Caitlyn's Shower Scene Analysis (Arcane)

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024


  • @jubimadethis5167
    @jubimadethis5167 2 роки тому +802

    I've always felt that this was Caitlyn processing what she feels for Vi for the first time and maybe trying to put a name to it, because this is the first chance she's had to be truly alone and just think since she and Vi met. To me, the way she has interacted with Vi has always felt guileless, like she is acting on pure feeling, without any intentional relationship-driven motive other than simple human connection. She doesn't really seem like she's trying to hide a crush, nor does she seem like she's trying to pursue Vi romantically--she's just reacting to her over and over again with a surprisingly deep level of emotion, driven by empathy and concern and a desire to protect, without really having any opportunity to process or reflect on anything she's feeling. Even her "What about us?" felt reflexive and undefined to me. "Us" contains friendship, partnership, and romantic feeling all jumbled up into one thing for her. So this is it, this is her finally getting a chance to untangle that ball of yarn, naked and alone and unable to hide anything from herself. But it's happening after Vi has already left her, so yeah... it's dark.
    I really love this analysis, in large part because you actually allow for Caitlyn to be genuinely angry with Vi. The first few times I watched the scene, I thought she was angry with herself for not saying more, but eventually I realized that this didn't make sense because she did nothing wrong, and the fault was with Vi. Vi had her own reasons, some of which were self-defeat disguised as self-defense--perhaps thinking she couldn't "lose" Caitlyn if she chose to let her go, a theory that Jinx proved very wrong--but she also abandoned Caitlyn, who thought they were a good team and had formed a genuine connection, and she gave her no choice in the matter.
    Many fans feel that Caitlyn made a decision in the shower, and most think she made a decision to track Vi down and confess her feelings. I actually came to a different conclusion, in part because of the arrival of Jinx. Jinx's curse seems to be to interfere in situations that would have turned out to her benefit or given her what she wanted if she'd left well enough alone. Jinx is also, seemingly intentionally, a bit of a trickster figure in their relationship. Jinx hates Caitlyn because she wants Vi to herself, but she's her own worst enemy, so, as we both seem to have noticed, she keeps inadvertently doing things that end up furthering their relationship (in fact, her attacks in Piltover are what led Caitlyn to Vi in prison in the first place). She is both why they keep being drawn together and a big part of what could keep them apart, at least romantically, in S2.
    So to me, it makes sense here that Caitlyn was hurt and angry with Vi, and perhaps she decided that enough is enough and she will not chase after Vi yet again. So then Jinx, not knowing about recent events or what Caitlyn has decided, rather ironically kidnaps Caitlyn and drags her right back to Vi. I just have a hard time with the idea that Caitlyn decided to confront Vi, and Jinx "helpfully" showed up to take Caitlyn right to her. It makes more sense to me if Jinx was doing something that acted against the decision Caitlyn had made, which ironically would have aligned with what Jinx actually wanted, because that's what Jinx does. She shoots herself in the foot over and over again.
    Then again, there is also the fact that Vi made quite an impression on Caitlyn. Caitlyn is fierce in her own way, and I have a feeling that Vi is the first person who has truly made enough of an impression to, as you say, be her equal. So even though they've only known each other for 4 days at this point, it also makes sense that Caitlyn feels that deep connection she's never felt with anyone else before and decides not to let it go.
    Either way, I really want the show to actually allow Vi and Caitlyn to confront that oil and water scene in some way next season, rather than pretend it never happened because it was just a plot device to split them up and leave them vulnerable to Jinx. This shower scene was added to the episode after it was written, so if it was that important to show us how Caitlyn feels about Vi leaving her, then surely it's an important aspect of their relationship dynamic going into S2, even if it's on the back burner for a time because of other more pressing concerns.
    I think the overall relationship dynamic in S1 was pretty unbalanced, with Caitlyn repeatedly saving and supporting Vi and getting deeply hurt by the end of it, but that was intentional. Vi hasn't had anyone on her side for such a long time, so of course she ended up falling for the kind, strong, amazing person that Caitlyn is, and of course she wasn't prepared for that right out of 6-7 years alone in prison. As good as Caitlyn is for Vi and vice versa in many ways, Caitlyn does need to learn how to set boundaries in terms of how she will allow herself to be treated, and Vi needs to learn healthier ways to cope with her trauma and rage (and talking about her feelings with Caitlyn was a good first step). So yes, I would prefer that Caitlyn harbor a bit of resentment toward Vi for hurting her and abandoning her and have some words to say about it next season, even if that is understandably delayed by dealing with the events of the finale. Vi is admittedly my favorite character, and I understand her and empathize with her, but I don't want to see a relationship where Caitlyn constantly absorbs blows from her or becomes her eternal crutch. These writers are incredibly sharp, though, so I do think this will all be addressed in one way or another.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +130

      Wow, so many amazing things you mention! You're pretty sharp too, I must say! I'm going to comment on a few things you, but I will probably return and comment again later 😉
      Your analysis of Caitlyn's character is spot on! I actually don't think either that she is coming to any decisions in the shower, she's reflecting as you say, and she is both angry and frustrated, because she feels like she has been set aside "for her own good", something her parents have done her whole life.
      And yes, such a good point, Jinx's efforts at ruining definitely have the opposite effect 😂

    • @mathies3598
      @mathies3598 2 роки тому +55

      I disagree, i think Cait definitely wanted to go after Vi. She initially listened to Vi, which is why she's here, in her shower, at home. But she realised she couldn't forget Vi like she'd asked. So that's when she decides to find her.
      Also, you can totally be angry with yourself even if you haven't done anything wrong. That's how the human mind works- it can blame you for things that aren't your fault.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +45

      @@mathies3598 Absolutely, I agree, you can be upset with yourself, because you are your own worst criticiser. And Caitlyn definitely has high standards for herself! I also don't think, she has given up on Vi, on the contrary. But at this point in time, I don't think she has a solution, I don't think she has come to any decision as to how to go forward. Her whole posture indicates frustration and anger more than resolve. But that's my interpretation 😊

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +35

      So, @Jubi Made This I'm finally getting around to your incredibly long, incredibly good and thought provoking comment...
      The first thing you say, "To me, the way she has interacted with Vi has always felt guileless, like she is acting on pure feeling, without any intentional relationship-driven motive other than simple human connection..."
      I totally agree! (and I'm repeating something from another comment somewhere, but I wanted to put it all here...) Neither Caitlyn nor Vi are thinking at all about checking each other out, they're not concerned about romance, especially Vi. There's no room in her head for physical or romantic attraction, because her head is full of 1: just staying alive from one day to the next, 2: Powder, Powder, Powder (regret, regret, regret) and 3: revenge on Silco. For Caitlyn there may be a little more room to think of romance, but it's definitely quite far down her list, on the top of which is: 1: Freeing herself from the restraints of her parents and high society, 2: making a difference in the real world, making something real of herself, 3: help people, those that are unfortunate!
      And I think it is because they are not looking for it, because they are forced together under such dire circumstances, because they help each other with the top of their bucket lists, that feelings develop naturally and without them noticing it. Which is what really blew me away when I watched the show for the first time! How their relation is NOT about scoring, sexual attraction, self-gratification, feeding the male gaze, homosexuality, etc. It is about growth, trust, honesty, truth and yes, love. (ooh, I think I just quoted "Moulin Rouge", well almost, I think the song in there went, "freedom, truth, beauty and love" = bohemian ideals of fin-de-siecle Paris). They GET each other and it's beautiful!
      But it's not all "sunbursts and marble halls" (hmm, or do you say "a bed of roses"?), at some point, specifically episode 8, their goals don't align anymore, despite the bed scene being their closest moment. The meet with the council doesn't go well, because of that. Hmm, I actually think my next video will be about this. Looking into what in the world their plan was going into the council chamber, if they even had a plan... (that or the firelights some more...).
      I also think you're right that they need to have a proper talk, revisit the "oil and water" scene, because even though they clearly care a lot about each other, they are not on the same page on where to go in connection with both Jinx and the undercity (the latter may have resolved itself, though, with Silco's death). But I agree that it will take a while, because pressing matters (aftermath of Jinx's missile) will push it to the side. I have a sneaking suspicion that season two will have three acts as well, the first one will be the immediate aftermath to the end of season 1 and then a time gap before act 2. And probably nothing resolved between them before the second act...

    • @jubimadethis5167
      @jubimadethis5167 2 роки тому +26

      @@mathies3598 I did allow for the possibility that I was wrong further down in my comment, so we're not fully disagreeing here. They have a really strong bond already, and I think Caitlyn feels a connection with Vi in a way she never has before. This scene was added by one of the directors, and without it, we wouldn't have seen Caitlyn at all between the end of the oil and water scene and Jinx bringing her to the table at the tea party. Perhaps this was the director trying to show us that Caitlyn made a choice, that she still has agency even though Jinx forced her to be there. (I'm glad the scene was added for that reason alone--it allows for Caitlyn to be a more fully rounded character rather than just treated as a prop in the struggle between Vi and Jinx.)
      I also definitely think that, even if she did end up deciding not to follow Vi in the end, you're right that she probably also blamed herself at some point in that inner struggle she was experiencing. I think trying to figure out what, if anything, she could have done to make that moment turn out differently is what almost anyone who isn't a complete narcissist would do! She's wrestling with those things, but I do agree with Tilda that she's also angry at Vi. I think she has to be in order to not just be an absorbent punching bag for all of Vi's issues. She can be angry with Vi and still support her, and she also can't support Vi properly if she's not willing to set some boundaries about how she expects to be treated.
      I don't think it's entirely clear whether she did make a choice, or what it was if she did. I have my theory, but my mind is still pretty open. If she did decide something here, I don't know if she would go far enough to actually tell Vi what it was next season, so we may never know for sure. But I do think that her feelings about Vi leaving her the way she did will be addressed next season. Either that, or Vi will find a way to apologize on her own in a very endearingly Vi sort of way.

  • @selvarajagop4739
    @selvarajagop4739 2 роки тому +729

    the blood also represents Caitlyn thinking about instead of her and Vi as oil and water. She thinks of them as blood and water

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +159

      Yes, I agree! The two totally mix, unlike Piltover and Zaun, Vi just needs to realise it... This idea of blood and water opposite oil and water was in my first draft, but since my video was veeery long, and since this idea had also been interpreted in many other videos, I decided to cut it out. But thank you for pointing it out!

    • @monteagudoabeezekieljardie7884
      @monteagudoabeezekieljardie7884 2 роки тому +28

      That is very true. I have seen this analysis and symbolism before in some UA-cam videos about Vi and Caitlyn's relationship.

    • @tofu_golem
      @tofu_golem 2 роки тому +6

      All metaphors have their limits. Mixing blood and water inside a functioning bone can be a bad thing. If you drink too much water, the water dilutes your blood, and you can die. But I get what you mean.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +11

      @@tofu_golem Yeah, I also thought that mixing blood and water was a weak metaphor, though it increases in strength being paralleled with oil and water. So I liked the other symbolic meanings of blood spilling better 😊

    • @jamie-1608
      @jamie-1608 2 роки тому +9

      Caitlyn and vi’s hair also represents this vi being red for blood because she comes from a place where people often have to have blood on their hands. Caitlyn being blue for water clear, clean and flowing, pure you might say.

