Coach Amy Chambers
Coach Amy Chambers
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7 WAYS TO SHOW YOURSELF LOVE (Even if you don't think you're deserving or worthy). #selflove
Переглядів 69Місяць тому
As a child, I was not taught to love myself. I wasn't taught to respect, trust, or listen to myself either. I wasn't taught to care for myself and have compassion for myself. Instead, I as taught to people-please, say yes to everything, and worry greatly about how I looked and what other people thought of me. It took conscious effort and a lot of reprogramming and reparenting to begin taking ac...
NARCISSISM: FIVE THINGS you DON'T do when dealing with a NARCISSIST. #narcissism #narcissist
Переглядів 3 тис.Місяць тому
NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) is a real thing and it's often VERY painful for others to be around. Today, it seems the term "narcissism" is thrown around a LOT (and often, casually). When I began to learn more about narcissism and the behaviors that narcissistic individuals typically identify, I realized that my own mother is a textbook case. These are just my own findings, but from m...
NARCISSISM: Things you'll notice when dealing with a true NARCISSIST. #narcissism #narcissist
Переглядів 3,4 тис.Місяць тому
NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) is a real thing and it's often VERY painful for others to be around. Today, it seems the term "narcissism" is thrown around a LOT (and often, casually). When I began to learn more about narcissism and the behaviors that narcissistic individuals typically identify, I realized that my own mother is a textbook case. Recognizing the symptoms usually helps us ...
WANT TO MAKE MORE #money? Get #promoted? Move up at work? Then you MUST be doing these three things!
Переглядів 62Місяць тому
If you want to be MORE VALUED at work, you MUST be doing these three things. During my corporate career of 21 years, all SIX of the companies I worked for valued these THREE THINGS in its employees. If you weren't doing these three things or thinking about these three things, you will NOT get promoted or invited you to have a more central seat at the table (at least, not repeatedly). I always s...
I was NOT taught to enjoy life as a kid. Instead, I was taught to worry. It was never good "ENOUGH".
Переглядів 1,4 тис.Місяць тому
I grew up thinking I wasn't ENOUGH. As a child, never felt like I was good enough, had enough, mattered enough. As an adult, I never thought I made enough. I chased bigger jobs, bigger promotions, and bigger titles. This created an endless amount of worry and stress. Here's what I've since learned. #anxiety #stress #childhoodtrauma #successmindset #calm #trustyourjourney #loveyourself #loveyour...
Things aren't BAD. Things aren't good. they're NEUTRAL. It's YOU that gives them MEANING.
Переглядів 33Місяць тому
Things in life are NOT good or bad. They're not right or wrong. They're NEUTRAL. Almost NOTHING in life has meaning, until WE get involved and INTERPRET them. That's an incredible power...but most of us don't use it to our advantage. In fact, most of us tend to us is to our DISADVANTAGE. We choose to get offended and angered when we don't need to. We make poor assumptions and draw foregone conc...
FEAR is a REAL THING. Fear is a POWERFUL motivator. What is fear stopping YOU from doing? ONE TRICK.
Переглядів 492 місяці тому
FEAR is a REAL THING. Fear is a POWERFUL motivator. What is fear stopping YOU from doing? ONE TRICK.
You are NOT for EVERYONE. And, EVERYONE is NOT for YOU. Who we surround ourselves with MATTERS.
Переглядів 722 місяці тому
You are NOT for EVERYONE. And, EVERYONE is NOT for YOU. Who we surround ourselves with MATTERS.
FOUR SUCCESS QUOTES THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR MINDSET (and your life). Churchill, Edison, and Lombardi.
Переглядів 383 місяці тому
#success #successmindset #successmotivation #successquotes #successtips
What's the best piece of LIFE ADVICE you've ever gotten? My dad gave me great advice when I was 5.
Переглядів 693 місяці тому
What's the best piece of LIFE ADVICE you've ever gotten? My dad gave me great advice when I was 5.
A deadly, relationship KILLER. You can't have a healthy, happy relationship if you also do THIS.
Переглядів 673 місяці тому
