Being unequally yoked is definitely a sin. Anytime God tells us not to do something and we do it anyway, we are in sin. 2 Corinthians 6:14 tells us not to do it. ❤
I’m unequivocally yoked with my husband, but that is because when we married, I wasn’t walking with Jesus, but by then we had been married 10 years. Divorce is also a sin, except for 2 circumstances.
@@Cheri94That is a different story, than when a believer marries to unbeliever (1. Corinthians 7:12-15) . My parents married as unbelievers and than my mom become Christian after 3 years I believe (I was 1 year old). My dad was ok with this, sometimes came to church with as. Eventually, after years, he became a believer too ❤ (I was 12 when he get baptize). It's 21 years now, he is older (hope that it is the correct English word😅) in their church and also preaches a lot. I hope that it is an encouragement for you and your husband.
For anyone struggling to get into their word here’s a helpful tip in the meantime. 1.The book of proverbs is 31 chapters. Whatever todays date is go and open the book of proverbs to that day and read that chapter. 2. Then you will want to pray over your heart that you receive the message and that it goes down to the inner most parts of your belly. There are many reasons to read Gods word and once you understand it’s your spiritual defense against the enemy you will crave to read it more and more. Hope this helps someone.
I wasn't sure whether to share but I will, and I do this in love. I got a tattoo during a season when I was away from the Lord. After coming back to the faith I had a similar conversion to you, Deborah, where I stopped being of the world, stopped yoga, listening to secular music, corrupt movies and shows, walked away from many people who encouraged worldly lifestyles. I was discerning every area of my life and doing a complete cleanse of everything that was not of the Lord. I wasn't sure about tattoos because I had exactly the same sentiment and reasoning as you have shared here, and in fact wanted to get one (in addition to a piercing). In the course of praying and discerning, the Lord revealed to me that's not what he wanted for me. He went further to show me that he created us, all His children, beautifully and wants us to be pure and concecrated to Him always, that means not harming oneself to the degree of permenantly changing one's appearance, more importantly, one's identity, as is what happens when you have are a tattooed individual. Don't take my word for it. As Deborah said, take it to the Lord, ask for his guidance and He will surely reveal His will for you. 💙 35:58
May God restore the health of your ear! 🙏🏻🤍 In Jesus name. I always love to listen to what you have to say. You’re shining through with the Holy Spirit.
I love when you explained that your art and music at one point gave life to who you were in that season. That sums up art and creativity in such a beautiful way. I'm the same way with not finishing things! GIRL. I've done been to college like 4 separate times because of that lol
So sorry about your ear. I pray that you are feeling better. Please see your doctor if you haven't. You don't want that to lose your hearing in that ear. That happened to me. Later, I had a stroke. Now I am hearing impaired. Be healed in the name of Jesus! I misread seeing your videos. I am here in the US, but I do enjoy listening and watching content creators from other parts of the globe. I am in my 60's . I have been a Christian since I was 19. God is faithful! I am so thankful for Jesus and the Word! Blessings
Does anybody have advice on intrusive/demonic thoughts…I’ve been struggling and frustrated because I’ve been praying and asking the Lord to help me, and I know that these thoughts are not mine, but it’s exhausting and I’m in the Word.
Hi! I’ve also struggled with my thoughts and purifying them and my advice would be that God gives us the power and strength to control what we are thinking . 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5 comes to mind as well as Philippians 4:6. These verses really talk about us having the power to thinking about better things that are glorifying to God. It doesn’t say that it will be easy or be a quick process cause it won’t be but in time you will see that your mind is fixed on heavenly things more than your intrusive thoughts. Also Colossians 3:2 is another verse that talks about where we can shift our thinking. Something practical that I’ve done is learning to catch myself when I’m daydreaming( for me I struggle with maladaptive daydreaming). When I do catch myself I shift my thoughts to things glorifying to the Lord. This could be through worship or reading one of the verses I mentioned over and over again. I’ve even started singing these verses so that they would be stuck in my head over whatever thought was there. I hope this helps and I pray that you conquer these thoughts and bind them and send them right back to hell where they belong.
