Yet again, Doug Batchelor is LYING! Here's the proof! |

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024


  • @answeringadventism
    @answeringadventism  Рік тому +56

    "Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy." - Proverbs 27:5-6

    • @TruthSetFree-zm1ep
      @TruthSetFree-zm1ep Рік тому +6


    • @thenowchurch6419
      @thenowchurch6419 Рік тому +6

      So true. In this age of snowflakes people are so upset by rebuke and correction when we know a wise person will look into it and improve.

    • @danr7777
      @danr7777 Рік тому +1

      Which church you go to now?

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  Рік тому +8

      @@danr7777 I’m a part of the body of Christ. Specifically a Presbyterian.

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  Рік тому +5

      @@av801a the Lord’s Day is Sunday. Yes, we meet on the 8th day.

  • @bop-ya-good
    @bop-ya-good Рік тому +12

    Ellen has been given prophetic authority to correct and instruct adventist doctrine.
    Now deceased Ellen's writing are now canonised as no error has been found her books.
    Double speak to claim the bible is the final authority.

    • @alongcamejones309
      @alongcamejones309 Рік тому +3

      As no error has been found in her books 😆😂

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 6 місяців тому

      2 - 18 - 24
      "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! ""
      John 11 : 25

    • @jholyroller6048
      @jholyroller6048 4 місяці тому

      Liar liar sda is a cult you cant claim to be sda an not say your followers of elen g white ,so if i joined satan church an said i don't believe in satan i still worship satan your insane

  • @revelation1790
    @revelation1790 Рік тому +9

    So, what important things do Adventists believe that are from Ellen White but contradict the Bible?
    I don't know any!

    • @championlumamba4412
      @championlumamba4412 Рік тому +4

      Point Made without Much explanation...Genius 👏👏

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 6 місяців тому

      2 - 18 - 24
      Of course you don't
      Thats because you tell
      NON - SDAS that they should read the writings of Ellen G White while simultaneously 99% of ALL
      Seventh day Adventists have NEVER READ ALL of Ellen G Whites writings
      The minute a NON - SDA has actually READ some of her writings and has pointed out a contraction in her writings then you just try to improvise and do the Old Regurgitation of Indoctrination of Adventism.......

    • @crowsandravens8998
      @crowsandravens8998 4 місяці тому


  • @Oxford3061
    @Oxford3061 9 місяців тому +5

    Even though being a 7th day Adventist, I always had an enigma in regard to Helen White declarations and her common terror narratives Just to mention some: Being an exclusive and elite church and/or organization?, all other churches belong to the devil?; giving back and forth exact dates of the second coming of the Lord? her 2000 visions? an angel joined and traveled together and even to other worlds? . Did not say the apostle John that he fell as death before a Lord's vision as it is written in Revelation 1? How is it possible this funny lady was so strong and holy to resist the Lord's glorious and even walking and vacationing through God's thrones 🤔? The Sunday Law decree with a pending exact date and the coming of the Lord at midnight?, the complexity of Sabbath doctrine?. Consider this: Imagine keeping a 24-hours Sabbath in a frozen or heat wave day in New York, Paris or Tokio without depending on a whole logistics managed by millions of people working for each other. According to the Adventist we cannot work on Saturdays but anybody should not work for us either. I knew ahead that something was going wrong with her strange declarations, but I did not know there was a monster of falsehood. I have left in an astronomical perplexity beyond no comprehension. What I saw and learned left me devastated It takes time to assimilate this vast dilution. How can we rebuild our beliefs and understand all the written prophecies particularly in Revelation?

  • @876studios3
    @876studios3 Рік тому +5

    What are you trying to prove here? I'm a bit confused

  • @tickmann
    @tickmann Рік тому +14

    Raised as 3rd generation adventist. My father was an SDA minister and chaplain. I attended Loma Linda and Spring Valley academies. When in my teen years, I finally learned what Adventism actually teaches ( having finally read Ellen White ) , my jaw was on the floor! I am now a Lutheran Christian for the last 25 years.

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  Рік тому +2

      Excellent! Thanks for sharing. I greatly appreciate the Lutheran tradition.

    • @br.m
      @br.m Рік тому +1

      The Lord be with you.

  • @statutesofthelord
    @statutesofthelord Рік тому +12

    So Answering Adventism, you couldn't find where Doug was lying?

    • @hotwax9376
      @hotwax9376 Рік тому

      He did. Doug said that SDAs don't believe that Ellen White's works are equal to the Bible, yet this guy just gave official SDA sources that said they were inspired in exactly the same way as the Bible. To declare her an infallible interpreter of Scripture is to elevate her works not simply equal to Scripture, but above it, because it uses her to understand the Bible rather than the Bible to understand her. This is the same thing the Catholic Church teaches about the pope, which ironic since SDAs call the Catholic Church the Antichrist.

    • @statutesofthelord
      @statutesofthelord Рік тому

      @@hotwax9376 HotWax states a falsehood as fact.

    • @hotwax9376
      @hotwax9376 Рік тому

      @@statutesofthelord How so?

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 6 місяців тому

      2 - 18 - 24
      I love to WORSHIP on SUNDAY'S

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 6 місяців тому

      2 - 18 - 24
      You didn't LISTEN......he just should you where Doug Bachelor is down playing Ellen G Whites writings and telling LIES
      THEN he qoutes HER writings and
      YOUR OWN 28 Fundamental Belief system.......

  • @darkgiantAGame
    @darkgiantAGame 9 місяців тому +2

    I am so disappointed in D.B. Can't believe it. I really admired this man. He is defending EGW, a grandiose dead narcissist. I shake my head and ask the blessed Lord Jesus, "how long O Lord, how long will you put up with these lies?" Disgusting... Better a millstone was fastened around a person's neck ..... then one of these little ones should be deceived....

  • @elroyroy7325
    @elroyroy7325 Рік тому +12

    Just a question. I'm curious. You belong to a church and someone prophesied. You believe he/she was truly inspired from God. How would you describe their place and what
    it is inspired to him/her in your church belifefs?

  • @lorenv44
    @lorenv44 10 місяців тому +10

    I was a 4th generation SDA. My grandfather was a well known "evangelist", and my dad a prominent pastor. Naturally I was immersed in Sabbath School before I could walk, and attended SDA primary and high schools. I became aware of the plaigarisim allegations of EGW in the 1980s, but was too brainwashed to check it out. It was only when I got connected to the internet in 1998 that I was able to research this. There was a lot that bothered me. They make out that one can only be saved by keeping Sabbath. And for every one quote from scripture there were 8 quotes from Ellen. Thank the Lord He opened my eyes to the false doctrines of Ellen G Witch! I'm 70 now, and still walking the right way with faith in Jesus and His Grace.

  • @umabrijmohun6720
    @umabrijmohun6720 Рік тому +16

    Good video, exposing Doug's deceptive and crafty language ..if EGW writing/visions are not authorative in Adventism why is it she is included in their fundamental beliefs and Baptismal vows(vow no 8)

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  Рік тому +6

      And her prophetic gift is supposed to be the mark of the “remnant church”.

  • @edwinooo11226
    @edwinooo11226 Рік тому +14

    Did Doug skip the part of the fundamental beliefs that says that EGWs writings are a CONTINUING SOURCE of "truth" that guides the church?

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  Рік тому +7

      They’ve updated them since they were worded that way. Not that their actual beliefs have changed. They just updated the wording to be less obvious.

    • @edwinooo11226
      @edwinooo11226 Рік тому +6

      @@answeringadventism That's even worse for them because now they have to explain why it was there in the first place. They're a mess!

    • @DavidTschoepe
      @DavidTschoepe Рік тому +3

      Yes, conveniently

    • @statutesofthelord
      @statutesofthelord Рік тому +1

      ekwk, it seems you don't have any evidence to support the title of this video either.

    • @statutesofthelord
      @statutesofthelord Рік тому +1

      @@rayray4192 Ray, your comment does nothing to support the title of this video. It seems like you are just striking about blindly hoping somehow that you can defeat the Truth.

  • @TheTruthabouttheAdventis-kh9xx
    @TheTruthabouttheAdventis-kh9xx 2 місяці тому +4

    ***ADVENTISTS LISTEN UP***** As you read this, keep in mind that Ellen G. White says "an Angel" told her this *regarding the doctrine eternal punishment!* Quote: "Said the angel, Life is life, whether it is in pain or happiness". *"DEATH IS WITHOUT PAIN, without joy, without hatred."* (Volume 1 Chapter 19 Spiritual Gifts volume 1, chapter 19
    *Ellen G. White is in total CONTRADICTION to the very words of Christ in Matthew 13:42 *“And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there SHALL be wailing and gnashing of teeth.”*
    1. Matthew 8:12
    But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be *weeping and gnashing of teeth.*
    2. Matthew 13:42
    And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: *there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.*
    Matthew 13:50
    And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: *there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.*
    Matthew 22:13
    Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and *cast him into outer darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.*
    Matthew 24:51
    And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: *there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.*
    *Only Satan Himself would bring such a denial of the reality of pain and suffering to the sinner as to mock Christ's explicit warning!* Whom the Adventist's then Call Christ Himself and refer to as "Satan" , "A TYRANT" and a "monster worse than Hitler" . The Adventist have a conscience seared with a red hot iron!
    Hell is described as a place of intense suffering and despair, where the reality of eternal separation from God manifests as physical and emotional torment. *The imagery of wailing and gnashing of teeth conveys the deep regret and anguish experienced by those therein.*
    Mark 9:43-44“And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that NEVER shall be quenched: *Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.”*
    Jesus teaches the seriousness of avoiding sin, even to the point of taking drastic measures, as Hell is a place of unquenchable fire where torment is eternal. *The reference to an undying worm and unquenchable fire stresses the continuous and relentless nature of punishment in Hell.*

  • @joesalinas5480
    @joesalinas5480 7 місяців тому +2

    CINNAMON HACK so far from the holy spirit that it is scarry. By watching his channel I come to the conclusion that he is being used by evil forces.
    He says his dad was an SDA preacher I can imagine how his dad feels. Daf i feel your pain.

  • @willrobinson247
    @willrobinson247 Рік тому +3

    "Rather than replacing the Bible they uplift the normative character of scripture and correct inaccurate interpretations of it DERIVED FROM traditions, human reason, personal experience and modern culture."".... Now read her writing and see if they do this.

