Wow, this old video from last year blew up a little bit out of nowhere, I'm really grateful to you all who are watching. Though, I have been getting quite a lot of comments and I wanted to address a couple topics regarding them. Firstly, I've been getting some comments about it's classification as an EMP generator, so is it an EMP? By the definition of an EMP to my knowledge, it certainly is. The device creates a high voltage in pulse waveform which the coil emits as a brief electromagnetic field. This occurs every time the circuit sparks, so it basically fires many weak EMPs in rapid succession, with some of those pulses being strong enough to mess with electronics. Given that, sure it's a shitty EMP, but it still counts as one. Still, enough of you brought it up that it's made me question my classification of it as such. Maybe I really am just wrong about what technically constitutes an EMP, but I'd appreciate some sources on that if you have them. Second, the toroidal ferrite core. I mentioned it very briefly, but I am and have always been aware that it weakens the strength of my EMP. Here's a story to help understand that decision: A few years ago when I was in high school, our small robotics club was adamant on bringing in some new members. Since we only had one robot to show off at the time, in a desperate attempt to have more showmanship in our interest meeting, they asked me to show off some random stuff I made at the time, one of those being an EMP (we're not gonna talk more about me carrying around an EMP device in high school). It had almost the exact same design and components as this one, just less well-put together and with the worst coil of all time (coils crossing over, sparks flying off of them). During our meeting presentation, as soon as I turned it on for our interested classmates from what I judged to be a safe distance (about 2 meters away), I returned to my fellow club members. The robot which had been working fine 2 seconds prior had suddenly shut down and we couldn't get it back on. My friend turned to me and said, "Jason, I think you knocked out Jeffery." From what I remember too, when we eventually did, the startup display was glitching and the program files had all apparently been wiped. It should be damn near impossible that my spark generator EMP could've even touched our robot from over 6 feet away, but our team was never able to think of another possibility. Realistically, while also unlikely, it might've been some kind of software glitch paired with one hell of a case of unlikely coincidence (hard to say since I'm not the one who programmed it). Still, after that experience, I've always been more paranoid working with pulsed electromagnetic fields since. If there is even a 0.01% chance that my EMP managed to reach that robot, I was not about to take that same chance with my only good camera. Therefore, I reduced the strength of the EMP by designing it with a coil that would have a much higher impedance. My goal with this video was to educate and demonstrate, not to achieve the most powerful device I could to end up on a government watchlist (I might save that goal for later. Dear NSA, that's a joke.)
@@schizo4725 I'm a new viewer of this channel but would like to applaud your work on this video. It was concise and interesting. I would like to see one done with a larger scale, say, to disable drones and autonomous robots... for educational reasons.
The ferrite core of your toroidal coil is causing the overwhelming majority of the magnetic flux lines to stay contained within it rather than radiating out into space. This device would be dramatically more effective if you used a large diameter coil with no core.
if you get rid of that iron powder toroid core and reduce the number of turns of the coil, the current spike will have a larger amplitude and a faster rise time resulting in a greater effect
I'm fully aware that you added the toroidal core to trap most of the flux inside and only the leakage flux to do the job.. but hear me out, you can actually make it "directional" by putting the coil inside a copper or aluminium pipe, basically something non ferromagnetic.. also keep a considerable amount of air gap between the inner wall of the metal pipe and the coil. This is to improve the shielding in radial direction.. Now next up you can improve the coil structure, instead of making it toroidal which will trap most of the flux inside weakening the em wave.. you can just make it "horse shoe" shaped with the two poles open and facing forward.. that way, a short range but more powerful em wave can be generated.. Note that if u do like this then you'll need two separate copper/aluminium shielding pipes for directing the em wave forward. That's all I can think of. Thanks for reading your build is great though.. good work👍
I recommend using an aluminum or copper case for more powerful EMP devices. I also recommend sealing it with any air-tight sealant, silicone rubber will suffice.
the coil around the toroid is concentrating the magnetic field, that is what´s making it inefficient. you want the field to spread outwards, the ferrite toroid keeps it inwards
Hey you sound like you know what you're talking about. How did he use a transformer (a component that only uses AC current) with a battery (that to my knowledge, provides DC current)?
