DAY 2 | RACE 5 | Luna Rossa vs American Magic | PRADA America's Cup World Series Auckland, NZ

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
  • Спорт


  • @nicoladeleo9320
    @nicoladeleo9320 3 роки тому

    Meravigliosi GO GO forza LUNA ROSSA !!!!!!!!!

  • @remogatti4225
    @remogatti4225 3 роки тому

    È brivido per tutto il percorso

  • @robertocioni5200
    @robertocioni5200 4 роки тому +6

    Complimenti luna rossa bella gara

  • @freddy7700
    @freddy7700 4 роки тому +6

    Congratulations to Francesco and the Luna Rosso Team... fantastic Race...

  • @jcdazamont
    @jcdazamont 4 роки тому +9

    Beautiful race, the best I have seen in this Prada America's Cup, .. thanx

  • @alexanderkutschera149
    @alexanderkutschera149 4 роки тому +6

    Go Luna Rosa!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @equinoxproject2284
    @equinoxproject2284 4 роки тому +50

    For the viewer more data displays, speed, distance, lead distances etc. would make viewing more interesting.

    • @keevee09
      @keevee09 4 роки тому

      Wind strength/direction arrow would be a boon.

    • @Aeradill
      @Aeradill 4 роки тому

      yeah agreed! pay up and you get all the telemetry you want

    • @blacksquirrel4008
      @blacksquirrel4008 4 роки тому

      Earlier races had it and it makes a big diff.

    • @equinoxproject2284
      @equinoxproject2284 4 роки тому +1

      @@blacksquirrel4008 That's why I mention it. Some of these races aren't very interesting other than the speed of the boats. One mistake and the race could be over, not very fan friendly.

    • @bartterrell449
      @bartterrell449 4 роки тому +1

      Glad to see helmets. These speeds , think at these speeds stuff happens quickly and sometimes violently. GO GO GO.

  • @Andrea1961-
    @Andrea1961- 4 роки тому +1

    Grande gara per Luna Rossa.
    Molto bene!

  • @java0880
    @java0880 4 роки тому +31

    also wish there was some graphic showing wind direction and wind velocity

    • @Sk1tz092
      @Sk1tz092 3 роки тому

      Here you go mate 25:43

  • @MakaiMauka
    @MakaiMauka 4 роки тому +1

    End plate effects adds much more than folks realize. Fascinating creations these machines are.

  • @luc4069
    @luc4069 4 роки тому +1

    C'est génial,merci pour ces vidéos et bravo à toutes les équipes

  • @MyPAPAH1
    @MyPAPAH1 4 роки тому +2

    these boats make the racing so much more interesting and exciting

  • @stevenvee11
    @stevenvee11 4 роки тому +22

    Please show SOG and VMG for both boats all the time. It will greatly enhance the viewing pleasure.

    • @walkermelvin9716
      @walkermelvin9716 3 роки тому

      I realize I am quite off topic but does anybody know of a good website to watch newly released series online ?

  • @markotrieste
    @markotrieste 4 роки тому +6

    I didn't understand the mistake of the italian team. How is the starting box defined?

  • @geraldmorain3166
    @geraldmorain3166 4 роки тому

    To the crews ,true sailors all ,great coverage of a historical race ,a class of their own , congratulations ,

  • @mat2941
    @mat2941 4 роки тому +6

    Vola Luna Rossa Vola!

  • @oikkuoek
    @oikkuoek 4 роки тому +2

    Prada's attack at the second start after the penalty was pure genious. And the rest of the race too! Those turns were tight! Too bad AM didn't have the dude on board, who would have yanked that boom handle while swicthing sides.. quarter of an inch there, and two guys hanging outside the hul, and the sail could have even been squeezed back in for full catch, but that gust was impossible without weight shift. Their recovery was lighning quick though, props for that!

  • @TheHepps123
    @TheHepps123 4 роки тому +7

    Way more exciting than F1 - more races please !

  • @beznicka529
    @beznicka529 4 роки тому +7

    How do they do the penalty? No comments no information for vievers? For the commentators - not every viewers are native English speakers. Material are watching people around the World - try to be communicative!

    • @TNaizel
      @TNaizel 4 роки тому

      They said that they had to drop back 50 m behind the other team to clear the penalty

  • @bartterrell449
    @bartterrell449 4 роки тому

    I haven't figured this out yet about . Do they sail Olym Trincangles ? Always loved them best. Matched Boat Racing. THE BEST RACING IVE DONE. !!! GOD BLESS

  • @donaldholman9070
    @donaldholman9070 4 роки тому

    Absolutely awesome! Thank you so much!

  • @Johnonayacht
    @Johnonayacht 4 роки тому +1

    The angles are insane

  • @kcovert3
    @kcovert3 4 роки тому

    Wondering what some of the unique sounds we keep hearing are? The ginding sound 3:10, the high pitched make me mute 1:41, others.

