Cyclists Should Be Paying For Road Use. ( Registration & Insurance )

  • Опубліковано 19 вер 2024


  • @hughevans7898
    @hughevans7898 Місяць тому +47

    99.9% of cyclists also own a car so they DO pay road tax as they can’t do both at the same time and if motorists were more respectful of all road users there would be less people killed and injured and less need for cycle lanes in the first place, yes , i,ve seen bad behaviour from cyclists but as a car guy and a cyclist and having missed death on many occasions by criminal drivers and seen cyclists paralysed by cars i find it hard to listen to anybody going over the same old worn out stuff about cyclists, its always me me me, alls needed is respect.

    • @ClassicCarCave
      @ClassicCarCave  Місяць тому +2

      Hugh, Sorry to be pedantic but to say 0.1% of cyclist don‘t own or drive a car is incorrect. Go to Holland or most European countries and see how many cyclists there are and who use cars and or public transport mainly due to cost of running a vehicle and parking. I am not an anti cyclists I just think there attitude at times is piss poor. I do agree with you on the standard of driving but this is what happens when you lower the standards of the driving test. Mutual respect would be wonderful but we live in a self entitled fuck everybody else world these days. Lastly if you don‘t want to listen to Worn Out stuff as you say don‘t watch it Simple. Cheers Dave

    • @stewartpalmer7039
      @stewartpalmer7039 Місяць тому +4

      I own two cars and pay registration and insurance on both, but I can only drive one at a time, so the argument about registering a car absolves cyclists from paying is invalid.

    • @ClassicCarCave
      @ClassicCarCave  Місяць тому +2

      Stewart, This is exactly my point. I have no issues with cyclists generally but pay your way like the rest of us. Cheers Dave

    • @JOB_HE
      @JOB_HE Місяць тому +11

      @@ClassicCarCaveGuy from the Netherlands here. No one here thinks cyclists should pay road tax . Everyone cycles but due to their low weight they dont cause damage to roads like cars do. Cars get taxed based on weight because of damage to the asphalt.

    • @alexbartle3084
      @alexbartle3084 Місяць тому +6

      Road tax is an income stream for the government like any other, if the cyclists pay tax they are paying for the roads. On top of that cyclists do almost no damage to the roads unlike large cars that cause potholes.

  • @Evolixe
    @Evolixe Місяць тому +14

    Cycling doesn't infer the same wear and tear on a road that heavier vehicles do. You're paying for that wear and tear, not so much for building those roads.
    You couldn't support all the roadworks with just the little premium car users pay on top.
    As such you don't really subsidize for the cyclists as much as they subsidize road space for you by just not being in a car in the first place.

  • @rehabwales
    @rehabwales Місяць тому +16

    Cyclist do pay for road use. Like everyone else.

    • @davidnickson7034
      @davidnickson7034 Місяць тому +3

      Every bicycle on the road reduces the number of cars and therefore road wear and tear, bicyles should not only continue to be exempt from rego and taxes, they should be subsidised and the vast majority of bicycle users also own and use cars and therefore contribute to tax revenue. The obvious problem for all road users around the world is that there are too many cars and trucks.

    • @BenDoverNimmo
      @BenDoverNimmo Місяць тому

      No they do not, bicycles are not taxed...

    • @BenDoverNimmo
      @BenDoverNimmo Місяць тому

      @@davidnickson7034 Shut up, use the road, pay the road tax...

    • @BenDoverNimmo
      @BenDoverNimmo Місяць тому

      @@davidnickson7034 ^^Climate Terrorist ALERT^^

  • @RubbishGimpy
    @RubbishGimpy Місяць тому +19

    They do through paying taxes.

    • @ClassicCarCave
      @ClassicCarCave  Місяць тому +1

      No they don‘t. Federal or state or local or government taxes go to numeroius different parts of the overall system Not just roads. Cheers Dave

    • @RubbishGimpy
      @RubbishGimpy Місяць тому +7

      @@ClassicCarCave 'Not just roads'. You've contradicted yourself and then confirmed my initial statement.

    • @ClassicCarCave
      @ClassicCarCave  Місяць тому +1

      Everybody pays tax in some shape or form if they work but drivers have to pay on top that‘s my point. Road Tax, Petrol Tax and so on. Cheers Dave

    • @eyeq1451
      @eyeq1451 Місяць тому +3

      @@ClassicCarCave There is no "road tax", it would be "Kraftfahrzeugsteuer" in Austria or "vehicle exercise duty" in the UK. In Austria it's based on vehicle weight (cars: 1,55 Euros per month for every ton of gross weight) so for a bicycle that would be about 10 cents per month, in the UK it's based on vehicle emissions (for EVs, even the biggest and heaviest ones it's zero) so that would be zero.
      You have to pay petrol tax only on petrol vehicles, and that's just to counter the massive pollution cars are causing. Once again, for EVs that's zero as well.
      Conversely you propose that EVs like Teslas, VW ID-models, Mercedes EQ-models and so on shouldn't be on the road as well since owners of those vehicles don't pay Kraftfahrzeugsteuer/VED or petrol tax, right?

  • @BenExell
    @BenExell Місяць тому +25

    But cyclists do pay for road use? Roads are paid for out of the general pot of tax. If you pay income tax etc you're paying for the roads.
    Yes cyclists should obey road laws but they're more often going to hurt themselves if they dont. You're safe in your car.
    Cycle lanes in the middle of Copenhagen and Amsterdam are brilliant, with their own traffic lights etc. Such a better way to get about.

    • @ClassicCarCave
      @ClassicCarCave  Місяць тому +1

      Ben, Unfortunately i cut the bit in the video were I mentioned how well the lanes work in Holland due to time constraints, But the don‘t pay road tax & Insurance or Mechanical tests 🤔 Plus most of the tax revenue comes from fuel taxes. Bottom line what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Cheers Dave

    • @MisTomis
      @MisTomis Місяць тому

      Well you look obese and not really healthy, so you should be paying higher national insurance, also you're older than me so higher chance of having health problems. Here you go, lets follow your logic all the way sir!

