest ray of sunshine now darkened. I warn you, traveler, turn back, turn back now before it is too late. If you do not heed my warning, I wish luck will be on your side. May god forgive us. Godspeed.
Probably the funniest thing I’ve read or heard in years. Thanks for writing, you should be writing for a comedy show.
what are some key words in the comment? i can use ctrl f to verify if its real
@@sagedraws1000 keep going traveler, for there are no shortcuts on this journey
Back in the 80s, when I was a kid, my dad had developed a device that would automatically switch out the cartridges on our Nintendo NES console.
There was nothing like it in existence at that time. It would automatically remove the current game cartridge, and insert the next game cartridge.
It would also automatically blow on the contacts to make sure they were clean!
He never went to market with this great invention, and I wish he would have. It would’ve been a real game changer.
“it would’ve been a real game changer…” I think it WAS a real game changer 😂
Take two upvotes
Genius punchline
What is "nintendo"?
That idea blows.
I started scrolling down as a boy, but I came back as a man.
Follow the Ten Commandments and read Ephesians 4:29 please. Don’t fall into greed, fall into God’s grace and love willingly instead please.
@@jaidenarias5912 Go peddle your religion elsewhere
What's that? Where am I? And no I don't want a donut, but nurse Hanna can give me another sponge bath. I've been a dirty, dirty boy.
@@jaidenarias5912 how about N O
@@idkwtcm984 why not?
The tragedy is that there is no legendary comment section. There’s only the tales of adventurers lost trying to find it.
I think... you may just be right.
Maybe the legendary comment section was the friends we made along the way
Federico Volpe found two months ago
Message copied from Federico Valpo to be recorded down in history, so that the knowledge dont get lost. My only hope is that is it never does. Sit thing, fellow traveller, the journey will be long.
"To all the young travelers who just started their journey into the abyss: read this before losing all of your remaining madness.
This ancient text, retrieved by me using Pruthvi Mehta's ancient teleportation artifact is a copy of the ancient holy texts, authored by the ancient scribe kxep. :
"Okay…. I went through all the comments in chronological order and
have the entire current (6.2020) transcript of the comments everyone is
talking about. Hopefully this'll save y'all some scrolling. (NOTE: I see
that PranavVK4128 also copied the comments but it seems like one of
their transcripts got deleted. So I’ll post my transcript here for
(1/3)pfctjd: Was this suppose to be funny? This
is just entertainment for sick freaks, anyone who thoughts this was
funny is a pervert.
Khyrid: No, it's just too complicated
fully explain. It pertains to human behavior and it has utilitarian
applications. Decisions made with innocence as a variable can still
yield logical results, thus it cannot be just an illusion.
Shut up. Just fucking shut up. "...too complicated to fully explain?"
What, per se, does that mean, precisely? Read a book, then shut up. I
bet you can't name even one philosopher. Shut up.
How did you get to third year university without learning how to spell,
type, or write? You are incapable of expressing yourself coherently. My
grade five school teacher Nichole [we were on a first name basis]was
the sexiest woman in the world, and I didn't even notice. The rest were
BangTheRocksTogether: Then you are a Ditch Pig. Unless you mean you'd do all of them at once. You go girl. Attaboy, Ditch Pig.[DoNotFeedTheTroll]
I really love people who are replying to a post without saying anything
but pointing out spelling are grammar mistakes. And i didn't learn how
to spell and express myself because i was hetero - i have always been
paying more attention to my hot teachers rather than studying. On the
other hand, you are and were homo - non giving a fuck about sexy women.Plus,
you do make great sense: "Nichole was the sexiest woman in the
world...and i didn't notice". You noticed and didn't notice her? Gay.
It means that all the variables that constitute what "innocence"
physically is in our reality are too many to list. You argue like a
child. Instead of just asking me to clarify, you ASSume that my comment
must be wrong and begin to fling petty insults. Pathetic.
BangTheRocksTogether: Top marks, Loser. Attaboy. You are part of the solution, no part of the problem. Sincerely yours, [DoNotFeedTheTroll]
You have replied to me for a second time. Then you deleted your post
hoping me to see your insults via e-mail notification but not to answer
since the post is gone? Nice try though...but I won't go easy on you
just because you are homosexual, you know. I like the way you act
smartass. People who act this way around the net are always the outcasts
of the world - dumb shits, indeed. Why don't you get a job, instead of
counting spelling mistake in UA-cam, kid.[Fapping to your mom]
BangTheRocksTogether: Hey man, I was trying to be nice. I like that book. I didn't mean to call you a "loser". That was a cheap shot.I should not would not in my sockI must not get caught with my... [can you see where I am going with this?][FeedMe]
You're familiar with The Onion? Satire, irony, absurdity, obloquy,
surrealism, discord, HUMOUR?!? If you want a dialogue about innocence
you are in the wrong place. I'm not arguing, I am name-calling,
belittling you, and being a dick. Innocence isn't "physically" anything.
Spiritual, philosophical, cerebral, but you can't buy it by the pound.
There is nothing physical about it. I hope you take this in the spirit
in which it was intended, you effin' hillbilly. I love this shit.[FeedTheTroll]
OK, Dr Adler, I care about the topic, but the topic is not the precious
innocence of youth. The topic is... NOTHING... There are places to go
to discuss serious topics with serious people who have good manners and
who won't make fun of you. This is not one of them. I quote:"Ah don'
wanna talk to you no more, Ah fart in your general direction! Your
mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries! Now go
away, or I shall taunt you a second time" - The French Soldier M.P.H.G.
BangTheRocksTogether: Are you awake yet? I'm waiting...
Khyrid: I will accept your incoherent rambling as concession.
So Buddy goes hunting. He's walking down a trail and a bear sneaks up
behind him, swats him in the head, picks him up, bends him over a stump,
rips off his pants, and bones him in the ass. Next day, Buddy wants
revenge. Buddy gets his bear rifle, and goes out to ambush that bear.
He's walking down a trail and a bear sneaks up behind him, swats him in
the head, picks him up, bends him over a stump, rips off his pants, and
bones him in the ass. Now Buddy is really angry. He's gonna get that
The next Buddy gets his most powerful hunting rifle, his .44 Magnum, his
Colt .45, a couple hand grenades and goes out to ambush that bear. He's
walking down the trail and he feels a tap on his shoulder. It's the
bear. Buddy looks at the bear, the bear looks at Buddy. The bear says
"Buddy, you're not coming here for the hunting anymore, are you?" Then
the bear swats him in the head, picks him up, bends him over a stump,
rips off his pants, and bones him in the ass. The Buddhists call it a
BangTheRocksTogether: "I
really love people who (reply) to (posts) without saying anything but
pointing out spelling [and] grammar mistakes. And [I] didn't learn how
to spell and express myself..." Oh, sorry, just catching up on my
marking.Whatever it is you are getting so choked up about, it's not
worth it. There, there, don't cry. No on second thought, bawl your eyes
out, let it all go.This will not end.[NePasNourrirLeTroll]
BangTheRocksTogether: Still there, altar boy? (Continued below in comments...)"
