Nice video. Many in the west have no idea that Christianity has an inner path that relies on direct experience. We must become the change in the world that we wish to see. Inner Christianity is about changing ourselves and not others.
Many in the west have no idea what christianity in general is,christians act as if it doesnt exist. And besides that we have many different ideologies that are easily accessed by people from big distances thanks to the advance of communications. Are they (religions ideologies etc) going to be unified after a time?Will there be a more complex situation in the future? I believe that right now we have a "gap" in our consioussness.Every year increasingly more young people say that they dont believe in god.And that is not because he definitely doesnt exist but because they cant find some ideology that truly expressess what a god is.Or what we live for. Also there ais no substantial evidence for the existence of the gods that have been created till today by man. And whatever they call as evidence (believers) is every year proven to be wrong,by young people... How many times did i repeat the word people?lol im so high
It's seems that the journey to the divine is an individual one. Everyone tries to tell everyone or at least someone else what they should think, read, and believe in. My belief is strong enough for me to question it and what everyone says.. because o will be the one who has to deal with the consequences of said thoughts and actions. I trust my belief and will listen when I am led to. Plus I'm one who searches for the lesson in everything anyway.
@@samuelloomis9407 can one man die for another mans sins? Scriptural truth says that GOD does not require a sacrifice for sins. We know that the Holy Spirit is not a man. And it cannot die. John the Baptist was a man who was born with the Holy Spirit even before his birth. I don't believe he died. I think he wrote Revelation. Scripture clearly says that we are to deny our own flesh, take up our own death.
You need to go within yourself, the temple. Take no thought, and this is where the kingdom is. Within you. That way you do not need man to teach you. We are light beings that agreed to have this flesh experience. J.c is a metaphor for you. The first man is earthy, flesh Adam/atom. Split from that man is woman. This is symbolic. We are all both female and male inwardly, like God is. Created in God's image MALE and female. It is Mind and Emotions. Enoch is the 7th from this first Adam, and represents the 7th Chakra, in the skull, GOLGOTHA. This place of the skull where we must die. Crucify and this is the same as wrestling with spirit. Jacob is another allegory that wrestled with "man" and God and named the place where his name was changed PINEAL. This represents pineal gland. Third eye. Jesus taught to let thy EYE BE single and your body will fill with LIGHT. God is Light.
@@samuelloomis9407 no man died for you. Imagine a God that had to resort to a bloody murder of a human nailed to a tree in order to forgive you. That is a sick doctrine to impose on the true Father/Mother God.
More and more people are beginning to awaken! Some people are so caught up in their so called religion, to listen to this would be a sin!! Sad very sad ...
I don't know if any one of you had asked, who am I. Like when you feel there is an inner you that you're trying to understand. Or maybe you have like a greater awareness of knowing what is good and what is wrong because you disconnect from evaluating it subjectively and you look at it objectively with a birds eye view. You see the bigger picture, a higher understanding or revelation? Could this be esoteric in nature I wonder? Have you also felt great love when you want to unite with the eternal, immortal Spirit like explore the depths of the silence in which the Father lives (aeons of light in the silence of the Father as mentioned in one of the gnostic texts). Just wondering, because even before I read about the existence of such teachings, I kinda experienced this on my own which I wasn't able to express in words. Now that I read of the esoteric nature of Christ, it could make sense and as you say, it rises above the ego plane of consciousness am I right? Of course, this should be done in keeping with God's Commandments and Truth. Eastern religions do say that life is an illusion and scientists say that you observe reality because your mind observes. In other words, reality because you define it. I can see a mingling of science and esoteriscm there, it seems like it's saying the same thing, that we are spiritual who should be able to transcend time and space.
I walked so far to the end of the world Just to discover that the end is where I started Who would’ve thought that the world is round So fed up, you can put me in the ground now All we ever do is toil for wind Chasing our tails, then we do it again Hoping to fail so we don’t have to win Everybody knows how the story ends Yet we keep reading into it As if there’s something important in the pit Loving the houses that are built out of shit And hating the ones who can fix the glitch Stop holding on to what’s not even there The dawn will strip the whole world bare All you can do is stop and stare And regret everything that you didn’t share Don’t walk too far it’s the end of the world You will discover that the end is where you started Yes indeed the world is round It’s almost time to rise from the ground now So take a deep breath And repent of your sins Leave a few clues For when you see it again Next time you’re here It won’t look the same Just as it was But with a new name Carved real deep On a white stone And never again Will you be alone I can’t show you What I’ve been shown You’ll just have to look And see on your own Nobody knows Where the wind blows Where it comes from Or where it goes So take a deep breath And repent of your sins Leave a few clues For when you see it again
@@adamscott3437 I know, and I read this poem before, I am seeing it again. That is why I know the name. The cycle can be broken only through death of the carnal mind. Then the true higher consciousness takes over and we learn who we truly are.
Perhaps the importance is in making the two into one (i.e. what you believe IS what you do), and using free will inspired by the Spirit to affect change (or consistency).
The statement about the light shining through the darkness and into our hearts quoted in the end of this video relates to the Holy Spirit and His light, the true light of God!
@@3wisdom6eternal72 - read Genesis 1:2 - the spirit of God is eternal and Genesis 1:3 is the Word (Jesus) ie God said (his literal spoken word). Genesis 1:1 is God. All there at the beginning of the Bible.
I think of myself as a Gnostic Christian because there were to many things I questioned and I seemed answers to what I suspected was wrong with Christianity. What my form of gnosis is, is the abandonment of an emotional umbrella die to believing that fear and guilt were a necessary part an underlying emotional state of consciousness. That would like like using negativity to solve a negative or a problem. Once this is done we can explore possibilities without inhibited feeling that stems from a denomination based paradigm and rely on the spirit to warn me if necessary. Scriptures can be interpreted in different ways. I would recommend viewing the words of Jesus as canon because he is the son of the highest God. Quoted from Mark 5:7 ?,... I believe, notice the demon said "highest God" implying there is more than one. As the months and years passed I've heard wisdom from in and outside the Bible or the Nag Hammadi. I've learned things I wouldn't have considered possible from the paradigm of my former denomination. Gnosis basically really is learning about yourself and learning about the Universe. There is no reason to deny the existence of the empirical. Know that science really doesn't prove anything but that proves a theory wrong is what disproves it. Albert Einstein basically said that about the theory of relativity.
@Darren Being converted by the Holy Spirit is where it starts. Read the Secret Book of John and The Letter from Peter to Philip. Those whom the spirit has descended upon shall be saved.
@Darren Well Darren, since comments have been turned off in your video, I don't believe matter is inherently evil. I believe Jesus did come in the flesh. The Nag Hammadi says nothing about Paul in a bad light. The Gospel mentioned in The Letter from Peter to Philip is salvation through Jesus Christ. modern books derived from people reading the Nag Hammadi may very well have deception in them. Stop listening to the idiots and the critics and read the thing yourself and come to your own conclusions. Have a nice day.
@Darren Yes God is in the flesh because we have the energy of The One within us. The Secret Book of John teaches us about The One. We are transceivers of this interdimensional energy. It's God consciousness. What we do with that energy is up to us.
Bruce Dressel There is scripture in the Nag Hammadi that says to teach salvation in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Maybe both of you need to do more research???
Western Christianity is missing the eastern exoteric tradition of enlightenment.The early Gnostics were skilled in it thus one can attain a state of consciousness where he is in oneness with the divine that is within him.
Most humans know where we are from and how we came about . The TRUTH of this matter is that the Mass majority reject this truth and BILLIONS do everything in thier individual power to ignore it continuesly -- without ceissing . This is the reason why billions of people are willingly allowing themselves to be deceived and miss lead because -- they are purposely Anybody that telling them what they want to hear . This is soothing to the masses because they are willingly in agreement these soothsayers . Thus getting what they deserve when they have been miss lead , of thier own FREE will . Thank you for your attention .😉👍👊👋✌
@@HarrySmith-hr2iv i have his bio, and watch some of his series .good think for me to watch joseph campbell teachings we may reflect on our animal nature .. i would like hear some of his stuff again..get a better understanding, thanks to the guy who mention his name ..lets be people of thinking and meaning
For Gurdjieff "Esoteric Christianity", could have meant any of the following Church of the East, Nestorian Church, Persian Church Assyrian Church Eastern Orthodox Greek Orthodox Russian Orthodox Jewish Christianity Desposyni Ebionites Elkasites Freemasonry Martinism? Mysticism Cabala Gnosticism Neo-platonicism Rosicrucians
Mason Peters I really can’t find much in the New Testament that refutes Gnosticism. Arguably I can’t reconcile a few sentences from Paul and then there is the book of Revelation that kind of stumps me. In my opinion, Paul has his opinions much like modern day Christians. There are other New Testament scriptures that affirm Gnosticism and I now see them in a different way.
The scriptures are seen through the mind you have, when one takes on the mind of Christ through following His example of going to the cross ressurection follows and the scriptures are made new to YOU, essentially you could say secret knowledge is seen that the mind of flesh you had before could not see where as the gained mind of Christ/the mind of the spirit can see it This principle is shown in the garden of Eden with God saying there was 2 trees, yet Eve only saw 1 tree, it is to do with perception/perspective, the mind of the true God sees differently to the mind of man we must gain His mind to see as He sees, the tree is the Bible...
