A story my husband told me: For a final exam, I forget the subject, but the question was "What is bravery?" One student wrote "This is.", turned his paper in, and left. Passed the class.
U know that feeling when you don’t know an answer so you just pick a random one from the multiple choice thing. And then it actually turns out to be right.
AND on math related tests (where you had to show work)... I'd draw a stick-figure of me, with the "thought balloon" saying "Eenie-meanie-minie-moe..." and pointing. ;o)
When I took AP Physics, one guy couldn't figure out how to calculate the arc of water coming out of a water fountain based on the pressure in a tank below it. So he admitted that he just wrote "Don't overthink it; just drink it." I think he's involved in local government now.
I once heard about a story where the principal called all the teachers to him because he had received a bomb threat. He then read out the bomb threat. It said that the school was going to be attacked with a dihydrogen monoxide bomb. The chemistry teacher then burst out laughing. I don't know if this story is true or not.
In fifth grade we were doing experiments with how fast paper towels soak up water, and bounty one, so I was able to use the line "bounty is indeed the quicker picker upper" I got a laughing face next to that one
One of my friends back in highschool wrote an essay on how watermelon farming affects the stockmarket on the written response question in a physics exam. He didnt need the class and had a good grade so he threw away that question for fun
I'm a teacher. I put a question on a test once that said "draw a small clock showing 10 minutes past eleven." One kid drew a digital clock displaying the numbers "11:10". While not what I was looking for, I gave him the mark. He wasn't wrong! I felt like I HAD to let him get away with that one - it's my own fault I didn't write "analog clock," and just wrote "clock."
Anagnorisis - the point in a play, novel, etc., in which a principal character recognizes or discovers another character's true identity or the true nature of their own circumstances. Every now and then I learn something new from these things. Never heard of that word before.
@@tejaswoman we were doing an activity where we had to see stuff like if there’s dirt on johns shoe he may have been in a garden. Then some kid said oh, like Sherlock Holmes! The teacher had to explain this to everyone who didn’t know who Sherlock Holmes was. At the end of the week we had a little quiz to see if we were paying attention in class. This was one of the questions. I first thought herdlock homes but I remembered he was British and had a weird spelling. I was clueless so wrote this.
On a physics test my Junior year, there was a question about free fall. Something to the effect of "you're on an elevator on the 20th floor of a building and the cord snaps, sending the elevator plummeting down. Your weight is..." My friend responded with "...irrelevant. You are about to die." He got full credit.
One time I had a test question that said "show work" & I drew a detailed picture of the "ain't nobody got time fa dat" lady and with her catchphrase & a few days later the teacher was grading tests and couldn't stop laughing and marked the answer right cuz I got it right just didn't show work other than the drawing lol. I was very satisfied with myself 😂
My highschool chemistry teacher always included extra credit on each test in the form of next chapter’s lesson. If you gave it a good go but didn’t quite get it, he gave partial to full credit for sound logic on material he didn’t require yet. Once, I struggled with the extra credit but realized it was over my head, so I instead drew a dragon speaking a joke. “If a dragon breathes 600L of fire, how many houses can he burn down? ALL OF THEM.” Teacher gave me full points.
I had a test around a year ago (probably a math test, can't remember), and I finished early. There were multiple blank pages for the question working outs, but I never used that much paper. I got bored, so I started drawing with pen, forgetting that a teacher would mark it. I them proceeded to draw a face and write on the side 'please draw the hair for me, I'm in art block' and then small comments at the bottom about how I'm going to fail. Had no idea who was going to mark my test, so I just hoped that it was one of those chill teachers that would enjoy my doodles. They were very chill. I still have no idea who it was, but they drew the hair for the doodle, and replied to my comments saying 'you did well :) also I liked your drawings!' It very much made my day.
LITTERature test, forgot the names of the characters. Luckily, they were all related, so I went: The brother of the father of the friend met on the mountain.
Obligatory not a teacher, but I think it's funny and wanted to share. I worked for a restaurant and part of my job entailed me occasionally asking the workers questions concerning rules and policies to make sure they knew the basics. So I asked one of the guys what we were supposed to do in the event of a robbery. Guy very seriously answered "stop, drop, and roll." Once I could talk after laughing so hard, I told him to go ahead and do that, and while the robber was confused, the rest of us would run out back and be safe. 😂😂
We had a test on ancient Mesopotamia once. One question was to use the cuneiform key to translate a short message. Some kid used it to write there name in cuneiform on the beginning paper, so when the teacher was grading he’d have to translate it to see who’s test it was
I once graded a biology test on cells in the body where the question was "What is the nucleus?" and the student wrote "where the protons and neutrons live." Wrong class buddy, wrong class.
@@mottdropsie not if the subject is biology and organelles of the cell lol if this were chemistry and talking about atoms he would have been spot on haha
@@krissdean I barely passed biology and everyone used to fall asleep in my class because my teachers voice was so quiet and soft. I kinda miss that class tho it was fun
I was a grader for one of those fore-mentioned standardized tests. That congruent triangle: they are looking for math vocabulary. The description had the be “congruent”. And the rest should be because the three angles in triangle measure the same degrees.
One time I had no idea where to even begin on an AP bio question, so I just wrote “No. :)” heard the teach start laughing while he was grading, got full points
“So class what’s the right way to do this?” “Oh, I didn’t know there was a left way to do this.” -Something I just made up because school isn’t a thing anymore.
One of my friends got two similar words mixed up on our test for Dante's Inferno, so she ended up saying that Dante went through the Hotel of the Damned, instead of forest. Our teacher was highly amused and I was absolutely dying laughing.
Not me, but my brother was stuck on an English test in 9th grade and couldn’t remember the answer. Now, at this point I was an 11th grader, total nerd, and planning to go into the education field myself. His teacher asked me to swing by her room after school one day (I helped my intern teacher grade papers after school and he drove me home as he was a close family friend). I walked in and the teacher, who was also my 9th grade English teacher asked me to look at my brothers test which was on the many plays of Shakespeare. The question read something along the lines of defining a portion of Romeo and Juliet (it was the part where the Juliet is despairing over Romeos death.) my brothers answer was “purple”. I busted up laughing and so did she. She gave him full credit because why the hell not? It’s become a tradition now that when someone in our family doesn’t know something we just say purple.