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 6 місяців тому

      2 - 18 - 24
      He QUOTED her writings already

  • @amazonwarrior5584
    @amazonwarrior5584 Рік тому +7

    Amazing facts 👉"Amazing Fiction" love it !
    Doug has many fantasy bedtime stories that he fills the air time up with.
    His teachings are most defiantly Ellen White's teachings.
    Even though he might say the words "sola scriptura" alone.
    Adventism doesn't exist without Ellen White.
    slippery play on words for sure.
    They deal one hand in saying it's solar scripture.
    Then deal the other hand and add Ellen White.
    Because she is their final authority.
    Which in reality over rides the word of God.
    And they get upset when you call them on it.

  • @nickdon
    @nickdon Рік тому +7

    I think Doug is one of the most dangerous person in the world!

  • @TheDredog59
    @TheDredog59 Рік тому +7

    I feel compelled to comment. But I'd be here for ever , I make it plain : this Church was planted by the enemy and has captured a lot of trusting souls as other churches have . I'm convinced , there are people in the leadership that serve the devil and deceive knowingly. I also know there are a lot of good people in there that just can't see the forest for the trees and do Love Jesus . We need to pray for these people . The Lord knows His sheep . I understand when you are in there you are trapped . But if you start using common sense your eyes will open . The Lord wants us to know Him . Start reading His word only , and when you get it you will leave !

  • @danielrice5676
    @danielrice5676 7 місяців тому +2

    Well the Sabbath day is Saturday. But to claim that worshiping on Sunday is like taking the mark is laughable. Plus their views on hell are a bit silly

  • @kirkbaumgardner1501
    @kirkbaumgardner1501 Рік тому +12

    She's talking about the Holy Spirit and Not herself like it was said before the Holy Spirit works through whom he chooses

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 6 місяців тому

      2 - 18 - 24
      "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! ""
      John 11 : 25
      1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4
      ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
      ( The CROSS ✝️ )
      His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !

    • @Questionnaireapologetics
      @Questionnaireapologetics 4 місяці тому

      What’s the point?

    • @DannoRomann
      @DannoRomann 3 місяці тому

      Ellen-G White was a false teacher A false Prophet and a Heretic -

  • @eliphasphiri4090
    @eliphasphiri4090 Рік тому +4

    Wow,it's a cult

  • @Urbankungfu61
    @Urbankungfu61 Рік тому +2

    It’s videos like this that bring more harm than good. Sir, do you sincerely think that your videos and “bedroom voice” is going to change the minds and hearts of the adventists? If you genuinely know scripture you would agree that only the Holy Ghost will bring conviction to the sinner and direction to the honest believer. In the same way the rich man in hell was not needed to come back to convince the living about the danger of perdition so the same applies to these UA-cam videos. Only the Holy Ghost can bring us to the way, truth and life. Also, have some respect and stop calling people “idiots” that’s not very nice, you and I both know that “the heart is deceitful above all things” and any one of us can fall victim to deceit.

  • @kevinbooth6293
    @kevinbooth6293 Рік тому +20

    The very last service I attended was about 3 years ago. I was invited by a friend to sing special music. So I took advantage to make note of EGW vs. Scripture. During the sermon there was 6 EGW quotes to 1 from scripture! It let me know I was doing the right thing

    • @denniskean183
      @denniskean183 Рік тому +3

      Perhaps you should have told them your thoughts. Someone asked Sister White if she was a prophet. Her answer was "No!". Does that help? Every denomination has extremists in it.

    • @beatricepineda5923
      @beatricepineda5923 9 місяців тому +1

      @@denniskean183 that is false she never said she was not a prophet. What she did say was, that she was a messenger of the Lord and that her work, until the more than that of a prophet. You need to be more accurate.

    • @jimcovell1067
      @jimcovell1067 7 місяців тому

      January 2020 for me.

    • @flexx1018
      @flexx1018 4 місяці тому +1

      @@beatricepineda5923 Are you aware that being a messenger is worse than being a prophet.

  • @willrobinson247
    @willrobinson247 Рік тому +4

    Now if there is a conflict between Ellen G. White's teachings and the Bible teachings and can understand that there would be a problem. If her teaching are use to make a point like all other Christian ministers do with their non-biblical sources. I don't see a problem.

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 6 місяців тому

      2 - 18 - 24
      LDS : Joseph Smith puts ALL his Mormon followers on MASONIC Probation Eternal life
      ( DC 29 : 43 )
      Do you not find a problem with that
      SAME AS.........
      SDA : Ellen G White puts YOU and ALL her Seventh day Adventist followers on MASONIC Probation Eternal life
      ( 1T 199 year of 1859 )
      You don't have a problem with
      Ellen G White PLAGIARIZING the idea of MASONIC Probation Eternal life from her contemporary
      Joseph Smith and then puts YOU on it..........?
      Using the Bible ONLY
      Using the Bible FIRST
      As Adventists claim to do
      WHERE in the KJV Bible 1611, or in the Hebrew, Aramaic or GREEK of the text do we find the terms
      A ) Probation
      B ) MASONIC Probation
      C ) Probation Eternal life
      D ) Investigative Judgment
      ( Chapter and verse please )
      If you don't mind
      Thank you in advance

  • @bimosunupoernomo7120
    @bimosunupoernomo7120 Рік тому +2

    Why just left her out, just go to the Bible and without even look at EWhite writing. Can we do that?

  • @healinghumanity1782
    @healinghumanity1782 Рік тому +3

    What difference in one’s daily life does it make whether a person is labelled Adventists, Baptist, Methodist, Muslim, Jew or Buddhist as long as they’re in the same field of consciousness? Don’t they all have travails, fear, frustration, insecurity, contradictions, uncertainty, desires, beliefs & so on?

  • @joshuagawiison6112
    @joshuagawiison6112 Рік тому +2

    Proverbs 27:5
    “Open rebuke is better than secret love.” (KJV)

  • @LoCoWi
    @LoCoWi Рік тому +9

    I cannot believe what Doug Batcho'lies has just said in your presentation. My immediate response was a mighty "WHAT?!" It's time for all former sda's to rip in and call out Doug as one great liar!

  • @theextreme7134
    @theextreme7134 Рік тому +5

    It seems like they replace the Holy Spirit's job with E.G.W. writings. BIG MISTAKE.

    • @andrepacheco7726
      @andrepacheco7726 10 місяців тому

      Can’t the Holy Spirit inspire God’s prophets is that what you’re saying?

    • @theextreme7134
      @theextreme7134 10 місяців тому

      @@andrepacheco7726 All real Christians potentially have the gift of prophecy. "Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy." (1 Corinthians 14:1) Don't substitute E.G.W. writings for the real thing. It's also not a good idea to trust someone who had no understanding of the New Covenant, who mixed law and grace like E.G.W. did. Prophets don't make huge errors like that. God raised up countless saints over the years and none of them shared E.G.W.'s theology of mixing law and grace, that is huge red flag.

  • @FaithfulLens
    @FaithfulLens Рік тому +3

    If “rather than replacing the Bible, they uplift the normative character of it” then what’s the Holy Spirit for? Isn’t the Holy Spirit, a helper, one who supposed to guide us in our reading why do we need another interpreter is the Holy Spirit enough?

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  Рік тому +2

      Right, you’re catching the issue. We supposedly need an infallible interpreter to interpret the infallible Word. And some would even argue we need an infallible interpreter to understand the infallible interpreter.

    • @FaithfulLens
      @FaithfulLens Рік тому

      @@samuelwilliams1559 not SDA’s it’s the sabbath that’s there Jesus, I’ve been indoctrinated for 18 years of my life AND I’m 19 it’s only now I’m starting to realize the truth and confronting my parents about it (can never get a clear cut answer it’s always becomes an emotional thing or evade and change the topic)

  • @Drowning_Girl
    @Drowning_Girl Рік тому +15

    Keep exposing the darkness and bring everything out into the light. God bless your channel!

  • @glendagajsek-shears3890
    @glendagajsek-shears3890 Рік тому +2

    My parents are still convinced that the church is the only church follows the bible 😔
    But they (and especially me) haven't been keeping up with the chruch standards or disciplines.

    • @williamstroud1455
      @williamstroud1455 Рік тому +2

      "The church standards or disciplines"? What are their rules? I'd find another church if it was me. Our only standards are the standard found in the Bible and if you have a problem with have a problem.

    • @glendagajsek-shears3890
      @glendagajsek-shears3890 Рік тому

      @@williamstroud1455 yes "I" is the problem 😔 and the "I" get messed up thinking knowing best or what it wants or can't help it's self but then the the need of the Holy Spirit help to surrender to the right Spirit and love of God. So we can truly choose and love and obey God. The help of Holy Spirit and bring us to Christ and covered by Christ deliverance and removing the wrong spirits receive the Holy Spirit and the help having real faith in Christ. And the goals with true loving merciful forgiving healing God almighty that wants to save all and have good relationship with God.
      We all still got problems with issues and sins. 😔 Why we still always need Jesus.
      Yes I got a lot of issues with me and on my mind... And I got a problem with myself God and others and everything realating to life and our sins and with everything that I keep falling back into or away... I got the problem trying to avoid things but then getting caught up in other troubles and also becoming the one I shouldn't be complaining and whining about life or like an evil spirit or narcissistic 😔

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 6 місяців тому

      2 - 18 - 24
      YOUR standard is to be LOCKED in your technology ALL day on SATURDAY'S and WORKING your technology ALL day on SATURDAY'S posting more on SATURDAY'S than ANY other day of the WEEK on as many SDA channels as possible dealing with Adventism while simultaneously mentioning ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about SPREADING/ PREACHING the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
      1st Corinthians 15 : 1- 4
      ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
      ( The CROSS ✝️ )
      His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 6 місяців тому

      2 - 18 - 24
      "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! ""
      John 11 : 25
      1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4
      ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
      ( The CROSS ✝️ )
      His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !

  • @rowpo9342
    @rowpo9342 Рік тому +4

    I know fairly well doctrine of all the donominations and when I read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, Adventist doctrine is what I see is closest to the Bible. All my family is some kind of Baptist or Church of GOD. Take away Ellen White completely, I would still have to be SDA. I have listed to them all John Macarther, Charles Stanley, John Haggy, on and on they seem like really good men and good Pasters. They can take few verses and maybe a parable and it really sounds good but from Genesis to Revelation, the big picture, At this time I have to be SDA as I said before even if Ellen white did not exist.I have heard pastors try to take verses from the whole Bible to prove their doctrine and still SDA,s doctrines come closer to Bible.