    • @unknownsomebody3039
      @unknownsomebody3039 Місяць тому +3

      Could you please do a video on how you come to the conclusions on how this works out financially? Here in Germany money raised by fuel tax, registration, and so on does not even come close to paying for the maintenance and construction of car infrastructure. A lot of it is payed by people like me, who do not own a car. So in a way I am paying for cars and therefore I can also demand money to be spent on cycle lanes.
      The extra money raised my taxes not motoring related should easily be enough to pay for all bike infrastructure.
      You want to have control over how your taxes are spent, I want control over how mine are spent.

    • @ClassicCarCave
      @ClassicCarCave  Місяць тому +1

      We all pay taxes even me as a pensioner when i have worked and paid in to the system all my life so I guess as it‘s my channel I‘m aloud to have an opinion.
      I was talking about a small town in Austria that does not require cycle lanes as there aren't enough people using them. Wasted money. Cheers Dave

    • @unknownsomebody3039
      @unknownsomebody3039 Місяць тому +3

      I never questioned your right to have an opinion and I think that noone else here does, but you expressed a pretty extreme opinion to a very polarizing topic, so don't be surprised that people react critically.

  • @anthonygomez9686
    @anthonygomez9686 Місяць тому +10

    Sure, as soon as cars start getting taxed by weight and the gas tax is indexed to inflation.

    • @ClassicCarCave
      @ClassicCarCave  Місяць тому +1

      Vehicles are taxed by weight that‘s why HGV trucks cost thousands to tax for the road and the more powerful your engine the more you pay FACT. Cheers Dave

    • @michaelatkinson7577
      @michaelatkinson7577 Місяць тому

      @@ClassicCarCave No they aren't, my 120bhp peugeot only pays £30 in Vehicle Excise Duty an weighs 1500Kg...

  • @emze563
    @emze563 Місяць тому +5

    Are pedestrians going to pay extra tax for the pavement? motorists pay tax for the CO2 they produces. No driver pays to be allowed to use the roads, the road tax and fuel tax they pay is, going to repair the road, going toward hospital costs, effects of crashes on the economy, effects of air quality/pollution, masses of parking spaces and so on, motorists put a big bill on the governments table. Motorists are highly privileged that equality feels like oppression, the government would rather use 2 meters of the road for motorists to store their car, rather than give cyclists a space space to cycle, car storage is being proritised over cyclist safety.
    Ridiculous to treat cyclists like cars. people mention insuring and registering them but the risk is almost negligible, cyclists kill single digit people per year and cause hardly any damage in a crash, they simply do not have the speed and weight to cause damage, a cyclist is hardly going to write off your car.
    Between the time you uploaded this, and this comment, motorists, on average, have caused 5 deaths and 80+ serious injuries. It would take cyclists a year to get those numbers. Cycling is good for the cyclists, the people around him, and the government.
    and did you seriously say at 6:23 'look at the size of the road its narrow compared to how much cycle lane there is over there'?

  • @FormallyknownasE100
    @FormallyknownasE100 Місяць тому +13

    Sorry but cyclists do pay road tax through general taxation. A lot also own a car like myself so pay it anyway.
    Vehicle exercise duty doesn’t even touch the sides when it comes to actual road maintenance costs. A bike causes minimal damage to roads alongside comparatively little congestion which are the two reasons to spend big money on roads.
    Damage to roads increases logarithmically with axle weight. As a result a fully laden HGV causes in the order of 85,000 times more damage to roads than a standard 1 ton car for the same contact patch. If you really want to look at road taxation I’d suggest that’s where we start and get HGV’s paying their way. It’d probably make rail more competitive and reduce some road congestion in the process. Furthermore, you could suggest that a new large EV crossover should pay significantly more than a small 1.0l petrol runabout due to the weight difference and subsequent difference in damage.
    That being said as a keen city cyclist I would like to see a much bigger crackdown on illegal e-bikes, jumping red lights, lack of lights when needed, potential mechanical inspection requirements and if necessary a legal requirement to wear a helmet. The general lack of compliance on the roads from both drivers and cyclists is atrocious. If everyone left 5 minutes earlier and was more patient imagine how much nicer an experience driving / cycling would be!

  • @davidhayes4814
    @davidhayes4814 Місяць тому +20

    If EVs have not been paying road tax, why on earth should cyclists…?

    • @ClassicCarCave
      @ClassicCarCave  Місяць тому +1

      David, I very good point why aren't EVs paying as well I agree 100% 😉 Cheers Dave

    • @philroo1
      @philroo1 Місяць тому +1

      ​@@Gericho572 yea I do find it funny how these people are calling for a tax on breathing.

    • @BenDoverNimmo
      @BenDoverNimmo Місяць тому

      EV's do pay tax, the state subsidised EV's tax at first, that ended years ago, this means normal car users paid for hipsters to get cheap EV's, if anything combustion users should get a rebate...

  • @eyeq1451
    @eyeq1451 Місяць тому +17

    Please propose a mean of calculating how much people cycling should pay, not just the opinion that people cycling should pay something, otherwise it's just populism. Is it emissions (almost zero, even with an E-bike)? Is it damage done to the road/cycle lane (quite literally zero)? Is it the danger to other road users (almost zero)? Should children who use a bicycle to cycle to school pay as well?
    One more thing: please inform yourself about Switzerland where the bicycle registration has been repealed in 2011 since the administrative costs exceeded the revenue. The registration and insurance costs would be miniscule compared to a car because there is so little danger to others.

    • @leonikcetam3687
      @leonikcetam3687 Місяць тому +4

      Well said, the damage caused by cyclists to the road is significatly less than that caused by cars. It is an exponetial function of mass and the there just is no comparison between a bike (which at most will weight like 100kg with rider) and a car of which the lightest are around a tonne. And second of all find is ridiculous how people can get upset over the size of the bike lane when it still is singificatly smaller than the road for cars. Also ironic when he is saying ''no one is using the bike lane'' when the road is not exactly busseling with cars too.

