It's one of the only ways they can justify their believing in god and one of their only ways of converting people. If believing in god is not necessary to go to heaven and instead you just have to be a good person, not believing wouldn't have an influence on your afterlife meaning that there is even less of a reason to believe in the doctrine. There is a reason that every abrahamic religion has a concept of hell in one way or the other and there is a reason apart from colonization that they are so successful.
My question is, if I help people because I like helping people, but you help people because you fear what god will do to you if you don't, which of us is the better person?
Oof, it's not my fault that my parents named me Christian... But i guess your statement didn't forbid the existence of outliers, so i'll take that, some of us can defy the omens. ^^
"Infinite punishments for finite crimes" this would actually be better than what they really believe... You're not being punished for any crimes. Your actions are irrelevant. What you're actually being punished for is being born as a human. Something nobody had a choice about.
@@Andruth34not entirely true for every denomination of Christianity. I don't even know if every Catholic believes this but over here the belief is that you need to both believe in Jesus and do good deeds to get to heaven. So even some believers end up in hell if they don't get their sins forgiven. Now while this sounds a tiny bit better than what protestants seem to believe it still has some flaws: 1) basically what OP said 2) you still have to believe in the trinity 3) The only way to have your sins forgiven is by confessing them to a priest and he (because sexism) forgives you, thus granting you a spot in heaven
@@brucebaker810, these people are the ones who support eternal torture for being confused about which ghost rules the universe. That is a really cold-blooded mentality.
Nat pebble with no results the day of judgement still comes to all the rejectors of the Gospel message . When it happens , your not walking around on earth you in hell , then later on all yours sins against your creator are displayed for the whole word to see . Then your cast into the lake of fire.
Over on Quora, a way to know that I have just or am about to mute and block someone (in theist and atheist spaces) when they are proudly defending the doctrine of Hell, I will give a statement something like this... "A being that created a place where it knows most of its creation will be tortured forever for simply not believing in it is very much evil and a monster, and its followers are equally morally bankrupt and evil. Plain and simple. As such, even though I understand gods are make believe, I have no problem upholding one of your holy book’s suggestions concerning avoiding evil and the appearance of evil. As such, I am going to go ahead and invoke 1 Thessalonians 5:22 right now and get it over with."
I don't think defending the ideas are equal at all. Hell is (pretty much definitionally) infinitely worse than slavery. It's maximum suffering for an infinite length of time (at least according to most Christians). At least slaves have a chance to escape or be set free, or to die barring those. There is no such option for hell.
Hmmm what about for an eternal crime? Like, maybe could convict God of eternal crimes against humanity and sentence God to suffer his own punishment or something.. Still seems like overkill, but I think a good lawyer might could at least make a compelling case there.
It's the same reasoning that's going into a lot of people's view of justice where it's actually just vengeance, eye for an eye on an legal level. For example, they would say that forcing someone that broke a bottle in a store to pay the value of the bottle is justice but if it was done per accident and you know the price of the one bottle isn't going to eat up anything of what you'll make at the end of the day or week, then it might not be just to blindly enforce it just to get at them. Justice is had by examining the impact of the crime and comming to a just and fair resolution. Such as making an exception and leaving them off the hook this one time. That's justice per the deliberation and then mercy in action. Justice can get to mercy but mercy is always the lack of justice. I don't see how this is so hard for so many people, Americans in particular, to understand this, to understand the differences. It is possible to follow the law entirely yet still be unjust even if the law employed in itself isn't definitionaly unjust. But applying it without consideration for surrounding factors like who the individual are, how it happened or whether there were any intentionality behind it, even with the most innocuous laws would be a failure of justice in its action as done in a handwave. It's also something that flies in the face of the religious nonsensical ideas of justice and mercy.
@@paulrichards6894 As if there's *anything* that a person can do to make them worthy of eternal torture. Especially when the so called crime is being unable to believe in magic.
Assume he's right for a moment. He says if you do not know the gospel you won't go to Hell. Right there,he's saying he and EVERY OTHER evangelizing Christian is a total monster. By his argument the most compassionate things Christians can do is NEVER share their faith and stop publishing the Bible so that no one goes to Hell.
Many apologists take the stance that "the bible is written on our hearts", so even if you've never read or encountered the book, you are still assumed to have full knowledge of god. These are the kinds of people who claim that atheists are all liars, that they actually believe, but just resent god instead of praising him.
Yes, a small bug in their dogma there. It should be rectified in the 'Jesus return patch 2.0'. No word when the patch will be released yet. Apparently soon.
I would say Christians can not justify the idea of a perfectly good person burning in hell for simply not having faith that Jesus Christ is “god”. I’m sure there exists a substantial percentage of people who only call themselves Christians simply to avoid going to hell. In my opinion, hell seems to contradict the whole idea of a loving and just god. It doesn’t take a lot of deep thinking to come to that conclusion.
My current understanding is that it is important to believe ALL humans are sinful, are evil, would constantly commit crimes, rape and kill. The world is a natural "hell"hole if left unattended. A pure, depressing horror scenario, bound to make you paranoid and hate anyone.
Enter christianity. ONLY the terror threats of God, the announcements of horrible punishments, that not even death can save you from being tortured forever can instill so much fear into the evil humans that they decide to become good and loving. Suddenly they can be happy, positive, have fun. And to not lose that, they MUST believe ANYthing that is told them, may not invest a SINGLE own independent thought, or the magic effort of the torture threat might fail and they mutate instantly into monsters. And of course, when you threaten infinite suffering when you refuse God, it is good to promise infinite happiness when you DO follow God.
In an argument about hell, I'd ask what happened to all those people for these 2000 years who were physically unable to know the tale of Jesus on the account of living way too far from the religion's reach, some even on different continents. Imagine all the people from North+South America generation after generation spawning in hell with no idea on what's going on.
It’s crazy how in any other walk of life this ”system” would not be considered just by anyone let alone Christians. If his boss came into the office and said: ”I hit ten holes in one yesterday do you believe me?” and then fired him for even questioning it he would throw a fit. But yeah, questioning god for a second is ”evil” and deserving of eternal torment?
So I’m going to burn in hell for eternity for having higher standards of evidence than believers. And those standards just happen to be the SAME standards of evidence they would insist on if they were ever being judged in a court of law!
@@theboombody in that case sure. But the only infinite crime I can think of is the infinite torture in hell. Is there any other crime that is truly evil?
@@theboombody but that's not infinite? Even if someone commits a crime every day their entire lives, that's still a limited amount. Which does not justify ETERNAL TORTURE.
It’s crazy that we walk among people who believe we are going to be tormented eternally and not only do they think its going to happen, they think it’s GOOD that its going to happen to us. That’s INSANE
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 King James Version 15 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
@@Angus-Johnson-8334 according to you. There are several truths, not just yours. I'm done with this conversation, so knock yourself out if you want to talk to yourself. Have a nice life. ❤️
It is telling and odd when so many religious people seem afraid of giving their personal reason for believing what they do. I do not know their minds, but it really seems they simply have believed a long time and have very rarely actually asked themselves that question. Very troubling for such an important question. Another call that also proves that religion has completely failed at conveying any important moral teaching as well.
In the last weeks, I started to ask them "What are your personal essentials that a christian MUST believe, or (when he misses one of them) he is no true christian and goes to hell?" You will not get an answer. They never thought about that, and would they really set out to do that, and compare their lists, they would find out that all of their lists differ. That there are 2.7 billion different sets of rules, sets of properties of God.
