Glad you enjoyed it. Did you see the kids on the hill - that's our two oldest...they used to play up there in the tall grass while we were flying - Great memories, and also helps me remember just how far we've come from those days. Glad you've been around for-ever with us ;) Thanks!
K V - Thanks!!! I have TONS more videos like this. No BS, actual reviews. I won't leave you hanging saying I'm gonna do this or that, then never post a video. I get nothing for free from these idiots, they're WAY too dumb to send me something they want me to sell :D LOL If you want to check out the "playlists" on my channel, you can see the "progression" from unboxing to maiden, to actually good flights, usually after some modification. Hope you enjoy lots more of my videos! Thanks for watching!
Great and very helpful videos. Really appreciate the time you take. Please include radio settings, etc. in the notes for each plane. I refer to your videos for all of my 20 planes.
I've gotten better about showing radio setup in my unboxing, assembly, and maiden videos, but this one is older. I generally set up my planes per Horizon Hobby recommendations, but only deviate on which switch to set for flaps and SAFE, as well as expo...which, as you know, is highly subjective. This plane is a GREAT fact, I just flew her the other night, and it was glorious as always ;) Thanks for watching, and for the comment!
Is there anything stopping one from putting a 5000mah 30c 3s Turnigy in this for the purpose of flight times? Admittably im new to this and LiPo's but I'd love to have more than a 5 min flight time. The only thing I could think is weight but size wise it looks it fit and as long as CG is good Id assume this has enough power to get it airborn and then some. Thoughts?
One more question for you. Finally got mine, got it all put together and control surfaces set, but I cant for the life of me get the CG right. I put the battery in just the back 2 velcro loops and its still incredibly nose heavy. Did you have this issue at all? Did you add any weight to it?
You CAN totally fly on a 3300mAh...I've flown on a 5000mAh 3S 60C pack...a bit heavy, but you'll need to play with the CG, and be careful with the nose gear on landings :) Go for it!!!
My new parkzone T-28 with AS3X and SAFE arrived today. It has a hard to reach, factory too tight , screw that must be loosened to slide in the nose gear strut - that must then be re-tightened to hold the strut in place. Its on part of the steerable nose wheel attachment connected to the rudder. It is a small, rather shallow Phillips head and I don't have a screw driver that wants to hold a grip on it - and I don't want to strip that sucker ! To compound the problem the steering unit wants to rotate when trying to loosen the screw. Any suggestions appreciated !
Watch this first... Then this (you have to listen to me on this one)... As for expo, this is what I do on most of my planes anymore to begin with, then adjust as I get a feel for the way the plane flies... (This is the P-51D June Nite, but it's the way I start them off for Expo/DR)...
Hi Brian, I have seen your videos and they are great_recently I saw your review of the Eflite [1.2m] Trojan and I am going to pull the trigger on that plane. It looks awesome, but I was wondering, since there are so many negatives on the forums, with respect to the AS3X receiver if you have found any problems with that receiver. Some say they have lost control and nosed into the ground... etc. I saw your video with minor mod on the nose wheel_have you experienced any bending of the struts or anything like that. I have seen some upgrades from other forums that address the issue of the nose wheel. Anyway I really look forward to your comments... appreciate it, and keep up the great work on your posts. emerio
You do have to flare on landings. If you do happen to bend the nose gear, just check out my video, in the playlist, and you'll see what I did to ensure the nose gear can't and doesn't bind. This ONLY happened to me after I took off with a bad lipo, and had to make an emergency landing in a yard. Totally my fault, and totally avoidable and embarrassing...but NOT the planes fault. If you're not a skilled pilot, maybe start with a tail dragger first...but this is a GREAT plane.
One more thing!!! They're $20 off right now! This plane NEVER goes on sale, since it's a great seller! Coupon Code " FOAM "
This plane is a GREAT flying plane. It's not a super "hard" plane to fly, but it doesn't have SAFE, if you're using it, you might consider going with another of the 1.2m warbirds from Horizon Hobby.... I LOVE this plane. It's very forgiving except for it's a bit more tricky to land as the nose gear will buckle and break if you're too rough on the landings. You WILL learn to flare this plane, if you don't already have that nailed down...which is why it's a GREAT plane for a trainer.
