Digital Literacy (DL): Overview

  • Опубліковано 23 жов 2024


  • @SitiFatimah-ki7ff
    @SitiFatimah-ki7ff 3 роки тому

    Siti Fatimah_206121016
    Setelah mengikuti pembelajaran, diharapkan mahasiswa mampu menguasai tujuan yang akan dicapai, Literasi digital memiliki bebrapa topik, dan didalam nya ada 3 sesi, yaitu mastering, creating dan presenting. Mempeljari tentang digital adalah kebutuhan di era saat ini. Literasi digital mengajak kita untuk kritis, kreatif, dan dapat mempraktikan sesuatu seperti membuat animasi, quis, dengan digital.

  • @elmia481
    @elmia481 4 роки тому

    Name : Elmia
    NIM : 196121002
    Class : PBI 3A
    Digital literacy is the skills, knowledge, and understanding that enables critical, creative, discerning, and safe practices when engaging with digital technologies in all areas of life. (Hague and Payton 2010:19)
    There are 8 components in digital literacy that can help the learning process in digital literacy, such as: functional skills, creativity, critical thinking and evaluation, cultural and social understanding, collaboration, the ability to find and select information, effective communication and e-safety.

  • @evinaulia1052
    @evinaulia1052 4 роки тому

    Nama : Evin Aulia
    NIM : 183221127
    From the explanation of DL given by Mr. Wildan ..... I can conclude that Digital Literacy is a lesson where we must have practical / creative / critical knowledge, understanding, and ability in creating, applying, and practicing a learning model. by designing in this technological era. then after a learning method has been successfully created, we must also be able to present it to our students later.
    And in designing learning methods, we must also pay attention to several components, including:
    1. Function Skill
    2. Creativity Skill
    3. collaboration and communication
    4. Ability to select & select information 5. Critical thinking & Evaluation
    6. Cultural & social understanding
    7. E-Safety as a part of Digital Literacy.

  • @sitinurlaila9254
    @sitinurlaila9254 4 роки тому

    Nama : Siti Nur Laila
    Nim : 196121034
    Class : PBI 3A
    " Digital Literacy "
    Digital literacy is the skills, knowledge, and understanding that enables critical, creative, discerning, and safe practices when engaging with digital technologies in all areas of life. Digital literacy is learned as part of your curriculum and is is learned through personal engagement and experiences in using the internet, social media, and devives such as pcs, laptops, tablets and smartphones. Digital literacy has 8 components that is functional skills, creativity, critical thinking and evaluation, cultural and social understanding, collaboration, the ability to find and select information, effective communication, and e-safety.

  • @amelliaamel5043
    @amelliaamel5043 4 роки тому

    Name : Amelia
    NIM : 196121029
    Class : PBI 3A
    Digital literacy is the skills, knowledge, and understanding that enables critical, creative, discerning, and safe practices when engaging with digital technologies in all areas of life.
    There are 8 components in digital literacy the first is functional skills, the second is creativity, the third is critical thinking and evaluation, the next is cultural and social understanding, and then collaboration, next is the ability to find and select information, effective communication, and the last is e - safety
    In addition, in digital literacy there are many tools that we can access and such as zoom, looms, google meet, google form, kahoot, canva, padlet, anchor, etc.
    So, as students and soon become teachers in 4.0 industrial revolution we must master, be creative, and present digital - based teaching and learning activities

  • @salsabilla4865
    @salsabilla4865 4 роки тому

    Name : Salsabilla
    NIM : 196121019
    Class : PBI 2-A
    Thank you for the explanation, and what I can get from watching this video is. How important is the science of digital literacy in this technological era, namely how to apply web applications and be selective in using these applications. We only saw how an animation looks really funny, but in this material we will cover the basics of animation. Not only that, we will learn more about something that is digital. Like digital for communication, studying, or making designs. Learning to make something digital is fun!

