shadfurman Sometimes not, sometimes I wake up at 7 am on Saturday and I feel great but week days, I wake up at 7 am and I literally can't keep my eyes open, no matter how hard I try...
Yes but only when it's in my sleep schedule I wake up perfectly alert around noon and sleep from like eleven the night before :) that never happened in a week day school means I have to be up at 6 still mostly go to sleep at 11
If you ever feel lazy because you have a hard time getting up, then remember that the famous scientist Buffon used to hire a peasant to physically drag him out of bed every morning!!
Used to work as a nurse (internship) but I got a hernia in my back so I was unable to work or go to school or anythung for a year and a half. But then again if I work I mostly sleep 5 hrs a nighy
+Almelo Same here and it's very hard to understand how I can go to bed at 6-8 AM and wake up at 2-4 PM but for some reason can't sleep at 10-12 PM and wake up at 6-8 AM. It's just impossible for me to sleep at night.
As someone who is lucky enough to be able to wake up whenever I want most days, our society sucks in how it forces people to wake up away from natural hours. Back in the days before we had proper clocks, people went to sleep and got up mostly according to the sun, and it worked for them. When I wake up naturally, it feels so good. Well, not really good, but more like, it's so good compared to being jolted up at the worst time, that it's good. Being awake and knowing you got enough sleep that night is awesome.
Always been a night owl. I can't seem to change it either. All through college I woke up at 6:30. Still no change. Was still naturally more alert/awake at night. Been a father now for almost two years. Having to get up at 6:30 again each morning to take care of my son hasn't changed anything. No matter what I do, my body wants to sleep in the day and be awake at night. Researched it and while most people can change their sleep cycles, some cannot. Yay...lucky me.
@@TheJanayWellsShow watch dr andrew huberman jet lag video here on youtube. he explains how to advance your circadian rhythm using bright light at a very specific time - dependent on your minimum body temperature.
watch dr andrew huberman jet lag video here on youtube. he explains how to advance your circadian rhythm using bright light at a very specific time - dependent on your minimum body temperature.
The only thing I've noticed about my sleep is this... If I have something to do, it doesn't matter if I've slept for 8 hours or 5 minutes, I'll be ready and full of energy. But if I have NOTHING to do that day, I will be unconscious for 15 hours and no force on Earth can move me. lol
born a night owl. not my fault. worked retail cuz I loved the 2 to 10pm shift or whatever closing was. never have been able to pop outta bed in mornings. I've had a morning/day job now for a long time and am ready to find a 2nd shift job again. it doesn't help that my bed is super duper comfy. winning the lotto is my real plan, though. no matter how tired I am all day, once I'm home from work and 10 pm hits, then I'm ready to stay up. also, no matter how much sleep I get, waking up for me is a long process. I can do 10+ hours easy. most people say they get a headache from sleeping too much. never for me. headache if I don't sleep enough.
I have a friend with the same sleep schedule. Their mom says that it goes back to before they were born. Even then at around 10PM they would start bouncing around.
Vegito Blue Tank-you my kind friend. I have learned a lot today. This as been productive. We should head to town and celebrate over a few refreshing beverages and play a game of backgamon. That should put the world to rights.
Every time i use my phone as an alarm, I always miss the off button. But when I use an actual alarm. I get up, smack snooze or off, then go back to sleep.
Jathax Every... single.... stupid... time.... o.o when your really awake i always think: "im so stupid... i could have just hit the off button instead of throwing it across the room"
+Lyxienne Tromp I say more -v(•~•)v- also I waste alot of time reading every comment in vids as watching alot since I got the time but also enough for other things right now Ok bye have a good day where ever you are
I find that having a snooze set to go off every 5 minutes actually does help me over time. 30 minutes is too long and you can easily fall asleep in that time. 5 minutes of extra rest repeated until I fully wake up while trying to get myself to think about what I need to do that day actually helps me get up over time. I just need to set my alarm to go off for the first time much earlier than I'd actually need to be getting out of bed.
My alarm is set so I can snooze it 3 times every 5 minutes (15mins to try to open my eyes) 1st I might fall back asleep 2nd if I do anxiety will kick in and I’m like it’s more exhausting by lying here anxious than taking some deep breaths I try to do breath focus / train up to meditation being the first thing I do but that doesn’t always happen. Heh 😅
Why cant we live a life where we wake up naturally? The problem is working 8 hours a day. 8 hours is waay to long and thats even without the traffic and other preperations. We need to tune it down to 6 work hours a day or even less. Life is not about work.
i am so lucky i work evenings monday to friday. i work 2-10 so i dont have an alarm clock or a bed time. its amazing waking up naturally every day and going to bed whenever i want. i usually get sleepy around 130am and wake up at 9-930 so i even get my 8 hours. the only flaw is i dont really have a life except on weekends since everyone else works morning shifts but honestly a healthy sleep pattern is more important to me.
My Solution: When you wake up , throw the pillow away and sleep for 10-15 minutes WITHOUT the pillow under your head , you'll automatically want to STAND UP and get out of bed because you'll feel pressure in your head after 10-15 minutes. Works for me everyday ☺
I usually go to bed around 1-2 am(or later if I just can't fall asleep), and I have to get up at 7, ideally earlier, for school. I always sleep on the bus on my way to school because I'm practically dead.
How do I fix the schedule though? I can go to bed at 6-8 AM and wake up at 2-4 PM but for some reason can't sleep at 10-12 PM and wake up at 6-8 AM. It's just impossible for me to sleep at night.
Opposite Lock take a melatonin pill or Tylenol pm that will definitely put you to sleep. Try that for like 3 days and your body should naturally be tired around the time you would take the pill.(melatonin is better because your body uses melatonin to sleep so its more natural)
start your day early, stay active and have a workout asap, use melatonin if you want with other herbs such as valerian...first 3-4 days might suck but just push through.
When I wake up in the middle of a dream I find that if I hit the “snooze” and fall back asleep quickly I will continue the same dream I was having. Sometimes the sound of my alarm actually becomes part of my dream briefly as opposed to waking me up right away. I have to agree though that while hitting the snooze feels great at the time it makes waking up so much harder then just getting up immediately upon the alarm going off.
I haven't used an alarm clock in about 20 years (I'm 51 now). Basically, when I go to bed, I tell myself what time I want or need to get up in the morning, and even though I'm sleeping, my mind somehow keeps track of time and wakes me up at the right time. It helps to keep a regular schedule and habituate yourself to go to bed and wake up at about the same times. And to have a good idea of how much sleep you actually need. And this isn't a perfect system; being sick or having an irregular schedule for some unavoidable reason can disrupt the habit, but the disruption is only temporary if get back into my regular schedule.