  • @tamasarpadnevery2030
    @tamasarpadnevery2030 2 роки тому +214

    "Do yourself a favor, cupcake. Go back to that big, shiny house of yours and just... forget me, ok?"
    She did go back to her big, shiny house, but she didn't forget her.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +46

      Oh, definitely not! On the contrary, she's obsessing about Vi...

    • @Weteperepe
      @Weteperepe 2 роки тому +9

      @@tildaowen AS WE ALL ARE 😂😭

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +9


    • @ThomasJohn-f5e
      @ThomasJohn-f5e 7 місяців тому +9

      Alternate comment:
      "Do yourself a favor, cupcake. Go back to that big, shiny house of yours and just........ forget me, okay?"
      Caitlyn's mind: Over me dead body.

  • @darthcygnus7692
    @darthcygnus7692 2 роки тому +327

    Nice! I might add something more: when introducing Vi to the council Cailtyn says "Even thought we failed her in countless ways she risked everything to show me what life is really like down there." the key words being "We failed her" and "she risked everything to show me"
    In the shower i think that Cait anger mostly is for herself, because she think that she failed Vi too by being not able to help her, adding this failure the long list of injustices Vi had to suffer her entire life because of Piltover. Obviously it's not Cait fault, but of the morons of the council.
    When the music becomes stronger reflecting Cait turmoil, near the end becomes stronger as stronger becomes the determination of Caitlyn in getting Vi back!

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +45

      Thanks! And excellent analysis, I totally buy that, she's angry at herself too, well spotted. She has high standards, especially for herself, so it makes perfect sense to me: she's angry for failing to "fix things" :-) Oddly enough, her evil twin, Marcus, uses that exact phrase when talking to Silco ("I can fix things"). He fails just like Caitlyn... The enforcers need to step up next season! (especially if she becomes the sheriff?)

    • @darthcygnus7692
      @darthcygnus7692 2 роки тому +7

      @@tildaowen Oh yes, the only thing good enforcers did was when Vi lead them with jayce on Silco's child-labor shimmer factories! They absolutely need Cait to get rid of corruption inside the force. And to change their methods! Basically we've seen enforcers in Piltover using non-lethal devices to capture criminals, while against the undergrounders they shoot on sight or beat the hell out of them.
      Uff, i wanna season 2 soo bad! I'm surviving only by writing Arcane fanfics and drawing about it!

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +10

      @@darthcygnus7692 I know what you mean! I need my fix too, watching these videos and now making them too is the only thing that helps... Will be exciting to see if Caitlyn can turn the enforcers around. Unless of course, she becomes less forgiving because of her mother's death (if indeed she does die)

    • @darthcygnus7692
      @darthcygnus7692 2 роки тому +6

      @@tildaowen Yes that's what worries me the most: if Powder kills Cassandra, then how things will be between Vi and Cait? It's a constant pain in my brain! I want them to be together so much, but Jinx could ruin everything (again)

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +6

      @@darthcygnus7692 me too, also because of the teaser trailer for season two, Caitlyn talking about coming back in boxes (noooo!). I want their relationship to be fulfilled properly, at least give us that before ruining it (the show is a tragedy, after all, that's part of why it's so good...). But I'm hoping for it all anyway! 🙏🤞

  • @Jen_TheSnail
    @Jen_TheSnail 2 роки тому +190

    I couldn't stop laughing when you got distracted by caitlyns eyes.. twice 😆 🤣

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +37

      Guilty! 😂

    • @EclecticFruit
      @EclecticFruit Рік тому +6

      @@tildaowen based

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  Рік тому +1

      @@EclecticFruit I'm not sure what you mean?

    • @veratoyer8027
      @veratoyer8027 Рік тому +8

      ​@@tildaowenthey're saying you're cool for it

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  Рік тому +12

      @@veratoyer8027 thanks for translating for an old fart like me 😂

  • @sakurap95
    @sakurap95 2 роки тому +165

    I can agree with some of your insights. But I think some things are a little different.
    Consider, Caitlyn didn’t kill Sevika even though she had the perfect opportunity to. She didn’t even give Sevika a flesh wound. Caitlyn is so good at shooting that she wields her power with consideration. Like Grayson told her. Caitlyn wanted to be a different kind of enforcer, a humanitarian, one that didn’t need to rely on violence. She decided to use her skills only if necessary. At the tea party, when Caitlyn points Jinx’s mini gun at her, Caitlyn is trying to take control of the situation as a cop. She is debating in her head “do I have to shoot her to save more lives?” Caitlyn doesn’t want to shoot Jinx. Far from it. She wants Jinx to surrender without resistance. She wants a peaceful solution. But Caitlyn is at an impasse of debating what is the best course of action to take. And since Caitlyn has never taken a life before, Jinx calls her bluff, and Jinx knew she was faster than Caitlyn could shoot.
    As for Caitlyn seeming angry in the shower. I found your point interesting that Caitlyn would be angry at Vi for making a decision for her. But I don’t think she is holding a grudge against Vi’s choice. She wishes she could go back and convince Vi to stay, but she is secure enough in herself and her relationship attachments (unlike Jinx) to let Vi go freely. Caitlyn wishes she could turn back the clock or at least get another chance to see Vi again. She doesn’t want their relationship to end this way. At the end of the shower scene, we at least feel a sense of release from Caitlyn. It isn’t going to end this way. Caitlyn will probably find her again. But we’re interrupted from these thoughts with Jinx’s arrival. Thus, it’s a reunion we were not expecting.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +22

      I like your interpretations, but yeah, they differ from mine. I agree that the reunion between Vi and Caitlyn through Jinx was unexpected, absolutely. She seems like an instrument of fate pushing them together: the first bombing in Piltover led Caitlyn to the prison, the second on the bridge made Vi come back to save her, and Jinx kidnapping Caitlyn brings them together again (if only she had known that Vi had broken it off!).
      But I stand by my interpretation that there is a darkness growing in Caitlyn, the way she narrows her eyes at Jinx looks to me like she wants to shoot her. And that's perfectly understandable: Jinx has blown her up twice, pointed her gun at her twice (fired at her once), attacked her in the shower, clothed her and tied her to a chair. But her regard for Vi, and yes, the fact that she's not the killing type, holds her back. But she considers it. And Vi knows it, which is why she says "no, no, no" and more importantly "She's my sister", because she believes the most effective argument to stop her shooting is Caitlyn's feelings for Vi. She doesn't say "you're not the killing type", "it doesn't have to be this way", or "please don't shoot", because those words won't carry as much weight...
      As for Caitlyn being angry in the shower, I do believe that Caitlyn is angry with herself for not coming up with a solution. Because no she doesn't want it to end with Vi, that's not what I was saying. You can be angry with someone and still want to be with them. I agree, she is secure in her attachment to Vi, but she is frustrated with the fact that Vi is not, or at least doesn't give the relationship a chance. Jubi Made This said in another comment, that Caitlyn has to set some boundaries in the relationship, otherwise it will be unequal, Vi will be in control (and we know Caitlyn doesn't like to have control taken away from her). Also if she doesn't set boundaries, Caitlyn will be just another prop in Vi's character arc, a plotmover for Vi and Jinx with no real story arc of her own. And I think she does have this!
      Anyway that's my interpretation based on what I see in the show :-) Thanks for your comment, it makes me dig deeper into how I came to my initial interpretations!

    • @marybara
      @marybara 2 роки тому +7

      @@tildaowen thank you for your thoughtful analysis. I would add something and under this comment, because here you mentioned how Jinx actions bring Cait and Vi together again and again. And in vid you mentioned how Cait during her shower angst probably didn't make a decision to chase after Vi. While we probably never will know this, I would like to point out that ironically Jinx instead of being a jinx in Cait's case she always is a booster for her, pushing Caitlyn further in a direction she already decided to go. Vi is the case we focus the most, but Cait's career as an enforcer? It's suggested that Grayson was a huge influence on Cait's decision to become an enforcer, but I dare to speculate that she became extra motivated later after explosion in Jayce's lab and Grayson's death - both cases not resolved. Years later Cait is an enforcer and does investigation on her own, but she is stuck, until Jinx appears again to give her "hot trail" that pushes things fast, not without bumps ofc, but in a direction Cait always wanted. The bridge events are fortunate for Cait too, not only she "gets Vi back", but by killing Marcus Jinx probably saves Caits life, gives her a chance to testify against a traitor and corruption among enforcers, and makes possible for Cait's career to accelerate fast in nearest future. From this angle it is a possibility that during a shower scene Cait decided to go after Vi sooner or later, but Jinx accelerated things for her, again. As you said, S2 probably will bring us this darker side of Caitlyn, and if Cassandra dies, I am not sure that this kind of narrative with Jinx traumatizing Cait but also involuntary helping her to get what she wants, is possible to continue.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +6

      Thank you, and may I say, excellent comments and interpretations! I totally agree, Jinx is an instrument of fate in many ways, and for most people and most of the time in a negative way. Even for Caitlyn. But it's so true that Jinx propels Caitlyn in the right direction almost all the time. I forgot to mention in my above comment that the first gem bombing is also a Jinx effect on Caitlyn. And a positive one for both her and Jayce in the long run. It makes Caitlyn come to some truths about herself (e.g. that she's a misfit in Piltover) and it introduces Viktor into Jayce's life and science, which is what makes the difference for Hextech.
      In a way Vi is the Jinx for Caitlyn, she is part of the reason why such dark emotions creep up in her. Combined with Jinx's machinations and manhandling of course... Vi is also a jinx for Powder in many ways, because she doesn't set proper boundaries for her, and then of course the unfortunate events at the end episode 3...

  • @buggatea2007
    @buggatea2007 2 роки тому +50

    i love the slight comments you make about caitlyn LMAO

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +11

      He he, she has that effect on me 😉😂

  • @darktemplar8140
    @darktemplar8140 2 роки тому +111

    Just when I thought I've watched all the Arcane-related videos on youtube, I come across this rare gem. You're voice sounds like a narrator in a documentary series. It's very soothing and relaxing. Thank you for making this video.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +12

      Thank you! Well, there are few moments where I lose my cool, but maybe my British accent keeps it at bay 😂

    • @Weteperepe
      @Weteperepe 2 роки тому +9

      @@tildaowen it's alllmost as if Caitlyn narrated it herself, your voices are so similar! Looking forward to your next content :)

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +8

      @@Weteperepe Thank you, cheap points, but I'll take them 😉

  • @AetherTales
    @AetherTales 2 роки тому +72

    “Every way I slice it, if I go after your sister alone, one of us comes back in a box.”
    Arcane, Season 2

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +22

      Aargh, that teaser makes me so afraid of what's to come... But I can't wait to see either!

    • @rr15oB2ko
      @rr15oB2ko 2 роки тому +3

      @@tildaowen I am sure that Caitlyn is talking to Jinx and then you can hear "i am glad its you, had to be you" from Jinx thats my opinion

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +10

      @@rr15oB2ko I believe Caitlyn is talking to Vi about Jinx, and then Vi says "I can do this alone". And then Jinx says "it had to be you" and we can only guess who she means (but my money is on Vi). I think that we might get a little more info come mid June, that's the rumour I heard... Exciting!