    • @mitchand9
      @mitchand9 4 роки тому

      It's called the sound of live sailing

    • @kcovert3
      @kcovert3 4 роки тому

      @@mitchand9 thanks, now I know.

  • @SamStuart07
    @SamStuart07 4 роки тому +2

    I wish AC would be more consistent by posting wind speed/boat speed indicators

  • @sailspiration3760
    @sailspiration3760 4 роки тому +2

    Awesome 👏 ... Go go Italy!!!

  • @jamesfrost7465
    @jamesfrost7465 4 роки тому +3

    I really enjoy this design. This is racing at a whole new level. Much better than the catamarans. 75 foot hulls cruising at 50+ mph!!!! DAMN! Go USA USA USA!

    • @shiraz1736
      @shiraz1736 4 роки тому +2

      No as good as the 12m monohulls before the bullshit began.

  • @snagadude
    @snagadude 4 роки тому +2

    Add speed and wind info for viewers!!!

  • @pinomarras7752
    @pinomarras7752 3 роки тому

    È stupendo.

  • @BlueSoulTiger
    @BlueSoulTiger 4 роки тому +1

    12:54 What's Stephen doing in the booth in the first place? I guess he's the broadcaster's anchor/continuity guy but boy I find it painful to listen to such an ingénue. (Read is being gracious here which is welcomed).

  • @gennaroanastasio3039
    @gennaroanastasio3039 4 роки тому +1

    Forza Francesco la coppa gia celai sulla Barca

  • @welingtonluiz1802
    @welingtonluiz1802 3 роки тому

    O que acontece com o time luna é que não tem nome famoso ,,,mais tem o mais importante,, muita consentração.

  • @brianarnold3250
    @brianarnold3250 4 роки тому +2

    Commentators should understand the rules, boat handling and the AC75.
    If they don't they should not commentate.

  • @anouks90
    @anouks90 4 роки тому +1

    Wasnt the race uploadet some Days ago?

  • @Johnonayacht
    @Johnonayacht 4 роки тому +5

    If your gonna keep the commentators kill the onboards. It’s too much noise or just have the onboard sound

  • @benhof9158
    @benhof9158 4 роки тому

    That was fantastic sailing. Thought we were going to see out first capsize. Can,t believe those foils weigh 1.4 tonnes.

  • @primeconstructiongroup505
    @primeconstructiongroup505 3 роки тому

    How about the graphic data!!!

  • @atapene
    @atapene 4 роки тому +1

    Is this streaming on the day or is it all replays from a couple weeks ago?

    • @DoubleMonoLR
      @DoubleMonoLR 4 роки тому

      A replay. You can view the schedule here:
      The 'Prada Cup'(previously called the Louis Vuitton Cup) will be between the challenging teams, the winner will compete against Team New Zealand in the 'Americas Cup'.
      The 'World Series' races as shown in the video above, were mostly a warmup series for all teams including NZ.

  • @rayman59
    @rayman59 4 роки тому +2

    yes, some instrument readings would really enhance a sailor's enjoyment of this great racing were seeing

  • @glennchartrand5411
    @glennchartrand5411 4 роки тому

    These content providers who think we are more interested in their graphics and editing than watching the race.

  • @Aphxphotog
    @Aphxphotog 4 роки тому +13

    The high pitched squeal can be done without

    • @chasg5648
      @chasg5648 4 роки тому +2

      What the heck is it? Really obnoxious sound.

    • @RCRitterFPV
      @RCRitterFPV 4 роки тому +3

      @@chasg5648 sounds like wind over halyards..
      it's obnoxious,
      so much for a peaceful sail.

    • @tsumacity
      @tsumacity 4 роки тому +1

      @@chasg5648 vuvuzela?

    • @redskynights2986
      @redskynights2986 4 роки тому +2

      Foil wing vibration; faster water speed higher pitch moaning cow.

    • @cyrilcivet7683
      @cyrilcivet7683 4 роки тому +1

      Red Sky Knights is mostly correct - it's actually the sound created by turbulence coming off the back of the foils but it's part of foiling - its like complaining about that "loud noise" in auto racing. You are hearing the noise of speed. Go watch something going 6 kts if you want quiet.

  • @gangleweed
    @gangleweed 3 роки тому

    It ain't boating anymore, not since the 80's when the winged keel entered the design now it's deteriorated to just high tech on high tech until all boats are the same and nothing new is going to happen......these are really flying boats.

  • @ghimdohghyun
    @ghimdohghyun 4 роки тому

    아메리칸 매직 팀은 스키퍼를 로 했어야 한다는 생각이 불현듯 떠오르는 것은 혼자만의 느낌인가...
    I think or my own idea/feeling that american magic team skipper should be able to get .

  • @savaii4menow
    @savaii4menow 4 роки тому +1

    I just don't understand why the American always has a meltdown when facing their toughest competition. In Football, they just replace the quarterback. Maybe they should do the same here.