Wow, I do this too, especially when my time to sleep is short enough that I'm highly likely to sleep through my alarms. Of course I still set tons and tons of alarms as well, but I swear that mentally setting that time intention makes me wake up with even less sleep inertia than I typically experience after more sleep. Quite a nifty trick haha
Well, sometimes happens that I wake up like 40min to 1hour before my alarm, I go to bathroom, feel like okay, could start my day, but then I decided to go back to sleep for rest of the time until alarm, and when I wake up with alarm, it is SOO hard to do that, even thou, 40 minutes before I was compleatly fine. So, next time, when this is happening to me again, I will just wake up, and start my day earlier.
Do you think people scroll through these comments longing to find out about your life story. No one gives a fuck about your sleeping pattern, bro. Oh wait a minute, actually that just changed my life. Thanks for the inspirational experience of reading this BORING AS FUCK comment
I used to be a night owl as well. I used to stay up until 3 and wake up at 11-12. But having changed where I live, the help of medication to a lesser extent, and keeping the blinds angled so the sun comes in in the morning. Using that I wake up at about 8-9 every morning now.
On a side note... the biggest reason I like sleep is only so I go "oh it's this day now and not this day". Aside from that, I wish I never had to sleep. Or if I did, it'd be only for a couple hours. Sleep is such a waste. It's sad to think if you live until 100, 30+ years of it is spent sleeping. Instead of having fun, or doing something productive.
+Junokaii I find sleep one of l the most entertaining bits in my life, I don't regret any second of it. When you wake up you have to go to school or work and it's so boring.
Bartosz Olszewski My dreams are stuff I want but never have so it's somewhat depressing for me. I like the feeling of sleep.. I just think it's a waste for the most part.
Junokaii oh it sucks man. I also have not too many dreams but most of the time a single dream is better than... Well, anything I have experienced here.
I used to always startle when my alarm went off now it wakes. Me up but I don't jump and one time when I was super tired my alarm went off for like five minutes afire I responded. It's an alarm that beeps then beeps again and again and it gets faster and louder till it's almost a continuous notice and proble like the volume on twenty. I always though no one could ever sleep till that stage the. I did it though only once. The intresting thing is if I set the alarm on my phone to marimba and loud that noise still makes me jump awake. But I got used to the buzer so it's less effective. The startle always gave me a burst of adrenaline so I was well awake :)
It would be really cool if you guys covered polyphasic sleep cycles, like the Uberman and everyman sleep cycles. Share the science behind it and see if they are in fact more beneficial than a straight 6-9 hour sleep every night
To be honest, i think DNews are not specificly news at all, but asking some of the most interesting question there are, in a very professional way. i love this channel.
I figured this out years ago. I would always set 3 alarms. I then started questioning how those extra 7 minute sleep bursts were actually helping me. I knew I wasn't getting extra sleep at all, just waking up 21 minutes earlier then I had to. So I stopped doing that. I can now get up with one alarm and feel fully awake in under 5 minutes. It is possible and it does work.
I used to have a terrible time waking up. But if you get to bed between 10 and 11 regularly, You will get your melatonin regularly as well. After the Stages of sleep last 90 minutes before starting again, you just need to make sure when your alarm goes off, you are at the end of the sleep cycle. So if I go to bed at 10 and need to wake up for 6, Set the alarm for 5:30 (Since 1:30hrs x 5 cycles = 7:30hrs of sleep.) I find I wake up fully awake. If for some reason I get to bed past 10. Cutting the hours short of sleep can be done once in a while. So 6 hours of sleep is doable if I get to bed at 11:30 (1:30hrs x 4 = 6hrs of sleep) I still end up waking up refreshed. Just need to plan out that 90 minute cycle. Whether you go under 8 hours or blow over into 11 hours of sleep total. Of course getting it close to 8 hour ratio keeps us in balance. I started doing this literally a few weeks ago. I feel great for work, I'm not groggy in the morning. And I get to sleep pretty quick when I go to bed. Read this all in the book Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson. Worth the read if you have trouble sleeping.
I can't agree more with this episode. I learned a long time ago that getting up on the first alarm, giving yourself time to have an unrushed coffee and breakfast (cereal usually) and leaving plenty of time to get to work is far, far better over the day, even though you do feel like crap for a while to start. For the record, I work shifts and often have to start work at 4am ish. My cycle to work takes 35 minutes. I tend to get up 2 hours before I start and leave an hour later. I do go to bed early, and don't try to catch a nap partway through the day. I'm not a fitness freak, only tending to commute cycle, and don't watch what I eat. The only supplement I take is Vitamin D3 and I'm 51 years old... and fitter now than when I was in my 20s.
I'm a music major in college, and I get up early every morning to practice. It's not always easy to get up and get myself going, but now I know the science behind why that is. :) Getting up and moving and turning on a light helps, though. Usually, by the time I get to my university's music building, I'm pretty awake. I'm definitely a morning person.
Helpfull apps for people if they want: Sleepcycle measures your well sleepcycle as it says. It will rate how good (surprise surprise length doesn't equal quality unfortunatly) you slept ranging from 0 to 100%. And you can also set an alarm that will wake you up at in the lightest form of sleep so getting out is less difficult and feels better. It even has graphs so you can keep track of every nap you decide to take. Nightmode can filter out blue light at the time and strenght you set it. And spin me requires you to spin around a few times before the alarm turns of so that you'll get some movement to get you going a bit better.
I've had false awakenings too. My God, they're annoying. It's getting back to sleep soon after your alarm clock rings, and then *dreaming* of getting up, going to the restroom, doing all your business... until you wake up again feeling like you're all cleaned up when you're still in bed.
Any thoughts or advice for people that work constantly varying hours? I would think many peoples problem is that they work hours that don't really allow for a regular sleep schedule, such as flipping from morning shift to night or evening shift every 3 or 4 days. What do you do when you're not allowed to get into a regular rhythm?
I'm a 16 year old male that lives in a country that has school boards which holds money in the air and challenges schools to see which ones will perform the best. that's why I have to wake up at 5 am. nice job America.
I've found out that the best way to wake up is, once you are conscious after the sleep just immediately wake up. Without even thinking about it, just wake up. It's the least painful way to start the morning. And after a while it becomes a habit.
I can totally sleep for like 16-17 hours at a time. It's a skill set I've developed over the years. A lot of people are understandably jealous of my super sweet sleeping skills.
Something is wrong with you if you sleep that long. See a doctor. And just imagine how much sleeping that long is costing you. You would end up sleeping away 460000 hours, or 52 years. Imagine how much work you could get done and how much money you could make in the 230000 hours you waste sleeping twice as long as is necessary?
Rule no. 1 just force yourself up and pretend that you're still dreaming until you realize that the fridge is in front of you and the best part of waking up is eating breakfast.
Wilson finds out he has cancer and asks House to perform a super dangerous quimo (an illegal one) in House's house. Find it if you can and watch it, it's really funny. ^_^
I have never been jarred out of sleep since I started having to wake up early. I use an app on my phone that tracks my sleep. It wont trigger the alarm until it thinks I'm already awake.
I sleep so much that I become tired and sleep again. Waking up is my biggest nightmare no mater how early I sleep. does anybody is facing the same problem currently?? and give me some tips to get up early in the morning. I'll be great full to you.