Want a happy, healthy relationship? Then you can't do THIS. The most important and heartfelt lessons we often learn in life happen the hard way: from our own mistakes and failings. This lesson is one of those for me. In past relationships (and even in the early years of my current one), I tried to do this. It NEVER worked. Most relationships fail because of contempt. Partners develop contempt f...
5 simple ways to JUMPSTART your MOOD and pull yourself out of a FUNK!
Переглядів 463 місяці тому
"Success is NOT a straight line." We hear this all the time, but how many of us actually INTERNALIZE it, and live by it? Before writing my books, I imagined that the process would be NOTHING by easy, fun, and exciting. Boy, was I wrong! There was SOME of that (plenty!) but there were also several mistakes and setbacks along the way. There were times I felt like I was failing. There were times I...
Struggling to manage your time? Here's THREE SIMPLE THINGS you can do to get back in CONTROL.
Переглядів 623 місяці тому
Are you struggling to manage your time? If so, I have good news for you: In today's Transformation Tuesday video, I share THREE THINGS you can start TODAY that WILL make a material difference in how much time you have- GURANTEED. But first, ask yourself: Do you have enough time for the following buckets? Or, are some falling short? 🥡Career and professional growth 🥡Personal development (includin...
Hardback Books for 6 H.A.B.I.T.S. are FINALLY starting to arrive! Got few test copies so far!
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Hardback Books for 6 H.A.B.I.T.S. are FINALLY starting to arrive! Got few test copies so far!
Don't get me wrong. I don't dislike Valentines Day. But I'd like us to consider these TWO THINGS 1st
Переглядів 274 місяці тому
Don't get me wrong. I don't dislike Valentines Day. But I'd like us to consider these TWO THINGS 1st
I never knew I'd write a book. Then, I wrote TWO. NEVER, EVER stop believing in the power of dreams.
Переглядів 374 місяці тому
I never knew I'd write a book. Then, I wrote TWO. NEVER, EVER stop believing in the power of dreams.
Huge PET PEEVE of mine...and how I overcome it!
Переглядів 314 місяці тому
Huge PET PEEVE of mine...and how I overcome it!
Don't make goals for the new year until you do this one thing FIRST.
Переглядів 205 місяців тому
Don't make goals for the new year until you do this one thing FIRST.
Do things you don't FEEL like doing. Do it scared, tired, bored, or anxious. Do it ANYWAY. Just DO.
Переглядів 355 місяців тому
Do things you don't FEEL like doing. Do it scared, tired, bored, or anxious. Do it ANYWAY. Just DO.
I've launched my second book! Please help the 6 H.A.B.I.T.S. become a #1 Amazon bestseller OVERALL!
Переглядів 265 місяців тому
I've launched my second book! Please help the 6 H.A.B.I.T.S. become a #1 Amazon bestseller OVERALL!
"Their chosen response is NOT YOUR problem. Their chosen response is THEIR problem." Remember that.
Переглядів 346 місяців тому
"Their chosen response is NOT YOUR problem. Their chosen response is THEIR problem." Remember that.
Lose Your Job? Here's several things you can DO about it instead of just feeling sorry for yourself.
Переглядів 396 місяців тому
Lose Your Job? Here's several things you can DO about it instead of just feeling sorry for yourself.
GREAT RELATIONSHIP ADVICE. Before learning this, all my relationships ended. It changed EVERYTHING!
Переглядів 436 місяців тому
GREAT RELATIONSHIP ADVICE. Before learning this, all my relationships ended. It changed EVERYTHING!
Want to feel HAPPIER? Have more JOY? Then you MUST be doing this simple practice EVERY MORNING.
Переглядів 296 місяців тому
Want to feel HAPPIER? Have more JOY? Then you MUST be doing this simple practice EVERY MORNING.
Переглядів 197 місяців тому
We LOVE seeing vulnerability in others. We HATE seeing it in OURSELVES." Last week's mental struggle
Переглядів 267 місяців тому
We LOVE seeing vulnerability in others. We HATE seeing it in OURSELVES." Last week's mental struggle
I don't have a lot of PET PEEVES, especially professionally. But this is ONE OF THEM.
Переглядів 297 місяців тому
I don't have a lot of PET PEEVES, especially professionally. But this is ONE OF THEM.
I've finished writing and editing my SECOND BOOK!! It's COMING SOON to a bookstore near you!
Переглядів 229 місяців тому
I've finished writing and editing my SECOND BOOK!! It's COMING SOON to a bookstore near you!