I'm the Messiah
I should’ve turned back, stopped while I still had the chance. To this day I still scroll couple of hours per day to find that promised treasure of a comment. My days are growing shorter and my sanity slowly fading away. Tread very carefully around these parts, friend. What was I writing again? Oh well, maybe if I just scroll a bit more I’ll remember...
Man go for it
If you dont have the strength, you can look to others
is this a parody of a quote from somewhere?
KOTOR reference 🤔😂🤣💀
@Emory Mason Sez you. It's edifying. Fuckin' master class.
Came here for the video... stayed for the comment section. Endless tales of triumph and heartbreak. Go forward young ones. And carry on.
The fact that there is actual lore to this comment section gives me faith in humanity.
@@feetsniffer1488 br?
im so confused about this whole comment section thing
@@cronicas_imemoriais graças a Deus amigo adam smith
Like a min into scrolling all i found are comments about the comments
Now imagine it was male teachers talking about little girls. Would probably get flagged and investigated lol
redkingrd right ???
Lol probably yeah
@@nothanksnoname7567 more on this please
@@vishists721 And most men are beholden to women and their wants, even more than their own. And so, the men in today's typical society will do/allow what their women want. All to do with sex, and access to it. But from the top, women (especially western women) are being played like puppets, using their bad behaviour to fulfil the rulers' objectives.
@@nothanksnoname7567 literally said more
Alright boys, we'll set up base camp here. We'll recommence scrolling tomorrow at 0700
Bravo six, going dark
Fuck I’m late wait up
⛺🏕️🚙 All done sarge.
roger that
for any lost ones whom may have straggled on the path of the Great Scroll reconvene here -- checkpoint --
Welp, I did it. 1/3 or so of the back and forth was missing unfortunately but if you scroll back you can get a decent picture what happened - typical internet flame war stuff with nothing held back whether we're talking ethnicity, sexuality, culture, intelligence, etc. Tried using wayback machine and some googling to piece together the full convo but no luck :(
Definitely worth mentioning AnominaAnon as the first person to tell people "DON'T SCROLL DOWN" and Juiceslinger for cominb back here and writing what seems to be INDIVIDUALLY CRAFTED COMMENTS on a CONSISTENT BASIS and inspiring years of youtube comments roleplay... damn what a time to be alive.
I'm never fucking going back down there, at least not like this. My browser is literally freezing up trying to type this comment.
I don't understand what is going on.
that’s really neat lol
"To scroll or not to scroll, that is the question."
- William Shakespeare
I thank you for your comment, for it has prompted me to process my true feelings. I am too afraid to go on...that is the truth. I shan't pursue the tales of legend any further. I am better off averting my eyes, than to be stuck forever in a loop of hope and despair. Crestfallen, I am banished...
@@wearytrader535 and it was so.
@@wearytrader535 for real though. Nice reading 👍
Great crossover for the times. 😂
Could you explain i fooking confused
Everyone talking about how cool the comment section is is preventing me from actually seeing it
You've become the very thing you sought to destroy
The tragedy is: there is no cool comment section. Only tales of adventurers lost trying to find it.
@@baseddepartment1324 Maybe the real cool comment section was the friends we made along the way?
That's what u r doing... 5 head
Its dangerous to scroll alone viewer. Here, take this.
thank you fellow scroller.
Put it back in, you pervert!
Take what?
@@alannoob1926 ---D=======> (it's a sword, keep your mind out of the gutter)
I did it. The impossible trek. I scrolled to the legend, and laid my eyes upon it's majesty. My disappointment was immeasurable upon realizing I could not comment to mark my place in history. All that work for naught. Why do we exist in this fragile mortal realm? Is it really only to toil and suffer?! Abandon all hope ye who wander, the scroll of ancient secrets is not worth the agony. Abandon your trip as surely our god has abandoned us all. I am here to save you from this misery! TURN BACK BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE! I only hope this message reaches you in time... it is far too late for me, the legend took its toll and now all my earthly days shall be forever darkened by its presence.
Don't turn back ye faint of heart the shan't fall for the dark ones snares
what was the comment
What are you referring to aaaaagh I cant , please help, please I wanna read it tooo
So...the comment reached 500 replies?
Ha I will do it.
It's terrifying to think, that I almost closed this video without reading the comments, missing out forever the journey that defined many lives.
The story. I feel. From here, could be turned straight into a movie.
Ty. I felt the same way. I was just going to skip the comments. But, wow. 😆
Wdym bruh
I just heard about this legendary journey. I’m ready to begin. I’ve got my essential monster energy and crystal meth rations. I look forward to the adventure!
@Stu no the comments there its just not worth it lmao
@@wtfimcrying Amazing, a comment within this thread of comments directed to a person not in this section of comments. This is going to be a wild ride.
this is some weird pocket in history that only a few will ever witness or even know about, no-one will talk about, non-one will ever read about it. It is strange that a bunch of strangers can get together for a meme that is so localised and continue for years with no relevance to any other part of their life. You wont remember this on your deathbed, yet the great scroll was another life in its own right.
Much like most everything that happens in daily life, if you think about it.
Makes you wonder if these comments will exist in a century... will there be memeologists in The future who will dig up old internet archives. If so then our legacy here will live on in their memories!
Yeet Bra Imagine if they see ours “72 years ago” and I’m like 88 or dead
I swear if this comment makes me remember this on my deathbed I will be unhappy lol.
That’s.... that’s beautiful bro
Here we can see thousands of fantasy authors making their debut novella.
Legends of old tell that Tolkien himself made the debut comment...but that of course is absurd, it's been going for centuries before then.
@@aidancahill2311 Tolkien, Martin, Lewis, all just historians of the war and pain that was caused here. I have found the treasure... or has the treasure found me
Helpful tips to make it to the treasure you seek:
-Use a PC, not a phone
-Time may feel shorter if you take some snacks, like Goldfish!
-Dont be surprised when you realize that the journey was the real treasure
-Dont pay any mind to those distracting comments concerning "hot kids"
-Dont forget to bring a towel
Thank you! I am using a phone currently. I shall return with a pc and thank you for your service.