  • @arlindagp373
    @arlindagp373 4 роки тому

    Name : Arlinda Galuh Pratiwi
    NIM : 196121011
    Class : PBI 3A
    From this video we can learn that digital literacy ia the skills, knowledge, and understanding that enables critical, creative, dicerning and safe practice when engaging with digital technologies in all areas of life. So, this lesson will give us more knowledge and to increas skill to mastering, creating, and presenting materials through digital technologies which in the current era is very growing and widely used. There are also 8 components of digital literacy that can help us to learning about digital litercay.

  • @frestaseptiani571
    @frestaseptiani571 4 роки тому

    Name : Fresta Enjelysa Septiani
    NIM : 196121033
    Class : 3A of English Education Department
    What I have gotten from this video? Here it is...
    We know that in this era, computer is not more computing anymore, it is about life. Technology is no longer a choice, it is a need and a necessity of indifiduals. So this lesson is very useful especially for us who will be a teacher/ lecturer in the future. As an educator, we must mastering, creating, presenting web based animations, learning web, simple apps, educational game, and etc. By mastering those skills, we will be easier giving understanding to our students. So, this Digital Literacy is extremely important!

  • @anggelakunti3128
    @anggelakunti3128 4 роки тому

    Name : Anggela Kunti
    NIM : 196121030
    Class : PBI 3A
    Digital literacy is the skills, behaviors, attitudes, and knowledge to complement one's studies using various kinds of digital technology media, such as the internet, laptops, cellphones, etc. To achieve a study objective that is made easier, more innovative, and creative.
    Component of digital literacy :
    Functional skills, creativity, critical thinking and evaluation, cultural and social understanding, effective communication, collaboration, the ability to find and select information, E-Safety.

  • @jovitavirgiannisa5398
    @jovitavirgiannisa5398 4 роки тому

    Name : Jovita Virgiannisa Dewi
    NIM : 196121015
    Class : 3A PBI
    - Digital Literacy -
    Digital literacy is our ability to process and use information from digital media. Digital literacy is important in this era, if we can't process and use digital technology properly, it will be difficult for us to do various things. Because with digital literacy, we can use various social media platforms, don't forget to keep personal data on the internet, we can find entertainment that relaxes, and can increase our productivity again.

  • @celviauliafitri520
    @celviauliafitri520 4 роки тому

    Name : Celviaulia Fitri
    NIM : 196121026
    Class : PBI 3A
    Based on my understanding after watching the explanatory video, I understand that "Digital Literacy" teaches us as prospective educators to be able to master various digital media that can be used to provide learning or explanation to students. In "Digital Literacy", it also teaches about abilities, knowledge and understanding of various ways so that educators can more easily accept the material that we have conveyed through digital media. In addition, "Digital Literacy" also teaches us not to be clueless, especially with existing learning media features or learning applications. Because with "Digital Literacy" teaching, we can make various materials or discussions that students accept easier to understand.

  • @romanticizemylife
    @romanticizemylife 4 роки тому

    Nama : Siti Yulaika
    NIM : 196121021
    Class : 3A PBI
    According to my understanding, digital literacy is the ability to use technology in the learning process that can facilitate and produce interesting learning.

  • @salvaardhapramesthie9198
    @salvaardhapramesthie9198 4 роки тому

    Name : Salva Ardha Pramesthie
    NIM :196121022
    Class : 3A PBI
    Digital literacy is creative and intelligent knowledge or skills when it comes to digital technology in all areas of life. Digital literacy is not only studied in the curriculum, but also learned through personal experience when using the internet, social media and devices. There are 8 digital literacy components that can help the digital literacy learning process.

  • @miftahkhoirunnisa7614
    @miftahkhoirunnisa7614 4 роки тому

    Name : Miftah khoirunnisa
    NIM : 196121020
    Class : 2A PBI
    From this video we can learn that digital literacy is the skill, knowledge and understanding that enables creative and safe smart practice when engaging with digital technology in all areas of life. There are also 8 digital literacy components that can help us learn digital literacy.