What has helped me is just sitting in it with the Lord, and just saying sorry Lord that one (thought) wasn't mine, that way I don't get as distressed when they happen ❤
When you sense it coming rebuke it in Jesus Name. And then think on other things that are true, lovely, right and pure Philippians 4:9. This works for maladaptive day dreaming as well. Think of what is true. Psalm 94:19 and Psalm 139: 23-24 are good scriptures to pray with.
Going to start this off by knocking off a couple of things with Facts the Bible teaches us 1. The heart is deceitful above all things who can know it 2. We restyle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness 3. There is nothing good that dwells in the flesh Now that’s out of the way YOU MUST PULL DOWN THE STRONG HOLDS Clarify to your spirit these things: 1. God I don’t have ought against thee 2. I am thankful for the sacrifice you made that saved my soul from hell 3. Declare that the devil is a liar NOW WHAT CAN YOU DO AFTER THIS ? 1. Renounce / denounce ever thought that comes against God 2. Fast/ pray ( SEEK JESUS FACE THATS THE ONLY WAY TO GET AHEAD OF THIS) the devil will try to make you feel condemned for those thoughts but declare they are not your thoughts by dedicating time to showing Jesus you love him 3. Read your word. The only way to fight against a blasphemous spirit is with the word of God. 4. If you have someone who is trustworthy of this information come together and pray against the anxiety and fear that accompanies those thoughts. 5. Don’t let this overcome you. YOU ARE CHILDREN OF CHRIST JESUS. The devil has come to make war with the saints and that war starts with your mind. Assure yourself with the word. Rebuke every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge and power of the Most High King. 6. Lastly, do not allow the devil to convince you that you are alone. You are not. If you have any secret or hidden sun like DAYDREAMING you need to renounce it, repent, and turn away from it.
Step 1: Acknowledge that the thought did not come from you and it comes from the enemy. The Lord knows it. You do not need to say sorry because in the first place it comes from the enemy not yours do not OWN the thought! Step 2: Replace it with Gods word You can search up bible verses that counters that thought… In my experience, it is not a quick fix to do this steps. But as long as you do it over and over again. Like a muscle it will be strong. And you will never have to be stressed if an intrusive / demonic comes.. I’ll pray for the both of us! ❤
Deborah i love your spirit. I pray that God sends me a friend like you. I get ear infections all the time. The things that help me Antihistamine to dry out your ears and Flonase. Dont sleep on the infected ear. And tylenol helps too. I pray for a full recovery.
it does say Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, *nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord.* so it does say to not print any marks upon you it doesnt matter what it is🙃
I think WHO does your tattoo and WHERE you get it done is very important. A lot of those tattoo parlours are demonic and the people who do them carry evil spirits too. You just have to have discernment
Perfect health to you princess, and the finishers anointing is in you. He has helped you already. "I just wanna write songs about Jesus-and that's it. So, I took some songs down because I don't want you guys to listen to them to be quiet honest and frank"-Deborahbx, 2024.
I think there is a huge attack on the body of Christ’s body right now. I know quite a few people who just randomly had to be rushed to the ER for various issues that just came out of nowhere. Praying for us all. ❤
Yesss more people are struggling with physical illness etc. We need to pray against the schemes of Satan more intensely now!! The Lord is our shield and protector 🙏🏽🙏🏽
This was a blessing Deborah ! I pray that your ear willl heallll in Jesus Name ! 🙋🏾♀️ I used to get them as a kid bc of swimming, it was horrible 😂. Thank you tho, ppl asked questions I was wondering about too.
I really wanted to ask this if anyone snd deborah too please answer this I always try to be faithfull i always try my best to be spiritual but my mind is such an evils home i would say when i go to temple then only i can concentrated to god but when i pray at home i cant even focus at all i always have 100s of thoughts and stuff
It's not the entertaining that's the issue, it's the politics of the business that is corrupted. Man's greed, lust, etc.., which can be found in any and all fields.