I have the same issue and am working on ways to fix it myself, my alarm could be halfway across my house and I will still get up turn it off and go back to bed, so far the best way I have found to get up and stay up is like the video said get up turn on the lights and such, but more importantly go get something to eat right as you wake up even if you are not hungry, something small is enough just kick start that brain function
My sleep is like waiting for something happen at night, close shut and the other eye halfway shut, very much like a pirate watching no one steal from me, my glassy eye in the dark will freak the heck of you
when i started meds for different things i actually began getting tired at around 8-9pm, went to bed and began waking up at around 5am, and then just.... getting up. It's so surreal being a morning person now and i completely understand when ppl go 'oH i like being a morning person!' before id be like 'ew why wake up that early?' but just... getting up fully rested, can still talk to late night Americans (im English), make a coffee and my family are still in bed so i just get som refreshing alone time. getting up early is not only fun for 'old people', Im a late teen and would give up being a night owl any day for it!
and if the meth, cocaine, nor molly wont work try crack it gets your muscles going and your heart rate faster. youll be up and ready once it starts hitting
I don't have to work so I can sleep as much as I want. Waking up naturally in a warm room is the best way, I don't feel like like someone smashed my head in with a big mallet. If my room is cold when I wake up though, i just feel completely drained and depressed. But like I said if my room is warm when I wake up, then I am full of energy and can get up easily and I'm in a good mood.
To do: >Research mean time between start of stage X and start of stage Y (Repeat for all Y=X+1) >Try to set alarm for end of stage 4, start of stage 2 >If I wake up to micterate, (SP?) adjust alarm accordingly Ill post back if I have fantastic results
one way to weak up in morning to have commitment to in morning i remember i used to sleep 2-3 am night and weak up 9-10 am in morning , but it all has changed after i started running and cycling again no matter what time i sleep i will be awake till 6:15 and no surprise 6:30 i am at gym. i remember many times i come home around 4-5 after night ride but still can not skip running and exercise it makes me feel good. surpassingly more work i have for day more i run and i think it released the tension.
this video does not explain why it is hard to wake up. all it does is give names to all the symptoms and describe things in the peripheral, never actually getting at the reason why
They did explain it. Difficulty waking up depends on the sleep cycle that you're awoken from. If you're awoken during phase 3, you feel like crap because your body is still flooded with melatonin and other such hormones. Then if one tries to fall back asleep (say for 30 minutes), they feel like crap because the body restarts the sleep cycles and floods out more hormones. They didn't explain much of the other sleep cycles, I'll give you that, but the simplest answer is people have a difficult time waking up because their natural sleep cycle was interrupted and their body is still flooded with sleep hormones. If that's still difficult to understand, these hormones are produced by the body to make us sleepy (the reasons why we need to sleep are still unknown. There's theories but no solid theory yet) and it's difficult to wake up because we've got so many of these hormones still flooding our system.
thts usually how everyone is lol. esp at the doctors ... you them you feel like shit and they will tell you you have "chronic fatigue" like yeah doc no shit now tell me whyyy and hellllpppp me.
you get that from my comment? im so confused.. lol. and your prolly right i dont find entertainment in most movies or old school events or idk.. theres really nothing good here... id love to travel while things are still diverse but youd need money for that. in the meanwhile my life is rather dull but after all the chaos that has happened in my life i dont mind it too much as long as theres no more storms or waves crashing my way. i think its hard to stay dull when you surround yourself with people tho but i havent been.
When I'm really tired and fall asleep during the day when i wake up abruptly I lose track of time. I just forget momentarily what day it is an i can't link events together.
I haven't slept for more than 35 hours already, and I feel awesome and energetic. And there's even more! My cognitive and logical decision making skills are sky rocketing as well as productivity and quick decision making. I use this phenomena to prepare for chess competitions and before any brain intensive tasks. Please explain that?
Taokuoh It's called "Sleep Cycle alarm clock. Just type in "Sleep Cycle" in the app store, and you'll find it. There's also a similar app made by the same developer called "Sleep Cycle Power Nap," which is similar, but you can choose shorter times if you want to take a quick nap.
I somehow always wake up a couple of minutes before the alarm starts no matter if it is at 7 am or 5 am ... Even if I forget to set the alarm I always wake up a couple of minutes before I'm supposed to... and it's super weird.
Lol...this happens to my grandma a lot. For years she's made it a habit of setting her alarm to wake up at 5:00am. She's done it for so long that she says she doesnt need her alarm set for it anymore, she just automatically wakes at that time now. Its even happen to me, after years of forcing myself to wake up at 6:00am...I'll actually wake up before my alarm goes off. My body just became trained to wake at that time. What that my body would even do it on weekends when I have no school...I'm like "shit, go back to sleep, dont be waking up"
Luis T07 My weird body only does it the days I actually have to wake up early. I think it has never happened during the weekend but it sometimes happens when classes are cancelled or something like that.
this happens to me to, I read something about your brain still being conscious of the time even when you are not a while back, your brain is used to waking up at that time so naturally your body will get used to it...or something like that idk
Interesting. As much as I love the college dorm lifestyle, there was one thing I hated. There was terrible jet lag and sleep deprivation. This video is really helpful. I hate waking up feeling groggy. There are times when I seem to wake up strait from REM. It is very disorienting. One minute I am dreaming in La La Land. The next I am suddenly in my bed. If I am too sleepy to think clearly, I think "What the heck is going on?". Part of the waking up process is getting used to being in reality.
+Freddy apex Totally agree! Its all about motivation and willpower to get up in seconds, be dressed in minutes and already do your morning run just 4 minutes after someone has waken you up. But got to agree, still feels like s*it to wake up like that. :-)
Why is it I hate everyone, everything, and hope the world burns for the first couple hours during the week? No matter how how early I get to bed I'm hardly awake and like that for a while every day. On the weekends I'll get up an hour later and everything is fine even if I stayed up really late and didn't actually sleep much. My job is pretty good so I don't think it's that.
Perhaps it is a mild depression that your state of mind favors during those hours. It might be a subconscious lack of satisfaction or interest, resulting in an acute lack of motivation. I guess this because I assume it doesn't occur on the weekends due to an active knowledge of weekend freedom, where possibilities are boundless and not tethered to weekday duties.
You need to wake up at the right time in your cycle, don't quote me on this but u think cycles are 30 min each? Look it up and time your alarm clock. If you do this, tell me if it works.
You could have some emotional trauma from childhood that your mind/body is reactivating every morning in hopes that you will acknowledge the trauma and integrate it.... Did you fight with your caretakers to wake up for school everyday? If you suffered from sleep inertia as a kid you most likely continue to do so now because your childhood self never had the proper care it needed to have a restful sleep....