    • @rr15oB2ko
      @rr15oB2ko 2 роки тому +2

      @@tildaowen Yeah, youre right, it makes sense this way too. Anyways i hope that we get more Vi and Caitlyn together. Thier building up friendship has turned in something more and thats the way how real relationship works.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +1

      @@rr15oB2ko exactly, that's my hope and wish too 😊

  • @crocodilopolis6244
    @crocodilopolis6244 2 роки тому +95

    Thank you for this brilliant video.
    It's so subtle that her bleeding wound means negative and positive things simultaneously. On the one hand it's her bleeding soul and heart. One the other hand it's the affirmation that Vi and Cate are like blood and water which can mix.
    We see how much Vi suffered in the past. And she deserves to have someone as kind, gentle, honorable, compassionate and altruistic as Cate by her side. Therefore I am a little sad to realize that Cate will become emotionally tougher in the future. But she needs this harsh development as a character. This way is logical. I hope she will find a balance between her original and acquired traits.
    Cait is my favorite character because it's difficult to encounter such a light and self-sacrificing person in our selfish world.
    I adore the symbolism and millions details of this show. Thanks to everyone who helps to reveal them.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +6

      Thanks for your feedback! And for your excellent analysis. I also see how the hardening is a logical progression for Caitlyn in light of what has happened (and maybe will happen) to her... But yes, it is sad, because I agree, she's so likeable and good, her altruism is one of the major traits that Vi falls for, so let's hope that it doesn't go away completely. And to be honest, I don't think it will, because in the course of the first season, this part of her is not lessened (or hardened), on the contrary, she takes on the responsibility of helping the undercity on a much larger scale than her truth-seeking detective work did earlier...
      Caitlyn is a really interesting character and I hope her part in the show will increase in season 2 (and she will, if the teaser trailer is any indication).

    • @crocodilopolis6244
      @crocodilopolis6244 2 роки тому +7

      ​I'm surprised when someone underrates Cait. She has her huge character arc. Yes, this arc isn't as tragic, swirling and dramatically screaming as Vi's and Jinx's arcs but there is! And it will be really heartbreaking in next season because now Cait, Vi and Jinx form a vertiginous love/hate triangle.
      I would like to note your words about Cait's dark eyes. I always thought Cait biting her lip was disappointed with the fact that she wasn't convincing enough to make Vi to stay. I also supposed Cait blamed herself after she couldn't defend Vi in front of the Council members. She mentioned how Piltover failed with Vi but later she realized she failed with Vi too (of course only in her opinion; we see Cait did her best). Now I understand she isn't just disappointed with herself but at the same time she is angered by Vi who made the breakup decision for both (to make her own decisions is one of the fundamental things in Cait’s arc).
      My God, the second season is so challenging for the creators because of the quality of the first season and fans expectations...

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +2

      @@crocodilopolis6244 yes, I'm surprised too, especially if you start to dig around a little in the show, we see how important she is for the shows development, she is not a sidekick, but a many faceted character and a plotmover to boot... I agree that it is probably because she isn't tragic and because she is inherently good.
      I really like your interpretation of Caitlyn's lip bite, it fits her character that she puts such high expectations and pressure on herself. I mostly saw the scene in a romantic light, because she rewinds the exact moment where Vi rejects her after the "what about us", but I definitely see what you say too 👍
      And yes, even though I can't wait for season 2, I hope they take the proper time to make it, so that it lives up to season 1...

    • @crocodilopolis6244
      @crocodilopolis6244 2 роки тому +3

      @@tildaowen Unfortunately it's a scourge of many series. A lot of really cool shows fail with their second season... It's always easier to start than to continue. Therefore I prefer to wait for years than to get a quick, slapdash and disappointing sequel... But I think 2-3 years are enough for the great second season and we will see it in 2023.
      Thanks for your kind words and this conversation. :-)

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +3

      @@crocodilopolis6244 I think, if we're lucky, season 2 will be almost as good, and released late 2023, so I agree with you. The second season won't take as long as the first one, because even though some new characters and environments will be added, most of the concept art, character animation, backgrounds, etc is already made...
      Thank you right back for the inspiring conversation!

  • @unicorn1655
    @unicorn1655 2 місяці тому +6

    Can we also talk about how fucking awkward this must have been for Jinx. Just waiting around thinking „Damn when will this bitch finally be done? Can’t she hurry??“ And then the awkwardness of having Caitlyn dress herself/ knocking her out and then dressing her?? Like girl you are literally a genius could you not have figured out a better way to do this 😭😭

  • @Rainjojo
    @Rainjojo 2 роки тому +57

    After watching this scene again I realize how truly horrifying Powder is. The thought of someone arbitrarily watching me at relieving yet vulnerable time like showering, someone that’s batshit unhinged on top- is anxiety-inducing.
    The show accomplished setting the environment without unnecessary jump-scares unlike most western horror films. I have empathy for poor powder but her actions are what’ll make Vi and Caitlyn closer. Throughout their journey, Caitlyn was only trying to protect Vi, and even when facing Jinx she doesn’t try to intentionally harm her for the fact she’s Vi’s sister. Gaghh 😭

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +12

      Yes, Jinx is seriously scary, both because she is unhinged but also because she is so smart and sly about all the things she does... Very hard to go up against for Caitlyn and Vi without having to do something they wouldn't normally do!

    • @Weteperepe
      @Weteperepe 2 роки тому

      I'm wondering how close Jinx was to considering killing Caitlyn on the spot right then and there while waiting for her to get out of the shower, like you said she was vulnerable and unsuspecting 🫣 But Jinx probably figured she needed her for the showdown and probably would've preferred a well deserved fight first

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +8

      @@Weteperepe Good point, I definitely think that Jinx considered this, because she already tried to kill her on the bridge... But after having delusions about Caitlyn and Vi while being "treated" by Singed, I think she changes her tack. She now believes that the only way to have Vi back is not just to eliminate Caitlyn, but to have Vi eliminate her... Hence the kidnapping.

    • @Weteperepe
      @Weteperepe 2 роки тому

      @@tildaowen oh my God so true 😩😩💀💀💀

    • @DarthRayj
      @DarthRayj Рік тому +3

      @@tildaowen If Jinx killed Cait, I think she knows Vi would never forgive her for that. So she tries to make Vi break things off herself, even if in a rather extreme and permanent way. This isn't uncommon in abusive relationships, where the abuser tries to get the victim to push people who might care for them away rather than doing it themselves, so that the break is more permanent and harder to overcome.

  • @CinemaOverAnalyzed
    @CinemaOverAnalyzed 2 роки тому +50

    I love Caitlyn as a character! I always loved how Caitlyn was like a combination of both Jinx and Vi. She's like Vi because both have a kind heart toward others. Both are stubborn, but they always want to do what's right for the greater good. However, Caitlyn has a darker side, a side that is more obsessive like Jinx. I think the shower really shows this. It reminds me a little of Jinx's freak out in Act One. Both are obsessed with Vi and feel abandoned when she leaves. I really can't wait to see what happens in season two. I feel like Caitlyn is going to be a really big part of the plot moving forward!
    Also, I just want to say, great video! I always love hearing what others have to say about this awesome show. Arcane is truly a masterpiece! You really have some unique points that I don't think a lot of people have touched upon! Keep up the amazing work! =)

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +13

      Thank you, that means a lot! I love Caitlyn too, I like how you see the darkness in her too, and your comparison to Jinx is really cool! I've heard her compared to Jinx too before because of their connection to Vi, their excellent marksmanship, and the blue hair. But I totally see how they both obsess about Vi leaving, well spotted! I also think her role will be bigger in season 2, I can't wait.

    • @jubimadethis5167
      @jubimadethis5167 2 роки тому +9

      I have thought of Caitlyn as obsessive re: her goals and investigstions and noted the way she seemed to be replaying this moment over and over, but I never made the connection between these things. That's a really great observation!

    • @Weteperepe
      @Weteperepe 2 роки тому +4

      HOLY SHIIIIIIII I hadn't noticed how many parallels there were between Cait and Jinx until you pointed them out when it was right in front of me!!! "And I thought Powder could get obsessed" OMG

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +2

      @weteperepe Yes, Vi even spots the similarity, well seen!

  • @batgh0ul
    @batgh0ul 2 роки тому +47

    5:52 ok I laughed lmao
    But in all seriousness, this is a really great analysis of this scene. Best one I've seen so far. I think it's an incredibly underrated one too, especially in regards to her development as a character and her struggles. And well, Jinx kidnaps her so it's even MORE of an emotional truckload... But I feel that her and Vi are gonna talk. Maybe not a heart-to-heart confession if season 2 does pick off where it left, but I feel an important dialogue between them coming in season 2. Needless to say, I'm hyped af

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +11

      Ha ha, yes, I kind of get distracted by her fine eyes 😂
      I agree that she and Vi need to talk. I think @Jubi Made This said something about this in one of her comments: that they need to revisit the choice Vi made on their behalf in the rain. But most likely this will be pushed back till much later, because of the immediate situation with Jinx's bomb...

    • @wolfidessdragondol
      @wolfidessdragondol 2 роки тому +6

      Also 7:56😂

    • @batgh0ul
      @batgh0ul 2 роки тому +3

      @@tildaowen True! I'll check out their comment. Also, having all that unresolved tension while having to deal with Jinx is gonna be pretty interest to watch. Oh how we're gonna suffer next season..

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +2

      @@wolfidessdragondol he he, busted!

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +2

      @@batgh0ul 😂😂 We'll be dead to the world for a while I think!

  • @cristiancandru8610
    @cristiancandru8610 2 роки тому +17

    One comment about the dinner scene. When Cait has that machine-gun pointed at her and says drop the gun, Jinx has a moment when she looks like she's about to do that, but then grips the gun again. Vi realizes what she's doing and says "no, please", and then Jinx hears a whisper saying "it's time to leave them", at which moment she points the gun at Cait, BUT DOESN'T FIRE, and THEN Cait shoots and purposefully misses her.
    Now think about this: in her fight with Ekko on the bridge, after he hits her a few times, we see the old, scared Powder come out...she has this look of regret on her face, she unleashes the grenade, with the purpose of killing herself and Ekko. There is hidden part of Jinx that resents what she has become, and wants to end the whole thing, by killing herself.
    When Vi tells her "no, please", because she knows Jinx will challenge Cait, Jinx has a moment when she looks down, and has the same look of regret she had on the bridge. She hears the "it's time to leave them" voice in her head. So she makes the decision not to hurt Vi by killing Cait, and instead end the torment by killing herself. That's why Jinx doesn't fire, just raises the gun and screams.
    But Cait doesn't kill her! I think that is the critical moment in the Vi/Jinx relationship! When she sees that Cait doesn't kill her, when she had every motive to do so, she understands why Vi chose Cait, that Cait is not the typical enforcer that killed her parents, and that she is a fundamentally good person, something that Jinx HAS LOST ALL HOPE OF BECOMING. I think that is the moment she realizes that if Vi is connected to Cait and shares her values, than she is completely lost to her, because Vi will NEVER be able to reconcile who Jinx has become.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +3

      That is an excellent interpretation! And well argued too 👍
      Caitlyn, despite having dark thoughts, is not the killing type, and maybe Jinx sees this. But Jinx doesn't usually think so rationally or correctly about things, in fact we've seen her jump to conclusions and misconceptions several times along the way, so you're giving her a lot of credit here. Then again, she seems to be rather lucid when she is sitting in the Jinx chair...
      Another thing: Vi knows what a great shot Caitlyn is, so she recognises the purposeful miss, but would Jinx be able to connect those dots?
      One last thing: if Jinx realises all these things, why not surrender? Or why not shoot? Take out the competition? Why put down the gun and then attack? To save Caitlyn? To save Vi from choosing or losing? Again that is perhaps giving Jinx too much credit...
      But all the same, I think your interpretation has merit! 😊

