The Basics: How to Play FANG in Street Fighter V
- Опубліковано 9 лют 2025
- Lv3 Focus S5 Ep4, 2015 02-19: Here's a short introduction to some of the basics of using Fang in Street Fighter V!4 It starts with his basic movement, ground tools, antiair options, air moves, vskill, vreversal, and vtrigger. It also shows some useful basic combos and then discusses his general strategy, including his preferred gameplans, spacings, defensive and mixup options, and what to avoid.
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Good stuff and major props for recording this on Lair of the Four Kings, a.k.a best stage in the game forever.
what with all the stuff going on in the background lol
I love the design of this character. He's like an old school Triad gang member. Kudos to Capcom for such imaginative and original designs.
10:34 actually Juri isn't out yet Kappa
I always get down with new character in fighting game I am looking for to him the most in this game
One thing that was not mentioned in this video was Cr. Roundhouse. This move cannot be combo'd into (as far as I know), is incredibly unsafe on block, and cannot (as far as I know) be canceled. However, it is a double hit crush counter, which causes an invincible, untechable, hard knockdown. This gives you PLENTY of time to drop either HK mine or EX mine, then go into either Command Dash or J. Roundhouse for a crossup. If you think they will block low, go for J. Roundhouse, then combo into B&B stuff of of S. Roundhouse. Otherwise, command dash behind them, then go for something low, maybe Cr. Strong. I think that has potential, since if you do it fast enough you can get the 2nd hit of EX mine *after* Cr. Strong, which should give you enough time to link into S. Roundhouse -> B&B. However, the move is insanely unsafe and only does this setup if both hits connect. It should only be used when you know it will hit. For example it's a NASTY punish to wake up shoryu, especially if you get a full combo afterwards as it will build a crap load of stun.
Also something to note about EX Fireball is that it can be used for some very creative combos in certain situations. I'm not sure if it works on standing opponents, but if you start a combo on a crouching opponent, you can potentially cancel into EX Fireball. At which point the low, bouncing ball will hit and continue the combo, but the vertical hit will actually *miss*. This allows you to get a couple more hits in as you pull them across the screen, then after that arcing ball hits, you have enough time to link into S. Roundhouse -> B&B. I've only managed to do this once, and it was mostly by accident, and I haven't put in the work to know exactly how good this actually is. However in that one instance it not only looked really cool, but built an absurd amount of stun for a combo that only used 1 EX bar.
+The Progenitor Thanks for mentioning the cr.Roundhouse. That move is the main reason I lose... it's so hard to use because most of the time you are blocked and knocked as you said.
+The Progenitor The first hit is V-trigger cancelable. If it gets blocked, you can make it safe. If not, you can actually combo cr. mp to it. So for example you can go cr. hk -> trigger -> cr mp -> lp sotoja -> critical art
Nice post
+Steven Shao 0_0 ok its official fang is my favorite zoner in SF move over Dhalsim.
FANG has two other important hit confirms, which I noticed from SonicFox's games:
2MK links into 5LP (important for frame traps)
2PP>K links into 5MK (which is cancellable on first hit for combos)
Also my 2 cents, FANG isn't really viable as a full zoner unless the opponent has low mobility (eg. Zangief?). I think he works best using his zoning tools to set up ambiguous crossups, and playing the hit and run style.
As a FANG player a few things to add.....
Because his crouch medium kick has a good hitbox and links, it's nice to do crouch medium kick to crouch medium punch into combos. Diagonal forward strong punch is a good button to use. It has good range for pokes and pressure but if you cancel with V-Trigger you're actually close to them and can continue that into a combo.
The poison cloud with the weak kick is fairly safe due to quick startup and recovery and he does a hop back afterwards. This is nice when they're up close and you want to build more distance. They have to be blocking or getting hit by it because it's easily punished otherwise.
For close matches, I do like the chip damage and invincibility on his super. Especially since zoning while they are poisoned allows you to get their health down to minimal and supers are the only way you can win by chip damage. Or treat the super like an anti-air if you want to spend meter to win. Of course mix it up and don't be predictable.
