English Instructional Design_ Overview

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024
  • Dear Students,
    Welcome to The Course: English Instructional Design (EID)
    Meeting-1 (overview)
    After you watch the video, SUBSCRIBE My Channel, drop your comment here:
    NIM & Class
    Comment: Your understanding about EID
    Sir Wildan
    Your Course Instructor


  • @kholifahk.a9707
    @kholifahk.a9707 3 роки тому

    Kholifah Khoiru Addiniyah 196121061
    PBI 5B
    After i watch this video. I got teacher is designer in intructional design. EID is important because this is the backbone of quality learning. Teacher make desain to make it clearly the material jadi siswa mudah memahaminya. Teacher as input, intructional desain as processing and the students as output maybe something wrong or teacher need to know the achievement this is as feedback. EID menjadi sebuah challenges for teacher.

  • @faradilaardana1198
    @faradilaardana1198 4 роки тому

    Name : Faradila Ardana
    NIM : 183221061
    Class : PBI 5B
    Thank you for a very detailed explanation, sir
    English Instructional Design is about :
    - how organize the content
    -make it sequencing of learning
    -how assesment students' achievement
    Instructional Design is used in order to produce output in accordance with expectations, namely students can understand the material provided during the learning process. If the output is not satisfactory, feedback can be made.

  • @nidakhairunnisa1218
    @nidakhairunnisa1218 4 роки тому

    Name : Nida Khairunnisa
    Class : 5B
    Nim : 183221072
    Eid is about how to make a systems approach in a way about the organization of content, sequencing of learning and etc.

  • @danangcaturs128
    @danangcaturs128 4 роки тому

    Awesome sir...

  • @latifatulmardhiyah1861
    @latifatulmardhiyah1861 4 роки тому

    Name : Latifatul Mardhiyah
    Nim : 183221063
    Class : 5B
    EID is how to organize the content and creating effective learning. I think making a design to share material is very important ,because when our design is good so the output is also very good.

  • @hanifahnurheliza4102
    @hanifahnurheliza4102 4 роки тому

    Nama : Hanifah Nur Heliza
    Nim: 183221050
    Kelas: 5B
    EID is a strategy, and it is very easy and effective, making it easy for students to understand.

  • @mahasrisobahiya6249
    @mahasrisobahiya6249 4 роки тому

    Name : Mahasri Sobahiya
    NIM. : 183221062
    Class. : 5B
    Thank you for the explanation sir...
    According to my understanding, EID is an arrangement of strategies used in learning, can use audio sound, practice directly, etc. so that something that is conveyed by the teacher or lecturer can be conveyed properly to students.

  • @imafebriyanasofani1926
    @imafebriyanasofani1926 4 роки тому

    Name : Ima Febriyana Sofani
    Nim : 183221054
    Class : 5B/PBI
    Thank you for your explanation Sir.
    here I understand the importance of EID as a support to simplify the teaching and learning system.

  • @clarissa4807
    @clarissa4807 4 роки тому

    Nama : Clarissa Tria. H
    NIM : 183221049
    Kelas : PBI/ 5B
    In my opinion, this material is very important because it relates to how a teacher chooses what design to use for learning.

  • @Rismakapalupi
    @Rismakapalupi 4 роки тому

    Name : Rismaka Palupi
    NIM : 183221052
    Class : PBI 5B
    Thank you for your explanation, Sir Wildan.
    From this video I know that EID is a process design to develop English learning to be applied in the English learning process, so that the intentions and objectives are conveyed effectively (such as: students easily understand the material presented).

  • @febrynabilla1828
    @febrynabilla1828 4 роки тому

    Name : Febryna Salsabilla W.M
    Nim : 183221043
    Class : PBI 5B
    Thank you for your explanation sir, EID is a way to organize communication technology media and its contents to help facilitate the transfer of knowledge effectively.

