Тоже лазила в пещеры в Крыму в Украине, но в такую бы не полезла. Был страх за вас! Как можно в такой пещере найти ход, выход или вернуться назад. Это нереально! Поляки вы молодцы!Если эта сьёмка дошла до нас, значит все живы. Слава Богу!
This is the scariest video I've seen... I was having anxiety attack watching, like I couldn't breath... Wow, just discovered I'm really claustrophobic. Props to you guys... Count me out on that one.
I also agree these guys want to leave their grave deep underground. I couldn't look because I felt like I was literally drowning, I was suffocating just by looking, I felt that they couldn't get out and more and more they went inwards. What courage I can not.
How is it possible that they do not feel the fear of not being able to get out? These men are going deeper and deeper and it is impossible to remember the way out that could be there so important as to put their lives in danger?
Serem..... Sungguh suatu perjalanan penuh perjuangan antara mati dan hidup dlm perut bumi yg sangat berbahaya. Apa tujuan dan apa yg dicari sungguh pekerjaan menentang maut. WallahuAlam. Rahasia hidup ciptaan Sang Pencipta Alam Semesta. Kok ya dilawan. Super heroit.. Semoga selamat sampai tujuannya tercapai. Aamiiin2 YRA. 👍🙏🙏🙏
SPECTACULAR VIDEO!!! Only thing that I would have liked to see is the whole journey in stereoscopic 3D! But your footage is absolutely incredible! Nothing can describe the thrill I got just from watching and imagining that I was there in those winding labyrinths with you! This is definitely caving at its extreme BEST!!! Thanks for this amazing descent into the subterranean world below! It was better than any movie! The endless lure of the darkness always captivates me as well as you guys! Your record of the whole trip was a 52-minute adrenaline rush!!!
Something about underground cave systems and all that fascinates me beyond comprehension. I guess it's the fact that it's kind of like being a completely different planet / environment.. idk. I really want to get into caving.. Of course, if I ever did something like this, I would want to make sure I have more experience and be with someone even more experienced than me even after that, but to me, if I went into this, it would legitimately be the most fascinating, exciting, coolest thing I've ever done or probably could ever do. With exception to being able to explore the inner tunnels/passageways of the Great pyramids or something like that.
Just watched this. But can you tell me what kind of business brings them in here. The risk they took. Is there a continuation to this particular video?
It's amazing but dangerous as well😱if earthquake happen during the process/journey,so risky... I'll die of saffocating 😅even watching makes me saffocated...
I tell you, if they give me the whole money in the world, I can never go to where they are. By can someone please tell what hell they are looking for. I can't breathe by watching them, as I am there.
You have to have a lot of courage to go through cave like this and if we can see the video which mean everything's over with peace at least one of the guy which is the first one he experienced already therefore he was look secure and safe the second guy with a video just follow him with some fear you can hear this by his voice God willing they. Make it
Hi, thanks. Unfortunately I wasn't able to publish the workplace (the end place). Sometimes I got certain restriction about recording in such places. It's nothing what I can do about it :( Maybe the next time when I will visit the Eldorado again I will be able to show you more :)
Nossa muito profundo imagine escaneamento por estereoscópico 3D, nossa seria incrível ver como é a galeria como um todo... Excelente vídeo parabéns... Tmj... Abração do AVENTUREIRO PAULEK!
What is this place .where is this place. Are you guys crazy .? I want to know more and who these guys are seems to dangerous for a job fill me in please
@@anthonyzornes8006 Unfortunately I can't help you... The only thing I can say is that their videos are show they bring spectacular images of the underground... Tmj... Hugs from ADVENTURER PAULEK!
I really should be taking this up as a hobby, I'm certain that the times we live in are so bad that we may need to return back to the caves we once arose from just to stay safe from the politics and the wars of evil overlords. BTW those ceilings look extremely unstable in many places, be safe guys and don't take risks for a video.