  • @antonyharris130
    @antonyharris130 Місяць тому +10

    The road tax i pay for my car to use/be on the public highway pays for me to use the public highway when i choose to ride my bicycle instead.
    You really need to research/think through what your saying before you comment/post.

    • @ClassicCarCave
      @ClassicCarCave  Місяць тому +1

      Antony, NO I‘m sorry put the tax you pay on your car is for one vehicle Not your bicycle just like all my cars are paid for separately. You need to check your own facts and research before you reply. I do appreciate your comments because unless we discuss we will not meet a common goal. Cheers Dave

    • @antonyharris130
      @antonyharris130 Місяць тому +2

      ''But''not put.

    • @antonyharris130
      @antonyharris130 Місяць тому +2

      ''we will not meet a common goal'',no we never will.

    • @ClassicCarCave
      @ClassicCarCave  Місяць тому +1

      Antony, Not sure what this reply means. 🤔 Cheers Dave

    • @ClassicCarCave
      @ClassicCarCave  Місяць тому +1

      Antony, Sadly your correct you have your opinion and I have mine. Lets at least agree on free speech is vital. Cheers Dave

  • @MattWhiteMattWPBS
    @MattWhiteMattWPBS Місяць тому +6

    Let's put aside some of the bits about whether certain taxes or duties pay directly for roads. I know they don't here in the UK, but I'm not sure if the equivalents in Austria are the same, or if road maintenance is funded through general taxation.
    You've got a number of classic cars on your channel, I'm assuming that you've got a number of friends in the UK who have pre 1984 ones as well. Do you think that the exemptions for VED and similar should be removed from classic cars? After all, they do a lot more damage to the road than cyclists.
    It's also a bit much to put up a video complaining that "more and more cyclists, e-bike or e-scooter users are not obeying the rules of the road", including a bit where you're filming holding the camera while driving. Is that legal in Austria?

    • @ClassicCarCave
      @ClassicCarCave  Місяць тому +1

      Matt, I never used the word TAX anywhere in the video check it out! Classic cars should not be exempt from road tax or MOTs it‘s a stupid rule partially the MOT exempt. The camera was in a stand on my dash and I was moving very slow on an empty road when i picked it up to film the little 10 foot bit of cycle lane.
      I should have been stationery Its a fair cop 🤔 I have no beef with cyclists just the ones who think they have the moral high ground. Cheers Dave

  • @jacksorted9115
    @jacksorted9115 Місяць тому +4

    No one in the UK pays for road use FACT! Vehicle Excise Duty (Road Tax) is based on emissions revenue from which goes to the Treasury to pay for NHS and so on as they see fit. Local council tax also has a portion spent on roads so people who do not even own a vehicle are contributing. There is a growing problem with de-restricted e-bike and illegal use of electric scooters which is being monitored by government bodies.

    • @phillwainewright4221
      @phillwainewright4221 Місяць тому

      Toll roads and bridges - The congestion zone and ULEZ - We pay to use the roads in the UK right enough.

  • @rientsdijkstra4266
    @rientsdijkstra4266 Місяць тому +10

    BS. A cyclist takes only a few percent of the road that a car takes. And it damages the road MUCH LESS. So every trip that someone makes on a bike FREES UP ROOM on the road, and saves money. SO ACTUALLY CYCLISTS SHOULD BE PAID for FREEING UP ROAD SURFACE.

    • @martynreed9322
      @martynreed9322 Місяць тому

      BS you say!! Then why do cyclist choose to ride 2 - 3 a breast clogging roads, usually in the country side where space is at a premium? Dave isn't saying tax he said some form of Insurance and registration.

    • @rientsdijkstra4266
      @rientsdijkstra4266 Місяць тому

      @@martynreed9322 I agree if they do that on a car lane it can be irritating. Still bikes use much less space and cause much less (= no) pollution, much less damage to roads. + Cyclists are healthier, so they are less expensive for society in terms of cost of care and health service. So even if I agree that some behaviors by cyclists are wrong, that still doesn't mean that cyclists should pay (more). As said, I think that cyclists should actually be paid for their contribution to society.

    • @michaelatkinson7577
      @michaelatkinson7577 Місяць тому

      @@martynreed9322 road space really isn't at a premium in the countryside, much of the time a huge amount of tarmac is very empty and not being used. I bet you don't complain about cars - the width of 2-3 abreast cyclist "clogging the roads" - and it is a lot easier to pass cyclists doing 15-20mph than someone doing 50mph in a car if you want to do 60.

  • @nigelkelly8550
    @nigelkelly8550 Місяць тому +3

    I pay vat on all my cycle purchase please let me know this tax is spent by the government.

  • @badabing8884
    @badabing8884 Місяць тому +2

    It’s not going to happen. It’s been shown to put people off of cycling when obesity rates are going through the roof. No country has registration for cyclists apart from North Korea.

  • @philroo1
    @philroo1 Місяць тому +5

    You can drive a 2 ton car on a foreign license with no idea of local area and rules but you're worried about a tiny scooter? Cars mount the curb every day, 8 pedestrians a week are killed or seriously injured, we're all just complacent about it. Give it some time and you'll grow as complacent about the miniscule risk posed by scooters.

  • @Earlofmar1
    @Earlofmar1 Місяць тому +4

    never mind bikes, make those nasty bloody walkers have insurance and pay a side-walk tax.

    • @rbnhd1144
      @rbnhd1144 Місяць тому

      The people who walk around here often walk on the road, so why even put in a sidewalk, if there was no sidewalk they would all be moaning.

  • @stewartpalmer7039
    @stewartpalmer7039 Місяць тому +3

    I own two cars and have to pay registration and insurance on both, i can only drive one at a time, so registering a car absolves cyclists from paying is invalid.

    • @ClassicCarCave
      @ClassicCarCave  Місяць тому +1

      Stewart, My point exactly. Cheers Dave

  • @bingbangbong3159
    @bingbangbong3159 Місяць тому +1

    And pedestrians should pay, and people pushing prams should pay, and people riding scooters, skateboards, and pushing shopping trolleys should pay. People wearing backpacks should pay, people with bad haircuts and ugly shoes should pay. Of course, bariatric surgery and treatment for diabetes, and other sedentary related diseases should be free.