This is true, Your comment is interesting and correct. it largely comes down to psychology But this is a deep twisted and long winded web it starts like this... You are correct, FIRST WE HAVE.....TIME (Time Invested in the religion) Now.. i tell people (Because i've researched and ACTUALLY CALLED THE PUBLISHER) and asked, and found that the bible is not god's actual words. so it follows logically that 1. You should no longer follow or read the bible (Because there isn't a point) 2. Then a christian will argue, But there is a point, You'll go to hell. To which i'll say YOU'LL GO TO HELL ANYWAY IF YOU DO READ IT (See. this doesn't occur to them) God said (In the bible) Thou shalt have no other gods before me Basically... Don't have other god's before me, don't follow any other word, i am selfish god, only listen to me NOW THE PUNISHMENT IS ETERNITY IN HELL So... If a christian follows the bible and needs more convincing , well.. you go to hell if you continue reading it Now of course there are fallacies here 1. I'm using the bible to prove that you shouldn't read from the bible 2. Hell isn't real but, Again, they don't see it that way, they think it is, if they saw it as it was to be seen, it would be enough to say THERE IS NO POINT TO FOLLOW IT if they are going to believe the bible then i'll quote the bible to show you are not allowed to read it even from a common sense point of view If i speak certain words, and then another person says that i said something else. it's disrespectful for that person to say that i said something that i didn't. whichever way you look at it, they are disrespecting god, should he exist. and the irony is.. they believe they are saved and headed for heaven WOW so now.. they don't want to leave the bible BECAUSE TIME AND RELIGION HAS INGRAINED IT INTO THEIR MIND and i could stop here but let me add a few other things that are tied into this malicious web 1. it starts from when we are children, up to the age of 7 you can convince a child of anything, as they are basically a sponge 2. The leaders and governments have used this psychological advantage for centuries . You're conditioned to do something from a younge age . After a certain period of time this message will not come from the government but those you love and trust, Your parents, because they are brainwashed 3. You get taught to go to school so that when you leave you can contribute to tax to make them wealthy. you get taught that the pittence that you get paid is NORMAL 4. NOW RELIGION JUMPS INTO THE PIE TO TAKE IT'S PIECE. See. it's all about understanding how people are conditioned. and then if you want to make money on it, You jump it KNOWING THAT THEY ARE READY TO HAVE IT TAKEN FROM THEM RELIGION IS IN NO WAY.. HOLY OR GOOD if there is a god and if he is good IN MY OPINION.. HE WOULD NOT CONDONE RELIGION HE WOULD NOT CONDONE THE BIBLE Another thing i tell people Jesus actually lived and was real and taught people However.. there were no miracles Christians seemed Disheartened by this IT SEEMS the miracles are more important than the knowledge that christ gave people. to me it seems 1. God isn't important 2. Christ isn't important 3. The TEACHINGS of christ, .... No important WHAT SEEMS IMPORTANT IS... 1. That christ had magic tricks and miracles (How simple of a person do you need to be.... think about this) 2. Whatever they want to believe is what is actually important NOW IMAGINE THAT YOU'RE GOD AND YOU'RE TESTING THE WORLD TO SEE WHO IS WORTHY TO ENTER HEAVEN OR NOT THIS IS A PERFECT SCENARIO FOR YOU TO CONDUCT YOUR EXPERIMENT. let them believe whatever they want let them talk shit about god because when people do this they spill the truth and then judge them on it Christians won't tear themselvse awaay from Christianity as a result of yes..... Brainwashing
@@timothykeith1367 "Diillahunty cut the caller off when he attempted to explain - flying into a rage." 6:07 "I think Dillahunty is possessed by demons." That's stupid. "Matt's arguments are stupid." This comes from the person who literally believes in demonic possession. The irony.
That's scary when someone talks like they're being perfectly reasonable yet are saying some incredibly messed up things. Christian the Christian fails as a rational human being.
An even better comparison: Matt could live a perfect, saintly life and the caller could have sinned left and right...and *still* the caller would, as per doctrine, go to heaven while Matt would go to hell. The caller thinks this is "just"?
@@puckerings And that's the thing - to them, that's true. In their heads, whatever god commands is just and morally good. Even the parts where he murdered people or commanded people to murder - those were also just and morally good. And it's all based on one book saying that god *is* just and morally good.
Wrong. God's Word DOES NOT proclaim that a person shall enter His Kingdom (Heaven) if he sins. The bible states that ALL have sinned and come short... It is only belief and confession that Jesus is Lord and follow Him shall they enter His Kingdom. This even includes Matt if he sincerely repents before he takes his last breath.
I have asked this very question to a Christian colleague of mine and without thinking twice he said yes, I would go to hell and the believer would go heaven. Apparently God forgives sin no matter how terrible the person was but if you don't believe, you're going to burn.
That means that ALL derivatives of the original Christian Church will be sending their congregations to Hell because they aren't the original Christian Church (not the correct versions...only perverted clones).
I'm exhausted listening to it but love the show. Week after week, its the same bad arguments and otherwise normal, intelligent, moral people twisting and contorting to defend thier beliefs. It's actually kind of insane that majority of people on earth fall of this category.
There is a lot about this caller that is awful but one thing that strikes me right away is how cheerful and carefree he is in discussing eternal torment. Of course he is. He's not going to hell. If other people do, that does not trouble him in the least.
This can be summed up as “you’re spreading the idea around the world that 2+2=5, why should I and others be called stupid for life for not believing you when you say that?”
I just love how Christians like this are all eager to say "If you don't love Jebus then you goin' to hell!" but then the moment they're confronted by someone face-to-face who is basically daring them to repeat it to their faces, they then do all these fucking mental gymnastics and word play to basically say "OH, well YOU aren't going to hell!" or "I'm not saying that YOU deserve hell, that's just what my book says!". Sheesh.
Yep, pretty sad, in all reality though, its obviously a man made religion made thousands of years ago, which is why the character writing is so garbage. 🗑️
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 King James Version 15 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
I became a non believer because all the evidence I used to believe in feel sorry so easily under actual scrutiny. I became convinced the character of God isn't worth believing in, worshipping, or loving, when I realized that I would have to accept he may send my child to hell if she ends up not believing or being LGBTQ+, etc. Of course, I worried he might send me to hell for having doubts and being unable to 'pray away' my pansexuality, but it was honestly easier to accept that I might fall short and not be worthy of heaven and forgiveness, all I could do was try my best and hope and pray for mercy and forgiveness. Than I became a mom and realized I never want my child to feel that way, and I could never accept my child being sent to hell for ANY reason. Which made me realize no one should go to hell for eternity. So I'm a far more loving and forgiving than God. Also, the fact I'm incapable of loving a god that has the capacity to send my child to hell, means, according to the Christian faith I was raised in, I'm doomed for hell for not loving God unconditionally and without question, even if I tried to follow all the rules and beg forgiveness to avoid hell. What sort of manipulative, toxic religion is that? How is that considered a good belief system?
How is that a good system? It is effective mind control and keeps the population in check, as long as no free minded heretic is questioning the dogma and sewing doubt. So as a tool og governance this religion fulfills it's purpose. If you meant the question as "how does it benefit a normal person". It does not. Perhaps keeping them calm by lulling them with the nice fables of that mythology
Your view DOES NOT reflect God's Word. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. You have to realize that there is absolutely NO SIN or evil in Heaven. Homosexuality is a sin against God. Whether you agree or not, God created you for His purpose. Because of His mercy and grace, He has given you a free will to live and obey His Word or rebel against Him in the form of a sinful life. And while your lifestyle may feel good and appear to be harmless, it goes against God's natural creation of mankind. God created Hell exclusively for the fallen angels (including Satan) and those who refuse to live an eternal life with Him after they breathe their last breath within their temporary body. Remember you have only short period of time to repent and no longer sin or an eternal amount time afterwards in pure torment and evil Hell with the demons beyond what you could ever imagine, begging for just a drop of water asking for forgiveness in which you will NEVER receive.