No, the AT-6 is a good plane, but this T-28B Trojan, is one of my favorite planes! I love it. The AT-6 is not. It's harder to land, and just doesn't fly as good....I know that sounds crazy, but this plane is a better flying experience, and I think it looks better too ;) But these are highly subjective things...I feel the same about the Spitfire 1.2m, even though it has SAFE too... Sounds like counter-intuitive advice, but you might "get it" when you get one for yourself ;)
I've had the park zone version for a while. It made me look like a rock star at the field and is a total tank on durability. If I can't find a used Carbon-Z T-28(discontinued) then I'm gonna go with one of these. T-28 is below my skill level, but with it being a swiss army knife of an affordable airframe, you can push it hard and it still be fun.
Quick question, it’s the rookie again I just purchased two of the Spektrum 80amp ESC for my Eflite T-28 Trojan and P-47 Razor Back. And I was wondering Would I need to buy any additional connector or plugs for installation or are all the connectors for the batteries, receivers and motor all compatible with the ESC ?
Bonjour Bryan Je n'arrive pas bien à comprendre ce que vous dites au sujet dès full/ flaps au Max ?? Prévoyez vous un faible mixage a piquer avec l'elevateur OU quelque chose de different ? Quels sont ses tendances en vol ? On général le T28 est un warbird assez docile ... Non?
This is how I have the flaps setup on the T-28 Tied to switch "B" with a 2 second deployment Position Flaps Elevator 0, -95%, 0% 1, -15%, 3% 2, 100%, 10% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Voici comment j'ai installé les volets sur le T-28 Tied pour passer "B" avec un déploiement de 2 secondes Position des volets 0, -95%, 0% 1, -15%, 3% 2, 100%, 10%
Brian Phillips Merci Brian de votre réponse mais je ne comprends pas la progression du réglage Flaps /élévator : 1/. 95 % flaps 0% elevator 2/. 15%. Flaps 3% elevator 3/. 100% flaps 10% elevator Ce que je ne comprends pas c'est la progression du pourcentage des Flaps de 95 % 15 % 100% ?????? Ça ne me paraît pas normal!! J'ai tendance à comprendre ceci : Position 1 :Flaps ouverts ( à plat) = 0 % mixage elevator Position 2 : flaps fermés à 15 % = 3% mixage elevator Position3 : flaps fermés à 100% = 10% mixage elevator Si vous avez un peu de temps pour me répondre ce serait gentil Brian Phillips Thank you Brian for your answer but I do not understand the progress of the Flaps / Elevator setting: 1 /. 95% flaps 0% elevator 2 /. 15%. Flaps 3% elevator 3 /. 100% 10% elevator flaps What I do not understand is the progression of the percentage of flaps by 95% 15% 100% ?????? It does not seem normal to me !! I tend to understand this: Position 1: Open flaps (flat) = 0% elevator mix Position 2: closed flaps at 15% = 3% elevator mix Position3: closed flaps at 100% = 10% elevator mix If you have a little time to answer me it would be nice
Lorsque les volets sont déployés, l'ascenseur déplace également une quantité prédéfinie pour empêcher le ballon de planer. Tout cela est géré dans la partie "Flap Mode" de mon Spektrum DX18, et il est très facile à installer. La raison de l'étrange point de départ est que nous utilisons les deux directions du voyage servo. Si nous n'utilisions que 0% - 100%, le servo ne se déplacerait qu'à partir du point de départ central, mais si nous utilisons -100% à + 100%, le servo se déplacerait d'un bout à l'autre. autre fin. Les -95% ont simplement à faire avec la façon dont mes surfaces de contrôle s'alignent, pour éviter que le servo bourdonne. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When the flaps are deployed, the elevator also moves a preset amount to prevent the plane ballooning. This is all handled in the "Flap Mode" part of my Spektrum DX18, and it's very easy to setup. The reason for the strange starting point is that we are using both directions of the servo travel. If we only used 0% - 100% then the servo would only move half the way from the central starting point, however, if we use -100% to +100%, the servo would be traveling all the way from one end to the other end. The -95% simply has to do with the way my control surfaces lined up, to prevent servo buzzing.