  • @jevans1805
    @jevans1805 12 днів тому

    wow look at all those medals> what are they about?

    • @coachamychambers2001
      @coachamychambers2001 6 днів тому

      Ahh, thanks for asking! They’re race medals! I’m an avid runner. 230+ half marathons and 12 full marathons in the last 9 years!

    • @jevans1805
      @jevans1805 6 днів тому

      @@coachamychambers2001 omg you are a machine... i oughta pray for half that will and endurance... wow

    • @coachamychambers2001
      @coachamychambers2001 6 днів тому

      @@jevans1805 awww, thanks! It’s definitely a huge passion for me!

  • @dabbler1166
    @dabbler1166 22 дні тому

    Good point! Who isn't a Narcissist these days? Seems as if there's a disorder out there for everyone. Anyone can fling one at anyone else. And thats the problem. Psychology's DSM manual is getting fatter and fatter. The current FADS in the field of Psychology are to: 1. "invent" new terminology, mostly by: 2. SUB-dividing/splitting already existing disorders into sub-types. Again, I feel, somebody out there, probably some youtuber or someone new in the professional field, is trying-too-hard to "get famous". Its not enough to either have Narcissim, or not. Are You O-vert? CO-vert? something else? How many "attachment-styles" were there in 2005? How many are there now? And then, there's the "autism SPECTRUM" which appears to be ssoooo broad, that we can ask: who CANT be "on the Spectrum"? And so what happens with ALL of that? The answer is: At this rate, yer fast on yer way to have another revised DSM manual thats gonna be about 3500pgs! Yeah, have fun with that! There's a disorder for everything. Anybody can fling one at anyone else! Are you really a domineering Narcissist?- OR- are you simply accused of it by a passive-aggressive who pushes all of your buttons and then labels you that when you finally explode? Which is it? Or-- Are you "too nervous", cant-sit-still, restless? or are you someone normal who like to get out and enjoy Life but is accused by either an Agorophobic or Avoidant personality person? Again, which is it? Both asides can accuse the other. Are you really OCD? or just told you are by a slob you live with who resists even any basic way of being organized around the house and says everything is "No big deal" (the problem is, they usually have 6 or 7 other things, too, that are also "no big deal"? Which is it? Who's right? And then-- It gets worse. You decide to see who's right and find out "which is it", and so: you go to therapist.....only to discover, they wont say who's right, even after listening to both parties. Why not? Because psychology very often slams YOU (if you want an swer) with: "wellll, that's Black-n-White thinking" as if anything definite at all is some psychological "sin". So you stop that, and instead try going to a marriage counselor......this time, only to find, all-too-typically, they will believe and say that it "takes two to Tango", as if no couple could ever have one person being "Off" on some particular issue and the other person actually being reasonable. Nope. You will very likely both be assigned half the Blame (all in the name of the counselor, even after hearing both of you, be "unbiased"), so you both leave, and fight all the way home and the conflict rages on. A total waste of money. But you may hear that "there are deeper issues at work here, which will need further exploration." Ka-CHINNG! $ $ $ $ Meanwhile, that DSM is growing fatter and fatter. Time was, when the 4 "Big ones" (disorders) were: Anxiety Depression Schizophrenia Delusional or violent Psychotics. Those, covered ALOT. But we also have: Bi-Polar/Unstable Bordelines/PTSD's Obsessive-Compulsives Depemdent personality disorder People who walk angrily down the sidewalk yelling/blabbing at nobody Agoraphobics Narcissists Introverts with "Flattened affect" People who get revelations or messages from God, fairly often people who have Anhedonia. Doesn't this list cover about 96% ? So, we might add 3 or 4 more things. But seriously, does society REALLY need any more than about 15-16 Disorders? Psychology needs an "overhaul", more simplicity, less hair-splitting sub-categories, and "Back to Basics". #Psychology #Therapy #Disorders #Counseling ...and, PS-- After spending, say, ever since 1970 trying to get people to be: MORE Assertive Productive Confident Less of a people pleaser and "Learning-to-say-No", when you fiiiiinally get, along comes a NEW "disorder" that you may get slammed with called PDA (Personal Demand Avoidance). Gawwd, the irony! More Proof that the whole field is in a Shambles. Is it even possible to buy an old DSM 1 or 2 anymore? share this. Thanks for Reading

