I cleanse or rather "reset" my decks by bringing them into chronological order. That has proven to be the most effective method whenever my readings feel off. :)
I did this once not with this intention but because I played a game of solitaire with my deck. If you're bored, that could be a more fun way of doing this
@The Sacred Cottage personally I'd want to get a marseille deck or other traditional tarot deck for games, just because I think the illustrated pips of a divination deck are not suited to a card game
@The Sacred Cottage I know it was originally a card game; what I said about pips is more a personal preference thing Though I’ve heard some say Tarochi is less like poker and more like bridge Idk, I’ve never played bridge so I couldn’t say which is the more apt comparison
I totally agree with decks having different personalities. Believe it or not. My “prettiest” deck is absolutely BRUTAL. But the one that has darker art work is the happier, gentle one 😅😅
I feel the same about Thoth vs other, more modern decks. Thoth has this bad rep because of Crowley, but I’ve always had positive feedback from ppl who’ve chosen to use it in readings. Lively, but blunt n honest
A year later! I hope you got your first deck, and I hope things I going well in general for you! Put those fears in their place and keep moving towards your learning urges.
Love your take on Tarot. When I am doing a reading for a friend who is either really nervous/anxious about the potential message or someone who is very skeptical about the legitimacy of Tarot, I tell them to try and look at it like a self help card game. The way the cards correlate to your life is going to be up to you to draw those connections. That's why I think Tarot is great as a tool in shadow work. No matter what your question, if you view the cards as a jumping off point to explore your own mind or take into consideration different ideas that you may not come to on your own, than it will feel like a magical experience. Life is magical and that is what Tarot helps me to see.
That's basically how I use my cards. I don't really set out that intention, but it's how it usually ends up playing out and I love it. It's like a little therapy session or even an intervention lol. It's very confronting since you're being "physically" confronted (since the cards are laid out in front of you) about things that you subconsciously know but are ignoring or avoiding.
On the subject of bonding with your deck, I have a little ritual where, for my first reading with any given deck, I ask the deck to introduce itself to me in a one-card draw. For instance, my first deck introduced itself with the knight of pentacles (that deck also LOVES pentacle cards for some reason) and I usually go to it when I want the straight shit. After the deck introduces itself, I’ll go find the card I identify the most with (it just so happens to be the king of cups) and I set the two next to each other and see how they compare. Idk, I think it’s cute ☺️
My deck likes to be right in the middle of my kitchen window shelf, for everyone to see, and get tempted. It also mostly likes to really be brutally honest/provoking with anyone trying them. I curse at them a lot and they serve me the brutal facts/answers everytime. We're in a stable love/hate relationship
Honestly, the idea that you have to be gifted your first deck always felt a little gatekeep-y. Because for that to happen, you have to have someone in your life that either also reads tarot, or is at least cool enough with it to want to give you one, and not everyone has that, especially if you're practicing in secret. It's maybe a little more feasible now that tarot is more mainstream, but yeah.
I have dozens upon dozens of tarot decks. A few have been passed down from family and date back to the early 1700’s. When I get a new deck, I cleanse them with smoke, charge them under a full moon and then sleep with them under my mattress for a bit. This is how I was taught by my mother, taught by her mother and so on. Every deck I own is different in style, art, and feel. I love hearing how others handle their decks. Thank you for sharing, Olivia.
It's so cool when it's a family thing. I learned about tarot reading back in middle school through my best friend and she got the knowledge from her mom and grandma...
I have chills reading this. Lovely history. I sleep with a new deck under my pillow/adjacent to my head. I love the idea of charging it under the full moon, though!
Although I've been reading tarot for a while, seeing this video feels like a refresher that my practice is valid but also makes me think about how fucking cool other people's practices are and the differences are what makes all this so beautiful. Thank you for bringing up the negatives. I had recently found a book that goes along the lines of "how to make any reading a positive one" and was geared toward people who sell readings. I was kind of shocked since the "bad" or "negative" cards tend to help me grow the most! Also one more thing, thank you so much for your hard work in this video since it's 30 minutes long, I just know it was so much more editing than usual!
I used to read reversals but now I don't. For every reversed meaning, there is an upright card that can deliver the same message, IMO. Especially when reading for others as I've noticed reversals stir anxiety in those without a solid understanding of the cards. I may go back to reading reversals one day but have really loved not working with them.
I absolutely love your no BS approach to everything. Lol It’s so refreshing and helpful for a busy mom witch like me lol Thank you for this great video as usual. ❤️👏
I feel like my deck was meaner at first but she really grew to like me at a fast pace. She was just so cut throat and harsh. But now I find our readings to be caring, guided and wanting the best for me. I sit a calcite stone on top of her and sit her by the window so the sun shines and recharges. It’s like having a girl friend that won’t talk behind your back. 😆
I have a tree that from my childhood I sat in. I dreamed and prayed in that tree. I watched the stars over head in the winter when the leaves were gone. When I had troubles or sadness I sat in that tree and pondered. It was my comfort zone and my safe zone. I felt at least resting on the limbs and the bark. Even when I had a NDE the tree was in my dreams of my after life. I took a piece of bark and made it a necklace. I also use pieces of the bark to ornate my third eye. I also use pieces of the bark to bless my cards and Voo Doo Dolls, Gris Gris and spells with much success.