  • @ditch3827
    @ditch3827 Місяць тому +1

    Motor vehicles that cause virtually all the damage that our road, but the cost to repair that damage comes out of the council tax that cyclists, pedestrians and motorists have to pay equally. It is about time that motorists should pay a surcharge on their council tax to use the roads so that pedestrians and cyclists no longer have to subsidise the motorist.

  • @dylanwynroberts
    @dylanwynroberts Місяць тому +1

    Totally agree. Pedestrians should also be paying road tax and displaying number plates, to cover the costs of building and maintaining the pavements.

  • @tonyp1967
    @tonyp1967 Місяць тому +2

    I own 2 cars, one of which is an EV. I have a bike and cycle around 100 miles per week. I have specific bike insurance to cover the loss or damage to the bike but also in case I was to, say, hit a child. Really not convinced cyclists are damaging the roads but I can assure you the state of the roads is damaging our bikes (and cars).

  • @cragonaut
    @cragonaut Місяць тому +2

    Nah you're definitely onto something here. And pedestrians need to be registered, stick a numberplate to their chests, buy walking insurance and pay footpath tax too. And while we're at it if you're mugged you should have to pay the police to respond. And pay for the fire brigade to put your house out. Because the more user-pays systems we create the better, right?

  • @jagboy69
    @jagboy69 Місяць тому +4

    Dave, I wanna see the electric crowd start paying for the damage their cars cause to our roads! Our roads are funded through fuel taxes and when they aren't buying fuel and beating up the roads, this is a very real problem.

    • @ClassicCarCave
      @ClassicCarCave  Місяць тому +3

      I couldn't agree more! But it‘s going to come for sure. What annoyes me is they believe they're being green but the power there charging there cars with is fossil powered. How the hell is that green 🤔 I‘m more than happy to debate alterantives but common senses needs to be brought in to the discussion. Cheers Dave

    • @jagboy69
      @jagboy69 Місяць тому +1

      @@ClassicCarCave The Green Mafia! Sad times we are living in. I'm ready for little green men to just come and take me far away.

    • @ClassicCarCave
      @ClassicCarCave  Місяць тому +4

      @@jagboy69 Unfortunately this green movement has been hijacked by people with nothing better to do than sit in front of traffic and cause more pollution than letting it move freely how counter productive is that 🤔 I don‘t think they really thought that point through. Cheers Dave

  • @rhystilford8884
    @rhystilford8884 Місяць тому +1

    I agree that a government registry of bikes would be useful but I think it should be much less expensive than the cost of car registrations if not free. I've included my reasoning for the price difference below.
    Cyclists take up less space on roads and cause less wear and tear. Because of that, cyclists don't drain government resources nearly as much as cars.
    I think the purpose of roads is to move as many people (not vehicles) as possible and bikes are more effective due to their small footprint. So I think it's reasonable for them not to pay a premium.

  • @grahamcollins6810
    @grahamcollins6810 Місяць тому

    You'll be shocked when you find out that tourists can rent a two tonne car and drive it through 'your roads' - just imagine how much more damage that would do than a 10kg eScooter!

  • @davegubbins4428
    @davegubbins4428 Місяць тому +2

    get the rich to pay, god knows tory has gifted them enough of OUR billions !

  • @richroast567
    @richroast567 Місяць тому +1

    VED for cyclists could be a great idea. Cyclists would pay something proportionate to the pollution, road wear & tear and health issues that they cause to other people, i.e. it would be very, very, very cheap. And in return, all these whingeing old geezers would overnight, accept that bikes now have a right to be on the road, according to their own rules. I expect classic car caveman would turn his attention to more important issues, like why owners of classic vehicles more than 40 years old don't pay VED or require an MOT to ensure they're safe and not excessively polluting. Presumably as they don't pay their way they shouldn't be on the road?

  • @rbnhd1144
    @rbnhd1144 Місяць тому +1

    Don't get me started on E bikes, I see kids of 9-10 and up on these electric bikes/scooters that drive on the street like they own it, No drivers test, no road sense at all and no insurance, cutting into traffic and very likely to cause an accident, how do we claim off these kids?
    The world has gotten insane with all these cheap Chinese death traps, Watch Auto Expert John Cadagons recent video on E Bikes lithium batteries and get educated.

    • @ClassicCarCave
      @ClassicCarCave  Місяць тому +1

      I couldn't agree more this is why we need registration & insurances mandatory so at least we can catch the culprits like the do with bad drivers
      I‘m sure they could be electronically tagged in some way like cars are these days even animals.´are chipped. Cheers Dave

  • @erikvanderveken1408
    @erikvanderveken1408 Місяць тому +1

    Motorist and cyclist here, I must say you come across at the stereotypical "roads are for cars only" kind of bloke.
    In theory however, I'm not a 100% against your point to have cyclists take out insurance. I personally have insurance through the cycling federation as well as a private one on my bike.
    Here is the thing though, governments across Europe are trying to get people out of their cars and onto bikes, because it makes people healthier (less strain on the health services, the data is pretty clear here.) AND it frees up the roads for motorists who really need to use their car to get around. Think about how many people are using cars for a 5km commute, which could easily be covered with a bicycle, probably faster than with a car during peak traffic. Now imagine if a decent chunk of these people started riding bikes to work. You don't think that would actually ease up the traffic jams?
    You don't want there to be a barrier of entry, in the end for under 18's it's often the only means of transportation.
    Where I do agree, is that cyclists should be stopped by the police when committing a serious violation of the traffic code. I myself, while not perfect, always try to follow the rules. (The thing is though that many motorists don't know what is allowed for cyclists so THINK we break rules while we're actually not, obviously not talking about crossing red lights etc.).
    Finally, as a cyclist who does pretty well with following the rules, I get overtaken at least once per commute within mere inches, some drivers seem to do it on purpose to scare us. Very funny until it goes wrong and leads to serious injury... Videos like yours fuels the anti-cyclist narrative that too many motorists have. Let's look at the numbers, motorists killed by cyclists? 0, cyclists killed by motorists (in Ireland): 9 + 216 seriously injured.