@@dylanlodge4905 You're welcome sir, it's a lesson I learned the hard way
I have returned stronger!
Thank you for your service
I get the HGTTG reference
@@toastitup3482 now I'm lost
This comment section is better documented then some civilizations.
True lmao
Ark survival
Remember when UA-cam comments were in order and sortable?
@@MrMustacrackish no
if you’re reading this, your journey has barely begun.
I'm scared !!!!!!!!!
romangeneral23 you should be
Okay, just stopped to say that I LOVE your profile pic 😆
Angèle DORAY thank u hahaha
I am so confused 😭😭😭
I've been scrolling for an hour, I don't know what I'm looking for anymore. I don't see colors, I don't hear sounds. It's so cold. Is there a destination? Why am I still going, to see the argument, or to see the comments about it? If you're seeing this, possibly even in the distant future, stop to say hi, or maybe have a chat. Edit: Don't. Scroll. Down.
I don't know if you made it or not, but going further into the abyss I'm starting to lose hope. Especially when my internet almost cut out I was so scared that I'd have to start my journey again. Luckily I have data my only life line left. I hope you made it you'll be in my prayers fellow traveler.
6 days ago, a traveller named kameron left this carving message for future travellers. personally i have been scrolling for 10 minutes in this constantly changing labyrinth. i will camp here for the night and leave a message myself below this text. for the future travelers, wish me luck so i wish you luck aswell
Good day
Hello fellow traveller. I come here near the beginning of my quest. May the path ahead lead your way as well as mine.
For those who come after me, I apologize, for I have increased your burden by yet another step.
For those who came before me, I apologize, for I have not the will to carry on the rest of the way.
For those who have glimpsed the treasure in all it's splendor, I apologize, for I have only seen a fraction of it's beauty.
For myself, I apologize, and can only pray I will gain the strength to return.
Maybe the real treasure isn’t the comment, but the friends you made along the way
Where friends?
@@someperson7391 Isn't it amazing that the video has been up there for about 8 years and yet here we are interacting with each other in a span of 16 hours. These are the friends he's talking about.
@@sayandeepchakraborty6261 can’t argue with that
Maybe lovers??? 😘 lol
We made no friends, only viscous enemies and some people that we like on the internet
From this moment on, it is our duty to not comment again. We must not increase the difficulty of the journey for the future generations
Ever notice at the top of really tall mountains there is a pile of small stones, obviously not from this part of the mountain as they are not the right rock type? This is because it is in people's nature to want to leave something to note their achievement, and to make the mountain just slightly taller for the next guy.
I am sorry to tell you that your friends did not do justice to the future generation like me, I spent 30 minutes in pure agony
Says the person who commented 😂
@Unsung Songs dude, here is my secret technique, scroll down as far as possible (in reasonable amounts) and then press ctrl+f and type "second" and just yeah... you have iq to figure out what to do, right? :)
This is a technique developed by the elders, this is not cheating, this is tactical searching
Lol....Well your comment is making it worse.
This is the weirdest comment section you will ever see in your life.
Why is everyone trying to warn me?
I agree
Now im just curious...
The "scott pilgeam vs the word ruined a whole generation of women" song had a great comment section, but then the video got shadowbanned. Where am I going to find incels vs e-girls wars now?
Edit:sorry this has nothing to do with you, I needed to complain.
@@beverycarefuljohn586 you said the cursed name, god help us now.
I almost gave up on this journey. I thought, “Who would be so stupid to venture into unexplored territory for the promise of a treasure that might not even exist!?” But nonetheless, I pressed on, I continued. I didn’t give up. And I’m so glad I made this decision. If you are thinking of giving up, don’t! Trust me, it’s worth it. Best of luck traveler, adventure and glory awaits
Stop.... Don't do it. Stop while you still have your innocence.
What’s so terrible about this comment. Can you uh tell me what it was?
@@dr.sigmundfreud3030 from a little context it seems it’s a stupid comment about how if the roles were reversed it would be bad, a point made by the sketch.
@@w花b can't click it
@@w花b dickhead, I would've been happier if it was one of those famous Rick rolls I've been hearing about
20 years later, the actually rich handsome guy was Mark, Mark who was treated horribly by his teachers. Mark, who for some reason spend millions of dollars capturing snow leopard to strangle them with his bare hands, he never knew why.
My father was found passed away, his hand still on the scroll wheel.
He passed like his father before him and his father before him.
For generations, the men of my blood have attempted this quest.
I will pick up the mantle, steel my nerves, and climb over the carcasses of failed expeditions. I will succeed where they failed and honor the spirits of my ancestors.
I can only pray for strength as I embark on this odyssey.
adventurer... did you make it back alive, or have you joined your ancestors in the land beyond?
*Hath thou done it?*
Alas, Aayan Sarma has passed beyond this mortal coil. The journey was fraught with peril insurmountable, and the echoes of his final scrolls still ring out through the abyss.
Godspeed, Aayan Sarma, on your final journey. We were unworthy to scroll in your most noble company.
dear adventurer, how was your journey? did you make it alive ? goodbye
Rest peacefully @Aayan Sarma. Your efforts are heralded, your courage adorned. Glory befall upon your lineage as your son steps to the wheel of scroll. The sage has anointed his index finger to wield the same strength of Arthur's sword. Your tribulations will not have been vain.
God speed.
It was a Wednesday night, March 2nd, 2022. I had just come home from school and then soon after, work. My legs were sore from standing all day, but I was, however, feeling particularly gleeful this night due to the dilectable meal of lasagna that I had just consumed. Then, I was recommended a video about hot kids. My curiosity mixed with mild disgust wanted to know more. Oh, how ignorant I was back then, in my youth, approximately 1 hour ago. How was I to know that it would lead to a vague legend boasting to obtain a forbidden knowledge only the elders could possibly acquire? These talks of the ancient texts and a clash of gods had peaked my interest even more. I thought I had the mental fortitude and absolute patience to take part down this treacherous path. However, as have many others, a looming darkness befelled my once youthful vigor. I have no knowledge of whether or not I was ready mentally to accomplish this journey, but I have confidence that I could, but confidence and mental fortitude can only get an adventuror so far. I was woefully unprepared for this task, no, this JOURNEY, for while I felt my patience was limitless, my equipment for this journey was, rather unseemingly, lackluster. I had had many fellow adventurers along this crooked and windy road speak of the legend and how much further it was, some promising it was worth every second, and others wishing for the part of them they left on this journey back to them, but all spoke of it getting closer. A newfound energy emerged from this incredible news. I was getting close to this legendary text, but my scrolling device had begun to reach its limit. It taking increasingly long amounts of time to load the various scrolls that long past fellow adventurers had written to motivate and sometimes discourage their ascedents. Every time it loaded was full of adrenaline, wondering if this was the one that contained the sacred texts, but alas, I was filled with disappointment when faced with my next challenge, my next boss fight, my next loading icon. I felt as if it was in grasping distance, making a vow to sacrifice even my equipment's well being for this legend. Alas, it was a vow that I could never keep, for one loading icon, had a much grimmer look, however, I was blinded by my passion to reach the foretold legend. When I had made my final scroll and my final loading icon had commenced the spinning, a soul crushing, grim message with the mask of bright, cheerful colors had befell my spectacle apparatus. These cursed texts read,
"UA-cam has stopped working.