  • @febriandwiajipangestu6616
    @febriandwiajipangestu6616 3 роки тому

    Febrian Dwi Aji Pangestu_206121034
    Poin yang saya ambil dalam materi literasi digital :
    Literasi digital adalah suatu skill/pemahaman/pengetahuan untuk mengoperasikan teknologi sehingga pada saat kita menjadi tenaga pengajar bisa mengoperasikan teknologi atau tidak gaptek.
    Dan literasi digital bertujuan agar mahasiswa mampu mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan dengan dikembangkan teknologi yang ada.

  • @annisasyahputri5469
    @annisasyahputri5469 4 роки тому

    Name : Annisa Syah Putri
    Nim. : 196121012
    Class : 3A PBI
    "Digital Literacy"
    Have a purpose to developing English, applying digital English learning and proficiently designed Digital-based English learning in accordance with the development of science and technology. And the strategy of the hosteline for the future.
    Digital literacy has 8 components such as functional skill, creativity, collaboration and communication, ability, critical thinking and evaluation cultural and social understanding, e-safety. And 3 tools for online learning.

  • @qoriardiyanti
    @qoriardiyanti 4 роки тому

    Name : Qori Ardiyanti
    Nim : 196121013
    Class : PBI 3A
    Digital literacy refers to an individual's ability to find, evaluate, and compose clear information through writing and other media on various digital platforms. Digital literacy is evaluated by an individual's grammar, composition, typing skills and ability to produce text , images , audio and designs using technology.

  • @intankumalasari1907
    @intankumalasari1907 4 роки тому

    Name:intan kumala sari
    Class:PBI 3A
    In my opinion, digital literacy learning is very important, especially in the modern era like today which is of course completely digital literacy can enhance skills, knowledge and understanding that enable critical, creative and safe smart practice while engaging with digital technology in all areas of life.In addition, in digital literacy we can learn how to select information or filter information correctly and appropriately.but in studying this we must strive more, be patient, not get tired ,and fighting.

  • @annisanurulainifataawahab6619
    @annisanurulainifataawahab6619 4 роки тому

    Nama: Annisa Nurul 'Aini Fataawahab
    Nim: 196121017
    Kelas: 3A, PBI
    My opinion, digital literacy is the skill, knowledge and understanding that enables critical, creative, discerning and safe practice when engaging with digital technologies in all area of life. You can teach students with zoom, Google meet, g forms, and other. So, with topic 1). Web based animation, 2). Learning web, 3). Simple apps, 4). Educational game with perfect material can with mastering, creating, and presenting. With statement 1). Life is not static, 2). Everything is going under chance, 3). The world is rapidly changing. Begitulah menurut ringkasan saya pak, mohon maaf kalau ada salah kata dalam penulisan, dll. Terimakasih

  • @dissawahyu9749
    @dissawahyu9749 4 роки тому

    Name : Dissa Wahyu Diyanti
    NIM. : 196121027
    Class : 3A-PBI
    Thank you for the explanation, sir, the material that I got after watching the video is Digital Literacy ia the skills,knowledge and understanding that enable critical,creative,discerning and safe practices when engaging with digital technologies in all Arras of life (Hague And Payton 2010:19). In addition, young people are required to have talents and interests in this field, because all young people are obliged to contribute and be literate in technological knowledge. Digital literacy has several components, which these components must also be applied when digitally literating.

  • @putikpram5323
    @putikpram5323 4 роки тому

    Name : Putik Prameidya
    Student ID Number : 196121031
    Class : PBI-3A
    From the explanation on the video, I understand that digital literacy is ability to use technology as an interesting means of communication for teaching and learning activities.

  • @cintyahnufe
    @cintyahnufe 3 роки тому +1

    Cintyah Nur Febry_206121015_PBI-3A
    Literasi Digital merupakan pengetahuan yang harus dengan penuh kebijaksanaan dalam penggunaan dan pemanfaatan media digital, seperti alat komunikasi, internet dan lain sebagainya.
    sebagi pelajar maupun pendidik masa sekarang harus bisa menguasai dalam pemanfaatan digital harus cakap dalam penggunaan literasi digital, yang mencakup dalam hal kemampuan untuk menemukan, mengerjakan, mengevaluasi, menggunakan, membuat serta memanfaatkannya dengan bijak, cerdas, dan cermat yang tepat sesuai dalam kegunaannya.