  • @Dead_CAT29
    @Dead_CAT29 Місяць тому +2

    Maybe you need to start cycling yourself and you’ll feel the benefit. There both needs to be less cars on the road and slower speed limits. Why do cars need to drive so fast?

  • @stevecarter8810
    @stevecarter8810 Місяць тому +1

    I pay ved and insurance on both my cars. I treat cyclists and pedestrians as first class road users and I cycle as a first class road user.
    Sometimes I wish cyclists could be held accountable (registration mark) but rarely.
    Your claim that cyclists get away with stuff that motorists would be fined for doesn't good though, this is just a bias. If you go out looking for motor vehicle transgressing you see it EVERYWHERE.
    You could take heart though that your attitude "make them use the cycle paths" is the attitude of the motorists in the Netherlands that drove their world class cycling infra.

  • @jagvette1
    @jagvette1 Місяць тому

    Where I live in Arizona the bike lanes are a line painted on the road and cars are not meant to go into it, my biggest bug bear is that cyclists use that lane and cycle towards the traffic when they should be going in the same direction , they even painted arrows to show the cyclists how to use it, the plus is they are easy to hit unlike your lanes where you have to go across the grass to get to them.
    Isn't one of the major benefits of using a bike to get exercise and save the planet, if your dumb enough to have an electric bike you have defeated it's purposes.

  • @nathanh9197
    @nathanh9197 Місяць тому +2

    Surely licence and registration fees aren't enough money to build and maintain roads. They must be using general tax for roads and everybody pays that. I may be wrong though.

    • @ClassicCarCave
      @ClassicCarCave  Місяць тому +1

      Nathan, That's a fair statement that is true to a certain extent but the most money comes from road tax and mostly fuel tax. Tbh I‘m more interested
      in the cyclists being registered & Insured for many reasons like Theft, Minimum 3rd party cover and accountability when breaking the law. Cheers Dave

    • @philroo1
      @philroo1 Місяць тому +1

      ​@@ClassicCarCave "accountability when breaking the law" yea cos it's worked so well with cars 😂 I'll bet you like most drivers regularly speed despite the illegality and irrefutable links to increased accident, injury and fatality rates.

  • @georgemorrison6689
    @georgemorrison6689 Місяць тому +1

    I agree with you, might not be popular but you are correct, I have always said anything that is on the road should have to have road tax and an mot and insurance, everything cycles, caravans, trailers of any description, if its got wheels or tracks it should have all those things

    • @ClassicCarCave
      @ClassicCarCave  Місяць тому +1

      George, I‘m with you If it‘s on the road you pay no exemptions Cheers Dave

  • @joejoejoejoejoejoe4391
    @joejoejoejoejoejoe4391 Місяць тому

    If a car driver sees another car driver being a ####, he doesn't tar all other car drivers with the same brush; it's just that make of car, but if he sees a cyclist being a ####, all cyclists are blamed.

  • @MrBevl
    @MrBevl Місяць тому +1

    We all know that different countries are in different stages of development. In upcoming industrialisation (or economy’s) labourers use push bikes, Vespas or light motorcycles for transport.
    The next phase is when labourers can afford to own a car. This is the phase in which the UK is in and also many countries in the EU. In this phase cycling is considered a sign of poverty or as a menace to car drivers
    Countries like the Netherlands and Denmark are in the 3rd phase. There is a good cycling infrastructure, independent from roads used by cars. Posh people buy expensive push bikes to show off. Cycling is seen as a solution to traffic congestion and pollution by combustion engines.
    Just that you know 🤣

  • @robpratt841
    @robpratt841 Місяць тому

    Why? Roads are funded by general taxation, and we all pay for the roads whether we use them or not. Most cycle lanes aren't maintained and are also badly designed. Cyclists don't have to use a cycle lane, so no grey area whatsoever. Motornormativity in action. Cars damage roads, Cyclists don't.

  • @cedriclynch
    @cedriclynch Місяць тому

    There are lots of petrol and diesel cars that pay zero road tax because they officially emit less than 120g/km of carbon dioxide and were registered when this gave them eligibility for zero tax. Should these also now pay road tax?

  • @michaelatkinson7577
    @michaelatkinson7577 Місяць тому

    How about simply putting all vehicle related taxation on fuel and ditch VED. Those who drive the most, pay as they drive, and the more efficient their vehicles are, the less they pay, and the less miles driven - the less they pay. The collection system is already there (fuel duty at the pump) and we can reduce the admin burden VED offers. Cyclists, pedestrians, horses and all road users would of course pay based upon fuel use and mileage covered. So many benefits and savings, Your are welcome.

  • @rbirdi900
    @rbirdi900 Місяць тому

    Dave - you have hit a raw nerve. The UK is somewhat worse, with E-Bikes/Scooters travelling more than speed limits with no penalties and the driver always held accountable for any form of accident. Unfortunately, a few miles away from where I live, things go out of hand between a driver and 2 e-scooter riders = Driver to face murder for one and manslaughter for the other rider. just shows how dangerous and un-governed society is with poor decision making and more so repercussions for poor decisions

  • @chrisrand5185
    @chrisrand5185 Місяць тому

    I drive a car and pay vehicle excise duty. I also have a classic car and a bike and do not pay tax for either. The bike has far less impact than the classic car, despite the limited mileage of the classic car. I do agree that unrestricted electric bikes and scooters should be registered for use on the road and be insured like any other motor vehicle.

  • @darrenhaines1
    @darrenhaines1 Місяць тому

    Council makes a mess of building a cycle lane, so this guy blames the cyclists and thinks they should pay.
    Newsflash buddy we all pay for roads, not just entitled car drivers.

  • @stevedon1976
    @stevedon1976 Місяць тому

    He also talks of registration for ID in the event of an accident.
    By this reckoning, every pedestrian should have a road registration as well.