  • @RendelJr3Kluklinski-kb8tj
    @RendelJr3Kluklinski-kb8tj 29 днів тому

    A kind that's dying to be possessed by demons

  • @slimshany4602
    @slimshany4602 Місяць тому


  • @jos1216
    @jos1216 Місяць тому

    Thank you. This is very helpful.

  • @RoRiodd
    @RoRiodd Місяць тому

    He uses my financial hardship as a tool of manipulation. I am the cause of his problems. Calling me the worst thing that happened to him one day and the next day I am so beautiful and wonderful. He is the "I know it all, and I do everything wrong.

    • @coachamychambers2001
      @coachamychambers2001 Місяць тому

      Definitely been there. Seems like it's common for narcissists to "love bomb" when you're doing things they way they'd like or when they're in a good mood and pleased with your performance: "you're so beautiful and wonderful", but then say the opposite when they want/need something from you. I've heard that's because love is often "transactional" for narcissists; it's based on individuals things you say and do; not more of an unconditional state. So, there's lots of ups and downs which all stem on whether or not they feel they're getting what THEY need. This roller-coaster can keep the recipient trapped and in a constant cycle of rushing around trying to please them, or do whatever it takes to get the compliments and love back again, which erodes self-confidence and prevents the recipient from leaving or walking away.

  • @tammyfitzgerald5336
    @tammyfitzgerald5336 Місяць тому

    Calling them out Is the torture 😢😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @tammyfitzgerald5336
    @tammyfitzgerald5336 Місяць тому

    They think they god Lmao ❤give Em the truth

  • @tammyfitzgerald5336
    @tammyfitzgerald5336 Місяць тому

    Lmao 😂they hate the truth ❤

    • @coachamychambers2001
      @coachamychambers2001 Місяць тому

      Absolutely. Many live in their own stories and narratives of "truth", which often don't align with reality.

  • @jorgandar
    @jorgandar Місяць тому

    great content. thanks i needed this today

  • @urrescos
    @urrescos Місяць тому

    Happy Talk about narcissists 😊. Good Spirit !

  • @MrNatural73
    @MrNatural73 Місяць тому

    I have Given And Given. Its Ripping My Heart Out but its High Time I WALK.

    • @coachamychambers2001
      @coachamychambers2001 Місяць тому

      I’m so sorry to hear things didn’t work out. Taking care of OURSELVES and our OWN mental and emotional health (over others) is THE most important thing we can do. I KNOW It’s hard in the moment, but I do believe there’s a strong chance you’ll look back later and be so glad you did. Wishing you the very best of luck as you navigate the process!

  • @fawn06
    @fawn06 Місяць тому

    My take on dealing wirh a narcissist is know your truth and don't engage.

    • @coachamychambers2001
      @coachamychambers2001 Місяць тому

      Wow, you said that very well! Extremely well-articulated.

    • @fawn06
      @fawn06 Місяць тому

      @@coachamychambers2001 Thank you. Learned from costly experience. As they say, experience is the best teacher.

  • @beckster2134
    @beckster2134 Місяць тому

    How do I deal with my brother's wife, she told my brother if I don't do what she wants (money). She will not let me see my brother. I have been no contact going on 5 months. My brother just folds every time. He is definitely afraid of her. I miss him

    • @coachamychambers2001
      @coachamychambers2001 Місяць тому

      Gosh, that's tough. Disclaimer: I certainly don't have all the answers; these are just some personal thoughts. Do you know how HE feels about their relationship? It can be tough to watch another couple's relationship from afar, and feel it's toxic or unhealthy. But ultimately, the two people IN the relationship have to decide how THEY feel about it. My guess is you're unlikely to be successful in urging him to make different decisions if, ultimately, HE doesn't feel there's a problem or isn't aware of it. I wish I knew a way to help people change if they, themselves, don't see a need for change, but I don't. We can't want others to change more than THEY want it themselves. I don't know if there's a way to access/communicate with him (without her involvement) but I do feel that getting some alone time with him (so you can at least share your concerns), is really necessary. At least you can openly share that you feel he's afraid and see how HE feels about it. The words "will not LET" are fairly telling. Usually, grown adults don't need a partner's permission to see people they care about. I'm very sorry that you're going through this.

