Very sturdy in comparison to other strollers that we had. I get a lot of compliments for it. My baby loves being in the bassinet, The stroller comfortable. I like the rain cover and the white net that comes with it. I use the rain cover just to cover the car seat when it rains. If your front wheels don't turn well, make sure you lubricate.
I bought a pram with a carrycot and couldnt fit the two in my small car as a carry cot doesnt fold.. my carboot wasnt big enough and i couldnt put it on the back seats because then there would be no room for the babys carseat... its all good for those with huge cars
Newborn. As in a week old . This baby looks big enough to fit with no worries . I’m trying to find out the earliest I can put my new newborn fresh from the hospital new- newborn in my pram/ bugaboo stroller that fully reclines. New mom here , can anyone answer?
I had a bassinet style one up until he was around 6 months, I personally think the stroller type ones are too big for a newborn and they're not facing you which makes it more of a struggle to check on the baby ie if they've vomited etc. But it's up to you, that's just personal opinion.
Very sturdy in comparison to other strollers that we had. I get a lot of compliments for it. My baby loves being in the bassinet, The stroller comfortable. I like the rain cover and the white net that comes with it. I use the rain cover just to cover the car seat when it rains. If your front wheels don't turn well, make sure you lubricate.
I bought a pram with a carrycot and couldnt fit the two in my small car as a carry cot doesnt fold.. my carboot wasnt big enough and i couldnt put it on the back seats because then there would be no room for the babys carseat... its all good for those with huge cars
alot of the cosatto buggies are designed for small spaces, the mamas and papas strata too
Can you please tell which stroller is this? Silvercross spirit?
I could be wrong but it looks like the silver cross reflex
@@cloudedcolour5329 it is
Personally I would never put a baby under 6 months in a stroller.a pram is much better and supportive
super creative. God bless you.
Newborn. As in a week old . This baby looks big enough to fit with no worries . I’m trying to find out the earliest I can put my new newborn fresh from the hospital new- newborn in my pram/ bugaboo stroller that fully reclines.
New mom here , can anyone answer?
from day 1 in the carrycot, 6 months in the main seat
I had a bassinet style one up until he was around 6 months, I personally think the stroller type ones are too big for a newborn and they're not facing you which makes it more of a struggle to check on the baby ie if they've vomited etc. But it's up to you, that's just personal opinion.
Thanks for not using a doll... It frustrating
Noo that precious little baby is way too little for a stroller 😲 gently put the baby in a proper pram
Or stick it in a roller coaster car and let it go.
not everyone has the space for a big pram or -wants- one