But despite my reply in school I'm happy to go to every class and I'm super energized as well but I hate the people in my math bc they're annoying and I get like a short term tiredness and depression from it lol
I@m a student... this means i stay up till 2am+ binge watching on the internet, working on my assignment till the last minute, playing games or drinking. Then getting up at 8 and crying about why I did all those things the night before
I've only watched a few of these vids and decided to subscribe after seeing this one. I wish my wife would takw this info to heart as it isn't the first time I've told her that she's doing more harm than good to herself by setting multiple alarms, which in turn also hurts me, but screw it. She thinks she already knows everything and I'm an asshole for not breaking down and just moving my sleep space to a different room like both of our grandparents did. Wait, never mind, I'd still be an asshole but it isn't gonna stop me from sharing this video on the Facebook!
You know what sucks? Waking up while it's still dark out. So much for that natural sunlight.
Morning people invented the work week and this is why they suck.
poiuytrewq11422 school sucks cause when u get older u gotta wake up earlier and earlier and earlier
poiuytrewq11422 I have to wake up at 5:30 -6:00 a.m. and GOD it sucks
Coastguard335 I wake up at 5:00 to get to school at 6:30
my place has no windows so... gg
Anyone else wake up perfectly alert on the weekend and feel like shit on the weekdays?
Yes, because I\m waking up 4 hours later, lol.
shadfurman Sometimes not, sometimes I wake up at 7 am on Saturday and I feel great but week days, I wake up at 7 am and I literally can't keep my eyes open, no matter how hard I try...
Hendlton same
I wake up fine but I've slept entire days on the weekends.
Yes but only when it's in my sleep schedule I wake up perfectly alert around noon and sleep from like eleven the night before :) that never happened in a week day school means I have to be up at 6 still mostly go to sleep at 11
Open up the curtains and get some natural light into the room...but what if you gotta get up before the sun does lol
i have a sun lamp alarm it helps
turn on all the lights and make sure to entertain yourself to keep you alert. sex also helps.
Good point. I guess in winter first thing to do for me in the mornung will be visiting my bearded dragon. He got a sun lamp :)
Start the microwave and stare into it. The light and radiation mimic sun light and your brain can't tell the difference
Could always move to Alaska in the summer
Waking up is not hard; getting up is hard.
1 Weird Trick That Hardens Your Erection
Simba yep
Steven Recine lol I bet nobody else got what you said true doe
Waking up is the second hardest thing in the morning.
What's the first?
+Joe Martin hehe you didn't get the joke
Oh I finally got it LOL
sMaShEdToMaToS ?????
sMaShEdToMaToS errr ma lerd😂
If you ever feel lazy because you have a hard time getting up, then remember that the famous scientist Buffon used to hire a peasant to physically drag him out of bed every morning!!
Dragging me out of bed would be impossible as long as you were there, Victoria.
Hjalmar Nyman
Hjalmar Nyman no, just no, good job being creepy
al try to remember that. :)
His a famous goalkeeper not a scientist. Damn! (sr)
Lmao so true.
Because we all stay up till 2am watching youtube videos like this..
True my friend
With the blue screen things
no, usually closing down bars.
For real dou
My natural rythm right now is sleep at 6 am and wake up at 2:30 pm. Its the worst
Do u have work or anything
Used to work as a nurse (internship) but I got a hernia in my back so I was unable to work or go to school or anythung for a year and a half. But then again if I work I mostly sleep 5 hrs a nighy
I support sleep u need to sleep more and work less. That is the path to greatness
+Almelo Same here and it's very hard to understand how I can go to bed at 6-8 AM and wake up at 2-4 PM but for some reason can't sleep at 10-12 PM and wake up at 6-8 AM. It's just impossible for me to sleep at night.
4am-1pm for me, well technically 11am when my 5 alarms go off, thats even if i hear them
As someone who is lucky enough to be able to wake up whenever I want most days, our society sucks in how it forces people to wake up away from natural hours. Back in the days before we had proper clocks, people went to sleep and got up mostly according to the sun, and it worked for them.
When I wake up naturally, it feels so good. Well, not really good, but more like, it's so good compared to being jolted up at the worst time, that it's good. Being awake and knowing you got enough sleep that night is awesome.
its worse during school days
Well you could say that because I’ve gotta get to school at 8:45 but my Dad has to get up at 5 to get to work at 7 so I don’t think it’s worse.
Always been a night owl. I can't seem to change it either. All through college I woke up at 6:30. Still no change. Was still naturally more alert/awake at night. Been a father now for almost two years. Having to get up at 6:30 again each morning to take care of my son hasn't changed anything. No matter what I do, my body wants to sleep in the day and be awake at night. Researched it and while most people can change their sleep cycles, some cannot. Yay...lucky me.
melatonin is helpful for sleep at night. Take melatonin pills
I have the same issue and experience. Sounds like a circadian rhythm issue that's delayed (delayed sleep phase syndrome).
@@TheJanayWellsShow watch dr andrew huberman jet lag video here on youtube. he explains how to advance your circadian rhythm using bright light at a very specific time - dependent on your minimum body temperature.
watch dr andrew huberman jet lag video here on youtube. he explains how to advance your circadian rhythm using bright light at a very specific time - dependent on your minimum body temperature.
Waking up isn't the hardest thing in the morning...
Ein Baum boner is the hardest :D
Danielius Vilnius I see what you did there
girls be like wut?
Haha I see
Ah, the girls will definitely get this one.
The only thing I've noticed about my sleep is this... If I have something to do, it doesn't matter if I've slept for 8 hours or 5 minutes, I'll be ready and full of energy. But if I have NOTHING to do that day, I will be unconscious for 15 hours and no force on Earth can move me. lol
*Can I has 5 more mins?*
yes you would
I has, he have, you has. Sounds legit, right?
Ayham 003 it’s: he, she and it doesn’t not don’t. So pls take Some English lessons And get to know what sarcasm is
You can has one month if you want
Mike H chill. Don't be an English freak
born a night owl. not my fault. worked retail cuz I loved the 2 to 10pm shift or whatever closing was. never have been able to pop outta bed in mornings. I've had a morning/day job now for a long time and am ready to find a 2nd shift job again. it doesn't help that my bed is super duper comfy. winning the lotto is my real plan, though. no matter how tired I am all day, once I'm home from work and 10 pm hits, then I'm ready to stay up. also, no matter how much sleep I get, waking up for me is a long process. I can do 10+ hours easy. most people say they get a headache from sleeping too much. never for me. headache if I don't sleep enough.
I have a friend with the same sleep schedule. Their mom says that it goes back to before they were born. Even then at around 10PM they would start bouncing around.
no one gives a fuck about your life story mate
Jack Christopher I do. it was a nice story. if u meant me that's just rude . moving on...
Don't cry about it you Narcissist. I bet you're American, aren't yah?
Vegito Blue Tank-you my kind friend. I have learned a lot today. This as been productive. We should head to town and celebrate over a few refreshing beverages and play a game of backgamon. That should put the world to rights.
When i wake up its dark as shit.
+jay mehta me too
+jay mehta Same, but that's because I live in Alaska and it often stays dark till like 9:00PM, sometimes later.
+jay mehta Get a Philips Hue and set an alarm for a light to go off by your bed when you need to wake up! That's what I did! It works for me!!