Merci maintenant c'est clair. J'ai aussi cet avion en plus petit T28 /800 mm FMS et j'ai monté des volets avec des réglages à peu près identiques Ce petit Warbird vol bien Je voudrais progresser et je vise la série 1200 eflite j'hésite entre le T28 et le P 47 RAZORBACH Thank you now it's clear. I also have this plane T28 / 800 mm FMS and I mounted flaps with settings almost identical This little Warbird flying well I would like to progress and I aim for the 1200 eflite series I hesitate between the T28 and the P 47 RAZORBACH
Les deux sont d'excellents choix, mais le T-28 est une joie absolue de voler, alors que le P-47 est un peu plus difficile, mais toujours un bon plan !!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Both are excellent choices, but the T-28 is an absolute joy to fly, while the P-47 is a bit more challenging, but still a great plane!!!
This plane has AR636A but does not safe. Mini apprentice S has R636A with Safe. Is it possible to program T-28 receiver for safe mode, as those two planes has the same type of receiver ?
I'm not sure. I don't have the programming cable from horizon hobby. Sorry, I can't tell you :( If I figure it out, I'll let you know. This plane is excellent! I'd recommend it for sure!!!
I just ordered mine should be coming in a couple of days i only have a couple minutes on the small champ i know the basics but i figured i need a bigger plane since the wind is always pushing me around I went to my local rc strip its really nice its paved and all so i ended up getting the trojan 1.1mm do you have n e advice i also got the spectrum DX6e nice flying i hope one day im as good as you
First off, thanks for the kind words. We're glad to have you here with us! It's our honor to have such a great audience!!! Advice? Here's some... Learn from EVERY mistake you make....and if you're not super-human (like me) you'll make a lot ;) Learn from every rough landing, every crash, every time you lose your orientation and try not to repeat it. Be a better pilot every time you fly. Get help, when you need it. Don't listen to jerks, and you'll find a fair amount of them in this hobby...loads of people who forget how hard it is to learn the's NOT easy, but you CAN do it! Don't push yourself too fast. Figure out your own pace. You don't have to fly 75 flights a week, but fly as often as you can!!! It will be the difference between you being a good pilot, and a bad one. Don't give up. You CAN do it! P.S. This video is the 1.2m, not the 1.1m (like you got, based on your comments), so mine doesn't have SAFE, while I believe yours DOES have SAFE. Use it when you need help. Don't let people try to tell you you "don't need it" - they may be right, but they aren't paying for your plane, and they don't need to have a vote on you getting your plane back in one piece. Use EVERY advantage you can to learn, and learn as quick as you can to get rid of SAFE. I learned with SAFE, and it was amazing to shed that crutch, but I still have SAFE on some of my planes, and love having it there for strange circumstances....even though I don't need it. Come back and watch all my videos - JK about that last one :)
Brian Phillips thank you for taking the time and inspiring me even more mine will have safe witch is a good thing and yes I’ve been watching your videos thanks again have a great day to you and your wife great channel 👍🏼
I did that when it was new, and never went back. can provide you a manual for the T-28B Trojan, and there will be a clearly marked CG on a page of the manual. Thanks for the question!
Hey Brian. Was thinking this was going to be a good trainer for EDF prep, but I'm concerned that it doesn't have SAFE Select. I upgraded the receiver's software and made SAFE Select active, but am still having issues. For some reason, even when flat, Panic Recovery wants to apply rudder and down elevator. The ailerons barely budge. Yet it all responds in Normal. Just need to fix that with HH before I maiden it. In the mean time, are there any HH planes with SAFE Select in the same price range that that you think would make for great EDF training? TIA
I didn't think this Rx would support SAFE??? Might want to talk with Horizon Hobby Tech support about this one. I'm sorry I can't give you a good answer. SAFE is helpful, but this plane is a GREAT flying, surprisingly stable and really FUN plane to fly. I want to do the Carbon Z T28 SOOOOO Badly...but HH can't send one :(....