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  Рік тому +2

      Can you show me from scripture where Jesus was exalted to be made equal with the Father causing Lucifer, who was “next to” Christ, to become jealous and rebel against the 10 Commandments and Jesus’ new authority causing what is called the Great Controversy?

    • @thegreatcontroversychannel1611
      @thegreatcontroversychannel1611 Рік тому

      My experience agrees. I became a SDA apart from any EGW writing.

    • @ginelgordon9031
      @ginelgordon9031 Рік тому

      @@answeringadventism For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

  • @k3630
    @k3630 Рік тому +2

    Just consider their view of the 2300 day prophecy. It's her word over the clear biblical explanation

  • @user-on5zm6on1w
    @user-on5zm6on1w 3 місяці тому

    The most dangerous person is the one who believes their own lies

  • @jamestom2510
    @jamestom2510 Рік тому +4

    Doug Spatula, caking it on yet again....

  • @kirkbaumgardner1501
    @kirkbaumgardner1501 Рік тому +1

    I don't get in she so many times wrote in her writings that The Bible comes 1st have you ever noticed that her riding is always somehow keep fitting in between the lines of The Bible ?

  • @relaxingmusic.sleepchillan4206

    I pray that one day when the evil one is done using you, you will then be used by God.
    There is no way that a men of God can live to do what you do. Even Christ was not like you. God bless you.

  • @elroyroy7325
    @elroyroy7325 Рік тому +1

    The inspiration interprating the scripture is also in the bible.
    In the new testament, Jesus explained what we can do and not do on sabbath day. In the book of hebrews, there is a lot of explanations of the sanctuary and the role of Christ.
    On those two examples, the jews disagree with us, and on more interpretations because they do not consider the new testament as inspired but we do. I'm not saying believing in Ellen White is as believing in the new testament but I just want to illustrate how prophecies (from Ellen white or whoever may be) can be used to interprate scriptures more accurately some times.
    Maybe we are wrong by believing Ellen white inspired by God but I think this is the same process we SDA are genuinely in.

    • @barryford1482
      @barryford1482 Рік тому +1

      Hebrews 9 is a great problem for Adventists it puts Jesus in the most holy place in ad31 not 1844 as the Adventists say. Most of the scholars in Adventism agree .

    • @elroyroy7325
      @elroyroy7325 Рік тому +1

      ​@@barryford1482 Abolutely not. It' not a problem for adventism, and most scholars in adventism don't agree on this, that's a false claim. The problem is the translation. There is only one verse where we know for sure that "most holy place" is the right traduction, that is the verse 9:3. The greek words are "hagia hagion". Everywhere else, theses words are never used again. So translators choose to translate the word "hagion" which means "sanctuary" or " holy place" or "most holy place" or "holiest" depending the contexte and theirs beliefs...

    • @barryford1482
      @barryford1482 Рік тому

      @@elroyroy7325 In the 1950s before the book Questions on doctrine was printed Martin a baptist met with leaders of the SDA church including the president Leroy Froom , Unru and others and the Adventists when questioned agreed with Martin Jesus went into the Most Holy Place in ad 31the context of the passage proves it . The first apartment represents the jewish system and the Jewish day of atonement represents the Christian era

  • @TheVCRTimeMachine
    @TheVCRTimeMachine Рік тому +14

    I would have more respect for the SDA leadership if they would quit trying to dance around and claim they are Sola Scriptura and admit that they believe Ellen White writings are equal in authority. Trying so hard to pretend they are descendants of Reformation. At least the Catholic Church readily admits they use scripture and tradition and are not Sola Scriptura. You may not agree with many of their teachings, but they don’t try to hide where they get the authority for their teachings

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  Рік тому +7

      Exactly. They need to stop with the semantics and word games. Just be honest and own it. But they do this because they think they’re missionaries to Christian’s and need to appear like evangelicals.

    • @amazonwarrior5584
      @amazonwarrior5584 Рік тому

      @@answeringadventism Agree !

    • @denniskean183
      @denniskean183 Рік тому

      Perhaps we should not look at the leaders as if they were gods. Extremists are everywhere. That is a pandemic in Christianity. I ignore the SDA hierarchy and focus on the Bible alone. The quotations of God in the Scriptures are all that matters.

    • @andrepacheco7726
      @andrepacheco7726 10 місяців тому +1

      But my friend herself wrote several times that she is a minor light given by God to make His people return to the Bible! How can we not defend Sola Scriptura? And no her writings are not canonic but yes inspired. We have examples in the Bible of prophets who were inspired but were left out of the canon. Her life work was a call to go back to Bible roots as she herself came from an old line of traditional Protestant families, namely a Methodist family. I read some of her books and you know where it makes me go in the end: to the Bible and Christ!

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 6 місяців тому

      2 - 18 - 24
      He just quoted Ellen G White from
      Letter 90 , 1906 that HER writings are ( BARRICADED ) by a Thus saith the Lord as inediblely as the LAW of God written by his finger upon the tables of stone
      I guess you just want to GLOSS over that .....and IGNORE the very writings that you tell NON - SDAS to read

  • @benjamindantzie8053
    @benjamindantzie8053 Рік тому +5

    This is unbelievable Doug. How can you make such a claim. Are you serious? Just incredible.

    • @joesalinas5480
      @joesalinas5480 7 місяців тому

      I studied the Bible over and over and it changed my life. By knowing the Bible I see that Mr bachelor preaches in line with the Bible. I see this young man here is using his time directing people to lose their salvation

  • @kirkbaumgardner1501
    @kirkbaumgardner1501 Рік тому +1

    And let me ask you something can you use The Bible And let me ask you something can you use The Bible to disprove anything that sees prophecy About or written in writings ???

  • @earlmccoubrey7580
    @earlmccoubrey7580 4 місяці тому

    I hear what you’re saying, but…
    Ms. White specifically counseled her readers to not rely on her writings or the writings of any other mortal soul, but rather to read the Bible. She said that if the writings of a person, including her, aid in the understanding of scripture, fine, but to rely on the Bible and not the writings of humans.
    Doug is on good grounds.

  • @sonnyguerra9428
    @sonnyguerra9428 Рік тому +12

    Remember everyone is going to be judged on the things you say and do . Plus if the love of God is in you .

    • @hotwax9376
      @hotwax9376 Рік тому +10

      But no matter how good the things you say and do are, they will never be enough to save you. Only faith in Christ can do that.

  • @Mizz_JON
    @Mizz_JON Рік тому +8

    After all the defrocking, disfellowshipping, judging, shaming, traumatising that the SDA church has done since its organization, they are now teaching salvation by grace through faith alone as if that's the teaching they've promoted all along.
    Iv been reading a publication of theirs (it doesn't mention any affiliation to the SDA church though) and what's shocking to me is that iv never heard a single SDA pastor or sabbath school lesson teaching any of the wonderful stuff they've written in there ( i was a consistent SDA church member for over 20 years.)
    What SDAs have done is to simply change their tune about salvation without acknowledging the psychological impact of their teachings and behaviour up until the very recent past. This is just the most pathetic attempt at dishonesty I've ever seen. They've adopted all these ideas from the same protestant Christian churches they used to refer to as "Babylon", to cover up what they really are: a system of salvation by works, standing on pillars of false doctrines and a false prophet.
    I'm floored cos I still do attend SDA church meetings from time to time (my entire family is SDA) and I still don't hear pastors or sabbath school quartelies teach anything close to what these publications are saying.
    I know better than to believe anything SDAs say but non-Adventists can be easily taken in by these publications. Everything looks Biblically sound, looks can be so deceiving.

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  Рік тому +5

      Yes. They may pay lip service to justification by faith alone but they don’t actually understand what it means. They don’t understand forensic justification and the imputed righteousness of Christ to the undeserving sinner.

    • @Mizz_JON
      @Mizz_JON Рік тому

      @@samuelwilliams1559 Mr Williams please don't start. Go and comment under Amazing Facts or something and leave us alone.

    • @Mizz_JON
      @Mizz_JON Рік тому

      The publication started off amazing until they started building up to a conclusion that the Sabbath is the Gospel. I nearly fell of my bed, unbelievable stuff.

  • @bethbeal7144
    @bethbeal7144 Рік тому +3

    I am so sorry, I don't see nor hear anything good to this Brother, nor we can't see Jesus's character on this beloved Brother of his clip video" ( Answering Adventism). I don't see him what 1 John 4:16 says,
    " God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him." My Presbyterian Brother and Ex SDA. Love one another and don't help this Brother, who are so full of hostilities and resentments against over SDA Church, Pastor Bachelor and Ellen G. White. Please be like Christ. Not conformed of his hostilities be open minded and read, what Gamaliel said in Acts 5: 34-39. Be careful what you are saying our Dear Brother of Answering Adventism", our prayers is to see him in heaven and take time reading yourself God's scriptures, if it's RIGHT or JUST, to attack nor criticize other denomination? Please ponder what Apostle Paul says in Philippians 4:8, NIV: Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."

  • @Th3BigBoy
    @Th3BigBoy 7 місяців тому

    If EGWhite is a prophet.
    That literally makes her writings inspired Scripture.
    They cannot have it both ways.

  • @Juliettango87
    @Juliettango87 7 місяців тому

    I'm a former Adventist, but honestly I don't feel like they are contradicting the Bible in anyway. No one in my entire Adventist drenched upbringing (grades 1-12 in their school system and attending church for much of that time) ever put her writings above the Bible, they would just use her writings as something they might read on its own or alongside the Bible and really liked her health message more than anything (which for it's time when Dr's were prescribing alcohol and a pack of cigarettes and probably blood letting and bedrest, probably was better than conventional medical practices at the time).
    I don't know of an Adventist that would have a problem with getting rid of egw all together, and just studying the Bible itself, I never felt her teachings were the main theme, more of a reference.
    She's just a woman they feel was inspired by God and the founder of the church (but honestly I think she probably had some seizures after someone hit her upside the head with a rock). I'm not even religious any longer but honestly never saw a church or members putting Ellen's writing above the Bible.

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  7 місяців тому

      Yet the official source documents say otherwise. The system of SDA theology says otherwise.
      This isn’t about individual SDAs. It’s about the organization. I can show you individual SDAs that say all sorts of stuff not in harmony with the official organizational position.

