Information R/evolution
- Опубліковано 5 лют 2025
- This video explores the changes in the way we find, store, create, critique, and share information. This video was created as a conversation starter, and works especially well when brainstorming with people about the near future and the skills needed in order to harness, evaluate, and create information effectively.
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If you are interested in this topic, check out Clay Shirky's work, especially:
Also check out David Weinberger's Everything is Miscellaneous:
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Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. So you are welcome to download it, share it, even change it, just as long as you give me some credit and you don't sell it or use it to sell anything.
What is really interesting to me is that the aesthetic choices made in a video like this is very much like the ones we all make everyday, all the time now. Thus this narrative operates at the speed of our own "internet-enabled" thoughts.
This dims the message to me and instead focuses my attention on the form.
I wonder who's spending time and money making such lovely video with pianos and violins about stuff we didn't necessarily need to know to get through our day and will be forgotten by tomorrow.
Showing this evolution of technogy is showing or reminding how far the development and improvement of our technogy we’re lucky because we consume the benefit of it makes our life light and easy
This video is so good that it deserves a remastered version to fit on the HD screen
I had to watch this for school, and used subtitles. It only has German, but UA-cam has auto-translate so it put the German captions into English. It's interesting to see how things changed. I took classes in web design and user interfaces, and there are now some standards and guidelines people expect. It's neat to see the changes. I hope I can make a difference some day to make things more accessible to those with disabilities. I have my own struggles that make certain websites harder to use.
The intuition of the astounding changes occurring as a result of the internet that came to so many of us as we entered the field of computer science in the 70's and 80's is expressed so well in this video. Many thanks to the creators! The non-local model is not just challenging to everyday people, it challenges the physicists as well. But it seems most people are "getting it" in action as they use the internet, whether or not we get it in theory.
You've nailed it. Well done Michael!
We're showing this video at a UN conference in NYC - yes, the UNITED NATIONS - on 11/28 that has to do w/ the positive impact of information and communications technology (ICT) on climate change. This is an inspiring video that will help us communicate to worldwide diplomats here that the solutions that can help improve the global impact of ICT on the environment lie within the vast interconnected information stores that we already have at our disposal.
it gets better/easier all the time...
and being able to find the right information is part of modern literacy...
The age of heroes is upon us and information is our weapon. We have been taught that we are insignificant and powerless, but we have the same potential as anyone. It is a choice, so CHOOSE!
The challenge this video presents is what value classification schemas still hold. The ability of information to find us sounds very seductive. We need classifiers and categorisers to view this video and engage with the "Classification is dead" message. Perhaps it is and "the machine" will learn to codify based on our feedback. Amazon already does this in a way.
What an excellent video to seed the discussion!
more genius from mwesch. if anyone's watching, this is no small change to the way we live/work/learn/interact - this is a mighty paradigm shit (sic)
I am using this video as the opener to a professional development workshop for teachers k-12 called "Promoting Critical Thinking Using Online Tools and Resources" - we are going to focus on tagging as a way for students and teachers to use tags as a way for students to think about accessing information.
Amazing the amount of information at our fingertips today! We've been at this awhile, and yet still remarkable to think about.
From the librarian speaking: authority control in subject cataloging certainly has its place alongside the chaos and freedom of completely individual categorization in databases. It allows us to connect like with like. In an ideal world, we could search both catalog records and the full text of a book/text with Google's relevance engine!
you all prolly dont give a shit but does anybody know a method to log back into an Instagram account??
I was stupid lost the login password. I would appreciate any tricks you can offer me
I think you're spot on with your view of the information sharing trend of organizing based on the users tagging of key words (folksonomy).I think that information is in the wild west of sharing and the one piece that is missing is the common language of organization so that the complete information picture is delivered rather than a partial or incorrect view of the information. Just look at shared drives where you work to see how the folders are tagged (titled) to see how ingenious people are.
I really enjoyed your video. I absorbed so many thoughts and ideas at such a short span (execution was excellent). We really experienced a phenomenal information revolution with the internet. It just opened flood gates to so much information. The internet had also saved us all so much time. If you are old enough to remember how we used to conduct research, you'll know what I mean. We now only have to rethink of the way we find the information we need, but that isn't a very difficult thing.
omg another great one! my hair is on end!
another great point of this actually is that the medium illuminates the content. seeing it like this is so much more insightful than say just reading it in paper text or listening to it in a speech
this is such a classic and so well put together
this video rocks i mean
the depth is amasing
i never though i could find some one on youtube where thay put random video about random thing to contain something that could achualy make u think.
this was a great destraction from my ICT course work. lol
u need more than a tray of cookies, and a high 5.
u have be subscribed to my friend
Excellent video. RoyNeary, I agree with you. My son starts year 8 next year and so far he has learned some basic: math, spelling and a whole lot of useless info which he will never use. Most of all he has learned to cut and paste. When he starts work in 5 years he will unemployable. I run a business and I would not employ him....