    • @ClassicCarCave
      @ClassicCarCave  Місяць тому

      Now you're just being silly and put up a childish response.

  • @consumerofstuff7854
    @consumerofstuff7854 Місяць тому

    This sounds an awful lot like I don't like cyclists because I drive a car. How much wear and tear is done to a road by cyclists when compared to motor vehicles? How much greater is the production of emissions from motor vehicles compared to cyclists? How many cyclists cause huge incidents on the highway requiring police, paramedic and police assistance. How many pedestrians and cyclists are knocked down every day by idiotic drivers who think that the road is theirs because it is nice and straight?

  • @djwoodgate
    @djwoodgate Місяць тому +1

    Based on weight and engine power perhaps?

  • @darrylstark9259
    @darrylstark9259 Місяць тому

    Can you tell me how much car related tax you pay so I can work out how many inches of the road network you've paid for.

  • @thomasfairburn4520
    @thomasfairburn4520 Місяць тому

    I pay road tax on my car, motorcycle & campervan. Sorry don't see why I should pay for my pushbike as well. I'm already paying too much tax

  • @rbnhd1144
    @rbnhd1144 Місяць тому

    Bike lanes are there to make it safer for cyclists, I hate bus lanes, it allows one bus to use a stretch of road while all other traffic gets backed up and pollutes, We are all trying to get somewhere, why do buses have a priority, makes no sense to me, years ago there were no bus lanes and non of us died, its insane to spend that much money on a road surface for one type of vehicle. This shows how smart the national and local governments are, so wasteful as always.

    • @eyeq1451
      @eyeq1451 Місяць тому

      Buses are much more space efficient than cars, that's why bus lanes are appearing empty, same with cycle lanes. Even a non-articulated bus accomodates up to 70 people in a space of 12m x 2,55m. Even if you count only half of the space occupied it's still 35 people in that space. To move that amount of people in cars which have an average occupancy of 1.4 (or 1.1 in rush hour) you'd need 25 cars (or 32 in rush hour) which adds up to about 100m x 2m (or about 130m x 2m in rush hour) which is 8-10 times more. Articulated buses are even more space efficient, but you should get the gist.

  • @fugdefano
    @fugdefano Місяць тому

    who is going to administer that. one place this is done North Korea.

  • @mudchair16
    @mudchair16 Місяць тому

    They definitely need insurance.
    E-scooters are new world order garbage. Very attractive for delinquent youth.

    • @ClassicCarCave
      @ClassicCarCave  Місяць тому

      Couldn't agree more! They are an accident waiting to happen While we were cruising around Scandinavia we were nearly hit 3 times in the same country. Cheers Dave

  • @RogerRoving
    @RogerRoving Місяць тому

    Why stop with cyclists? By your silly logic, why not charge pedestrians for using the road too? Meanwhile, E-scooters are clearly the future of urban transport.

  • @ThePhosee
    @ThePhosee Місяць тому +1

    @ClassicCarCave you know what should be banned? Sociopaths with absurd ideas making youtube videos.

  • @martinchappell3300
    @martinchappell3300 Місяць тому

    I got 2 cars. both pay tax etc on. If I'm not riding. my bike then I'm driving my car... is that ok? cos my bike does no damage to the road, it doesnt poison passers by like cars do. additionally if I'm on my bike cos its faster to get to town on , piss around finding a park and paying for it.. even better it makes me personally healthier and less lardy. :D

  • @stevedon1976
    @stevedon1976 Місяць тому

    Interesting commentary during the car drive of "and it's not even being used".
    We'll, other than his car, neither was the road itself.

  • @TheGazza636
    @TheGazza636 Місяць тому +1

    E scooters are not dangerous its the user thats the problem
    not heard so much uninformed rubbish spouted for a long time id delete this crap if i were you

  • @toekanos
    @toekanos Місяць тому

    You want kids to pay taxes because they bike to school?? And most likely the older ones already pay road taxes. Stop crying about it..

  • @jannovotny6244
    @jannovotny6244 Місяць тому +2

    Oh shut up, not only do most cyclists own a car as well, but the wear and tear of a bicycle on the road, vs. a car, is so insignificant that you would also have to tax pedestrians for using the sidewalk. And insurance - it is a common misconception, that a cyclist doesn't need to pay for damages if they cause a crash. Of course they do, they are personally liable, or there is insurance available. The reason why it's not mandatory is, that damages caused by cars climb into the milions very easily, and hardly anyone is capable of covering that kind of money out of pocket. Damages caused by cyclists climb maybe into the thousands. And most people don't need insurance to cover a few hundred quid...

    • @martynreed9322
      @martynreed9322 Місяць тому

      No you shut up, a young lad ran into the side of my car, stoving in the rear panel, my first reaction was to pick him up make sure he was ok and then took him home, the reaction from his parents was not what I expected after making sure their son was fit and well and taking him home, they just smiled and said ohh that's going to be expensive to fix and shut the door in my face, and the police didn't want to know. registration and insurance may have helped mt with the £1000 repair bill.

    • @jannovotny6244
      @jannovotny6244 Місяць тому

      @martynreed9322 oh boohoo, I nearly got ran over by an inattentive driver twice today, when they didn't yieald at an intersection where I had the right of way. When they cripple me because of their mistake (and some even do it on purpose), I'll get some pennies for the pain, and that's about it. The driver might get some points on their licence, but my life is ruined. If I hit the side of someone's car, well.. worst case you're a few hundred pounds out of pocket. That's if the cyclist just shakes it off and runs away - which is NOT the norm. But if they do that, you're not getting anything from their insurance anyway. If they stay and you exchange details, the cyclist is paying for the repairs.

