Possibly THE best of the film noir era. Action,mystery,crime,murder and oh that music Wow it all comes together perfectly. When you don’t want the movie to end THAT is a great movie.
There was a real penicillin black market in Vienna and elsewhere and there are stories of upset and weeping British service men who had been involved in the racket fleeing showings of the film.
Thank you! Appreciate it!
Possibly THE best of the film noir era. Action,mystery,crime,murder and oh that music Wow it all comes together perfectly. When you don’t want the movie to end THAT is a great movie.
In my top 3 noirs.
hardly the best. It has some serious flaws.
There was a real penicillin black market in Vienna and elsewhere and there are stories of upset and weeping British service men who had been involved in the racket fleeing showings of the film.
We love cheap and grungey, Eddie.
Devoted Noirista
I've got reservations about this much lauded film.
Muller’s epexegeses (plural) are nonpareil!