    • @beckster2134
      @beckster2134 Місяць тому

      Thank you, my parents would give them money just to see the grandkids. It was awful to watch. Both my parents passed, the kids are now adults. The only person she has to use is my brother. I can go no contact, he has to live with her. That has to be hell.

  • @heatherbowman9450
    @heatherbowman9450 Місяць тому


  • @alyssachausse6752
    @alyssachausse6752 Місяць тому

    My husband doesn’t respect my boundaries no matter how hard I push

    • @coachamychambers2001
      @coachamychambers2001 Місяць тому

      Gosh, I'm so sorry to hear that. Is there someone you can talk to you about this? I've found that having a mentor or therapist we can trust is so helpful as we figure out how to take care of ourselves, especially when we're in difficult relationships.

    • @alyssachausse6752
      @alyssachausse6752 Місяць тому

      @@coachamychambers2001 I can try but I am really embarrassed to talk about it

    • @coachamychambers2001
      @coachamychambers2001 Місяць тому

      @@alyssachausse6752 I understand. Thank you for sharing that so bravely and vulnerably. I definitely encourage you to start there (dealing with the feelings of embarrassment and trying to understand where that comes from). Based on what you've shared, I'd argue that this is a very important time for you to LOVE yourself, CONNECT with yourself, and stay with yourself. Feeling any embarrassment, guilt, or shame is so common. And yet, these feelings rarely serve us. They tend to keep us stuck. We sometimes forget that we have CHOICES in how we feel. You can choose to be proud of yourself for noticing this pattern with your husband, and wanting something to change. You can choose courage, and bravery (in seeking help or information). You can choose to believe that these situations are common, and you're not alone, so there's no reason to be embarrassed. You can choose to believe you're worthy of respect and love- starting with the respect and love you give YOURSELF. I do know this is all easier said than done, but we can do hard things! (I wrote about all this in my second book, 6 H.A.B.I.T.S. of Powerful People). I do believe you're strong enough to do the work! I am so glad you're here, finding some support on the web. This is a great first step!

  • @jeanaallison7236
    @jeanaallison7236 Місяць тому

    NEW subscriber 😊 Thank you 🌻

    • @coachamychambers2001
      @coachamychambers2001 Місяць тому

      Oh, I'm so happy you're here and found value in this! Just published another video on 6 things you CAN try or do. These have been very helpful for me.

  • @JT0007
    @JT0007 Місяць тому


  • @Hummingbird64
    @Hummingbird64 Місяць тому

    They often try to ask you the same questions over and over to break you down to change your boundaries. If you do it once they will keep it up . One said I was just clarifying, "RIGHT "

    • @coachamychambers2001
      @coachamychambers2001 Місяць тому

      I've absolutely seen this!! Often, it accomplishes two things. 1) It can wear others down. They become exhausted and eventually give up; deeming it easier to concede than continue an ongoing discussion that the narcissist isn't making it easy to leave. 2) It can cause others to doubt themselves and their real desires, wishes, and wants. When we repeatedly get asked the same question, we can start to second-guess the validity of our thinking and answers. ("Maybe I don't really want or need this; maybe I'm being selfish?"). It's almost like repeatedly looking at the answer you circled on a test- the more you rethink it, the likelier you are to change it. Agree wholeheartedly that if you begin breaking boundaries (even once), you're in for future troubles.

  • @coachamychambers2001
    @coachamychambers2001 Місяць тому

    That’s so awesome! Agreed- some of the best advice ever, for so many reasons! Saves you an incredible amount of time! My dad used to say: “The truth will set you free.” Never forgot that.

  • @Geminidreams65
    @Geminidreams65 Місяць тому

    Dad told me: Don’t lie!!! Best advice ever!