    • @cristiancandru8610
      @cristiancandru8610 2 роки тому +4

      @@tildaowen Hey, thanks for the reply, it got me thinking.
      Regarding the miss, Cait is an enforcer, therefore she is trained with guns and Jinx knows this, and she is standing literally 10ft away. Cait is shooting in a straight line, between Jinx and Silco, and considering she sees where the bullets are going she has all time time in the world to correct the trajectory of the bullets, especially since Jinx sort of ducks, but does not change her position laterally. So I think it's beyond any doubt that Cait's miss is on purpose.
      Regarding Jinx being rational, I think she is as rational as she can be in the entire dinner scene. The entire scene is a test to Vi, and she is very careful at every step to evaluate Vi's reaction and responses, because she needs to asses if she can resume the relationship or not. After all, the 2 chairs (Jinx and Powder) are only relevant from Vi's perspective. Jinx only loses it when she hears the voice of Milo, and quickly shoots him, because she knows that she needs to be "lucid".
      Think about it: the first thing Jinx does is she asses if Vi still loves her, if there is still a future for their relationship. She does that in the first part of the scene, in the dark, and asks Vi if they are still sisters, and Vi responds "nothing will ever change that". Vi passes the first test, meaning she is willing to get Jinx back.
      Now Jinx proceeds to the second test, to see if Vi would be able to accept her. This test has 2 parts: one is for Jinx to evaluate how much Vi has changed (and uses Caitlyn to test Vi for this), and second part is to test if Vi would accept hw much Jinx has changed, how crazy does she think Jinx has become (tests her with the cupcake).
      So Jinx is very rational, methodical and perceptive when it comes to Vi (just like when she's building her gadgets), absorbs every word she says, and evaluates what to do next. Remember when they meet in episode 6, and Vi tells her she got arrested...The first thing Jinx says after 1 second of thinking is "Marcus?". So she is evaluating if Vi was arrested, if that's the truth, by whom she was arrested, and probably that she needs to get revenge for that (which she does when she send the firelights to kill Marcus on the bridge). All of these thoughts went through her head in 1 second. So I would says she has a great deal of rationality in her head when it comes to Vi.
      Also, when she points a gun to Cait's head, she could have shot her right there...But again, she doesn't want to shoot her, she just points the gun to trigger a reaction from Vi, she's continuing the test. Vi says "we could just go"...Jinx immediately evaluates and responds "Where would we go?", because she's already compiling the logistics and implications of Vi's proposal.
      Regarding you last point, it again comes back to the stake of the dinner: Jinx's potential relationship with Vi. If she shoots Cait, as she evaluated in the prior tests during the dinner, she realizes Vi loves Cait and will never forgive her, so shooting Cait will not fix her relationship with Vi, on the contrary. Surrender? That would not unite her with Vi, considering what she has done, she would be locked up forever or executed. Her only option is to knock Cait out. Remember, this wasn't planned by Jinx, we don't know if Cait wouldn't have escaped, what would have happened. Also, after she knocks Cait out and gets the weapon, She can kill her there again, especially when Silco is urging her on, but again resists, because it would hurt Vi and their relationship.
      Btw, this is an interesting thing for me to think about: what would have been Jinx's decision if Cait wouldn't have escaped and therefore would not have triggered the events leading to Silco's death?

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому

      @@cristiancandru8610 Wow, you're very good at this, excellent points! But you can't convince me that Jinx is rational... I mean if she was, she wouldn't test Vi in the way she does... Also, if she was, she would realise that Caitlyn is not a threat to her relationship to Vi. Vi has plenty of capacity to love two people, and there's a difference between sisters and lovers. In her attempts to hold on to Vi by trying to kill Caitlyn (on the bridge) or make Vi choose, she is effectively pushing her away and she doesn't see it, which spells irrational in my book...
      Having said this, there's a difference between being rational and being able to rationalise... Jinx can definitely do the latter, all your evidence suggests that 😊

    • @cristiancandru8610
      @cristiancandru8610 2 роки тому +4

      @@tildaowen True, rational is not the best word to describe Jinx. But she is not out of control, and has the ability to rationalize, as you say, especially when it comes to Vi.
      A key element we don't know is how important is the fact that Cait is an enforcer. If she was a normal girl, would Jinx feel threatened to the point of asking Vi to remove her? Remember she first learns abut Cait from Sevika, her first knowledge is that this enforcer has come after the gemstone, and then puts a face to the concept, and only later on the bridge when she sees the affection between them, she realizes there is a relationship there. Considering she was much younger when her parents were killed by enforcers, it's possible her hatred for them is rooted much deeper in her subconscious than Vi's. In her mind she could be thinking she is actually saving Vi from Cait, which will eventually betray her. So I think Cait is Enforcer first, and Girlfriend second.
      If one's parents were killed by the police, and all her childhood the police was hunting her, and her sibling would have a relationship with a policeperson, would that be easy to accept? I don't think so, even for a normal person, not even for someone as screwed up as Jinx.

  • @vr4848
    @vr4848 2 роки тому +16

    Spot on analysis! When Cait was reflecting over her last meeting with Vi, I also think she was really going over what she said as well. (Which fits nicely with the imagery of blood and water which, as you mentioned in the video, was also a representation of oil and water.)
    I think what Vi said reminded her of all the times people have told her what to do and who to be and that she can't do anything.
    So when she furrowed her brows and shook her head, she was refusing to let others make decisions for her "for her own good". She was refusing to adhere to everyone's pre-conceived notions of her. She was saying no to being complacent of a whole city of people's suffering. Refusing to accept that this was something that couldn't be helped or fixed. Refusing to accept her and Vi weren't meant to be.
    I do think she made a decision in those moments and that decision was to choose her own path and try to do what's right for the good of the people of Zaun. And she probably wouldn't have gone anywhere right away. She probably would've done some research first trying to come up with a plan to get the ball rolling.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +2

      Thank you so much! Excellent comments, Caitlyn really hates it when people try to make decisions for her, so her frustrations are very palpable in that scene.
      "So when she furrowed her brows and shook her head, she was refusing to let others make decisions for her "for her own good". She was refusing to adhere to everyone's pre-conceived notions of her. She was saying no to being complacent of a whole city of people's suffering. Refusing to accept that this was something that couldn't be helped or fixed. Refusing to accept her and Vi weren't meant to be." I agree completely, well said! She has not given up on anything in that scene. She's angry at herself for failing to get the council to do something, but she will try again somehow. and she's angry at Vi for sure, but not so much she is any less interested in trying to make things work between them. She's just not sure how to approach things from here, as you say she's not rash, she thinks things through and tries to make plans (even if your plans fail you should try again).
      How ironic that the person who is extremely rash and never thinks things through is the one to again take over and throw Caitlyn right back into things...
      Oh, and complacency! You nailed it! Caitlyn hates that too! It's as if Piltover society expects its citizens or at least its upper (ruling) class to be complacent and self-indulgent. It's a sign of wealth and power. And Caitlyn has been, quite literally (episode 5 flashback), running away from that her whole life...

  • @heatherchandlerr
    @heatherchandlerr Місяць тому +4

    watching this when arcane season 2 comes out in 2 MONTHS FHDHDHJRIEIRUFJH

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  Місяць тому

      Hurrah, it’s almost here! 🤩🤩

  • @katiecooke5438
    @katiecooke5438 2 роки тому +18

    Tilda, how did I JUST see this?! Congrats on your first video! It’s so well done and so made with so much consideration - I love your animated style of narrating and all the thought you put into your editing! Can’t wait to see more!! ❤️ I haven’t made a video in a while but you’re making me wanna get back on track! Thank you for your shout out too!! ❤️❤️ Faithfully subscribed 😁

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому

      Hi Katie. Thank you very much! Well, of course you get a shout out, because you had a rather big part in getting me started 😊👍 Not only the good tips, but also our discussion about Vi and Caitlyn's eyes, which feature heavily in this video (in case you hadn't noticed 😂). Am glad I can pay you back!

  • @AnaFox
    @AnaFox 2 роки тому +24

    I loveeed the shower scene! The way Caitlyn's memory replayed in her head, her anger and frustration and rejection of the outcome. I also loved (and suffered) how the different relationships impacted the story and created such conflict. But listening to you unpack it all - reminding me of all the little things I felt - and connect it like puzzle pieces... WOW! It's like going from a collection of photographs to a stadium-sized painting. The full picture with all its beautiful intricate layers.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому

      Thank you so much! I really love the shower scene too, it really catapulted Caitlyn to favourite status for me, adding so many layers to her character ❤️

  • @prisoned_bear
    @prisoned_bear 2 роки тому +15

    THIS IS INCREDIBLE!! I adore all the arcane related analysis' on youtube on this scene and yours is the BEST out there!! this and other of your analysis' ARE SO GOOD too!!! I'm so happy that I stumbled upon your channel!! this is just MASTERPIECE!!

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +1

      Oh my god, thank you! I'm blushing a little bit and my modest self finds it hard to believe... But I put a lot of effort into the videos and I really loved doing them, so I'm so glad you appreciate them 😊 Any ideas for what I should look into next?

  • @ThomasJohn-f5e
    @ThomasJohn-f5e 7 місяців тому +6

    "Why does Vi fall for Caitlyn", "Why does Caitlyn fall for Vi", it's all been led up to this scene

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  7 місяців тому +1

      Yup, I just did the video essays in reverse order!

    • @ThomasJohn-f5e
      @ThomasJohn-f5e 7 місяців тому

      @@tildaowen Also another thing I want to ask in relation to those two videos, did you have crush, don't try to take it seriously I'm just curious.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  7 місяців тому

      @@ThomasJohn-f5e a crush on Caitlyn? Absolutely!

    • @ThomasJohn-f5e
      @ThomasJohn-f5e 7 місяців тому

      @@tildaowen Really? What about in real life?

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  7 місяців тому

      Not at the moment, no... But you mean when I made the videos? Why is that relevant?

  • @HellyeahRook
    @HellyeahRook Рік тому +4

    The Ekko and Jinx fight on the bridge is peak visual storytelling of SHOW not tell, so much was conveyed between them in that moment, and not a single word of dialogue was spoken between them. Getting absolutely destroyed by her friend was her breaking point and she self destructed. That was the death of Powder, and the birth of Jinx. She doesn't fully embrace Jinx until the tea party conclusion, but that was the moment Jinx was born.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  Рік тому

      Yes, that scene with Ekko v. Jinx is marvellous! It both makes you happy and so sad. In my opinion Powder disappears in the shimmer Singed gives her to "save", but I like your interpretation. Jinx is definitely self-destructive!