(Make a report)"
I of course had to wait, because after making it so far in my journey, I could not lose it all so suddenly. But it was all for nought. I sat there an excruciating 10 minutes waiting for it to load the next, say, 10 comments. My device began to dilapidate, as many of its basic functions began to stop working. The screen began freezing. It was getting cold. And I was getting fearful for my life, my passion, my phone's wellbeing, and above all else, my time. I was a fool to travel with such mediocre gear. Do not make the same mistake I did, dear traveler. You must not only be prepared to take on this mission, this legacy mentally, but you must also be willing to make the sacrifice of getting better equipment, and being prepared to lose it. I have lost all of my time in this Onion, and a part of myself within these deep layers, never to be found again. I am no fool now, and I can see in your eyes, no words will stop you from making this journey. The best I can do for you is hope you heed my advice when taking on this deep, tearjerking, chasm. You have my pity, young adventurer.
I have learned a lot from my adventure, and I know that my knowledge will be glossed over and dismissed my most, but if there is even a small chance I can help those doomed to follow the same path I have achieve greatness, I must, in the hopes that they remember me and live on with the knowledge of the legendary scripts because of help that I have provided.
Well this is long
@@DLCS-2 as is the journey young padawan
Good info brother. I'm currently running on 16gb of ram and all the time of the night... I may not reply in this chain, and I may forget about this journey one day (as I'm not sure what value I will gain), but I have certainly appreciated the help that you've given me and my fellow traveller, with a captivating story to boot. To any other readers, keep on keeping on (interpret that in any way you want to. If I do find the sacred texts, I will try to report back here with my findings.
Godspeed, All.
@@stanthebossman Good luck, adventurer. May the sands of time and random crashes not rip away at your soul.
It is the year 2141. I have been scrolling for 120 years. I have forgotten who I am, but I have not forgotten what I saw at the bottom. Don’t lose yourself... but keep going.
A wise man once said "When you scroll down into the Abyss, the Abyss scrolls down into you."
Luckily for you, that wise man was me.
Wise man also say: " he who goes to bed with itchy butt shall wake up the stinky fingers."
(Sorry. I'll see myself out, now.)
@@Pete-Prolly yes, please leave.
No it was Friedrich "Scroller" Nietzsche
Lοɢɪco Λόгος ̙ Haha! Tell me more!
When the "don't scroll down, it will take too long" jokes just end up making the comment section longer.
You've become the very thing you swore to destroy.
For real, it's taking forever
Not my fault...
@@seucheanemone5652 Were? WERE? WERE?????
There's no past tense in this.
@@BangTheRocksTogether what you gonna do? Start another argument? (Totally go for it tho)
@@himagnamukherjee9382 Someone is trying to bait me. He's not very good...
Guys I actually found the lore. Back in 2013 August, "Khyrid" and "BangTheRocksTogether " started a fight in the comment section and it went on for a while. So people would just warn each other saying don't scroll down. That has now been evolved to dark souls type shit.
My man
You have spoiled ancient tellings... yet you are not fully correct. Travellers be weary of people who strew what they know with what they percieve, and Sir Loosh... I would reccomend to keep eight eyes out
no spoilers please or at least tag it 👿
Tag those 2 users
As you scroll down, remember: "It's not about the destination; it's about the journey."
Lmaooo what is going on in here?! 😂😂
And my journey brought me here. What are the odds
It kinda is about the destination
These words made me tear up, they are so true
Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination
Greeting young traveler, if you wish to know what happened on these hollowed grounds, seat by the campfire and listen.
Around 7 years ago there was a weird flame war happened between a man called BangTheRocks, xI777Ix and a guy named Khyrid. Many of the comments are gone so it mainly just seems like a one sided argument by BangTheRocks. Im not gonna give the full plot but it was some crazy shit about grammar, the greek language, and at some point he mentioned hunting. If you want some highlights the phrases "ditch pony" and "stupidology" were used.
If reading this has made you intrigued, sort by newest comments and go down 7 years (as of August 2020). Safe travels, and good luck.
I thank you for sharing your fire and wisdom.
I must be on my way now, farewell wise sage
At long last, a fellow traveler has returned from the depths with its history. We know... the scroll may be finally over.
I thank you for sharing your wisdom, O wise one. but now, I must begin my journey to the depths of this comment section.
omg you weren't lying one bit
I have never seen such a unique comment section lol this is awesome
It’s truly an enigma. Welp, 4 years, 364 days, 23 hours, and 45 minutes left to scroll. Wish me luck
@Maxwell Zimmermann I get you, but this has (to me) a unique feel
@Maxwell Zimmermann One does not easily obtain the holy comments. You have to work and suffer for it. The journey is part of the the destination.
Some comment sections talk about the video.
And some... don't...
The wisdom is still there, for one with eyes that can truly see.
The treasure is a myth. A metaphor for what has been in your heart all along.
Who am i kidding, im going for it!!
Ah yes, the dilemma of the mind. Whether to believe or not?
I refuse to believe it, the comment IS out there
Day #367
Ive been traveling down the comment section for over a year now. My provisions are running short. Many people told me to turn back but I was too arrogant to listen. I packed enough food for 5 years of travel, but unfortunately trolls stole most of it. I think I am the only thing truly alive down here, the humor is dead that's for sure. Sitting down here ready to die I remem... (the rest of the page is stained in blood and coffe and you cannot read it)
Lmao thats genius, is it a refference of some sort?
@@mynameis6575 probably SCP-3008
(sorry, you cannot do that here)
"Trolls" Genius.
@@evan.mcleod I know I've read stuff like that in WoW, but everything in WoW is stolen from somewhere else.
This is the best comment section i've ever seen.
YESSSSSS!!!!! That bear comment (by BangTheRiocks) solidified it!!!!