    @MD.MILON.MIAH_ Місяць тому

    Thank you for your content

  • @amberlilly4101
    @amberlilly4101 Місяць тому

    Thank you !! I've been married to my husband for thirty plus yrs and I've known he was exactly how you described here but never knew this was narcissism, and it has been hell mostly because he couldn't possibly think he was like what you describe, word for word. Which is just another symptom of this condition. I would write more but am really tired, maybe later.

    • @coachamychambers2001
      @coachamychambers2001 Місяць тому

      Gosh, I'm so sorry to hear this. I know how very tough it is to be in a relationship with someone who acts this way. It's interesting how many of them act exactly the same, "word for word", as you say. I can't tell you how many videos I've also watched by strangers and thought "WOW. SPOT ON. It's like they're talking about the same person in MY life." What I have found is that recognizing it can be a very helpful first step to managing it better. I wish you all the best with this.

  • @eileenkk7owens979
    @eileenkk7owens979 Місяць тому

    Thank you that was great, so greatful you have explained this well and concisely ❤️

    • @coachamychambers2001
      @coachamychambers2001 Місяць тому

      Thank so much! That means the world to me! I just published Part 2 of this series. Hope that's helpful too!

  • @lynnanderson1923
    @lynnanderson1923 Місяць тому

    Thank you! How do you deal with someone who expects to be admired and adored all the time? It's exhausting 😫

    • @coachamychambers2001
      @coachamychambers2001 Місяць тому

      So true! Exhausting INDEED! And most of them have zero idea they're so needy in that way (or that other people don't need that). Many of them are unable to self-validate.

  • @SerendipityNJ
    @SerendipityNJ Місяць тому

    Respectfully, while it may appear that your mother's constant pressuring was meant for your good - I think she was masking her own anxieties of not living up to her own potential in her younger life, and also a deeper seated fear of being judged by other people.

    • @coachamychambers2001
      @coachamychambers2001 Місяць тому

      How perceptive of you! Yes, her mother did this same thing to her. It was NEVER good enough. In one rare moment, my mom once recounted a story of a piano concert, where she played beautifully, and many strangers commented on her performance. When she got home, her mom (my grandmother) chewed her out, saying, "You were slouching the WHOLE TIME. I was so ashamed and embarrassed of you up there." WOW. No wonder she internalized these sorts of responses and then passed them onto me. I actually believe she grew up with more childhood trauma than I did. In short- you are SPOT ON. Great insight.

  • @stocksconfidential8862
    @stocksconfidential8862 Місяць тому

    Coach Amy, did we secretly have the same parents? 😆

    • @coachamychambers2001
      @coachamychambers2001 Місяць тому

      Too funny! But sadly, from what I know, our story is VERY common!

  • @aggiesart6
    @aggiesart6 Місяць тому

    Here from the Netherlands, and so relatable(i think i write is good :)) Always worry my mom, and not so relaxed, she meant it well. But my mother in law is also so, but she is it because she want the perfect family and perfect picture.

    • @coachamychambers2001
      @coachamychambers2001 Місяць тому

      Thanks for sharing! Yes, the focus on perfection is such a tough (But common thing!). Sadly, the pursuit of perfection often leads to a lot of anxiety, worry, and unhappiness (The opposite of perfection). Focusing on progress, effort, growth, development is often far more enjoyable than the focus on perfection. Sending you much love!

  • @laurelaltman6138
    @laurelaltman6138 Місяць тому

    You're a little bit manic, don't you think?

  • @MrBboyle1
    @MrBboyle1 Місяць тому

    Ignore those living in their prisons of insecurity. Choose freedom and be yourself! Enjoy life

    • @coachamychambers2001
      @coachamychambers2001 Місяць тому

      Wow, that is worded SO WELL! "Prisons of insecurity"- it really IS a prison! Thanks for the powerful metaphor.

  • @JoySpirit888
    @JoySpirit888 Місяць тому

    God's blessings and healing to all Amen 🍀🙏😇😇🙏😇🙏

  • @leesh2684
    @leesh2684 Місяць тому

    This was so good!!!