Everything you've said resonates. My thinking is that tarot are simply a way for the universe to communicate to us. I don't need rules and rituals to put my ear to life and listen.
I have about 10 decks now. I honestly didn't understand 'why more than one?' NOW, I know. LOL. I keep my decks in their original boxes, so far. And in my antique desk altar that I am at frequently. THANK YOU for acknowledging one does not have to record every reading (I read only for me, at this time). I was writing down every one I did, but then I started feeling bogged down by writing down everyone. Now I just do the ones that I feel are most pertinent for me in detail and just record all others. Love your videos!! Thank you.--Tess
I actually choose to read reversals bc in my opinion you miss a lot of the meanings that could show up without it. It can be tricky at first to understand them but once you get the hang of it, it becomes really easy. Amazing video Olivia!
I end up taking my decks with me to work whenever they ask to come along, many times I don't end up using them that day. They just want to feel like they're a part of my day. They all have their own personalities for sure. It's so rare for me to buy a deck in the first place, so if one comes along and says "PICK ME" I'll grab it then and there. This was a wonderfully put together video Olivia, thank you.
My tarot deck and I bonded in a really magical way. I was drawn to it from the start, and I was very unsure of myself when I decided to do my first daily reading. The deck guided me, and a card popped out during shuffle. My next few drawings happened similar that way, until I decided to read the "popped out" card and the intuition drawn card, and they both told two sides of a story for me. Over time, depending on what I'm connecting to, how lost or connected I'm feeling, I shuffle, draw, entirely differently. I am so connected to my cards, they always show me and guide me to what I need. Sometimes drawing is painful, sometimes it feels loving. This is such a beautiful experience, they feel like an extension of my soul.
As a person who reads for myself and others, I find this video very informative and helpful. I’m no beginner but I’m no expert either, and I’m happy you are able to “debunk” some tarot myths and point out my blind sides. Thanks for this video, Olivia ❤️ In my eyes, you are a babaylan in every sense of the word~
Spirit is really reaching out to me dude. I just had a baby, and haven’t practiced literally at all since I got pregnant. I was just thinking yesterday about how I missed working with my tarot decks and seeing witchy videos pop up in my apps randomly. And then this pops up today 🥰
Talking about reading "negative" cards - I was in a relationship a little over a year ago, and I asked the tarot the outcome of me staying with this person, and I got Death. Spirit was telling me "If you don't leave this person now, the relationship is going to end anyway later on." and sure enough, it did. And it was a lot harder than if I had just listened to start with. I also had the tarot warn me that I would be manipulated for money by someone I thought I could trust, and because I didn't listen, that person was successful. "Negative" readings have turned out to be the most helpful ones for me because they make me look at the things that I don't want to and actually think and make decisions about them. Pay attention when tarot gives you tough love or tells you something you don't want to hear because it's probably really important.
I always say that the Oracle is like visiting a therapist- you can talk it through/out-and the tarot is like visiting the psychologist- you can talk it out AND get a remedy 😉
I like how you present you information you're very down to Earth. I'm newer at Tarot but I've learned so much! I like to watch people like yourself for tips! But what I love most about Tarot is how you exercise your intuition it's a beautiful thing!
Everything you've said rings true with how I read the tarot,... it just depends. Learning about symbols and patterns helps as well. Trust your intuition and look at the artwork with a focused intent on the question. Great advice and happy Yuletide!
I agree with deck personalities because one of my decks is very blunt and sassy, another one acts like a spiritual mom so she sometimes doesn't say clear answers and another one is flowy jellyfish energy even though its rose themed. Like "no thoughts, just....ah~"
I first started doing tarot readings in middle school with my mom's deck. A few years later she gifted me my own deck which I have used on and off for years. Our styles are different, she reads reversals and I do not. She also reads it as fortune telling while I use it as a way to reorganize my thoughts and look at situations in another way. I do readings when I am stuck on a decision. It feels like I'm asking advice or opinion from a old friend who can see things from an outside prospective. Sadly I am terrible at writing my readings down, I sometimes take pictures but then not look back at them. I really want to get better at that as I feel the readings sometimes get forgotten too soon and the advice is lost when I needed it.
I really loved this video! I’m glad that you brought this up. I have been reading tarot for a while and when you brought up bonding with your deck. Literally just play around with the deck and just see it. I personally like to go through each card individually, look at the imagery, and the energy that you pick up from each card. Then shuffle it and you can do a small interview spread and understand the deck a little bit more.
I've been reading oracles for years. But earlier this year, my son "gave" me his Tarot deck that he has never used - never opened. I didn't think much of it, until I opened it and found that the boxes had the infinity symbol in it - which was my very first tattoo - and can only be found by actually taking the deck out of it's storage boxes. Now I pull a card every Monday to determine how my week is going - nothing elaborate - but damn - it has been spot on every week for 4-5 months. I found the guide book with the deck does not reference reversals and is not really informative, so I bought the Tarot Guide book by Stephani Caponi (yellow book), extremely informative to help me learn the cards in a more in depth way.