Yeesssss! An adventure before I crash!! Lol I already know I'ma love this video cause there ALL amazin!! Okie now I'ma watch this video Lol Peace and much love to y'all all be safe out there!! 🥰😍🤩✌❤💯🙏
Wow, Ce traseu, ce labirint! Unde te poți rătăciți foarte ușor. Știți la ce adâncime este acest culuor?!? Si în ce munti?!? Felicitari, o persoana claustrofoba, ar muri, acolo. Spectaculos, tot traseul, iar izvorasul întâlnit, cred ca avea apa pura. 😀😍♥️👋👋👋👋👋👋
Bascially I'm not afraid of caves or closed in places,but this is a little too much for me!!--what was the reason to go in? just for fun? one man said thhat he had been there 4 times!! David.
I'm very curious on how one finds one's way back out again when you go through so many different twists and turns going in without leaving any markers behind pointing the way back??
buen video ,pero falta una luz mas potente que ilumine mas ampliamente esas cuevas para que los que vemos tras una pantalla no nos duela la cabeza al esforzarnos en ver tanta penumbra
Thanks for sharing but.....no friggin way would I get down that rabbit hole! Claustrophobic or paranoid but I could not imagine getting lost and your light battery dying, the water rising, being trapped, cave-ins, cave incubus, or zombies.... assuming they all got out or we would not be watching.
I'm watching this thing thinking of all the things that could possibly go wrong and it's frightening because the list of things that could go wrong is endless
Cave zombies... Everybody has their fears. I used to cave a bit so I'm not that claustrophobic. But one time I was on my back squeezing down this tube and felt something on my head and then my neck and when I could get light on it I realized I was covered with spiders and there were hundreds more ahead in the tube I was trying to get down. "Was"
In what context, looking for gold? The bowels of the earth are filled with pure water. Be careful adventurers, remember when you go home Hope you find what you want.
Əvvəla Salam Aleykum Və 2Boyuk ❤️ ürəkli Qardaşlara Və İşləyənlərə..Hərkəs Sağolsun Qorxu hisslərini çəkinmədən bildiriblər xoş rəylər də olub və s...Amma ki bir şeyi Unutmusuz Gənclər bu Videonun part2 Çox xaiş gəlməsin daha çünki Siz bəlkede Fərginə belə varmadan yalnış edirsiniz çünki o getdiyiniz bir insanın getməkdə cetinlik çəkdiyi Pişik keçməli olduğu yerlərdən keçməklə Düşünməyirsiz ki Qayıdarkən isə Qayıdış yolunuzu bağlayan bilərsiniz istəmədən sürtünmə baş verir siz divara deydikce boyuk ehtimaldır ki bu divarlar illərdir insan eli insan ayaqi dəyməyir lap deymiş belə olsa ən yaxın günlər 2gun belə olsa bilin ki orada uçqun baş verə bilər qaya daş və s kimi şeylər o yolu bağlayar və s ehtimallar coxdur mən bunu istəmərəm yazım sizdeki motivasiya hissini öldürüm amma ki bilin ki sizi istəyərək ilk növbədə deyirəm nəisə mənfi rəy formalaşmasın kiminsə qəlbində istəmərəm 2-Gənc saatlarla günlərlə orada məruz qalsın ac susuz yaxud , sıxışıb buna məsəl olaraq 1 Amerikan filmi var 72-Saat keçən Ömür Oğlanın qolu qayada sıxışıb qalır və , günlər ilə qolunu ozunu xilas etmək üçün kəsir və , amputasiya edir həm böyük ürək tələb edir həmi də ki geridə qalan Ömrünə Özu də istəməyərək Adrenalinə xatir məhv edir həm üzücü dü doğurdan həmi ibrətlik hekayədir buna görədə buna film belə çəkiblər Kimlərsə ordan örnək götürəcək deyə O, demek deyil ki , qaya və dar yer və , Kimsəsiz yerə getmeyin yox orada bəzi nüanslar varki həyata aiddir bilənlər sadəcə oxuyarkən anlayacaq fikirlərimi nəyi demək istədim nəyi izah etmək istədim və qısa kəsmək istəyirəm bunu təkrar etmiş olsaz heç olmazsa asaqidaki havasızlıqda nəzərə alın 2-Nəfer Dost getmək kifayət etmir yuxarıda sizlerden xəbəri olacaq birilərini qoyun giriş saatı və çıxış saatı qeyd edin ve qayıdış vaxtı təyin edin aranızda əksi halda bu vaxta qayitmazsam belə maksimum 10saat gözləyin 1 saat gözləyin onu artıq özünüz qərar verin çox şey yazmaq istəmirəm nədə olsa işiniz peşəkarısınız 5+ iş görmüsüz group halında gedilə bilməyəcək belə yerlərə gözdə 2 nəfər ürəydə isə 10000 insan kimsiz) bilin uğurlar birdaha və getmeyin yenədə xaiş tşk Minnətdarıq bu həyəcanı yaşadığınız üçün bizlərə hərkəsin Adından Azərbaycandan Salamlar ❤️✍️🤳