@@tinkercooper1332 Gen 3:2-3 ASV 2 And the woman said unto the serpent, Of the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat: 3 but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. Both trees are in the midst of the garden... Gen 2:9 ASV And out of the ground made Jehovah God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Gen 3:6 ASV And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat; and she gave also unto her husband with her, and he did eat. It's all to do with perspective, what man considers life to him is in fact death, man must come to lay down his life to take on the mind of Christ in order to see the Bible interpreted as Christ sees it which will give true life Pro 14:12 ASV There is a way which seemeth right unto a man; But the end thereof are the ways of death. The first question in scripture is very important the OLD serpent, He that is CALLED the devil and satan asked a legitimate question, but man being wise still answers the same way as Eve did Rev 12:9 ASV And the great dragon was cast down, the old serpent, he that is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world; he was cast down to the earth, and his angels were cast down with him. 1Co 3:19-20 ASV 19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He that taketh the wise in their craftiness: 20 and again, The Lord knoweth the reasonings of the wise, that they are vain. 2Co 11:3 ASV But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve in his craftiness, your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity and the purity that is toward Christ. 2Co 5:16-17 ASV 16 Wherefore we henceforth know no man after the flesh: even though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now we know him so no more. 17 Wherefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature: the old things are passed away; behold, they are become new. Make sure you have the purity and simplicity toward Christ...
A great deal of the canonized gospels contain teachings of gnosis. You may not see them because of the conditioned way you read them. You are the light. You are to be perfect. You are one with the father. Much more. The Pauline element in the canonized gospels is the divinity of Jesus, salient in John's gospel.
@@pentaxpro Yes, your observation is accurate. Pauline Christianity pushes the false idea that Jesus is your savior if you believe in him. He is said to be the perfect and acceptable sacrifice for humanity and that Jesus is the way to the father. Anyone who knows the truth realizes the error of this paradigm.
To believe in God you got to believe in the power of God and you got to reach for eternity .there's a big ball of light in a field at the end of eternity I am is a reflection of the balance of that light
No secret tradition huh? How do you explain Mathew 13:13..."This is why I speak to them in parables: "Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand."
@@carlharmeling512just a note to consider the Greek word for Spirit is the same as the Greek word for Wind. So the translation could easily read “The spirit blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Wind. So this is a reference to the Holy Spirit which is described as autonomous of person’s will, because it is greater than a person, as it is God, or God’s will, God’s inspiration (which is a word derived from spirit). When we are inspired it seems to come from another source not from who we call ourself.
Ephesians 4 : 14 -15 " All this must be done so that we should no longer be infants in the faith, wave-tossed and blown hither and thither by every wind of teaching, by the clever trickery of men, by cunning cleverness designed to make us take a wandering way."
"be WISE as a serpant but getle as a dove" were we just commanded to study and understand the occult but NOT do its EVIL practices like sacraficing black chickens?
Read... Modern Man (western man) in Search of a Soul - Carl Jung. Modern man has mastered the outer world at the expense of his inner spiritual development.
These guys are either dupes or shills. They either have no idea what orthodox christianity is or else this is just false advertizing. They don't even tell us what either gnosticism or orthodoxy are just gnosticism is deep and orthodoxy is shallow. The state of western christianity has to be sorry for anyone to seriously fall for this tripe.
What he said about multiple school of thoughts in Hinduism is actually not bad. There are six philosophical schools in Hinduism. We have both Nastik (Atheist) and spiritual schools. But no problem is seen even after these differences. No doubt debates do occur but no bloodshed. I am actually digging the Gnostic version of Christianity, its very insightful and mystical rather than the ones that sends you to hell if you are non-believer or following other traditions. 😂 Can anybody help me further with the philosophy of Gnosticism? Thanks. Links will be appreciated. 🕉🙏🏽
its all divide in conqure. albert pike letter that predicted (and passed) word war 1 and world war 2, world war 3 will be in part by tricking christains and athest to attack eachother, and possibly other denominations (demon nations)
The Canonical Text represent less than 10% (probably less than 2%) of the information and study and experiential gnosis that was available to actual Christians (contrasting to today's "Christianity" which is really Jesusanity) up til about 175 AD and assumed completely obliterated by 1200 AD via The Inquisition. We should all be grateful for the discovery of the Nag Hammadi Library.
"For as the lightning comes from the east and shines even unto the west so shall the coming of the Son of Man be " ( Mathew 24:27 ) The "LIGHTNING" = the "LIGHT" (Truth) of the gospel (good news) OF Christ (Jesus)... The "EAST" = a little town in "Egypt" called NAG HAMMADI, and the "Gnostic Gospels"... The "WEST" = the western world, namely the USA who is "EPHRAIM" ( Israel ).... The "SON OF MAN" = a Divine Title that tells us WHO we are "In Christ" ...the "PERFECT MAN".
NOTHING... less than nothing actually. Because you choose to follow the father of all lies. For this you will go into hell, repent and follow Christ, or go your own way and perish. The scriptures are clear.
EQOAnostalgia The “scriptures” are hijacked by evil. MY God is love and doesn’t send people to suffer in fire for eternity. Any god who wants to torture people is one I want nothing to do with. Christianity was corrupted by the Romans. This is why history is so important to learn.. The lack of it has led to people being brainwashed to follow a blind faith without question.
Interesting video, but please brother, Celtic is pronounced Keltic, not Seltic. It may seem like a small thing, but to we Celts, it is important. Thanks. :)
when we will be able to build a ATLEAST 128 kilobyte computer FROM SCRACH (from mine to computer, not buying allread-made chips and assembling them) (not compartmentalized)
@Theone Youtwo John 10. 27] My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: [28] And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. I have ears to hear and eyes to see that the Gospel of Thomas is neither from my Lord Jesus Christ, nor did Thomas write it. [29] My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. [30] I and my Father are one.
I liked this. Heard something like this before too, perhaps from Terrence McKenna several years ago. Really nice artwork too, but I wondered, should there be a splash of Hermes Trismagistus in the last few minutes. Weren't there are fair few Gnostics taking in Astrology and Hermetic practices?
body of christ is seperated. and athest and christains are just diffrent side of the SAME coin (read the albert pike letter about ww1 (passed) ww2 (passed) and ww3 (seems to be comming to pass!) christains and athest will kill eachother off and do lots thje elite scums work for them. resistance is assistance.
When you develop a relationship with Jesus you love the things he loves and hate the things he hates. Thier will always be someone to try and sway your thinking to theirs. Just focus on Jesus and the truth will be revealed to you. Then will you be able to question everything and hold to the truth.
Sad that so many Christians have no relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord and God for only by the indwelling Holy Spirit can we even begin to understand the awesome Living Holy Word of God. Walking by the Spirit instead of the flesh happens in relationship with God not following after ANY man or religion, and God is faithful to complete the work in us the HE began. Apart from God man can do nothing good from a heart of total unselfish or self serving motives. Apart from Holy Spirit we will continue to use one another for gain at the other's expense. The anti Christ (instead of Christ or pretending to be Christ) will rise from the renewed Roman empire after the Rapture of the true Christians who walk by the Spirit in relationship with God. Relationship NOT religion is the only way to salvation and a transformed life. God bless and keep you in His perfect peace, in Jesus mighty name. Amen.
@@mikeq5807 No there is only one and it is Jesus Christ. No human can save themselves. In fact we are called to deny our self, pick up our cross, and follow Jesus Christ. Of course we will never get there as is foretold in the Bible. Mankind can't govern themselves. Apart from Jesus we can do nothing to improve ourselves. That is also from God as we grow in the wisdom and knowledge of Him from grace to grace. If you are not a born again believer I pray you consider God's amazing free gift. Jesus is the only way to the Father and no one comes to the Father but through believing in Jesus. I hope I cleared that up. Men are not now nor will they ever be gods. That is the satanic lie from the garden. Do not be deceived. Praying for you to know Jesus as I do, that you would seek Him and find the peace this world knows nothing of, in Jesus might name, Amen.
The gnostic dimension is not closed. It is inaccessible to those who seek answers outwardly. "Narrow is the gate that leads to life, and few find it." Jesus
Kabbala Gnosticism Sufism are sharing the same Truth. Musa Eshua Muhammad Peace be upon Them from the same Bloodline of Ibrahim(PBUH) Choosen by God to Guide Humanity to Unity with Divine.
Zafar Toshmukhamedov Indeed, divinisation is the purpose of all. How it is done implies variations, but indeed the goal is one revealed to all. Hindous and Boudhists try to do the same through their meditation. Instead of fighting each other for stupid reasons (and sometimes even in the name of god...) we should understand that we are all brothers, sons of the father and need to return to him. Fighting our own ego is the real djihâd... whatever religion, those who manage to die before their death (apocalypsis) ... those will have the Life.
Muhhamad wasn't choses by God he was assaulted by demons in a cave, and led a war like religion. Muhhamed had no wittnesses to any miracles or any divine knowlege. Muhhamad was a fraud who copied Jesus and plagiarized the bible. The devil comes to lie steal and destroy.
You are the church. You are the temple. You are the way. You are the truth. You are the life. You are the light. You are to be perfect. You are God, a son of God, an emanation of God. You are one with God. Know your root by knowing yourself. "They will cleave to the name of a dead man, thinking that they will become pure." Apocalypse of Peter
Gnostism rejected by Christianity and by the Apostles. "O Timothy, guard the deposit entrusted to you. Avoid the irreverent babble and contradictions of what is falsely called “knowledge,” for by professing it some have swerved from the faith. Grace be with you." 1 Timothy 6:20-21 Those who follow Gnosticism don't follow Christ, they seek their own spiritual knowledge apart from Christ. Colossians 2:8 ESV / "See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ." Those who make videos on Gnostisim do not follow Christ.