I have a question: As Christian women, do we HAVE to get married and have children? I see more and more videos on Christian men flying out of the country to date women in the Philippines or Thailand because, “Western women are too masculine.” Overall I feel more and more content with being single lately. Like, marriage went from an idol to a simple desire. If it happens, cool. If it never happens, also cool. I feel nice with Jesus and Jesus only (and the occasional female friend) and also I think I’m asexual, so I was wondering if it’s unbiblical to never get married?
Hey there Marriage is definitely biblical Also, I wouldn't be so quick to use the term asexual rather read ur Bible and wait on God Congratulations on not idolizing marriage because, as humans, we tend to worship the created instead of the creator ) Read ur Bible like every day because, based on ur question, it doesn't seem like u do ( my apologies if I am coming off as harsh) The bible is God's words , his love letter to us and again I will emphasize that marriage is very biblical ( God performed the 1st marriage ever between Adam and eve) bit sometimes God calls us to be single completely ( not getting married) and that's a gift in itself and so is friendship, pray for godly friends but pls pls read ur Bible on the regular and ask God If he has called u to singleness .
1 Corinthians 7:25-35 NIV "Now about virgins: I have no command from the Lord, but I give a judgment as one who by the Lord’s mercy is trustworthy. Because of the present crisis, I think that it is good for a man to remain as he is. Are you pledged to a woman? Do not seek to be released. Are you free from such a commitment? Do not look for a wife. But if you do marry, you have not sinned; and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned. But those who marry will face many troubles in this life, and I want to spare you this. What I mean, brothers and sisters, is that the time is short. From now on those who have wives should live as if they do not; those who mourn, as if they did not; those who are happy, as if they were not; those who buy something, as if it were not theirs to keep; those who use the things of the world, as if not engrossed in them. For this world in its present form is passing away. I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord’s affairs-how he can please the Lord. But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world-how he can please his wife- and his interests are divided. An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world-how she can please her husband. I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord."
@@Scarlett-yk2keI’m aware that marriage is biblical and I’m not saying it isn’t, I just personally think I want to remain a single virgin woman loving the Lord versus being married and loving the Lord.
Just want to point out that the commandments are the law. Moses received the 10 commandments, and then recieved the rest of the 613, which Jesus tells us are all fulfilled in one word - to love your neighbour as yourself. That's what the law was trying to do - point a very unspiritual people towards God and towards love. It had to be spelled out to them. Some of the other laws like food laws etc. still have value - yes they were to set his people apart, but they were not arbitrary things that didn't matter, or had no spiritual effect. He gave his people the healthiest foods (ruminant meat and clean fish as opposed to bottom feeders and animals that eat their own faeces for example), and gave them rituals to perform to bring them closer to God and help keep their mind on him. He gave them laws that taught them to respect and treat their neighbour well. He gave them laws that helped to prevent disease, or the spread of disease. The law was not meaningless because it was ceremonial. And the 10 commandments have always been the summation of the rest of the law. So just want to point out that you can't separate the law from the commandments because they are literally the same thing. And it's good for christians to recognise the inherent value of the law. No, we are not beholden to it, as we have Jesus, but we would do well to observe it as the spirit leads us! There is soooo much wisdom within it. Other than that, love your channel Deborah, really appreciate your faith talks and look forward to them. God bless you and your ministry 🤗💛
Thank you so much dear sister Deborah for speaking on how little seeds of lust are planted in us through perverted reels, I was asking God why I'm still struggling when I always run from sexual immortality, he just said you never ran dear through you. Gotta guard my heart from reels and shorts. Learnt it, now that i look back I lost the sensitivity to such content, now I believe the Lord will keep me firm blameless! Also dear sister Deborah, can you speak on how to handle PMS, as much as it is real, it is also used to compromise on Christ like living. I love you and so grateful for you speak life over me, thank you once again! May the Lord bless you! And heal you!