Never did something too funny, but I went to college for a bachelor's in mechanical engineering at 18 and completely screwed it up. I made it two years and finished less than a quarter of the classes I needed before dropping out with a crappy GPA that had been just good enough to not get kicked out. It was spring 2013, my last semester, and I had totally bombed a chemistry course. The semester as a whole was unusually hard. So, on the last test, I put A-C-D-C, repeating, on all the answers. As in, answers 1-4 were A-C-D-C, 5-8 were A-C-D-C and so on. I was done with the test in ten minutes. Didn't even look at the thing. I was leaving that university later on that same day, May 8, 2013, and looking forward to a fresh start as a journalism major at a local community college. I'd just gotten a new car four days earlier, a fully loaded 2011 Honda Accord V6 sedan. I have a bachelor's in journalism now... so, all's well that ends well. February 8, 2021 4:17 am
I took the AIR tests once and I got to the, I think, English portion. Well, one question was talking about how schools were thinking about getting rid of things like music as they feel it serves no purpose compared to STEM classes. Well, by this point I was pretty done with the whole school system, we just talked about this in music class (it was more music theory than actual music like how music effects the brain), and I was pretty confident in my previous answers so I wrote something like: While it is true that we will likely not need music in our adult lives, the same came be said for the STEM classes. While subjects such as math are important there are many aspects of these subjects we will never have to use. Studies show that subjects such as music help the brain become more developed as opposed to brains that never listen to music. So, maybe instead of wasting time trying to replace subjects that might not be useful in real life with more stuff that might not be useful in real life, you should be trying to figure out how to keep all of these subjects so we can have happy, well rounded students. I might've also written something about the arts being good for depressed people and people with learning disabilities and thus, if they take away things like music and art, they're taking away a vital support system for kids that really need it. The point is I never had to take the English AIR test again so I like to think that that essay allowed me to ace it.
I have developmental delay, along with other disabilities. Because of this, my school “graciously” put me on an IEP. Part of the rules for their IEP (it was a trade school so my previous one at public school didn’t count smh) was that every couple years I had to take a “test” where I had to fill out a mental health survey and write a little open response about my favorite game and why it was my favorite. I wrote about Skyrim, my favorite console game, and stated that the reason it was my favorite because I have the DLCs. I went on to describe how the game was great because on one hand I could run around and use a sword and magic and stuff and on the other hand I could just build a house with my- and I quote- *”absolutely gorgeous wife and hella cool sons”*. This response caused the nice old lady running the test to look up at me and confusingly asked “You have a wife? How did you have kids??” (I, despite being NB am AFAB) and I had to awkwardly explain that my wife and kids are, thankfully fictional because it would be very hard to not only have 2 ten year old looking kids, but I am currently 17. I fucking hated IEP tests so much to the point I just memorized the answers they wanted to hear because it’s the same damn questions in the same damn order every year.
When I was in sixth grade, we had an evaluation process where we had other kids' exams and helped mark them right or wrong as we went through the answers. If we had doubt if one question counted as right, we would ask the teacher. So, this one kid answered the question "What is evolution?" with "It's when a Pokemon like Bulbasaur turns into Ivysaur and becomes stronger". (This was during the original Pokemon craze). The only reason I asked the teacher if this counted as a right answer is because I hated that kid and wanted people to hear what an idiotic response he put in.
I mean He's not wrong But not entirely right either (Im a fan of pokemon) At least he didnt link evolution with digimon Seriously whats with the evolution process in digimon
I forget what an irrational number was so I put a number that isn’t rational. The teach never smiled in class but he almost did reading my answer and told my mom about it. I got it marked wrong but oh well.
This happened earlier this week. We had a test on composites used in aircraft, like carbon fiber, Kevlar, etc. I studied for it but when it came time for the test my mind completely blanked for about half of them. One of the questions was "what is a matrix" my dumb ass thought "well I know I'm gonna bomb it so may as well go full in, and wrote "a 3 movie series starring Keanu Reeves as Neo". I know I got even that wrong because I had completely forgotten about the new one that came out not too long ago. We'll probably be getting the tests back Monday, but I know for sure I won't be passing it.
Not a teacher, and maybe not super funny, but it's my favorite college class story: during my last year I still had to take an upperclass Literature course, and went with Shakespeare histories and comedies. Great class-- read a play, talk about it for a week, watch a movie, take a test. Rinse and repeat with a lot of plays. When we did Richard III, I had trouble keeping track of the characters, even though I read the play before the week and we watched two movies. The test comes, and one portion asks you to identify who said the quote in regards to what. I recognized the quote and what the context was, but could not for the life of me remember who was talking (turned out to be the Duke of Gloucester). So I guessed a character (incorrectly) and then put in parentheses (Kevin Spacey), who had played him in one of the movies we'd watched. The professor put a line through my incorrect character, but still gave me credit because apparently since I correctly identified Kevin Spacey as the actor, it showed I'd paid attention to the play, I guess? I was thrilled.
Sumer you have a scale and a cat. How do you find out the cat’s weight? The answer is weigh yourself holding the cat. Set the cat down and weigh yourself. Subtract your weight from the weight you have holding the cat. Of course, 4th graders come up with all kinds of stuff. My favorite: student writes well, that is not going to stand on the scale long enough for you to write down the number..if you hold him, he will turn around a scratch you. So, put the cat to sleep and lay him on the scale. Apparently a lot of those kids had never heard an animal euthanized as “put it to sleep”. Those tests were whack, and few of the kids scored high enough on them for the scores to mean anything. This was in 1990 or so.
So when my mom was in college she had a teacher who was really good but his tests were hard to pass. Her and her friend were up late at night studying for one and they were slap happy. One of them asked a question and the other said “it ain’t no flying monkey” (I don’t know why) fast forward to the test and there was a question that she just plain and simple didn’t know the answer to and she wrote “it ain’t no flying monkey.” It turns out her friend did the same, and the teacher never questioned them about it because they were just silly sometimes and best friends, he understood it was just an inside joke.
In chemistry, my teacher was Hyperfocused on grades I was feeling being used to doing more experiments and paper practice. That's also the year i give up on school, so during the test instead of actually doing the test I wrote down a detailed design on a cryogenic chamber I thought would work.
I was failing an algebra class freshman year of high school, and even if I got the world's greatest grade on that final I would have still failed. So I drew dinosaurs for the answers on every single question. Even multiple choice questions. It would be A through c and I would write in d for dinosaur, and then just select d. The teacher called my parents, when I got in a little bit of trouble
My kid was asked where did rain comes from. She actually answered back "rain comes when aeroplane pass urine." Mine you she was three years old at the time.
before we began reading “The Crucible”, I gave my students a short quiz on background knowledge (basically to see if they were paying attention). Puritans, Salem witch trials, American folklore, witch lore, etc. One of the questions was multiple choice and it was like “puritans can be best described as....” One of the options was “a hedonistic society that worshipped the Greek god Dionysus”. Yep. He chose that one.
I had a biology teacher that didn't bother to teach the class at all and would give us a 70 on anything turned in late regardless of if the answers were correct, so if I didn't understand something, I'd just keep it in my bag, bullshit on it and turn it in, and get a 70 automatically instead of a 40. One time there was this thing with 5 questions and an essay question. On the essay question I wrote an incredibly detailed story about a knight slaying a dragon and she counted it as correct...on a biology assignment... She got fired the year after that
Not a teacher but one day my nephew came home from school and told me he had a math test. He had been sick the day before and I knew he had to make it up. Me: Hey. Ace,how was your day? Ace: Fine. Me: Okay. Good. What did you do? Ace: Took a math test. Me: Okay. What was it on? Ace: Paper. Not sure he's wrong but it wasn't the answer I was looking for.