Đây không phải bạn đang bình luận mà bạn đang thể hiện cho mọi người xem mình là một "nhà văn" vĩ đại, không phải bạn đang ca ngợi về những anh hùng dũng cảm ở trong lĩnh vực hang động nguy hiểm vì những "lời văn" của bạn còn lủng củng, loằng ngoằng, tôi đọc mà tôi không hiểu bạn đang viết về đề tài gì kể cả những người sẽ đọc bình luận của bạn nhưng chắc chắn tất cả mọi người sẽ mơ hồ thôi! Hi vọng lần sau tôi sẽ được đọc lời bình luận của bạn rõ ràng, chi tiết và hiểu được ý nghĩa của "bài văn" này !
good video! where is this? looks pretty sketchy stability wise and miserable going. i explored caves in US when i was a teenager, would never do it now- young and oblivious of danger.
UAU a terra realmente é incrível pessoas gastando bilhões de dólares tentando explorar outros planetas e deixando o próprio sem ser explorado triste ao mesmo tempo bom pois o oculto não deve ser revelado a qualquer um.
I am a little half way into this video and my anxiety level is so high that i feel that i'm going to be sick. Im at 30:11 and im stopping , i can't do this. Even though im in the comfort of my own home, i feel like im going to get stuck any second and im having some issue's. Im done, call me a pussy, i don't care, i just can't continue watching this. M.
All the titles says is "El Dorado - A Way In" but does anyone have any context for this video? I'm curious to know where they're going, which country they're in ect...
Gracias.. UA-cam.. Por colocar el traductor de idiomas... Tremenda idea, muy buena.. Gracias.. Felicitaciones.. Bendiciones... Suerte... 👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Hey im new subscriber. And love these underground videos. Because it maybe ancient places. Thanks for the tour...... Before this there was a dry river .....14:55....
I'm getting claustrophobic just watching this, you won't find me dead in any Cave system like this..
Тоже лазила в пещеры в Крыму в Украине, но в такую бы не полезла. Был страх за вас! Как можно в такой пещере найти ход, выход или вернуться назад. Это нереально! Поляки вы молодцы!Если эта сьёмка дошла до нас, значит все живы. Слава Богу!
So curious!!! I even feel tired of watching. Congrats for great submission for the mission.
This is the scariest video I've seen... I was having anxiety attack watching, like I couldn't breath... Wow, just discovered I'm really claustrophobic. Props to you guys... Count me out on that one.
I completely agree. My heart is still thumping hard.
@@kellybme27 What you need to understand is that it was not even that tight compared to some caves ... more twisty than tight.
I also agree these guys want to leave their grave deep underground. I couldn't look because I felt like I was literally drowning, I was suffocating just by looking, I felt that they couldn't get out and more and more they went inwards. What courage I can not.
Ive been watching cave dive & exploring videos for quite some time now and I still don't understand why anyone would do this
It horrifying
I did when I was younger. It was great then , but some I would not go in.
Check out some more caving, and other crazy adventures
How is it possible that they do not feel the fear of not being able to get out? These men are going deeper and deeper and it is impossible to remember the way out that could be there so important as to put their lives in danger?