I’ve had an ear infection and it is the worst , was taken in an ambulance because I had green goey liquid coming out of my ear and was giving gas.. and then child birth probably being the next even tho I’ve not experienced this yet
Deborah..great video first of all, but I need to say this...God has constructed your vocals to sound like they do for a reason and I know us artists can be our own worst critic but your voice is very skilled and natural and I believe 100% that God has made it that way for you to use it for His glory and bring heaven to earth. Sometimes us artists in Christ don't continue in the preparation stage and then out of nowhere an opportunity comes up and we're not prepared for it and so we decline it, but God wants us to be prepared and utilise the opportunities that come our way to exalt Him. I went to a spoken word event last week that a lady from my church put on...I declined the offer to perform but once there I felt like I should have done something more apart from only serving food . She would like to open up the platform for other types of performances (I don't really like that word but you know what I mean) when she does something again I would like to invite you to it and will send you an email., but please try and get what you've got finished up (I really need to do the same myself believe me so I get it) because you're probably going to get a lot of invitations to perform at events. God bless you 💖
I wanted to ask on insta but there wasn’t enough room for my question😅 what are ways that the devil will tempt me? I want to be able to differentiate what comes from Satan and what doesn’t so that I’m prepared/equipped! Thank you for making these videos God bless🙏💕
I think you shouldn’t wait for the devil to tempt you or be focused on how he will tempt you but rather you should pray and stay in the word so that when he does tempt you, you’re better equipped and wouldn’t fall.
Okay so regarding the unequally yoked relationship stuff, what about those that are ‘equally yoked’ in the world God is not the centre of their relationship and without him, we are departed but with him we are united. So for those who are in a relationship in the world, how is it for them cuz it has been on my mind for a while.
You can, but it's best not to. It does affect us, whether you see it or not. It can lead us to sin, and make us feel certain things that are not of God, like lust, anxiety, depression, intrusive thoughts, it can defile you. It goes into your ears and fills your heart and mind with ungodly thinking, or feeling. I suggest to listen to Christian music or worship, but it takes time to adjust and get to use to it if you've been addicted to secular music like I have. As God to help you, and guide you in this ❤.
@ thank you, i am so grateful for the advice. I will pray about it and listen to worship instead :) can i also ask, do you know if it is okay to listen to subliminals for a job? And to attract love? :)
Being unequally yoked is definitely a sin. Anytime God tells us not to do something and we do it anyway, we are in sin. 2 Corinthians 6:14 tells us not to do it. ❤
I’m unequivocally yoked with my husband, but that is because when we married, I wasn’t walking with Jesus, but by then we had been married 10 years. Divorce is also a sin, except for 2 circumstances.
@@Cheri94and did you try to bring him closer to god ?
1 Corinthians 7:14 says your faith save your unbelieving spouse
@@Cheri94there are other scriptures that cover your situation. I was speaking on the one Deborah mentioned in the q&a.
@@Cheri94That is a different story, than when a believer marries to unbeliever (1. Corinthians 7:12-15) . My parents married as unbelievers and than my mom become Christian after 3 years I believe (I was 1 year old). My dad was ok with this, sometimes came to church with as. Eventually, after years, he became a believer too ❤ (I was 12 when he get baptize). It's 21 years now, he is older (hope that it is the correct English word😅) in their church and also preaches a lot. I hope that it is an encouragement for you and your husband.
For anyone struggling to get into their word here’s a helpful tip in the meantime.
1.The book of proverbs is 31 chapters. Whatever todays date is go and open the book of proverbs to that day and read that chapter.
2. Then you will want to pray over your heart that you receive the message and that it goes down to the inner most parts of your belly.
There are many reasons to read Gods word and once you understand it’s your spiritual defense against the enemy you will crave to read it more and more. Hope this helps someone.
I wasn't sure whether to share but I will, and I do this in love.
I got a tattoo during a season when I was away from the Lord. After coming back to the faith I had a similar conversion to you, Deborah, where I stopped being of the world, stopped yoga, listening to secular music, corrupt movies and shows, walked away from many people who encouraged worldly lifestyles.
I was discerning every area of my life and doing a complete cleanse of everything that was not of the Lord.
I wasn't sure about tattoos because I had exactly the same sentiment and reasoning as you have shared here, and in fact wanted to get one (in addition to a piercing).