The essay in Spanish about hooking up reminds me of my AP US History teacher, who had the opportunity to grade for the AP exam a few times. He explained that some southern US states require students to take the AP exam(s) to graduate (this was 1990), so a well-written and coherent essay that addresses the question will be well received as a break from all the essays about how I'd really like to date the person in front of me in class.
Okay, so I was the one who gave a "funny" answer but with a twist. Teacher told us we could write about anything for an essay. A lot of kids wrote about random shit. I wrote a 7 page long essay about why Mr. Burns and Smithers from The Simpsons would have a toxic relationship (relationship as in, like, a romantic one). We had to present these as well. The teacher let me read until it got to the part about how the sex would be horrible and the teacher sent me to the office. I still have the essay to this day. (I wrote it, like, a month ago so it wasnt that long ago but whatever) Edit: Changed "sez" to "sex" and "Preseny" to "Present"
I had an English class were we had a weekly quiz and once per term if you forgot to do the reading or didn't know any of the answers for whatever reason, you could instead draw a picture of a sinking ship and get partial marks.
This was an English exam, 4th grade, we were supposed to make a sentance using following words: mom, sitting, classroom, right now, isn't, my. Instead of writing "my mom isn't sitting in classroom right now" I wrote "my classroom isn't sitting in my mom right now". Teacher didn't want to give me points for that so I told her "well I used to be in my mom 9 years ago and I'm clearly not in my mom right now, isn't the sentance kinda right? She gave me a point.
JROTC in Feb 2017 Some cadet wrote BARACK OBAMA as the VP when Pence was the VP. Like, WTF cadet? Do you see him on the chain of command pictures in front of you? The classroom is filled with answers, all you have to do is look around and read. Health class: It was an open textbook test and nobody used the textbook that had all the answers. I graded them and I was surprised that most of these students still managed to move on to the next grade.
This reminds me- one time we had a chemistry test in science class, and the question came up "Who is the volt named after?" Now, the answer is "Alessandro Volta", but one kid answered "John Travolta"!
Got a question in the essay part of the exam back in high school history class... It was something on about the industrial revolution and workers' rights... AND I responded with a three page exposition on how I could start a garbage collection and disposal service, grow into a partially recycling system and then start delivering garbage to political rivals instead of picking it up and eventually conquer the country... It was NOTHING like correct, but there was clearly enough BS and fun put in, I got a bit better than half credit. ;o)
In an physics test the question was " what's it called, if your hat falls off the eifeltower?" Most Students wrote kinetics or Gravity. One guy wrote "bad luck" and got full Points.
One point that stands out is for English as a first language speakers we need to be very cognizant of how we word/phrase what we say/write because ESL speakers do not understand most of our slang or idioms and are used to very correct English. (Actually many English-speaking people from other countries are labeled as ESL but know/speak English better than Americans do. I learned that while a student & TA at University & a RN. I needed to stop using sloppy language & phrase sentences correctly for information to be understood and carried out properly & in Healthcare, safely.
Freshman Chemistry 101 in college 1979. They had too many freshmen than professors on staff could teach, so they brought a former department head out of retirement. Guess who I had. He seemed older than dirt to an 18 year old, and my grandmother was in her late 70s. His hands shook, and he rambled off topic constantly. Usually, he would wind up talking about Phlogiston Theory for part of the class. It was disproved in the 18th century, so maybe he was as old as he looked. The tests were all multiple choice. Even the ones with math. You couldn't work the problem and go with the first answer that matched one of the 5 choices because you could get every option by working the problem slightly wrong. It was brutal. Everyone was stressing. Then, the capper, we found out at the end of the quarter, there would be a mass final with all of the Chemistry 101 classes taking the same test in one of the large auditoriums. Someone knew someone in another class and got us into their study sessions, otherwise I don't think we would have passed. Two things I remember from that class are Phlogiston Theory, and that lettuce and tobacco absorb more radiation than most other plants.
A classmate tried to argue that 0.45 = 1 "because you first round it up to 0.5, right? And 0.5 is rounded up to 1." Our math teacher didn't know if he should be marked right or wrong.
Lmao when I was younger like 6 (not sure when but u was super young) and I remember I had to go to a new English small school for like 2 years and they gave me a test to see how well and how I would react to questions that I shouldn’t be able to answer (it was for like knowing your attitude) I remembered I used to watch a cartoon series named “Oso Simon” I didn’t know the answers to any of the questions and just wrote “Oso” as the answer for every single question. This is still talked about by my parents until this date
i don't remember what the subject was, but at my end-of-year exams for one question i answered something along the lines of "i have no idea. it doesn't matter because i'm going to fail this class anyway."
i remember on an AP Environmental Science exam, we went to our environmental science class to hang out before the exam started, and while we waited we watched the first Jurassic Park movie. later on, at the end of the test, i was bored and wrote "Jurassic Park is the best scientific documentary on how the food chain works" and even wrote a few reasons. got a 4/5
In 8th Grade a friend of mine was absolutely clueless in a physics test and wrote a recipe for "cat in oven". A simpson joke we really celebrated at the time. Sadly He got no Points for it.
Edit: I'm wrong, but here's the original. 17:00 He clearly failed spanish because "Mano" ends with an "O" and therefore is masculine, so he should write "El Mano" not "La Mano"
@@hp8685 oh, i haven't learned that yet. I just looked at the O, I don't even know if Mano means hand or not. I'm only around 700 words and can pass by in basic conversations, and order food.
@@andrewbounds Don't sweat it, one of the fascinating things about language is the way there's always exceptions to the rules. Any language can be just as weird as the people who speak it Side note, have you encountered the word chingadera? One of my favorites :P
Just a casual observation... BUT I haven't seen any proof that photographing or cataloging or any form of recording a ghost causes it (or anything/one else for the matter) any harm at all... ;o)
I had a history teacher who was obsessed with Blake Shelton, and she had posters of him next to her desk. During a test I didn't know the topic of an essay question, so I drew a picture of Blake Shelton instead. Got one point got that
A friend of mine who is really good at art but not great at math failed a math quiz (and she knew she was failing it as she was taking it) so in the corner she drew a bipedal alligator that was missing an arm and holding a can and below it it said “please spare some extra credit for -alligator’s name-. He is homeless and trying to get a job but cannot afford the uniform” She got 5 extra credit points
When I was a sophomore in high school I had a was a really hot Asian teacher for my geometry class. One day before a test, me and all the other guys collectively decided that on the test next to the date we’d write “Me Please” so it said “Date Me Please.” Our parents received phone calls and we all got detention. But man, it was worth it
So for a bio exam, i forgot what was the exact question, but it was about white blood cell description or something. I saw a video of it swallowing down things, and I decided to write it's like a slug monster....or something 🤣my teacher was like wtf? And he shared my paper to the whole bio class, everyone just laughed.