@@objectivityworldview You know there are 2 gods in the Bible and the God/Father Jesus talks about in the New Testament isn’t the same as the LORD God some call Yahweh from the Old Testament. Yahweh is a blood thirsty god.
@objectivityworldview Typical christian unable to see their "love" is really just bronze age hate. You remind me not to fall for the con and become a theist.
In watching the trend I have noticed is that not a single theist has ever just said, "that was my families and community's beliefs." Every one of them acts like they put huge amounts of thought and consideration into doing exactly what they were told to do. Most just come on thinking they can testify, and you will be moved by the spirit to come to Jesus.
"I called in to justify unfathomable torture and subjecting people to merciless agony for not falling in line and obeying my master.... Yes, I'm a catholic, how did you guess?"
That is why leaving religion is courageous thing, otherwise one is subjected to do the difficult task of justifying eternal punishment for a fellow human being
He says god doesn't condemn babies for not knowing the gospel. Has he not read in scripture the many times god exacted the same penalty on babies as he did adults?
Exactly on one side of things the body doesn't exist and .. there is a soul that isn't physical on the other side of things there is a fire that is physical apparently you burn for all eternity Even though.... You can't burn a soul with a physical fire then there is.... if you could.... 1 of 2 things would happen 1. You'd be burned , say , ... in 1 hour AND THEN... THE PAIN IS OVER so it's not really an ETERNITY of punishment 2. Say there was some way to keep you alive through this eternally. OK, After say a month of this You'd get used to it IT CAN'T BE ANY OTHER WAY if it's that bad, You would die if you can't die, you'd get used to it and adapt otherwise, you would die but you can't so you'd get used to it LOL so really Hell is a punishment for like 1 hour or maybe a month, After that, you're just in the environment that you're in i think the worst thing (both in heaven and hell ) would be the boredom You'd go out of your skull after the first 300 years
From Christian's logic, the moral thing to do is to never spread the gospel so that those ignorant of it would be spared even the possibility of going to Hell if they don't accept it. So why in the hell are Christians so hell bent on sharing it with anyone? What kind of sick people would do such an evil thing as to spread the gospel?
He refused to elaborate on how excruciating the infinite torture would be. I am always tempted to tell these people to place their hand just above an open flame for a full minute, and then tell me how just hell is. And the irony of how congenial this caller was, while advocating for the infinitely hateful message of eternal torment. Stunning lack of self-awareness.
😊 if our gentle caller believes that people who have never heard the gospel don't go to hell, then doesn't it stand to reason that if they want to save the maximum amount of souls, they should shut the hell up!
Doubting Thomas didn't believe Jesus was resurrected, and was given hard proof, even being allowed to feel the wounds on Jesus' body. If "god" was willing to do that for Thomas, why can't he do that for everybody?
Of course not. Thomas was placed into the story as a surrogate for everybody who "doubted" the story... THIS guy doubted, but was shown PROOF, so you just need to accept that there IS proof.
@@SteveHardie42 I find that funny as well. Story about Doubting Thomas: Guy gets to _actually_ experience the evidence first-hand. Story about cy-one: Guy gets to listen to the story of someone who's been claimed to have experienced the evidence first-hand, therefore "experiencing" the evidence third-hand. How can they not see how utterly weak that is?
Can God be both infinite mercy and infinite justice? Mercy is not justice. A just God would punish for wrong doing. A merciful God would not. A outright dick God would punish for being a good person but not worshiping him.
Its simple to avoid Hell. Just fool yourself into believing something irrational. 🙄 Its almost like this little rule was made up by men who couldn't justify their silly religion and needed people to stop asking questions.
It's funny how many isolated civilisations around the world have made up their own concepts of an afterlife. It's almost as if humans are afraid of dying or something.
The hell had to be an eternal torment in fire, because most people subconsciously weren't afraid of anything less significant. The risk is small and distant, in afterlife, so the punishment had to be maximum for the result to be threatening.
The only real path to eternal salvation is to believe that Hulk Hogan could beat up God in a cage match and if you don't, you deserve to listen to Donald Trump try to explain quantum theory for all eternity. May his big strong oiled up muscles lift you into heaven forevermore. Amen. 💪
These poor people calling in and sounding so uneducated about their argument, if there was a God, he would have come back when he said he was going to because he's got to be shaking his head embarrassed. You pretty much literally ask the guy to lead you to the lord and show You what convinced him that there was a god and he couldn't do. He's a failure as a christian
I never knew I’d go from crusading Christian in my early twenties to agnostic in my mid thirties and loving Matt Dillahunty. But I’m glad I got here. It’s effing liberating.
The very idea that all this reward and punishment doesn't happen until after we die, so no can actually see any of it happening, is awfully convenient.
@vincentrockel1149 I know, this is the argument they use. It's just some coincidence that the people hell weren't made for are the only ones going to it
wow... listening to matt destroy these people is just incredible...sure he gets a little irate sometimes but ive yet to hear anyone say anything that matt was not able to derail..what a treat
@@davenchop My problem is he is so experienced that he should be able to suppress that. His arguments hurt way more. His attacks give the believer the chance to reject his points. Sometimes I have the impression that is a deliberate action by MATT to allow the believer this escape route, so that he does NOT have to give up his faith.
@@feedingravens this is such an interesting take. I appreciate this perspective a lot. While I love Matt’s thoughts, sometimes his emotionally charged yelling AT the caller makes my heart race. Like chill dude. Lol and I fully agree with what he’s saying. 🤣
@@eteauxx7704 Its just pure frustration on his end. I'm honestly struggling to come up with a good analogy here, but simply put, when you do something for 20 years and deal with the same problem every single day, it has to wear on you to the point of having absolutely no patience for it. Like no matter how much you want to project a better version of yourself, it just becomes an impossibility at a certain point. I can't imagine the toll it takes to actually invite these nuts in to your life to try to help them while being berated, threatened, and lied to constantly.
@@Luciano_Intorno "Its just pure frustration on his end. I'm honestly [...] while being berated, threatened, and lied to constantly." ==================================== I agree with you. I cannot help but wonder whether Dillahunty's dealing with the same asinine arguments from theists-day in and day out, for almost 20 years-has any thing to do with his diabetes and his heart-related health problems.
Matt is on fire in this call, in great shape as always, but Jimmy also drops ton of great comments, including the one about interrupting Matt out of the box, at the beginning of the call, and lack of technical delay. That was spot on and it seems caller just lied.
Around 13:00 he says "I'll answer your first question". Yep, at 13 minutes in, time to answer a single question. And then he gets even less informed, it's true.
The notion that faith in Christ is to be rewarded by an eternity of bliss, while a dependence upon reason, observation and experience merits everlasting pain, is too absurd for refutation, and can be relieved only by that unhappy mixture of insanity and ignorance, called 'faith." ― Robert Green Ingersoll
Christian is one of those guys getting pushback for the first time in his life. It went about as well for him as you might think it would with this crowd.
He says no sin should god unpunished and god HAS to punish evil, but the core of his religion is that if you believe the right thing, YOUR evil will go unpunished!
God is a happy, wise, loving parent who is always telling stories in the Bible that make his children laugh. But when he has no choice and is forced to send them to hell to suffer for eternity it's only because he loves them so much.
Would have been interesting to hear the caller's response to the question: "Would you consider it a good thing for Allah to send you to hell for not believing the quran?"
@@Zardward_Thebard Not until they're given a good enough reason to, nope. I very much doubt you'll find someone that identifies as an atheist but also fears the consequences of every single religion in history that features any sort of divine punishment.
If God’s goal is to punish or destroy all evil, then what was his purpose in creating it. If God has to punish evil, he has to punish himself for creating it. If God plans to make a new heaven and earth, then the initial creation must be a failed attempt. Anyone who creates something and then blames the creation for not meeting the creators expectations, can only be perceived as a fool.