In the course of praying and discerning, the Lord revealed to me that's not what he wanted for me.
He went further to show me that he created us, all His children, beautifully and wants us to be pure and concecrated to Him always, that means not harming oneself to the degree of permenantly changing one's appearance, more importantly, one's identity, as is what happens when you have are a tattooed individual.
Don't take my word for it. As Deborah said, take it to the Lord, ask for his guidance and He will surely reveal His will for you. 💙 35:58
The Bible is definitely not boring. I once used the word "juicy" to describe it. Everything happens in it.
Hahah it is juicy!! So much happening 🤭
Aww sis!! Sending you prayers of healing. May God heal the pain you are experiencing. Great video ❤ Thank you again for last weeks video. 🙏🏾
Thank you sis 🥹🤍 Amen!!
Praying for you Healing and full restoration sis ❤ May you be made whole by Faith in the name of Jesus 🙌🏾
needed this so much! Listening to you sharing the Word brightens my week. you’re really a sister in Christ full of wisdom ❤
Ahh praise the Lord sis!! All glory goes to the most high 🥹🤍 it’s such a blessing to have you here! Have a blessed week xxx
Girl pink really suits you:)
Happy Sunday everyone! Blessings ! Great episode sis , I prayer that your ear infection be on its way quickly. Have a wonderful week 💕💕
Amen 🤍 have a blessed week sis!!
@@deborahbx_ 💞💕
I wish you a quick healing
May God restore the health of your ear! 🙏🏻🤍 In Jesus name. I always love to listen to what you have to say. You’re shining through with the Holy Spirit.
IJN amen ❤️🥹 thank you so much sis. Have a blessed week!!
Thank you. I found this video enlightening and comforting
Very informative session. Looking forward to part two of Q&A
God bless you sis Deborah!❤
Hay Deb,family. 2:55pm just got in from services😂
Ok clicking you on now❤😊 Enjoy the week everyone 😊
Season greetings to you and families 🎄🙏🏻🙏🏿👏🏿
I love when you explained that your art and music at one point gave life to who you were in that season. That sums up art and creativity in such a beautiful way.
I'm the same way with not finishing things! GIRL. I've done been to college like 4 separate times because of that lol
So sorry about your ear. I pray that you are feeling better. Please see your doctor if you haven't. You don't want that to lose your hearing in that ear. That happened to me. Later, I had a stroke. Now I am hearing impaired. Be healed in the name of Jesus! I misread seeing your videos. I am here in the US, but I do enjoy listening and watching content creators from other parts of the globe. I am in my 60's . I have been a Christian since I was 19. God is faithful! I am so thankful for Jesus and the Word! Blessings
Does anybody have advice on intrusive/demonic thoughts…I’ve been struggling and frustrated because I’ve been praying and asking the Lord to help me, and I know that these thoughts are not mine, but it’s exhausting and I’m in the Word.
Hi! I’ve also struggled with my thoughts and purifying them and my advice would be that God gives us the power and strength to control what we are thinking . 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5 comes to mind as well as Philippians 4:6. These verses really talk about us having the power to thinking about better things that are glorifying to God. It doesn’t say that it will be easy or be a quick process cause it won’t be but in time you will see that your mind is fixed on heavenly things more than your intrusive thoughts. Also Colossians 3:2 is another verse that talks about where we can shift our thinking. Something practical that I’ve done is learning to catch myself when I’m daydreaming( for me I struggle with maladaptive daydreaming). When I do catch myself I shift my thoughts to things glorifying to the Lord. This could be through worship or reading one of the verses I mentioned over and over again. I’ve even started singing these verses so that they would be stuck in my head over whatever thought was there.
I hope this helps and I pray that you conquer these thoughts and bind them and send them right back to hell where they belong.
What has helped me is just sitting in it with the Lord, and just saying sorry Lord that one (thought) wasn't mine, that way I don't get as distressed when they happen ❤
When you sense it coming rebuke it in Jesus Name. And then think on other things that are true, lovely, right and pure Philippians 4:9. This works for maladaptive day dreaming as well. Think of what is true. Psalm 94:19 and Psalm 139: 23-24 are good scriptures to pray with.