Charles Dilliehunt, Jr. That bear comment was awesome.
surfinbari the same 55 the same time as a result of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of 4 the same time as a 5 the same 55 the same time as a result of the most part of the 6 5 the same time as a result of the most part of the most part it is a good time to time and money to pay for the first time in the morning and evening of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of the most part of the
thank goodness for the person from a year back who transcripted the whole argument
And you ruined it. Take a hint man
It's dangerous to go alone take this!:
My appreciation of you and respect for all your trauma in life.
there is more unity in this comment section than i’ve ever seen in the real world. keep scrolling, my friend, you’ll be able to join your brothers on the other side soon.
it pains me to say that the world is changing in what they think is a 'progressive' state of encouraging pedophilia. it is a minority, though. but its a cancer cell. the fact is hollywood is riddled with pedophiles, and theyre influencers. the world is headed in a dark place, find the light
Bro! I was just about to frikin write that as an original comment. “This is the most unity i have ever seen in a comment section. Still though everyone explaining where it all started had failed although one dude did a hilarious skit this the 2 originators 777 and bangstherocks??
@@greg.amusin so true the onion takes this too far and although lined like you should start being nice to the hot kids was is pathetically funny it also normalizes bad and gets people used to bad stuff
Brothers? Because there are no women using the internet?
@@Celisar1 🙂
I was once like you, traveler: young, idealistic, and brave. I believed that I could change the world and, against the elder’s warnings, crossed the threshold and began my infinite descent. But I failed, just as you will, and just as my father did. So take my advice and turn back before it’s too late.
You have been warned
*dun dun duuun*
@@bakarenibsheut12 WHEN THE IMPOSTER IS SUS
that actually reminds me of darkest dungeon
Hello Senju
you just weren't the chosen one
I left early that year, when the very last traces of ice were just barely touching the ground. People, old timers mostly, kept telling me not to go, that it wasnt worth the horrors, but I was so young. Young and stupid enough to ignore them, though I'd seen their haggard faces and blank eyes glazing at the memory of it. Regardless, It's a blazing, spiced summer now, and I've returned. But I've left something behind. Theres a part of me that will never return from that, and I'm not even sure how to measure what little of me is actually here now.
Traveler... you are young still. You are told the stories of the endless, mindless scrolling, of the tangible, written, human horrors that lie ahead, and you approach them with ease. You will not leave them with the same. That tantalizing, cloying unknown calls to you as it did me, and I mourn for the space you leave will behind when you go. I am sad to say that that space will never again be completely full, but I offer you this; A parting gift, a few supplies, and all the patience I can muster.
🍊🍊 🍎 🍎
🥖 🍐 🍎 🥖
🍐🥖 📜 🗡
Safe travels, dear friend. Tell me your stories when you return.
I don't think I can make the journey but thank you nontheless
U could uh provide what the unknown is. Save me the trip. Or y’know, do this Mr. Mysterio bullshit.
@@skep2923 realshit 🤣🤣🤣
I shall my comment here for safe travel tomorrow, good luck everyone.
Thank you for the supplies. I will use these greacefully.
After reading all the comments and spent more than 2 hours searching for that legendary comment i must say it is worth it. Not only did it manage to captivate what it really means to be human, but also gave me hope on what humanity will become
What's going on?
please help me out here, what are the usernames of the people involved????? Im on a mission
nevermind, its BangTheRocks
man fuck everyone i hate this comment section 😂😂 i give up
instructions unclear ... how much down do i have to scroll?
you'll know.
@@deanyoung9313 hahaha
1 year ago... are you still scrolling?
memo Nava Ramirez He didn’t heed the warnings...he wasn’t strong enough...
@@lopamurblamo nope.. I think the force is strong in this one because he didn't answer, that means he still scrolling
“Did you do it?”
“What did it cost?”
... Everything.
what did it say
God damnit I want answers!
… It’s too late, he is gone, my brothers. We must continue this journey by ourselves, and steel our hearts for the Path is filled with dangers and perils.
You’re on the journey too, eh?
Scrolling down the bottomless comment section...
I’ve heard countless tales of the brave lads who ventured down there. Few of them returned, thanks to the warning signs, while most of them are never heard of again.
It has been more than 5 years since I’ve gotten here. Who knows what happened to them. I reckon they’re eaten by the trolls and bears now! Ahahah- *cough* *cough*
My time is running short now, young one. Here, take this username. “BangTheRocksTogether” is one of the two keys to the treasure, the Golden Thread of Philosophy and Language. The treasure that will bring knowledge to the entire omniverse.
I entrust this relic fragment to you, young one. Good luck on your descend!
A survivor shared his wisdom, he has saved the souls of many curious men
Hahaha... Oh man, I'm dying!
I shall move onward FOR THE KING!!
Hey Dr Wolf, you play chess?
Didn't realize I was still scrolling, but I shall carry on down the path of scrolls. Be it as it may. So long and if I dont make it back farewell. Take this letter to my mother.
Brothers, there is no glory in clinging to your rock and plummeting toward your fire longer than need-be. The ultimate victory is a peaceful step from one realm to the next. Eyes on the horizon. Fill your heart with whatever drives you. Never, ever stop moving forward.
I had been scrolling for a some time... I had just heard of this “legendary comment”. What was so great about it? I had to find out, so I scrolled. The notes of previous travelers had told of their failure in making it, I thought I could prove them wrong, how foolish I was... I have finally reached the comments from about 1 month ago, not too far but also too deep in to quit now. I scroll further but then... what is this? I’m greeted by a flash of white and then, where am I? This isn’t UA-cam... where’s the exit? It’s just an abyss... have I scrolled too quick, too dangerously..? Oh. I believe I understand now... My UA-cam has crashed. There’s no way out of here. I am doomed to this torture until the day I perish... If anyone gets this message... turn back now, while you still can.
What am I looking for?
@@bent_pencil7926 good question
I asked myself that question at one point... and to be honest I still don’t know.
I forgot what i was looking for in the comment section and now im stuck trying to figure out what it was HELP 🙂
One of the best comments I've ever seen, seriously 👏👏👏👏👏
On your way to the bottom too, eh?
I feel dirty and ashamed.
Yeah broggy, you been there yet?
I’m excited and scared.
Ur bottom
Scrolling down will only serve as a catalyst to fuel more anger.
Anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering.
Be wary travellers.
People were doing this down scrolling thing 6 years ago? Alright I'm out.
@@silasbrainard2987 once you start there's no going back
Dude, what the fuck it’s still going.
So, there's more than rumors
*Skeletal remains of a long dead explorer. Probably starvation.