Gnosis is a feminine Greek noun which means "knowledge" This is exactly what Timothy called irrelevant babble, it was around long time ago its not new.
G Kelly Not sure that Thimothy was talking about this. But indeed, some gnostic communities gave more importance to women. But it is possible that women were known to be closer to gnosticism which pushed people to lower the role of women in the church.
G Kelly Indeed. But gnosis denies nothing and it is revealed by the church fathers. Gnosticism was instead a syncretism between christianism and neo-platonism with evil body, demiruge, reincarnations, etc... This was indeed considered by the fathers as heretics. However there are a lot of citations talking about a secret teaching originating in christ who was made for those who can recieve it. This teachings were parallel and complementary (not contradictory) to the public teachings of the church. And this teachings is hidden in the gospels and available for anywone able to recieve them. This latter orthodox gnosis went afterwards in the christian mysticism (fathers of the desert and current christian mysticism). The heterodox gnosis or gnosticism was an heresy from the beginning and is no more now (except from some new age resurgences claiming to inherit from gosticism or cathars or whatever).
There is one book in the Nag Hammadi that says begin your prayer this way: “Father father father of the light....” The Nag Hammadi also refers to the father as “The One”. I guess The One is the best interpretation. “I am who I am” is the jealous God who wants to be like “The One”.
When God said to Moses “I am” what is said is God is being itself, the totality of being itself, the source of being itself. And in the Gospel of John Jesus says things similarly, by making ontological statements like I am the way, the truth, and the light. Or Before Abraham Was, I Am. This is not a trivial aspect of Biblical text, it is a central issue, that was elaborated by Saint Anselm, Avicenna, Thomas Acquinis etc. And of the early Christians Justin Martyr spells this out and says we have designated Christ the embodiment of the Logos itself, the Logos meaning the order of truth of the universe. But people misunderstand what the argument really is. God is understood by Anselm as the order of the universe (Logos), it is specifically, ontological a priori in regard to the organization of the universe, whereby, if such organizational structure is true, God must exist, not some old man in the sky God, but God as equal to the order itself. The problem most atheists get hung up on when they try to refute the argument is they believe Anselm was talking about some literalist ideation of God, in this case of course it is an absurdity. But that is NOT what is being said. And the literalist who wants a fantasy father in the sky is also creating an absurdity. Both argue absurdity. But the original idea was and is being itself, the order of the universe itself. An atheist, if they were smart enough, could challenge the exclusive claim of Jesus as the Logos, as a provincialism, and a Christian if smart enough, insightful enough, I believe would concede, and go back to Justin’s text and say, we have “designated” Jesus, but this gets to the heart of the issue, if you can get a Christian to admit Jesus is symbolic of that order but not the order itself, but few will. But when you realize we are talking about things that abstract and transcendent rendered into symbolic and poetic language so that it may reach our hearts and not just our minds then your seeing it. Only an idiot would claim there is no order of the universe, an arrogant idiot person would claim the know what that order is, a scientific rationalist will try to reduce it to mere materialism, But Christianity was then and I hope can be now, about experiencing the awe of that order which goes beyond yourself and you are a part of it.
Gnosticism spread doctrines, which are now fundamental in many subversive Hebrew movements of modern times. For example, the sect of the Carpocrations attacked all then existing religions and only recognized the Gnosis - knowledge of which was provided by the great men of every nation, such as Plato, Pythagoras, Moses, and Christ - which frees one from all that the vulgar call Religion and makes man equal to God. The Gnostics possessed mysteries and initiations, " Tertulian, a father of the Church, assures us that the sects of the Valentinians perverted the mysteries of Eleusis and made a 'sanctuary of prostitution out of them". In his confirmation that Cabbalist founded Gnosticism, the famous historian of Freemasonry, Ragon, reports that :" The Cabbalah is the key to the secret sciences. The Gnostics emanated from the Cabbalah. E. de Faye assures us that another secret Gnostic sect, Cainites on account of the cult in which they worshipped Cain , represented the latter, Dathan and Abiram, the homosexual inhabitants of Sodom & Gomorrha and Judas Iscariot himself as noble victims of Demiurge, i.e. of the malicious creator of our Universe according to their perverse teachings. Apparently, these Gnostic sects were the forerunners of the Bogomiles, of the Luciferians, of black magic and of certain small satanic masonic circles, which all part, a part from rendering homage to Lucifer regarded as good everything that Christianity holds to be evil and vice versa. Voltaire himself regards the Djues during the middle ages as the spreaders of Black Magic and Satanism. Book Reference: History of Gnosticism by J. Matter.
It was the first form of Christianity It is supreme. Our 12 apostle followed that. It's humb, tolerant, hates every sin, it spreads like fire. They just shut every non Christiand who are against them by spirit of God not by hands
J M To a certain extent but not a whole lot. Christianity was named after followers of Paul. Paul said a few things that questionably were in conflict with what I believe what Gnosticism is. Gnosticism does not seem to contradict what Jesus spoke about. Some other New Testament scriptures seem to affirm Gnosticism.
One day, you will treasure their wisdom, when you know their meaning through the earnest observation of your experience. "Whoever perceives the meaning of these words will not experience death." Gospel of Thomas
@@mikeq5807 Since I wrote that I watched the Sant Mat channel and started to see some value. Some. But mostly people talk about how they were persecuted, not their wisdom.
@@watermelonlalala The formula of the spiritual path is simple. Introspect. Your experiences contain the hidden wisdom. Connect to your root, called father in the gnostic tradition.
What is the difference between Esoteric Christianity and just plain gnosticism? There are a lot of Esoteric and Mystic teachings within Traditional Christianity (which teaches simultaneously that gnosticism is heresy and/or idolatry). If you are a gnostic then don't hide behind the label "Esoteric Christianity", it's dishonest.
well i mean theres meany versions gnostic. "demigurge EVIL" other versions "demigurge BLIND" (but not nessaraly evil) some gnostics belive judas iscarrior was good, other gnostics belive that to NOT be true. and so on so fourth. i just hope we werent created by some enity that decides if should go to hell or not based on belief ONLY and then that means we must GAMBLE and select the right religion to enter Pair-A-Dice. if this is the case then humans are just "Swarm bots" to this god.
A sect and a cult are not the same. A sect is an organized group of individuals adhering to a variant perspective religiously. A cult is an organized group of individuals adhering to a variant perspective religiously that seeks truth outside of themselves rather than within themselves. The Abrahamic religions, as they are popularly known, are cults because they profess a salvation that requires an outside source. "What did they lack, if not the knowledge of the father?" Gospel of Truth "The kingdom is within you and in your midst. If you do not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty, and you are poverty." Gospel of Thomas "One who knows all, but lacks within, is utterly lacking." Gospel of Thomas "He who has not known himself has known nothing. He who has known himself has, at the same time, already achieved knowledge about the depth of the All." Book of Thomas, the Contender "They will cleave to the name of a dead man, thinking that they will become pure." Apocalypse of Peter "Know who God is, and know who is the one who thinks in you." Sentences of Sextus "You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world." Gospel of Matthew "When your eye is clear, your whole body is full of light." Gospel of Luke "Enter through the narrow door." Gospel of Luke "You to whom the word of God comes, you are gods, you are sons of God." Gospel of John "Come to the light, so you may become sons of light." Gospel of John "You are one with the father if you love one another." Gospel of John "The spirit of truth will guide you into all truth." Gospel of John "You will grieve, but your grief will be turned into joy. These things I have spoken to you in figurative language." Gospel of John "The one who knows the father has eternal life." Gospel of John
Ireneus of Lyon was against what he called false gnosis, but fully supporting true gnosis. Gnostic sects were mainly syncretisms between greek or zoroastrian religions and christianity and those syncretisms (valentinians, basilidians, maniceists...) were considered as heretic. Orthodox gnosis was different and turned into mysticism from the 4th century.
Sorry, I think it's time to stop with this historical misunderstanding. Do you know that the distorted information about Gnosticism that you bring come from the heresiologists of the early centuries (the enemies of the Gnostics): it's as if we wanted to study Napoleon by reading the books written by his enemies! Subsequently this error was handed down by scholars who, before the discovery of the Nag Hammadi library in 1945, could only have the texts of Ireneo & c. But since 72 years we have the opportunity to study an entire library of texts written by the Gnostics themselves (the official church had tried to destroy it but that miraculously these texts reappeared after 1700 years): now we can know exactly the thoughts and the vision of the Gnostics without the filter of the heresiologists. Directly! Can you understand? Directly! Do you want to take sometime and read, for example, the Gospel of Thomas? What do you find of so terrible, so contrasting with the other 4 Gospels? Absolutely nothing! But you can find a greater openness, a greater push for the personal inner search ("know yourself"). Anyway the teachings of Christ you find in this Gospel are in line with what we know from the canonic texts. We are not obliged to read or to believe in these texts: but what is needed for writing in the third millennium with intellectual honesty about this argument, is to study the phenomenon of gnosticism scientifically, that is, from the texts written by the gnostics that now are available. Going on with the material taken from the heresiologists ignoring the original texts is a method anti-historical, antiscientific and dishonest.
andrea bertolini And when you read the apocrypha you realize that the distorted history of the heresiologists is ... true :-) Thomas is not false gnosis but true gnosis. There is nothing heretical in Thomas. But if you check the apocyphon of john for example, this is TRUE Gnosticism.