  • @itnftm7
    @itnftm7 4 роки тому

    Name : Intan Fatmawati
    NIM : 183221075
    Class : PBI 5B
    EID is a system or strategy for educators to teaching materials so that it runs properly.
    The 3 systems in EID are divided into input, processing, and output systems, if all the system are executed properly, it will produce a feedback for the educators.

  • @anindiafebrianti6299
    @anindiafebrianti6299 4 роки тому

    Name : Anindia Febrianti
    Nim : 183221078
    Class : PBI 5B
    EID is a design or strategy that we must prepare to transfer knowledge to students later.

  • @lanireza4105
    @lanireza4105 4 роки тому

    Name : Lani Gumiarti Reza
    NIM : 183221042
    Class : PBI 5B
    Thanks for your explanation sir..
    From this video I know that EID is a process for designing the delivery of material in learning to be more interesting, effective and efficient. As a teacher we have to make a learning design that is attractive and easy to understand by the students.

  • @alifaaa4112
    @alifaaa4112 4 роки тому

    Siti Alifah Hijriyah
    183221080 - 5B
    EID is a plan or design how to transfer knowledge or teaching English well

  • @jstnuy
    @jstnuy 4 роки тому

    Name : khusnul khotimah
    Nim : 183221071
    Class : pbi - 5B
    Thank you sir for your explanation,
    Instructional Design is the systematic development of instructional specifications using learning and instructional theory to ensure the quality of instruction.

  • @adityataka4144
    @adityataka4144 4 роки тому

    Name : Aditya Bagus Bimantaka
    NIM : 183221036
    Class : PBI 5A
    Thank you for your awesome explanation sir, from this video I got that English Instructional design is the basic and important for learning. So the student will be understand the material.

  • @annidamegananda1255
    @annidamegananda1255 4 роки тому +1

    Name : Annida Megananda
    NIM : 183221051
    Class : PBI 5B
    Thanks for your explanation about EID sir. From the video i've learn that EID is how to organize the content and how to assess student achievement.While we are teaching our students there are 3 system components (input, processing and output).

  • @fithriarlarasati2325
    @fithriarlarasati2325 4 роки тому

    Fithria Risqi Larasati
    183221026 (PBI 5A)
    Terima kasih atas penjelasannya tentang EID.
    In this video i've got that, instructional design is the process by which learning products and experiences are designed, developed, and delivered. And the other meaning iInstructional Design is the systematic development of instructional specifications using learning and instructional theory to ensure the quality of instruction. It is the entire process of analysis of learning needs and goals and the development of a delivery system to meet those needs. It includes development of instructional materials and activities; and tryout and evaluation of all instruction and learner activities.
    Model - model yang biasanya digunakan diantaranya ADDIE Model, Dick and Carey Model, Merrill’s First Priciple of Instruction, SAM (Successive Approximation Model), Bloom Taxonomy.

  • @nitarifdahsalsanisrina2042
    @nitarifdahsalsanisrina2042 3 роки тому

    Nita Rifdah Salsa Nisrina
    Thanks for your explanation sir, What I can conclude from this video, EID is how we design material and make it easy to understand

  • @lutfikaa9613
    @lutfikaa9613 4 роки тому

    Lutfika Akana
    183221025 (PBI 5A)
    Thank you for your explanation, sir. From this video i know that EID has function to plan learning materials and also organize information, so in eLearning, EID can help to create professionally interactive and effective multimedia to share the materials.

  • @riaramadhani4079
    @riaramadhani4079 4 роки тому

    Name : Ria Ramadhani
    NIM : 183221012
    Class : PBI 5A
    English Instructional Design is the systematic process of translating the principles of learning and instruction into plans for instructional materials, activities, information resources, and evaluation. Jadi ketika kita akan mengajar kita harus menyiapkan materi dengan baik dan dengan desain yang menarik agar siswa memahami mengenai materi yang disampaikan.

