열린눈[리스트]초절기교 연습곡 제3번 ‘풍경’[Transcendental Étude (S.139) No. 3, ‘Paysage’(by Franz Liszt)]
- Опубліковано 6 лют 2025
- 초절기교 연습곡 제3번 ‘풍경(Paysage)’은, 프란츠 리스트가 작곡한 12개의 피아노 연습곡 중에서 가장 쉬운 곡으로 알려져 있다. 다른 곡에 비해 기교적인 부분이 돋보이지 않고, 전체적으로 느리게 연주하는 것이 특징이다. 고요하고 평화로운 자연의 아름다운 풍경을 묘사한 작품이다.
The Song of Transcendental Studies No. 3 (‘Paysage’), is known as the easiest piece among 12 piano exercises composed by Franz Liszt. Compared to other songs, the technical part does not stand out, and the performance in general is slow. It is a work that depicts the beautiful scenery of the calm and peaceful nature.
초절기교 연습곡 (S.139)
리스트의 초절기교 연습곡은, 연주 기술이 집약된 12개의 피아노 연습곡으로 그의 스승인 카를 체르니에게 헌정한 곡이다. 이 곡은 처음에는 리스트가 15세 때인 1826년에 작곡한 12개의 연습곡(S.136)’이었는데, 이를 수정해서 1837년에 12개의 대연습곡(S.137)(12 Grande Etudes)으로 변경되었고, 1852년에 또다시 ‘초절기교 연습곡(S.139)’으로 최종 수정되었다. 오늘날 피아노 연주를 하기 위해 기본적으로 습득해야 할 테크닉을 익히는데 있어서 교과서 역할을 하고 있다.
Transcendental Etudes (S.139)
Liszt's ‘Transcendental Etudes’ is a collection of 12 piano exercises that concentrate his playing skills, and was dedicated to his teacher, Carl Czerny. This Songs were initially composed of '12 Exercises (S.136)' written in 1826 when Liszt was 15 years old, and it was modified and changed to S.137 (12 Grande Etudes) in 1837. In 1852, it was finally revised as ‘Transcendental Etudes’ (S.139). Today, it serves as a textbook for learning the basic techniques to learn playing the piano.
프란츠 리스트
프란츠 리스트(Franz Liszt, 1811년 10월 22일 ~ 1886년 7월 31일)는 헝가리 출생의 피아니스트이다. 헝가리식 이름은 리스트 페렌츠(Liszt Ferenc)이다. 어려서부터 뛰어난 음악적 재능을 선보였으며, 파리로 이주한 후 16세쯤 훌륭한 연주가로 인정받았다. 그는 19세기 유럽 음악계를 휩쓸며 낭만 시대 음악에 큰 공헌을 하였다. 뛰어난 기교로 타의 추종을 불허하는 최고의 피아니스트로서 ‘피아노의 왕’, ‘피아노의 신’이라고 불린다. 그 외에 파가니니의 영향을 크게 받았다고 해서 ‘피아노의 파가니니’라고 불리기도 하고, 일본에서는 ‘피아노의 마술사’라는 별칭으로 불린다. 그는 피아노 음악뿐만 아니라 관현악 분야에서도 업적을 갖고 있으며, 교향곡과 시를 결합한 교향시(Symphonic Poem)를 창안해 ‘교향시의 창시자’라고도 불린다. 리스트의 음악 세계에 직간접적으로 영향을 미쳤을 수도 있는, 리스트와 친분이 있었던 사람으로는 루이 엑토르 베를리오즈(Louis Hector Berlioz), 로베르트 슈만(Robert Schumann), 리하르트 바그너( Richard Wagner) 등의 당대의 음악가들과 화가 장 오귀스트 도미니크 앵그르(Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres), 시인 하인리히 하이네(Heinrich Heine), 동화작가 한스 크리스티안 안데르센(Hans Christian Andersen) 등이 있다. 그는 연주 활동을 하면서 특히 작곡에 힘을 쏟아 많은 피아노곡을 발표하였다. 대표적인 작품으로는, 헝가리 랩소디(Hungarian Rhapsodies), 초절기교 연습곡(Transcendental Etude), 파가니니 대연습곡( Grandes études de Paganini), 단테 교향곡(Dante Symphony), 교향시 2번 타소 비탄과 승리(Symphonic Poem No. 2 'Tasso, Lamento e Trionfo') 등이 있다. 이들 작품 중 리스트의 풍부한 표현과 기교가 가장 잘 반영된 작품으로는, ‘헝가리 랩소디 2번( Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2)’, 파가니니 대연습곡 3번 ‘라 캄파넬라’(Paganini Etude No. 3 ‘La campanella’), 녹턴 3번 ‘사랑의 꿈’( Liebestraum No. 3 ‘Love Dream’)으로 알려져 있다.