Hep Hopa And who decide what is true and what is false? You? Me? The Church? Fortunately we now have an entire library of text which somebody has hidden 1700 years ago, avoiding in this way their destruction by the fanatics. All the texts included in the Nag Hammadi library are important texts, also from a historical and cultural point of view. It's time everybody who want to study and meditate these texts can do it without ANY filter or preconceptions. My suggestion is to start by reading 2 books of Elaine Pages: the Gospel of Thomas and the Gnostic Gospels.
andrea bertolini Again those books only reveal that ... Iraneus was right. And this can be done with no filter. And again do not base on the Gospel of Thomas to know what Gnosticism is.
Bigb2409 For sure nobody fully understand the truth, it is just impossible as we are humans. I think apophatic theology is really good. It is true that the church should have let more the masses read the Bible and not only theologians. But protestants did it and what is the result ? 40000 churches today ...When you get rid of the church tradition it is if like you do philosophy and get rid of Plato, Aristotle and all those old guys and just become a philosopher from scratch. You can disagree with them but you need to know them. The true gnosis is the one based on faith and knowledge which symbolic you can interpret from the church decoding key. Otherwise you can interpret symbols as you want and get wrong. Each esoteric approach needs its exoteric counterpart : soufis need to be Muslim, hesychasm need to be orthodox Christian, kaballa you need to be Jew, yoga hindou, zen boudhist, etc ... You cannot do zen and interpret it with a christian decoding key. But you are right: love is the most important. God wrote it in our hearts not on paper and it summarizes all the Law as Jesus said. This is the starting point everyone needs and everyone has.
@@fam4449 how can one TRULY love god knowing god is ready to send you to effing for all effing eternity if don't? seems the love would be superficial. i LOVED god, then learned of hell, now only love out of FEAR!
suspect that old testament said Leviticus 18:22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. Leviticus 20:13 If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have commited an abomination; they shall be put to death; their blood is upon them. Deuteronomy 21:18-21 If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son, who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and though they chastise him, will not give heed to them, then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gate of the place where he lives, and they shall say to the elders of his city, ‘This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard.’ Then all the men of the city shall stone him to death ... some people will go to great lengths to control others
Looking for the truth inside yourself isn’t to say that you’re God. Just that your body is the conduit by which you must connect to the eternal God. Relying on others to be that conduit for you is dangerous because it causes you to accept their perspective- no doubt colored by their own biases- uncritically. We’ve seen the damage that’s done on many fronts, not least of which during the Manifest Destiny period.
Prior to Christianity the predominant religion was a mother worshipping CULTURE brought from Egypt. The cult of Isis was worshipped all over Greece and Italy and as far North as France. The idea of Isis was merged with the worship of the Black Madonna who represents the black mother of humanity. She was symbolized with Isis in the ancient world. Christian Gnosticism has its roots in the Egyptian mystery schools.
Partially is there some truth in this video, and yet Christianity is neither religion, nor any esoteric knowledge and practices. It is simply a love relationship and freedom from sin with the Heavenly Father through the only one and forever Mystery of Sacrifice of God Son- Jesus Christ and all led by the Holy Spirit in accomplishment what we need in this life and the life to come.
Maria Jordan Seems to me there are a lot of Christians who live a life of duality. What they do in church and what they do outside of church. Gnosticism to me is a pathway.
Gnosticism and Esoteric Christianity believes that an alternate consciousness has greater virtue than the image of God here and now. Calvinism falsely appeals to this esoteric hope. This video seem to simply be teaching Hinduism which believes we attain Godlikeness through searching ans self discovery, and that matter is an illusion and spirit is the only reality. These were essentially part of the lie the devil told Adam and Eve. Just read the Bible deeply and take some courses on clinical psychology and analytical philosophy.You'll be fine.
@@heyman5525 searching and self-discovery, you are seeking to connect with your Spirit or Higher-Self (Holy Spirit if you like). Do not set borders by your mind. Spirit knowledge is boundless, endless, and in oneness. You seem to be talking the same thing, but your mind divides things, excluding the spiritual insight within you.
clearly a star appeared in my mind, then as an esoteric believer I've seen the Star crowned one. I'm truly unique and special, I'm made special by the Christ the Messiah the living Lucifer. The morning Star.
Nice video. Many in the west have no idea that Christianity has an inner path that relies on direct experience.
We must become the change in the world that we wish to see.
Inner Christianity is about changing ourselves and not others.
Brian Bailey exactly my brother.
Brian Bailey
Many in the west have no idea what christianity in general is,christians act as if it doesnt exist. And besides that we have many different ideologies that are easily accessed by people from big distances thanks to the advance of communications. Are they (religions ideologies etc) going to be unified after a time?Will there be a more complex situation in the future? I believe that right now we have a "gap" in our consioussness.Every year increasingly more young people say that they dont believe in god.And that is not because he definitely doesnt exist but because they cant find some ideology that truly expressess what a god is.Or what we live for. Also there ais no substantial evidence for the existence of the gods that have been created till today by man.
And whatever they call as evidence (believers) is every year proven to be wrong,by young people...
How many times did i repeat the word people?lol im so high
Oh really ?? Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.John 14 6 KJV
We must look at what is beneath the cloak ....
It's seems that the journey to the divine is an individual one. Everyone tries to tell everyone or at least someone else what they should think, read, and believe in. My belief is strong enough for me to question it and what everyone says.. because o will be the one who has to deal with the consequences of said thoughts and actions. I trust my belief and will listen when I am led to. Plus I'm one who searches for the lesson in everything anyway.
Good job brother! You're spot on
@@samuelloomis9407 can one man die for another mans sins? Scriptural truth says that GOD does not require a sacrifice for sins. We know that the Holy Spirit is not a man. And it cannot die. John the Baptist was a man who was born with the Holy Spirit even before his birth. I don't believe he died. I think he wrote Revelation. Scripture clearly says that we are to deny our own flesh, take up our own death.
You need to go within yourself, the temple. Take no thought, and this is where the kingdom is. Within you. That way you do not need man to teach you. We are light beings that agreed to have this flesh experience. J.c is a metaphor for you. The first man is earthy, flesh Adam/atom. Split from that man is woman. This is symbolic. We are all both female and male inwardly, like God is. Created in God's image MALE and female. It is Mind and Emotions. Enoch is the 7th from this first Adam, and represents the 7th Chakra, in the skull, GOLGOTHA. This place of the skull where we must die. Crucify and this is the same as wrestling with spirit. Jacob is another allegory that wrestled with "man" and God and named the place where his name was changed PINEAL. This represents pineal gland. Third eye. Jesus taught to let thy EYE BE single and your body will fill with LIGHT. God is Light.
@@samuelloomis9407 no man died for you. Imagine a God that had to resort to a bloody murder of a human nailed to a tree in order to forgive you. That is a sick doctrine to impose on the true Father/Mother God.
Very beautiful....I shall definitely venture deeper into Gnosis ....
Alot of people don't really understand the gnostic teaching.
More and more people are beginning to awaken! Some people are so caught up in their so called religion, to listen to this would be a sin!! Sad very sad ...
@@heatherremlin8607 True. They are attached. One must be consumed with a love for the light. This state transcends the ego plane of consciousness.
I don't know if any one of you had asked, who am I. Like when you feel there is an inner you that you're trying to understand. Or maybe you have like a greater awareness of knowing what is good and what is wrong because you disconnect from evaluating it subjectively and you look at it objectively with a birds eye view. You see the bigger picture, a higher understanding or revelation? Could this be esoteric in nature I wonder? Have you also felt great love when you want to unite with the eternal, immortal Spirit like explore the depths of the silence in which the Father lives (aeons of light in the silence of the Father as mentioned in one of the gnostic texts). Just wondering, because even before I read about the existence of such teachings, I kinda experienced this on my own which I wasn't able to express in words. Now that I read of the esoteric nature of Christ, it could make sense and as you say, it rises above the ego plane of consciousness am I right? Of course, this should be done in keeping with God's Commandments and Truth. Eastern religions do say that life is an illusion and scientists say that you observe reality because your mind observes. In other words, reality because you define it. I can see a mingling of science and esoteriscm there, it seems like it's saying the same thing, that we are spiritual who should be able to transcend time and space.
I walked so far to the end of the world
Just to discover that the end is where I started
Who would’ve thought that the world is round
So fed up, you can put me in the ground now
All we ever do is toil for wind
Chasing our tails, then we do it again
Hoping to fail so we don’t have to win
Everybody knows how the story ends
Yet we keep reading into it
As if there’s something important in the pit
Loving the houses that are built out of shit
And hating the ones who can fix the glitch
Stop holding on to what’s not even there
The dawn will strip the whole world bare
All you can do is stop and stare
And regret everything that you didn’t share
Don’t walk too far it’s the end of the world
You will discover that the end is where you started
Yes indeed the world is round
It’s almost time to rise from the ground now
So take a deep breath
And repent of your sins
Leave a few clues
For when you see it again
Next time you’re here
It won’t look the same
Just as it was
But with a new name
Carved real deep
On a white stone
And never again
Will you be alone
I can’t show you
What I’ve been shown
You’ll just have to look
And see on your own
Nobody knows
Where the wind blows
Where it comes from
Or where it goes
So take a deep breath
And repent of your sins
Leave a few clues
For when you see it again
You should start a band. That would be awesome.