Can't remember the exact test, pretty sure it was a math aptitude one or something similar; either way we weren't gonna be graded. One of the questions was something like "At 5:00 pm Car A leaves their house, traveling at 25 mph. Also at 5:00pm, Car B leaves their house travelling 35 mph. 50 miles later, they pass each other. At what time do they pass each other?" A friend of mine wrote "Given the traffic around here at 5:00 pm, who knows?" Also, my mom had a professor in college who had this rule that if you read the entire question and had done your best to figure it out but couldn't, you could draw a duck and get like, half credit.
During a geography test, I was asked what was the capital of Fiji. I put down "Fiji City." This was the test to qualify for the geography bee so it didn't affect my grade
"necessity is the mother of invention" is such a stupid quote. So many inventions are the result of errors or random... and also there are a lot of unneccessary inventions, too
Had an English professor from Pen State told us to write a book report on any subject. I picked a scientific report on atomic particles and splitting atoms. He gave me a B plus. Then he said to me I guess it was good because I didn't understand any of it.
My favourite answer to the question describe romanization from the germanic perspective was: we like the roads but the wine stains are so hard to get out.
When my brother was a little boy in kindergarten or first grade they were doing a test and he had to write an answer (I'm pretty sure it was a spelling test) the word he had to write was "Tired" well being in Kindergarten he couldn't spell right, so he wrote "Turd" instead, the teacher told my mom that she knew what he had ment but was trying very hard to not laugh while grading the tests in class.
not a right or wrong answer situation but still want to share. For my intermediate art class sophomore year we were required for a pass/fail assignment by turning in one of our projects that year to the end of year school art competition for all grades. And me being a legit pure breed anime weeb at that point in time i turned in the surrealism project. The project i did was of the mememe girl in the position where shes sitting with her hands forward being suggestive. with the surrealism aspect being her head was a giant cherry with a slit mouth leaking black ink and her eyes balls in it with the cherry stem connecting to two other girls who were nothing less than dead. i combined the 2 aspects people were uncomfortable to see at school when it happened, lewd and gore. when we turn it in we had to name it which had a few word limit, and i couldn't think of anything short and witty enough at the time so i just put "Don't ask -_-". so next to these photo realistic artworks of ships, women, inspirational quotes, etc. with sweet names of "dreams of the wise" and what not. was this slutty and gore picture of basically a three headed cherry anime slut titled "Don't ask -_-" my intermediate teacher had a good laugh as i turned it in and when asked another teacher who was grading them also started laughing.
The collage combined 4 classes into 2 though 1 is since 2 technologies are now almost synonymous to regular people (they use the words interchangeably). Well my teacher thinks there is not enough time in one semester to cover all the material for the class so he ended up not go over all the material for a test we had to take. it was multiple choice and a lot of people got the same wrong answer on one question so he decided to give everyone who selected that answer half credit and did an entire lecter on that questions material.
first question on high school biology test. "what is a rainbow ?" i knew the answer but went totally blank so i wrote down " a rainbow is gods promise to never flood the world again" thank goodness i live in the bible belt,. got full credit.
I remember for my Calculus AP exam I had to explain how to find the integral via graphs. But for every verb, I used the adverb of "fuck." For example, fucking add the separate shapes and you'll get the fucking calculation. I ended up getting a 4.
biology test asked how wold or earth was created answers something "god created the world in 7 days" teacher got really conserned and asked me of my religious beliefs, as if she had done something wrong. felt a bit creepy, i just gave an unserious question to a question i didn't remember the answer for. was rather awkward
I once wrote "Warum müssen wir das machen? Den Scheiß brauchen wir später eh nicht" (why do we have to do this? We won't need this crap later anyway) (I live in germany) on a biology paper abut genetics (Mendliche Regeln I think) and I was punished for that. I don't even remember Why I wrote it, guess I was bored or n some kind of bad mood or something but I found it funny when I did
I was put next to a dyslexic kid in a practical exam once, we got in trouble whenever we talked or asked for help and had marks deducted, kid had trouble reading the measuring cup and I helped, teacher marked us down and I don’t fucking regret it, but hate the teachers guts.
my ex classmate in middle school. Learning History of 20th century. Girl i was sitting next to wasn't able to remember name of some important person, but she knew where he has picture in textbook. So when a question about him came up, she wrote "The man on (page number) in upper right corner in textbook". I am not sure if the teacher accepted it because it was actually the man he was asking about, so technically it was correct but i dunno
I was in an economy class and for the final exam it was supposed to be a 3 page essay on what risk is and I simply wrote “This” turned it in and left got a 100 on it apparently my teacher liked me
A story my husband told me: For a final exam, I forget the subject, but the question was "What is bravery?" One student wrote "This is.", turned his paper in, and left. Passed the class.
I love this
I don't know if I could have the guts to do this.
I’ve heard that urban legend told every which way you can imagine.
Heard this story a billion times, hope it's true for at least one person
I once couldn’t remember the name “the Minotaur” in a middle school quiz, so I wrote “ Bullasaurus” and got full credit haha.
I read Bulbasuar and did a double take.
@@bellabruns275 lmao same
I LOLd at this
Same! I need Minotaur Bulbasaur fanart!
"Bullasaurus" Noted.
U know that feeling when you don’t know an answer so you just pick a random one from the multiple choice thing. And then it actually turns out to be right.
I always got them wrong
That’s- that’s just me being proud of myself for once.
Getting a question right just by choosing a random answer is like winning the lottery. Pure gold.
AND on math related tests (where you had to show work)... I'd draw a stick-figure of me, with the "thought balloon" saying "Eenie-meanie-minie-moe..." and pointing. ;o)
I was once given a circle theorems 5 marker, bulshitted and got full Marks
When I took AP Physics, one guy couldn't figure out how to calculate the arc of water coming out of a water fountain based on the pressure in a tank below it. So he admitted that he just wrote "Don't overthink it; just drink it." I think he's involved in local government now.
I once heard about a story where the principal called all the teachers to him because he had received a bomb threat.
He then read out the bomb threat. It said that the school was going to be attacked with a dihydrogen monoxide bomb.
The chemistry teacher then burst out laughing.
I don't know if this story is true or not.
Dihydrogen monoxide..... I'm not sure but wasn't that just water?
School gets cleaned by someone throwing waterbombs at the outside walls.
@@noname-eo1he Yes, that was the joke.
In fifth grade we were doing experiments with how fast paper towels soak up water, and bounty one, so I was able to use the line "bounty is indeed the quicker picker upper" I got a laughing face next to that one
One of my friends back in highschool wrote an essay on how watermelon farming affects the stockmarket on the written response question in a physics exam. He didnt need the class and had a good grade so he threw away that question for fun
I'm a teacher. I put a question on a test once that said "draw a small clock showing 10 minutes past eleven." One kid drew a digital clock displaying the numbers "11:10". While not what I was looking for, I gave him the mark. He wasn't wrong! I felt like I HAD to let him get away with that one - it's my own fault I didn't write "analog clock," and just wrote "clock."