Going to start this off by knocking off a couple of things with Facts the Bible teaches us
1. The heart is deceitful above all things who can know it
2. We restyle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness
3. There is nothing good that dwells in the flesh
Now that’s out of the way YOU MUST PULL DOWN THE STRONG HOLDS
Clarify to your spirit these things:
1. God I don’t have ought against thee
2. I am thankful for the sacrifice you made that saved my soul from hell
3. Declare that the devil is a liar
1. Renounce / denounce ever thought that comes against God
2. Fast/ pray ( SEEK JESUS FACE THATS THE ONLY WAY TO GET AHEAD OF THIS) the devil will try to make you feel condemned for those thoughts but declare they are not your thoughts by dedicating time to showing Jesus you love him
3. Read your word. The only way to fight against a blasphemous spirit is with the word of God.
4. If you have someone who is trustworthy of this information come together and pray against the anxiety and fear that accompanies those thoughts.
5. Don’t let this overcome you. YOU ARE CHILDREN OF CHRIST JESUS. The devil has come to make war with the saints and that war starts with your mind. Assure yourself with the word. Rebuke every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge and power of the Most High King.
6. Lastly, do not allow the devil to convince you that you are alone. You are not. If you have any secret or hidden sun like DAYDREAMING you need to renounce it, repent, and turn away from it.
Step 1: Acknowledge that the thought did not come from you and it comes from the enemy. The Lord knows it.
You do not need to say sorry because in the first place it comes from the enemy not yours do not OWN the thought!
Step 2: Replace it with Gods word
You can search up bible verses that counters that thought…
In my experience, it is not a quick fix to do this steps. But as long as you do it over and over again. Like a muscle it will be strong.
And you will never have to be stressed if an intrusive / demonic comes..
I’ll pray for the both of us! ❤
Deborah i love your spirit. I pray that God sends me a friend like you. I get ear infections all the time. The things that help me
Antihistamine to dry out your ears and Flonase. Dont sleep on the infected ear. And tylenol helps too. I pray for a full recovery.
Thank you so much sis for your tips and prayers. I’m doing much better now by the grace of God! 🤍
Preach girl! You preaching today! Matthew 6:33
Hey sis I have ear infections before , seriously it's one of the pains I can't tolerate. God heal you xxxxx
it does say Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, *nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord.* so it does say to not print any marks upon you it doesnt matter what it is🙃
Omg i got it in October. It was so painful- the worst pain I felt. But the Lord healed me and he wikk definitely heal you too🙌🏾
Amennnn, it truly is horrible 😭 but feeling much much better already!!
I think WHO does your tattoo and WHERE you get it done is very important. A lot of those tattoo parlours are demonic and the people who do them carry evil spirits too. You just have to have discernment
Bless you Deborah ❤❤❤❤I love d too his segment.
Awesome video sis🥰. Prayers for your ear.
Perfect health to you princess, and the finishers anointing is in you. He has helped you already.
"I just wanna write songs about Jesus-and that's it. So, I took some songs down because I don't want you guys to listen to them to be quiet honest and frank"-Deborahbx, 2024.
Preach it sis.
I think there is a huge attack on the body of Christ’s body right now. I know quite a few people who just randomly had to be rushed to the ER for various issues that just came out of nowhere. Praying for us all. ❤
I pray Lord's heals them and regenerates their strength
Yesss more people are struggling with physical illness etc. We need to pray against the schemes of Satan more intensely now!! The Lord is our shield and protector 🙏🏽🙏🏽
This was a blessing Deborah ! I pray that your ear willl heallll in Jesus Name ! 🙋🏾♀️ I used to get them as a kid bc of swimming, it was horrible 😂. Thank you tho, ppl asked questions I was wondering about too.
I really wanted to ask this if anyone snd deborah too please answer this
I always try to be faithfull i always try my best to be spiritual but my mind is such an evils home i would say when i go to temple then only i can concentrated to god but when i pray at home i cant even focus at all i always have 100s of thoughts and stuff
Can you do a book review for A.W Tozer “ The pursuit of God”?