Keep your wits about you men. The path is long, your journey dangerous. With determination, you can make it. Wandering men like me get nowhere in life. You were meant for greatness.
Worry not. We shall find the end of the comments where you have failed. Perhaps you can open a tavern at this point along the path so that others who have grown tired from the journey can settle down and start a family in this comments section
I don't get it... What are the comments about???
Thx bro
Video: paused
Journey: began
Supplies: limited
Bottom: unreachable
Best of luck traveller
Hotel: Trivago
@@andrews9407 joke: dead
@@Eliassly joke:still dead
@Bob Ross Joke: atomically deconstructed
Change that unreachable to reachable! My citizen, we must keep going! Now, travel with me, your king Edgard the 142nd, in the name of our mighty Empire, WELSHDALE!!! We WILL find the ancient artifacts!
The road you seek is hard and tiring, but the reward is worth every moment of the path you took. May your path find the reward
I was too weak… I heard whispers on my descent about the heinous altercation that lies in these digital depths… but the sound was too faint to keep my hope alive. Best of luck to you dear traveler
I hope that future historians will look at this comment section and marvel about our great civilisation.
What the fuck lol
Future historians researching ancient child abuse.
Haha, no 😶🌫️
"Upon the stone pedestal, these words appear: 'I am Ozymandias, king of kings. Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair.' Nothing beside remains."
Boys, this is another checkpoint!
I'm gonna stop here for now. Gotta cure the arthritis I got from scrolling.
cool, got any potato burritos to snack on? I'm famished...
@@alcoholya you know I got you, dude.
Where can I find the next bonfire? It's dangerous to out there blind.. again!
Thank you fellow traveller, the journey has been tough. Tis but only 3 day into this journey, but it feels as if its been an eternity. I must go now, and venture far beyond. Thank you once again kind stranger
This comment section is so hyped up, can't wait to see what the fuss is about
edit: I've been scrolling for about 5 hours now. I'm getting close I think
Well editing ur comment made u lose all ur progress no? xD
Bruh, did you reach??!
Sort by new and then do it
how's it up there in space bro?
Brother alien 👽 did you find the comment treasure? Give us the Dets!
I’ve been searching for 8 years in hopes of finding the legendary comment. To all the other travelers out there, beware of the evil warlock named “Juiceslinger”. He will do everything in his power to stop you from finding the lost treasure.
Everyone wants to talk about *BangThe RocksTogether* and *xl777lx* but no one is talking about *Anomina Anon* being the first person to comment “DON’T SCROLL DOWN”
who cares?
@@EmSpro I care. About everything and everyone.
dear gods, these are some extremely accurate records.
@@lukenel29 I love the Internet.
Aeroxima Awwww, that’s nice.
This comment section is why UA-cam needs a "sort by first" comment filter.
*Why UA-cam must NEVER have that filter. That'd ruin years of effort by many corageous souls
Wait y lol
The best part about this is the journey, how long it takes, and how few people actually reach it
Don't listen to them...scroll down and read the comments.
Listen not to this commenter here, for he deceives you. Turn back!
Ray Patson ?
This man knows best
Is this the devil?, urging me to my doom!!!!
You're a good man xD
R.I.P. to Kenny Samuelson, 2000 - 2023, tragically cut down in the prime of his life by his math teacher after he forgot how to work out a 15% tip at a fancy restaurant on her birthday, embarassing her to no end... especially considering that he was her student. We hardly knew you, Kenny, but you will live on in our hearts and memories
I thought Kenny would be mauled by snow leopards. They don’t like to be pet, apparently.
In my youth, I attempted the journey and succeeded, but I was ungrateful. The road seemed so easy, and I assumed it would always be so. In my arrogance I left no guide, no map to help me find my way back, should I ever forget, and o have I forgotten.
I remember its character well enough, an argument of some sort, but in my mind, there's a part missing, some spell cast upon me, now faded. Its ghost taunts me. On my last journey, I found what I came looking for, but it seems the path has grown longer, and I more weary. I shall set out now, though I doubt I'll get far, I must try. I must chase that sweet nectar, for it taunts me.
Thanks for leaving the hints needed for other travelers to make it, Godspeed traveler.
@@kevinperez1518 He seems so regretfull that it makes me question
I once journeyed down, back before the path was so long, and found a transcript with relative ease... now, it is not so simple
As someone having no idea what's down below, I ask of you to find out the truth behind this sacred comment section. Many have tried, many have failed, but you... Make me proud.
It's been 40 mins now although I could just desend to the bottom quickly I decided to read each of your well crafted comments it may take hours but I'll accept your quest to make you proud
@@sakeriyasaleh4820 I'm reading the comments too. It's better to enjoy the journey even if the end is not satisfactory.
I will!
After 22 years of hard search, I haven't found anything, is this a myth?
I am now obsessed about this relic, it is so deep, please help me and give me the damn comment
Maybe the real treasure was the comments we read along the way...
Delete your comment. Do not make the journey more difficult for others.
@@thesenate9562 dont be ridiculous.
I'll never forget your beautiful words...
Lmao its the journey not the destination
@@thesenate9562 This the treasure my friend.
The following is a transcript found later in the journey. If you wish to continue to find the rest for yourself, good luck.
Okay…. I went through all the comments in chronological order and have the entire current (6.2020) transcript of the comments everyone is talking about. Hopefully this'll save y'all some scrolling. (NOTE: I see that PranavVK4128 also copied the comments but it seems like one of their transcripts got deleted. So I’ll post my transcript here for progeny.)
pfctjd: Was this suppose to be funny? This is just entertainment for sick freaks, anyone who thoughts this was funny is a pervert.
Khyrid: No, it's just too complicated fully explain. It pertains to human behavior and it has utilitarian applications. Decisions made with innocence as a variable can still yield logical results, thus it cannot be just an illusion.
BangTheRocksTogether: Shut up. Just fucking shut up. "...too complicated to fully explain?" What, per se, does that mean, precisely? Read a book, then shut up. I bet you can't name even one philosopher. Shut up.
BangTheRocksTogether: How did you get to third year university without learning how to spell, type, or write? You are incapable of expressing yourself coherently. My grade five school teacher Nichole [we were on a first name basis]was the sexiest woman in the world, and I didn't even notice. The rest were hags.
BangTheRocksTogether: Then you are a Ditch Pig. Unless you mean you'd do all of them at once. You go girl. Attaboy, Ditch Pig.
xI777Ix: I really love people who are replying to a post without saying anything but pointing out spelling are grammar mistakes. And i didn't learn how to spell and express myself because i was hetero - i have always been paying more attention to my hot teachers rather than studying. On the other hand, you are and were homo - non giving a fuck about sexy women.