  • @simonelliott9782
    @simonelliott9782 Місяць тому

    most people that cycle drive a car and pay road tax you want to get some exersise get on a bike and you will understand bike lane are full of shitty path s that dont get cleaned and full of broken glass if you look when cars are coming out driveway they are crossing the path

  • @vobchopper
    @vobchopper Місяць тому +1

    It's the insurance that's the issue,and actually getting them to obey the road traffic regulations, far too many mount the pavement to avoid traffic lights, take shortcuts through pedestrian areas, and are so arrogant in their use of the highway, they don't use the cycle lanes that have been provided at considerable expense, and without third party insurance anyone being hit by these cyclists will have no compensation when injured

    • @eyeq1451
      @eyeq1451 Місяць тому

      Tbh, I think many of the people who cycle on the pavement are just afraid of being run over by inattentive/malicious drivers. Many people who cycle do have private third party insurance anyway so it's not impossible but unlikely that you will have no compensation.
      Additionally, the risk someone in a car poses is way higher than on a bicycle so the insurance premiums would be laughably low to the point of administrative costs exceeding the revenue.
      Oh, and regarding not using cycle lanes: oftentimes cycle lanes aren't mandatory, other times it's just laid out chaotically so you constantly have to think about if you have to use a cycle lane, if something is even a cycle lane at all and oftentimes cycle lanes just disappear into thin air. When you're in a car you mostly don't have to think about it since usually everything is labeled pretty clearly. With cycle lanes it's very often just "oh, right, after we planned the road and the pavement we have to provide some kind of cycling infrastructure as well" so it's very inconsistent.

    • @ClassicCarCave
      @ClassicCarCave  Місяць тому +1

      My point exactly! But most of the counter arguments were about TAX and in my new video i said i never once mentioned the word TAX Cheers Dave

  • @fellspoint9364
    @fellspoint9364 Місяць тому

    Get yourself a bike and cool off . Great stress reliever as well.

  • @malcolmtill
    @malcolmtill Місяць тому +3

    100% agree with you. Here in the UK I regularly see Electric scooters traveling in excess of the speed limit and electric Bicycles at 70-75mph on 30mph roads that they shouldn't be on in the first place

    • @ClassicCarCave
      @ClassicCarCave  Місяць тому +2

      Malcolm, The e scooters is my biggest beef but I also have an issue with spending a ludicrous amounts of money for a fraction of the population. Cheers Dave

    • @eyeq1451
      @eyeq1451 Місяць тому +1

      Cyclists even on electric bicycles at 70-75mph - are you kidding me? 🙃 Last year's Tour de France winner who is a professional cyclist and does nothing else than cycling had an average speed of around 41 kph/25.5 mph, how would someone else on a(n electric) bicycle do almost three times that even on short stretches?
      Btw: please don't estimate the speed of cyclists from your subjective point of view. They look way faster than what they are actually doing because the speed is quite high compared to a bicycle's length. Just remember: if you see a commercial airliner starting or landing it looks relatively slow, but they are doing about 170 mph/275 kph. That's because commercial airliners are very long so the ratio of length to speed is different.
      Regarding the last bit: why shouldn't they be on a 30 mph road? It's illegal to cycle on highways, of course, but if you would ban people cycling on any road with a speed limit of 30 mph or higher then you could go pretty much nowhere on a bicycle. Driving a car mostly alone is extremely space inefficient, that's why there is congestion, not because of the space efficient people cycling.

  • @fugdefano
    @fugdefano Місяць тому

    cast your mind back. Did you ride a bike as a kid ?. what's going to happen then. sorry little one you cannot have a bike you hadn't got insurance and tax. get real .

  • @andrewlitchfield4843
    @andrewlitchfield4843 Місяць тому +2

    Hi Dave, I drive in London daily its a nightmare literally as a car dodging bikes and trikes daily! 100% agree they should have registration and insurance to protect everyone!👍

    • @ClassicCarCave
      @ClassicCarCave  Місяць тому +1

      Andrew, I don‘t think it‘s that much to ask it would protect cyclists and vehicle drives alike. Lets face it personal cameras are on the increase. Chers Dave

    • @eyeq1451
      @eyeq1451 Місяць тому

      Imagine everyone on a bicycle driving a car - congestion would be WAY worse since cars are extremely space inefficient. Additionally, the risk of injuring someone else without injuring yourself on a bicycle is extremely low so people who cycle usually (not always of course) take enough measures to avoid crashes. The risk of injuring someone else without injuring yourself while driving is quite high, that's why you have to register and insure a car.

  • @johndavey72
    @johndavey72 Місяць тому +2

    You love your raves Dave and quite right too ! Cyclists have thier own rule book . They can use pavements at will , go up one way streets the wrong way ,(which is hazardous for pedestrians !) ignore traffic lights , use zebra crossings , have 30 + vehicles behind them on minor roads during the rush hour and pedal up by your N/S at traffic lights when you're waiting to turn left ! 30 years ago my right knee locked at work , it was extremely painful and my wife had to pick me up from work and we visited 3 hospitals who wouldn't help without a doctors note !!! Eventually l get a crutch from our local hospital and still in immense pain drove home . We were just approaching the corner that leads to our home when an idiot on a bike came charging down the hill straight into our car ! We had a quote of £1500 to repair it . Obviously the young lad wasn't insured and his mother just told us to *uck off !!! Fortunately , as a panelbeater / painter l repaired the car myself !!! Very shortly after l had athroscopy's on both knees . Cheers Dave !

    • @ClassicCarCave
      @ClassicCarCave  Місяць тому +1

      John, A rave was a piss up party in an abandon factory in the 70s and 80s 🤔🤣I was posting a Rant 😉 but on a serious note what you have talked about is all too common as how can you get a claim against a cyclists that doesn't‘t have any insurances. I have obovoiusly touched a soar point from the amount of comments I have had on this video. As I‘m not a monetised channel I couldn't give a shit about the views but what was interesting is i lost 3 subs and gain 3 subs on another video. TBH I wish the 7,000 or so subs who don‘t watch on a regular basis would unsubscribes there a waste of space. Cheers Dave

    • @johndavey72
      @johndavey72 Місяць тому

      @@ClassicCarCave Hi my loyal, true and honest buddy . If l'm the only one left , it will be an honour to be that twat !!!!