  • @angglaliaekawidyamaresti3481
    @angglaliaekawidyamaresti3481 3 роки тому

    Angglalia Eka Widya Maresti-206121023
    Literasi digital bertujuan untuk mendorong masyarakat menggunakan internet secara cerdas, positif, kreatif, dan produktif sehingga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kognitifnya untuk mengidentifikasi hoaks serta mencegah terpapar dampak negatif penggunaan internet. Dalam bidang teknologi, khususnya informasi dan komunikasi, literasi digital berkaitan dengan kemampuan penggunanya. Kemampuan untuk menggunakan teknologi sebijak mungkin demi menciptakan interaksi & komunikasi yang positif.

  • @rizkitaufiqrusdianto7018
    @rizkitaufiqrusdianto7018 4 роки тому

    Name : Rizki Taufiq Rusdianto
    NIM : 196121010
    CLASS : 3A
    Thank you for your explanation sir. Digital literacy is the important skills, knowledge and understanding that enables critical, creative, discerning and safe practices when engaging with digital techologies in all areas of life. Digital literacy is important for us in this techological ea.

  • @marwahauliaistighfariana8010
    @marwahauliaistighfariana8010 4 роки тому

    Name : Marwa Aulia Istigfariana
    Class : PBI 3A
    NIM : 196121006
    Digital literacy is ability to find, evaluate, and compose clear information through writing and other media on various digital platforms. As a generation living in the era of sophisticated technology, we must be able to master digital tools as best as possible and not be technologically backward (gaptek).There are 8 components such as functional skills, creativity, critical thinking and evaluation, cultural and social understanding, collaboration, the ability to find and select information, effective communication, and the last is e-safety. Tools for online learning are also divided into 3.

  • @hanaasyari813
    @hanaasyari813 4 роки тому

    Name : Hana Badar Asy'ari
    NIM : 196121008
    Class : 3A - PBI
    In my understanding, Digital literacy is an ability or knowledge in the use of digital media, communications, or other technologies. Such as the use of the phone to communicate in everyday life, or the use of other technologies in everyday activities such as study, work and so on. Digital literacy is vital to being known and understood by all, for it is now an all-digital and instantaneous modern day

  • @eightjanuary2022
    @eightjanuary2022 4 роки тому

    Rohmat Adi Sucipto
    PBI 3A
    I want to take control this lesson

  • @silviaoktavianni9097
    @silviaoktavianni9097 4 роки тому

    Name: Silvia Oktavianni
    Nim: 196121001
    Class: 3A PBI
    Digital literacy is the skills, knowledge, and understanding that enables critical, creative, discerning, and safe practices when engaging with digital technologies in all areas of life. many digital literacy skills are learned curriculum, but many are also learned through personal engagement and experiences in using the internet, social media, and devices. There are 8 components of digital literacy that can help the learning process in digital literacy. Then, we use several tools for online learning in digital literacy and we have to be able to apply it.

  • @agistasetyoramdhany2333
    @agistasetyoramdhany2333 4 роки тому

    Name : Agista Setyo Ramdhany
    Nim : 196121009
    Class : 3A PBI
    "Digital Literacy"
    Digital literacy is a forum that combines technology with one's abilities and skill's in creating something useful for humans with the aim of providing education and innovation in the Era 4.0 to create intelligent, creative, active and highly competitive human resources.
    Then digital literacy has 8 components such as ; functional skills, creativity, critical thinking and evaluation, cultural and social understanding, collaboration, the ability to find and select information, effective communication and e-safety. And the basis of digital literacy is of course various kinds of technology such as ; the internet, social media, gadget, laptops, computers and so on.

  • @syahneaurora8397
    @syahneaurora8397 3 роки тому

    Syahne Aurora Permata Agustya- 206121010
    thanks for the explanation sir. From the video about digital literacy above, it is hoped that individuals can improve their ability to be more critical in thinking and understanding information.