Hi Brian, great video and good informations about the plane. Like your channel....your infos aboout especialy Horizon planes are great and very good explained! Got thoughts about buying the T 28 1.2......My good old PZ T 28 went away to the heaven of rc planes after at least over 250 flights.... Got two offers for a used flown FMS T 28 V3 (i think) for 180 Dollar incl. 3 LiPos and and the other one is a unflown eflite T 28 1.2 for 244 Dollar in the BNF version. Whats your opinion for choice.. all the others out there can give me a (usefull) tip too..... greetings and thanks a lot for the great vids on your channel! Martin
Don't take my word for it, but it sounds like the FMS is a lot better "deal"....but then just look how great this bird flies! It's hard to find a real substantive complaint on the T-28B Trojan, 1.2m - It's definitely one of my favorites, and I can't say anything bad about it. P.S. This plane is great, but that doens't mean the FMS is inferior in any way, but if someone gave me $244 and said you can keep the balance, but you HAVE to buy one of the two choices...I'd have to go with what I KNOW is excellent, right?!?
Wow, thanks for your qick answer! to be honest, thats the answer i expected :-) but not in a so clear and direct way! I don´t know in whitch timezone i hit your response....but thanks a lot again! I will contact the seller ask him for that trojan! Again great channel, great videos and a great hope of mine, you make a lot of your videos in the future for all the rc fans out there!
I will keep it up as long as you all keep coming back! Thanks for watching and glad I could be of some assistance! I KNOW you will LOVE the T-28B Trojan!!! It's a delight to fly! In fact, talking about it makes me want to go fly it [badly] right now...
It is actually on sale right now... use coupon code FOAM for $20 off. This plane is so good that it rarely goes on sale. If you buy her, you won't regret it. It is NOT a project plane. I have enjoyed it a LOT. Very good plane with intermediate to experienced pilots. If the Eleven Hobby is a lot cheaper, I could totally understand, or even if you wanted to get the Hobbyking Durafly, re-released T-28, with air break too (totally cool, but if you really want it, it's not hard to add...I might need to do that actually) Whichever way you go, good luck! If you find a balsa variant, I want to see your build video!
Love your videos but you do realize you can only see your airplane for about 100 yards before it disappears on the videos so trying to keep it in close should be a priority
these old vids are treasure.
Glad you enjoyed it. Did you see the kids on the hill - that's our two oldest...they used to play up there in the tall grass while we were flying - Great memories, and also helps me remember just how far we've come from those days.
Glad you've been around for-ever with us ;) Thanks!
Outstanding flying bryan and that was six years ago you were just a young lad... Big aloha to you in camera crew.
Thanks, and yeah, I sure was!!! I couldn't even make a "custom thumbnail" back then ;)
Brian- Excellent review and you have provided a lot of great information. I wish there were more videos like this one. Thanks!
K V - Thanks!!! I have TONS more videos like this. No BS, actual reviews. I won't leave you hanging saying I'm gonna do this or that, then never post a video. I get nothing for free from these idiots, they're WAY too dumb to send me something they want me to sell :D LOL
If you want to check out the "playlists" on my channel, you can see the "progression" from unboxing to maiden, to actually good flights, usually after some modification. Hope you enjoy lots more of my videos!
Thanks for watching!
Vintage video with the vintage T-28. You can really see the evolution of your videos!
I'm glad you can & Thanks!!! This was still so much fun!!!
You can tell it's old as he landed when the battery was low. His new videos he just keeps flying and flying and flying LoL
Great and very helpful videos. Really appreciate the time you take. Please include radio settings, etc. in the notes for each plane. I refer to your videos for all of my 20 planes.
I've gotten better about showing radio setup in my unboxing, assembly, and maiden videos, but this one is older.
I generally set up my planes per Horizon Hobby recommendations, but only deviate on which switch to set for flaps and SAFE, as well as expo...which, as you know, is highly subjective.