Franz Liszt
Franz Liszt (October 22, 1811 - July 31, 1886) was a Hungarian pianist. His Hungarian name is Ferenc Liszt. He showed great musical talent from childhood and after moving to Paris was recognized as a great performer at the age of 16. He swept the European music scene of the 19th century and made a great contribution to the music of the Romantic period. He is known as the 'King of the Piano' or 'The God of the Piano' as the best pianist with unequalled virtuosity. He is also called 'Paganini of the Piano' because he was greatly influenced by Paganini, and in Japan he is called 'The Magician of the Piano'. He has achievements not only in piano music but also in orchestral music, and is also called the 'Founder of Symphonic Poem' by creating Symphonic Poem that combines symphony and poetry. Liszt's acquaintances that may have had a direct or indirect influence on his musical world include contemporary musicians such as Louis Hector Berlioz, Robert Schumann, and Richard Wagner, the painter Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, the poet Heinrich Heine, and the children's writer Hans Christian Andersen. He performed a lot, devoted himself to composing and released many piano pieces. Representative works are ‘Hungarian Rhapsodies’, ‘Transcendental Etude’, ‘Grandes études de Paganini’, ‘Dante Symphony’, Symphonic Poem No. 2 'Tasso, Lamento e Trionfo'. Among them, the works that best reflect Liszt's rich expression and technique are 'Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2', 'Paganini Etude No. 3 La campanella' and Liebestraum No. 3 'Love Dream' known as Nocturne No. 3 'Love Dream'.
Wonderful calm music🎧🎷🎹
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
So soothing music
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
Beateful yes
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
Muy lindas notas te relaja se me ase interesante las imágenes saludos feliz día
Muchas gracias.
¡Sé siempre feliz y saludable!
Gracias igualmente saludos feliz día
Nice upload my friend 🙏 I like 👍
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
Beautiful soothing music my dear friend ❤️❤️ thanks for sharing friend 👍👍
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
Definitely awesome my friend thumbs up ,,💯,,👍
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
nonton terus mang
Beautiful instrument to hear in this morning my dear,great classical sounds concept
Have a peaceful day
This is another great sharing 💞
I am enjoying as always 🥰
See you soon 👍👍👍
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
Great, my dear Friend.
My best wishes to you
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
Another awesome video my dear friend 👍💯❤️ keep it up 👍👍👍💯❤️❤️❤️🙏
아름다운연주 행복나눔 감사합니다
행복충전할 수 있도록 해주셔서
평안한 시간 가져봅니다.
따뜻한 응원 감사합니다.
평온하고 행복한 시간이었으면 좋겠네요.^^
Beautiful music.. i really enjoy
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
добрый день! спасибо за прекрасную музыку!
멋진노래 들으며 힐링하는
타임이네요 ㅎㅎ 끝까지 시청하고
힐링하다 갈께요🌿🌸🌷🌹🌺😙💕👍
따뜻한 응원 감사합니다.
여유롭고 행복한 시간이었으면 좋겠네요.^^
리스트의 초절기교 연습곡
제 4번에 이어
오늘은 제 3번이군요~~
리스트는 어느 곳을 눈에 담고 있었을까요~?
평온함과 역동감이 함께 느껴집니다 ~^^
따뜻한 응원 감사합니다.
아늑하고 고운 밤 보내세요.^^
아침에 멋진 피아노 연주 들으며
하루 기분좋게 시작합니다
감사합니다 ^^
Сасибо большое за прекрасную музыку!
Like👍👍👍 167
Awesome😊 upload dear friend🙏
Reverence to you for this wonderful music!! Thanks for sharing! dear friend😊💞💞👍166
beautiful upload friend! stay safe and stay blessed.
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
*_Fantastic classical music by Franz Liszt. Thumbs up for your wonderful video._*
*_Thanks for sharing. Have a nice weekend_*
Nice video thank u for sharing keep shining stay blessed and have a nice day
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
!!Very nice my friend thanks for sharing 💕
enjoyed watching and listening . We like 194
มาฟังเพลงบรรเลงเปียโน เพราะมากๆครับ
Beautiful Nice sharing big like
L13 full sahabatku
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
Thank you for lovely music...
Have a happy weekend🌹🥰❤🤩💐
Hats off to the talent of the great Frances Liszt. 18 👍😍🍀
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
*Замечательный этюд с удовольствием послушал!!*
Very beautiful MuMusicMuMusic.calm the soul.always want to be here friend.amazing🌷
special music,close up Wednesday
Boa noite! Muito bom 👏🏼
Muito obrigado.
Seja sempre feliz e saudável!
Like your music my friend so relaxing.