Plus, you do make great sense: "Nichole was the sexiest woman in the world...and i didn't notice". You noticed and didn't notice her? Gay.
Khyrid: It means that all the variables that constitute what "innocence" physically is in our reality are too many to list. You argue like a child. Instead of just asking me to clarify, you ASSume that my comment must be wrong and begin to fling petty insults. Pathetic.
BangTheRocksTogether: Top marks, Loser. Attaboy. You are part of the solution, no part of the problem.
Sincerely yours,
xI777Ix: You have replied to me for a second time. Then you deleted your post hoping me to see your insults via e-mail notification but not to answer since the post is gone? Nice try though...but I won't go easy on you just because you are homosexual, you know. I like the way you act smartass. People who act this way around the net are always the outcasts of the world - dumb shits, indeed. Why don't you get a job, instead of counting spelling mistake in UA-cam, kid.
[Fapping to your mom]
BangTheRocksTogether: Hey man, I was trying to be nice. I like that book. I didn't mean to call you a "loser". That was a cheap shot.
I should not would not in my sock
I must not get caught with my...
[can you see where I am going with this?]
BangTheRocksTogether: You're familiar with The Onion? Satire, irony, absurdity, obloquy, surrealism, discord, HUMOUR?!? If you want a dialogue about innocence you are in the wrong place. I'm not arguing, I am name-calling, belittling you, and being a dick. Innocence isn't "physically" anything. Spiritual, philosophical, cerebral, but you can't buy it by the pound. There is nothing physical about it. I hope you take this in the spirit in which it was intended, you effin' hillbilly. I love this shit.
BangTheRocksTogether: OK, Dr Adler, I care about the topic, but the topic is not the precious innocence of youth. The topic is... NOTHING... There are places to go to discuss serious topics with serious people who have good manners and who won't make fun of you. This is not one of them. I quote:
"Ah don' wanna talk to you no more, Ah fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries! Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time" - The French Soldier M.P.H.G.
BangTheRocksTogether: Are you awake yet? I'm waiting...
Khyrid: I will accept your incoherent rambling as concession.
BangTheRocksTogether: So Buddy goes hunting. He's walking down a trail and a bear sneaks up behind him, swats him in the head, picks him up, bends him over a stump, rips off his pants, and bones him in the ass. Next day, Buddy wants revenge. Buddy gets his bear rifle, and goes out to ambush that bear. He's walking down a trail and a bear sneaks up behind him, swats him in the head, picks him up, bends him over a stump, rips off his pants, and bones him in the ass. Now Buddy is really angry. He's gonna get that bear.
BangTheRocksTogether: The next Buddy gets his most powerful hunting rifle, his .44 Magnum, his Colt .45, a couple hand grenades and goes out to ambush that bear. He's walking down the trail and he feels a tap on his shoulder. It's the bear. Buddy looks at the bear, the bear looks at Buddy. The bear says "Buddy, you're not coming here for the hunting anymore, are you?" Then the bear swats him in the head, picks him up, bends him over a stump, rips off his pants, and bones him in the ass. The Buddhists call it a koan.
BangTheRocksTogether: "I really love people who (reply) to (posts) without saying anything but pointing out spelling [and] grammar mistakes. And [I] didn't learn how to spell and express myself..." Oh, sorry, just catching up on my marking.
Whatever it is you are getting so choked up about, it's not worth it. There, there, don't cry. No on second thought, bawl your eyes out, let it all go.
This will not end.
BangTheRocksTogether: Still there, altar boy?
(Continued below...)
We must upvote this comment to greatly shorten the journey others will inevitably traverse upon.
bruh not the freaking bear
The rest of the transcript... it's gone...
Don't listen to what the other people are telling you, the goal is not the bottom, but it is hidden along the way there, stay weary
I see. Such must be the true challenge of the trek. I thank you for your wisdoms.
I take my pilgrimage with this knowledge
The goal was the friends we made along the way.
Wary not weary lol
Okay now scroll *left*
You’re the best lol
That's not a thing.
@@BangTheRocksTogether you rock
@@BangTheRocksTogether wow
@@BangTheRocksTogether If you zoom in and then scroll right then you can scroll back to the left
This is probably the greatest thing I've ever found by myself on UA-cam. Homer themselves could not have come up with this epic
... odyssey
I agree
Homer themselves? I was unaware Homer was multiple people lol
@@Kinetochore-ti5hk The identity of Homer has been an ongoing academic debate for a couple of millenia now. Virtually everybody agrees that the source material for Homer's work predates it by many years, but it must have been compiled into the actual texts of the Iliad and Odyssey by somebody. One of the leading theories being that there never was any individual author of the texts, but that the texts were assembled colletively by a group of poets. In that case, referring to Homer as "they" in the plural form makes perfect sense. As for the scholars who are convinced that the works were compiled by a single individual, there are disagreements over the actual gender of the author. Samuel Butler, for example, speculates that the Odyssey was actually written by a Sicillian woman. In light of this debate, it also makes sense to use gender neutral language when referring to Homer. In this case, the original commenter's "they" could be interpreted as a singular one, which is how users of the English language have referred to people in a gender neutral manner for centuries.
It’s dangerous to go alone, take this! 🍿
Thank you for the refreshments, traveller. Some beverage to go along with it for our fellow of-age adventurers! 🍺
This is where I started. This is where I will end for the day.
I fell like I'm in a totally new world, this video was in recommended and now I've found a legendary comment and a quest, this is one of those truly legendary places of the Internet.
I know! It harkens back to the Old Days of the Early Inter-Web, when the Lands were ruled by computer nerds and D&D players. We can never go back to those times, but merely seek to unearth the buried treasures of such a kingdom
Please take my word for it! DO NOT SCROLL DOWN!
I read the comment below yours, from: GreenLightMe and wished i had taken your word for it. I'm afraid to go further.
Down down down we go!!!
gotchu thanks fam
I ignored your advice..... Now i have to bleech my eyes....
I... I can't... I have to go on now people are telling me to not to.
I give up, can't do it...the journey is too much for me, best of luck to travelers and heroes who are willing to take on this challenge! I hope the sacrifice you make is worth it
I've been here for 6 hours ....... scrolling
@@smeggiamagarwine I wander if there was a bug that youtube fixed. ima keep scrolling though.