Yess absolutely! I haven’t finished reading it yet but I’ll make sure to do a review when I’ve finished ☺️
Ik dacht dat je 22 was! Complimenten❤🎉
🤭 I’ll take it! Hahah
I love you 😭😭❤❤
It's not the entertaining that's the issue, it's the politics of the business that is corrupted. Man's greed, lust, etc.., which can be found in any and all fields.
I have a question: As Christian women, do we HAVE to get married and have children? I see more and more videos on Christian men flying out of the country to date women in the Philippines or Thailand because, “Western women are too masculine.”
Overall I feel more and more content with being single lately. Like, marriage went from an idol to a simple desire. If it happens, cool. If it never happens, also cool. I feel nice with Jesus and Jesus only (and the occasional female friend) and also I think I’m asexual, so I was wondering if it’s unbiblical to never get married?
Hey there
Marriage is definitely biblical
Also, I wouldn't be so quick to use the term asexual rather read ur Bible and wait on God
Congratulations on not idolizing marriage because, as humans, we tend to worship the created instead of the creator )
Read ur Bible like every day because, based on ur question, it doesn't seem like u do ( my apologies if I am coming off as harsh)
The bible is God's words , his love letter to us and again I will emphasize that marriage is very biblical ( God performed the 1st marriage ever between Adam and eve) bit sometimes God calls us to be single completely ( not getting married) and that's a gift in itself and so is friendship, pray for godly friends but pls pls read ur Bible on the regular and ask God If he has called u to singleness .
Feel the same, I've never idolized marriage tho, but I've been content being single my whole life, so yeah. God's will be done.
1 Corinthians 7:25-35 NIV
"Now about virgins: I have no command from the Lord, but I give a judgment as one who by the Lord’s mercy is trustworthy. Because of the present crisis, I think that it is good for a man to remain as he is. Are you pledged to a woman? Do not seek to be released. Are you free from such a commitment? Do not look for a wife. But if you do marry, you have not sinned; and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned. But those who marry will face many troubles in this life, and I want to spare you this. What I mean, brothers and sisters, is that the time is short. From now on those who have wives should live as if they do not; those who mourn, as if they did not; those who are happy, as if they were not; those who buy something, as if it were not theirs to keep; those who use the things of the world, as if not engrossed in them. For this world in its present form is passing away. I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord’s affairs-how he can please the Lord. But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world-how he can please his wife- and his interests are divided. An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world-how she can please her husband. I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord."
@@Scarlett-yk2keI’m aware that marriage is biblical and I’m not saying it isn’t, I just personally think I want to remain a single virgin woman loving the Lord versus being married and loving the Lord.
Erah kings is how it’s spelled !! After much research lol
Yess! Sorry I should’ve put it on the screen 😭😭
@ no problem girl! The songs been on repeat! Would love to hear worship music 💗
Just want to point out that the commandments are the law. Moses received the 10 commandments, and then recieved the rest of the 613, which Jesus tells us are all fulfilled in one word - to love your neighbour as yourself. That's what the law was trying to do - point a very unspiritual people towards God and towards love. It had to be spelled out to them. Some of the other laws like food laws etc. still have value - yes they were to set his people apart, but they were not arbitrary things that didn't matter, or had no spiritual effect. He gave his people the healthiest foods (ruminant meat and clean fish as opposed to bottom feeders and animals that eat their own faeces for example), and gave them rituals to perform to bring them closer to God and help keep their mind on him. He gave them laws that taught them to respect and treat their neighbour well. He gave them laws that helped to prevent disease, or the spread of disease. The law was not meaningless because it was ceremonial. And the 10 commandments have always been the summation of the rest of the law. So just want to point out that you can't separate the law from the commandments because they are literally the same thing. And it's good for christians to recognise the inherent value of the law. No, we are not beholden to it, as we have Jesus, but we would do well to observe it as the spirit leads us! There is soooo much wisdom within it. Other than that, love your channel Deborah, really appreciate your faith talks and look forward to them. God bless you and your ministry 🤗💛
Thank you so much dear sister Deborah for speaking on how little seeds of lust are planted in us through perverted reels, I was asking God why I'm still struggling when I always run from sexual immortality, he just said you never ran dear through you. Gotta guard my heart from reels and shorts. Learnt it, now that i look back I lost the sensitivity to such content, now I believe the Lord will keep me firm blameless! Also dear sister Deborah, can you speak on how to handle PMS, as much as it is real, it is also used to compromise on Christ like living. I love you and so grateful for you speak life over me, thank you once again! May the Lord bless you! And heal you!
