Plant spirit initiation with Mugwort - A talk by Debra Delgyn

  • Опубліковано 10 чер 2018
  • "Mugwort has been coming forward very strongly in Britain and the UK, where she grows wild in great profusion alongside road and motorway verges. She is also called Cronewort, which provides the clue that she carries the wisdom of the Elders, and her focus is primarily on helping us connect with other plants and elements of the natural world. She has a wonderful grounding and protective quality and engaged with respectfully she will become a valued friend and guide; I first met Mugwort in 2014 and she has been at my side ever since.
    As a herb she has many medicinal qualities, many of them associated with female conditions, but this evening we will meet her spirit in the energetic realm. Debra is preparing a unique vibrational essence especially for this initiation: it doesn’t contain plant material so is safe for all to take. After a short introduction we’ll talk a little about different ways to engage with Mugwort then we’ll move into Ceremony and you will go on a journey to meet the Plant Spirit for yourself and ask the questions in your Heart. Mugwort is not psychoactive but she does promote deep dreaming so be prepared for your dreamworld to expand, especially on Wednesday’s Full Moon.
    Debra Delglyn has run a full-time holistic practice in Manchester, UK and spends several months a year travelling to bring her unique energy to communities, festivals and events around the world. Her skills are born of extensive study and practice in bodywork, vibrational energy, shamanic and Earthkeeping traditions. Prior to her practitioner training she engaged in years of personal development work which gives her a solid foundation of self-knowledge and a mature understanding of practical psychology. Debra undertook the Inka initiations and training with Juan and Ivan Nuñez del Prado in Ireland and with Elizabeth Jenkins in Hawaii and Peru.
    “My primary teaching tools come from the Inka tradition of Nature Wisdom as its practical energy exercises embody much-needed harmony and happiness in our lives and communities. Western society exhibits dysfunction and breakdown on so many levels that it is imperative we find better ways of living and working together. There is much wisdom in indigenous traditions and we are fortunate that so many peoples are coming forward to share with us; I wish to learn with, contribute to and embrace these opportunities as we make the paradigm shift to living in Spirit.”
    Individual healing, coaching and Andean Initiation sessions also available, get in touch for details.
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