Deja vu
Yupp that’s my name.
I’ve tried but I live on a cattle/goat farm out in the middle of nowhere lol
@@adamscott3437 I know, and I read this poem before, I am seeing it again. That is why I know the name. The cycle can be broken only through death of the carnal mind. Then the true higher consciousness takes over and we learn who we truly are.
Which is more important...what a person believes or what a person does?
Both and that's what true Christianity is
I chose the latter...nice question brotha.
Perhaps the importance is in making the two into one (i.e. what you believe IS what you do), and using free will inspired by the Spirit to affect change (or consistency).
Paul said one thing, Jesus the other.
What They Do....
The statement about the light shining through the darkness and into our hearts quoted in the end of this video relates to the Holy Spirit and His light, the true light of God!
Thank You. so GOD created the holy spirit when he said He Created The Light And Separated It From The Darkness
The light is the gnosis, which dispels the ignorance of the mind.
@@3wisdom6eternal72 no the Holy Spirit is the spirit of God. It was is and always will be eternal
@@3wisdom6eternal72 - read Genesis 1:2 - the spirit of God is eternal and Genesis 1:3 is the Word (Jesus) ie God said (his literal spoken word). Genesis 1:1 is God. All there at the beginning of the Bible.
"HoLy SpIrIt" 🤡
You people are so gullible, it's terrifying.
I think of myself as a Gnostic Christian because there were to many things I questioned and I seemed answers to what I suspected was wrong with Christianity.
What my form of gnosis is, is the abandonment of an emotional umbrella die to believing that fear and guilt were a necessary part an underlying emotional state of consciousness. That would like like using negativity to solve a negative or a problem.
Once this is done we can explore possibilities without inhibited feeling that stems from a denomination based paradigm and rely on the spirit to warn me if necessary. Scriptures can be interpreted in different ways. I would recommend viewing the words of Jesus as canon because he is the son of the highest God. Quoted from Mark 5:7 ?,... I believe, notice the demon said "highest God" implying there is more than one.
As the months and years passed I've heard wisdom from in and outside the Bible or the Nag Hammadi. I've learned things I wouldn't have considered possible from the paradigm of my former denomination.
Gnosis basically really is learning about yourself and learning about the Universe. There is no reason to deny the existence of the empirical. Know that science really doesn't prove anything but that proves a theory wrong is what disproves it. Albert Einstein basically said that about the theory of relativity.
@Darren I've argued with various people who have referred to themselves as gnostics on the internet. I'm ready to do it again.
@Darren Being converted by the Holy Spirit is where it starts. Read the Secret Book of John and The Letter from Peter to Philip. Those whom the spirit has descended upon shall be saved.
@Darren Well Darren, since comments have been turned off in your video, I don't believe matter is inherently evil. I believe Jesus did come in the flesh. The Nag Hammadi says nothing about Paul in a bad light. The Gospel mentioned in The Letter from Peter to Philip is salvation through Jesus Christ. modern books derived from people reading the Nag Hammadi may very well have deception in them. Stop listening to the idiots and the critics and read the thing yourself and come to your own conclusions. Have a nice day.
@Darren Yes God is in the flesh because we have the energy of The One within us. The Secret Book of John teaches us about The One. We are transceivers of this interdimensional energy. It's God consciousness. What we do with that energy is up to us.
That is exactly where I am in my thinking right now - about solving a negative with negativity. It is a self-defeating cycle of insanity.
This is true Christianity. Look within
No you're just stupid ... Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.John 14 6 KJV
@@brucedressel8873 na may be you are 'The kingdom of God is within'
Bruce Dressel There is scripture in the Nag Hammadi that says to teach salvation in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Maybe both of you need to do more research???
Western Christianity is missing the eastern exoteric tradition of enlightenment.The early Gnostics were skilled in it thus one can attain a state of consciousness where he is in oneness with the divine that is within him.
@@brucedressel8873 LUKE 17:21
at the time stamp 14:08 what is the origin of that image of the egyptian temple please?
Name of the music from 0:00 to 0:20 ? I'd love you know!
Be guided by the Holy Spirit. This is key. Focusing on anything else will quite probably lead you astray.
I don't see why people make everything complicated and usually never come to an understanding of who they are.
Good background about the beginnings of Gnosticism and Christian mysticism. Nicely done.
Evil emperor Constantine destroyed true Christianity.
And the Catholic church did its part to muddy the living waters of the bible.
They did tho
What is true Christianity to you?
Nah, Eastern Orthodox is true Christianity
Is lost. I don't really care though
Most humans know where we are from and how we came about . The TRUTH of this matter is that the Mass majority reject this truth and BILLIONS do everything in thier individual power to ignore it continuesly -- without ceissing . This is the reason why billions of people are willingly allowing themselves to be deceived and miss lead because -- they are purposely Anybody that telling them what they want to hear . This is soothing to the masses because they are willingly in agreement these soothsayers . Thus getting what they deserve when they have been miss lead , of thier own FREE will . Thank you for your attention .😉👍👊👋✌
but why do they want to keep taking covid shots get sick as a dog then want 5th shot despite finaly realizing your sick becuase the shots?
Doesn't anyone read Joseph Campbell?
I remember 20years ago Joseph Campbell programs would come on at night I think on KQED. My father and i would love to watch his shows.
The Bill Moyers interview with him is currently on Netflix, as well.
Erich Neumann > Joseph Campbell
Joseph Campbell is a superb writer. His descriptions are identifiable with Jungs Archetypes.
@@HarrySmith-hr2iv i have his bio, and watch some of his series .good think for me to watch joseph campbell teachings we may reflect on our animal nature .. i would like hear some of his stuff again..get a better understanding, thanks to the guy who mention his name ..lets be people of thinking and meaning
there was not to ever be a church or priesthood. read the nag hammadhi texts.
Howard Altemus
Do they talk about priesthood ? Are they the truth ? Do the Gospels talk about priesthood ?
Alfonso Forero - beautiful words!
Yes I am reading Nag Hammadi and it is mind blowing!
@@Oerwaus-x the idea of yaldabaoth is something else
@@arnyarny77 its in the nag hammadi
For Gurdjieff "Esoteric Christianity", could have meant any of the following
Church of the East, Nestorian Church, Persian Church
Assyrian Church
Eastern Orthodox
Greek Orthodox
Russian Orthodox
Jewish Christianity
What an amazing comment. What makes you think so?
For all of you who use the Bible to refute the Gnostics, look at the gnostic gospels, Gnostics should not care about the Bible.
Mason Peters I really can’t find much in the New Testament that refutes Gnosticism. Arguably I can’t reconcile a few sentences from Paul and then there is the book of Revelation that kind of stumps me. In my opinion, Paul has his opinions much like modern day Christians. There are other New Testament scriptures that affirm Gnosticism and I now see them in a different way.
The scriptures are seen through the mind you have, when one takes on the mind of Christ through following His example of going to the cross ressurection follows and the scriptures are made new to YOU, essentially you could say secret knowledge is seen that the mind of flesh you had before could not see where as the gained mind of Christ/the mind of the spirit can see it
This principle is shown in the garden of Eden with God saying there was 2 trees, yet Eve only saw 1 tree, it is to do with perception/perspective, the mind of the true God sees differently to the mind of man we must gain His mind to see as He sees, the tree is the Bible...
@@tinkercooper1332 Gen 3:2-3 ASV 2 And the woman said unto the serpent, Of the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat: 3 but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
Both trees are in the midst of the garden...
Gen 2:9 ASV And out of the ground made Jehovah God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Gen 3:6 ASV And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat; and she gave also unto her husband with her, and he did eat.
It's all to do with perspective, what man considers life to him is in fact death, man must come to lay down his life to take on the mind of Christ in order to see the Bible interpreted as Christ sees it which will give true life
Pro 14:12 ASV There is a way which seemeth right unto a man; But the end thereof are the ways of death.
The first question in scripture is very important the OLD serpent, He that is CALLED the devil and satan asked a legitimate question, but man being wise still answers the same way as Eve did
Rev 12:9 ASV And the great dragon was cast down, the old serpent, he that is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world; he was cast down to the earth, and his angels were cast down with him.
1Co 3:19-20 ASV 19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He that taketh the wise in their craftiness: 20 and again, The Lord knoweth the reasonings of the wise, that they are vain.
2Co 11:3 ASV But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve in his craftiness, your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity and the purity that is toward Christ.
2Co 5:16-17 ASV 16 Wherefore we henceforth know no man after the flesh: even though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now we know him so no more. 17 Wherefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature: the old things are passed away; behold, they are become new.
Make sure you have the purity and simplicity toward Christ...
A great deal of the canonized gospels contain teachings of gnosis. You may not see them because of the conditioned way you read them.
You are the light. You are to be perfect. You are one with the father. Much more.
The Pauline element in the canonized gospels is the divinity of Jesus, salient in John's gospel.
@@pentaxpro Yes, your observation is accurate.
Pauline Christianity pushes the false idea that Jesus is your savior if you believe in him. He is said to be the perfect and acceptable sacrifice for humanity and that Jesus is the way to the father. Anyone who knows the truth realizes the error of this paradigm.