Anagnorisis - the point in a play, novel, etc., in which a principal character recognizes or discovers another character's true identity or the true nature of their own circumstances. Every now and then I learn something new from these things. Never heard of that word before.
When I was 5 I forgot how to spell Sherlock Holmes and wrote “Don’t you know me mate? :(“
Those were interesting parent teacher conferences.
I was laughing at this for about 10 minutes and almost pissed myself.
Why would a five-year-old be expected to know how to spell Sherlock Holmes, anyway?
69th like
@@tejaswoman we were doing an activity where we had to see stuff like if there’s dirt on johns shoe he may have been in a garden. Then some kid said oh, like Sherlock Holmes! The teacher had to explain this to everyone who didn’t know who Sherlock Holmes was. At the end of the week we had a little quiz to see if we were paying attention in class. This was one of the questions. I first thought herdlock homes but I remembered he was British and had a weird spelling. I was clueless so wrote this.
High school English test question: "What does 'genuflect' mean?"
Me, not knowing the real answer: "a triple back somersault"
On a physics test my Junior year, there was a question about free fall. Something to the effect of "you're on an elevator on the 20th floor of a building and the cord snaps, sending the elevator plummeting down. Your weight is..."
My friend responded with "...irrelevant. You are about to die."
He got full credit.
One time I had a test question that said "show work" & I drew a detailed picture of the "ain't nobody got time fa dat" lady and with her catchphrase & a few days later the teacher was grading tests and couldn't stop laughing and marked the answer right cuz I got it right just didn't show work other than the drawing lol. I was very satisfied with myself 😂
4:56 my dad had a teacher like that. His teacher said to fill in their names and turn in the test. Only 2 people did that tho.
My highschool chemistry teacher always included extra credit on each test in the form of next chapter’s lesson. If you gave it a good go but didn’t quite get it, he gave partial to full credit for sound logic on material he didn’t require yet. Once, I struggled with the extra credit but realized it was over my head, so I instead drew a dragon speaking a joke. “If a dragon breathes 600L of fire, how many houses can he burn down? ALL OF THEM.” Teacher gave me full points.
I had a test around a year ago (probably a math test, can't remember), and I finished early. There were multiple blank pages for the question working outs, but I never used that much paper. I got bored, so I started drawing with pen, forgetting that a teacher would mark it. I them proceeded to draw a face and write on the side 'please draw the hair for me, I'm in art block' and then small comments at the bottom about how I'm going to fail. Had no idea who was going to mark my test, so I just hoped that it was one of those chill teachers that would enjoy my doodles.
They were very chill. I still have no idea who it was, but they drew the hair for the doodle, and replied to my comments saying 'you did well :) also I liked your drawings!'
It very much made my day.
LITTERature test, forgot the names of the characters. Luckily, they were all related, so I went: The brother of the father of the friend met on the mountain.
Obligatory not a teacher, but I think it's funny and wanted to share. I worked for a restaurant and part of my job entailed me occasionally asking the workers questions concerning rules and policies to make sure they knew the basics.
So I asked one of the guys what we were supposed to do in the event of a robbery. Guy very seriously answered "stop, drop, and roll."
Once I could talk after laughing so hard, I told him to go ahead and do that, and while the robber was confused, the rest of us would run out back and be safe. 😂😂
As a homeschool mom to a neurodiverse 12 year old girl, I find myself saying that last quote often. Not what I was looking for, but not wrong. Lol.
Hey it’s still correct
We had a test on ancient Mesopotamia once. One question was to use the cuneiform key to translate a short message. Some kid used it to write there name in cuneiform on the beginning paper, so when the teacher was grading he’d have to translate it to see who’s test it was
I once graded a biology test on cells in the body where the question was "What is the nucleus?" and the student wrote "where the protons and neutrons live." Wrong class buddy, wrong class.
I mean he's technically correct. 🤣
@@mottdropsie not if the subject is biology and organelles of the cell lol if this were chemistry and talking about atoms he would have been spot on haha
@@krissdean I barely passed biology and everyone used to fall asleep in my class because my teachers voice was so quiet and soft. I kinda miss that class tho it was fun
I was a grader for one of those fore-mentioned standardized tests. That congruent triangle: they are looking for math vocabulary. The description had the be “congruent”. And the rest should be because the three angles in triangle measure the same degrees.
One time I had no idea where to even begin on an AP bio question, so I just wrote “No. :)” heard the teach start laughing while he was grading, got full points
“So class what’s the right way to do this?”
“Oh, I didn’t know there was a left way to do this.”
-Something I just made up because school isn’t a thing anymore.
That’s quite sinister
One of my friends got two similar words mixed up on our test for Dante's Inferno, so she ended up saying that Dante went through the Hotel of the Damned, instead of forest. Our teacher was highly amused and I was absolutely dying laughing.
Not me, but my brother was stuck on an English test in 9th grade and couldn’t remember the answer. Now, at this point I was an 11th grader, total nerd, and planning to go into the education field myself. His teacher asked me to swing by her room after school one day (I helped my intern teacher grade papers after school and he drove me home as he was a close family friend). I walked in and the teacher, who was also my 9th grade English teacher asked me to look at my brothers test which was on the many plays of Shakespeare. The question read something along the lines of defining a portion of Romeo and Juliet (it was the part where the Juliet is despairing over Romeos death.) my brothers answer was “purple”. I busted up laughing and so did she. She gave him full credit because why the hell not? It’s become a tradition now that when someone in our family doesn’t know something we just say purple.
Love it!
Never did something too funny, but I went to college for a bachelor's in mechanical engineering at 18 and completely screwed it up. I made it two years and finished less than a quarter of the classes I needed before dropping out with a crappy GPA that had been just good enough to not get kicked out. It was spring 2013, my last semester, and I had totally bombed a chemistry course. The semester as a whole was unusually hard. So, on the last test, I put A-C-D-C, repeating, on all the answers. As in, answers 1-4 were A-C-D-C, 5-8 were A-C-D-C and so on. I was done with the test in ten minutes. Didn't even look at the thing. I was leaving that university later on that same day, May 8, 2013, and looking forward to a fresh start as a journalism major at a local community college. I'd just gotten a new car four days earlier, a fully loaded 2011 Honda Accord V6 sedan. I have a bachelor's in journalism now... so, all's well that ends well.