+jay mehta u blind?
My phone alarm set off once when I was really tired, it took me 2 minutes to figure out how to turn the alarm off, anyone else ever have that?
Sort of. A friend called me early today, it took me roughly about one minute to get my head around who was calling.
Yeah, I've tried that before too after a night where I barely got any sleep. You're just SO confused if you wake up during deep sleep.
Every time i use my phone as an alarm, I always miss the off button. But when I use an actual alarm. I get up, smack snooze or off, then go back to sleep.
Jathax Every... single.... stupid... time.... o.o when your really awake i always think: "im so stupid... i could have just hit the off button instead of throwing it across the room"
i always drop everything lol
when i take my phone or clock because i want to turn off the alarm, i keep dropping it
I always use my tablet before bed, catch up with my youtube videos it's like a must.
+Peter Griffin same
I use youtube too like it is a must.I stay atleast 2 to 3 or more hours on youtube per day
+Lyxienne Tromp I say more -v(•~•)v- also I waste alot of time reading every comment in vids as watching alot since I got the time but also enough for other things right now
Ok bye have a good day where ever you are
Ikr and before i know it, it's already like 4 am lol
I find that having a snooze set to go off every 5 minutes actually does help me over time. 30 minutes is too long and you can easily fall asleep in that time. 5 minutes of extra rest repeated until I fully wake up while trying to get myself to think about what I need to do that day actually helps me get up over time. I just need to set my alarm to go off for the first time much earlier than I'd actually need to be getting out of bed.
My alarm is set so I can snooze it 3 times every 5 minutes (15mins to try to open my eyes) 1st I might fall back asleep
2nd if I do anxiety will kick in and I’m like it’s more exhausting by lying here anxious than taking some deep breaths
I try to do breath focus / train up to meditation being the first thing I do but that doesn’t always happen. Heh 😅
Why cant we live a life where we wake up naturally? The problem is working 8 hours a day. 8 hours is waay to long and thats even without the traffic and other preperations. We need to tune it down to 6 work hours a day or even less. Life is not about work.
lol try 12 it is terrible.
+Azazel Anunnaki that's your real name?!? AZAZEL IS A NAME OF A DEVIL
FarryEntertainment i work 10 to 12 hours everyday of work.. 8 isnt that bad.
NEVER going to happen
damn you all got it bad my regular work hrs are 7am-4pm but for the past 4yrs i stay 7am- 10am because my country is corrupt
Who else watched this at midnight
Me and your mom
1am 😳
julian carmona 3:25 PM
The only problem with waking up at 6:15 AM is the fact it's dark outside and will be for another hour and 5 months.
I have to wake up at 6am for secondary T__T cuz I live so damn far
You Australiam m8?
i am so lucky i work evenings monday to friday. i work 2-10 so i dont have an alarm clock or a bed time. its amazing waking up naturally every day and going to bed whenever i want. i usually get sleepy around 130am and wake up at 9-930 so i even get my 8 hours. the only flaw is i dont really have a life except on weekends since everyone else works morning shifts but honestly a healthy sleep pattern is more important to me.
that's me, also. perfect.
Ash Lilyvale what job do you have that sounds really nice
April Simkins your not gunna like the answer. haha its definatly not a dream job, its tim hortons. sorry if i ruined any dreams.
that's cool. as long as it works for ya!!!
Ash Lilyvale gym it everyday
My Solution:
When you wake up , throw the pillow away and sleep for 10-15 minutes WITHOUT the pillow under your head , you'll automatically want to STAND UP and get out of bed because you'll feel pressure in your head after 10-15 minutes.
Works for me everyday ☺
unless you sleep without a pillow...
No , I mean sleep with a pillow and then throw it away AFTER you wake up , not to sleep without a pillow !
But I'll just put my arms under my head...
LOL , you'll get used to it.
Your tip is up to the test
I usually go to bed around 1-2 am(or later if I just can't fall asleep), and I have to get up at 7, ideally earlier, for school.
I always sleep on the bus on my way to school because I'm practically dead.
Ragnheiður Tyril same, and its horrible
cool story, bro. Needs more dragons and shit.
My school actually won't let me wake up before 7:00 unless it's vacation or Christmas; in these, I wake up at 6:00 because I can.
How does the school control that? My school has no say in when I get up, so long as I mke it to class ..
I'm dead to the world for the first like 3 hours lol
Same with me
Yeah, if a bear jumped at me, I'd sigh and walk past it...
Hendlton You could sleep on it. Think it was a pillow. Turns out the sleep you get laying on it would be a really looong sleep so it is a win win
Make it 5 for me
same here, i feel like i would cut a bitch if anyone even went near me in the first hour.
Trace it's the best of DNews !
and the only good guy left the others are fackin gone!
vincent schuurhof like Laci?
***** laci had way better ones........
+Daniel Stefan is it that ugly guy with glasses?
Once you hit a consistent schedule its so easy to wake up
How do I fix the schedule though? I can go to bed at 6-8 AM and wake up at 2-4 PM but for some reason can't sleep at 10-12 PM and wake up at 6-8 AM. It's just impossible for me to sleep at night.
Opposite Lock take a melatonin pill or Tylenol pm that will definitely put you to sleep. Try that for like 3 days and your body should naturally be tired around the time you would take the pill.(melatonin is better because your body uses melatonin to sleep so its more natural)
The Best Browser I'll try the melatonin and see if it helps. I also woke up a little early today so I can go to bed early.
The Best Browser You helped me so much anymore tips because I struggle with getting good sleep and getting on a schedule!
start your day early, stay active and have a workout asap, use melatonin if you want with other herbs such as valerian...first 3-4 days might suck but just push through.
When I wake up in the middle of a dream I find that if I hit the “snooze” and fall back asleep quickly I will continue the same dream I was having. Sometimes the sound of my alarm actually becomes part of my dream briefly as opposed to waking me up right away. I have to agree though that while hitting the snooze feels great at the time it makes waking up so much harder then just getting up immediately upon the alarm going off.
I haven't used an alarm clock in about 20 years (I'm 51 now). Basically, when I go to bed, I tell myself what time I want or need to get up in the morning, and even though I'm sleeping, my mind somehow keeps track of time and wakes me up at the right time. It helps to keep a regular schedule and habituate yourself to go to bed and wake up at about the same times. And to have a good idea of how much sleep you actually need. And this isn't a perfect system; being sick or having an irregular schedule for some unavoidable reason can disrupt the habit, but the disruption is only temporary if get back into my regular schedule.
you are very fortunate.
Fortunate? In what way? Not using an alarm clock was a deliberate choice on my part.
I can also do it, but I put my clock just in case.
Wow, I do this too, especially when my time to sleep is short enough that I'm highly likely to sleep through my alarms. Of course I still set tons and tons of alarms as well, but I swear that mentally setting that time intention makes me wake up with even less sleep inertia than I typically experience after more sleep. Quite a nifty trick haha
The beginning was so relatable...