To believe in God you got to believe in the power of God and you got to reach for eternity .there's a big ball of light in a field at the end of eternity I am is a reflection of the balance of that light
will give what you said much thought and will listen again . i'm deep into God. i like your light thanks mate ..
I liked it as well, I wanted to tell you I ended up in a tradition called Drukama I think you'd enjoy too. Be well!
@All Law interesting.. like am for lamb and i'm for limb. be good to whirl like a dervish
Backgroundd music is too loud. Cannot hear you properly
Hi Evelyn, I used my headphones and it helped ... He's got a very soft voice and yes music is loud blessings 💜
Thank you dear
No secret tradition huh? How do you explain Mathew 13:13..."This is why I speak to them in parables: "Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand."
Yes, all secret mysteries are explained by the Holy Spirit.
Jesus said that those who are born of the spirit are like the wind and do not know where they came from nor where they are going.
Jesus never said that ...
Heather Remlin - Read John 3:8
You have misquoted. I suggest you reread it.
John 3
Those born of the Spirit do know where they are, were, and go.
@@carlharmeling512just a note to consider the Greek word for Spirit is the same as the Greek word for Wind.
So the translation could easily read “The spirit blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”
The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Wind.
So this is a reference to the Holy Spirit which is described as autonomous of person’s will, because it is greater than a person, as it is God, or God’s will, God’s inspiration (which is a word derived from spirit).
When we are inspired it seems to come from another source not from who we call ourself.
Ephesians 4 : 14 -15 " All this must be done so that we should no longer be infants in the faith, wave-tossed and blown hither and thither by every wind of teaching, by the clever trickery of men, by cunning cleverness designed to make us take a wandering way."
"be WISE as a serpant but getle as a dove" were we just commanded to study and understand the occult but NOT do its EVIL practices like sacraficing black chickens?
Read... Modern Man (western man) in Search of a Soul - Carl Jung. Modern man has mastered the outer world at the expense of his inner spiritual development.
What about Theosis, though?
These guys are either dupes or shills. They either have no idea what orthodox christianity is or else this is just false advertizing. They don't even tell us what either gnosticism or orthodoxy are just gnosticism is deep and orthodoxy is shallow. The state of western christianity has to be sorry for anyone to seriously fall for this tripe.
@@dwreck6304 You do not understand because you have not yet known yourself.
What he said about multiple school of thoughts in Hinduism is actually not bad. There are six philosophical schools in Hinduism. We have both Nastik (Atheist) and spiritual schools. But no problem is seen even after these differences. No doubt debates do occur but no bloodshed.
I am actually digging the Gnostic version of Christianity, its very insightful and mystical rather than the ones that sends you to hell if you are non-believer or following other traditions. 😂
Can anybody help me further with the philosophy of Gnosticism? Thanks. Links will be appreciated. 🕉🙏🏽
@Darren *_how come it's a lie?_* Why does anybody needs to get converted? This body/mind both are impermanent. 🤔
its all divide in conqure. albert pike letter that predicted (and passed) word war 1 and world war 2, world war 3 will be in part by tricking christains and athest to attack eachother, and possibly other denominations (demon nations)
Do you have other videos in English?
Jennifer Grove
Jennifer Grove Dear Jennifer, unfortunately we don't have other videos, even if it was in our projects to make some.
Anyway try to search "Stephan Hoeller Gnosis": there are some interesting videos
The Canonical Text represent less than 10% (probably less than 2%) of the information and study and experiential gnosis that was available to actual Christians (contrasting to today's "Christianity" which is really Jesusanity) up til about 175 AD and assumed completely obliterated by 1200 AD via The Inquisition. We should all be grateful for the discovery of the Nag Hammadi Library.
"For as the lightning comes from the east and shines even unto the west
so shall the coming of the Son of Man be " ( Mathew 24:27 )
The "LIGHTNING" = the "LIGHT" (Truth) of the gospel (good news) OF Christ (Jesus)...
The "EAST" = a little town in "Egypt" called NAG HAMMADI, and the "Gnostic Gospels"...
The "WEST" = the western world, namely the USA who is "EPHRAIM" ( Israel )....
The "SON OF MAN" = a Divine Title that tells us WHO we are "In Christ" ...the "PERFECT MAN".
I AM....
There for you are!
NOTHING... less than nothing actually. Because you choose to follow the father of all lies. For this you will go into hell, repent and follow Christ, or go your own way and perish. The scriptures are clear.
Let me complete it for you. “I AM BRAHMAN”
Google it out. Gnostic Christianity is quite similar with it.
@@EQOAnostalgia why? i dont get it
EQOAnostalgia The “scriptures” are hijacked by evil. MY God is love and doesn’t send people to suffer in fire for eternity. Any god who wants to torture people is one I want nothing to do with.
Christianity was corrupted by the Romans.
This is why history is so important to learn.. The lack of it has led to people being brainwashed to follow a blind faith without question.
Interesting video, but please brother, Celtic is pronounced Keltic, not Seltic. It may seem like a small thing, but to we Celts, it is important. Thanks. :)
No one cares but you.
Michael France Why be a jerk for no reason? Who hurt you?
background music ?
Black & Blue that's my old "ambient recorder" bit!
the video sound is way to low
Too* low. "Damn it vacidas learn fucking english!"
The Kingdom of God is Within!!! The end! Hahaha
@@enlightenmentiskey3512 that link didn't quite make it. I'm interested to know what it is. Thank you
when we will be able to build a ATLEAST 128 kilobyte computer FROM SCRACH (from mine to computer, not buying allread-made chips and assembling them) (not compartmentalized)
the only access is the spirit of Truth
which is the Holy Spirit..if you forgot :), hugs!
ACIM will take you right to the TRUTH ... LOVE over FEAR!
Connect back with your source and you'll understand
True gnosis is to be found in the Gospels of St Matthew 🙇 and St Mark 🦁 and St Luke 🐂 and St John 🦅.
@Theone Youtwo John 10. 27] My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
[28] And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
I have ears to hear and eyes to see that the Gospel of Thomas is neither from my Lord Jesus Christ, nor did Thomas write it.
[29] My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.
[30] I and my Father are one.
@@jesuschristismygodtotheglo7533 I guess you missed the memo where they are highly considering adding it to the Bible 😂
@@jesuschristismygodtotheglo7533 i always kind of questioned the why are we sheep? what about thsose who WANT to do good but don't hear?
I liked this. Heard something like this before too, perhaps from Terrence McKenna several years ago. Really nice artwork too, but I wondered, should there be a splash of Hermes Trismagistus in the last few minutes. Weren't there are fair few Gnostics taking in Astrology and Hermetic practices?
right, well spotted, attention to the deception! read my comments here around! bless you!!
Constant conflict so sad...
body of christ is seperated. and athest and christains are just diffrent side of the SAME coin (read the albert pike letter about ww1 (passed) ww2 (passed) and ww3 (seems to be comming to pass!) christains and athest will kill eachother off and do lots thje elite scums work for them. resistance is assistance.
When you develop a relationship with Jesus you love the things he loves and hate the things he hates. Thier will always be someone to try and sway your thinking to theirs. Just focus on Jesus and the truth will be revealed to you. Then will you be able to question everything and hold to the truth.
Sad that so many Christians have no relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord and God for only by the indwelling Holy Spirit can we even begin to understand the awesome Living Holy Word of God. Walking by the Spirit instead of the flesh happens in relationship with God not following after ANY man or religion, and God is faithful to complete the work in us the HE began. Apart from God man can do nothing good from a heart of total unselfish or self serving motives. Apart from Holy Spirit we will continue to use one another for gain at the other's expense. The anti Christ (instead of Christ or pretending to be Christ) will rise from the renewed Roman empire after the Rapture of the true Christians who walk by the Spirit in relationship with God. Relationship NOT religion is the only way to salvation and a transformed life. God bless and keep you in His perfect peace, in Jesus mighty name. Amen.
Jesus is you.
@@mikeq5807 Christ in all who believe on His name and His finished work. I Pray Peace and Joy to you my Brother in Christ.
@@carladean2339 You are your savior.
@@mikeq5807 No there is only one and it is Jesus Christ. No human can save themselves. In fact we are called to deny our self, pick up our cross, and follow Jesus Christ. Of course we will never get there as is foretold in the Bible. Mankind can't govern themselves. Apart from Jesus we can do nothing to improve ourselves. That is also from God as we grow in the wisdom and knowledge of Him from grace to grace. If you are not a born again believer I pray you consider God's amazing free gift. Jesus is the only way to the Father and no one comes to the Father but through believing in Jesus. I hope I cleared that up. Men are not now nor will they ever be gods. That is the satanic lie from the garden. Do not be deceived. Praying for you to know Jesus as I do, that you would seek Him and find the peace this world knows nothing of, in Jesus might name, Amen.
"They will cleave to the name of a dead man, thinking that they will become pure."
Apocalypse of Peter
The gnostic dimension is not closed.
It is inaccessible to those who seek answers outwardly.
"Narrow is the gate that leads to life, and few find it."
@@samuelloomis9407 You are depending upon a lie.
You are the savior.
@@samuelloomis9407 You are a prisoner of your mental constructs.
What is the Serpent's real name ??? ...I close my case
great production, I suppose ymany could provide evidence that Christianity is pretty esoteric; identity politics notwithstanding
Look at pictures of biblically accurate angels. Christianity is pretty esoteric.