This plane is a GREAT fact, I just flew her the other night, and it was glorious as always ;)
Thanks for watching, and for the comment!
Wow nice vid Brian, I ordered one. greetings from Spain
Hope you enjoy it! It's a great plane!
Thanks Brian... the bird will get here on Saturday_man, HH is fast cause I placed the order on Wed.
I'm excited for you! Hope you get some good weather. She's a GREAT plane, and I know you'll like flying her!
Is there anything stopping one from putting a 5000mah 30c 3s Turnigy in this for the purpose of flight times? Admittably im new to this and LiPo's but I'd love to have more than a 5 min flight time. The only thing I could think is weight but size wise it looks it fit and as long as CG is good Id assume this has enough power to get it airborn and then some. Thoughts?
I have flown mine with a 5000mAh 3S 60C pack, and she flies just fine, but I prefer a 3000mAh 3S 60C pack, since you keep the plane more docile
@@BrianPhillipsRC Thanks for the reply!
One more question for you. Finally got mine, got it all put together and control surfaces set, but I cant for the life of me get the CG right. I put the battery in just the back 2 velcro loops and its still incredibly nose heavy. Did you have this issue at all? Did you add any weight to it?
Nevermind, figured out my issue. Got a 3200mah instead of a 2200, oversight on my part. It is almost 200grams heavier and larger, thus the issue.
You CAN totally fly on a 3300mAh...I've flown on a 5000mAh 3S 60C pack...a bit heavy, but you'll need to play with the CG, and be careful with the nose gear on landings :) Go for it!!!
My new parkzone T-28 with AS3X and SAFE arrived today.
It has a hard to reach, factory too tight , screw that must be loosened to slide in the nose gear strut - that must then be re-tightened to hold the strut in place.
Its on part of the steerable nose wheel attachment connected to the rudder.
It is a small, rather shallow Phillips head and I don't have a screw driver that wants to hold a grip on it - and I don't want to strip that sucker !
To compound the problem the steering unit wants to rotate when trying to loosen the screw.
Any suggestions appreciated !
Hey Brain just received my eflight T 28 today is there any chance you might share your TX set up with me throws and expo ?
Watch this first...
Then this (you have to listen to me on this one)...
As for expo, this is what I do on most of my planes anymore to begin with, then adjust as I get a feel for the way the plane flies... (This is the P-51D June Nite, but it's the way I start them off for Expo/DR)...
Hi Brian, I have seen your videos and they are great_recently I saw your review of the Eflite [1.2m] Trojan and I am going to pull the trigger on that plane. It looks awesome, but I was wondering, since there are so many negatives on the forums, with respect to the AS3X receiver if you have found any problems with that receiver. Some say they have lost control and nosed into the ground... etc. I saw your video with minor mod on the nose wheel_have you experienced any bending of the struts or anything like that. I have seen some upgrades from other forums that address the issue of the nose wheel.
Anyway I really look forward to your comments... appreciate it, and keep up the great work on your posts. emerio
ZERO PROBLEMS! This is a rock-solid plane.
Go buy it now!
You do have to flare on landings. If you do happen to bend the nose gear, just check out my video, in the playlist, and you'll see what I did to ensure the nose gear can't and doesn't bind.
This ONLY happened to me after I took off with a bad lipo, and had to make an emergency landing in a yard. Totally my fault, and totally avoidable and embarrassing...but NOT the planes fault.
If you're not a skilled pilot, maybe start with a tail dragger first...but this is a GREAT plane.
One more thing!!! They're $20 off right now! This plane NEVER goes on sale, since it's a great seller!
Coupon Code " FOAM "
Brian if i can fly a 4 ch plane, would this t-28 be manageable for me if I didn’t do any fancy moves
This plane is a GREAT flying plane. It's not a super "hard" plane to fly, but it doesn't have SAFE, if you're using it, you might consider going with another of the 1.2m warbirds from Horizon Hobby....
I LOVE this plane. It's very forgiving except for it's a bit more tricky to land as the nose gear will buckle and break if you're too rough on the landings. You WILL learn to flare this plane, if you don't already have that nailed down...which is why it's a GREAT plane for a trainer.
so maybe try the at-6 which has safe?