February 8, 2021 4:17 am
I took the AIR tests once and I got to the, I think, English portion. Well, one question was talking about how schools were thinking about getting rid of things like music as they feel it serves no purpose compared to STEM classes. Well, by this point I was pretty done with the whole school system, we just talked about this in music class (it was more music theory than actual music like how music effects the brain), and I was pretty confident in my previous answers so I wrote something like:
While it is true that we will likely not need music in our adult lives, the same came be said for the STEM classes. While subjects such as math are important there are many aspects of these subjects we will never have to use. Studies show that subjects such as music help the brain become more developed as opposed to brains that never listen to music. So, maybe instead of wasting time trying to replace subjects that might not be useful in real life with more stuff that might not be useful in real life, you should be trying to figure out how to keep all of these subjects so we can have happy, well rounded students.
I might've also written something about the arts being good for depressed people and people with learning disabilities and thus, if they take away things like music and art, they're taking away a vital support system for kids that really need it. The point is I never had to take the English AIR test again so I like to think that that essay allowed me to ace it.
I have developmental delay, along with other disabilities. Because of this, my school “graciously” put me on an IEP. Part of the rules for their IEP (it was a trade school so my previous one at public school didn’t count smh) was that every couple years I had to take a “test” where I had to fill out a mental health survey and write a little open response about my favorite game and why it was my favorite. I wrote about Skyrim, my favorite console game, and stated that the reason it was my favorite because I have the DLCs. I went on to describe how the game was great because on one hand I could run around and use a sword and magic and stuff and on the other hand I could just build a house with my- and I quote- *”absolutely gorgeous wife and hella cool sons”*. This response caused the nice old lady running the test to look up at me and confusingly asked “You have a wife? How did you have kids??” (I, despite being NB am AFAB) and I had to awkwardly explain that my wife and kids are, thankfully fictional because it would be very hard to not only have 2 ten year old looking kids, but I am currently 17.
I fucking hated IEP tests so much to the point I just memorized the answers they wanted to hear because it’s the same damn questions in the same damn order every year.
When I was in sixth grade, we had an evaluation process where we had other kids' exams and helped mark them right or wrong as we went through the answers. If we had doubt if one question counted as right, we would ask the teacher.
So, this one kid answered the question "What is evolution?" with "It's when a Pokemon like Bulbasaur turns into Ivysaur and becomes stronger". (This was during the original Pokemon craze).
The only reason I asked the teacher if this counted as a right answer is because I hated that kid and wanted people to hear what an idiotic response he put in.
Love your story!
I love pokemon lol.
I mean
He's not wrong
But not entirely right either
(Im a fan of pokemon)
At least he didnt link evolution with digimon
Seriously whats with the evolution process in digimon
@@Mur.kUltimateLuckyGamer44 Evolution in Pokemon is more akin to metamorphosis.
Evolution in Digimon... I have no idea what that's supposed to be.
Yeah agreed
We were doing that thing where you go: you like chips, *don’t you?*
I thought the answer was *Right?*
My teacher said no, I answered with *Left*
I forget what an irrational number was so I put a number that isn’t rational. The teach never smiled in class but he almost did reading my answer and told my mom about it. I got it marked wrong but oh well.
This happened earlier this week. We had a test on composites used in aircraft, like carbon fiber, Kevlar, etc. I studied for it but when it came time for the test my mind completely blanked for about half of them. One of the questions was "what is a matrix" my dumb ass thought "well I know I'm gonna bomb it so may as well go full in, and wrote "a 3 movie series starring Keanu Reeves as Neo". I know I got even that wrong because I had completely forgotten about the new one that came out not too long ago. We'll probably be getting the tests back Monday, but I know for sure I won't be passing it.
Not a teacher, and maybe not super funny, but it's my favorite college class story: during my last year I still had to take an upperclass Literature course, and went with Shakespeare histories and comedies. Great class-- read a play, talk about it for a week, watch a movie, take a test. Rinse and repeat with a lot of plays. When we did Richard III, I had trouble keeping track of the characters, even though I read the play before the week and we watched two movies. The test comes, and one portion asks you to identify who said the quote in regards to what. I recognized the quote and what the context was, but could not for the life of me remember who was talking (turned out to be the Duke of Gloucester). So I guessed a character (incorrectly) and then put in parentheses (Kevin Spacey), who had played him in one of the movies we'd watched. The professor put a line through my incorrect character, but still gave me credit because apparently since I correctly identified Kevin Spacey as the actor, it showed I'd paid attention to the play, I guess? I was thrilled.
Sumer you have a scale and a cat. How do you find out the cat’s weight? The answer is weigh yourself holding the cat. Set the cat down and weigh yourself. Subtract your weight from the weight you have holding the cat.
Of course, 4th graders come up with all kinds of stuff. My favorite: student writes well, that is not going to stand on the scale long enough for you to write down the number..if you hold him, he will turn around a scratch you. So, put the cat to sleep and lay him on the scale. Apparently a lot of those kids had never heard an animal euthanized as “put it to sleep”. Those tests were whack, and few of the kids scored high enough on them for the scores to mean anything. This was in 1990 or so.
So when my mom was in college she had a teacher who was really good but his tests were hard to pass. Her and her friend were up late at night studying for one and they were slap happy. One of them asked a question and the other said “it ain’t no flying monkey” (I don’t know why) fast forward to the test and there was a question that she just plain and simple didn’t know the answer to and she wrote “it ain’t no flying monkey.” It turns out her friend did the same, and the teacher never questioned them about it because they were just silly sometimes and best friends, he understood it was just an inside joke.
In chemistry, my teacher was Hyperfocused on grades I was feeling being used to doing more experiments and paper practice.
That's also the year i give up on school, so during the test instead of actually doing the test I wrote down a detailed design on a cryogenic chamber I thought would work.
How do you pay less tax
Commit tax evasion
He said he would of given me the mark but it was illegal so...
Don't work at all?
Well did he specifically ask for a legal answer?
I was failing an algebra class freshman year of high school, and even if I got the world's greatest grade on that final I would have still failed. So I drew dinosaurs for the answers on every single question. Even multiple choice questions. It would be A through c and I would write in d for dinosaur, and then just select d. The teacher called my parents, when I got in a little bit of trouble
My kid was asked where did rain comes from. She actually answered back "rain comes when aeroplane pass urine." Mine you she was three years old at the time.
Vlvogdxitso hf
Kids say the darndest things. xD
before we began reading “The Crucible”, I gave my students a short quiz on background knowledge (basically to see if they were paying attention). Puritans, Salem witch trials, American folklore, witch lore, etc.
One of the questions was multiple choice and it was like “puritans can be best described as....”
One of the options was “a hedonistic society that worshipped the Greek god Dionysus”. Yep. He chose that one.
I had a biology teacher that didn't bother to teach the class at all and would give us a 70 on anything turned in late regardless of if the answers were correct, so if I didn't understand something, I'd just keep it in my bag, bullshit on it and turn it in, and get a 70 automatically instead of a 40. One time there was this thing with 5 questions and an essay question. On the essay question I wrote an incredibly detailed story about a knight slaying a dragon and she counted it as correct...on a biology assignment... She got fired the year after that
Ideas: what is the most serious soldier who wouldn't give a flock?