@@-DaisukiDayo that's simple, transformers work with fluctuations of current, which in turn create a fluctuating magnetic field. if you momentarily discharge a capacitor on a coil or transformer primary coil, that creates a fast growing current momentarily that also will decrease fast, all this creates a fast fluctuating magnetic field, which will induce high currents and tensions on other conductors.
Pretty sure this is highly illegal and I love it. I remember trying to find plans for cell phone jammers and learning that it would be illegal to walk around with one in public. Similar reasons for this project. Keep spreading that knowledge :-)
No this is no EMP pulse as known from the scifi movies, but rather a strong electrical magnet that could easily erase ROM memory in various devices, thus effectively damaging the firmware. There is something like EMP pulse when a hydrogen bomb is deployed over the city inducing a blackout of non-protected electrical devices, which is majority of commercial electronics.
This is marketable. Since everybody is carrying around an AI device these days I kind of want to carry around a small EMP device that shuts off the camera and they're listening equipment when they're near me because I have a right to not be tracked.
Bro, this is pretty cool. I thought making EMP is quite hard. This might be quite weak , but it proves that the concept works. Great work!, +1 subscriber for you!
Just take the door off the microwave oven and over-ride the door closure safety switch? Maybe not very directional though, and not frequency tunable (stuck at around 2.4 Ghz)
Ik this was three months ago but I'll try to explain: A portable tazzing unit avaliable to the public without a license cannot reach the maximum of what you are asking because it it hard to make a circuit that can produce that voltage without being highly illegal. Even if it wasn't it would require license and training, not even factoring in a mental evaluation to see if you can be trusted with it. The emp produce by a theoretical emp device alone would be more illegal than the tazer, using it would cost alot of fines to the end user due to endangerment of the public. Majority of that endangerment could kill someone with an insulin pump, pacemaker, or even other technology they need to live. To add to it, no such unit could produce the required billion volts of which you are demanding.
Coloca lo em uma angulo da pra ler as medidas de tensao que foram induzidas. Em outro angulo da pra reiniciar o aparelho medidor. E no medidor digital wasion de energia eletrica? Qual seria o comportamento.
Could you make one for destroying hidden cameras, like the ones people put in hotels or restrooms. Then starting a company based on destroying hidden cameras
Awesome! New sub! Can you by any chance upload a more detailed video or description on how to build the circuit aspect of things? I'm planning to make one of these myself based off your design! Let me know about and learning resources you know related to its circuitry please!
did I miss the schematic drawing somewhere? with specific detail on spark gap length and the Toroid wind and inductance but it looks like a big series circuit on the output of the Marx Generator module. I have a Marx 'gun' with a 12x12mm microswitch that keeps burning out although its on the input side of the marx gen. in series with an 18650 (likely instantaneous current issues)
maybe you already solved your issue, but here it is: microswitches can't handle high currents. Use a relay (ideally a transistor or n-mosfet) as a switch instead. If using mosfet be sure the operate within the specs and use adequate protections about back-emf.
Verry cool! Please, make a test on cameras , especialy on cameras that can be hidden in hotels or air bnb places! We dont have a solution for this matter yet!
Just a simple question that I can clearly see that you have connected one wire with the Coile (I mean the High Voltage generator wire with the Coile) but where you have connected the other wire ?
quck Q . a transformer is an AC AC device and the coil afterwards works on AC as well , while you are feeding it DC, where are you doing an DC-AC conversion before that?
@@schizo4725 Thanks a lot for the answer! My last question (hopefully), what kind of casing have you put around the voltage transformer? or is it just how it was shipped?
Can not you just take two metal plates and connect them to Van der Graff generator ? When the voltage is high enough the spark appears between the plates which is plasma. All your devices will be affected.
I thought of this the other day when I was watching a car chase on the freeway. Some way to upscale this strong enough to knock out a car and small enough to be deployable by a cop.
hi walthodgson, have you become a flat earther yet? If not I suggest viewing the 13 part series _what on earth happened_ in my about to learn how the earth is not a globe
It's already been invented years ago but difficult to use. A car body shields a lot, so it needs to go underneath using a remote control mini vehicle of sorts, which then directs the EMP upwards from underneath the car. Works, but field testing on real streets and real cars proved that 2 people are needed, that it's very difficult to steer to get underneath a fleeing vehicle, it might affect other vehicles, too easy to get crushed by the wheels of the fleeing vehicle, could easily miss with no time to pick it up (thus making it easy to steal), etc etc. In short... impractical in the real world.
lol that's not an emp, that's just short range continuous induction. you have to create and/or destroy the source of the EM field extremely fast to cause what can be called an EMP. usually this is done by literally blowing stuff up with high explosives. you just built a slightly overpowered mini radio that constantly changes the electromagnetic fields. EMPs don't do that, they only have one pulse, or maybe two, but one that does the main damage and is several orders of magnitude stronger than the pulse it uses to create the EM field.