  • @farihaziyadah2514
    @farihaziyadah2514 4 роки тому

    Name : Farihatuz Ziyadah A R
    Nim : 183221079
    Class : PBI 5B
    Thank you for the explanation sir..
    According to my understanding, EID is about how to organize an effective learning content so that it can be understood easily by students.

  • @henilistyanti5630
    @henilistyanti5630 4 роки тому

    Nama : Heni Listyanti
    Nim : 183221034
    Class : PBI 5A
    Thank you for your explanation sir
    I can conclude EID is how to prepare good material and organize it as attractive as possible. So that students easily understand, and achieve the expected goals.

  • @rinirianti2351
    @rinirianti2351 4 роки тому

    Nama : Rini Rianti
    Nim : 183221070
    Kelas : 5B
    Eid adalah sebuah strategi dalam pengajaran bahasa inggris

  • @hanifahauliak5668
    @hanifahauliak5668 4 роки тому

    Name : Hanifah Aulia Kusuma
    NIM : 183221020
    Class : 5A PBI
    Thank you for your explanation sir.
    From this video, I got that EID is how the teacher organized the content of materials, make it kind of sequences of learning and how the teacher assess her/his students achievement.

  • @putrisusanti4515
    @putrisusanti4515 4 роки тому

    Name: Putri Susanti
    NIM: 183221037
    Class: PBI 5A
    Terimakasih atas penjelasannya 🙏
    Jadi EID adalah proses mendesign suatu materi agar mudah dimengerti dan dipahami peserta didik sehingga menciptakan proses pembelajaran yg efektif dan interaktif.

  • @avianimardika571
    @avianimardika571 4 роки тому

    Name : Aviani Mardika Sari
    NIM/Class : 183221030 / 5A PBI
    Thank you for your explanation, Sir.
    From this video, I understand that instructional design is system approach (system components include input, processing, and output). It is how us create the materials and make it a sequence for our learning, and how us assess the students achievement.

  • @elnadbearchannel5230
    @elnadbearchannel5230 4 роки тому

    Name : Elenia Nadila
    NIM : 183221029
    Class : PBI 5A
    Thanks for your explanation sir,
    According to my understanding, EID is one of the important things in the learning process. This is because an instructional designer is the backbone of good quality learning material. In this case, if an educator can create a good EID then this will make it easier for students and teachers to achieve the learning goals that have been planned. Therefore it is important to have a good teamwork between teachers and students.

  • @umiistiqomah6389
    @umiistiqomah6389 4 роки тому

    Nama : Umi Istiqomah
    Kelas : PBI 5B
    NIM : 183221059
    Thank you sir for the explanation, sir. So in my opinion it can also be said that the EID includes material, systems and English learning strategies that are implemented in learning to make it easier for students to understand, so that learning objectives can be achieved.

  • @winaarumi4214
    @winaarumi4214 4 роки тому

    Name : Wina Arumi
    NIM : 183221019
    Class : PBI 5A
    Thanks for your explanation sir,
    From this video, I got that EID is how to design English material in an easy and attractive way. This design can link the perspective of teacher and student. The hope is that teachers can help students understand material that they did not know before.

  • @nurustiyani3275
    @nurustiyani3275 4 роки тому

    Name: Nurus Tiyani
    NIM: 183221022
    Class: PBI 5A
    Thanks for your explanation sir.
    From this video i got:
    Intructional design is about organization of content, sequencing of learning, how we assess achivement, and how we prepare the sound intructional materials. And the aim of intructional design is to make teaching process move forward.

  • @khayumi8610
    @khayumi8610 4 роки тому

    Name : Cicih Lasmini
    NIM : 183221023
    Class : PBI-5A
    Thank you for the explanation you gave about EID, sir. From the video, I got several points including that, Instructional design focusses on objectives whose results can be applied or displayed in real life, not only in thought / memorization and measured in a reliable and valid way (satisfactory score, skill achievement, etc).