Serem..... Sungguh suatu perjalanan penuh perjuangan antara mati dan hidup dlm perut bumi yg sangat berbahaya. Apa tujuan dan apa yg dicari sungguh pekerjaan menentang maut. WallahuAlam. Rahasia hidup ciptaan Sang Pencipta Alam Semesta. Kok ya dilawan. Super heroit.. Semoga selamat sampai tujuannya tercapai. Aamiiin2 YRA. 👍🙏🙏🙏
I wonder how many people go deep into caves and never come back out again that we never hear about
If you pay me enough i can do the job
Bcas he is a man with balls🍒 think about who built it
SPECTACULAR VIDEO!!! Only thing that I would have liked to see is the whole journey in stereoscopic 3D! But your footage is absolutely incredible! Nothing can describe the thrill I got just from watching and imagining that I was there in those winding labyrinths with you! This is definitely caving at its extreme BEST!!! Thanks for this amazing descent into the subterranean world below! It was better than any movie! The endless lure of the darkness always captivates me as well as you guys! Your record of the whole trip was a 52-minute adrenaline rush!!!
Bravo. Super. E ceva de necrezut. Fără careva semne sa treci prin asa crăpături... E groaznic. Dar de invidiat curajul acestor oameni. Super.
Going down that hole on the cable ladder thinking just how fast those wet mineral can cover walls and ceiling with all it's amazing textures.
Ребята, ну вы смельчаки, даже смотреть страшно на экране, Храни ва с Бог! А обратно, ползти наверное еще сложнее.
Looks like the tendons of giants on the ceiling....;)
Between 10:30and 10:45
There is NO WAY I could go down there, no way
no body asked u to go relex budy ❤❤❤
U guys have no fear man. Incredible video. Thx for the journey . So dangerous but exciting too. Love it. Be careful guys
I admire the guts of the guys...but nothing worth it,except for the passion to explore and for the record...
Kazi iyo inaitaji ujasiri mkubwa.Mungu awalinde wote wanaofanya kazi za migodini.
Something about underground cave systems and all that fascinates me beyond comprehension. I guess it's the fact that it's kind of like being a completely different planet / environment.. idk. I really want to get into caving.. Of course, if I ever did something like this, I would want to make sure I have more experience and be with someone even more experienced than me even after that, but to me, if I went into this, it would legitimately be the most fascinating, exciting, coolest thing I've ever done or probably could ever do. With exception to being able to explore the inner tunnels/passageways of the Great pyramids or something like that.
Just watched this. But can you tell me what kind of business brings them in here. The risk they took. Is there a continuation to this particular video?
Well, you could always do something less dangerous; like parachuting, cliff jumping, solo mountain climbing..... ya know, nothing too dangerous!!!
It's amazing but dangerous as well😱if earthquake happen during the process/journey,so risky... I'll die of saffocating 😅even watching makes me saffocated...
I really wanted to see where they were ended up. 🙁 But that was one hell of a journey.
Amezing Trip😂😱 No fear.for what purpose you are going in danger way.Brawo
It looks like youll going tp unstopable journey..its so scariest and always takecare...
Saya yang menonton terasa nafasku yang sesak. Luar biasa
What are you guys looking for under ground
I tell you, if they give me the whole money in the world, I can never go to where they are. By can someone please tell what hell they are looking for. I can't breathe by watching them, as I am there.
I was freaking out totally claustrophobic
Nice to watch cause the only thing I'm squeezing into is my jeans.
You have to have a lot of courage to go through cave like this and if we can see the video which mean everything's over with peace at least one of the guy which is the first one he experienced already therefore he was look secure and safe the second guy with a video just follow him with some fear you can hear this by his voice God willing they. Make it
Personally I don't think about the quality of the image, I think about the risks undertaken and the energy to go up!