No, it is an emp device. The device is not running continous due to the spark gap. Per definition an emp device is just a device that creates electromagnetic pulses, which this does.
@@greenaum The purpose is what differentiates a pacemaker and an emp device. An emp device sole purpose is to create electromagnetic pulses that interfere with electronics.
Well, first you don't have the security clearance nor obviously even the maturity to know how to do that, but let's just say that even a lightning bolt won't do that except for direct hit.
Hey Schizo! I just wanna let you know, I've successfully built my own! Was able to reset my watch and lock the oven door haha. Thanks for the tutorial man! (I have no evil intentions, just science)
“Long range” is pretty vague but even at a few meters away, it would require a bulky design and enormous amount of power. Plus, you can’t precisely direct magnetic waves as beams. You’d be better off just physically destroying it from a distance.
A.) because the field only causes a temporary disturbance to the circuit. More sensitive electronics may suffer permanent damage. B.) by building a much more powerful, legally questionable EMP with an extensive amount of money and knowledge of electric circuitry. Personally, if I wanted to fulfill your second question, I’d go with a hammer.
It allows the voltage to build up in order to overcome the resistance of the air and then quickly discharge. Plus, spark gaps in general prevent damage to components in high voltage electric circuits.
While its on? Don't know, haven't tried and I probably won't try even though the answer is probably yes(ish). But before, my coil had this issue where it would hold a charge for a bit after being turned off and would sometimes need to be discharged by touching the coil on a conductive surface. Not sure of the exact reason that issue isn't present anymore.
Depends on the breakdown voltage of the copper enamel (basically when voltage gets to high, a isolator becomes conductive and wont isolate anymore, unless the voltage is low enough/removed)
Wow, this old video from last year blew up a little bit out of nowhere, I'm really grateful to you all who are watching. Though, I have been getting quite a lot of comments and I wanted to address a couple topics regarding them. Firstly, I've been getting some comments about it's classification as an EMP generator, so is it an EMP? By the definition of an EMP to my knowledge, it certainly is. The device creates a high voltage in pulse waveform which the coil emits as a brief electromagnetic field. This occurs every time the circuit sparks, so it basically fires many weak EMPs in rapid succession, with some of those pulses being strong enough to mess with electronics. Given that, sure it's a shitty EMP, but it still counts as one. Still, enough of you brought it up that it's made me question my classification of it as such. Maybe I really am just wrong about what technically constitutes an EMP, but I'd appreciate some sources on that if you have them. Second, the toroidal ferrite core. I mentioned it very briefly, but I am and have always been aware that it weakens the strength of my EMP. Here's a story to help understand that decision: A few years ago when I was in high school, our small robotics club was adamant on bringing in some new members. Since we only had one robot to show off at the time, in a desperate attempt to have more showmanship in our interest meeting, they asked me to show off some random stuff I made at the time, one of those being an EMP (we're not gonna talk more about me carrying around an EMP device in high school). It had almost the exact same design and components as this one, just less well-put together and with the worst coil of all time (coils crossing over, sparks flying off of them). During our meeting presentation, as soon as I turned it on for our interested classmates from what I judged to be a safe distance (about 2 meters away), I returned to my fellow club members. The robot which had been working fine 2 seconds prior had suddenly shut down and we couldn't get it back on. My friend turned to me and said, "Jason, I think you knocked out Jeffery." From what I remember too, when we eventually did, the startup display was glitching and the program files had all apparently been wiped. It should be damn near impossible that my spark generator EMP could've even touched our robot from over 6 feet away, but our team was never able to think of another possibility. Realistically, while also unlikely, it might've been some kind of software glitch paired with one hell of a case of unlikely coincidence (hard to say since I'm not the one who programmed it). Still, after that experience, I've always been more paranoid working with pulsed electromagnetic fields since. If there is even a 0.01% chance that my EMP managed to reach that robot, I was not about to take that same chance with my only good camera. Therefore, I reduced the strength of the EMP by designing it with a coil that would have a much higher impedance. My goal with this video was to educate and demonstrate, not to achieve the most powerful device I could to end up on a government watchlist (I might save that goal for later. Dear NSA, that's a joke.)