  • @distinctivediyer4931
    @distinctivediyer4931 Рік тому +2

    The reason why former SDAs go against all of these things is because they cannot handle the truth. You need to pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you, remove your hatred and anger, and then read the Bible, Ellen G. White's writings, and watch Pastor Doug Batchelor's sermons. You will see, in no way, is it contradictory. Think about it like this: You have the Bible, written a couple thousand+ years ago, in different languages. When it is translated into English, it doesn't translate perfectly in every word, or every inferred nuance of the original language. The book of Revelation alone has symbology MOST do not understand and THOUSANDS of people right now are "grasping at straws" to make sense of it and connections with today. Most people are getting it wrong. This is where a prophet, or in Ellen White's case, prophetess, is needed. She helped the people of her day and those of today even to understand things that didn't quite make sense. Kinda like a fellow classmate who understood the teacher's explanation on how you do a math problem that you didn't understand, but the fellow classmate can explain it to you in such a way that makes it easy to understand. Ex-Adventists are usually defiant and bitter because they feel singled out, ostracized from friends and made fun of. What is your reason? Is it really that you "woke up"? And whatever you say won't hurt or anger me. My mother-in-law is a diehard catholic, hates SDAs and made fun of Ellen White, calling her a retard because she was hit in the head with a fairly large rock when she was 8 and was unable to attend school as others.
    EVERONE WHO READS THIS: I beg you to NOT take mine, this guy's, or anyone else's word for this. Pray for the Holy Spirit's guidance, set aside anger and preconceived notions, read the Bible carefully, then look at Ellen White, Doug Batchelor and even Sunday keeping churches. You will see the truth for yourself, but only if you truly seek it. I will pray for you all🙏

    • @hotwax9376
      @hotwax9376 Рік тому

      That is simply not true. Ellen White's writings contradicted the Bible and added to it. He is criticizing SDA theology on its merits, not because he's bitter.

    • @distinctivediyer4931
      @distinctivediyer4931 Рік тому

      @@hotwax9376 Have you ever read Ellen G. White's writings? Have you read the whole Bible? Have you prayed for the Holy Spirit to guide you while studying? Don't just listen to what others say; read and study for yourself.

    • @hotwax9376
      @hotwax9376 Рік тому

      @@distinctivediyer4931 I have read through the Bible multiple times.

    • @distinctivediyer4931
      @distinctivediyer4931 Рік тому

      @@hotwax9376 Read Ellen G. White's writings. You can compare what you have read in the Bible to her writings and see for yourself. Awesome that you have read the whole Bible so many times!! 👍😊

    • @indigatorveritatis8891
      @indigatorveritatis8891 Рік тому

      @@distinctivediyer4931 Debate me and see what happens with the demonic E. White. Do you dare?

  • @AcademyApologia
    @AcademyApologia Рік тому +22

    Great video and backed up with official Adventist literature. I cannot agree more, celebrity Adventists like Batchelor, Veith, Finley, etc. all know everything in this video of yours and then present the opposite.

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  Рік тому +12

      No question. Doug has been making this claim for decades at this point. It’s clearly to cause Christian’s to think SDAism is no different than orthodox Christianity.

    • @AcademyApologia
      @AcademyApologia Рік тому +5

      @@answeringadventism Make sure you have good screen grabs for reference. I would not be surprised if they quietly make changes and tone down EGW to appear more evangelical.

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  Рік тому +11

      @@AcademyApologia they’ve subtly done this over the last 40 years in various areas. I have all the receipts, though. 😉

    • @deus_vult8111
      @deus_vult8111 Рік тому +5

      @@protestant77 families & society should unite in Sunday worship & rest. Christians have been doing it since the 1st century.

    • @yatatusimu2498
      @yatatusimu2498 Рік тому +3

      You have been hurt, likely Judged because of a lifestyle issue you were unwilling to let go of.
      The tattoos on your right forearm contrary to clear scripture say most of what those with spiritual meekness and understanding need to know. You slyly slipped in the "we former Adventists" in there and that let the cat out of the bag for most.
      There are many fallible Adventist preachers as there are preachers in Christianity - but to call Doug batchelor and liar for suggesting that in essence that there is divine harmony but difference between the writings of Ellen White and the Holy scriptures - betrays the fact that you are blinded by a mild Vendetta and have elected yourself to be a man on a mission of distraction from the truth you likely still hold dear but feel judged by. Drop the channel, seek God's guidance and help first. The hour clock is almost gone beloved. You know better

  • @shelleythomas1046
    @shelleythomas1046 8 місяців тому +1

    I love that proverb about open rebuke ... now if you do it in the right spirit you may well have made some good reasons worth listening to. Recently listened to how the churches in Germany under Hitler's government pressure lost their freedom to preach truth and love. Something to give some thought to.

  • @Lollololplolpllplpl
    @Lollololplolpllplpl Рік тому +15

    I commend all of you for your pursuit of the truth. And look forward to deep study.

    • @datchess1
      @datchess1 Рік тому +1

      That's right.

    • @aogpngsouthernregion70year37
      @aogpngsouthernregion70year37 Рік тому

      Absolutely correct!
      Reminds me of the days of Jesus' earthly ministry who had the tough times preaching the truth to the Pharasies, the Seducies and the Scribes. They acted as if they were already in heaven and would not believe and accept the living Truth, Jesus Christ Himself.
      Common Shabbat Keepers, take off your lenses of pride and arrogance, humble yourself before the living God of the Bible so that He alone may lift you up someday!
      The phrase "Remenant Church" is nothing but statement of pride, arrogance and self deception.
      Just humble yourself and come right out of the bondage of falsehood and deception that is keeping you in bondage and slavery.

  • @melissapoole8580
    @melissapoole8580 Рік тому +1

    I don't mean this rude. I stumbled on your channel and was genuinely interested. But some of the crudeness and the sarcasm I hear from you, does not reflect Christ at all. Even though I agree with a lot that you say. I am a former Adventist myself, but I see a lot of hostility on this page. As Paul said in Romans - 12:18, If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. You can state these beliefs you want to share, with kindness. Including comments to everyone here. I hope you take that with the kindness I mean. You have good points and I believe you are sincere. But your delivery can be very off putting.

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  Рік тому

      “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; a time to tear, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.”-Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3‬:‭1‬-‭8‬
      There is a time and a place for harsh rebuke, mockery and scorn. The idea that Jesus was never harsh, direct, or passionate is not true. Romans 12:18 is said in a context about how one is living their life regarding the world and being in it, but not of it. It isn’t saying in all contexts of life to never be harsh, never be critical, etc. Again, Paul was not this way. Was Paul not being kind when he said he hopes the Judaizers at Galatia chop off the whole genetalia for adding circumcision to the Gospel? The same Paul penned what is said in Romans. Context matters.
      Every video in this channel is not delivered this way. Doug is held to a higher standard than the average person. He claims to be an officer of the sacred desk.
      Thanks for stopping by and welcome to the channel.

  • @life.after.adventism
    @life.after.adventism Рік тому +11

    How I believed in the SDA “church” and EGW for more than 40 years is beyond me. God saved me this year! The first thing that I realized was that she’s NOT God’s prophet. Then I studied my way out and one after another my beliefs started falling down. God opened my eyes and for the first time in my life I actually started enjoying reading the Bible cause it all made sense.
    Continue the good work on this channel! Adventism is very dangerous and deceiving cause their language sounds like they’re saying one thing but it means something totally different. All of that needs to be exposed so the souls can be saved!

    • @umabrijmohun6720
      @umabrijmohun6720 Рік тому +3

      Well said Anne ..they twist and bend scripture to defend a false prophet

    • @bbsvchic
      @bbsvchic Рік тому +2

      God is good!!!!! It’s a miracle!

    • @mpierce889
      @mpierce889 Рік тому

      I can't understand too; after 40 years? I wonder what made you change your mind!

    • @123itisnotme
      @123itisnotme Рік тому +2

      So glad you are out. Praise God

    • @life.after.adventism
      @life.after.adventism Рік тому +2

      @@mpierce889 I grew up in an Adventist family, I was a 3rd generation, my father was an elder for many years, my brother is still a pastor. My whole world is Adventist world with Adventist people in it. I got Adventist doctrines through my mothers milk so to say. You never doubt cause all your parent, grandparents, uncles and aunts, cousins, friends, everyone is in the same church. I never doubted. I heard some things every now and then, but since I’ve been brainwashed (sadly I have no other explanation) that we are the ones closest to the biblical truth, you automatically think that all the other Christians have even less than us of that “truth”. This summer I watched about flds and their “prophet” how he prophesied, it didn’t happen and then he said God showed him He decided to give sinners more time to repent. It clicked in my head that I heard something similar about EGW and one of her prophecies. I started researching and that was the beginning of it.

  • @TheVCRTimeMachine
    @TheVCRTimeMachine Рік тому +2

    "Inspired guide to the meaning of the texts" = euphemism for "interpretation"

  • @FM-ls4vu
    @FM-ls4vu Рік тому +2

    Every true prophet speaks/writes with inspiration and prophetic authority from God. There's no such thing as less inspiration or less authority. It's either EGW was inspired or she wasn't. It's either she spoke & wrote with prophetic authority from God or she didn't. There's no two ways about it. Accepting her writings doesn't in any way violate the principal of sola scriptura because it's the bible itself that mentions that God would speak through prophets. We wouldn't even be having this conversation about EGW if prophecy wasn't a biblical teaching. The fact that the Israelites already had the scriptures which pointed to the coming of Jesus didn't stop God from sending John the Baptist to direct the minds of the people to the coming Savior.
    It then becomes our duty to prayerfully look into the ministry of EGW to ascertain whether or not she was sent by God. Our views will differ depending on our experiences but if EGW was truly sent by God, then it would be a very big mistake for anyone to reject her counsels.

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  Рік тому +6

      And this is why you guys don’t understand sola scriptura and have given it your own definition. More double speak.
      You guys have two sources of authority. Stop saying you affirm sola scriptura. This was precisely my point. You guys believe both are equally as inspired (although your idea of inspiration is incorrect, too), you believe the Spirit of God authored both scripture and her writings. This isn’t merely the New Testament spiritual gift of prophecy.
      No, Ellen wasn’t truly sent by God. Zero chance. Ellen taught a false Christ and a false gospel. No percent chance her counsel is from God. And Deuteronomy 18 says when false prophets like her arise and they’re shown to be false (speaking falsely on Gods behalf) to not fear anything they say.