Kabbala Gnosticism Sufism are sharing the same Truth. Musa Eshua Muhammad Peace be upon Them from the same Bloodline of Ibrahim(PBUH) Choosen by God to Guide Humanity to Unity with Divine.
Zafar Toshmukhamedov
Indeed, divinisation is the purpose of all. How it is done implies variations, but indeed the goal is one revealed to all. Hindous and Boudhists try to do the same through their meditation.
Instead of fighting each other for stupid reasons (and sometimes even in the name of god...) we should understand that we are all brothers, sons of the father and need to return to him.
Fighting our own ego is the real djihâd... whatever religion, those who manage to die before their death (apocalypsis) ... those will have the Life.
Muhhamad wasn't choses by God he was assaulted by demons in a cave, and led a war like religion. Muhhamed had no wittnesses to any miracles or any divine knowlege. Muhhamad was a fraud who copied Jesus and plagiarized the bible. The devil comes to lie steal and destroy.
Anyone seen/heard Rezza Jordani. There's an interview on New Thinking Allowed where he says the Sufis were undercover Zoroastrians.
G Kelly your a true evangalist right?
Your "Ignorance" is astounding yet not surprising.
Non canonical does not mean untrue.
Where is the chruch you keep showing with the image of Jesus surrounded by a rainbow?
You are the church. You are the temple. You are the way. You are the truth. You are the life. You are the light. You are to be perfect. You are God, a son of God, an emanation of God. You are one with God. Know your root by knowing yourself.
"They will cleave to the name of a dead man, thinking that they will become pure."
Apocalypse of Peter
Gnostism rejected by Christianity and by the Apostles. "O Timothy, guard the deposit entrusted to you. Avoid the irreverent babble and contradictions of what is falsely called “knowledge,” for by professing it some have swerved from the faith. Grace be with you." 1 Timothy 6:20-21 Those who follow Gnosticism don't follow Christ, they seek their own spiritual knowledge apart from Christ. Colossians 2:8 ESV /
"See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ." Those who make videos on Gnostisim do not follow Christ.
G Kelly
This is true, gnosticism is heretic. Gnosis not.
Anything is heretic that denies the divinity of Christ, and the teachings of the apostles who revealed the mystery of God to us.
Gnosis is a feminine Greek noun which means "knowledge" This is exactly what Timothy called irrelevant babble, it was around long time ago its not new.
G Kelly
Not sure that Thimothy was talking about this. But indeed, some gnostic communities gave more importance to women. But it is possible that women were known to be closer to gnosticism which pushed people to lower the role of women in the church.
G Kelly
Indeed. But gnosis denies nothing and it is revealed by the church fathers. Gnosticism was instead a syncretism between christianism and neo-platonism with evil body, demiruge, reincarnations, etc... This was indeed considered by the fathers as heretics.
However there are a lot of citations talking about a secret teaching originating in christ who was made for those who can recieve it. This teachings were parallel and complementary (not contradictory) to the public teachings of the church. And this teachings is hidden in the gospels and available for anywone able to recieve them. This latter orthodox gnosis went afterwards in the christian mysticism (fathers of the desert and current christian mysticism). The heterodox gnosis or gnosticism was an heresy from the beginning and is no more now (except from some new age resurgences claiming to inherit from gosticism or cathars or whatever).
The true name of God is just 'Father'
'I am who I am'
There is one book in the Nag Hammadi that says begin your prayer this way: “Father father father of the light....” The Nag Hammadi also refers to the father as “The One”. I guess The One is the best interpretation. “I am who I am” is the jealous God who wants to be like “The One”.
@@eyeofthepyramid2596 God
@@heatherremlin8607 devil God ? or Real God ? Or any other angels ?
When God said to Moses “I am” what is said is God is being itself, the totality of being itself, the source of being itself.
And in the Gospel of John Jesus says things similarly, by making ontological statements like I am the way, the truth, and the light. Or Before Abraham Was, I Am.
This is not a trivial aspect of Biblical text, it is a central issue, that was elaborated by Saint Anselm, Avicenna, Thomas Acquinis etc.
And of the early Christians Justin Martyr spells this out and says we have designated Christ the embodiment of the Logos itself, the Logos meaning the order of truth of the universe.
But people misunderstand what the argument really is. God is understood by Anselm as the order of the universe (Logos), it is specifically, ontological a priori in regard to the organization of the universe, whereby, if such organizational structure is true, God must exist, not some old man in the sky God, but God as equal to the order itself.
The problem most atheists get hung up on when they try to refute the argument is they believe Anselm was talking about some literalist ideation of God, in this case of course it is an absurdity.
But that is NOT what is being said. And the literalist who wants a fantasy father in the sky is also creating an absurdity. Both argue absurdity.
But the original idea was and is being itself, the order of the universe itself.
An atheist, if they were smart enough, could challenge the exclusive claim of Jesus as the Logos, as a provincialism, and a Christian if smart enough, insightful enough, I believe would concede, and go back to Justin’s text and say, we have “designated” Jesus, but this gets to the heart of the issue, if you can get a Christian to admit Jesus is symbolic of that order but not the order itself, but few will.
But when you realize we are talking about things that abstract and transcendent rendered into symbolic and poetic language so that it may reach our hearts and not just our minds then your seeing it.
Only an idiot would claim there is no order of the universe, an arrogant idiot person would claim the know what that order is, a scientific rationalist will try to reduce it to mere materialism,
But Christianity was then and I hope can be now, about experiencing the awe of that order which goes beyond yourself and you are a part of it.
sound is bad :-( but nice presentation :-)
Gnosticism spread doctrines, which are now fundamental in many subversive Hebrew movements of modern times. For example, the sect of the Carpocrations attacked all then existing religions and only recognized the Gnosis - knowledge of which was provided by the great men of every nation, such as Plato, Pythagoras, Moses, and Christ - which frees one from all that the vulgar call Religion and makes man equal to God.
The Gnostics possessed mysteries and initiations, " Tertulian, a father of the Church, assures us that the sects of the Valentinians perverted the mysteries of Eleusis and made a 'sanctuary of prostitution out of them".
In his confirmation that Cabbalist founded Gnosticism, the famous historian of Freemasonry, Ragon, reports that :" The Cabbalah is the key to the secret sciences. The Gnostics emanated from the Cabbalah.
E. de Faye assures us that another secret Gnostic sect, Cainites on account of the cult in which they worshipped Cain , represented the latter, Dathan and Abiram, the homosexual inhabitants of Sodom & Gomorrha and Judas Iscariot himself as noble victims of Demiurge, i.e. of the malicious creator of our Universe according to their perverse teachings.
Apparently, these Gnostic sects were the forerunners of the Bogomiles, of the Luciferians, of black magic and of certain small satanic masonic circles, which all part, a part from rendering homage to Lucifer regarded as good everything that Christianity holds to be evil and vice versa.
Voltaire himself regards the Djues during the middle ages as the spreaders of Black Magic and Satanism.
Book Reference:
History of Gnosticism by J. Matter.
Take ur meds 😂
Gnosticism was against christianity.
Other way around bud
It was the first form of Christianity
It is supreme. Our 12 apostle followed that.
It's humb, tolerant, hates every sin, it spreads like fire.
They just shut every non Christiand who are against them by spirit of God not by hands
J M To a certain extent but not a whole lot. Christianity was named after followers of Paul. Paul said a few things that questionably were in conflict with what I believe what Gnosticism is. Gnosticism does not seem to contradict what Jesus spoke about. Some other New Testament scriptures seem to affirm Gnosticism.
There are quite a few gnostic books online but really nothing to say about them except they are weird.
One day, you will treasure their wisdom, when you know their meaning through the earnest observation of your experience.
"Whoever perceives the meaning of these words will not experience death."
Gospel of Thomas
@@mikeq5807 Since I wrote that I watched the Sant Mat channel and started to see some value. Some. But mostly people talk about how they were persecuted, not their wisdom.
@@watermelonlalala The formula of the spiritual path is simple. Introspect. Your experiences contain the hidden wisdom.
Connect to your root, called father in the gnostic tradition.
@@mikeq5807 I connect to God the Son.
@@watermelonlalala Connecting to a man to be saved is both heresy and idolatry.
I connect directly to my root.
So you all beem, right?
The light of truth is within you.
intro is way too long
What is the difference between Esoteric Christianity and just plain gnosticism?
There are a lot of Esoteric and Mystic teachings within Traditional Christianity (which teaches simultaneously that gnosticism is heresy and/or idolatry).
If you are a gnostic then don't hide behind the label "Esoteric Christianity", it's dishonest.
Correction: Gnosticism is heresy and Traditional Christianity is idolatry.
@@fam4449 so then whats true then if both junk?
well i mean theres meany versions gnostic. "demigurge EVIL" other versions "demigurge BLIND" (but not nessaraly evil) some gnostics belive judas iscarrior was good, other gnostics belive that to NOT be true. and so on so fourth. i just hope we werent created by some enity that decides if should go to hell or not based on belief ONLY and then that means we must GAMBLE and select the right religion to enter Pair-A-Dice. if this is the case then humans are just "Swarm bots" to this god.
It's like a study of Christian sects or kults.
A sect and a cult are not the same.
A sect is an organized group of individuals adhering to a variant perspective religiously.
A cult is an organized group of individuals adhering to a variant perspective religiously that seeks truth outside of themselves rather than within themselves.