Hi the link of the file is not available on thingiverse, I wanted to use the case without the emp part
I’ll upload a new one soon
@@schizo4725 I'm a new viewer of this channel but would like to applaud your work on this video. It was concise and interesting. I would like to see one done with a larger scale, say, to disable drones and autonomous robots... for educational reasons.
@@schizo4725 open to a private chat?
Interesting how UA-cam is just now spitting this out to everyone
The ferrite core of your toroidal coil is causing the overwhelming majority of the magnetic flux lines to stay contained within it rather than radiating out into space. This device would be dramatically more effective if you used a large diameter coil with no core.
new HyperspacePirate video?
Of course you are here :D
Waiting for your video on this ;)
Thank you lol. Next step, aiming it.
I agree. what he said😅
There's a lot of jokes I would like to make, but I really want to keep being able to travel by plane.
If your jokes are unusual, they can't be plane
@@sethrenville798 🤣
Bros posting “How to: felony edition” for all us and I respect that
Hey man. When the AI goes skynet you'll be wishing you had a robot taser
@@williamdunn4811people need to learn how AI actually works and stop blaming all their problems on it.
@@williamdunn4811hey man, when the conservatives and royalists come marching, you'll wish you brought your human taser
@@HalloGaming agreed 👍
need this for the new york subway for people with their bluetooth speakers.
Need it for a smart ass kid my boss es son video game
There are more effective alternatives online if you look in the right place
No just jam the Bluetooth frequency range. Still illegal just far less so and less likely to end up with free room and board.
Sounds like domestic terrorism, you could disrupt sensitive electronic equipment in the subway genius. Put down the crack pipe.
This looks cool, like an item you'd see in a video game - I'm imagining a survival-horror protagonist who needs one of these to get past a murderbot.
if you get rid of that iron powder toroid core and reduce the number of turns of the coil, the current spike will have a larger amplitude and a faster rise time resulting in a greater effect
It sure looks cool doe 😂
I'm fully aware that you added the toroidal core to trap most of the flux inside and only the leakage flux to do the job.. but hear me out, you can actually make it "directional" by putting the coil inside a copper or aluminium pipe, basically something non ferromagnetic.. also keep a considerable amount of air gap between the inner wall of the metal pipe and the coil. This is to improve the shielding in radial direction..
Now next up you can improve the coil structure, instead of making it toroidal which will trap most of the flux inside weakening the em wave.. you can just make it "horse shoe" shaped with the two poles open and facing forward.. that way, a short range but more powerful em wave can be generated.. Note that if u do like this then you'll need two separate copper/aluminium shielding pipes for directing the em wave forward. That's all I can think of. Thanks for reading your build is great though.. good work👍
We getting put on a watch list with this one 🔥 🔥 🔥
My buzzed brain read that as suicide list, potato potatoe
@@YourNavajoBroNot wrong tho getting put in jail for most/all your life may as well be ending yourself xD
@YourNavajoBro somebody's trying to get taken off the watch list 💀
@@YourNavajoBrogo Suns 🏀
Oh shut up
I recommend using an aluminum or copper case for more powerful EMP devices. I also recommend sealing it with any air-tight sealant, silicone rubber will suffice.
Why? Not being a dick, genuinely asking.
Before building anything you need to understand the underlying physics. This will make your engineering endeavors far easier and rewarding.
A robot lobotomy taser, incredible!
you wanna mean robotomy?
@@danielbecker7483 gold.
the coil around the toroid is concentrating the magnetic field, that is what´s making it inefficient. you want the field to spread outwards, the ferrite toroid keeps it inwards
Hey you sound like you know what you're talking about. How did he use a transformer (a component that only uses AC current) with a battery (that to my knowledge, provides DC current)?