  • @smallhouseinthemeadow6131
    @smallhouseinthemeadow6131 Місяць тому

    OMG, I can so relate! My Mom worked on an ambulance and our dinner conversations went something like,"Did you know that you can choke to death our your own phlemn?" And, "don't ever ride a motorcycle because we scaraped a guys brains up from his skull after he hit a telephone pole".. Everything I wanted to do was met with her stating, "You can DIE from that". I was ridiculed at 5 for crying over Bambi in the movie theater, and critisized when I brought home a B+ because, "I know you can get an A if you only apply yourself.When I got a Masters degree at the age of 50, she was "too busy" to go to my graduation.(She always wanted me to be a singer and I "wasted my beautiful voice".I grew up to see danger in everything and everyone.My dysregulated nervous system from years of constant cortisol made life a living Hell. After years of therapy, I am SO much better now, but boy was I a mess for most of my life.

    • @coachamychambers2001
      @coachamychambers2001 Місяць тому

      Wow, thank you for sharing all this so vulnerably and specifically! I SO enjoyed reading this. I can vividly see her coming home from the ambulance job and saying these things. You write so well! I can relate to what you say about seeing danger in everything and everyone. Yep, same. Didn't play sports because I could injure myself. Was taught to jiggle the door handle about 10X when I left the house to "make sure it was locked"- then constantly fret about it afterwards. Couldn't quit or leave a bad job because I "might not get another one". My mom taught me to distrust anyone that tried to help me because "it might be too good to be true" or they might "be up to something". I am so happy that you have taken all these steps to HEAL yourself and RECOVER. It is heartbreaking to hear that she was "too busy" to come to your graduation and ridiculed you for your normal, natural feelings even at the tender age of 5. it sounds like she's created her own hell (for herself) and passed it onto you. She seems to be focused primarily on herself and driven by her emotions. I am so very sorry for all the lost/wasted years where the fear of danger affected you so deeply but so thrilled to hear that you've found better response systems, beliefs, paradigms for you to live your own life on your own terms. BRAVO!!!

    • @Mr.NoName1972
      @Mr.NoName1972 Місяць тому

      Last night, while I was sleeping, I swallowed by phlemn and it almost got stuck in my throat and I almost choked. That never happened to me before. Yeah, I spent my entire High School years stressed and worried about having to earn an A on every single exam, which I often did, but it did not prepare me for a good career and did not teach me how to earn a decent living. I'm 52 years old now with health problems like high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. I did not have to worry about those when I was in high school and my 20's.

    • @coachamychambers2001
      @coachamychambers2001 Місяць тому

      @@Mr.NoName1972 I'm so sorry to hear about your health difficulties. You're absolutely right- great grades in school (by themselves) don' NECESSARILY set us up for a fulfilling life, complete with a career we're passionate about. Those conversations (about mindset, mental health, and emotional wellbeing) are not always taught in homes or schools. That's why I'm so committed to the info I share on this channel! I wish you all the best in all you're going through.

  • @KCypress
    @KCypress Місяць тому

  • @johnmckevett45
    @johnmckevett45 Місяць тому

    No wonder Therapists and counselors recommend little or no contact with such a one. How can it be otherwise? I know it's sometimes easier said than done, but I see why, having gone through this with a narcissistic mom and dad why Therapists and counselors recommend little or no contact with such a one.

    • @coachamychambers2001
      @coachamychambers2001 Місяць тому

      It really is a sad truth. I've struggled greatly with this. I've always had this belief that everyone can change anything about themselves at any time (outside of set characteristics like height). But this only can happen if the person WANTS to change. Most narcissists don't. Due to the nature of the condition, it's very hard for them to accept they could or should change anything about themselves. I've finally accepted that change is unlikely, and low contact is probably the best way to go. You're very right- "how could it be otherwise?". There's not a lot of other great options.

    • @avanellehansen4525
      @avanellehansen4525 Місяць тому

      Yes. Get out. Stay out and don't look back!

  • @EDeezy83
    @EDeezy83 Місяць тому

    I resonated with this. I’m finally slowing down @40. Great content🤍

    • @coachamychambers2001
      @coachamychambers2001 Місяць тому

      That is great! Congratulations! And, same. I'm 41, and finally figuring it all out too! It's been a tough road getting here, but SO worth it!!!