@@StressHaze Been here 26 years....it never ends. IT JUST NEVER ENDS. I'm not even sure where it begins. I don't know what's real anymore 😱😱😱
there's a transcript of it somewhere last time I checked
What? I don't get it
Yeah, sure you have heard the story of those adventurers who were just about to give up in the forest of madness but at the end moment tripped on a root of a tree and founded treasures. But let me warn you, for each person who was able to return there were 100 who did not and so, could never tell their stories. If they would have I do not think you would be so enthusiastic to go. . Not all roots that trip you lead you to treasures, some leads to your death too. Not every cry is for help some are warnings too. There is not always up after rock bottom, sometimes there is hell too
don't bother, below are a bunch of warnings not to scroll down, whats below that is uncertain, as im not sure any human has a long enough life span to traverse the "don't scroll down" level of this comment section, and god knows what horrors lie there
You should try putting newest comments ❤
*echoing up from the depths* "don't....scroll....down...."
At the bottom of the comment section we mortals may find Bagul the soul eater
You gotta go over the comments, not through them
One guy found it and it was gold
I scrolled down pretty far. All I saw was people saying not to scroll down, and then I realized the joke.
you didn't see the 2 wankers arguing?
It's not a joke, it's way down there but it's there. Kinda hard to follow because the youtube comments worked differently then but it is worth it 100%
@Joe Duke someone posted it if you sort comments by newest
@Joe Duke Kek
@@ericosborne4122 What was it goddamn it
Well... I ignored the warnings and scrolled down. I found what I was looking for. It took a solid 20 minutes or so, but it was honestly worth it. The argument was every bit as toxic and idiotic as one would expect, but simply laying eyes on the beginning of the argument that inspired so many "don't scroll down" comments made it all worth it. Most of the argument was pretty dumb, but there were a few moments of comedy gold. I also found the very first "don't scroll down" comment, which is arguably more iconic that the beginning of the argument itself. I feel like I have made a pilgrimage. There and Back Again...
This has been fun. I'm going to bed.
Also: Don't scroll down.
The sequel: The Long-Expected Journey.
I'm gonna scroll down. Wish me luck
I'm going to scroll down.
I'm get to the bottom of this thing......literally
I won’t let those who have already tasted victory stop me from glory. I will see it for myself
weary and fatigued, i reached my destination. as i gazed upon its glory, i knew i could now die in peace. godspeed to all you travellers.
I have a quest for you, traveler. Retrieve for me the first "DONT SCROLL DOWN" comment. It is an ancient artifact that means much in this comment section.
That comment was destroyed long ago, and it never had the powers people ascribe to it.
@@mitchjohnson4714 OMFG what is this shit
According to the prophecy Anomina Anon is the sole inheritant to those exact set of phrases
Anomina anon the first to say dont scroll down
@@dylanli1474 Here is 100 gold for your trouble and also this useless dagger, traveller.
I remember my dad having almost this exact conversation with his girlfriend when we were leaving one of the Harry Potter movies when I was a kid. He commented that you could tell Hermione was going to be really attractive when she grew up, and she was disgusted that he was thinking about a kids look.
She wasnt "disgusted" because he was talking about the future of a kid. Even if he was talking about an 18 y/o, she would still have the same reaction. And that reaction is extreme jelousy and envy, because her man finds a younger woman attractive. As they grow older, they get more and more insecure about their age. And you mentioning a younger woman is attractive pisses them off to no end.
@@EvoTheToxicMonster this is hilarious
@@arcaneinane the end or the beginning? Is there any truth to this based on your perception?
@@EvoTheToxicMonster low quality bait
@@pashadyne No, she wasnt.
Sometimes I wonder if i will ever see my family again. Is it worth it? Was it ever worth it?
Meme Master you can't stop yet, not until you have mastered all of the memes. This is the greatest meme of all
Almost 9 years later I can say I was there :) One day I'll look back on this with further joy... I too have made it into the eternal mouse wheel scroll, or trackpad, or swipe... Or whatever scroll mechanism has now come into play...
You missed it. Scroll back up.
This comment holds more wisdom than you will ever know..
Now i'm freaking out. WHAT THE FUCK DID I MISS?!
Thanks I'll turn back. Hey is there like a gas station on the way back?
holy shit dude
Now i wanna know you fucker!
I've made it too the bottom and it was a journey like no other! The laughs, the tears, the cries, the bonding between commenters when they stop by fellow scrollers, This comment section will truly be a precious relic lost in time... may the stories of the 3 arguing lads live on in our hearts.
When I tapped on the comments of this video, I could not predict what I would end up finding. Or rather, not finding. As the sun sets on this day, I realize I was not prepared for the decade-spanning journey that lay before me. I fear that if I continue I may never re-emerge. I’m afraid this is as far as I go for now. My fellow traveler, if you have the strength to press on, than I pray the heavens bless you and keep you. Be what I could not be. Do what I could not do. Go now! I believe in you.
Stop scrolling, you have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people, what say in your defence?
Im with the guild
I submit. Take me to jail
Someone stole my sweetroll :(
Did you scroll down?
What did it cost?
Malcolm Grant henceforth you will be an enlightened one. Go foreword my child and shine brightly
“Tribe Elder, could you tell us the story of the bottomless comment section before this feast?”
I may not be a the Tribe Elder, it seems he is not done yet with the officials. But I shall tell you a tale, my journey to the depths of the comments, brimming with curiosity. I dwelled deeper and deeper until the comments I only see are the comments lost in time, forgotten, never to be spoken of. It is like going into the dungeon finding a prison filled with ancient bones, upon touching it, the spirit will speak about their suffering. Upon scrolling deeper, deeper than any of the warnings, I was in shock, I cannot fathom on what is this abomination, I quickly scrolled up to flee on the most vile thing I've ever seen, it was horrid I tell you, GROTESQUE. I only bear warnings to those courageous men out there: don't scroll down
My God, what happened here? The span of all of civilization seems to have passed in this comment section, all beginning with an emergence of evil, the impetus of so much toil and hardship. Like Cain murdering Abel, the conflict between these two seemingly ordinary humans has fundamentally altered life’s course for all those who stumble upon this now-historic place.
Whether you spent minutes or days here, you are now burdened with the knowledge of what humanity craves, what they are willing to sacrifice their time for. You reach the sought-after end of this desolate plane of existence, only to find that, like Abel, one half of this great argument, all-important to these countless searchers, has been snuffed out, buried forever by some cruel trick of fate. Any meaning we may have found from our journey here is indiscernible now. We only have ourselves, and the shame of our futile efforts, immortalized in this, an exhaustive compendium of the extent of human folly.
Deez nutz lol haha
We crave craving. No answer can satisfy us.
This is the best place to learn new vocabulary