Well, sometimes happens that I wake up like 40min to 1hour before my alarm, I go to bathroom, feel like okay, could start my day, but then I decided to go back to sleep for rest of the time until alarm, and when I wake up with alarm, it is SOO hard to do that, even thou, 40 minutes before I was compleatly fine.
So, next time, when this is happening to me again, I will just wake up, and start my day earlier.
Were you smitten by a shaft of sunlight and hear a chorus of angels when you typed that?
Do you think people scroll through these comments longing to find out about your life story. No one gives a fuck about your sleeping pattern, bro. Oh wait a minute, actually that just changed my life. Thanks for the inspirational experience of reading this BORING AS FUCK comment
Jack Christopher yes man i care , why the fuck you leave a comment if you dont care just fuck off
you must live very sorry life
happens to me too.
I used to be a night owl as well. I used to stay up until 3 and wake up at 11-12. But having changed where I live, the help of medication to a lesser extent, and keeping the blinds angled so the sun comes in in the morning.
Using that I wake up at about 8-9 every morning now.
On a side note... the biggest reason I like sleep is only so I go "oh it's this day now and not this day". Aside from that, I wish I never had to sleep. Or if I did, it'd be only for a couple hours.
Sleep is such a waste. It's sad to think if you live until 100, 30+ years of it is spent sleeping. Instead of having fun, or doing something productive.
+Junokaii I find sleep one of l the most entertaining bits in my life, I don't regret any second of it. When you wake up you have to go to school or work and it's so boring.
Bartosz Olszewski
My dreams are stuff I want but never have so it's somewhat depressing for me. I like the feeling of sleep.. I just think it's a waste for the most part.
Junokaii oh it sucks man. I also have not too many dreams but most of the time a single dream is better than... Well, anything I have experienced here.
Bartosz Olszewski Most of my dreams are about girls I'll never have... but usually just random shit that doesn't make sense lol.
Sometimes getting out of bed and starting the day in general is pretty hard. We are a sad society ):
Some people can get up easy in the morning, I will never understand them
Yeah just like how they can get to sleep easily at night I won’t ever get that either
2:38 whoops! I'm ironically watching this before I go to sleep.
Lolz me too
me three
Me four
Me 12
Not if you completely sleep through your alarm...
Yeah, I used to not be able to get up in the morning but now often, no matter how loud the alarm is, I'll just sleep through it...
I used to always startle when my alarm went off now it wakes. Me up but I don't jump and one time when I was super tired my alarm went off for like five minutes afire I responded. It's an alarm that beeps then beeps again and again and it gets faster and louder till it's almost a continuous notice and proble like the volume on twenty. I always though no one could ever sleep till that stage the. I did it though only once. The intresting thing is if I set the alarm on my phone to marimba and loud that noise still makes me jump awake. But I got used to the buzer so it's less effective. The startle always gave me a burst of adrenaline so I was well awake :)
I found out if you set your alarm to your call tone, it helps you wake up because you think you're getting a call.
It would be really cool if you guys covered polyphasic sleep cycles, like the Uberman and everyman sleep cycles. Share the science behind it and see if they are in fact more beneficial than a straight 6-9 hour sleep every night
Thumbs up for ppl who just woke up :D
You know it
I actually missed my bus today..
your grounded.
ayy I woke up 1 hour ago does it count?
To be honest, i think DNews are not specificly news at all, but asking some of the most interesting question there are, in a very professional way. i love this channel.
I figured this out years ago. I would always set 3 alarms. I then started questioning how those extra 7 minute sleep bursts were actually helping me. I knew I wasn't getting extra sleep at all, just waking up 21 minutes earlier then I had to. So I stopped doing that. I can now get up with one alarm and feel fully awake in under 5 minutes. It is possible and it does work.
I used to have a terrible time waking up. But if you get to bed between 10 and 11 regularly, You will get your melatonin regularly as well. After the Stages of sleep last 90 minutes before starting again, you just need to make sure when your alarm goes off, you are at the end of the sleep cycle.
So if I go to bed at 10 and need to wake up for 6, Set the alarm for 5:30 (Since 1:30hrs x 5 cycles = 7:30hrs of sleep.) I find I wake up fully awake.
If for some reason I get to bed past 10. Cutting the hours short of sleep can be done once in a while. So 6 hours of sleep is doable if I get to bed at 11:30 (1:30hrs x 4 = 6hrs of sleep) I still end up waking up refreshed.
Just need to plan out that 90 minute cycle. Whether you go under 8 hours or blow over into 11 hours of sleep total. Of course getting it close to 8 hour ratio keeps us in balance.
I started doing this literally a few weeks ago. I feel great for work, I'm not groggy in the morning. And I get to sleep pretty quick when I go to bed.
Read this all in the book Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson. Worth the read if you have trouble sleeping.
I can't agree more with this episode. I learned a long time ago that getting up on the first alarm, giving yourself time to have an unrushed coffee and breakfast (cereal usually) and leaving plenty of time to get to work is far, far better over the day, even though you do feel like crap for a while to start.
For the record, I work shifts and often have to start work at 4am ish. My cycle to work takes 35 minutes. I tend to get up 2 hours before I start and leave an hour later. I do go to bed early, and don't try to catch a nap partway through the day.
I'm not a fitness freak, only tending to commute cycle, and don't watch what I eat. The only supplement I take is Vitamin D3 and I'm 51 years old... and fitter now than when I was in my 20s.
I'm a music major in college, and I get up early every morning to practice. It's not always easy to get up and get myself going, but now I know the science behind why that is. :) Getting up and moving and turning on a light helps, though. Usually, by the time I get to my university's music building, I'm pretty awake. I'm definitely a morning person.
Helpfull apps for people if they want:
Sleepcycle measures your well sleepcycle as it says. It will rate how good (surprise surprise length doesn't equal quality unfortunatly) you slept ranging from 0 to 100%.
And you can also set an alarm that will wake you up at in the lightest form of sleep so getting out is less difficult and feels better. It even has graphs so you can keep track of every nap you decide to take.
Nightmode can filter out blue light at the time and strenght you set it.
And spin me requires you to spin around a few times before the alarm turns of so that you'll get some movement to get you going a bit better.
Make a t-shirt saying "More research is needed"
i don't sleep so i don't face it
me neither. for 4 nights in a row right now. I'm slower and daydreaming a lot. ( but hey I always do that.)
Hyperynia nah you will fall asleep before you die of sleep deprivation
I'm on my phone in bed about to go to sleep right now. Shit.
All I need for sleep is play on my phone for like 5 minutes
I've had false awakenings too. My God, they're annoying. It's getting back to sleep soon after your alarm clock rings, and then *dreaming* of getting up, going to the restroom, doing all your business... until you wake up again feeling like you're all cleaned up when you're still in bed.
My father annoys me until I'm too angry to go back to sleep.
So what am I supposed to do if I need to wake up when its still dark outside?