  • @stocksconfidential8862
    @stocksconfidential8862 Місяць тому

    Hey this was really good coach Amy. I have a question on the opposite end of the spectrum that clearly you could tackle in a video. How does a person love themselves? Especially if you do not think you are deserving, but know that its clearly something you need, in order to have a healthy self image.

    • @coachamychambers2001
      @coachamychambers2001 Місяць тому

      Thanks so much! I'd LOVE to tackle the topic of how we can love ourselves (even if we think we're not deserving). Per your request, I'll make that video next week and share it on this channel! There are a hundred ways for us to do this, and I can share several ways!!! But, in the meantime, I touch on this a BIT in the following video that also came out this past week. Starting around 2:15, I start talking about some of the practices I follow and questions I ask myself- which have ALL led to me loving myself more. This is a start.

    • @stocksconfidential8862
      @stocksconfidential8862 Місяць тому

      @@coachamychambers2001 wow excellent. I will watch. It occurred to me, the 'deserving" piece is part of it, but also, how do you love yourself without feeling like a narcissist. I get a negative visceral reaction hearing someone say the words "i love myself" and/ Or saying the words about myself. I know I cant be alone in this. That was a side note. THANK YOU so kindly for reading the comment. Cant wait for the next video. So glad I found you.

    • @coachamychambers2001
      @coachamychambers2001 Місяць тому

      @@stocksconfidential8862 I did make the video before I happened to see your clarifying comment (loving yourself without FEELING like a narcissist). So, this video is just about loving yourself if you don't feel you deserve love. Very sorry it didn't quite address your question.

    • @coachamychambers2001
      @coachamychambers2001 Місяць тому

      @@stocksconfidential8862 Now, that I've seen the updated question with more of what you were really asking, here's my thoughts on that specifically: You can't love anyone else more or better than you know how to (And choose to) love YOURSELF. You can't pour from an empty cup. So loving yourself isn't vain or selfish, it's what makes your ability to love and serve others POSSIBLE. You need to be whole and complete to then pass along love to others. It's why airplanes tell us to put our OWN masks on FIRST....THEN help others.

    • @stocksconfidential8862
      @stocksconfidential8862 Місяць тому

      @@coachamychambers2001 Do you take insurance? How do you charge for sessions?

  • @AZTexian5
    @AZTexian5 Місяць тому

    I'm pretty sure both parents are narcissists. After watching this

    • @coachamychambers2001
      @coachamychambers2001 Місяць тому

      So sorry to hear that. The "family member" I described in the video is, in fact, my mother. Really tough to grow up with one (or two!) narcissistic parents, that much I know. Sending you all my best as you navigate your chosen responses (the only part you can control).

    • @AZTexian5
      @AZTexian5 Місяць тому

      @coachamychambers2001 thank you for the well wishes. Choosing the correct response is half the fun!

  • @cinderling5472
    @cinderling5472 Місяць тому

    This was very accurate! Thank you ❤

    • @coachamychambers2001
      @coachamychambers2001 Місяць тому

      Thanks so much! I've spent several years in research and observation mode, and these are just my findings! I'm so glad they resonated.

  • @ellenmullane4570
    @ellenmullane4570 Місяць тому

    This is one of the best videos on this subject that I have seen- and I’ve seen a lot! Thank you.

    • @coachamychambers2001
      @coachamychambers2001 Місяць тому

      WOW, I can't tell you how much that means to me! You made my day! (I've also watched MANY videos and read MANY books- then matched them up with my interactions with others). And this is where I landed, haha.

  • @carollozano141
    @carollozano141 9 місяців тому

    Thank you! I needed to hear this...

    • @coachamychambers2001
      @coachamychambers2001 9 місяців тому

      I'm so glad this was helpful! Best of luck with any decisions you need to make! :)

  • @rickeykelley5434
    @rickeykelley5434 Рік тому

    I love your channel and your inspiring videos!! use a service such as 'Promo SM'.

  • @jay.santana
    @jay.santana Рік тому

    I love this video! This popped up on my suggestions at the perfect time❤️ #new subbie!

  • @maarteninla
    @maarteninla Рік тому

    Great reminders Amy, thanks for the always insightful and positive nuggets of wisdom shared!

  • @donnyskinner3423
    @donnyskinner3423 2 роки тому