The Abrahamic religions, as they are popularly known, are cults because they profess a salvation that requires an outside source.
"What did they lack, if not the knowledge of the father?"
Gospel of Truth
"The kingdom is within you and in your midst. If you do not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty, and you are poverty."
Gospel of Thomas
"One who knows all, but lacks within, is utterly lacking."
Gospel of Thomas
"He who has not known himself has known nothing. He who has known himself has, at the same time, already achieved knowledge about the depth of the All."
Book of Thomas, the Contender
"They will cleave to the name of a dead man, thinking that they will become pure."
Apocalypse of Peter
"Know who God is, and know who is the one who thinks in you."
Sentences of Sextus
"You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world."
Gospel of Matthew
"When your eye is clear, your whole body is full of light."
Gospel of Luke
"Enter through the narrow door."
Gospel of Luke
"You to whom the word of God comes, you are gods, you are sons of God."
Gospel of John
"Come to the light, so you may become sons of light."
Gospel of John
"You are one with the father if you love one another."
Gospel of John
"The spirit of truth will guide you into all truth."
Gospel of John
"You will grieve, but your grief will be turned into joy. These things I have spoken to you in figurative language."
Gospel of John
"The one who knows the father has eternal life."
Gospel of John
Christjesus loved us dyed for us, rescued us from the darkness
So you are told. Look within.
So rambling aside what’s your theses?
what can I say, I Subscribed, thank you.
After all...
Pope John Paul the 16th was a rosicrucian :D
seen some mushrooms in some of those paintings,hint..hint
You're on the wrong train.
no access except the invisible Spirit of Truth which cannot be received because he cannot be seen people cannot receive him the spirit
Ireneus of Lyon was against what he called false gnosis, but fully supporting true gnosis. Gnostic sects were mainly syncretisms between greek or zoroastrian religions and christianity and those syncretisms (valentinians, basilidians, maniceists...) were considered as heretic.
Orthodox gnosis was different and turned into mysticism from the 4th century.
Sorry, I think it's time to stop with this historical misunderstanding.
Do you know that the distorted information about Gnosticism that you bring
come from the heresiologists of the early centuries (the enemies of the Gnostics): it's as if we wanted to study Napoleon by reading the books written by his enemies!
Subsequently this error was handed down by scholars who, before the discovery of the Nag Hammadi library in 1945, could only have the texts of Ireneo & c.
But since 72 years we have the opportunity to study an entire library of texts written by the Gnostics themselves (the official church had tried to destroy it but that miraculously these texts reappeared after 1700 years): now we can know exactly the thoughts and the vision of the Gnostics without the filter of the heresiologists. Directly! Can you understand? Directly!
Do you want to take sometime and read, for example, the Gospel of Thomas? What do you find of so terrible, so contrasting with the other 4 Gospels? Absolutely nothing! But you can find a greater openness, a greater push for the personal inner search ("know yourself"). Anyway the teachings of Christ you find in this Gospel are in line with what we know from the canonic texts.
We are not obliged to read or to believe in these texts: but what is needed for writing in the third millennium with intellectual honesty about this argument, is to study the phenomenon of gnosticism scientifically, that is, from the texts written by the gnostics that now are available.
Going on with the material taken from the heresiologists ignoring the original texts is a method anti-historical, antiscientific and dishonest.
andrea bertolini
And when you read the apocrypha you realize that the distorted history of the heresiologists is ... true :-)
Thomas is not false gnosis but true gnosis. There is nothing heretical in Thomas.
But if you check the apocyphon of john for example, this is TRUE Gnosticism.
Hep Hopa And who decide what is true and what is false?
You? Me? The Church?
Fortunately we now have an entire library of text which somebody has hidden 1700 years ago, avoiding in this way their destruction by the fanatics. All the texts included in the Nag Hammadi library are important texts, also from a historical and cultural point of view.
It's time everybody who want to study and meditate these texts can do it without ANY filter or preconceptions.
My suggestion is to start by reading 2 books of Elaine Pages: the Gospel of Thomas and the Gnostic Gospels.
andrea bertolini
Again those books only reveal that ... Iraneus was right. And this can be done with no filter. And again do not base on the Gospel of Thomas to know what Gnosticism is.
For sure nobody fully understand the truth, it is just impossible as we are humans. I think apophatic theology is really good.
It is true that the church should have let more the masses read the Bible and not only theologians. But protestants did it and what is the result ? 40000 churches today ...When you get rid of the church tradition it is if like you do philosophy and get rid of Plato, Aristotle and all those old guys and just become a philosopher from scratch. You can disagree with them but you need to know them.
The true gnosis is the one based on faith and knowledge which symbolic you can interpret from the church decoding key. Otherwise you can interpret symbols as you want and get wrong.
Each esoteric approach needs its exoteric counterpart : soufis need to be Muslim, hesychasm need to be orthodox Christian, kaballa you need to be Jew, yoga hindou, zen boudhist, etc ... You cannot do zen and interpret it with a christian decoding key.
But you are right: love is the most important. God wrote it in our hearts not on paper and it summarizes all the Law as Jesus said. This is the starting point everyone needs and everyone has.
Gnosticism is not Christian.
JOHN 3 : 14 kundalini
LUKE 2 : 35 kundalini
LUKE 8 : 2 cakra cleansing
LUKE 11 : 34 ajna cakra
REV 7 : 3 ajna cakra
REV 9 : 4 ajna cakra
JOHN 1 : 51 double sight
JOHN 9 : 2 karma
JOHN 7 : 10 remote viewing astral travel
JOHN 7 : 38 anahata cakra
MATH 6 : 6 meditation
CADUCUES ida pingala sushumna the wings : ajna cakra :)
You big dummy ... Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.John 14 6 KJV
I don't understand the anger gnosis Buddhism is centered around Christ and the Bible it is not evil at all.
WeightLossMotivation that is categorically false. Where did you get that from?
Presuppositions can do that to you ^^^
Gnosis has nothing to do with christianity.
Gnosis uses experience to arrive at the transcendent.
Jesus said we speak what we know and testify to what we have seen.
How can one truly love God without knowing God?
True love is knowing God.
diddent jesus come to TEACH aka give gnosis? you must be thinking of delusion which is ofton MISLABLED as gnosis.
@@fam4449 how can one TRULY love god knowing god is ready to send you to effing for all effing eternity if don't? seems the love would be superficial. i LOVED god, then learned of hell, now only love out of FEAR!
Nupuqi Om-Re Khonectics chamber degrees will guide you
suspect that old testament said
Leviticus 18:22
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.
Leviticus 20:13
If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have commited an abomination; they shall be put to death; their blood is upon them.
Deuteronomy 21:18-21
If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son, who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and though they chastise him, will not give heed to them, then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gate of the place where he lives, and they shall say to the elders of his city, ‘This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard.’ Then all the men of the city shall stone him to death ...
some people will go to great lengths to control others
A sure sign of error
I love Milano.
U have learnt well the historuy of the wotd esoteric, yet still u know nothing of the words avtual meaning. Well done, carry on.
Looking for the truth inside yourself isn’t to say that you’re God. Just that your body is the conduit by which you must connect to the eternal God. Relying on others to be that conduit for you is dangerous because it causes you to accept their perspective- no doubt colored by their own biases- uncritically. We’ve seen the damage that’s done on many fronts, not least of which during the Manifest Destiny period.
so what
Prior to Christianity the predominant religion was a mother worshipping CULTURE brought from Egypt. The cult of Isis was worshipped all over Greece and Italy and as far North as France. The idea of Isis was merged with the worship of the Black Madonna who represents the black mother of humanity. She was symbolized with Isis in the ancient world. Christian Gnosticism has its roots in the Egyptian mystery schools.
Partially is there some truth in this video, and yet Christianity is neither religion, nor any esoteric knowledge and practices. It is simply a love relationship and freedom from sin with the Heavenly Father through the only one and forever Mystery of Sacrifice of God Son- Jesus Christ and all led by the Holy Spirit in accomplishment what we need in this life and the life to come.
Maria Jordan Seems to me there are a lot of Christians who live a life of duality. What they do in church and what they do outside of church. Gnosticism to me is a pathway.
You are the savior.
Gnosticism and Esoteric Christianity believes that an alternate consciousness has greater virtue than the image of God here and now. Calvinism falsely appeals to this esoteric hope. This video seem to simply be teaching Hinduism which believes we attain Godlikeness through searching ans self discovery, and that matter is an illusion and spirit is the only reality.
These were essentially part of the lie the devil told Adam and Eve. Just read the Bible deeply and take some courses on clinical psychology and analytical philosophy.You'll be fine.
@Gnostic Sabaton Whats an orthodox Christian? Is that Protestant or Catholic? Anyway, no thanks. I say what I want to.
@@heyman5525 searching and self-discovery, you are seeking to connect with your Spirit or Higher-Self (Holy Spirit if you like). Do not set borders by your mind. Spirit knowledge is boundless, endless, and in oneness. You seem to be talking the same thing, but your mind divides things, excluding the spiritual insight within you.
clearly a star appeared in my mind, then as an esoteric believer I've seen the Star crowned one. I'm truly unique and special, I'm made special by the Christ the Messiah the living Lucifer. The morning Star.
correction the Star Crowned Ones. plural numb nuts
Christianity is not a food.
Lord, no!
Whatever gnostics are heathens ...
You say ...
The fool in self-righteousness spurns the truth because he is blind. Look within, and you will see.