    • @TruthSetFree-zm1ep
      @TruthSetFree-zm1ep Рік тому +2

      You are side stepping all of my comments.
      You say that we should prayerfully seek Gods wisdom.
      You side step Gods Word-not my words Gods Word.
      Ellen White clearly failed the Biblical test of a prophet.
      She definitely said things would come to pass that did not.
      How come you haven’t investigated this?!
      Hebrews 1:1-2
      “God Who at various times and in various ways spoke in times PAST to the fathers by the PROPHETS, has in THESE LAST DAYS spoken to US BY HIS SON…”
      You must ignore this to be an Adventist.
      2 Peter 1:20
      “Knowing this first that NO PROPHECY of Scripture is of any private interpretation.”
      You must ignore this.
      I was a Deacon in the Adventist cult.
      I know I was there.
      It’s incredible to see and hear the consciences being seared with a hot iron.
      I was literally told when I had ANY question about scripture.
      “See what spirit of prophecy” says about that.
      I said ok let’s define what or Who the Spirit of Prophecy is-at the end of the study we all agreed it’s The Holy Spirit…they all were sort of baffled at the end..we did it over two days and it was thourough.
      I have my certificate of Baptism in front of me.
      Let’s see what it says-are you glossed over FM like are you even there or are you seriously that far gone? I pray you are still with me.
      Am I doing this to “be right” or am I doing this because I care? What do you believe?
      In # 18 we see that THE GIFT OF PROPHECY is manifested in Ellen White.
      In # 19 we see that SDA pull us back under THE LAW OF GOD.
      In # 20 THE SABBATH is a symbol of our redemption in Jesus Christ (wow that’s absolutely blasphemous when I type this its about a day instead of atonement on that cross..what our Saviour did for us…what our Father did for US)
      In # 24 Christs ministry in the Heavenly sanctuary 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
      Ding ding ding 🛎 folks we got the investigative judgment come right up come right up and see!!!
      I’ll never forget my time in that church.
      God brought me there for a reason.
      The reason was to teach me discernment 100%.
      I was tight with an elder..AT FIRST.
      Until he saw that I wasn’t going to be controlled and manipulated.
      I was completely transformed by Gods Living Word-I was given a new heart.
      Right out of the gate I said “I will never subscribe to Ellen White”.
      I knew that God said to stay away.
      It was clear the more I studied the more I saw that this was an unbiblical church with a false prophet and run by false teachers.
      I began to witness and people saw the person I was when I arrived and what God did to me.
      When they finally baptized me that was a long time coming.
      I said I am not being baptized into a denomination but I’m being baptized into Jesus Christ into His body of believers.
      It’s a smaller church so I was given a voice by God I do believe.
      As time went on they knew where I stood-I was Deaconised.
      I began to preach Biblical messages.
      My last time up I pounded the importance of Gods Word alone.
      I began to lead Bible study but by now the friction was really there.
      I was asking why we never studied Galatians or Romans or Hebrews.
      I openly challenged EGW and showed she failed the test of a prophet in Deuteronomy.
      I was Blessed to be a part of two long time elders leaving this false church.
      Has it been easy? No.
      Has it come at a cost? Yes.
      Was it worth it? YES!!!
      Jesus said if we choose Him it will come at a cost.
      I pray to God that you really invest in yourself.
      Research and study it out.
      If you actually study Gods Word you won’t be able to stay.
      Please start with these passages.
      Galatians 4:21-31
      Who are the two sons?
      Genesis 16-Ishmael son of flesh bondage-who’s hand is against every man.
      Genesis 21-son of promise freedom Grace.
      These are types and shadows.
      The Bible gives us models-to larger truths.
      Why would you model yourself under the son of flesh? Man’s way?
      2 Corinthians 3:6-18.
      FM to THIS VERY DAY in the reading of the Old Testament.
      Cmon your smarter than that.
      I would give you what I have if I could…
      I might say that to give you Light I’d take the darkness back…
      I tremble and fear to say that.
      To see you get freedom in Christ I would sacrifice myself.
      Please Brother I beg you…
      Read line by line Galatians Romans and Hebrews.
      Go slow.
      Pray ask God to guide you.
      I beg you watch these presentations on AA
      UA-cam channels.
      Test the Prophet
      Academy Alologia
      Check out those channels.
      Is Jesus Christ Michael the arc Angel? That’s what Jehovah’s Witnesses teach…hey be a real Jehovah’s Witness.
      There are some deadly cults that we have been warned about.
      God tells us “SEE THAT YOU ARE NOT DECEIVED”.
      Here’s my personal verse that hits home.
      It’s a parable about the danger of false doctrine/false church poison or leaven being added to Truth.
      Just so happens it’s a woman who adds it in….hhhmmmm.
      Mathew 13:33
      2 Peter 2:11 read that…
      Jude 9 read that….
      Can Jesus rebuke the devil?
      Yes in the desert He absolutely did.
      Now go see what Doug Batchelor teaches about Micheal the Arc angel.
      If you can endure that an see that you along with many others have been duped..wouldn’t it be time to humble yourself before The Lord?
      You got this.
      Blessings from the deepest inward parts of me.
      I pray you find freedom from this cult.
      Blessings and Happy Holidays.
      BC Canada -28 🥶
      Much love ❤️

    • @FM-ls4vu
      @FM-ls4vu Рік тому

      I didn't side step your comments or Gods word. You're probably a good person who made these comments with good intentions and so I do not question your intensions or integrity in any way.
      Let me begin by saying that I don't claim to know everything which is why I'm always open to these discussions. I don't know every single detail about EGW and neither do you. My acceptance of her writings as a revelation from God is based on faith and not an absolute demonstration of flawlessness. What EGW has written about Jesus, Salvation, Prophecy, Education, Health and many other counsels as they apply to the the times we're living in does not in any way indicate that she was a false prophet as far as I know. There will always be room for doubt and many people will say different things about her but I believe God always gives us more than enough evidence upon which we can rest our faith and that evidence is in her writings. I choose to rest my faith on that evidence and I believe my experience with EGW has been a blessing. I don't understand how Adventists ignore Hebrews 1:1-2 and 2 Peter 1:20 in exactly the same way as I don't understand exactly what failed prophecies of EGW you're referring to. What do you mean exactly? Could you provide the reference to the failed prophecies you're referring to?
      What you said about the Sabbath being a symbol of our redemption in Jesus isn't blasphemous in any way. It doesn't mean we're saved by keeping the Sabbath. It simply means that the Sabbath points to the redemptive work of Jesus for our salvation which He completed when He died on Friday and rested in the tomb throughout the sacred hours of the Sabbath. The same is true of creation because God completed His work on the sixth day and rested on the Sabbath. In other words the Sabbath reminds us that Jesus is our Creator and Redeemer. What's so blasphemous about that?
      Once again I don't know exactly what concerns you have with beliefs #18, #19, #24 and Michael the Archangel so I don't how to address what you have presented to be honest.
      I'm already familiar with the UA-cam channels you mentioned and my position remains the same. Please do not demonize Adventists in your mind by calling them a cult. Remember that you don't know everything and so I would encourage you to keep studying Scripture with an open mind. I wouldn't necessarily question your knowledge of Adventism but there's a possibility that you misunderstood many things. The pharisees had so much knowledge of the scriptures but they lacked understanding which is why they rejected Christ.
      God bless you too and Happy Holidays.


      "It then becomes our duty to prayerfully look into the ministry of EGW to ascertain whether or not she was sent by God."
      Now, it is your prayerful duty to look into MY writings.
      As the Lord's messenger, I was sent to bring you an urgent command, that you must carry out. -I was also warned that you might doubt his humble messenger.
      God requires you to send me $17.99 via PayPal.
      If you obey the command of the Lord, you do well...
      If you fail to carry out his will, you have indeed confirmed his warning. -about your feeble faith

    • @hotwax9376
      @hotwax9376 Рік тому

      So, by your own admission, to declare EGW inspired is to give her equal authority to Scripture. You just confirmed this guy's argument against Doug Batchelor's claim.

  • @bethbeal7144
    @bethbeal7144 Рік тому +1

    God loves you my Brother " Answering Adventism". Take time to study the sacred scriptures rather than criticizing DOUG BATCHELOR, we're not worry your ATTACKS at the end at the Judgement, I want to see you besides Jesus as our Advocate in Front the thrown of God, you're NO DIFFERENCE what Jesus mentioned..." A son of Perdition....", you have more time criticizing rather studying nor giving " SOLO SCRIPTURA...", We're praying for your soul our Brother, that I will see you in heaven, For
    “A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit; neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” (Matt. 7:15-20). We don't have time attacking each other, rather we need to go back to the scripture, I pitied you so much, you rather shot your mouth, because I want to see you in the glory of God, preparing for all of us and for you my Dear Brother, doesn't worth attacking somebody, buttom line is do more good things for God, rather spending time criticizing or Attacking other denomination, we are praying for your salvation our dear Brother.

  • @kirkbaumgardner1501
    @kirkbaumgardner1501 Рік тому +1

    If you actually read along with The Bible and her rottings with this video you'll find that this guy tries to argues semantics stating that it means this and somehow conly an unstudied person would quickly be swayed by such little persuasion

  • @RareMusicProduction
    @RareMusicProduction Рік тому +1

    Why do they have any writings of her?

  • @andrepacheco7726
    @andrepacheco7726 10 місяців тому +1

    Was fun but I’m done. Here I was thinking I would change my faith but not this time. People fact check things please! This guy is twisting at his own pleasure and not reading totally what she means. Old story. I advice you to visit an SDA church if you want to know what we really practice and believe. God bless you all. Btw read Ellen White under fire, these and much more critics have a biblical answer without word play or cunning unlike what happened in this video

  • @chesswith_luthomfazwe
    @chesswith_luthomfazwe Рік тому +2

    with much respect brother, I am an African by origin. As Africans we have this idea called "responsibility of information". That means that even if you have things correct, there is a correct way of saying what you know, and to whom you are saying what you know. That said, even if in this video you are correct, it is a bad Christian characteristic to call someone much older than you a "village idiot" and to say Doug is "lying through his teeth". He might be teaching what you deem as false, fair, but you don't have to insult him in the process. Our knowledge of the scriptures should not degrade in our eyes our elders to be young men like us. Doug is very old, and as such the Bible commands respect of the gray hairs. When the world loses the truth of these issues, we as Christians should still hold to these landmarks, not join the world in forgetting them. In short, I like your content, and your research has helped me as I also made my exit out of Adventism. Expose the truth, but do it responsibly.

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  Рік тому +1

      Doug used the term village idiot. Did you not catch that? You proved the point. Exactly, you shouldn’t refer to people in your movement that you think aren’t the best representatives as the village idiot. Yet, Doug did. So I did the same thing to make the point. I’m glad you caught it.