No, the AT-6 is a good plane, but this T-28B Trojan, is one of my favorite planes! I love it. The AT-6 is not. It's harder to land, and just doesn't fly as good....I know that sounds crazy, but this plane is a better flying experience, and I think it looks better too ;) But these are highly subjective things...I feel the same about the Spitfire 1.2m, even though it has SAFE too...
Sounds like counter-intuitive advice, but you might "get it" when you get one for yourself ;)
I've had the park zone version for a while. It made me look like a rock star at the field and is a total tank on durability. If I can't find a used Carbon-Z T-28(discontinued) then I'm gonna go with one of these. T-28 is below my skill level, but with it being a swiss army knife of an affordable airframe, you can push it hard and it still be fun.
I think so. It's awesome!
Quick question, it’s the rookie again I just purchased two of the Spektrum 80amp ESC for my Eflite T-28 Trojan and P-47 Razor Back. And I was wondering Would I need to buy any additional connector or plugs for installation or are all the connectors for the batteries, receivers and motor all compatible with the ESC ?
Depends on what batteries you'll be using. I'm sorry I can't really answer your question for you on this one Dev Os.
@@BrianPhillipsRC thanks I had to swap out the EC adapters from the motor all good now, Thanks !
Bonjour Bryan
Je n'arrive pas bien à comprendre ce que vous dites au sujet dès full/ flaps au Max ??
Prévoyez vous un faible mixage a piquer avec l'elevateur OU quelque chose de different ?
Quels sont ses tendances en vol ? On général le T28 est un warbird assez docile ... Non?
This is how I have the flaps setup on the T-28
Tied to switch "B" with a 2 second deployment
Position Flaps Elevator
0, -95%, 0%
1, -15%, 3%
2, 100%, 10%
Voici comment j'ai installé les volets sur le T-28
Tied pour passer "B" avec un déploiement de 2 secondes
Position des volets
0, -95%, 0%
1, -15%, 3%
2, 100%, 10%
Brian Phillips
Merci Brian de votre réponse
mais je ne comprends pas la progression du réglage Flaps /élévator :
1/. 95 % flaps 0% elevator
2/. 15%. Flaps 3% elevator
3/. 100% flaps 10% elevator
Ce que je ne comprends pas c'est la progression du pourcentage des Flaps de 95 % 15 % 100% ??????
Ça ne me paraît pas normal!!
J'ai tendance à comprendre ceci :
Position 1 :Flaps ouverts ( à plat) = 0 % mixage elevator
Position 2 : flaps fermés à 15 % = 3% mixage elevator
Position3 : flaps fermés à 100% = 10% mixage elevator
Si vous avez un peu de temps pour me répondre ce serait gentil
Brian Phillips
Thank you Brian for your answer
but I do not understand the progress of the Flaps / Elevator setting:
1 /. 95% flaps 0% elevator
2 /. 15%. Flaps 3% elevator
3 /. 100% 10% elevator flaps
What I do not understand is the progression of the percentage of flaps by 95% 15% 100% ??????
It does not seem normal to me !!
I tend to understand this:
Position 1: Open flaps (flat) = 0% elevator mix
Position 2: closed flaps at 15% = 3% elevator mix
Position3: closed flaps at 100% = 10% elevator mix
If you have a little time to answer me it would be nice
Lorsque les volets sont déployés, l'ascenseur déplace également une quantité prédéfinie pour empêcher le ballon de planer. Tout cela est géré dans la partie "Flap Mode" de mon Spektrum DX18, et il est très facile à installer.
La raison de l'étrange point de départ est que nous utilisons les deux directions du voyage servo. Si nous n'utilisions que 0% - 100%, le servo ne se déplacerait qu'à partir du point de départ central, mais si nous utilisons -100% à + 100%, le servo se déplacerait d'un bout à l'autre. autre fin. Les -95% ont simplement à faire avec la façon dont mes surfaces de contrôle s'alignent, pour éviter que le servo bourdonne.