@@-DaisukiDayo that's simple, transformers work with fluctuations of current, which in turn create a fluctuating magnetic field. if you momentarily discharge a capacitor on a coil or transformer primary coil, that creates a fast growing current momentarily that also will decrease fast, all this creates a fast fluctuating magnetic field, which will induce high currents and tensions on other conductors.
@@thethoughtfield sooooo transformers + batteries is ok?
Is it possible to make one strong enough I can use it from my room to fry car radios when their bass vibrates the whole neighborhood?
Out here asking the important questions.
Pretty sure this is highly illegal and I love it. I remember trying to find plans for cell phone jammers and learning that it would be illegal to walk around with one in public. Similar reasons for this project. Keep spreading that knowledge :-)
it’s not illegal if you don’t get . . . .
This is very low power, and therefore not illegal. In your microwave there is a 1000x more powerful device than this.
@@foximacentauri7891 Also a good reason for not disassembling your microwave unless you 100% know what you're doing
@@SirZechs77 really all you need to watch out for is the HV capacitor
@@janthranwhat's this cylinder thingy-
I used to like vaping because the devices look so cool but this is way cooler than that now that I quit
No this is no EMP pulse as known from the scifi movies, but rather a strong electrical magnet that could easily erase ROM memory in various devices, thus effectively damaging the firmware. There is something like EMP pulse when a hydrogen bomb is deployed over the city inducing a blackout of non-protected electrical devices, which is majority of commercial electronics.
This is marketable. Since everybody is carrying around an AI device these days I kind of want to carry around a small EMP device that shuts off the camera and they're listening equipment when they're near me because I have a right to not be tracked.
Cool project, great vid, loved the music. You had me at the 3D printed box. 👍
Do you think you could make a list for all the parts you need.
This is dope 👌
Done in the description! I found the switches at home and the Induction coil was taken from a random fried circuit I had.
@@schizo4725 Cool. Thanks for the information Man!!!
@@schizo4725 great vid but the thingiverse link does not work
It has like 6 parts, including the wire lmao
@@MichaelOfRohan has like?
Thanks a lot!! my grandpa's pacemaker didnt stand a chance!!!
Bro, this is pretty cool. I thought making EMP is quite hard. This might be quite weak , but it proves that the concept works. Great work!, +1 subscriber for you!
did the subscribe button flashes when you say the subscribe at 0:20
“I promise mom, it’s for a school project”
I made a prototype of something like this. Good to know it would have worked.
how do you measure the emf at the copper coil to make sure its effective BEFORE using it on something e.g with a multimeter
Wouldn't the best Emp device be just a magnetron inside a wave guide with one end open on the wave guide?
Parts you can scalp ftom a microwave oven. The magnetron and magnets.
Just take the door off the microwave oven and over-ride the door closure safety switch? Maybe not very directional though, and not frequency tunable (stuck at around 2.4 Ghz)
What if the taser was a billion volts? Can you make a directional antenna for beaming the EMP?
Ik this was three months ago but I'll try to explain:
A portable tazzing unit avaliable to the public without a license cannot reach the maximum of what you are asking because it it hard to make a circuit that can produce that voltage without being highly illegal. Even if it wasn't it would require license and training, not even factoring in a mental evaluation to see if you can be trusted with it. The emp produce by a theoretical emp device alone would be more illegal than the tazer, using it would cost alot of fines to the end user due to endangerment of the public. Majority of that endangerment could kill someone with an insulin pump, pacemaker, or even other technology they need to live.
To add to it, no such unit could produce the required billion volts of which you are demanding.
Cam I get in on this
The taser isn't a billion volts
@@toby9848"Crime bad" 🤓🤓🤓🤓
Getting to a billion volts is kinda nuts, but i can tell you how to beam the energy: a horn antenna or offset feed parabolic dish
one Q, EMP makes electric devices shut down or restart???? in 2:40, the laptop didnt even shut down and the generator only tickled it a little bit.
This is great! Please use your device to test anti-EMP bags, pouches, and cases.
If I wasn’t on a watchlist by now, I definitely am now
Will this work on a pacemaker through walls from at least 10 m away? just curious
Don't forget to have insurance too...
Could you please post the wiring diagram?
Maybe you can use the high voltage rectifier circuit board in the electric mosquito swatter.