It’s very weird. Most believers I talk to think god has so much power he can bend logic, yet for some reason he can’t help himself but to torture people for all eternity? 💀💀💀
The early shows were good (10 years ago) but all these current one are ruined by Matt's ego and big mouth. I come to laugh at theists (entertainment) so they should be allowed to make fools of themselves. Endless shouting, cursing and threats are counter-productive in that eventually no one will bother calling. Matt is a tit.
Phew. Matt said he's been doing this for almost 20 years. I've been listening to Atheist Experience and related shows for idk, 6-7 years? I'll tell you this, though: I can tell within the first few seconds of a call if the caller is going to make Matt lose his shit or not. Thank you, Christian, for keeping me at a perfect 100% record. Edit: added "related shows" since this is technically a clip from The Line.
As a former Calvinist: it is just because one person has been chosen for salvation and the other for damnation. Both bring glory to God. God is glorified in both. I am no longer a Calvinist. Thank you, Matt!!
In a system where the penalty only becomes a possibility after being told about it the most heinously evil thing you could do would be to tell people about it, so any christian who actually believes that should never, *ever*, tell anyone about their religion.
Theists believe that God created us and provided us with the intelligence we possess. Yet, if we use that same intelligence to question things including religious claims, somehow we are evil and are deserving of hell. And this is simply by using what God has provided us with. Yep, makes perfect sense!
Glad I’m not the only one pointing this out. Paul started the ignorance-is-bliss meme when preaching in Athens because the Greek philosophers ate his lunch.
It’s amazing how casual a theist can say your going to hell and then when asked what happens in hell; the theist realizes how fucking disgusting what they just said sounds
16:14 Wow, hands down, one of Matt's best rants EVER! He just nailed the coffin shut on that one! Reminds me of one of my favorite ancient quotes, "....having bewildered their mental judgment by folly, they make their explanations." - Porphyry: Against the Christians
I think its easier to focus on their flippant assumption that we deserve punishment just for the “sin” of existing as a human. They will always jump to naming off arbitrary crap like lying as though that is worthy of ETERNAL punishment.
That idea was developed by the Catholic church to create the power of priests to control you and your eternal life. So you need them to free you and to do that you need to obey and give them a lot of money
If people who haven't heard the gospel will not go to hell then the MOST caring thing Christians could do is NEVER tell anyone about it!!
But they have to or god will punish them. So they, using what they say is the best moral system, condemn others to Hell in order to spare themselves.
@@CarlHobson-zm2gkFlat Earther?
I like it. So, Christians shut up, I don't want to hear it.
@@CarlHobson-zm2gk What is an atheist lie? Do you know how logic works?
@@CarlHobson-zm2gk Trying to use Italian now ? Maybe learn how to use English properly first.
The most disturbing thing about hell is how much Christians want it to be real.
As long as they themselves dont end up there
I know some folks I wish would go to hell.
It's one of the only ways they can justify their believing in god and one of their only ways of converting people. If believing in god is not necessary to go to heaven and instead you just have to be a good person, not believing wouldn't have an influence on your afterlife meaning that there is even less of a reason to believe in the doctrine. There is a reason that every abrahamic religion has a concept of hell in one way or the other and there is a reason apart from colonization that they are so successful.
Good one......The chances of hell being real are about the same as a one legged man winning an ass kicking contest.----ZILCH!!!
It’s so easy for them, they just say they believe so they won’t go there… gives them justification for whatever they want. Slimy scummy weasels
Religion causes such horrible damage to people.
To whole communities and nations.
the worst part is that religious people thinks it’s good
@BenMaslow-v1p fair
@@smip2453 Yeh all sorts of insane stuff done every day!!!
And this is why I stopped attending church 22 years ago.
Yep, me too.
It is astounding to me how nonchalant Christians are when talking about ETERNAL TORTURE.
i used to be the same. it took years however to let go of the fear of hell...years
But it’s easy to avoid…. Assuming you picked the right religion.
My question is, if I help people because I like helping people, but you help people because you fear what god will do to you if you don't, which of us is the better person?
@@barnes19064 I could not shed the fear of Hell until Lucifer told me there is no Hell.
Most people's religion is determined by where they were born.
"Hell is the only idea that makes sense"
So infinite punishments for finine crimes "makes sense" to Christian...
Sounds about right for a Christian.
Oof, it's not my fault that my parents named me Christian... But i guess your statement didn't forbid the existence of outliers, so i'll take that, some of us can defy the omens. ^^
"Infinite punishments for finite crimes" this would actually be better than what they really believe... You're not being punished for any crimes. Your actions are irrelevant. What you're actually being punished for is being born as a human. Something nobody had a choice about.
@@Andruth34not entirely true for every denomination of Christianity. I don't even know if every Catholic believes this but over here the belief is that you need to both believe in Jesus and do good deeds to get to heaven. So even some believers end up in hell if they don't get their sins forgiven.
Now while this sounds a tiny bit better than what protestants seem to believe it still has some flaws:
1) basically what OP said
2) you still have to believe in the trinity
3) The only way to have your sins forgiven is by confessing them to a priest and he (because sexism) forgives you, thus granting you a spot in heaven
@@Nuggetteanimals don’t have these dumbass rules. Their point stands
Growing up as a kid the vicar at my local church was actually called Mr Christian. U.K. 😂
So, their god created me to be an atheist ... knowing that he created me, so that I would go to hell ? No choice by me ...
Apparently, through free will, which was gifted to you, you actually chose to go to hell, no matter how good a person you are. What a lovely system.
God created you to test Christians and their faith. Or some BS like that.
Now enjoy hell.
What a lovely creator.
Yahweh Elohim from Genesis 2 is the false Elohim.
Don't believe his lies.
@@NotNecessarily-ip4vc- which one is the right one, and how can we tell?
These people don't even realize how immoral and evil their beliefs are.
If communication is your goal, you should try to be more clear. "These ppl" could be callers or hosts.
Entirely opposite meanings. No clarity.
There is only one party with immoral beliefs and it's not the hosts @@brucebaker810
@@brucebaker810 It's pretty obvious who they referred to.
@@brucebaker810, these people are the ones who support eternal torture for being confused about which ghost rules the universe. That is a really cold-blooded mentality.
@@brucebaker810 Ohhh you are one of THOSE huh
09:08 Matt: _"What is evil about not believing something?"_
Christian: _".... oooh, that's a loaded question, isn't it."_
It is when you know that the answer you want to give is going to make you look evil
@@ScottDaniels1977 That's a fair rebuttal
@@ScottDaniels1977 And that's why they avoid it.
"Hell is the drooling dream of a sadist." - Isaac Asimov.
Believing something does not make it true.
Nat pebble with no results the day of judgement still comes to all the rejectors of the Gospel message . When it happens , your not walking around on earth you in hell , then later on all yours sins against your creator are displayed for the whole word to see .
Then your cast into the lake of fire.
People who defend hell or defend slavery are equally sick.
Over on Quora, a way to know that I have just or am about to mute and block someone (in theist and atheist spaces) when they are proudly defending the doctrine of Hell, I will give a statement something like this...
"A being that created a place where it knows most of its creation will be tortured forever for simply not believing in it is very much evil and a monster, and its followers are equally morally bankrupt and evil. Plain and simple. As such, even though I understand gods are make believe, I have no problem upholding one of your holy book’s suggestions concerning avoiding evil and the appearance of evil. As such, I am going to go ahead and invoke 1 Thessalonians 5:22 right now and get it over with."
@@Godcodex77 I hope you are joking
evil and bad and sick. Equally? Slavery ends for a slave. Hell does not end.
if hell existed, I'd find it more evil than slavery.