Same my school starts at 7 and ends at 3 which i think is absolutely ridiculous and a small reason why I'm transfering
+LimpWibler Productions that's the normal schooltime in my country...FUCKIN BULLSHIT
+Green Jaguar good for yewwww
slap yourself
don't you have something amazing called electricity? and you know the thing with an on/off button that makes light?
you should do a vid on why propel prefere be awake in night
+Magust Productions THAT IS ME.
You sound like you need some sleep
Any thoughts or advice for people that work constantly varying hours? I would think many peoples problem is that they work hours that don't really allow for a regular sleep schedule, such as flipping from morning shift to night or evening shift every 3 or 4 days. What do you do when you're not allowed to get into a regular rhythm?
i like d news as a whole! This channel is amazing!
I'm a 16 year old male that lives in a country that has school boards which holds money in the air and challenges schools to see which ones will perform the best. that's why I have to wake up at 5 am. nice job America.
I've found out that the best way to wake up is, once you are conscious after the sleep just immediately wake up. Without even thinking about it, just wake up. It's the least painful way to start the morning. And after a while it becomes a habit.
I can totally sleep for like 16-17 hours at a time. It's a skill set I've developed over the years. A lot of people are understandably jealous of my super sweet sleeping skills.
oh yea I'll beat your sleeping skills in 70 year... that was mildly depressing whoa
nah we ain't jealous we just wanna sleep ya know
BigBoatDeluxe lol me aswell probs
Kratom helps :)
Something is wrong with you if you sleep that long. See a doctor.
And just imagine how much sleeping that long is costing you. You would end up sleeping away 460000 hours, or 52 years. Imagine how much work you could get done and how much money you could make in the 230000 hours you waste sleeping twice as long as is necessary?
Video was amazing
didnt watch it yet though
Oh Adolf...
Oh, Olga...
Arvidius ツ Oh Blitzen...
leben shraume dast doucheland
Arvidius ツ jacksfilms
I got to stay away from that blue light.
Rule no. 1 just force yourself up and pretend that you're still dreaming until you realize that the fridge is in front of you and the best part of waking up is eating breakfast.
I stay up till 8-9am to watch a disabled family member while they sleep. Can't help but feel it's eating at my sanity a fair bit.
The pillow...
Hollow Ichigo LMAO.
Snotnarok You could try doing what House did to Wilson.
Damian Reloaded
I didn't get to see the entire show, fill me in!
Wilson finds out he has cancer and asks House to perform a super dangerous quimo (an illegal one) in House's house. Find it if you can and watch it, it's really funny. ^_^
Damian Reloaded
will have to look into it, kinda dropped off the show because I gave up having TV, more into games in spare time.
I have never been jarred out of sleep since I started having to wake up early. I use an app on my phone that tracks my sleep. It wont trigger the alarm until it thinks I'm already awake.
*Tell us which app*
***** there are tons of apps, but the one I use is Sleep for Android
***** *Thanks*
***** Can I use that app on the Iphone?
Albert Chyn I think they have a version for iphone, but i cant say for sure.
I sleep so much that I become tired and sleep again. Waking up is my biggest nightmare no mater how early I sleep. does anybody is facing the same problem currently?? and give me some tips to get up early in the morning. I'll be great full to you.
I have the same issue and am working on ways to fix it myself, my alarm could be halfway across my house and I will still get up turn it off and go back to bed, so far the best way I have found to get up and stay up is like the video said get up turn on the lights and such, but more importantly go get something to eat right as you wake up even if you are not hungry, something small is enough just kick start that brain function
+Pocket Jabari thanks.
My sleep is like waiting for something happen at night, close shut and the other eye halfway shut, very much like a pirate watching no one steal from me, my glassy eye in the dark will freak the heck of you
when i started meds for different things i actually began getting tired at around 8-9pm, went to bed and began waking up at around 5am, and then just.... getting up. It's so surreal being a morning person now and i completely understand when ppl go 'oH i like being a morning person!' before id be like 'ew why wake up that early?' but just... getting up fully rested, can still talk to late night Americans (im English), make a coffee and my family are still in bed so i just get som refreshing alone time.
getting up early is not only fun for 'old people', Im a late teen and would give up being a night owl any day for it!
I keep walking into walls when I wake up. That seemed to snap me out of it
Lol what is sleep?
When women fart
+Marta P lol what is fart?
amine akecha ? Wait is that a joke
Marta P lol what's a joke?
amine akecha Are you trying to be annoying? Oh, and don't ask what annoying is. Or anything else.
What if you can't wake up no matter what you've tried?
Well then, I guess your only option now is to start smoking meth so that you won't even need to sleep.
If you don't wanna try the meth way. Just replace your orange juice with cocaine in the morning.
and if meth or cocaine dont work for you, pop some molly itll make you a morning person
and if the meth, cocaine, nor molly wont work try crack it gets your muscles going and your heart rate faster. youll be up and ready once it starts hitting
I don't have to work so I can sleep as much as I want. Waking up naturally in a warm room is the best way, I don't feel like like someone smashed my head in with a big mallet. If my room is cold when I wake up though, i just feel completely drained and depressed. But like I said if my room is warm when I wake up, then I am full of energy and can get up easily and I'm in a good mood.
When I have to wake up, it's still dark outside. Subarctic, man.
To do:
>Research mean time between start of stage X and start of stage Y
(Repeat for all Y=X+1)
>Try to set alarm for end of stage 4, start of stage 2
>If I wake up to micterate, (SP?) adjust alarm accordingly
Ill post back if I have fantastic results
got any results?
Sorry, no... hectic semester. Its on my to-do list, though, for the sake of transparency, it is just below cleaning my room.
Tip for people who wake up in the dark: get a wake up light/daylight alarm clock
It's 2am, I'm on my laptop, and all the lights in my room are on. Hahahahahhhh
It's even worse in Winter.
one way to weak up in morning to have commitment to in morning i remember i used to sleep 2-3 am night and weak up 9-10 am in morning , but it all has changed after i started running and cycling again no matter what time i sleep i will be awake till 6:15 and no surprise 6:30 i am at gym. i remember many times i come home around 4-5 after night ride but still can not skip running and exercise it makes me feel good.
surpassingly more work i have for day more i run and i think it released the tension.
Lol you were only up until 2 or 3... WEAK
I have only gone until one o'clock
Gone til ten in the morning
my longest was until 6pm next day
I'm a coder I don't sleep until my adderall pills stop working. Stayed up 48 hours without adderall once, but 72 hours with it. GO ADDERALL!
I WISH I could fall asleep at 2 lol
I sleep like a rock demon I go to sleep no sound will wake me up and I squirm around in bed like I'm possessed in deep sleep
this video does not explain why it is hard to wake up. all it does is give names to all the symptoms and describe things in the peripheral, never actually getting at the reason why
They did explain it. Difficulty waking up depends on the sleep cycle that you're awoken from. If you're awoken during phase 3, you feel like crap because your body is still flooded with melatonin and other such hormones. Then if one tries to fall back asleep (say for 30 minutes), they feel like crap because the body restarts the sleep cycles and floods out more hormones. They didn't explain much of the other sleep cycles, I'll give you that, but the simplest answer is people have a difficult time waking up because their natural sleep cycle was interrupted and their body is still flooded with sleep hormones. If that's still difficult to understand, these hormones are produced by the body to make us sleepy (the reasons why we need to sleep are still unknown. There's theories but no solid theory yet) and it's difficult to wake up because we've got so many of these hormones still flooding our system.