OK, lemme just say, bravo for responding to the ideas in the already-great "The Machine is us/ing us" video with your own similar video. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and all that jazz, although I bet you already knew that, obviously... way to go!
Very nice video!! It is the best way to generate interest in our Information Management teams!! :D Thank you very much!
is great the comparison to the search of information. The way that it change is amazing, i belive the discussion isn't between digital or material information, we can see that a lot of digital info, like wipedians and other similars have big
Excelente video, el cual fue uno de los que me motivo a trabajar el tema de las folksonomías en las bibliotecas para mi tesis de maestría.
Thanks for creating this. Even though it's a few years old, I'm going to use it to start a discussion in an English Research Methods class tomorrow.
This is smart, fast and simply put!! Well done.
Fascinating, seeing this in 2021
Wow, awesome video. There is so much potential to utilize, acquire and share knowledge with the internet. I actually teared up while watching this video.
Amazing to think about having come from the dinosaur age of looking at cards to find files, etc. Love it.
wow this is absolutely incredible. i cannot find the words to express how this shifts the mind. thank you!
Great video. I like how a lot of different ways were used to express the largeness of the Internet.
I find it a bit disturbing, however, that some of the most recent comments are about religion when this video specifically discusses the information revolution.
To me, this video is a testament to the last few years in the world of technology. Over the past few years we, as a society, have sprung into the social media age. The ideas of concretely organized file systems is harder and harder to achieve in this age because the internet is constantly growing, shifting, evolving. What you find one day could be changed or even moved the next. Our world is evolving into one wraped in wires, for better, and for worse. The amazing world we live in.
Jesus Christ man, one great video is one thing, two is something else altogether.
I hope you're ready.
I have been thinking about creating a video critiquing the modernist distinctions between data/info/knowledge/wisdom/etc but it is hard to do in video format.
this is very good. was this filmed with a flip-video cam?
I liked the pace of the video. Good work.
Awesome video. I'm just curious if it was meticulously planned out or just morphed into what it is. It's very cool and powerful and creative!!!
Professor Wesch, can you please do something to address the new, psychotic internet? I used this video as one of my psych-up vids for e-learning tech when working on my M.Ed., but I watch it now and it seems like this paradise you describe has taken the Idiocracy angle.
This is very interesting. But as information evolves into a more digital age, what happens to the value of it? Information is valued by the way we read and the way we process it. The more we have, the less we know. Little value is placed on information by students that have infinite access to it. What has happened is the creative restructuring of information is gone. It's all about the copy and paste. Is there a way to combine them? Hopefully! Wonderful work! I'm a big fan!
Are we ready? Yes!
And, very excited about the future.
Excited about artificial intelligence, about robotics, about genetic engineering and stem cells, about aerospace and nuclear physics, about The Revolution In Education and the Social Reformation, to name a few.
They who view our times as Frankensteinian, The Aliens, or the Shrinking Man are...?
problems with citation. But we hace to admit at least a revolution in the searching process, today we are more efficient than ever in time before. i admit the revolution in the antropology field and culture creation process but in study, investigation and adquiring of theorical tools is yet limited.
great video
A very good video, It tells the evolution of information storage.It would be nice to be more detailed.
that is so fascinating... very nicely put... i'll watch this again tomorrow... and critique it... it's extraordinary
@shaheer92 the two greatest gifts of mankind is the ability to share information and the ability to use our minds.
What song was this? Lovely piece.
A real true genius and your videos are a pleasure to watch!! Excellent!
This is a brilliant presentation... very brilliant. Are you becoming a master in a yet unlabeled category of video expression?
I so love your stuff!! One helpful with font sizes where possible-- its' often hard to read...and it's such great stuff.
Very good video. I like your style. It's the misuse of the internet that has always scared me. Access to information isn't always a good thing when used in a destructive or self-destructive way. However, I find a way to get out of the ratrace workplace before the next generation arrives. It's boggling to me how intelligent they will be.
Wow im only 13 i neither cant get enough from seeing your info studies nd etc.
oh wait, my bad, you are the same guy who did the machine is us... XP
well, it's still an awesome video. Hey, I love the part with Wikipedia where you increase the number of contributors +1 :D:D:D
I an really looking forward to taking one of your classes next semester. All these videos are really inspiring.