When the flaps are deployed, the elevator also moves a preset amount to prevent the plane ballooning. This is all handled in the "Flap Mode" part of my Spektrum DX18, and it's very easy to setup.
The reason for the strange starting point is that we are using both directions of the servo travel. If we only used 0% - 100% then the servo would only move half the way from the central starting point, however, if we use -100% to +100%, the servo would be traveling all the way from one end to the other end. The -95% simply has to do with the way my control surfaces lined up, to prevent servo buzzing.
Merci maintenant c'est clair.
J'ai aussi cet avion en plus petit T28 /800 mm FMS et j'ai monté des volets avec des réglages à peu près identiques
Ce petit Warbird vol bien
Je voudrais progresser et je vise la série 1200 eflite
j'hésite entre le T28 et le P 47 RAZORBACH
Thank you now it's clear.
I also have this plane T28 / 800 mm FMS and I mounted flaps with settings almost identical
This little Warbird flying well
I would like to progress and I aim for the 1200 eflite series
I hesitate between the T28 and the P 47 RAZORBACH
Les deux sont d'excellents choix, mais le T-28 est une joie absolue de voler, alors que le P-47 est un peu plus difficile, mais toujours un bon plan !!!
Both are excellent choices, but the T-28 is an absolute joy to fly, while the P-47 is a bit more challenging, but still a great plane!!!
I'm still wanting that plane...did you get a Spitfire yet?
Not yet, but it is on my list.
I do have a new plane coming tomorrow. I'll put my spin on it and see if anyone wants to watch!
This plane has AR636A but does not safe.
Mini apprentice S has R636A with Safe.
Is it possible to program T-28 receiver for safe mode, as those two planes has the same type of receiver ?
I'm not sure. I don't have the programming cable from horizon hobby. Sorry, I can't tell you :(
If I figure it out, I'll let you know.
This plane is excellent! I'd recommend it for sure!!!
ok..was at the local hobby shop tonight and saw this plane...I told myself no to the plane..bought 2 glow looks like a great flyer
The T-28 1.2m is EXCELLENT!!! I really like this plane.
Its tough to pass it up..all of my glow and gas are feeling neglected
I just ordered mine should be coming in a couple of days i only have a couple minutes on the small champ i know the basics but i figured i need a bigger plane since the wind is always pushing me around I went to my local rc strip its really nice its paved and all so i ended up getting the trojan 1.1mm do you have n e advice i also got the spectrum DX6e nice flying i hope one day im as good as you
First off, thanks for the kind words. We're glad to have you here with us! It's our honor to have such a great audience!!!
Advice? Here's some...
Learn from EVERY mistake you make....and if you're not super-human (like me) you'll make a lot ;)
Learn from every rough landing, every crash, every time you lose your orientation and try not to repeat it. Be a better pilot every time you fly. Get help, when you need it. Don't listen to jerks, and you'll find a fair amount of them in this hobby...loads of people who forget how hard it is to learn the's NOT easy, but you CAN do it!
Don't push yourself too fast. Figure out your own pace. You don't have to fly 75 flights a week, but fly as often as you can!!! It will be the difference between you being a good pilot, and a bad one.
Don't give up. You CAN do it!
P.S. This video is the 1.2m, not the 1.1m (like you got, based on your comments), so mine doesn't have SAFE, while I believe yours DOES have SAFE. Use it when you need help. Don't let people try to tell you you "don't need it" - they may be right, but they aren't paying for your plane, and they don't need to have a vote on you getting your plane back in one piece. Use EVERY advantage you can to learn, and learn as quick as you can to get rid of SAFE. I learned with SAFE, and it was amazing to shed that crutch, but I still have SAFE on some of my planes, and love having it there for strange circumstances....even though I don't need it.
Come back and watch all my videos - JK about that last one :)
Brian Phillips thank you for taking the time and inspiring me even more mine will have safe witch is a good thing and yes I’ve been watching your videos thanks again have a great day to you and your wife great channel 👍🏼
Gamingforfun 007 - You're welcome! Come back for more when you're ready!