Guys””my heart beat is on my head 😅😅”” amazing journey””how was the end place”” post again please 🙏🏻
Hi, thanks. Unfortunately I wasn't able to publish the workplace (the end place). Sometimes I got certain restriction about recording in such places. It's nothing what I can do about it :(
Maybe the next time when I will visit the Eldorado again I will be able to show you more :)
Call me Rickin the chicken 🐔! PS there really is a Ricken the chicken everyone feeds him (or her) in the nola hood. Nope not going in the cave.
With all that baggage what kind of mineral you guys trying to get out of there or precious stone
Omg 😮really crazy 😝 I feel suffocated 😤🥺💪🙏👏👏👏👍take care bro 👏👏👏🙏👍🥰🤝
They are brave!! Look at several shots of diamonds rocks. Fallen piece are for someone's engagement ring top stones.
So is there still some gold in there to chip out or something? the video kinda left us hanging at the end there.
Yeah I know :( Unfortunately as the description of the videos states, I wasn't able to publish anything more than this.
Nossa muito profundo imagine escaneamento por estereoscópico 3D, nossa seria incrível ver como é a galeria como um todo... Excelente vídeo parabéns... Tmj... Abração do AVENTUREIRO PAULEK!
What is this place .where is this place. Are you guys crazy .? I want to know more and who these guys are seems to dangerous for a job fill me in please
@@anthonyzornes8006 Unfortunately I can't help you... The only thing I can say is that their videos are show they bring spectacular images of the underground... Tmj... Hugs from ADVENTURER PAULEK!
Yo no me ariesgaria a esa profundidad por un tesoro o un oro no y si la tierra se derrumba .que Diosito los proteja
I am concerned about venomous animal and flood
Complimenti per il coraggio wow 😱😱😱😱😱👏👏👏👏👏👏che paúra 🇧🇷
I really should be taking this up as a hobby, I'm certain that the times we live in are so bad that we may need to return back to the caves we once arose from just to stay safe from the politics and the wars of evil overlords. BTW those ceilings look extremely unstable in many places, be safe guys and don't take risks for a video.
Biggest dream would be finding El Dorado :)
Yeesssss! An adventure before I crash!! Lol I already know I'ma love this video cause there ALL amazin!! Okie now I'ma watch this video Lol Peace and much love to y'all all be safe out there!! 🥰😍🤩✌❤💯🙏
Very very ricki job.God bless you.
Wow, Ce traseu, ce labirint! Unde te poți rătăciți foarte ușor. Știți la ce adâncime este acest culuor?!? Si în ce munti?!? Felicitari, o persoana claustrofoba, ar muri, acolo. Spectaculos, tot traseul, iar izvorasul întâlnit, cred ca avea apa pura. 😀😍♥️👋👋👋👋👋👋
Sorry but what is this linguage
My man filliming is doing a okay job fish that he doing great
What a bravely heart it's not an easy task, and great discover of cave seems to be a ghost cave very scary
Pls make vdeo coming out of cave
I wonder where these people are going?so dangerous!!!!!
Watching this I'm getting claustrophobic
amazing realistic video!
I would get stuck right there LMAO
No one wonder what the hell they are doing down there? Why the hell they'd have a "work site" a mile underground through that?
my thoughts exactly!
can someone provide some context please? I assume this is a cave called Eldorado? where?
Yes I would like to know I thought it had something to do with the gold city of eldorado
Who knows what we're watching lol
OMG. So Scary and dangerous
Bascially I'm not afraid of caves or closed in places,but this is a little too much for me!!--what was the reason to go in? just for fun? one man said thhat he had been there 4 times!! David.
Why can’t someone tell us why they are in this cave or anything about what they are doing thanks
LOL can't breath just watching.I always wanted to do this with my dad but I couldent
Mother nature has unique blessing.
OH My God i can't watch this video my breath is over
Having watched The Descent you wouldn't even get me as far as the entrance. 🤣😬
Why is his voice disguised? 🤔
What is you are plan
Where is this mine and what are they digging
I'm very curious on how one finds one's way back out again when you go through so many different twists and turns going in without leaving any markers behind pointing the way back??