  • @monteagudoabeezekieljardie7884
    @monteagudoabeezekieljardie7884 2 роки тому +6

    Excellent work on this video Tilda Owen. I never would have realize the signs of darkness surging in Caitlyn. Especially from her eyes to the way she held Jinx at gunpoint. I love how you noticed the foreshadows in Arcane. I guess I should've seen that coming. Perhaps you should disregard my suggestion of how Caitlyn's interactions with Vi changed her outlook on life? Because this video is enough to answer that question. I made this suggestion because I like to hear your thoughts on the matter. So, maybe after your video about the settings of Arcane: League of Legends (which I'll find very interesting to watch and learn about), perhaps you can consider the suggestions I gave you about other Arcane topics? Overall, excellent analysis and video Tilda Owen. Excellent job.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому

      Thanks! Yes, I find Caitlyn very intriguing, and at some point I might return to her and do a video about her similar to the Vi video, but I do get into a lot of her back story in this video too. But not all of it...
      I will definitely take your suggestions into consideration 😊👍

  • @Golden_A
    @Golden_A 2 роки тому +7

    Woow I got emotional, you are so good at this !! Do you think Cait would still hesitate the next time she sees Jinx ? Seeing how the writers have Sevika learning from her mistake throughout the show, there is no way the writers will let Cait do the same mistake twice.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you! Well, that depends... If her mother is dead, maybe shoot to disarm or to kill? If Vi is in mortal danger, definitely! But I'm hoping for a punch in the face... 😂 (Caitlyn learns from Vi)

    • @ThomasJohn-f5e
      @ThomasJohn-f5e 8 місяців тому

      Is this going to be like GOW R, where Kratos tries his best to calm Freya down even after he killed Baldur? Because I pictured the next Season like that

  • @SillyNep
    @SillyNep 2 роки тому +7

    Amazing video, as someone who loves to focus in on these small moments and analyze them this kinda video is everything. I love it! Love your analysis of it and its fun to see someone who appreciates these subtleties in these scenes.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +1

      Thanks a lot, from one analysis nerd to another 😊

  • @derekmarshman6154
    @derekmarshman6154 2 роки тому +6

    I appreciate that you gave shout outs to the other videos you liked. I had watched almost all of them already before I found this, but I want you to know that yours ABSOLUTELY stands up to all of them. Great work! I will listen to you "ramble" about Arcane anytime!

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you, that means a lot! They really inspired me, so I feel like I owe them a shout out, but I'm so glad that you think I live up to them ❤️

  • @Lilly1010
    @Lilly1010 2 місяці тому +2

    Love this scene but poor caitlyn will never take a shower normally again. Season two is soon so a girl can hope for a cute nonsexual shower scene between vi and caitlyn of her helping her get over the traumas lol

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  Місяць тому +1

      I really like your idea, but I seriously doubt it’ll happen… Yes, Caitlyn is traumatised, but I think other traumas are more pertinent (mother bombed…). Lots of drama, tears and pent up feelings in season 2, but very little quiet time I think. Would be wonderful, though 😍

  • @benlin1526
    @benlin1526 2 роки тому +5

    Great vid essay, the editing wasn't that bad ;) Arcane - there is never too much. 😋 You voice is good too, you could voice a documentary.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you, that's good to hear! It took me quite a long time to make it, so it had better be OK 😂 Am glad my voice over is not a drone...

  • @raine_aya56
    @raine_aya56 8 місяців тому +2

    they are not oil and water, there blood and water ig.

  • @LeafletsReality
    @LeafletsReality 2 роки тому +7

    wow. this was a amazing analysis and it captured me and many’s attention. great work!

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you, that means a lot! 😊

  • @Thulgore
    @Thulgore 2 роки тому +3

    What amazes me is that the Caitlyn look in the actual game was designed to be flawlessly hot. They made Caitlyn in Arcane far more attractive though. Somehow, someway. Edit: you've only watched it four times? I apparently need help.
    Hell, I watched each act 3 times on the day they came out. Twice in a row and the 3rd time while listening to TBSkyen do commentary of the episode. (youtube lore guy of the game)

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +2

      Wow, you're worse off than me 😂 (only a little...) There are certain scenes that I've seen so many times that I've lost count... I agree I really don't like how Vi and Caitlyn look in the game, it's all about sex appeal (for the male gaze) and not so much character. They've given them flaws, imperfections and personality in Arcane. More real.

  • @Rainjojo
    @Rainjojo 2 роки тому +4

    I love how this channel analyzes Vi and Caitlyn with every ounce of detail put into their characters and relationship! So many people talk about them but reduce them as the “lesbian couple on arcane.” Or “strong manly girl that likes to punch things.” While dismissing everything to give more attention too the fewest popular characters on arcane like Powder, Silco or Victor.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you! That is a big part of why I make the videos 😊 To show how much more they are than that, and give their characters all the focus they deserve and not just because they are on a romantic journey. My next video isn't a deep dive into CaitVi, it focuses on Caitlyn and only touches on Vi a little along the way...

  • @elenaekanathapetrova2282
    @elenaekanathapetrova2282 2 роки тому +5

    so despite my english i can tall. ))
    Caitlyn definitely had a deep experience that changed her. And its consequences cannot be glued with a plaster. i like this analogy. I think without Vi Caitlin will be stuck. this scene shows it well.
    I wonder what and I didn't notice it before
    You are the first person I heard about the dark side of Caitlyn. or something like that. then i saw this
    so when Caitlyn shoots at Jinx her left eye (like Silko's) is cloudy not clear, darkened.
    the second Caitlyn’s eye is clear as a blue crystal. this is an interesting detail.
    In the shower scene (what happened before Jinx's dinner party)
    Caitlyn was angry. Everyone knows what she needs to do. Even Vi and it hurts more.
    she didn't shoot Jnks and she'll have to face the consequences. she is literally between two fires (Vi -Jinx, piltover-Zoun etc).
    and frankly, Zaun and Piltover are two parts of the same city. It’s one city.
    I mean Caitlyn has thrown herself into this conflict and now it’s became her mental conflict. duality is amazing in arcane. everything and everyone is connected in the show.
    Thank you! it's brilliant analysis

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +1

      Interesting thoughts! I think you're right, Caitlyn is stuck without Vi in some way, there's no going back to things before she met her, she needs her in more ways than one. Not that she can't act individually, but her decisions are coloured by her association with Vi, like the wound on her leg can represent.
      I had actually noticed the cloudiness in one eye, but didn't think much of it, I thought it was a way to create depth...
      I'm actually making a video about Piltover and the undercity, and despite the duality you're right, it's one city! I think I'll expand on that point a little bit more, so thanks for that 👍

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +1

      Oh, and I'll be sure to check out that video 😊

    • @elenaekanathapetrova2282
      @elenaekanathapetrova2282 2 роки тому

      @@tildaowen I'm so relieved to hear that about your're new video making and i agree with you about Vi and Caitlyn.

    • @elenaekanathapetrova2282
      @elenaekanathapetrova2282 2 роки тому

      @@tildaowen And one point comes.. Vander toid Vi "you've got a good heart. Don't ever lose it" Vi have done it. now it's testing time for Caitlyn. she needs to keep her good heart too. she can do it i think

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +1

      @@elenaekanathapetrova2282 I think so too!

  • @hitomichan7
    @hitomichan7 2 роки тому +6

    So many feels for this scene where your analysis makes it so touching that im crying

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому

      Thank you (and perhaps sorry...?)

  • @MOONSUN4Life
    @MOONSUN4Life 2 роки тому +4

    Wow... just wow. You keep putting out this type of high-quality (Arcane) content, I'll keep watching.
    Apologies for the overly eloquent comment.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you that means a lot! I am currently working on the next video, but it takes time so be patient 😊

    • @MOONSUN4Life
      @MOONSUN4Life 2 роки тому

      @@tildaowen Oh, I'll be patient. Quality over quantity, I always say. 👍

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +1

      @@MOONSUN4Life Me too!

  • @sparklythings5619
    @sparklythings5619 2 роки тому +4

    Thank you so much for this amazing analysis, I'm already hooked on your channel! Also I have to confess that I really love your voice, it's very beautiful and soothing. ❤

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +2

      Why thank you, I grew it myself 😁 (ah, sorry, bad reference to Chandler, but I couldn't help myself 😂) So glad you like the video (and my voice, I actually had a sore throat when I made the Vi video, maybe I should do that again, haha), it's my pleasure to make them and to engage in the comments after ❤️

  • @Zut0502
    @Zut0502 2 роки тому +3

    You put your finger on what I couldn't express. I love this show, I love the design, the music, the story and how they all fit together perfectly. And often I say that I like Arcane because nothing is Manichean about it. There are no good or bad people, just people, with their hopes, dreams, flaws, regrets. with their humanity.
    But you may be highlighting something that precisely differentiates this show from other stories. It's that love is not enough. You say it perfectly. Often we are presented with this feeling as the answer, but in real life we ​​all know it is not true. Love is a factor of change and only of that. For better but also for worse. It transforms, models, but in no way is doomed to be exclusively positive (or negative). And that's what I love so much about this story. It is that the love of the characters towards each other causes all these events. It is a chain effect. Everything is intertwined. Each character is the consequence, through their choices, their affections, of what happens to them, of what happens to their worlds. And it's beautiful. It sounds real, authentic. Human.
    For a show inspired by a video game, I find that extremely impressive.
    Thank you for this analysis. I'm really looking forward to seeing how all of these characters will survive after these events.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +1

      Thanks a lot! What you say is one of the major reasons why I think the show is one of the best ever written, because it's so well done on so many parametres (story, characters, music, world building, animation, etc) and despite being fantasy/sci-fi shows human emotion so realistically with all its flaws and yet its extraordinary beauty... Wonderful! I can't wait for season 2, I hope it retains this level of writing!

  • @abscently_inefficient4892
    @abscently_inefficient4892 2 роки тому +6

    I love your editing lol it’s inexperienced but that makes it all the more wholesome. Also you have a beautiful voice! Overall ur a 10/10

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +2

      Ha ha, I'm glad my inexperience adds to the experience! 😂👍

    • @Raven_Black_252
      @Raven_Black_252 2 роки тому +2

      @@tildaowen it definitely does! Just keep doing what you are doing, your analysis is very good and you are adorable in your way of presentation!

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +2

      @@Raven_Black_252 ha ha, I haven't been called adorable since I was a child, so thanks, you made me feel young again there for a moment 😂

    • @Raven_Black_252
      @Raven_Black_252 2 роки тому +2

      @@tildaowen lmao, yw. I'm just saying what I see. I specifically cracked up at that moment at 5:50. It's just so funny to see the personal touches in analysis videos with seemingly serious tones. And let's be honest, pretty much everyone has seen the show more than once, so what gets the views is either really good content (which you have) and the personal reactions (even though you are not a reaction channel, such addings of small reactions as in that minute are like a good seasoning and nice to have a break from long monologues with what seems like a comedic relief moment). So, it's what it is...

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +2

      @@Raven_Black_252 Yes, he he, it was an honest reaction, Caitlyn's eyes do that to me, but I did put it in there as personal flair, so that I not only show who I am, but also make it a little entertaining. I'm glad it worked! Thanks for the feedback :-)

  • @mackenzieruble1886
    @mackenzieruble1886 2 роки тому +3

    i loved this video but one thing i don’t hear enough about this scene is that even though it was a shower scene they did not sexualize her but showed her from angles that were emotionally revealing rather than just showing her body

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +3

      Yes, you're right, I said nothing about that, because I didn't think about her nakedness as sexual at all only in terms of vulnerability. Also very well done by the show!

  • @KolkhozWoman
    @KolkhozWoman Рік тому +1

    Off topic but isn't it just so crazy that Jinx asks Vi to KILL Caitlyn? Like, for all she knows, Vi has never killed anyone. In a way, it doesn't even matter that it's Caitlyn, she's asking Vi to kill for the first time in her life. Just shows how normal it had become for Jinx to kill.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  Рік тому +2

      Yes, it is, Jinx's perception of human life is definitely twisted (by trauma and Silco...)