    • @chesswith_luthomfazwe
      @chesswith_luthomfazwe Рік тому +1

      @@answeringadventism I caught that yes. He made the analogy speaking about people in his movement, and how you should not ask just about anyone about important matters. But Did you have to respond in kind? Because to someone who is listening such a statement coming from you hits differently. All I'm saying is be careful in the way you present your info. I once saw a video where an elder and a young boy were debating on the sabbath. While the boy had amazing facts about the sabbath not being obligatory for Christians, he however made so many remarks about the elder and was raising his voice to an extent that the debate became unbearable to listen to. A comment like "you will turn out to be the village idiot" coming from you, even though he made the analogy, was not necessary. You could've straightaway responded to the question of the SOP being put on par with the Bible. Man I know in the West such things are not considered deeply. I'm telling you that you have an African audience as well and I'm not asking for something which is out of the scope of the Book we commonly believe.

  • @KevinOchola
    @KevinOchola Рік тому +2

    Anybody who listens to Doug Batchelor divide the word can attest that he is humbly delivering the truth of the sincere questions regarding this matter...what has Doug Batchelor ever preached that is contrary to the bible? And what did Ellen white ever say that was of her own origin and without the scripture's backing?

    • @R1rippin
      @R1rippin 10 місяців тому

      Are you aware that EGW, James and Bates, said that the Sabbath began at 6PM to 6PM And that Satan would get them from this time? And they kept it this way for 9 years! EGW said she heard this from her "accompanying angel" (which BTW she claims was an angel from the Lord) Here is a direct quote below - While Bates and his group settled upon 6 p.m., not all were in agreement. In 1847, a controversy arose when some Sabbath-keepers in Maine claimed the Sabbath should be started at sunrise. Mrs. White had a "vision" that established Bates' teaching that the Sabbath commenced in the evening. James White writes: In that vision she was shown that to commence the Sabbath at sunrise was wrong. She then heard an angel repeat these words, 'From even unto even shall ye celebrate your Sabbaths.' Brother Bates was present, and succeeded in satisfying all present that 'even' was SIX o'clock. Another quote "This represents Jesus' words. Are there not twelve hours in the day? This figure represents the day or the last half of the day. Daylight is half gone when the sun is south or halfway from each horizon, at twelve o'clock. Now go each way six hours, and you will get the twelve-hour day. At any time a year, the day ends at 6:00 P.M. Here is where the Sabbath begins at 6:00 P.M.--JW to "My Dear Brother," July 2, 1848. James White added, "Satan would get us from this time. But let us stand fast in the Sabbath as GOD HAS GIVEN IT TO US and Brother Bates. God has raised up Brother Bates to give this truth. I should have more faith in his opinion than any other man's."-- Ibid .6 - They claimed GOD gave them this time!
      CLEARLY her 'angel' was not from the Lord, but from whom? This also CLEARLY shows that NONE of them read the Bible. From EGW "I inquired why it had been thus, that at this late day we must change the time of commencing the Sabbath. Said the angel, 'Ye shall understand, but not yet, not yet." but there is no evidence Ellen White ever understood. To this day the confusion remains. The Sabbath was the central teaching of the shut-door Adventists during those nine years, with many articles and tracts written about its sacredness and the necessity of not working on the Sabbath. And yet, for nine years the angels did not even hint to Ellen White that she and Bates were BREAKING THE SABBATH when working on Friday evening after sundown or Sabbath evening before sundown. Then, after Andrews and James and the brethren had already concluded the Sabbath began at sundown, Mrs. White's angel finally arrived to tell her the Sabbath commenced at sundown. The conversation with the "angel" would have been far more convincing had it occurred prior to the conference, but as they say, better late than never!

    • @nakaninja180
      @nakaninja180 7 місяців тому

      ​@@R1rippin but sabbath is from sunset to sunset... Friday sunset to Saturdag Sunset.

  • @grantjmiller15
    @grantjmiller15 7 місяців тому

    I watch his videos and I will say with the comments he makes on “true” Christ he knows what he’s doing and the division among the different churches is going to be the reason why people stay away from Christ as a whole. It’s sad that people like him have to insult other peoples faith in order to build his own. I’m happy that he’s found a belief that he can stick with but like you I stuck with Adventism and I don’t believe that ever has to change in order for me to be saved

  • @kirkbaumgardner1501
    @kirkbaumgardner1501 Рік тому +1

    You're leaving out other writings of the The author is considered a lethal lesser light But she clearly States over and over again that The Bible is authority and that if anybody speaks not according to that word there is no light in them you are severely misunderstanding and hes not lying It clearly States and you've read it and somehow you seem to still not understand it

    • @dbz24
      @dbz24 6 місяців тому

      Let this guy know. He's got things twisted.

  • @kayhughes4044
    @kayhughes4044 Рік тому +3

    Oh really I didn't hear any lies I go to The Seventh-Day Adventist Church and I have never read any of Ellen White's books

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  Рік тому +2

      Good to know you’re the new official teachings of the SDA Church, Kay. Also good to know you think the official SDA sources that we looked at in this video are wrong. Praise God!

    • @kayhughes4044
      @kayhughes4044 Рік тому +1

      @@answeringadventism don't be a smart alec buddy nobody ever said anything about me being the teacher of the seventh-day Adventist Church.

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  Рік тому +6

      @@kayhughes4044 apparently you are because you’re asserting your own experience as the standard.
      This video went to official SDA teaching and sources. It’s irrelevant what you personally think. The official position of your church is that the writings of EGW are the infallible interpreter of scripture. That EGWs writings are as authoritative of scripture. Doug said this isn’t the official position of the SDA Church. That’s a lie.

    • @kitwarjri7086
      @kitwarjri7086 Рік тому +3

      He is clarifying that he don't put Allen white in the same pedestal n I hv watch Dough Bachelor teachings for years n I love his teaching evn though I'm not SDA n I hv not seen not evn once that he put her in that position except a quote here or there like all preachers do.This guy is looking for views with a Title of the video like this which is lies.Dough had brought many souls to christ n wat do you do again...feeling a strong sense of jealousy here.

    • @kayhughes4044
      @kayhughes4044 Рік тому +2

      @@kitwarjri7086 you tell me how based on my comment I seem to be jealous I sense a little hatred coming from you.

  • @nakaninja180
    @nakaninja180 7 місяців тому

    So all you former SDAs... Did y'all have to sit in church with an EGW Book and worship with that or did y'all actually sit in church with a Bible for worship?

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  7 місяців тому +1

      Aha, nah, people sit with a bible. This video was addressing the organization at an organizational level. Their official position is opposite of what Doug claimed.

  • @user-xj9vk1rb9t
    @user-xj9vk1rb9t 7 місяців тому

    I have been following your points but i dont get any satisfying point 🙏, i will continue seeing may b one will come

  • @hipsterwolf7265
    @hipsterwolf7265 Рік тому +3

    In all of these sources you quoted, where it speaks on the ministry of Ellen G. White, noticed how all use Scripture as the guiding source to legitimize Ellen G. White as a prophet of God. They never use Ellen G. White’s writings to legitimize the Bible, but rather to legitimize her. This is what it means to “test the spirits”.
    Her writings are divinely inspired, but are not put in the same level of scripture because scripture is the base in where her writings are tested.
    It odd how you manage to not mention the passages where she saids that the Bible is to be the only rule of faith, and how her testimonies lead people TO THE BIBLE.

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  Рік тому +3

      Whatever you have to tell yourself to make yourself feel better.
      Simply proof texting a scripture doesn’t mean anything. All cults proof text scripture. Simply citing it and inserting a meaning isn’t how you interpret scripture. The Mormons say the same thing for their prophetic chain. And they contradict Ellen White while citing the same scripture. So Ellen White must be false and the Mormon church is correct, right Hipster Wolf?

    • @hipsterwolf7265
      @hipsterwolf7265 Рік тому +3

      @@answeringadventism It’s not about making myself “feel better”. It’s about clearing up misconceptions and biases about how you Adventist doctrine. And yes, I’m aware you were raised in the church, but that still doesn’t mean that only you can speak on the stance of Adventist doctrine.
      As for your Mormon comment, you practically take the stance of a Catholic or an Orthodox, as they would argue to a Protestant “how can every Protestant believe in Sola Scriptura if they all come to different conclusions, that’s we have the church”.
      Also Mormons USE the books of Joseph Smith to test the Bible. They literally say “The Bible is inspired if translated correctly,”. So if anything, they’re testing Ellen G. White off Joseph Smith, and not the Word of God.

    • @mosesmundall
      @mosesmundall Рік тому

      ​@Hipster Wolf Amen brother.

  • @nekiministries
    @nekiministries Рік тому +3

    What about Ellen White herself saying that we should always hold the Bible as the truest testimony?

  • @oanthatakealeboga571
    @oanthatakealeboga571 11 місяців тому

    I listened to this... I have not heard any thing wrong with what was said... I think perhaps your perspective and interpretation may be the issue... Perhaps if this was a video interaction it would be better... As for interpretation, it does not mean the Bible is less than E G White, its interpretation and therefore should not change the original item. And every prophet youll find they claim that thry were inspired by God... Not a single prophet on this planet will tell you they are not inspired by God as for you to be a prophet you SHOULD be inspired by God. This is common sense... Lets learn to debate facts and not your own interpretations...

  • @ElizabethT.
    @ElizabethT. Рік тому +1

    You're the WOLF 🐺 in SHEEP'S 🐑 CLOTHING, not D. Batchelor, and I'm not a 7th Day Adventist saying this! I just have discernment from God and know that Doug is a VERY wise man and has wisdom from the Holy Spirit. Everything he says can be 100% backed by Scripture! It's people like you who God warns "NOT to sow discord amongst your fellow Brethren..." yet, that's what you're doing: going against what God wants! SHAME!!

  • @user-np5hn1sm2z
    @user-np5hn1sm2z 8 місяців тому

    The S O P, is not , Ellen White , or , her writings , but the power of God that moves believers to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ . Acts 1 v 8 . S D A is not a Church of God.

  • @nicolasmartinez8059
    @nicolasmartinez8059 Рік тому +2

    You must understand even within 7th Day Adventists there are divisions... Just like in other churches as well. Some of my SDA friends take EGW too seriously to think for themselves and it makes me uncomfortable. Instead of quoting the bible, they tend to quote EGW. I attend a small SDA church in Finland which, where EGW not quoted or mentioned at all, have overall good teachings and precepts that are quite close to the bible. In here EGW doesn't have the same prevalence as in USA. Again, I think it is a question of exposure and indoctrination on how to see EGW. I never went to an American SDA school but these friends, which I mention, have attended such institutions.