Gps... [sarc]
Tbh u just use a compass I’m dead serious
Like your string
Wonder who thought of using a string to find your way
This has to be you Stan I don’t know anyone who would go thru this much to go in this thing you are going to bury yourself lol crazy AF
Siete professionisti molto folli
buen video ,pero falta una luz mas potente que ilumine mas ampliamente esas cuevas para que los que vemos tras una pantalla no nos duela la cabeza al esforzarnos en ver tanta penumbra
What was at the work site that would make that whole climb in and back out worth it? That is a great video.
Viagem no centro da terra tem que ter muita coragem .
What country is the cave in?
အထူး အထူး ကျေးဇူးတင်ပါသည်နော်..။။
вау, это выглядит потрясающе!
Where's this? Country? City? Please
Bunlar tam bir kahraman.gozlerinden öperim.
Thanks for sharing but.....no friggin way would I get down that rabbit hole! Claustrophobic or paranoid but I could not imagine getting lost and your light battery dying, the water rising, being trapped, cave-ins, cave incubus, or zombies.... assuming they all got out or we would not be watching.
I'm watching this thing thinking of all the things that could possibly go wrong and it's frightening because the list of things that could go wrong is endless
Me neither bro!
Cave zombies... Everybody has their fears. I used to cave a bit so I'm not that claustrophobic. But one time I was on my back squeezing down this tube and felt something on my head and then my neck and when I could get light on it I realized I was covered with spiders and there were hundreds more ahead in the tube I was trying to get down. "Was"
@@2ndfloorsongs EEEWWWWWWWW
wanted to see where u work and what u do at the end bro...be safe
U guys r very brave , 👍👍👍
Im afraid
Great video this looked like a awesome adventure
Wow awesome this cave so long and beautyful, becarful bro with say Bismillahhirohmanirrohim,good job and good luck, aamiin
In what context, looking for gold? The bowels of the earth are filled with pure water.
Be careful adventurers, remember when you go home
Hope you find what you want.
Very talented 👏good job
Əvvəla Salam Aleykum Və 2Boyuk ❤️ ürəkli Qardaşlara Və İşləyənlərə..Hərkəs Sağolsun Qorxu hisslərini çəkinmədən bildiriblər xoş rəylər də olub və s...Amma ki bir şeyi Unutmusuz Gənclər bu Videonun part2 Çox xaiş gəlməsin daha çünki Siz bəlkede Fərginə belə varmadan yalnış edirsiniz çünki o getdiyiniz bir insanın getməkdə cetinlik çəkdiyi Pişik keçməli olduğu yerlərdən keçməklə Düşünməyirsiz ki Qayıdarkən isə Qayıdış yolunuzu bağlayan bilərsiniz istəmədən sürtünmə baş verir siz divara deydikce boyuk ehtimaldır ki bu divarlar illərdir insan eli insan ayaqi dəyməyir lap deymiş belə olsa ən yaxın günlər 2gun belə olsa bilin ki orada uçqun baş verə bilər qaya daş və s kimi şeylər o yolu bağlayar və s ehtimallar coxdur mən bunu istəmərəm yazım sizdeki motivasiya hissini öldürüm amma ki bilin ki sizi istəyərək ilk növbədə deyirəm nəisə mənfi rəy formalaşmasın kiminsə qəlbində istəmərəm 2-Gənc saatlarla günlərlə orada məruz qalsın ac susuz yaxud , sıxışıb buna məsəl olaraq 1 Amerikan filmi var 72-Saat keçən Ömür Oğlanın qolu qayada sıxışıb qalır və , günlər ilə qolunu ozunu xilas etmək üçün kəsir və , amputasiya edir həm böyük ürək tələb edir həmi də ki geridə qalan Ömrünə Özu də istəməyərək Adrenalinə xatir məhv edir həm üzücü dü doğurdan həmi ibrətlik hekayədir buna görədə buna film belə çəkiblər Kimlərsə ordan örnək götürəcək deyə O, demek deyil ki , qaya və dar yer və , Kimsəsiz yerə getmeyin yox orada bəzi nüanslar varki həyata aiddir bilənlər sadəcə oxuyarkən