  • @HellyeahRook
    @HellyeahRook Рік тому +2

    Do you also think she feels regret for not taking control of the situation, and tell Vi she disagrees? I also see her wanting a second chance at that moment for a different outcome. (8:57)

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  Рік тому +1

      Oh, definitely! She regrets the scene playing out the way it did, not saying more, etc. But I certainly understand why she failed to, and so does she. But it doesn't make it any easier to swallow...

  • @nfindc
    @nfindc 2 роки тому +4

    Caitlyn is my favorite character from this show, for obvious reasons. She's someone who grew up knowing the privileges of being raised in a wealthy environment, but inside she's not that prototypical "topsider" that most of the Zaun citizens have grown to despise. Instead, she has a HUGE heart and is genuinely concerned for the state of both topside and undercity dwellers. Every action she takes is a result of her innocent need to do the right thing, not knowing that even doing the right thing can create separation and resentment.
    As the show progresses, we see this "darkness" slowly beginning to manifest itself inside of her, and by the time we reach both this shower scene and the final confrontation with Jinx, it has clearly created a monster of its own merit. I think when we reach season 2, this will be even more evident. I find it ironic how Jinx has driven the point home to Vi that she was responsible for her transformation into what she eventually became, while at the same contributing her own methods onto Caitlyn's psyche. If it turns out that Caitlyn's Mom perishes in the Council attack, we will see the seeds Jinx planted flourish.
    From what little I have seen of the season 2 trailer, Caitlyn's demeanor has already reached that tipping point.
    We hear her make reference to Jinx and how even though she's Vi's sister, she is going to stop her no matter the cost. This obviously is going to be one of the major talking points of that season, especially if Vi and Cait decide to become more than just close friends. Caitlyn's love (yes I said it) for Vi and her need to bring Jinx to justice will be a major plot point if indeed it goes in that direction.
    Thank you for analyzing this scene and helping me see even deeper into what could possibly happen in the aftermath of Vi and Caitlyn's relationship.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +1

      Oh, and I'm in the process of making a very long video (will probably divide it into two) about Caitlyn, she's my favourite too 😊

    • @nfindc
      @nfindc 2 роки тому

      @@tildaowen I look forward to it. I find your insight both provocative and entertaining. 👍

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому

      @@nfindc I wrote a longer reply first, does that figure in your end, because it disappeared in mine... 🤔

    • @nfindc
      @nfindc 2 роки тому

      @@tildaowen No it must've disappeared completely

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому

      @@nfindc shoot! (I'll get Caitlyn to take out the UA-cam algorithm...)

  • @CR-uu3pi
    @CR-uu3pi 2 роки тому +3

    Wow! Love your analysis of this escene and of cathlyn!!! Hope we can have more cathlyn videos (very under rated character)

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +2

      Thank you! Yes, Caitlyn is my favourite and yes, a little overlooked in the grander scheme of things... But I have a suspicion that season 2 will change that...
      And I think I can safely say that I'm not done analysing her yet... 😉

  • @tillysiar1783
    @tillysiar1783 2 роки тому +5

    I love your calm style

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +1

      Thanks! I think that's the academic in me, trying to express feelings about something 😂

  • @119alias
    @119alias 2 роки тому +2

    Very nice and interesting!
    The way of telling the analysis is very cute.
    I can’t agree more. Looking forward for more analysis NOT only for this show but hopefully for others.
    Keep going 🌸🍃

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому

      Thank you 😊 Any shows in mind? Just in case your ideas and mine align 😉

  • @Lucidel-M
    @Lucidel-M 2 роки тому +2

    4 I've watched Arcane 17 times. Yes I admit I have a problem but I love it and am proud to be a Arcane addicte. There should be an Arcane emoji come on Whose with me.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +1

      Absolutely! An Arcane emoji! Also a perfectly valid excuse: "where were you?" "I rewatched Arcane" "oh, okay"
      And I made this video quite a while ago, three videos in between, so I'm approaching your number too... 😊 Though not from start to finish, did you do that?

    • @Lucidel-M
      @Lucidel-M 2 роки тому +1

      I watched it 26 times now

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +1

      @@Lucidel-M All episodes in a row? Wow, respect!

  • @yusufcanakunal7605
    @yusufcanakunal7605 Рік тому +2

    If you please; may I simply say how much I appreciate this video and you specifically? You have such a singular diction, sophistication and enunciation not only in your spoken text but also in your analysis, insight and inference. On top of this intellectual prowess though, you have a great sense of humour and practical wisdom in timing and a sense of self that allows taking what you do and part of yourself into fun instances and nuances which is such a humble source of humour that is genuine in its source and application.
    And to arrive at my main point in writing this hopefully respectful comment; in my humble opinion you actually embody Caitlyn and her many qualities yourself. From the superficial; your accent, tone of voice and mannerism to the deep: your analytical mind yet fun personality that shines through. I was taken aback by the similarity. Even the fun playful admiration of a nice stunning lady as we see with her and Vi. I also concur with your admiration of our lovely officer lady.
    Thematically this scene is very poignant, a massive development as we and Caitlyn herself are informed about just how significant her feelings towards Vi truly are, but Caitlyn also simply looks amazing and it is difficult to concentrate on the emotional and story significance of it as it unfolds when she’s on screen. The quality of this animation in drawing people, especially as stunning as her is actually dissociating from real life levels of impressive.
    Thank you so much for your perspective, video and analysis. Wishing you a great holiday season and new year.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  Рік тому +1

      Wow, thank you so much! I'm blushing! I am educated within English literature and analysis, so I'm glad that my expertise is apparent. But I'm also glad that you appreciate the humour! That is definitely me personally shining through... And like you I really like Caitlyn and I guess I resonate with her the most of all the characters in the show. But you flatter me! I'm nowhere near as altruistic and heroic as Caitlyn (of course characters on screen are often larger than life, especially in fantasy and sci-fi...). I'm just a plain single mother, a fiction nerd and head over heels for her and her story with Vi 😍 And I agree that the shower scene is very poignant in multiple ways!

  • @drkim4077
    @drkim4077 10 місяців тому +1

    I love your Arcane analysis.
    I’m curious on what’s your trouts on “Blue Eye Samurai” if you’ve watched it

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  10 місяців тому +1

      Thank you 😊 I haven't seen it, which platform?

    • @jazminuribe6385
      @jazminuribe6385 6 місяців тому

      @@tildaowenNetflix it’s so good

  • @belovedseraphim2306
    @belovedseraphim2306 2 роки тому +3

    i am loving your caitvi/ arcane analysis videos, please keep up the good work x

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you! Will do! :-)

  • @troikas3353
    @troikas3353 2 роки тому +1

    Vi already loves “Jinx” as Jinx is just Powder, the name isn’t a new person- it’s the coping mechanism a ptsd-afflicted child created to endure the violence and blood Silco bathes her in.
    Vi isn’t struggling to accept some new lifestyle of Powder, Powder didn’t convert to a religion Vi’s prejudiced against or find an SO Vi dissaproves of or take a career Vi looks down on. The idea that Vi doesn’t love or accept who Powder is now is a fallacy, one of multiple lies and manipulations pushed by Silco as he gaslights and controls Powder in his effort to maintain possession of her. Vi’s struggle is that her mentally ill and unstable sister has been taken, used and abused by the man that murdered their family. What Vi can’t accept is that her sister has been twisted into a ball of misery and paranoid delusions.. and has been made into a brutally violent serial killer. These are not things anyone who actually loves Powder should accept. Powder doesn’t need another toxic influence enabling all her worst, self destructive impulses. She needs help.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому

      Yes, I agree. Jinx is like an alter ego, but it's still built on Powder (her flair for guns and tech, her need to get her sister's attention and approval, etc). Of course Vi loves her, but so far Vi's love has not been enough to smother the serial killer in Jinx, that her trauma and Silco instilled in her... He genuinely likes (loves?) Jinx, but he doesn't help her at all! So sad!

  • @blakek1603
    @blakek1603 7 місяців тому +1

    You're so gay I love it 😆

  • @mnal5gex
    @mnal5gex 8 місяців тому +1

    Don’t worry. I’ve watched arcane constantly lol 😂

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  8 місяців тому

      Well, now that it's almost a year and several videos later, my watch time is astronomical! 😂

  • @thereaper9585
    @thereaper9585 2 роки тому +2

    An excuse to talk about her in the shower 😂let’s be honest

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +2

      Shit, you caught me! You think anybody else knows? 🤫🤭

  • @JoeLyce
    @JoeLyce Рік тому +1

    When I first came across your videos on Arcane only a couple of months ago, especially the introduction of this video caught my attention, since I am quite new to the UA-cam-scene, too. And unexperienced. I might add that this is the first time I ever liked and subscribed on UA-cam - and even commented. For what it's worth. And I really hope I do not breach any UA-cam etiquette with my comment. If I do, please forgive me.
    Now I have seen all your videos, and to me they are real treasures! Reading the overwhelmingly positive, encouraging and beautiful comments you've got, I feel the urge to repeat each and every single one of them. But as famous female UA-camr once said: “….. I will spare you from that” ;-)
    I watched Arcane the first time when it got released and liked it a lot. But I did not comprehend the sheer depth of it. First when rewatching the show, almost a year later and several times, I got hooked up completely. And that to an almost unhealthy extent, that easily can be diagnosed as a major brain rot. I even had falling-in-love symptoms, like in physical impact! From an animated show!! Having lived half a life already, I really didn't see that coming :-)
    So, “Tilda Owen: Love addict and a film and TV enthusiast….” and therapist, allow me to add. Thank you for helping me to handle the huge impact Arcane has on my poor soul, by creating and sharing your videos to channel and cope with all that emotion :-).
    I hope you find the motivation and time to do more of your brilliant work.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  Рік тому +1

      Thank you so much for your wonderful comment!! I think you're a kindred spirit, because I was right where you are, "I got hooked up completely. And that to an almost unhealthy extent, that easily can be diagnosed as a major brain rot. I even had falling-in-love symptoms, like in physical impact! From an animated show!! Having lived half a life already, I really didn't see that coming :-)" Precisely! I'm also a grown woman who'd never experienced anything like it in my life. I didn't tell anyone, I had made the first video until about 2-3 months later, I was too embarrassed! A 45-year-old suddenly becoming a youtuber??? Ridiculous! Lol! :-D
      But now I'm embracing it (and sharing it, though now it's my kids that are embarrassed!), it's really been a brilliant journey for me, because it is a way to go through my own brain rot and engaging with likeminded people about Arcane, fiction, analysis, love, sexuality, gender, etc. It's a great creative activity for me that I enjoy and now I even make the occasional quid from it (not much though...).
      If you're interested in making videos yourself, go for it! There's a steep learning curve, but enthusiasm and structuring your videos as a story goes a long way... :-)

  • @marissa2879
    @marissa2879 2 роки тому +1

    Embarassed about your 4th time? Girl I'm on my 12th already

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому

      You've seen the whole thing from start to finish twelve times? Respect!!! By now (1½ months after I made the video), I've seen the show a lot more, but that's bits and pieces, favourite scenes, etc. not the whole thing...