  • @zacaboriginal-o-9029
    @zacaboriginal-o-9029 10 місяців тому +2

    I'm here after I watched a video of him saying Michael the Archangel is Jesus

    • @robbiebob6267
      @robbiebob6267 10 місяців тому +2

      Yes..... I know the video you're talking about & I'm right with you brother.
      Jesus is Jesus...... Not Michael the archangel.

    • @tommonemone1821
      @tommonemone1821 4 місяці тому

      Jesus is God the Son
      Jesus is Michael the Arch Angel
      Sola scriptura

  • @markrobby7136
    @markrobby7136 11 місяців тому

    Sir, your audio voice line need to be raised cus it's pretty low...thanks for sharing though

  • @skypete09
    @skypete09 Рік тому +1

    Why don't you debate and him prove him wrong?

  • @squidwardtennisballs3390
    @squidwardtennisballs3390 Рік тому +5

    Great video. I converted to Adventistism at 21 and was apart of the church for 6 years. I left the church because I concluded based upon Dr. Steve Dailys book 'Ellen White: A Psychobiography' that she spoke, at least, a half dozen verifiably false prophecies. It was a little hard to accept but it is true. Every Adventist should read that book.
    I still consider myself a Classical Protestant Christian and I still believe the Sabbath Day is on Saturday (like many other Protestant sects believed before the SDA was even formed). Every Christian should be open to the fact that they could have been misled and the light of God is a constant learning process. Thanks for the video!

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  Рік тому +1

      Thanks for sharing! God bless you in your journey.

    • @papflower610
      @papflower610 Рік тому

      @@protestant77 Don't you feel sorry for these poor lost souls who are set like cement and so deceived. All we can do is pray for them. 🙋‍♀️🙏🐨

    • @statutesofthelord
      @statutesofthelord Рік тому +1

      No one has ever shown from the Bible where Ellen White wrote something contrary to it.

    • @statutesofthelord
      @statutesofthelord Рік тому +1

      @@rayray4192 Ray, thank you for attempting to show a supposed contradiction. That is braver than most.
      If you read the context, you will see that we humans don't get right with God until we resolve to do what God says to do. Jesus' first sermon was "Repent, and be converted".
      Do you see the agreement now?

    • @statutesofthelord
      @statutesofthelord Рік тому

      @@rayray4192 Ray, 1Cor 15:31 I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily.
      1Cor 15:32 If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not? let us eat and drink; for to morrow we die.
      1Cor 15:33 Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.
      1Cor 15:34 Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak [this] to your shame.
      Do you think Paul was mistaken too?

  • @TruthSetFree-zm1ep
    @TruthSetFree-zm1ep Рік тому +8

    Fact check
    We are heeeeeere!!!

  • @mpierce889
    @mpierce889 Рік тому +15

    Thank you for covering about Adventism. As for me the reason I learned from those who left the church is vague and different understanding of the church beliefs. My sister and I are so blessed to be born Adventist.
    What is the name of your church? And why can't you just defend your beliefs without saying things against Adventist?

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  Рік тому +18

      I am defending my beliefs. The mission statement of the channel is publicly posted in the about section of the channel along with my confession of faith.
      Exposing heresy and educating the body of Christ on Adventisms false gospel and false Christ is defending my beliefs.

    • @mpierce889
      @mpierce889 Рік тому +3

      What does that mean when you can defend your beliefs only against one church? Your topics are exclusively all about against SDA. That is sad...

    • @trulyzim
      @trulyzim Рік тому +4

      @Answering Adventism I will pray for you so that your eyes may be opened. Otherwise, be blessed, my brother. However, you do not defend your beliefs by attacking Adventism. Just state them and show how they hold up to the standard, that is the word of God, i.e. the Bible.

    • @trulyzim
      @trulyzim Рік тому +1

      @Ray Ray If you can determine the motive and assign the correct motive to my post, it is well to answer as you did. On the other hand, your inferred motive might be wrong. I know my intentions, and they are nothing close to what you deduced.

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  Рік тому +2

      @@aerodave1 what is the gospel?

  • @mydownloadsnkambule309
    @mydownloadsnkambule309 Рік тому

    No you are making a mistake all what the Seventh-Day Adventist speak is what God in the bible say. Sabbath is holy day of God from the crwation of the earth. Many of you say Sabbath is for the Jews which is a lie. Sabbath is the Day of the God read Genesis 20:8-11. That was long before we have Jews.
    If you are ignorant about something, just ask those who know they'll tell so that you learn.

  • @TheRandombpt
    @TheRandombpt Місяць тому

    Hmmm, I have my issues with adventism being an adventist but just on ur first "disproving" I can see ur nippicking. Yes we bieve she had the Spirit of prophecy but you didint include the fundemental belief that says the Bible and the Bible alone is the only word of God.

  • @emrylkerr3171
    @emrylkerr3171 4 місяці тому

    Myles Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand

  • @hectorromero4375
    @hectorromero4375 Рік тому +6

    Yes they put her writing equal to the Bible

  • @williamstroud1455
    @williamstroud1455 8 місяців тому

    Malachi 2:9-11 with comments emphasizing present truth in parenthesis. “…ye have not kept my ways, (by keeping the Sabbath holy. God’s chosen 7th day sabbath.) but have been partial in the law (the 10 Commandments). Have we not all one father (Acts 17:26 “And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation”.)? hath not one God created us (man and woman, Jew and gentile, past and future. There is only one God. Not the god of the Jews and the god of the Greeks.)? Why do we deal treacherously (Teaching false doctrine like the disannulment of the 10 Commandments) every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our fathers (The covenant made with Abraham. “And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise”. Galatians 3:29)? Judah hath dealt treacherously, and an abomination (Abomination is idolatry. Idolatry is worshipping something that was not made for worship, i.e. the false sabbath.) is committed in Israel (Not the nation but rather the Israel of God. Self proclaimed “Christians” who don’t believe in God’s law) and in Jerusalem; for Judah hath profaned the holiness of the LORD which he loved, and hath married the daughter of a strange god (Apostate Protestantism).”

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 6 місяців тому

      2 - 18 - 24
      There you go WORKING your technology ALL day on Saturday's on as many SDA channels as possible dealing with Adventism while simultaneously mentioning ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about SPREADING/ PREACHING the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
      ( NOT ONCE )
      1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4
      ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
      ( The CROSS ✝️ )
      His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 6 місяців тому

      2 - 18 - 24
      "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! ""
      John 11 : 25

  • @ReverendThunder
    @ReverendThunder Рік тому +12

    Excellent presentation exposing the lies, cognitive dissonance, doublespeak and pathological mendacity of SDA leaders, pastors, apologists, and hack adherents. It's crazy bro!! Thank God that He is raising up Christians who came out of this cult to publicly show the wider public what they believe and teach, but try so hard to hide in plain sight. Blessings to you and your work bro.

    • @umabrijmohun6720
      @umabrijmohun6720 Рік тому +3

      Exactly and your books all 3 volumes "Hiding in Plain Sight the false doctrines of the Seventh Day Church tells it

    • @bbsvchic
      @bbsvchic Рік тому +2


    • @ReverendThunder
      @ReverendThunder Рік тому

      @@rayray4192 yes, very crazy bro. Well I'm happy to teach you a new word. 😁

    • @meckeldeyang
      @meckeldeyang Рік тому

      So your religion is better
      An explain how your teaching is better

    • @meckeldeyang
      @meckeldeyang Рік тому

      @@rayray4192 an what religion are you

  • @williamstroud1455
    @williamstroud1455 Рік тому

    Why does the 4th commandment begin with the word “Remember”? Exodus 20:11, the last sentence of the commandment says “For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.”, so we are to “remember” it because we are celebrating creation, God’s creation. Do we still need to celebrate creation? Of course. When did God create the Sabbath, before or after sin? Before sin…it is part of His perfect plan. When was the resurrection and is it important? It was Sunday and it was important. When was the crucifixion and was it important? It was Friday and it was important. Is there instruction anywhere in the Bible to worship on Friday or Sunday? Nowhere. God had it right from the beginning. God’s holy day is the 7th day Sabbath. Had He changed the day He certainly would have had it written in the Bible. He would not leave it to our imaginations. He would make it very clear to us.

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  Рік тому +1

      Yes, thank you William. We’ve only heard your parroted script for decades. I don’t get how you guys can’t grasp that we’ve heard all of this before. You are the 100000th SDA to just ramble off your script like I haven’t heard this for the umpteeth time. You’re literally just beating up a straw man. You have no clue what my positions even are. This video had nothing to do with that. It had to do with fact checking a claim made by a prominent man. Yet here you are rambling about everything but that.
      Furthermore, you violated one of Jesus’s most basic commands earlier by judging based on appearance, and yet here or are commenting on the video again. It sounds like you are bothered, sir. It sounds like you are convicted because it’s 2 hours later and here you still are.
      You’re going to have to do better than your parroted SDA script if you want to engage. You presented no new talking points, no new claims, just the same tired assertions built on faulty assumptions and beliefs. Do better.

    • @williamstroud1455
      @williamstroud1455 Рік тому

      @@answeringadventism Same old script for decades and you still have no answer? Dude. I know some of your erroneous views, yes. This video had to do with discrediting a prominent woman. So m'dude, you don't like her and you say "She couldn't have been lead by the Holy Spirit to write what she wrote. She's a false prophet. The writers of scripture were lead by the Holy Spirit, yes? If you were baptized you received the Holy Spirit...but not THE Holy Spirit. Oh, wait...yes it is that Holy Spirit. Oh, you must be a false teacher. You received the Holy Spirit??? No, couldn't be. Same old tired rhetoric. Nice job "fact checking". What other nonsense did you spew about her? Have you read her writings? Say, Great Controversy or Desire of Ages. Maybe you're jealous, eh? BTW, Pastor Doug's statements were right on. You seem to want to twist things around to make it look like he said something he didn't. Oh, what about Sabbath there feller? Nothing? Thought so.

  • @kirkbaumgardner1501
    @kirkbaumgardner1501 Рік тому

    The testimony of JesusChrist is the spirit of prophecy And if she does not specify it could be in her own words It's he specifying that her words trump The Bible that it's a greater light or = never I still don't understand what it is the words are always taken ever so slightly out of context never knowing where she's coming from if you If you actually see where Hernandez's racing comes from The Bible you would see why she writes in that way there is nothing wrong with it she's not saying it trumps The Bible she's not gonna write it exactly she's writing with her own permission

  • @onlyme6342
    @onlyme6342 Рік тому

    Why do so many adventists cuss and use so much profanity?! I notice it as a distinct characteristic of seven day adventists over many years

  • @tdickensheets
    @tdickensheets Рік тому +2

    Pray for me

  • @lashainereynolds1775
    @lashainereynolds1775 Рік тому +6

    I couldn't agree with you more.