No pressure because you havent been feeling too well but will you do a vlogmas.
I’ve had an ear infection and it is the worst , was taken in an ambulance because I had green goey liquid coming out of my ear and was giving gas.. and then child birth probably being the next even tho I’ve not experienced this yet
My ear just ringing thinking about it 😭😭😭.
Yea I need to be careful what I intake on social media
Deborah..great video first of all, but I need to say this...God has constructed your vocals to sound like they do for a reason and I know us artists can be our own worst critic but your voice is very skilled and natural and I believe 100% that God has made it that way for you to use it for His glory and bring heaven to earth. Sometimes us artists in Christ don't continue in the preparation stage and then out of nowhere an opportunity comes up and we're not prepared for it and so we decline it, but God wants us to be prepared and utilise the opportunities that come our way to exalt Him. I went to a spoken word event last week that a lady from my church put on...I declined the offer to perform but once there I felt like I should have done something more apart from only serving food . She would like to open up the platform for other types of performances (I don't really like that word but you know what I mean) when she does something again I would like to invite you to it and will send you an email., but please try and get what you've got finished up (I really need to do the same myself believe me so I get it) because you're probably going to get a lot of invitations to perform at events. God bless you 💖
Love you 🥰🇬🇪
Love your videos! What kind of braids do you have?
These are knotless boho braids with human hair 🙏🏽
@@deborahbx_ they're cuttte!!
Hey, Deborah. I pray your ear infection leaves you 🙏🏼
I wanted to ask on insta but there wasn’t enough room for my question😅 what are ways that the devil will tempt me? I want to be able to differentiate what comes from Satan and what doesn’t so that I’m prepared/equipped! Thank you for making these videos God bless🙏💕
I think you shouldn’t wait for the devil to tempt you or be focused on how he will tempt you but rather you should pray and stay in the word so that when he does tempt you, you’re better equipped and wouldn’t fall.
@@AdigunAdedamolathank you! That makes a lot more sense.
First ❤🎉
Can you add Thanks button so we can bless you
Okay so regarding the unequally yoked relationship stuff, what about those that are ‘equally yoked’ in the world God is not the centre of their relationship and without him, we are departed but with him we are united. So for those who are in a relationship in the world, how is it for them cuz it has been on my mind for a while.
I can’t find the song am I spelling it wrong ? Are king? Era king?
Should we listen to secular music? 😊
You can, but it's best not to.
It does affect us, whether you see it or not. It can lead us to sin, and make us feel certain things that are not of God, like lust, anxiety, depression, intrusive thoughts, it can defile you. It goes into your ears and fills your heart and mind with ungodly thinking, or feeling. I suggest to listen to Christian music or worship, but it takes time to adjust and get to use to it if you've been addicted to secular music like I have. As God to help you, and guide you in this ❤.
@ thank you, i am so grateful for the advice. I will pray about it and listen to worship instead :) can i also ask, do you know if it is okay to listen to subliminals for a job? And to attract love? :)
Ask yourself this: Would I want Jesus to listen to this type of music?
Let the Holy Spirit not man convict you of things. You can ask the Holy Spirit to discern on what’s appropriate and whats not.
@ thank you. But i have prayed about it so much, not hearing about it :( so i thought to ask
Ou, where’s your bible from?
Why would you promote Better Help when the Bible says not to seek counseling from non-believers?
They have Christian therapists just in case It’s your first time to watch Deborah B