In geometry if I put that answer instead of a proof my teacher would actually kill me. If I miss one triangle notation she’s already on me.
Not a teacher but one day my nephew came home from school and told me he had a math test. He had been sick the day before and I knew he had to make it up.
Me: Hey. Ace,how was your day?
Ace: Fine.
Me: Okay. Good. What did you do?
Ace: Took a math test.
Me: Okay. What was it on?
Ace: Paper.
Not sure he's wrong but it wasn't the answer I was looking for.
The essay in Spanish about hooking up reminds me of my AP US History teacher, who had the opportunity to grade for the AP exam a few times. He explained that some southern US states require students to take the AP exam(s) to graduate (this was 1990), so a well-written and coherent essay that addresses the question will be well received as a break from all the essays about how I'd really like to date the person in front of me in class.
Okay, so I was the one who gave a "funny" answer but with a twist.
Teacher told us we could write about anything for an essay. A lot of kids wrote about random shit. I wrote a 7 page long essay about why Mr. Burns and Smithers from The Simpsons would have a toxic relationship (relationship as in, like, a romantic one). We had to present these as well. The teacher let me read until it got to the part about how the sex would be horrible and the teacher sent me to the office.
I still have the essay to this day. (I wrote it, like, a month ago so it wasnt that long ago but whatever)
Edit: Changed "sez" to "sex" and "Preseny" to "Present"
I had an English class were we had a weekly quiz and once per term if you forgot to do the reading or didn't know any of the answers for whatever reason, you could instead draw a picture of a sinking ship and get partial marks.
1:18 Not me IN Geometry class DOING a proof while watching this 🥲
This was an English exam, 4th grade, we were supposed to make a sentance using following words: mom, sitting, classroom, right now, isn't, my. Instead of writing "my mom isn't sitting in classroom right now" I wrote "my classroom isn't sitting in my mom right now". Teacher didn't want to give me points for that so I told her "well I used to be in my mom 9 years ago and I'm clearly not in my mom right now, isn't the sentance kinda right? She gave me a point.
JROTC in Feb 2017
Some cadet wrote BARACK OBAMA as the VP when Pence was the VP. Like, WTF cadet? Do you see him on the chain of command pictures in front of you? The classroom is filled with answers, all you have to do is look around and read.
Health class: It was an open textbook test and nobody used the textbook that had all the answers. I graded them and I was surprised that most of these students still managed to move on to the next grade.
This reminds me- one time we had a chemistry test in science class, and the question came up "Who is the volt named after?"
Now, the answer is "Alessandro Volta", but one kid answered "John Travolta"!
Got a question in the essay part of the exam back in high school history class... It was something on about the industrial revolution and workers' rights... AND I responded with a three page exposition on how I could start a garbage collection and disposal service, grow into a partially recycling system and then start delivering garbage to political rivals instead of picking it up and eventually conquer the country...
It was NOTHING like correct, but there was clearly enough BS and fun put in, I got a bit better than half credit. ;o)
In an physics test the question was " what's it called, if your hat falls off the eifeltower?" Most Students wrote kinetics or Gravity. One guy wrote "bad luck" and got full Points.
One point that stands out is for English as a first language speakers we need to be very cognizant of how we word/phrase what we say/write because ESL speakers do not understand most of our slang or idioms and are used to very correct English. (Actually many English-speaking people from other countries are labeled as ESL but know/speak English better than Americans do. I learned that while a student & TA at University & a RN. I needed to stop using sloppy language & phrase sentences correctly for information to be understood and carried out properly & in Healthcare, safely.
Once when i didnt know an answer to a really hard question, i drew a really realistic little person saying “idk?”
Freshman Chemistry 101 in college 1979. They had too many freshmen than professors on staff could teach, so they brought a former department head out of retirement. Guess who I had. He seemed older than dirt to an 18 year old, and my grandmother was in her late 70s. His hands shook, and he rambled off topic constantly. Usually, he would wind up talking about Phlogiston Theory for part of the class. It was disproved in the 18th century, so maybe he was as old as he looked. The tests were all multiple choice. Even the ones with math. You couldn't work the problem and go with the first answer that matched one of the 5 choices because you could get every option by working the problem slightly wrong. It was brutal. Everyone was stressing. Then, the capper, we found out at the end of the quarter, there would be a mass final with all of the Chemistry 101 classes taking the same test in one of the large auditoriums. Someone knew someone in another class and got us into their study sessions, otherwise I don't think we would have passed. Two things I remember from that class are Phlogiston Theory, and that lettuce and tobacco absorb more radiation than most other plants.
Some kid in my class drew a picture of Bart Simpson on his exam paper because he didn't know how to do the paper at all.
A classmate tried to argue that 0.45 = 1 "because you first round it up to 0.5, right? And 0.5 is rounded up to 1."
Our math teacher didn't know if he should be marked right or wrong.
Lmao when I was younger like 6 (not sure when but u was super young) and I remember I had to go to a new English small school for like 2 years and they gave me a test to see how well and how I would react to questions that I shouldn’t be able to answer (it was for like knowing your attitude) I remembered I used to watch a cartoon series named “Oso Simon” I didn’t know the answers to any of the questions and just wrote “Oso” as the answer for every single question. This is still talked about by my parents until this date
i’mma need that bbq recipe mentioned in the first one
this quickly turned into students outclassing teachers
1:31 Proofs were a pain. Half the time I was making up a bunch of random stuff
i don't remember what the subject was, but at my end-of-year exams for one question i answered something along the lines of "i have no idea. it doesn't matter because i'm going to fail this class anyway."
i remember on an AP Environmental Science exam, we went to our environmental science class to hang out before the exam started, and while we waited we watched the first Jurassic Park movie. later on, at the end of the test, i was bored and wrote "Jurassic Park is the best scientific documentary on how the food chain works" and even wrote a few reasons. got a 4/5
In 8th Grade a friend of mine was absolutely clueless in a physics test and wrote a recipe for "cat in oven". A simpson joke we really celebrated at the time. Sadly He got no Points for it.
Edit: I'm wrong, but here's the original.
17:00 He clearly failed spanish because "Mano" ends with an "O" and therefore is masculine, so he should write "El Mano" not "La Mano"
You would think so, but it's one of the exceptions that makes the rule. Like el tema, el idioma, etc
@@hp8685 oh, i haven't learned that yet. I just looked at the O, I don't even know if Mano means hand or not. I'm only around 700 words and can pass by in basic conversations, and order food.
@@andrewbounds Don't sweat it, one of the fascinating things about language is the way there's always exceptions to the rules. Any language can be just as weird as the people who speak it
Side note, have you encountered the word chingadera? One of my favorites :P
"because they read too dang slow"
Yep. That is everyone except for me.
Test question, Name the fallowing shapes.
Answer, Fred = 🟥 Susan = 🔴 Mary = 🔺George = ♦️.