  • @bozoleclown7851
    @bozoleclown7851 3 роки тому

    117 / 5000
    Résultats de traduction
    Could someone please tell the guy working with the chainsaw to take a break, we can't hear the lapping anymore

  • @sibrayJP
    @sibrayJP 4 роки тому +1

    Get out of the boat Dean Barker. You don’t tack battle in foiling boats! You run the most efficient course you can!! That is all. Don’t go bust flying these colors.

    • @cyrilcivet7683
      @cyrilcivet7683 4 роки тому

      Sounds like you missed the tacking duel between AM and the Kiwis. It can work if you force your opponent to stuff a tack like AM did at the beginning and opened the door for Luna Rossa.

    • @sibrayJP
      @sibrayJP 4 роки тому

      @@cyrilcivet7683 The tacking duel was forced and allowed the kiwis to catch up from their 300m deficit. The slowest part of the race is the tack and minimizing them keeping the stress low wins foiling races. If you have a lead, there is not a reason to initiate a tack duel.

    • @cyrilcivet7683
      @cyrilcivet7683 4 роки тому

      @@sibrayJP Dean Barker is trailing. It's to his advantage to force a duel. Otherwise, he just gets covered upwind. If you are leading, you don't "initiate" a tacking duel, you are deciding to cover. You can opt not to, as Luna Rossa did in this race but you run the risk of your opponent being on the favored side away from you.

  • @deezynar
    @deezynar 3 роки тому

    Coverage of this very poor.
    The commentators never say anything that isn't obvious.
    I'd like to see a constant inset screen showing the whole course, including the gates and boundaries. Superimpose the boats on that, along with wind direction.
    On the main screen, show the vital performance information 100% of the time, not just occasionally.

  • @bphenry
    @bphenry 4 роки тому

    Yet another boring “race” defined by a single small error early on leading to an insurmountable lead and cautious racing to the end. These foiling boats need a longer course or something to make it something less than a blow out every “race”.

  • @BlueSoulTiger
    @BlueSoulTiger 4 роки тому

    5:50 "Fans" celebrating their opponent's error

    • @Iltrumpiano
      @Iltrumpiano 3 роки тому

      No they are celebrating their team winning...

  • @aotuyen6090
    @aotuyen6090 3 роки тому

    Lướt như bay nhỉ

  • @arnldast4583
    @arnldast4583 3 роки тому

    Parlare di queste caz zate in questi momenti di sofferenza mi viene una rabbiaa!!!

    • @titfortat5727
      @titfortat5727 3 роки тому

      Parlare di cazzate serve apposta per risollevarsi e superare con meno stress, momenti brutti della vita! 😉

  • @peterkonrad4364
    @peterkonrad4364 4 роки тому +2

    i would love to binge watch these races, but i can't listen to these sounds of the boats for longer than 10 minutes a day. why is there no way for these high tech monsters to get rid of these horrible sounds? farting and whistling all the time. come on man, really?

  • @marctwain8273
    @marctwain8273 4 роки тому


  • @Rsama60
    @Rsama60 4 роки тому +4

    Absolute worst commentaries: „Hard to explain how those penalties are cleared....“ did not even try to attempt. Are the commentators experts in sailing or do they usually do bingo.
    Also graphics on wind direction, wind speed etc. please.

    • @cyrilcivet7683
      @cyrilcivet7683 4 роки тому

      At 3:47, the commentator specifically mentions how penalties are cleared- it's been mentioned every race I've seen that had a penalty. For all those wanting wind graphics - they go upwind and then they go downwind. Capturing the actual shifts on the water would just about be guesswork. Without being on the water itself, you have little way of verifying a 5-10 degree shift. Anything moving on the water won't capture it accurately and there's enough stationary stuff on the water for them to be dodging at 40 kts.

    • @Rsama60
      @Rsama60 4 роки тому

      @@cyrilcivet7683 now that you say this and listening to it 3 times I could catch this comment. Still I say this is aired world wide and although I speak English well (US influenced English) I would expect to cater more for the world.

    • @diegoberselli5794
      @diegoberselli5794 4 роки тому

      My play list film

    • @diegoberselli5794
      @diegoberselli5794 4 роки тому


    • @diegoberselli5794
      @diegoberselli5794 4 роки тому


  • @renatoradice5171
    @renatoradice5171 4 роки тому

    c no non ok

  • @bartterrell449
    @bartterrell449 4 роки тому

    American Magic. Sloppy boat handling. Pick it up!!!!

  • @lloydroose9791
    @lloydroose9791 4 роки тому the old days of racing

  • @andrewnielsen3178
    @andrewnielsen3178 3 роки тому

    Goodbye America.

  • @jeriksson7686
    @jeriksson7686 4 роки тому +1

    worlds most ridicolus match racing

  • @rudolfschuerch6963
    @rudolfschuerch6963 3 роки тому

    can you not cut out that shitty noise in the background..?