  • @martynreed9322
    @martynreed9322 Місяць тому

    Here here Dave. Registration and insurance as a minimum. And bring back cycle proficiency tests whilst at school. Teach them early and they might just learn road etiquette. Millions of pounds are being spent on adding cycle lanes which are seldomly used. Pillocks with hoodies and masks on electric bike wheelying in and out of traffic and around pedestrians. No face no case brigade. Bring back the birch.

    • @eyeq1451
      @eyeq1451 Місяць тому +1

      Those "cycle lanes which are seldomly used" are only appearing empty because bicycles are way more space efficient than cars which are predominantly occupied by just one person.
      Yes, there are hooligans who might be wheelying and endangering pedestrians, but those are few and far between, exactly like hooligans in cars which pose a much greater risk to all the others who (voluntarily or involuntarily) are outside of cars. Proficiency tests at school are pretty much as effective as driver's education as in some people don't give a hoot about rules and whatnot. Additionally, just like driver's tests you do it once and then never have to prove that you know the rules of the road, no matter how much they changed, and they changed a lot in the last years.

  • @LesAnderson-n7d
    @LesAnderson-n7d Місяць тому +2

    As half of cyclists use the pavements they think they shouldn’t pay for our roads. And YES ! it’s about time they had some sort of registration plate. I’m fed up with these twerps ‘ ghosting ‘ on our roads .

    • @ClassicCarCave
      @ClassicCarCave  Місяць тому +1

      This is my point we share the road so we share the cost I‘m not against cyclists but they need to be held accountable just like drivers are. Cheers Dave

  • @brendannoonan6503
    @brendannoonan6503 Місяць тому +2

    Totally agree, many cyclists think they are a law onto themselves and don't follow the rules. They even go through red lights! They should be insured and have to pass a road test. They are trying to bring in more cycle tracks into Galway in the west of Ireland. It rains here most of the year so you don't see cyclists going out much in the rain - so why expand them at the cost of motorists. But I'm sure the environmentalist will be demanding more cycle lanes!!!

    • @ClassicCarCave
      @ClassicCarCave  Місяць тому +1

      Brendan, The red light jumping seems to be getting worse with cyclists and scooters. Unfortunately the registration and insurance of bicycles will not happen
      as the tree huggers will kick up Mary hell. If you really think about it cyclists cause more pollution by moving so slowly and holding up traffic so even more time is spent with the engine running 🤔 If they used the cycle lanes the tax payers have paid for I wouldn't have too much of an issue with them. Cheers Dave

    • @eyeq1451
      @eyeq1451 Місяць тому

      You're right, people (that includes cyclists, drivers and pedestrians) don't follow the rules. That said, the danger of not obeying rules while driving a car is massively higher than while cycling. Additionally, if people on bicycles are running red lights they are endangering not just others like drivers but themselves as well. Of course there are some people seemingly without any hint of self preservation, but those won't be bothered by registration or insurance anyway.
      Regarding the rain - so you say cars are quite expensive rain coats, right? You know, in the Netherlands, where there is good cycling infrastructure everywhere, people are riding bikes very regularly in bad weather as well. The weather is mostly just an excuse, but with unsafe cycling infrastructure and dangerous drivers who don't give a hoot about the safety of others (fortunately those are few and far between, otherwise there would be way more accidents) people won't ever use a bicycle since it's too dangerous.

    • @eyeq1451
      @eyeq1451 Місяць тому

      @@ClassicCarCave The red light jumping seems to be getting worse with everyone, not just people cycling and on scooters. I as someone who almost exclusively uses a bicycle as a mode of transport would love to have more pressure on red-light-jumpers, including people cycling. That said, red light jumping car drivers are a way bigger danger for people who are not in cars.

  • @johnbuchanan6045
    @johnbuchanan6045 Місяць тому +3

    Ah Dave, I truly hate the spandex mafia. Here in commy Portland Oregone they take over the road the rental scooters are everywhere and the homeless put them everywhere including throwing the willamette river, drive them too fast in traffic. The fucking bureaucrats take a 4 lane road turn it into 2 lanes for bikes, take valuable street parking away for fucking bike lanes that few bikes use. So the tax payers get f*cked six ways to Sunday’s and they don’t supply the lube.
    Ya got me riled up 😤 on this one Dave.
    🍻 John

    • @ClassicCarCave
      @ClassicCarCave  Місяць тому +2

      John, Unfortunately we have the spandex and banana hat brigade who do road trails and races on public roads near us which to me should be done on a track like the rest of us who race cars and motorcycles but we pay for the privilege. WE are not allowed sensibly to do it on public roads. Cheers Dave.

    • @johnbuchanan6045
      @johnbuchanan6045 Місяць тому +1

      @@ClassicCarCave Banana 🍌 hats
      Good one

    • @jagboy69
      @jagboy69 Місяць тому +1

      John, I'm not sure how much you travel, but this very thing is happening or has happened in EVERY large city in America. What was once 6 lanes is now 3 with toll sections. Fact is, keeping illegal pets is expensive and the left leaning cities need money for their social programs. If it becomes enough of a PITA for you and me, then you can take the bus which is what they want anyways. Yup, living in the US is not like it was just 20short years ago. You live in Portland? You need to have your head examined! You are welcome to come to free west Texas, but leave any leftist ideas behind please.

    • @ClassicCarCave
      @ClassicCarCave  Місяць тому +2

      I have travelled very extensivly all over the world as I spent over 30 years in the oil business apart from 10 years in the Royal Marines Commandos.
      As you rightly say 20 + years ago we lived in a different world where common sense prevailed. But let me say I‘m the opposite to a leftist. Cheers Dave

    • @johnbuchanan6045
      @johnbuchanan6045 Місяць тому +1

      @@ClassicCarCave Ditto Dave, Ditto

  • @alanjust
    @alanjust Місяць тому +2

    Completely agree 😉😬😬

    • @ClassicCarCave
      @ClassicCarCave  Місяць тому +1

      Alan, As I said above in my reply the fact that they hold up traffic which means more pollution is never talked about with the cyclist brigade 🤔 Cheers Dave