15:58 It's a camera that can photograph ghosts and damage them.
Just a casual observation... BUT I haven't seen any proof that photographing or cataloging or any form of recording a ghost causes it (or anything/one else for the matter) any harm at all... ;o)
@@gnarthdarkanen7464 My comment was a joke referencing a game called Fatal Frame (or Rei Zero).
@@awdrifter3394 Long as we're having fun... right? ;o)
I had a history teacher who was obsessed with Blake Shelton, and she had posters of him next to her desk. During a test I didn't know the topic of an essay question, so I drew a picture of Blake Shelton instead. Got one point got that
A friend of mine who is really good at art but not great at math failed a math quiz (and she knew she was failing it as she was taking it) so in the corner she drew a bipedal alligator that was missing an arm and holding a can and below it it said “please spare some extra credit for -alligator’s name-. He is homeless and trying to get a job but cannot afford the uniform”
She got 5 extra credit points
When I was a sophomore in high school I had a was a really hot Asian teacher for my geometry class. One day before a test, me and all the other guys collectively decided that on the test next to the date we’d write “Me Please” so it said “Date Me Please.”
Our parents received phone calls and we all got detention. But man, it was worth it
So for a bio exam, i forgot what was the exact question, but it was about white blood cell description or something.
I saw a video of it swallowing down things, and I decided to write it's like a slug monster....or something 🤣my teacher was like wtf? And he shared my paper to the whole bio class, everyone just laughed.
Can't remember the exact test, pretty sure it was a math aptitude one or something similar; either way we weren't gonna be graded. One of the questions was something like "At 5:00 pm Car A leaves their house, traveling at 25 mph. Also at 5:00pm, Car B leaves their house travelling 35 mph. 50 miles later, they pass each other. At what time do they pass each other?" A friend of mine wrote "Given the traffic around here at 5:00 pm, who knows?"
Also, my mom had a professor in college who had this rule that if you read the entire question and had done your best to figure it out but couldn't, you could draw a duck and get like, half credit.
I think he took that out of Calvin and Hobbes
During a geography test, I was asked what was the capital of Fiji. I put down "Fiji City." This was the test to qualify for the geography bee so it didn't affect my grade
This is why I would get fired as a teacher bc if they put something funny that makes me laugh I'd still give them points for it lol
For my algebra 2 test on functions, one question was to name the parent function, I put bob. I immediately changed my answer after taking a screenshot
Makes me wish I had done shit like this but I was very anxious in high school
The question that got me laughing out of my seat was how do you weigh your cat? Assume you a
A turtle approved these funny responses
"necessity is the mother of invention" is such a stupid quote. So many inventions are the result of errors or random... and also there are a lot of unneccessary inventions, too
Had an English professor from Pen State told us to write a book report on any subject. I picked a scientific report on atomic particles and splitting atoms. He gave me a B plus. Then he said to me I guess it was good because I didn't understand any of it.
The metric system is literally designed so you don’t have to do that at 2:13 🤦♂️
At least he knows both systems well
He was just taking the mickey out of them because the question was so easy
My favourite answer to the question describe romanization from the germanic perspective was: we like the roads but the wine stains are so hard to get out.
When my brother was a little boy in kindergarten or first grade they were doing a test and he had to write an answer (I'm pretty sure it was a spelling test) the word he had to write was "Tired" well being in Kindergarten he couldn't spell right, so he wrote "Turd" instead, the teacher told my mom that she knew what he had ment but was trying very hard to not laugh while grading the tests in class.
10:01 to 11:27 Funniest thing i have seen this year so far!!
not a right or wrong answer situation but still want to share.
For my intermediate art class sophomore year we were required for a pass/fail assignment by turning in one of our projects that year to the end of year school art competition for all grades. And me being a legit pure breed anime weeb at that point in time i turned in the surrealism project. The project i did was of the mememe girl in the position where shes sitting with her hands forward being suggestive. with the surrealism aspect being her head was a giant cherry with a slit mouth leaking black ink and her eyes balls in it with the cherry stem connecting to two other girls who were nothing less than dead. i combined the 2 aspects people were uncomfortable to see at school when it happened, lewd and gore.
when we turn it in we had to name it which had a few word limit, and i couldn't think of anything short and witty enough at the time so i just put "Don't ask -_-".
so next to these photo realistic artworks of ships, women, inspirational quotes, etc. with sweet names of "dreams of the wise" and what not. was this slutty and gore picture of basically a three headed cherry anime slut titled "Don't ask -_-"
my intermediate teacher had a good laugh as i turned it in and when asked another teacher who was grading them also started laughing.
The collage combined 4 classes into 2 though 1 is since 2 technologies are now almost synonymous to regular people (they use the words interchangeably). Well my teacher thinks there is not enough time in one semester to cover all the material for the class so he ended up not go over all the material for a test we had to take. it was multiple choice and a lot of people got the same wrong answer on one question so he decided to give everyone who selected that answer half credit and did an entire lecter on that questions material.
first question on high school biology test. "what is a rainbow ?" i knew the answer but went totally blank so i wrote down " a rainbow is gods promise to never flood the world again" thank goodness i live in the bible belt,. got full credit.
I remember for my Calculus AP exam I had to explain how to find the integral via graphs. But for every verb, I used the adverb of "fuck." For example, fucking add the separate shapes and you'll get the fucking calculation. I ended up getting a 4.
biology test asked how wold or earth was created
answers something "god created the world in 7 days"
teacher got really conserned and asked me of my religious beliefs, as if she had done something wrong.
felt a bit creepy, i just gave an unserious question to a question i didn't remember the answer for. was rather awkward
I once wrote "Warum müssen wir das machen? Den Scheiß brauchen wir später eh nicht" (why do we have to do this? We won't need this crap later anyway) (I live in germany) on a biology paper abut genetics (Mendliche Regeln I think) and I was punished for that. I don't even remember Why I wrote it, guess I was bored or n some kind of bad mood or something but I found it funny when I did
I was put next to a dyslexic kid in a practical exam once, we got in trouble whenever we talked or asked for help and had marks deducted, kid had trouble reading the measuring cup and I helped, teacher marked us down and I don’t fucking regret it, but hate the teachers guts.
Um.. Pea ... Tear.... Gryphon..
Write an example of a risk.
This answer.
my ex classmate in middle school. Learning History of 20th century. Girl i was sitting next to wasn't able to remember name of some important person, but she knew where he has picture in textbook. So when a question about him came up, she wrote "The man on (page number) in upper right corner in textbook". I am not sure if the teacher accepted it because it was actually the man he was asking about, so technically it was correct but i dunno
As a history teacher, I would have.
14:38 we do an epq now, which most unis accept :)
I was in an economy class and for the final exam it was supposed to be a 3 page essay on what risk is and I simply wrote “This” turned it in and left got a 100 on it apparently my teacher liked me
0:18 I wished the redditor put the recipe here
Me too. I love barbecue sauce. 😋