Love it! Entertaining as well as informative!
Great video. Also explains why I hate Sharepoint so much. It's all about top-down organizing. It's completely counter-intuitive for me.
man o man this is a good video - well done! I plan to tell all my teaching buddies and senior students about it
Michael that was great work!!! Wish I had you for a teacher.... since we are ALL writing blogs, uploading, and recording information in videos get the tools you need to be a well-informed person today
enounce Myspeed helped me drive effectively thru the information highway
alot like that one about web 2.0, excellent vid, well done!
Great videos. Really speaks to me, since I fit in with a lot of the stuff you've said about wikipedia and the average college student, etc.
wow great vid but if we organize it ourselfs the wiki pages that is who tells what is right and what is wrong? and what if ppl manipulate us by deleting content? well ive not worked enough with that yet but have a lot of ebooks on my shelf;)
Information revolution is the necessity of human development and progress.How to face the future social development, am I ready?
I think the answer to that sense of wonder is when you are on wikipedia and suddenly realize that you've followed a series of links from Britt Eckland to the properties of electrons.
More or less the hunt has taken a different form.
Holy shiz, great video. No wait, *highlights, deletes*, EPIC video.
Very Good Animation to the SEO !
How can you and a card catalog exist at the same time at KSU? Wouldn't that cause an explosion like when matter and anti-matter meet?
The educational sector in Nigeria must also gear up to at least keep up in pace with this rapid change in development of technology.
Interesting video in terms of cinematography, but really difficult to comprehend. Would be nice to have English subtitles as well instead of just German.
Good one!!! made my day with a wealth of information!!
I'd read the Shirky article. Even Shirky argues that there are things for which ontologies are a pretty good idea. Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater!
i read in an article that they have made a new synthetic material known as graphene and in 30 years by that time it would already be replacing silicone because it is much more efficient because of its structure but then again by that time it would be almost pointless so im not even sure anymore.
very good ,think that information in electronic is great invention .
funny thing is, new generations should have already adapted to these new features
technology's great, but can the world keep up to date? how ppl categorize others as either in 1st, 2nd or 3rd world countries...
i just feel there's certain pressures like electricity needs, can everyone really own a computer? are we smart enough to share earth's resources...
and yeah it's great that the technology is out there, only problem now is getting the word out - i only found out about this clip today!
Brilliantly made.
Brilliant! - and "Stored" in favorites. Thank you.
I hope your studies in Digital Ethnography take you further than this superficial approach, because this is indeed a very interesting subject.
You could have at least explained the diference between "information" and "data".
I agree, it's very possible, and isn't that a great metaphor for what he is talking about - there is less need for 'experts' when the tech is free/cheap and lets one communicate ideas widely.
these videos are great!!! im going to have to show them to my teachers!
All your vidoes are sooooo cool :D, I just enjoy watching them.
Absolutely fantastic, great job Michael!
absolutely Brilliant!!!! there is nothing left to say!
Just shared this on my Twitter feed. Well done!
Referring to the criticisms here and everywhere:
Sometimes criticism comes with the intention to help, but often people criticize others as a byproduct of arrogance and negativity in a desperate struggle to feel superior. If you are quick to criticize you are probably also quick to miss the point.
As is your other video that i've watched so far: inspirational and interesting.
wow, that was intense! very clever video
... I am trying to teach him to question everything and hopefully this will stimulate him to research for himself "what is really going on in this mixed up world". I am considering pulling him out of school for some home education - I certainly couldn't do any worse that the public education system.
Todd Macloed sent me!
truly awesome video. thanks
Excellent video and superb sybthesis. Thanks.
I'll agree with andreivoltsp sick of them.
really like the video. I saw it once in a conference and now I found it again
Check out World History in One Minute for context on the Information Revolution
there's just something magical to about reading a story in a video. ;d
Still love this video.
One word, Beautiful.
Very true good video dude
can anybody direct me to other producers who make these kinds of "cinematic" screencasts? (in lack of a better word...)
I find it a bit odd how you criticize categories, but at the end you advocate tags which are essentially nothing more than a way of categorizing given information.
Overall though it's a fascinating topic, keep making videos man.
feels great to be informed!
I love ur videos =D please make more............
Hey...unfortunately, this video is placed just a little too fast. The quick movements (sped up film) combined with a somewhat unsteady camera as you move around makes it somewhat jarring.
He's also an OB/GYN who has delivered thousands of babies. So, add health care expert to the list.
lot of thanks for your creativities to build this very2 usefull video
great man !