  • @ginawhatyoudoin8058
    @ginawhatyoudoin8058 2 роки тому +2

    Wonderful analysis. Definitely looking forward to more content from you.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому

      Thank you very much! Working on it 😊

  • @elenaekanathapetrova2282
    @elenaekanathapetrova2282 2 роки тому +2

    Amazing.. I saw new facet.. I think I've seen almost all the videos from your list. I'll check it ;) Caitlyn is my favorite charakter.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +3

      Thanks! That was definitely my intention, to shine more and new light on Caitlyn 😊 She's fantastic, my favourite too! But at the moment I'm actually working on a video that looks at the relationship from Vi's point of view, she's great too...

    • @elenaekanathapetrova2282
      @elenaekanathapetrova2282 2 роки тому

      @@tildaowen It's ineresting and good news. I like how the relationship with Vi revealed Caitlyn's character.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +1

      @@elenaekanathapetrova2282 yes, exactly! Vi brings it out in her and vice versa 😊

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому

      @@elenaekanathapetrova2282 I also like how Caitlyn brings it out in Caitlyn, so I made another video about why Vi falls in love with her. Hope you will check it out :-)

  • @katelyn1297
    @katelyn1297 2 роки тому +1

    I think that in a way Caitlyn was trying to imitate Vi, and see things from her perspective. She is in the same position that Vi was in when she pinned her up against the wall in the brothel.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому

      Yes, nice parallel, I thought about that too! I agree, it seems like Caitlyn is imitating Vi (a bit like Vi was trying to imitate Caitlyn by going before the council). Caitlyn is trying to regain her power that Vi has removed by making choices for them both...

  • @nnjjuudd9325
    @nnjjuudd9325 2 роки тому +5

    Oh I hate the idea that caitlyn and jinx are enemies now.. Vi would be in the middle of two fires. Also, caitlyn doesn’t deserve that, she is literally the only person that helped Vi, and showed empathy.. what she gets from her sister in return is heartbreaking.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +2

      For some reason, I couldn't see this comment on my end, so I haven't replied. Yes, Vi is caught between her two blue-haired women, two women she loves, and she is lousy at doing what's good for her. Vi doesn't think she deserves love, so it will be hard for Caitlyn to convince her!

  • @twentysecondcenturywoman
    @twentysecondcenturywoman Рік тому +1

    You have the best analysis of this show I watch, and I watch tons of them. “You can almost hear her say: how could you do this to me?” was incredibly well put. The part where you said she was mad at Vi for making a choice for her blew my mind. No one goes in depth like these videos. I absolutely love them.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  Рік тому

      Thank you so much! ❤️ I really take care to do them right, I analyse thoroughly and give as much evidence for my interpretations as I can... Am glad it's appreciated!

  • @ThomasJohn-f5e
    @ThomasJohn-f5e 8 місяців тому +1

    I'm hoping two of the episodes of s2 is either Revenge/Redemption

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  8 місяців тому

      I think we'll have both in season 2!

    • @ThomasJohn-f5e
      @ThomasJohn-f5e 8 місяців тому

      @@tildaowen reasons: Revenge (Cait trying to kill Powder for her mother),Redemption (Cait forgiving Powder for killing her mother)

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  8 місяців тому

      @@ThomasJohn-f5e Well, they are two possible scenarios of many! Can't wait! 🤩

    • @ThomasJohn-f5e
      @ThomasJohn-f5e 8 місяців тому

      @@tildaowen I'd like a confession episode

  • @raine_aya56
    @raine_aya56 8 місяців тому +2

    5:47 I can't 😅😂😂

    • @raine_aya56
      @raine_aya56 8 місяців тому +1

      7:50 Tooo🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🫠

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  8 місяців тому +1

      Ha ha, well, I'm a little infatuated with Caitlyn... 😁😍

  • @Prismalpink
    @Prismalpink Місяць тому

    I don’t like how cliche the story is, but I live for the Vi and Caitlyn ship haha

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  Місяць тому

      You think Vi and Caitlyn’s story is cliche or all of Arcane? I’m not sure I think any of them are cliche… I guess enemies to lovers and family feuds are known tropes, but I just think the way the storylines are told is wonderfully refreshing

    • @Prismalpink
      @Prismalpink Місяць тому

      @@tildaowenI love the plot between Caitlyn and Vi, but the things outside of that are stuff I’ve seen done quite a lot before, on my part. But I’m completely cool with people loving all that! I’m just saying I love love love this relationship and the plot between these two in particular.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  Місяць тому

      @@Prismalpink Me too! 😍

  • @allebasaiadartse3951
    @allebasaiadartse3951 2 роки тому +1

    Ok... I'm subscribing, your channel is just TOO good!

  • @ThomasJohn-f5e
    @ThomasJohn-f5e 7 місяців тому +1

    They love, they love. They hate, they hate, but when it comes to one choice, their whole world falls apart.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  7 місяців тому

      Yes, choice is a big theme in the show! How important they are, how difficult they are to make and how great an impact they have on people's lives...

    • @ThomasJohn-f5e
      @ThomasJohn-f5e 7 місяців тому

      @@tildaowen like dominoes

  • @skardale
    @skardale 2 роки тому +1

    Amazing analysis and attention to details! Really enjoy the pacing of your videos also, perfect 😊😊
    Keep up your excellent work, you just got one new subscriber 😁

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому

      Thanks a lot! I tend to dwell a little bit, don't I 😂 But the show deserves it, so many details in there and I love to draw attention to them 😊

  • @DJ_Cub
    @DJ_Cub 11 днів тому

    This scene really gives me vibes of the Griffith and Charlotte scene right after he loses to Guts and in his mind just lost the only person he ever viewed as a friend. As he does his thing with Charlotte he is just picturing losing Guts losing to him and him leaving and saying good bye.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 дні тому +1

      I’m sorry but I don’t get the reference…?

    • @DJ_Cub
      @DJ_Cub 2 дні тому

      @@tildaowen Berserk. Best Manga ever

    • @DJ_Cub
      @DJ_Cub 2 дні тому

      @@tildaowen and the Guts/Griffith relationship is in the grey area of how “gay” it is. Check it out:)

  • @mrsschwester27
    @mrsschwester27 Рік тому +1

    I love those videos of yours, thank you so much for sharing

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  Рік тому

      Thanks a lot, you're very welcome! 😊

  • @FoxYinnyy
    @FoxYinnyy 2 роки тому +1

    Thankyou so much for this! Almost everything you mentioned never crossed my mind! Also just love the giggles in-between xd
    I love to see how others enjoy the show as much as I do

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you, and yes, I enjoy the show a lot! And it's great to share the appreciation with someone who gets it 😊

    • @FoxYinnyy
      @FoxYinnyy 2 роки тому

      @@tildaowen Heck yes! I love to see everyone's take on the show and certain scenes since everyone comes up with new interesting theories about its world and characters!!

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +1

      Exactly! The true sign of excellent writing!

  • @RJLpt
    @RJLpt 17 днів тому

    This song in this scene is an awesome editing idea

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  17 днів тому

      You mean to make an edit for YT? True 😊

  • @Paladiea
    @Paladiea 2 роки тому +2

    I love arcane too! I look forward to seeing more of your content!!

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому

      Thanks! Working on it (but slowly...)

  • @blurrble5
    @blurrble5 2 роки тому +1

    No shame I'm on my 6th rewatch. It's so good! I notice something new on every rewatch

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +2

      Well, the amount of time I've put into this show has me a little embarrassed to be honest... I'm a 45-year-old woman who has become obsessed with a TV-series for goodness sake! 😂😂 And it's almost two months since I made this video, it's much worse now! 😳 But I actually haven't seen it from start to finish since then, so maybe I should 🤔😂

  • @gracetaylor2767
    @gracetaylor2767 2 роки тому +1

    This is a great video and helped me understand the symbolism further of this scene, but there is also one more detail about the blood dripping from her leg. The blood is symbolizing Vi, the water is symbolizing Caitlyn, how they are blood & water, not oil & water and how opposites can still blend so well. I think this has been mentioned in other comments, but I think it might be teasing at Season 2. Great vid

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому

      Thank you! Yes, blood mixes with water nicely. I left that out of my video both because other videos had already been over that and because I liked the other symbolic meanings better 😊 Oil and water can mix, it just takes a lot of work and heat (which they have!), so I kind of also wanted that image to stay...
      But I agree, there's an element of foreshadowing in it also, showing that Caitlyn's heart continues to bleed for Vi and that they do mix 😊

    • @gracetaylor2767
      @gracetaylor2767 2 роки тому

      @@tildaowen Yes, that's very true, I like the other approaches to it's symbolism in the video. I'm sure Riot and Fortiche have something still planned for them, I highly doubt this is the end, considering the Trailer for season 2 is Caitlyn & Vi talking and how it's blown up. I love how you touched on the wound, and how Jinx inflicted it and all the other points, I would say all those points are correct, they make perfect sense. I love it when shows hide so much detail, Arcane does it so well. Thank you ^^

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому

      Thanks, I also love how well written Arcane is, so much information to dig up and interpret! And yes, I'm a 100% sure this is not the end for them, all evidence points to the contrary 😊

  • @moondrt
    @moondrt Рік тому

    9:39 The violin, I just realized it's a violin and their ship name Violyn!!!! I can't aa

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  Рік тому

      Everything fits in that show ❤️

  • @littelttiiggeerr6059
    @littelttiiggeerr6059 2 роки тому +1

    Love this video!! I find that your editing is getting better and better with each video, I’m really able to see the improvement

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому

      Thank you, I'm slowly getting the hang of it (though it's still veeery slow going...)

  • @IDoNotFeelCreative
    @IDoNotFeelCreative 2 роки тому +1

    I really _really_ loved the analysis
    Also I would like to add, coming from someone who relatively often has to speed up youtube videos not to lose attention, that the video really captivated me all the way through, so even if the editing actually was amateurish and writing long-winded (as stated at the beginning), I haven't noticed it one bit.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you, that means a great deal! 😊 This sort of feedback is really useful going forward, and I'm glad you like the video (I did work hard at it...)

    • @IDoNotFeelCreative
      @IDoNotFeelCreative 2 роки тому

      ​@@tildaowen Nice! I'm looking forward to more videos :D

  • @mstudio7970
    @mstudio7970 2 роки тому +1

    11:10: this place is a safe place
    Jinx in the bg be like: 🙂🙃😈

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +1

      Yeah, her safe space has been invaded! 😱

  • @aperson9847
    @aperson9847 Рік тому

    I have to wonder if the conversation on Caitlyn's bed enters into her feelings here. Vi just got through explaining her guilt over abandoning Powder when a monster showed up, but...isn't that kind of what she did to Caitlyn too? The monster is much more abstract here--a deep and complicated problem that no one seems to have the will to address head on--but the moment it reared its ugly head, Vi gave up on working with Caitlyn and left her. It's such an interesting contradiction and one that feels so real.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  Рік тому

      Yes, Vi gave up, in a sense, she chose going after Silco (and rescuing Powder) over Caitlyn. She ran away when the real monster (Silco, Shimmer?) showed up. But Vi didn't run away, she was taken by Marcus and with Caitlyn she's trying to protect her (while running towards the monster)... So it's a parallel with variations, I guess...