I picked up one about a month ago and mine doesn't have much power? Great Video's
I wonder if the motor is bad?
Hi brian! Nice review! Want to ask what camera / handycam you used to record the flight?
Thank you
Galaxy S7 Cell Phone. My wife is the camera woman...she does a very good job!
Great plane too!!!
This plane will handle a 4s? Thanks
I believe it will, but haven't used 4S on mine.
Sir, how did you find the correct CoG ?
Did you upside plane ?
I did that when it was new, and never went back. can provide you a manual for the T-28B Trojan, and there will be a clearly marked CG on a page of the manual.
Thanks for the question!
Testing for CG upside down is normal with a low wing plane. Keep gear retracted too - Good luck!
Hey Brian. Was thinking this was going to be a good trainer for EDF prep, but I'm concerned that it doesn't have SAFE Select. I upgraded the receiver's software and made SAFE Select active, but am still having issues. For some reason, even when flat, Panic Recovery wants to apply rudder and down elevator. The ailerons barely budge. Yet it all responds in Normal. Just need to fix that with HH before I maiden it. In the mean time, are there any HH planes with SAFE Select in the same price range that that you think would make for great EDF training? TIA
I didn't think this Rx would support SAFE??? Might want to talk with Horizon Hobby Tech support about this one. I'm sorry I can't give you a good answer.
SAFE is helpful, but this plane is a GREAT flying, surprisingly stable and really FUN plane to fly. I want to do the Carbon Z T28 SOOOOO Badly...but HH can't send one :(....
Hi Brian,
great video and good informations about the plane. Like your channel....your infos aboout especialy Horizon planes are great and very good explained! Got thoughts about buying the T 28 1.2......My good old PZ T 28 went away to the heaven of rc planes after at least over 250 flights....
Got two offers for a used flown FMS T 28 V3 (i think) for 180 Dollar incl. 3 LiPos and and the other one is a unflown eflite T 28 1.2 for 244 Dollar in the BNF version. Whats your opinion for choice.. all the others out there can give me a (usefull) tip too.....
greetings and thanks a lot for the great vids on your channel!
Don't take my word for it, but it sounds like the FMS is a lot better "deal"....but then just look how great this bird flies! It's hard to find a real substantive complaint on the T-28B Trojan, 1.2m - It's definitely one of my favorites, and I can't say anything bad about it.
P.S. This plane is great, but that doens't mean the FMS is inferior in any way, but if someone gave me $244 and said you can keep the balance, but you HAVE to buy one of the two choices...I'd have to go with what I KNOW is excellent, right?!?
Sounds like a tough decision ;)
Wow, thanks for your qick answer! to be honest, thats the answer i expected :-)
but not in a so clear and direct way!
I don´t know in whitch timezone i hit your response....but thanks a lot again!
I will contact the seller ask him for that trojan!
Again great channel, great videos and a great hope of mine, you make a lot of your videos in the future for all the rc fans out there!
:-) :-) no great decision, but only al little time to write an anser in my 30 years old school english :-) :-)
I will keep it up as long as you all keep coming back! Thanks for watching and glad I could be of some assistance! I KNOW you will LOVE the T-28B Trojan!!! It's a delight to fly! In fact, talking about it makes me want to go fly it [badly] right now...
$280? wow
It is actually on sale right now... use coupon code FOAM for $20 off. This plane is so good that it rarely goes on sale.
If you buy her, you won't regret it. It is NOT a project plane. I have enjoyed it a LOT. Very good plane with intermediate to experienced pilots.
If the Eleven Hobby is a lot cheaper, I could totally understand, or even if you wanted to get the Hobbyking Durafly, re-released T-28, with air break too (totally cool, but if you really want it, it's not hard to add...I might need to do that actually)
Whichever way you go, good luck! If you find a balsa variant, I want to see your build video!
I can get the 11 hobby T-28 for $127 shipped but ill need a RX, so about $150 with a Lemon Stab RX.
Love your videos but you do realize you can only see your airplane for about 100 yards before it disappears on the videos so trying to keep it in close should be a priority
It is 2020. This video was filmed October 2016.