  • @user-zh1to8ii8m
    @user-zh1to8ii8m Місяць тому

    And what will you do, when you will see that Doug was right, and didn't lie? What will you do, when you will see that your work did hurt God, the God you say you live? What will you feel when you will realise that you lost time and listened to the devil who encouraged you to stay off topic, the topic that would have allow you to know Jesus and to believe Him when He says in 1844 one more prophet? What will you say to Jesus when He will tell you to gobaway, as He doesn't know you?
    Please, read the book called The Great Controversy.

  • @mattmc9812
    @mattmc9812 10 місяців тому +1

    Im former SDA as well ❤ thank god im no longer part of that cult

  • @vinniemac8492
    @vinniemac8492 Рік тому

    To call someone a liar even in iignorance constitue being a false witness which is sin. Consider your own salvation brother. Where is rhe everlasting gospel in this video?

  • @princeeugen777
    @princeeugen777 Рік тому

    Isa 30:26 Moreover the light of THE MOON shall be as the light of THE SUN, and the light of THE SUN shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.
    Rev 12:1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with THE SUN, and THE MOON under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:
    If the moon is the PERSON Jesus Christ then which PERSON is the moon ?

  • @willrobinson247
    @willrobinson247 Рік тому

    I can't believe these people that attack people like Pastor Doug Batchelor. I'm a Seventh-Day Adventist and don't believe that Ellen G White writings should be set right along side of the Bible. Now will say this from what I have read IP have found no error in her writings. Adventist some not all will use her writings in their sermon just like many first day minister and teachers use other non-biblical sources. Now tell me who's wrong and use right here? Shouldn't both be wrong? Are both right? I will admit that some Seventh-Day Adventist quote Ellen G White more that they quote the Holy Bible not that is not right for them to do. But Adventist as a group do not do this. If you're going to attack Doug Bachelor and the Seventh-Day Adventist church members on this one you need to take a look at all the other Christian religions and their ministers also.

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  Рік тому

      We aren't "attacking" Doug Batchelor. That's quite the exaggeration. The point is Doug claimed the SDA Church does not view the Spirit of Prophecy as just as inspired and equal with scripture. This is false. We fact checked it for people to see.
      "If you're going to attack Doug Bachelor and the Seventh-Day Adventist church members on this one you need to take a look at all the other Christian religions and their ministers also."
      We do not consider Seventh-Day Adventism to be Christian. It is not orthodox and proselytizes a false god and a false gospel. That why this platform exists. Seventh-Day Adventist's need to be evangelized to.
      And no, we aren't required to respond to every pastor in the world by virtue of addressing a single one.

    • @willrobinson247
      @willrobinson247 Рік тому

      @@answeringadventism I have already caught you guys in 2 lies. First you call him friend and you called him (Pastor Doug) a liar. But did you call him up and ask him what he meant by what he said. That is what a friend would do. Secondly, you said we're not attacking him and that is quite an exaggeration". These were your own words. Yet you are calling him a liar over and over.
      Finally, you said, "We do not consider Seventh-Day Adventism to be Christian. It is not orthodox and proselytizes a false god and a false gospel. I must ask the question you are you to judge. The Seventh-Day Adventist is a group of Christian believers that worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Seventh-Day Adventist don't worship their own God or teachings. They have teachings that go along with the Bible principles. Please read for yourself my friends don't believe all this foolish people are telling you about the Seventh-Day Adventist. The phrase "Seventh-Day Adventism" would mean the following a distinctive practice, system, or philosophy, typically a political ideology or an artistic movement. My friend again read for yourself. What we teach is bible-based and yes her writing are inspired. Have you ever written anything inspiring? What I mean is have the Holy Spirit ever guided you to write anything inspiring that lead people to read the Bible more?

  • @royanque8374
    @royanque8374 Рік тому +2

    Didn't it say in the Bible, to test the prophets and despise not prophesyings? She wrote prophesyings and are we to ignore them completely? Or do we stick to the "Bible alone" principle while ignoring its instructions? If somebody interpreted the Bible contradicting how Ewhite did, honestly we will be more inclined to believe that of Ellen white's. Is that wrong? Is it fair to be accused of putting her writtings on par with the Bible because of it?

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  Рік тому +1

      This is conflation and doublespeak. It ignores what Ellen said in the quotes.
      She claimed her writings and scripture were both authored by the Holy Spirit. To say they aren’t equal after this is just cognitive dissonance.
      Your church says her writings speak with “prophetic authority” and provide comfort, guidance, instruction and correction to the Church.
      She claimed to be more than a prophet:
      “During the discourse, I said that I did not claim to be a prophetess. Some were surprised at this statement, and as much is being said in regard to it, I will make an explanation. Others have called me a prophetess, but I have never assumed that title. I have not felt that it was my duty thus to designate myself. Those who boldly assume that they are prophets in this our day are often a reproach to the cause of Christ.
      My work includes MUCH MORE than this name signifies. I regard myself as a messenger, entrusted by the Lord with messages for His people.”
      Ellen White doesn’t even come close to passing the biblical test of a prophet. And her ability to exegete scripture was abysmal.

    • @royanque8374
      @royanque8374 Рік тому +6

      @@answeringadventism some prophets speak, others write. There were legit prophets mentioned in the Bible that didnt contribute to the canon. We consider her as such. Just because she wrote books doesn't mean we have to measure them with the authority of Scripture suggestively. Hers is the lesser light but not lesser in authority nor in importance because they were also written under the guidance and illumination of the Holy Ghost, who doesn't consider any of His messages of lesser value, importance or authority. When White speaks of her writings or her ministry expressing confidence, she is not exalting herself but was merely testifying to their authenticity, that they were of God.

    • @royanque8374
      @royanque8374 Рік тому +4

      @@rayray4192 there was a time when Paul's letters went under fire. So Peter had to defend Paul in one of his. We believe Ellen White's writings are under fire now for the same reason Paul's writings were. I think Olson had this in mind when making such statements. Do you believe Paul was infallible? How about Peter? How then are we seeing letters of fallible men part of the infallible scripture? How can anything manmade be infallible? Personally, I wouldn't call White an infallible interpreter of Scripture. Her writings are largely homiletics. But I wouldn't take them lightly either, when she is claiming that she received them from God.

    • @royanque8374
      @royanque8374 Рік тому +3

      @@rayray4192 we believe in the infallibility of Scriptures, not writers. Sorry.


      @@royanque8374 I wonder why scripture failed to mention Ellen White? -like those other "legit" prophets

  • @BrookDesHarnais
    @BrookDesHarnais Рік тому

    Answering Adventism Who wrote SM that you are quoting from? Actually, no, Ellen White did not write this book/compilation; other men wrote it after Ellen White died.
    This battle goes much deeper than you have gone.
    Are you ready to pour out your heart as a living sacrifice?
    If so, you will trust the Spirit of Jesus; sacrificing self to forgive the 'chosen (remnant) people' even when they nail you to the death.

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  Рік тому

      Aha! So now compilation books, compiled and published by Ellen’s own estate using her own manuscripts and writings, do not qualify as Ellen’s own words?! 😂😂😂
      Yes, Brook, Ellen wrote Selected Messages. Even if we dismiss that that doesn’t deal with the plethora of other books saying the same thing. Nice try, though.

    • @BrookDesHarnais
      @BrookDesHarnais Рік тому

      @@answeringadventism Nice try ignoring the fact that you are blindly putting your faith in men instead of in God alone. Are you even aware of the jesuits in the sda church? Are you aware of the catholic agents who wrote books with EGW's name on them? Do you know the 'EGW' books that have satan's words in them?

  • @gordonjura4687
    @gordonjura4687 Рік тому

    Quench not the Spirit.
    Despise not prophesyings.
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
    1 Thessalonians 5:19-21

  • @barrytucker9807
    @barrytucker9807 10 місяців тому +1

    Well done.

  • @Robert_Sparkman_01
    @Robert_Sparkman_01 Рік тому +4

    Myles, I understand that flyers inviting community members to evangelistic Bible studies on prophecy or health often omit the name of the Seventh Day Adventists because they don't want to be identified prior to attendance. Do you know if this is still current practice?

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  Рік тому +6

      Their Revelation Seminars are a prime example. They’re typically a week long and no mention of Seventh-Day Adventism is made until they start getting into the Mark of the Beast and Sunday being said mark. Which is typically on Wednesday or Thursday of the week long seminar.

    • @Robert_Sparkman_01
      @Robert_Sparkman_01 Рік тому

      @@answeringadventism Another thing I heard is that SDAs don't believe that Sabbathbreaking is the Mark of the Beast. Rather, they believe it will be the Mark of the Beast during the Great Tribulation. Do you know if this is true? As an Armstrongite, I always considered Sunday observers as under the Mark of the Beast now, rather than some future point.

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  Рік тому +5

      @@Robert_Sparkman_01 they believe going to church on Sunday WILL be the mark of the beast after the United States government links up with “apostate Protestantism” and Roman Catholicism to pass a National Sunday Worship Law. It will be submitting to this law that will supposedly be the mark of the beast.

    • @TheVCRTimeMachine
      @TheVCRTimeMachine Рік тому +3

      I was in a meeting with a group planning an evangelistic series for an SDA church. The speaker was going to be a Conference PResident. He told everyone that if someone asks what church is hosting the meetings, to tell them, in a gentle and specific way, that it was being hosted by the Seventh-day Adventist Church and everyone in the room was astonished and questioned him on it, because it has always been the practice to never reveal the church until after the study on the Sabbath, which is always towards the end of any series. Now, he never announced which church was hosting from the front, but if someone asked someone specifically, then he told everyone to be honest and tell them.

    • @Robert_Sparkman_01
      @Robert_Sparkman_01 Рік тому +2

      @@TheVCRTimeMachine Interesting. I don't think the Sabbath is that controversial, to be honest. I belonged to the Armstrongites, another Sabbathkeeping group, and they always made the Sabbath out to be controversial to non-Sabbatarians. Personally the bigger offenses, for them, were their denial of the Trinity and claims that they would become God in the resurrection. Perhaps the mark of the Beast = Sunday observanve claim is offensive to other Christians, though.