Refreshing to see someone who believes in moral absolutes. Not that lukewarm relativism junk.
I don't think defending the ideas are equal at all. Hell is (pretty much definitionally) infinitely worse than slavery. It's maximum suffering for an infinite length of time (at least according to most Christians). At least slaves have a chance to escape or be set free, or to die barring those. There is no such option for hell.
Literally nothing can justify an eternity of torture.
Hmmm what about for an eternal crime? Like, maybe could convict God of eternal crimes against humanity and sentence God to suffer his own punishment or something..
Still seems like overkill, but I think a good lawyer might could at least make a compelling case there.
@@Zardward_Thebard Ha, yeah. If anyone deserves it, it's "God." ironic.
@@Zardward_Thebard That's a really good idea, actually! Charge God with crimes against humanity! I'd watch that!
Jeffrey Dahmer? But in real life he's actually in heaven technically if the Christan god does exist
@@Lazaven his crime is still finite, literally no crime justifies eternal punishment.
Caller: You'd be a much better person if you stopped forcing yourself to swallow the evil idea that torture is a form of justice.
it amazes me how a fellow human can think its ok to torture a person for eternity
It's the same reasoning that's going into a lot of people's view of justice where it's actually just vengeance, eye for an eye on an legal level.
For example, they would say that forcing someone that broke a bottle in a store to pay the value of the bottle is justice but if it was done per accident and you know the price of the one bottle isn't going to eat up anything of what you'll make at the end of the day or week, then it might not be just to blindly enforce it just to get at them.
Justice is had by examining the impact of the crime and comming to a just and fair resolution. Such as making an exception and leaving them off the hook this one time. That's justice per the deliberation and then mercy in action. Justice can get to mercy but mercy is always the lack of justice.
I don't see how this is so hard for so many people, Americans in particular, to understand this, to understand the differences.
It is possible to follow the law entirely yet still be unjust even if the law employed in itself isn't definitionaly unjust. But applying it without consideration for surrounding factors like who the individual are, how it happened or whether there were any intentionality behind it, even with the most innocuous laws would be a failure of justice in its action as done in a handwave.
It's also something that flies in the face of the religious nonsensical ideas of justice and mercy.
As if there's *anything* that a person can do to make them worthy of eternal torture. Especially when the so called crime is being unable to believe in magic.
There's at least one American here that doesn't lust for retributive "justice".
Glad to hear it 👍
When you take your feelings out of human trafficking that's just people relocation.
If God has to punish evil, why is he doing nothing to stop satan all this time?
Satan isn’t evil. God explicitly says he created evil and is the orchestrator of it, so he knows he’s the problem
Satan doesn’t exist anymore than gods exist.
@@kissit012 In Judaism Satan is an office/duty of an angel with no free will. It's kind of like a daemon script in Linux.
@@OmegaF77 Then root (god) should be able to disable it or at least stop for the current reboot of the universe ;)
Because satan is the one who is punishing the evil people in he..... oh wait
Assume he's right for a moment. He says if you do not know the gospel you won't go to Hell. Right there,he's saying he and EVERY OTHER evangelizing Christian is a total monster. By his argument the most compassionate things Christians can do is NEVER share their faith and stop publishing the Bible so that no one goes to Hell.
Many apologists take the stance that "the bible is written on our hearts", so even if you've never read or encountered the book, you are still assumed to have full knowledge of god. These are the kinds of people who claim that atheists are all liars, that they actually believe, but just resent god instead of praising him.
Yes, a small bug in their dogma there. It should be rectified in the 'Jesus return patch 2.0'. No word when the patch will be released yet. Apparently soon.
@nickandres7829 oh I'm aware
@@TheTruthKiwi The only development cycle longer than Star Citizen.
@@atraxisdarkstar 😂😂😂 My gods, we're doomed. 😁
I would say Christians can not justify the idea of a perfectly good person burning in hell for simply not having faith that Jesus Christ is “god”. I’m sure there exists a substantial percentage of people who only call themselves Christians simply to avoid going to hell. In my opinion, hell seems to contradict the whole idea of a loving and just god. It doesn’t take a lot of deep thinking to come to that conclusion.
Yup, I would say that's true. Also, isn't a dogma that focuses and promises everything after death usually classed as a death cult?
My current understanding is that it is important to believe ALL humans are sinful, are evil, would constantly commit crimes, rape and kill.
The world is a natural "hell"hole if left unattended.
A pure, depressing horror scenario, bound to make you paranoid and hate anyone.
Enter christianity.
ONLY the terror threats of God, the announcements of horrible punishments, that not even death can save you from being tortured forever can instill so much fear into the evil humans that they decide to become good and loving. Suddenly they can be happy, positive, have fun.
And to not lose that, they MUST believe ANYthing that is told them, may not invest a SINGLE own independent thought, or the magic effort of the torture threat might fail and they mutate instantly into monsters.
And of course, when you threaten infinite suffering when you refuse God, it is good to promise infinite happiness when you DO follow God.
The biblical god is claimed to be both just and forgiving.
Eternal torture contradicts both of those claims.
In an argument about hell, I'd ask what happened to all those people for these 2000 years who were physically unable to know the tale of Jesus on the account of living way too far from the religion's reach, some even on different continents. Imagine all the people from North+South America generation after generation spawning in hell with no idea on what's going on.
It’s crazy how in any other walk of life this ”system” would not be considered just by anyone let alone Christians.
If his boss came into the office and said: ”I hit ten holes in one yesterday do you believe me?” and then fired him for even questioning it he would throw a fit. But yeah, questioning god for a second is ”evil” and deserving of eternal torment?
So I’m going to burn in hell for eternity for having higher standards of evidence than believers. And those standards just happen to be the SAME standards of evidence they would insist on if they were ever being judged in a court of law!
There is no crime that justifies infinite punishment of any kind.
It's a pity that there's no such place for those few people I can think of who probably come pretty close.
What if the crime itself is infinite?
@@theboombody in that case sure. But the only infinite crime I can think of is the infinite torture in hell.
Is there any other crime that is truly evil?
@@sparki9085 Well, I mean repeating criminal behavior over and over and never changing. A lot of people do that if given the opportunity you know.
@@theboombody but that's not infinite? Even if someone commits a crime every day their entire lives, that's still a limited amount. Which does not justify ETERNAL TORTURE.
It’s crazy that we walk among people who believe we are going to be tormented eternally and not only do they think its going to happen, they think it’s GOOD that its going to happen to us. That’s INSANE
Okay, "I wrote the Gospel of matthew, that shouldn't surprise you, given the name." That was genuinely hilarious and made me laugh out loud.
@@irrelevant_noobDoes it really need a timestamp? Just watch the video. Who clicks on the video and doesn't watch it?
@@CrAzYpotpie there wasn't a "need", but it can still be helpful. After watching the whole video, not everyone would remember WHEN Matt said it.
@@CrAzYpotpieme. I often read comments before watching.
@@ebonyalexis32 Yeah, so what? Did you need to read it beforehand to hear it when he says it 30 seconds in?
Hell is childish scare tactic.
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
King James Version
15 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
@@Angus-Johnson-8334 words.
@@theuniversewithin2065 From the Book of Truth
@@Angus-Johnson-8334 according to you. There are several truths, not just yours. I'm done with this conversation, so knock yourself out if you want to talk to yourself. Have a nice life. ❤️
What is the "book of truth"?
It is telling and odd when so many religious people seem afraid of giving their personal reason for believing what they do. I do not know their minds, but it really seems they simply have believed a long time and have very rarely actually asked themselves that question. Very troubling for such an important question. Another call that also proves that religion has completely failed at conveying any important moral teaching as well.
In the last weeks, I started to ask them "What are your personal essentials that a christian MUST believe, or (when he misses one of them) he is no true christian and goes to hell?"