  • @milaputrias7627
    @milaputrias7627 4 роки тому

    Name : Mila Putri Arini Septiana
    Nim : 183221058
    Class : PBI 5B
    Thanks for your explanation sir.
    From this video I know that EID is the development and organization of English learning materials, so that the learning process can be achieved according to the objectives and students are able to understand the learning material.

  • @muchamadnifafadhilkun8602
    @muchamadnifafadhilkun8602 4 роки тому

    Name : M. Nifa Fadhil
    Nim : 183221001
    Class : PBI 5A
    Thank you sir for explaining, from this video What i got is that EID is the way to organize the content of materials, in order to make the students understand well, so the learning process wil run effectively.

  • @anisfebriana3454
    @anisfebriana3454 4 роки тому

    Name: Anis Febriana Sita Hidayati
    NIM : 183221027
    Class : PBI-5A
    Terimakasih penjelasan materinya English Instructional Design (EID) nya pak🙏
    Jadi EID adalah proses mendesign suatu materi pembelajaran agar mudah ditangkap dan dipahami Peserta didik. insyaallah sangat membantu🙏

  • @ristiawhy
    @ristiawhy 4 роки тому

    Name : Ristia Wahyuningsih
    NIM :183221005
    Class : PBI 5A
    Thank you for your explanation sir..
    Instructional design is about..
    1. How to create or design detailed instructions (detailed activities).
    2. How to minimize the gap between lecturer's perspective and the learner's perspective.
    3. Art and science of creating an instructional environment and materials that makes the students understand the lessons.

  • @jigujelly1909
    @jigujelly1909 4 роки тому

    Name : Restu Isti Komah
    NIM : 183221014
    Class : PBI 5A
    Thanks for your information sir, from this vidio I got an information that English Instructional Design is how we organized the content of the material and make a squences of learning, and asses our students achievement. This system contains three compnents, that are input, proccessing, and output.

  • @rezanurbaiti9039
    @rezanurbaiti9039 4 роки тому

    Name : Reza Nurbaiti
    NIM : 183221028
    Class : PBI 5A
    Terimakasih atas penjelasannya sir.
    EID is a strategy for arranging teaching materials for students to make it interesting and easy to understand so as to create creative and fun learning classes.

  • @lissaanifarida309
    @lissaanifarida309 4 роки тому

    Name : Lissa Ani Farida
    NIM : 183221038
    Class : PBI 5A
    Thanks for your explanation sir
    From this video I got that, English Instructional Design is the way to creat instructional modules or materials that easily to understand by the student so the leaening objectives can be achieved.

  • @Ayas0488
    @Ayas0488 4 роки тому

    Name: Yasinta Primastuti
    NIM: 183221011
    Class: PBI 5A
    Thank you for your explanation sir
    From this video I got that English instructional design is the important foundation of learning and how we organize the materials agar dapat tersampaikan pada siswa dengan baik demi tercapainya tujuan pembelajaran, mendapat output yang baik berasal dari input yang baik pula

  • @finadwiastuti5373
    @finadwiastuti5373 4 роки тому

    Name: Fina Dwi Astuti
    NIM: 183221009
    Class: PBI 5A
    Thank you for your explanation, Sir.
    From this video, I got that instructional design is how we create the content of the material in learning that easily to understand by the students, so as to create an effective and efficient learning.

  • @wiwitintanhandayawati709
    @wiwitintanhandayawati709 4 роки тому

    Name : Wiwit Intan Handayawati
    Nim : 183221048
    Class : PBI 5B
    Thanks for your explanation sir,
    From this video, I got that EID is the process of designing and development a subject matter so that it is easily understood by students, so that it can create effective and creative for students.

  • @wiwityulianti3527
    @wiwityulianti3527 4 роки тому

    Nama: Wiwit Yulianti
    NIM: 183221055
    Class: PBI 5B
    Thank you for your explanation sir, based on this video I watched, EID very important to be understood. I can learn how to arrange the material properly and correctly so that it is easy for students to understand.