  • @willaumep
    @willaumep 9 місяців тому

    I took that episode to cement the relationship. I took the break up to mean that Vi is trying to protect Cat from what happens to the people she loves (i.e. getting zapped when things go pear shape). The shower scene which rewind events until "forget about me" is the expression that Cat is having none of that, not event one bit and her Grease "she's the one that i want".
    It makes the last episode credible. In diner scene, when Jinks has her "7" moment. Vi, who confront anything head on, can't look because she literally can't take what she fears might have happened to Cat. When Jinx decides to shoot Cat because Vi can't even contemplate the notion, she literally is doing anything to save Cait. Just as it explains why Cait does not tuns Jinks into emmental because how much Vi care for her sister.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  9 місяців тому +1

      Yeah, I love those scenes too, beautifully written and so many things can be interpreted from them. And explain why they do as they do, it all makes sense, makes the show credible, as you say 😊!

  • @benhs1898
    @benhs1898 2 роки тому +2

    More Arcane content please.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому

      Thanks, I intend to, but it takes me a while to make them, so be patient. What do you think I should look into?

    • @benhs1898
      @benhs1898 2 роки тому

      @@tildaowen anything you like. I’m sure it will be interesting!

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому

      @@benhs1898 thanks for the vote of confidence!

  • @-.jai.-
    @-.jai.- 2 роки тому +1

    "How could you do this to me"

  • @LITMasonEdits
    @LITMasonEdits 2 роки тому +1

    If you ever need any help editing I'd be happy to help

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +2

      Thanks a lot, I may need that. I feel I'm getting better, but if you feel I need help, let me know ;-) I think my worst problem right now, is that I don't have a proper microphone, I'm using headphones for my mobile lol

    • @LITMasonEdits
      @LITMasonEdits 2 роки тому +2

      @@tildaowen I think you're doing pretty well! I just offered in case you wanted to expand to motion graphics or anything more complicated in the future. And the headphones must have a pretty good mic because I didn't even notice, i've heard way worse audio quality, yours was good. I also need to get a good microphone to make video essays like i've been meaning to for a while.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому

      @@LITMasonEdits That's great to hear, thanks 😊 And thanks for the offer, I'll keep it in mind 👍

  • @edoboleyn
    @edoboleyn Рік тому

    13:35 Listen, if I need to be kidnapped by a deeply unstable sibling and subjected to a traumatizing tea party to end up reunited with a crush like Vi, so be it. 🤷‍♀️

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  Рік тому +1

      Well, Jinx does have tendency to bring them together! The first Jinx bomb that hit Caitlyn made her go meet Vi, the second explosion that hit Caitlyn on the bridge made Vi take her to safety and now Jinx kidnaps Caitlyn to bring her straight back to Vi. If Jinx intended to break them up, she's having the opposite effect! 😁

  • @othrwrdygitch764
    @othrwrdygitch764 Рік тому +1

    I appreciate your analysis on this but we do know who Jinx is truly loyal too regardless of her grief of her decision. It's insane with how unhinged she is but I can feel her on being torn between the two things that drove her to her breaking point. God it's so exhilarating to analyze this show!

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  Рік тому

      I agree, Jinx is unhinged and very conflicted... She feels love is finite in a way, so Caitlyn being in Vi's life seems like a threat to her somehow. At least that's how I see it... Which aspect of my analysis did you touch upon? And yes, this show has so many layers to analyse, it's amazing!

    • @othrwrdygitch764
      @othrwrdygitch764 Рік тому

      @@tildaowen I think you made the analysis in a different video that touched base with Violet and Caitlyn's relationship, which I absolutely loved. During that other analysis focusing on Violet being torn between family and her new budding romance between her and Caitlyn. Towards the end of it Jynx had to choose between Silco and Violet, I'm sure you know what I mean lol

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  Рік тому

      @@othrwrdygitch764 aha, yes, I know what you mean! Duality, parallels, loyalty and choices are such core themes in the show, and it's extremely hard to navigate for someone as traumatised as both Vi and Jinx especially... Vi will have to make a clearer choice (or find a third solution, which is doubtful) going forward or she will ruin her relationship to both Caitlyn and Jinx...

    • @othrwrdygitch764
      @othrwrdygitch764 Рік тому

      @@tildaowen Yes, your definitely right. I have a theory I'm putting together for the next season to come but after watching your analysis..well it blew me away 😅 BUT! I 100% support your analysis and look forward to watching more of them to come

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  Рік тому

      @@othrwrdygitch764 Thank you 😊 I have two more videos in the works, one of them about Vi, Jinx and Caitlyn... 😉 Are you planning something with your theory?

  • @marydacumos7421
    @marydacumos7421 2 роки тому +1

    Loving this show too. Great analysis. Keep it up!

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому

      Thank you very much, will do!

  • @HellyeahRook
    @HellyeahRook Рік тому

    Tilda I hope this comment doesn't come off as creepy sounding, I usually don't leave comments that are more personal towards content creators, but I wanted to say that your voice makes you sound like an older woman. And I hope you are because as a 40+ year old woman who is absolutely obsessed with these two characters sometimes I feel a little out of place among all the younger folks in the fandom communities online haha. If not, you sound wise beyond your years with these deeply analytical videos. Keep making content like this, it is fantastic!

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  Рік тому +1

      Ha ha, it's alright, I'm an old fart swooning over those two as well! 😂 46 ys old! I mean, I started making videos about them! So you're not the only one, I think there's actually a small group building of mature Arcane fans!

  • @zionechon169
    @zionechon169 2 роки тому +1

    I love your videos and I hope to see more!

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому

      Thank you, working on it 😊

  • @yungneutron164
    @yungneutron164 Рік тому

    Hmmm well thought out and interesting.... SUBSCRIBED :D

  • @xj4low322
    @xj4low322 Рік тому

    Only one valve is open on the shower. Right side which implies that only the cold water despite the steam in the shower. Also Powder/Jinx eyes change color depending on which personality she is running on. Blue for Powder and Red for Jinx. The dinner scene she goes back and forth until only Jinx is present even though after the death of her only current father figure. The only sane speech Jinx ever has as she accepts who she really is and sits in her metal chair.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  Рік тому

      Well, we don't actually know how the valves work in the shower, e.g. if one regulates heat and the other water flow... Anyway, I'm not sure we can interpret anything out of it...
      I agree that Jinx seems most calm after embracing the Jinx persona.

  • @TinaZhou-kv6wg
    @TinaZhou-kv6wg 3 місяці тому

    I can't wait for your videos after season 2 lol. I hope we continue to get these intense analysis of Cait/Vi relationship.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  3 місяці тому

      I’ll definitely look into them, can’t wait for season two!

  • @jessicajovel7162
    @jessicajovel7162 Рік тому

    6:24 it's interesting how she's used to getting what she wants, not because of her parents or social status, but because of her hard-work and wits. So it makes sense for her to believe that perseverence and a plan are enough to change things, and this show really tells us... they aren't. That said, I don't think they have to give up on peace or whatever their goals become, sure hard-work alone isn't always enough, but you certainly won't achieve anything by doing nothing. So things could work for them.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  Рік тому +1

      Very good point, Caitlyn doesn't get what she wants because of her privileged background, because what she wants is definitely not what her family wants. Instead she is a little naive in her belief that hard work, perseverance and truth will bring about results, because you're right, they don't... Entirely, at least, for Caitlyn is a glimmer of hope and peace in Piltover, let's hope she retains some of that in spite of the grief and anger her mother's death brings...

  • @SeaweedSalamander
    @SeaweedSalamander Рік тому

    I can't believe I haven't stumbled upon this video before now! Your skill for literary analysis shines through here; I'm in awe of how meticulously you deconstruct every tiny narrative flair and crinkled eyelid in this brilliant show. Your concluding thoughts about the radical power of their love and affection touched me deeply. To see such pure, earnest desire and affection between two women is one thing, but to have this incredibly intimate, vulnerable bond portrayed as something worthy of respect, admiration, and preservation just... means the world. There are countless stories of lesbian love punished punitively; portrayed as inherently damaging to both the couple's psyche and to the very fabric of society itself. Arcane blatantly refutes this: Caitlyn and Vi's bond is displayed as an attempt to overcome prejudice; political strife; profound economic inequality. The softness and vulnerability Vi displays for Caitlyn, after so long spent isolated, abused, and emotionally guarded, just melts my heart. Their bond is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen, in any piece of media, ever. I can't thank you enough for giving these two phenomenal characters the care and attention they warrant. Superb work!
    PS: Your reaction to Caitlyn's stormy eyes was identical to mine! Made it hard to focus on the incredible narrative depth and emotional turmoil the writers were portraying. :)

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  Рік тому

      Thank you so much for your feedback! I'm so glad that my videos about them struck a chord, that's what I wanted to do :-) You wrote: "Caitlyn and Vi's bond is displayed as an attempt to overcome prejudice; political strife; profound economic inequality." I completely agree! Their bond is beautiful! It's about love, not sexuality. They make each other better versions of themselves and both of them improve the emotional lives of one another subtly but significantly. Wonderful! I love them to pieces (and yes, especially Caitlyn's eyes, lol!), and I really hope (and actually expect) their story to be even more explored and expounded in season 2...

  • @fnglert
    @fnglert 2 роки тому

    I hadn't realized the mirrored presences of Caitlyn at Jinx's tea party and Viktor at the council table. Very nice observation.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you! This show is so well written, parallels everywhere!

  • @dcapitan7
    @dcapitan7 Рік тому

    This is a pretty good analysis. One question though...the firelight explosions on the bridge...was that not caused by Ekko and his crew? Once it became clear that he, Caitlyn and Vi were going to be double-crossed by Marcus, they went off.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  Рік тому

      Thanks! And no, it's Jinx, we actually see her working on the little bombs earlier (when she shows Silco the Gem), and Vi also tells the council it's her... She is masquerading as the Firelights just like she put their symbol on her bombs, to blame them for everything in the eyes of the council...

    • @dcapitan7
      @dcapitan7 Рік тому

      @@tildaowen Thanks for the clarification, I missed that bit of detail. You have given me an excuse to watch Season 1 of Arcane for the 7th time. 😉

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  Рік тому

      @@dcapitan7 Any excuse to watch it again is good! 😁

  • @caitlinkincaid8266
    @caitlinkincaid8266 2 роки тому +1

    Wonderful video!

  • @gracephillips4193
    @gracephillips4193 4 місяці тому

    I am so happy that were getting this series back this year!!! I absolutely cant wait!!!!

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  4 місяці тому +1

      I agree, me too! 🤩

  • @benhs1898
    @benhs1898 2 роки тому

    Okay, your bit about love made me cry again. THANKS A LOT.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +1

      Thanks right back, love is the best thing to ramble about ❤️

  • @petearundel166
    @petearundel166 2 роки тому

    Oil does mix with water if you add soap . . .and now I've planted that image in your mind I shall go.

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  2 роки тому +1

      Yes, soap is an emulsifier... And even without soap, you can do it, it just takes hard work 😊

  • @MahariMayhem
    @MahariMayhem Рік тому

    I could be wrong about this but when Caitlyn and Vi are laying on the bed together they almost resemble yin and yang

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  Рік тому +1

      You are definitely not off, I've talked at length about this in my other videos 😊

  • @kin.g-yawna
    @kin.g-yawna Рік тому

    The constant simping over Caitlyn had me giggling 🤭

    • @tildaowen
      @tildaowen  Рік тому +1

      He he, guilty! I am a Caitlyn simp ❤️ And I'm glad you found it funny, it was supposed to be 😊