Ah yes, this will come in handy in the technodystopia
Coloca lo em uma angulo da pra ler as medidas de tensao que foram induzidas. Em outro angulo da pra reiniciar o aparelho medidor. E no medidor digital wasion de energia eletrica? Qual seria o comportamento.
Amazing electromagnetic pulse generator
Amazing how even simple electronics have error handling software to deal with unexpected stuff.
Dude, you must be our technician when _the moment_ comes.
Don't think for a second that Unkle Samski doesn't have a much larger version to use as they please.
Could you make one for destroying hidden cameras, like the ones people put in hotels or restrooms. Then starting a company based on destroying hidden cameras
Can you test its effects on radio frequencies?
Awesome! New sub!
Can you by any chance upload a more detailed video or description on how to build the circuit aspect of things? I'm planning to make one of these myself based off your design! Let me know about and learning resources you know related to its circuitry please!
Very Cool, I don't plan on making it because I'd have the luck to break my devices with it.
did I miss the schematic drawing somewhere? with specific detail on spark gap length and the Toroid wind and inductance but it looks like a big series circuit on the output of the Marx Generator module. I have a Marx 'gun' with a 12x12mm microswitch that keeps burning out although its on the input side of the marx gen. in series with an 18650 (likely instantaneous current issues)
maybe you already solved your issue, but here it is: microswitches can't handle high currents. Use a relay (ideally a transistor or n-mosfet) as a switch instead. If using mosfet be sure the operate within the specs and use adequate protections about back-emf.
Would you have any recommendations on books or pdf to bring my knowledge up to speed on projects like this
Глушилка калькуляторов? Глушкал или Счетобой?
Verry cool! Please, make a test on cameras , especialy on cameras that can be hidden in hotels or air bnb places! We dont have a solution for this matter yet!
Yeah, I'm not taking you to a casino
Well my villain arc about to start.
Gotta love those cold solder joints.
Just a simple question that I can clearly see that you have connected one wire with the Coile (I mean the High Voltage generator wire with the Coile) but where you have connected the other wire ?
spark gap
1:53 hidden stories theme
do you have also a Guide for how to make that maybe very useful tool? do you maybe also know someone in Deutschland who is Electrician ?
Grounding at the connector prevents the damage. Which weve done for like ever.
a significantly stronger one with a remote trigger mechanism would do wonders for the economy
an air core on the torus would be stronger i think the iron core eats most of the magnetic field?
Theory on what it would do to a BCI ? Stentrod or Neuralink ? Would it be temporary as well ?
wellp. looks like i found a use for a few of those old vapes i have..
Can you make one as strong as the science vessel on StarCraft?
Imagine what this could do if you upscaled the whole project to use a car battery.
I'm interested if it's strong enough to power an x-ray tube.
quck Q . a transformer is an AC AC device and the coil afterwards works on AC as well , while you are feeding it DC, where are you doing an DC-AC conversion before that?
Yeah I'm pretty darn confused about that too. Tell me if you find an explaination plz
Beautiful work my friend.
I wish my spare time projects were nearly as cool
How could I buy this? I have not the time to build it. I can pay a high price. I really need it.
Thanks schizo
Also can you describe in detail how to make the "spark gap"?
It's exactly what it sounds like. You just leave a gap between two wires
@@schizo4725 Thanks a lot for the answer! My last question (hopefully), what kind of casing have you put around the voltage transformer? or is it just how it was shipped?
I’m gonna make one with 4s lipo 10000mah 100c, maybe use 4! 59 Kwatt?
Am I on a list for watching this now?
Can not you just take two metal plates and connect them to Van der Graff generator ? When the voltage is high enough the spark appears between the plates which is plasma. All your devices will be affected.
Go go gadget, electronic warfare concealed carry
I thought of this the other day when I was watching a car chase on the freeway. Some way to upscale this strong enough to knock out a car and small enough to be deployable by a cop.
hi walthodgson, have you become a flat earther yet? If not I suggest viewing the 13 part series _what on earth happened_ in my about to learn how the earth is not a globe
It's already been invented years ago but difficult to use.
A car body shields a lot, so it needs to go underneath using a remote control mini vehicle of sorts, which then directs the EMP upwards from underneath the car.