You will not get an answer. They never thought about that, and would they really set out to do that, and compare their lists, they would find out that all of their lists differ. That there are 2.7 billion different sets of rules, sets of properties of God.
When folk are punished for asking questions, and told "not to worry about that", they tend to get used to not thinking about stuff, it's unfortunate.
This is true, Your comment is interesting and correct.
it largely comes down to psychology
But this is a deep twisted and long winded web
it starts like this...
You are correct, FIRST WE HAVE.....TIME (Time Invested in the religion)
Now.. i tell people (Because i've researched and ACTUALLY CALLED THE PUBLISHER) and asked, and found that the bible is not god's actual words.
so it follows logically that
1. You should no longer follow or read the bible (Because there isn't a point)
2. Then a christian will argue, But there is a point, You'll go to hell.
To which i'll say
(See. this doesn't occur to them)
God said (In the bible) Thou shalt have no other gods before me
Basically... Don't have other god's before me, don't follow any other word,
i am selfish god, only listen to me
So... If a christian follows the bible and needs more convincing , well.. you go to hell if you continue reading it
Now of course there are fallacies here
1. I'm using the bible to prove that you shouldn't read from the bible
2. Hell isn't real
but, Again, they don't see it that way, they think it is,
if they saw it as it was to be seen, it would be enough to say
if they are going to believe the bible then i'll quote the bible to show you are not allowed to read it
even from a common sense point of view
If i speak certain words, and then another person says that i said something else.
it's disrespectful for that person to say that i said something that i didn't.
whichever way you look at it, they are disrespecting god, should he exist.
and the irony is.. they believe they are saved and headed for heaven WOW
so now.. they don't want to leave the bible
and i could stop here
but let me add a few other things that are tied into this malicious web
1. it starts from when we are children, up to the age of 7 you can convince a child of anything, as they are basically a sponge
2. The leaders and governments have used this psychological advantage for centuries . You're conditioned to do something from a younge age .
After a certain period of time this message will not come from the government but those you love and trust, Your parents, because they are brainwashed
3. You get taught to go to school
so that when you leave you can contribute to tax to make them wealthy.
you get taught that the pittence that you get paid is NORMAL
See. it's all about understanding how people are conditioned.
and then if you want to make money on it, You jump it
if there is a god
and if he is good
Another thing i tell people
Jesus actually lived and was real and taught people
However.. there were no miracles
Christians seemed Disheartened by this
the miracles are more important than the knowledge that christ gave people.
to me it seems
1. God isn't important
2. Christ isn't important
3. The TEACHINGS of christ, .... No important
1. That christ had magic tricks and miracles
(How simple of a person do you need to be.... think about this)
2. Whatever they want to believe is what is actually important
let them believe whatever they want
let them talk shit about god
because when people do this they spill the truth
and then judge them on it
Christians won't tear themselvse awaay from Christianity as a result of
yes..... Brainwashing
"Diillahunty cut the caller off when he attempted to explain - flying into a rage."
"I think Dillahunty is possessed by demons."
That's stupid.
"Matt's arguments are stupid."
This comes from the person who literally believes in demonic possession. The irony.
@@timothykeith1367Thinking there are demons is stupid.
That's scary when someone talks like they're being perfectly reasonable yet are saying some incredibly messed up things. Christian the Christian fails as a rational human being.
An even better comparison: Matt could live a perfect, saintly life and the caller could have sinned left and right...and *still* the caller would, as per doctrine, go to heaven while Matt would go to hell.
The caller thinks this is "just"?
Because he believes "just" means "whatever my god decides on a whim."
@@puckerings And that's the thing - to them, that's true. In their heads, whatever god commands is just and morally good. Even the parts where he murdered people or commanded people to murder - those were also just and morally good. And it's all based on one book saying that god *is* just and morally good.
Wrong. God's Word DOES NOT proclaim that a person shall enter His Kingdom (Heaven) if he sins. The bible states that ALL have sinned and come short... It is only belief and confession that Jesus is Lord and follow Him shall they enter His Kingdom. This even includes Matt if he sincerely repents before he takes his last breath.
I have asked this very question to a Christian colleague of mine and without thinking twice he said yes, I would go to hell and the believer would go heaven. Apparently God forgives sin no matter how terrible the person was but if you don't believe, you're going to burn.
I'm not a believer but I believe people who believe have no idea what they believe.
... or why.
Bumper sticker quality my friend. 👍
I believe you believe correctly.
i'm also not a believer but i believe that you believe that people who believe have no idea what they believe
I thought you weren't a believer?
Hell is not a punishment for evil. _Hell is a punishment for not believing in the "correct" version of Christianity._
That means that ALL derivatives of the original Christian Church will be sending their congregations to Hell because they aren't the original Christian Church (not the correct versions...only perverted clones).
Jimmy looks fatigued from all this religious bullshit. My heart goes out to him.
He could always make an effort to declare supernatural nonsense is actually nonsense.
But that requires work
I'm exhausted listening to it but love the show. Week after week, its the same bad arguments and otherwise normal, intelligent, moral people twisting and contorting to defend thier beliefs. It's actually kind of insane that majority of people on earth fall of this category.
Your heart ! shakes head
He acts like it too, and it hurts the quality of the show. The hosts have gotten extremely rude. That's unfortunate.
@@LibertyFascism Totally agree. I don't know why more people aren't talking about this.
There is a lot about this caller that is awful but one thing that strikes me right away is how cheerful and carefree he is in discussing eternal torment. Of course he is. He's not going to hell. If other people do, that does not trouble him in the least.
I hope that as he takes his last breath, he wonders if he was wrong about God all along and goes to hell. 😂
The "run away bitch" got me. I sometimes feel Matt is too intense but this time 😂😂😂
This can be summed up as “you’re spreading the idea around the world that 2+2=5, why should I and others be called stupid for life for not believing you when you say that?”
The mental gymnastics one has to do to justify irrationality is hard to demonstrate more than this. Delusion is one hell of a drug.
I wonder if Christian would think it would be just if he wound up in another religion’s hell…
damn they should’ve asked him that
Right. Maybe he’s going to the Muslim version of hell for believing in Jesus and he’s saying that’s just
When Matt said his snakes have to eat, he could've followed up with "none of them talk by the way"
I just love how Christians like this are all eager to say "If you don't love Jebus then you goin' to hell!" but then the moment they're confronted by someone face-to-face who is basically daring them to repeat it to their faces, they then do all these fucking mental gymnastics and word play to basically say "OH, well YOU aren't going to hell!" or "I'm not saying that YOU deserve hell, that's just what my book says!". Sheesh.
"I just wanna believe that I'm better than you for arbitrary reasons" 😂
God has to punish evil that he created himself. What a jerk.
Why not reform evil. Keep in mind no evil person asked to be created evil. These Hell loving people have a fetish for punishment & don't realize it.
Yep, pretty sad, in all reality though, its obviously a man made religion made thousands of years ago, which is why the character writing is so garbage. 🗑️
lol when you blame God for your own misdeeds! Go read the Bible.
@@keithbirdwell The Bible is a nice fantasy story, the characters are a bit stereotypical though.
@@rlstine4982 how do you know your own statement is objectively true?
Once you understand there absolutely is no hell, there is no longer a need for religion.
If Hell exists to punish evil, then God is there now and I will never be.
Perhaps sky daddy runs both places. Lots of people have two jobs to make ends meet.
@@JZsBFF Solid argument
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
King James Version
15 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
Yes, Arthur?
"I think I'm a sofa."
I know the feeling.. **both scream**
@@BaronVonQuiply huh?