anlayacaq fikirlərimi nəyi demək istədim nəyi izah etmək istədim və qısa kəsmək istəyirəm bunu təkrar etmiş olsaz heç olmazsa asaqidaki havasızlıqda nəzərə alın 2-Nəfer Dost getmək kifayət etmir yuxarıda sizlerden xəbəri olacaq birilərini qoyun giriş saatı və çıxış saatı qeyd edin ve qayıdış vaxtı təyin edin aranızda əksi halda bu vaxta qayitmazsam belə maksimum 10saat gözləyin 1 saat gözləyin onu artıq özünüz qərar verin çox şey yazmaq istəmirəm nədə olsa işiniz peşəkarısınız 5+ iş görmüsüz group halında gedilə bilməyəcək belə yerlərə gözdə 2 nəfər ürəydə isə 10000 insan kimsiz) bilin uğurlar birdaha və getmeyin yenədə xaiş tşk Minnətdarıq bu həyəcanı yaşadığınız üçün bizlərə hərkəsin Adından Azərbaycandan Salamlar ❤️✍️🤳
Đây không phải bạn đang bình luận mà bạn đang thể hiện cho mọi người xem mình là một "nhà văn" vĩ đại, không phải bạn đang ca ngợi về những anh hùng dũng cảm ở trong lĩnh vực hang động nguy hiểm vì những "lời văn" của bạn còn lủng củng, loằng ngoằng, tôi đọc mà tôi không hiểu bạn đang viết về đề tài gì kể cả những người sẽ đọc bình luận của bạn nhưng chắc chắn tất cả mọi người sẽ mơ hồ thôi! Hi vọng lần sau tôi sẽ được đọc lời bình luận của bạn rõ ràng, chi tiết và hiểu được ý nghĩa của "bài văn" này !
Masyaa Allaah .luarbiasa.infashibal.
Мдя, что они там спрятали, оставили. Ни кто не найдёт. Это 146%
I don't want to go there even in my dreams 🙏🙏
What for they make adventures into this canal ? Is this the way of mines ?
Que buscan, cual es el motivo de hacer el camino este🇦🇷
But what is at the finish and what was the drill for?
This will probably give me nightmares
Full vedio i want to watch..how you guy's come out the cave??
The same way we entered the cave.
I don't think I could carry enough glow sticks down there to find my way out but it would be fun
Where's the guide rope from previous trips??.??
good video! where is this? looks pretty sketchy stability wise and miserable going. i explored caves in US when i was a teenager, would never do it now- young and oblivious of danger.
Queria ver terminou,onde saíram. Tem parte 2?
Where is the end of this cave how many feets down they reached most scarious way down
UAU a terra realmente é incrível pessoas gastando bilhões de dólares tentando explorar outros planetas e deixando o próprio sem ser explorado triste ao mesmo tempo bom pois o oculto não deve ser revelado a qualquer um.
Where are your going sir what are your fined
46:50 Look at those shiny stones made by strong water flow. It is dangerous to explore on rainy days.
How your peoples briff in side cave friends?
My heart just go beating so hard
How long were you down in the cave for??
A few hours including the way in and out
I am a little half way into this video and my anxiety level is so high that i feel that i'm going to be sick. Im at 30:11 and im stopping , i can't do this. Even though im in the comfort of my own home, i feel like im going to get stuck any second and im having some issue's. Im done, call me a pussy, i don't care, i just can't continue watching this. M.
Dạo chơi như vậy thì thật tuyệt vời. Cuộc sống này rất ngắn. Chúc các bạn hạnh phúc.
All the titles says is "El Dorado - A Way In" but does anyone have any context for this video? I'm curious to know where they're going, which country they're in ect...
Why this man living in stone cave?what happened to him?so much scarey.
Por colocar el traductor
de idiomas...
Tremenda idea, muy buena..
Hey im new subscriber. And love these underground videos. Because it maybe ancient places. Thanks for the tour...... Before this there was a dry river .....14:55....