Works, but field testing on real streets and real cars proved that 2 people are needed, that it's very difficult to steer to get underneath a fleeing vehicle, it might affect other vehicles, too easy to get crushed by the wheels of the fleeing vehicle, could easily miss with no time to pick it up (thus making it easy to steal), etc etc.
In short... impractical in the real world.
Now make a massive one and you can take out the whole grid
Skvělá práce,bylo by fajn vrátit se do doby kdy nebyl internet.Lide by se normálně bavily a při chození by nečumeli do mobilů, jako zombie.🎶🌴🥥
can you use to to disable things like magnetic locks in entrances of apartment blocks?
lol that's not an emp, that's just short range continuous induction.
you have to create and/or destroy the source of the EM field extremely fast to cause what can be called an EMP. usually this is done by literally blowing stuff up with high explosives. you just built a slightly overpowered mini radio that constantly changes the electromagnetic fields. EMPs don't do that, they only have one pulse, or maybe two, but one that does the main damage and is several orders of magnitude stronger than the pulse it uses to create the EM field.
Pretty sure what he made emits electromagnetic pulses bud.
@@dubfather521 Yes but so does your grandad's pacemaker, it's not an EMP device though. OP is right.
No, it is an emp device. The device is not running continous due to the spark gap. Per definition an emp device is just a device that creates electromagnetic pulses, which this does.
@@greenaum The purpose is what differentiates a pacemaker and an emp device. An emp device sole purpose is to create electromagnetic pulses that interfere with electronics.
Everyday, I stray closer to the police breaking down my door with my history
Now say I wanted to take out all electronics within a quarter mile, how large would that need to be
Well, first you don't have the security clearance nor obviously even the maturity to know how to do that, but let's just say that even a lightning bolt won't do that except for direct hit.
Hey Schizo! I just wanna let you know, I've successfully built my own! Was able to reset my watch and lock the oven door haha. Thanks for the tutorial man! (I have no evil intentions, just science)
Glad to hear you had success!
@@schizo4725 Everything went well, except my mom's oven. it went kinda berserk. had to reset it using the fuse box
can you make more powerful one for a sale?
Can this be upscaled to destroy peace disrupting domestic terror audio systems?
where did you learn electronics
I have no idea who yt thinks i am but im invested into this shi
How could I (theoreticly) make it stronger? So that I could (for example) turn off security cameras from long range?
“Long range” is pretty vague but even at a few meters away, it would require a bulky design and enormous amount of power. Plus, you can’t precisely direct magnetic waves as beams. You’d be better off just physically destroying it from a distance.
capture cylder drone reverse enginer lol
how does that thing not destroy its own charging circuit if its not wrapped in a metal cage or metal box?
Thank you I’ve been trying to understand in my little mind how this works
how do i inrease the effective range?
read description, or look it up
Why do the devices light back up after the pulsing? How can you make them permanently destroyed with a pulse?
A.) because the field only causes a temporary disturbance to the circuit. More sensitive electronics may suffer permanent damage. B.) by building a much more powerful, legally questionable EMP with an extensive amount of money and knowledge of electric circuitry. Personally, if I wanted to fulfill your second question, I’d go with a hammer.
Love the video, but can anyone tell me what is the purpose of the spark gap? Thank you!
It allows the voltage to build up in order to overcome the resistance of the air and then quickly discharge. Plus, spark gaps in general prevent damage to components in high voltage electric circuits.
@@schizo4725 what gap distance would be optimal?
A weapon to bump off people with pacemakers?
Any old 3d printer will do
Also what kind of casing have you put around the voltage transformer?
Whipping this out during the on computer SAT
Bout to start a real life need for speed race
can you touch the manetic field generator (enamel wire)?
While its on? Don't know, haven't tried and I probably won't try even though the answer is probably yes(ish). But before, my coil had this issue where it would hold a charge for a bit after being turned off and would sometimes need to be discharged by touching the coil on a conductive surface. Not sure of the exact reason that issue isn't present anymore.
@@schizo4725 it depends on the breakdown voltage of the copper enamel. I once touched a hv coil and got a nice zap from it
Depends on the breakdown voltage of the copper enamel (basically when voltage gets to high, a isolator becomes conductive and wont isolate anymore, unless the voltage is low enough/removed)
Does this distribute the field in all directions? Or does it focus it forward of the copper coil?
Good job, dude! You deserve far more attention