I became a non believer because all the evidence I used to believe in feel sorry so easily under actual scrutiny. I became convinced the character of God isn't worth believing in, worshipping, or loving, when I realized that I would have to accept he may send my child to hell if she ends up not believing or being LGBTQ+, etc. Of course, I worried he might send me to hell for having doubts and being unable to 'pray away' my pansexuality, but it was honestly easier to accept that I might fall short and not be worthy of heaven and forgiveness, all I could do was try my best and hope and pray for mercy and forgiveness. Than I became a mom and realized I never want my child to feel that way, and I could never accept my child being sent to hell for ANY reason. Which made me realize no one should go to hell for eternity. So I'm a far more loving and forgiving than God. Also, the fact I'm incapable of loving a god that has the capacity to send my child to hell, means, according to the Christian faith I was raised in, I'm doomed for hell for not loving God unconditionally and without question, even if I tried to follow all the rules and beg forgiveness to avoid hell.
What sort of manipulative, toxic religion is that? How is that considered a good belief system?
Simply put, you used your head; and it looks like you've got a good one on your shoulders :)
How is that a good system? It is effective mind control and keeps the population in check, as long as no free minded heretic is questioning the dogma and sewing doubt. So as a tool og governance this religion fulfills it's purpose.
If you meant the question as "how does it benefit a normal person". It does not. Perhaps keeping them calm by lulling them with the nice fables of that mythology
Your view DOES NOT reflect God's Word. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
You have to realize that there is absolutely NO SIN or evil in Heaven. Homosexuality is a sin against God. Whether you agree or not, God created you for His purpose. Because of His mercy and grace, He has given you a free will to live and obey His Word or rebel against Him in the form of a sinful life. And while your lifestyle may feel good and appear to be harmless, it goes against God's natural creation of mankind.
God created Hell exclusively for the fallen angels (including Satan) and those who refuse to live an eternal life with Him after they breathe their last breath within their temporary body.
Remember you have only short period of time to repent and no longer sin or an eternal amount time afterwards in pure torment and evil Hell with the demons beyond what you could ever imagine, begging for just a drop of water asking for forgiveness in which you will NEVER receive.
@@objectivityworldview You know there are 2 gods in the Bible and the God/Father Jesus talks about in the New Testament isn’t the same as the LORD God some call Yahweh from the Old Testament. Yahweh is a blood thirsty god.
@objectivityworldview Typical christian unable to see their "love" is really just bronze age hate. You remind me not to fall for the con and become a theist.
People like Christian is exactly why we need outspoken atheists like Matt Dillahunty and Jimmy Snow.
Just monstrous - sending people to enteral punishment for thought crimes.
well said... its absurd.
In watching the trend I have noticed is that not a single theist has ever just said, "that was my families and community's beliefs." Every one of them acts like they put huge amounts of thought and consideration into doing exactly what they were told to do. Most just come on thinking they can testify, and you will be moved by the spirit to come to Jesus.
"I called in to justify unfathomable torture and subjecting people to merciless agony for not falling in line and obeying my master.... Yes, I'm a catholic, how did you guess?"
That is why leaving religion is courageous thing, otherwise one is subjected to do the difficult task of justifying eternal punishment for a fellow human being
He says god doesn't condemn babies for not knowing the gospel. Has he not read in scripture the many times god exacted the same penalty on babies as he did adults?
The "Age of Accountability" doctrine contradicts Jesus' own words in Mark 16:16.
We all know hell was invented to make people believe bullshit they wouldn't otherwise
Also helped sell indulgences
It never ceases to amaze me how dishonest believers are!
So many times, but I'll say it again, religion is just another abusive relationship
“What are your objections to hell?”
Me: “Idk burning for all eternity?”
How the f*** can these people rationalize this horror story? 🙄🙄🙄
on one side of things
the body doesn't exist
and .. there is a soul that isn't physical
on the other side of things
there is a fire that is physical
apparently you burn for all eternity
Even though.... You can't burn a soul with a physical fire
then there is....
if you could.... 1 of 2 things would happen
1. You'd be burned , say , ... in 1 hour
so it's not really an ETERNITY of punishment
2. Say there was some way to keep you alive through this eternally.
OK, After say a month of this
You'd get used to it
if it's that bad, You would die
if you can't die, you'd get used to it and adapt
otherwise, you would die
but you can't
so you'd get used to it LOL
so really Hell is a punishment for like 1 hour or maybe a month,
After that, you're just in the environment that you're in
i think the worst thing (both in heaven and hell ) would be the boredom
You'd go out of your skull after the first 300 years
cuz they were raised to believe it, human mind is super palpable at a young age. hard to get out of it. took matt a long time too
"Torture bad, mkay?"
Holy crap the patience of these hosts with these "Christian" callers...
Patience? Lol
From Christian's logic, the moral thing to do is to never spread the gospel so that those ignorant of it would be spared even the possibility of going to Hell if they don't accept it. So why in the hell are Christians so hell bent on sharing it with anyone? What kind of sick people would do such an evil thing as to spread the gospel?
He refused to elaborate on how excruciating the infinite torture would be. I am always tempted to tell these people to place their hand just above an open flame for a full minute, and then tell me how just hell is.
And the irony of how congenial this caller was, while advocating for the infinitely hateful message of eternal torment. Stunning lack of self-awareness.
😊 if our gentle caller believes that people who have never heard the gospel don't go to hell, then doesn't it stand to reason that if they want to save the maximum amount of souls, they should shut the hell up!
Doubting Thomas didn't believe Jesus was resurrected, and was given hard proof, even being allowed to feel the wounds on Jesus' body.
If "god" was willing to do that for Thomas, why can't he do that for everybody?
Is there any evidence that any of that happened anyway?
Of course not.
Thomas was placed into the story as a surrogate for everybody who "doubted" the story... THIS guy doubted, but was shown PROOF, so you just need to accept that there IS proof.
@@SteveHardie42 I find that funny as well.
Story about Doubting Thomas: Guy gets to _actually_ experience the evidence first-hand.
Story about cy-one: Guy gets to listen to the story of someone who's been claimed to have experienced the evidence first-hand, therefore "experiencing" the evidence third-hand.
How can they not see how utterly weak that is?
I think that this call demonstrates how many Christians have failed to look at their own religion from a non-believer's perspective.
The concept of infinite punishment for finite crimes and/or sins is cosmically unjust.
I hate this caller he’s the one who deserves to be punished for even thinking other people deserve to go there
Hopefully he gets that punishment in this life, the only one we know is real. No justice imagining he is punished after death, that's for damn sure.
Can God be both infinite mercy and infinite justice? Mercy is not justice. A just God would punish for wrong doing. A merciful God would not.
A outright dick God would punish for being a good person but not worshiping him.
Its simple to avoid Hell. Just fool yourself into believing something irrational.
Its almost like this little rule was made up by men who couldn't justify their silly religion and needed people to stop asking questions.
It's funny how many isolated civilisations around the world have made up their own concepts of an afterlife. It's almost as if humans are afraid of dying or something.
They needed to add a stick because the carrot wasn't working well enough.
100 percent this
The hell had to be an eternal torment in fire, because most people subconsciously weren't afraid of anything less significant. The risk is small and distant, in afterlife, so the punishment had to be maximum for the result to be threatening.
The only real path to eternal salvation is to believe that Hulk Hogan could beat up God in a cage match and if you don't, you deserve to listen to Donald Trump try to explain quantum theory for all eternity. May his big strong oiled up muscles lift you into heaven forevermore. Amen. 💪
On title alone.... Oh boy! Can't wait to to hear this one.
These poor people calling in and sounding so uneducated about their argument, if there was a God, he would have come back when he said he was going to because he's got to be shaking his head embarrassed. You pretty much literally ask the guy to lead you to the lord and show You what convinced him that there was a god and he couldn't do. He's a failure as a christian
I never knew I’d go from crusading Christian in my early twenties to agnostic in my mid thirties and loving Matt Dillahunty. But I’m glad I got here. It’s effing liberating.