😂yes they did. were you listening?
thts usually how everyone is lol. esp at the doctors ... you them you feel like shit and they will tell you you have "chronic fatigue" like yeah doc no shit now tell me whyyy and hellllpppp me.
Lily Poppy Jesus youre dull or else your doctor is dull. More than likely its you
you get that from my comment? im so confused.. lol. and your prolly right i dont find entertainment in most movies or old school events or idk.. theres really nothing good here... id love to travel while things are still diverse but youd need money for that. in the meanwhile my life is rather dull but after all the chaos that has happened in my life i dont mind it too much as long as theres no more storms or waves crashing my way. i think its hard to stay dull when you surround yourself with people tho but i havent been.
When I'm really tired and fall asleep during the day when i wake up abruptly I lose track of time. I just forget momentarily what day it is an i can't link events together.
I haven't slept for more than 35 hours already, and I feel awesome and energetic. And there's even more! My cognitive and logical decision making skills are sky rocketing as well as productivity and quick decision making. I use this phenomena to prepare for chess competitions and before any brain intensive tasks. Please explain that?
I have alarms every 5 minutes in the morning
Same here. and that means I end up waking up last minute. so pointless
I use the Sleep Cycle alarm app on my iPhone to help me wake up. It makes sure that I always wake up when I'm not in deep sleep.
Is that the actual name of it? "Sleep Cycle" alarm app?
Taokuoh It's called "Sleep Cycle alarm clock. Just type in "Sleep Cycle" in the app store, and you'll find it. There's also a similar app made by the same developer called "Sleep Cycle Power Nap," which is similar, but you can choose shorter times if you want to take a quick nap.
Oh ok I'll have a look. So it actually works then?
Works like a charm for me. I've read some articles online that say it's just a placebo effect, but if the shoe fits, wear it.
As long as it tricks my mind then yeah!
Happy birthday
I stay upto 3/4 am on average, wake up midday to 2pm. Although I have a job now so I can’t do that .
Wow this is pretty useful! Thanks man :)
Not eating a ton of sugar right before I got to bed helps.
Are people who reply to themselves weird?
Haha nope not at all
Did you like your comments too?
yes i got two accounts and liked them
+Zach T you're pathetic
I somehow always wake up a couple of minutes before the alarm starts no matter if it is at 7 am or 5 am ... Even if I forget to set the alarm I always wake up a couple of minutes before I'm supposed to... and it's super weird.
same.I wonder why that is?
Lol...this happens to my grandma a lot. For years she's made it a habit of setting her alarm to wake up at 5:00am. She's done it for so long that she says she doesnt need her alarm set for it anymore, she just automatically wakes at that time now. Its even happen to me, after years of forcing myself to wake up at 6:00am...I'll actually wake up before my alarm goes off. My body just became trained to wake at that time. What that my body would even do it on weekends when I have no school...I'm like "shit, go back to sleep, dont be waking up"
Luis T07 My weird body only does it the days I actually have to wake up early. I think it has never happened during the weekend but it sometimes happens when classes are cancelled or something like that.
and you're very fortunate
this happens to me to, I read something about your brain still being conscious of the time even when you are not a while back, your brain is used to waking up at that time so naturally your body will get used to it...or something like that idk
Interesting. As much as I love the college dorm lifestyle, there was one thing I hated. There was terrible jet lag and sleep deprivation. This video is really helpful. I hate waking up feeling groggy.
There are times when I seem to wake up strait from REM. It is very disorienting. One minute I am dreaming in La La Land. The next I am suddenly in my bed. If I am too sleepy to think clearly, I think "What the heck is going on?". Part of the waking up process is getting used to being in reality.
"But that never really helps does it"
So cute when he said that
its weird, you never want to go to sleep but you don't want to wake up WTF?!? ._.
people who believe in sleep inertia have never been in the military.
+Freddy apex
Totally agree! Its all about motivation and willpower to get up in seconds, be dressed in minutes and already do your morning run just 4 minutes after someone has waken you up. But got to agree, still feels like s*it to wake up like that. :-)
Gerðarr Garðisson it's not willpower or anything like that lol it's about brainwashing
every finnish man has been in the military, most of the have the same issues waking as everyone else.
Yes sir!!
Why is it I hate everyone, everything, and hope the world burns for the first couple hours during the week? No matter how how early I get to bed I'm hardly awake and like that for a while every day. On the weekends I'll get up an hour later and everything is fine even if I stayed up really late and didn't actually sleep much. My job is pretty good so I don't think it's that.
Perhaps it is a mild depression that your state of mind favors during those hours. It might be a subconscious lack of satisfaction or interest, resulting in an acute lack of motivation. I guess this because I assume it doesn't occur on the weekends due to an active knowledge of weekend freedom, where possibilities are boundless and not tethered to weekday duties.
You need to wake up at the right time in your cycle, don't quote me on this but u think cycles are 30 min each? Look it up and time your alarm clock. If you do this, tell me if it works.
You could have some emotional trauma from childhood that your mind/body is reactivating every morning in hopes that you will acknowledge the trauma and integrate it.... Did you fight with your caretakers to wake up for school everyday? If you suffered from sleep inertia as a kid you most likely continue to do so now because your childhood self never had the proper care it needed to have a restful sleep....
Sounds like depression dude...
But despite my reply in school I'm happy to go to every class and I'm super energized as well but I hate the people in my math bc they're annoying and I get like a short term tiredness and depression from it lol
I@m a student... this means i stay up till 2am+ binge watching on the internet, working on my assignment till the last minute, playing games or drinking. Then getting up at 8 and crying about why I did all those things the night before
I've only watched a few of these vids and decided to subscribe after seeing this one. I wish my wife would takw this info to heart as it isn't the first time I've told her that she's doing more harm than good to herself by setting multiple alarms, which in turn also hurts me, but screw it. She thinks she already knows everything and I'm an asshole for not breaking down and just moving my sleep space to a different room like both of our grandparents did. Wait, never mind, I'd still be an asshole but it isn't gonna stop me from sharing this video on the Facebook!
I just feel like the circles behind you should be more... round.
not oval
They're not ovals, they just appear that way because of the corner.
but I work better at night a paper that would take 3hours at noon takes me half an hour at midnight
Why is this called D news? It isn't news!
+Mine_Zone It's made by the Discovery channel
+Mine_Zone It's made by the Discovery channel
yup, right
i love waking up early, i start work around 2pm-3pm but i'm still awake around 7am-8am and i feel so productive it's unreal
Dude I set alarm and it becomes a fire alarm in my dream😂😂 I had a hell of a tarty record to school too