  • @eldacandrasari5840
    @eldacandrasari5840 4 роки тому

    Name: Elda Candrasari
    Nim : 183221060
    Class : PBI/5B
    Thanks for your explanation sir...
    from this video, i got that EID is how to design material in learning, so that the learning process is effective, that easily to understand for students.

  • @evitaputri4705
    @evitaputri4705 4 роки тому

    Nama : Evita Putri K
    NIM : 183221031
    Class : 5A
    Thanks for your explanation sir..
    On this video i learn about system and components english instructional design.

  • @azzahrajannah5232
    @azzahrajannah5232 4 роки тому

    Name : Az Zahra Jannah
    NIM : 183221032
    Class: 183221032
    Thanks for your explanation sir. From this video i can learn , bahwa ketika kita dalam proses belajar mengajar kita harus memperhatikan bagaimana cara kita mengajar agar apa yg kita sampaikan akan mudah dicerna oleh siswa

  • @ameliarizky3417
    @ameliarizky3417 4 роки тому

    Name : Amelia Rizky Ramadhiani
    Nim : 183221013
    Class : PBI-5A
    Thank you for your explanation sir..
    In this video i got that EID is a foundation before learning, organizing the important points expected from students.

  • @raniwijayanti4782
    @raniwijayanti4782 4 роки тому

    Name : Rani Wijayanti
    NIM : 183221002
    Class : PBI 5A
    EID is how to organized the content and to make it kind of sequence of the learning then how to assess the students achievement

  • @silviawidyan5210
    @silviawidyan5210 4 роки тому

    Name : Silvia Widyaningsih
    NIM. : 183221006
    Class.: PBI 5A
    Thanks for explanation sir,
    Based on what I understand from this video, I got that EID is the important matter about how we can organize material for students, so that they can understand learning well with the right input and processes so as to deliver maximum output too

  • @okiwulansari2114
    @okiwulansari2114 4 роки тому

    Name : Oki Wulan Sari
    NIM. : 183221021
    Class : 5A
    Thanks for your great explanation sir.
    As simply English instructional design cab be defined as the creation of instructional materials modules or lessons atau dengan kata lain seorang instructional designer harus bisa menjembatani antara pembelajar dan materi yg diberikan (input) agar dapat menghasilkan hasil (output) yang tepat dan sesuai tujuan [ how we organize, how we make it all match so we would get purposes sucessfully ]

  • @intanlutfiana3419
    @intanlutfiana3419 4 роки тому

    Name : Intan Lutfiana
    NIM :183221007
    class :PBI 5A
    Thanks for your explanation sir
    From this video I understand that, English instructional design is about how we organized a content, sequence a learning and how we assesse our students achievement

  • @armyputri9201
    @armyputri9201 4 роки тому

    Name : Army Putri B
    Nim : 183221041
    Class : 5B
    Thank you for the explanation Sir.
    in my opinion, this is very useful to be able to produce a learning process that is more effective, simple and contextual so that it is better understood by learners.

  • @saffanramadhana
    @saffanramadhana 4 роки тому

    Nama : Saffan Ramadhana
    NIM : 183221003
    Class : 5A
    Thank you sir for your explanation. What i learn from this video is as a teacher we have to make a learning design, so it can make our teaching and learning activity achieving the goal, in this case the goal is increasing our students knowledge about the material that we give.

  • @lisdanrf2397
    @lisdanrf2397 4 роки тому

    Thank fos the great explanation sir...
    Name: Lisda Siti nurpadilah
    NIM: 183221015
    Class: PBI5A

  • @nimasayu6001
    @nimasayu6001 4 роки тому

    Name :Nimas Ayu
    Class:Pbi 5A
    thank you sir, for explaining the english instructional design very clearly and easily to understand and the material that has been made can be a reference for all.