Isn't punishing someone at the end of their life for eternity too late to have deterred any bad behavior?
The very idea that all this reward and punishment doesn't happen until after we die, so no can actually see any of it happening, is awfully convenient.
What kind of loving god creates hell in the first place.
Christians aren't noted for their deep thoughts.
Don't you know? God made hell for the devil and his angels. It's just an oopsie that humans go there
@Mkeusquealbby if a god is omnipotent, there are no oopsies, lol.
@vincentrockel1149 I know, this is the argument they use. It's just some coincidence that the people hell weren't made for are the only ones going to it
Matt kills it with his last speech! Bravo!
wow... listening to matt destroy these people is just incredible...sure he gets a little irate sometimes but
ive yet to hear anyone say anything that matt was not able to derail..what a treat
@@davenchop My problem is he is so experienced that he should be able to suppress that. His arguments hurt way more.
His attacks give the believer the chance to reject his points.
Sometimes I have the impression that is a deliberate action by MATT to allow the believer this escape route, so that he does NOT have to give up his faith.
@@feedingravens this is such an interesting take. I appreciate this perspective a lot. While I love Matt’s thoughts, sometimes his emotionally charged yelling AT the caller makes my heart race. Like chill dude. Lol and I fully agree with what he’s saying. 🤣
@@eteauxx7704 Its just pure frustration on his end. I'm honestly struggling to come up with a good analogy here, but simply put, when you do something for 20 years and deal with the same problem every single day, it has to wear on you to the point of having absolutely no patience for it. Like no matter how much you want to project a better version of yourself, it just becomes an impossibility at a certain point. I can't imagine the toll it takes to actually invite these nuts in to your life to try to help them while being berated, threatened, and lied to constantly.
"Its just pure frustration on his end. I'm honestly [...] while being berated, threatened, and lied to constantly."
I agree with you.
I cannot help but wonder whether Dillahunty's dealing with the same asinine arguments from theists-day in and day out, for almost 20 years-has any thing to do with his diabetes and his heart-related health problems.
Matt is on fire in this call, in great shape as always, but Jimmy also drops ton of great comments, including the one about interrupting Matt out of the box, at the beginning of the call, and lack of technical delay. That was spot on and it seems caller just lied.
"If you take your feelings out of it..." sneers the dunderhead whose faith is entirely dependent on feelings.
Around 13:00 he says "I'll answer your first question". Yep, at 13 minutes in, time to answer a single question. And then he gets even less informed, it's true.
Matt's expression when he says that is priceless.
Wait... This isn't Matt's first day doing this? I'm shocked! Lol
The notion that faith in Christ is to be rewarded by an eternity of bliss, while a dependence upon reason, observation and experience merits everlasting pain, is too absurd for refutation, and can be relieved only by that unhappy mixture of insanity and ignorance, called 'faith."
― Robert Green Ingersoll
"I live in the woods"
as if that wasn't obvious from the start. A very dense wood.
Christian is one of those guys getting pushback for the first time in his life. It went about as well for him as you might think it would with this crowd.
It would be fun at the end of the call, if they asked the caller how they think it went.
He says no sin should god unpunished and god HAS to punish evil, but the core of his religion is that if you believe the right thing, YOUR evil will go unpunished!
If God HAS to punish evil, does that mean he’s not all powerful?
God is a happy, wise, loving parent who is always telling stories in the Bible that make his children laugh.
But when he has no choice and is forced to send them to hell to suffer for eternity it's only because he loves them so much.
Would have been interesting to hear the caller's response to the question: "Would you consider it a good thing for Allah to send you to hell for not believing the quran?"
"Well I don't believe in the quran so that doesn't affect me" would 10,000% he his response.
@@Shellackle So then an atheist has nothing to worry about?
@@Zardward_Thebard Not until they're given a good enough reason to, nope.
I very much doubt you'll find someone that identifies as an atheist but also fears the consequences of every single religion in history that features any sort of divine punishment.
@@Shellackle Yea most people aren't afraid of fictional things.
Matt reaches Samuel L. Jackson Say What Again level LOL
If God’s goal is to punish or destroy all evil, then what was his purpose in creating it. If God has to punish evil, he has to punish himself for creating it. If God plans to make a new heaven and earth, then the initial creation must be a failed attempt. Anyone who creates something and then blames the creation for not meeting the creators expectations, can only be perceived as a fool.
Poor guy has over cooked oatmeal for brains
It’s very weird. Most believers I talk to think god has so much power he can bend logic, yet for some reason he can’t help himself but to torture people for all eternity? 💀💀💀
This is up there with the all time best Dillahunty rants. Great stuff, thank you all on The Line!
The early shows were good (10 years ago) but all these current one are ruined by Matt's ego and big mouth. I come to laugh at theists (entertainment) so they should be allowed to make fools of themselves. Endless shouting, cursing and threats are counter-productive in that eventually no one will bother calling. Matt is a tit.
If the caller gave his reason for believing everyone would see that it was false, useless and ignorant.
He couldn't answer because he doesn't even know why he believes this crap. He's never had to think about it.
Phew. Matt said he's been doing this for almost 20 years. I've been listening to Atheist Experience and related shows for idk, 6-7 years? I'll tell you this, though: I can tell within the first few seconds of a call if the caller is going to make Matt lose his shit or not. Thank you, Christian, for keeping me at a perfect 100% record.
Edit: added "related shows" since this is technically a clip from The Line.
As a former Calvinist: it is just because one person has been chosen for salvation and the other for damnation. Both bring glory to God. God is glorified in both.
I am no longer a Calvinist. Thank you, Matt!!
Christianity makes me sick. I was indoctrinated as a child, it always was fear and guilt based. Horrible.
Lol fantastic. What's your evidence?
*LITERALLY runs away.
In a system where the penalty only becomes a possibility after being told about it the most heinously evil thing you could do would be to tell people about it, so any christian who actually believes that should never, *ever*, tell anyone about their religion.
It's funny how you can just let apologists talk themselves in to a corner. It is amazing.
Nothing more baffling than listening to someone try to justify an all loving being creating a place/state of eternal suffering.
Theists believe that God created us and provided us with the intelligence we possess. Yet, if we use that same intelligence to question things including religious claims, somehow we are evil and are deserving of hell. And this is simply by using what God has provided us with. Yep, makes perfect sense!
Glad I’m not the only one pointing this out. Paul started the ignorance-is-bliss meme when preaching in Athens because the Greek philosophers ate his lunch.
Nothing wrong with questioning God. Job did. In his case he got a humbling answer. Sometimes that's the outcome.
Job only questioned because of what was done to him. He didn’t deserve a humbling answer but a divine apology.
The wonders of circular logic.
11:38 then the very first person to hear the gospel should've kept it a secret, and everyone would be saved automatically 👍
My objection to hell is: "what the hell?"
One more for the list… the claim that someone is going to hell if they don’t believe your religion. That requires a huge burden of proof!
It’s amazing how casual a theist can say your going to hell and then when asked what happens in hell; the theist realizes how fucking disgusting what they just said sounds
16:14 Wow, hands down, one of Matt's best rants EVER! He just nailed the coffin shut on that one! Reminds me of one of my favorite ancient quotes, "....having bewildered their mental judgment by folly, they make their explanations." - Porphyry: Against the Christians
I think its easier to focus on their flippant assumption that we deserve punishment just for the “sin” of existing as a human. They will always jump to naming off arbitrary crap like lying as though that is worthy of ETERNAL punishment.
It also works to downplay the severity of murder.
That idea was developed by the Catholic church to create the power of priests to control you and your eternal life. So you need them to free you and to do that you need to obey and give them a lot of money