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
Like 181 , good night my friend , thank for sharing 👍
Wonderful and relaxing. ❤️Big LIKE! 👍 Thanks for sharing. 👍 🎵
Awesome sharing my friend 👍
59 Liiiike👍
Great sharing❤️
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
*This is pure and wonderful. As are you, one who reads this message. The universe pulled your attention here to let you know that you are loved, and you are needed. Stay strong my friend*
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
Nice vidéo like 🌺🌺👍
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
Nice my friend. Have a nice week🙏👍
Nice music Transcendental Etude 👍 Paysage
Ultimate piano channel 👍👍👍👍
Love it
Thank you for the wonderful music my friend🙏
Leaving my big thumbs up 💜💜💜
Veryy good Vidio 👍
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
열린눈[리스트]초절기교 연습곡 제3번 ‘풍경’[Transcendental Étude (S.139) No. 3, ‘Paysage’(by Franz Liszt)]
찬양함니다...풀로 힐링..인생을 배웁니다...감사합니다
띵하오 ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awesome, yeollinnun! So beautiful and moving! Many thanks for your wonderful sharing.
Lk 137
Great sharing👍👍
Enjoyed the music🎶🎶
Stay healthy 💐💐
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
고맙습니다~ 행복한 주말 밤입니다~^^
Brilliant video my friend. I really like your videos
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
Terima kasih banyak.
Selalu bahagia dan sehat!
Очень красивая музыка))) Спасибо Вам))
Fantastic music. A Wonderful share my friend.💚
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
Amazing Great sharing😍🎉🎉👌🙋
“Make the most of the best and the best of the worst, and keep your standards high. Never settle for anything less than you deserve or are capable of achieving.” - 🎵🌞🌼🍀⭐🎵 - Very relaxing and beautiful music !
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
أجمل بصمه ليكم
아름다운 리스트곡~풍경~
즐감입니다 💓👍
감사해요 💞❣
따뜻한 응원 감사합니다.
즐겁고 행복한 주말 보내세요.^^
Very nice sharing my friend 🥰👍
Beautiful video share my dear ❤️❤️❤️👍
Have a wonderful day
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
. hadir nyimak kaka
Terima kasih banyak.
Selalu bahagia dan sehat!
Lk 32...Amazing tune.. I enjoyed very much.. Thanks for sharing.. Stay safe and connected.. Waiting for your visit dear friend 💞💞💞💞💞
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
Beautiful music 🎶🎶 so relaxing
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
So amazing video sharing 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
Послушала на ночь успокаивает
Большое спасибо.
Будьте всегда счастливы и здоровы!
New friend here sending my full support ❤️☺️☺️
👍23 so relaxing music 🎵 Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
Nice sharing 👍New friend stay connected 👍
This music is so beautiful. So relaxing. Thanks for sharing♥️.have a great day😊
Esse é um bom vídeo. Esteja seguro e tenha um ótimo tempo!
Nice sharing my friend. I enjoyed watching 'til the end. Super Like 👍👌❤️. Keep safe
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
요즘 하늘 거리는 들꽃 만발한 자연을 거닐며 느끼는 감상을 불러다 주는 곡이네요.
산책길에 갖은 느낌을 음악속에 담으며 감상합니다.
즐거운 여름날 들 되시길요..
따뜻한 응원 감사합니다.
평온하고 행복한 시간이었으면 좋겠네요.^^
Verry nice, good relax music👍thank you friend
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
Music is interesting. Thank you for sharing offline
Big like 47 👏Awesome video upload 👍 full watch done 😊 thanks for sharing 🙏 sending hugs support my friend 💯
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
Wonderful melody! Amazing sound! Great! ☕☕☕
thanks for sharing
Amazing sharing friend 💕
WoW! Amazing soothing and relaxing music. Love it very much. Thank you for sharing 😍👍❤️
Beautiful share my friend! Nice etude, Wonderful share!
Like #77!
Have a nice day to you!
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
Such a lovely piece of music. Thank you for sharing.
⭐ Beautiful experience! Amazing tour! We lovely! Thank you for sharing! Greetings! 😁🗽
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
Nice piano music! wish you a wonderful day!
Excellent piece! soulful, relaxing and calming music!
ماشاءالله جميل جدا 🌷👍 بالتوفيق والنجاح 🌹🌹
Wonderful video my friend, fantastic soothing piano music, it's so peaceful, great sharing, Like 156.
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
Lovely, I can formerly see the Paysage rolling before me... big like 197!
nice one.. lk204
Hey! Wonderful etude and gorgeous execution. 175 Like
Excellent my dear friend
I enjoyed this so much
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
Beautiful melodies!!!! Thank you for sharing my friend!!!
I liked your wonderful video! I like it! Have a good week!: D
Thanks for sharing nice video 💓💓💓💓 Have a blessed time 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
Very inspirational sharing video thanks you for this
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!
120 lk
Amazing thought👍
Thank you so much.
Always be happy and healthy!