I think FANG's greatest weakness is that he doesn't handle corner pressure well without meter.
+Kahalasama Another thing with FANG I don't see many people mention is when the opponent is poisoned, any grey damage they take won't start recovering until the poison goes away.
+WarioJim Nice I did not know that.
Those are really cool. Will you do every character or you do only the ones you play?
Nice video man XD
Does anyone else see Strider Hiryu and Meio fighting in the far background?
You can cancel his coward crouch into fireballs, hold down and do the input like you normally would and he will immediately come up from the floor and throw the fireballs.
+BIPPITY BAP BOOP BOP I did not know that, thank you!
+AmssoBador Spacelot it's actually extremely useful because you can crouch and as soon as a fireball goes over you throw your own fireballs and the opponent often throws a second fireball not knowing that you would.
BIPPITY BAP BOOP BOP Don't you trade with his fireball then, though?
+AmssoBador Spacelot no, if you
Do it right after the first one is passes over you you recover quick enough to block, unless Ryu used shinku hadoken or something I guess.
Ah, alright. Very handy tech there!
When his V Trigger is up, it is possible to keep the opponent poisoned even when getting hit, since it is coming out of his sleeves, and can poison them immediately after they hit you, making it more useful than the video made it out to be
you can also cancel out of the dont think you mentioned that. Into fireballs, little extra range.
Good stuff, thanks
FANG can also link from the coward crouch kick into medium attacks.
How do i use his special moves, is there a trick to it?
As a Bison player, when i saw the roughly 300 damage at the cost of both a V-trigger cancel and 2 EX bars, all i could think was "What is this puny damage for babies!?".
Though to be fair, FANG can control space from a distance, and has some escape options. Both things that Bison is lacking. Not to mention his DoT mechanic. So it all evens itself out in the end.
But still, i did chuckle a bit at the pitiful display of non God Bison damage :P.
I hope they tone down that piece of shit of bison.
akatsukikiller000 Just rush him down, dude. Bison has high and safe damage, yes. But he also has zero defense potential outside of just blocking. And unlike what people think now in the early game, not ALL of his moves are safe.Just go into training mode, find his moves you can punish with your character, then start to punish them in real matches.
He really doesn't seem overpowered. He's just a character of two extremes, with both great offense and shit defense.
Good guy Bison player. 😀👍
+CrossfacePanda it's just people smash the round house which I find it op. And usually people know it's safe and the go into crouching medium and so on. I feel that should be tone down. It's funny how people complain about chun li being over powered and they have different characters.
akatsukikiller000 While roundhouse is safe, it has basically no range at all. So they have to be up in your face to use it, which means don't let them in (and Bison has a lot of trouble getting in). And going into crouching medium after is not a true block string. If your character has a 3 frame jab or uppercut you can counter hit them for trying, and if you have a 4 frame jab it will trade. They can do crouching strong though, and since that's one frame faster, you'd need a three frame move to at best trade. But then if you don't wanna trade for the opportunity of a momentum shift, you can just keep blocking because they'll either LK Scissor Kick you, which is unsafe as hell and you can punish. Or they'll LP Psycho Blast to keep the string safe, which pushes you away giving you space to mount a comeback. Or they just block instead, again giving you an opportunity to move in. And if they're bad at playing Bison they'll end with Psycho Inferno, giving you a big window to do a Crash Counter combo.
Point is, Bison is safe, yes. But he's not AS safe as people think, and it's mostly because of early game inexperience and lack of match-up knowledge. And the block strings that are safe pushes the opponent (you) out, meaning Bison has to work to get in again. Except in the corner, but that's the whole strategy of Bison to begin with. So don't get stuck in the corner :P. But that's a pretty universal rule of SF in general ;)
cant you use his ultra as an anti air to? at least that is what i always do
Hold down on the depad for 2 sec then you move it up and at the exact same time as you move up press punch. funny comment at the end of the vid :(
Im new at this game and just cant do the bombs
How to Play FANG in Street Fighter V Season 2: Don't