Thanks for making this, I’ve had my first deck for a couple weeks now but I wanted to make sure I was well informed before using them. Now with my four pages of notes I think I’m ready 😅
And I love the point of 'getting into the headspace'. Not everyone feels all ~witchy~ and in-tune when practicing, and I know that I am trying to just bring it into my every day routines.. It feels less stressful to me, and less performative.
I wrap my deck in a piece of leather to cleanse/protect them. My deck is “the Sacred Circle tarot, a Celtic Pagan journey” by Anna Franklin and Paul Mason, which is ‘organized’ a bit differently than a Rider-Waite deck. I have asked this deck for guidance for years, but have never done a reading for anyone else. Blessed Be!
there are always so many takes I've read about tarot and other such things that I've also thought were so excessive and like how and who has the time for all that (especially in this day and age and society). these takes were a breathe of fresh air, love it thank you ❤
The Ryder Waite is the best explanation book on the importance of the significance of the colors etc. With your art skills it would be great if you’d make a set!
This will either help people, piss them off, or make them indifferent, but this is just me. The way I "cleanse" my decks are by playing with them. Basically I play solitaire with them and this also does sort of a recent on them as well. This is mainly one deck who gave me the ok to do this, the fact that this same deck gave the ok to be mixed with my newer deck i feel as though there will be another game they want to play together when i do cleanse them. Basically i cleanse them the same way i cleanse myself of stress and negativity by relaxing and having fun. Sometimes i have them outside with me when i sit under the full moon too as another cleanse but still playing with them is still my main way of cleansing them.
I LOVE tarot. i've been doing it for about 7-ish years now. I really enjoyed this video and it was so interesting watching you shuffle and interperate the cards. i think the way someone shuffles and pulls cards says a lot about them :) thank you for such a wonderful video!
I appreciate your take on tarot readying. Really simple and adaptable. I always felt like I was reading or shuffling wrong. And when I was younger I definitely held back on buying a tarot deck because I thought I wasn’t supposed to buy one for myself lol
Thank you for your AMAZING channel and community! You’ve taught me a lot!!!! As far as shuffling my Tarot decks, I am open to doing it a lot of ways as long as my cards are NOT bent. Shuffling cards for me is very soothing, I can get caught up in an almost trance-like state simply shuffling my deck(s); usually I will stop once a card or cards falls or until I am satisfied I’ve shuffled enough.. I hope learning what I do was helpful to some other souls.. I love you all, be safe!!!
Glad to have found this video. I didn't think there was a "wrong way" to read tarot any more than there is a "wrong way" to do magic.I'm always looking for tips and spreads though.
there's a guy that does wonderful readings answering people's questions on tiktok using sesame street vocabulary cards for kids! I actually love them and his readings are so valid
Holy wow, I've never run into anyone else who does the "shuffle until a card falls out" thing, and I'm 100% behind everything you say here. (I'm here by advice from my deck, oddly enough, which is why I'm almost a year late.) Thank you for this common sense presentation!
I'm learning so much about tarot thanks to you! Thing's I had never even thought about before! Like cleansing the decks! Had no idea that was necessary, but makes so much sense!
It's interesting! I haven't done much tarot and have not studied it at all really - when I do it, it is mostly referring to the book it comes with and using my intuition and observation skills to ascertain meaning and application of the knowledge/insight it's giving me. My main and favorite deck is... I would say, primarily 'negative' in feel. It isn't warm and fuzzy or super encouraging. I love that, personally. It confuses me most of the time and I have to put in a lot of effort to try to understand the message(s). You, Olivia, have this deck so you'll probably understand exactly where I'm coming from! It's the Murder of Crows tarot deck I also got from the Witches Box! I'm fairly positive that if anyone has this deck and reads my comment, you'll get where I'm coming from when I say it feels 'negative' and kind of obscure. For me, it often feels like it is telling me things based on a bigger picture perspective that I have little sense of. My most recent reading, though, was the first time it was very clear and connected intimately to my current reality, my perspective and not to much from a distant bigger picture... sort of... and the meanings were mostly easy to connect and understand and apply. It was very eeriely connected to a dream I had the night before the reading, and a shadow spirit I saw the evening before (that does NOT happen often in the current house I live in). I have two other tarot decks and at least two oracle decks, too. Maybe one oracle deck and I gifted the other? I don't remember. They're all on my altar shelf, though. If I want warm and fuzzy and positive vibes, I go to my Spirit Song tarot. If I want an enriching message, I add a card or two from my Gaia oracle deck to my readings. I want to learn more about tarot and the system of it all, for sure! Thank you for this video!
I like to use the bottom of the deck as well as I’ve seen readers peek at that, as a ‘what’s hidden, or what you don’t see coming, or what you need to do’ corresponding to the spread
Second time watching this video and what you say still rings true for me. I don't do any ritual or ceremony when reading, I simply clear my mind and focus on the question or person and tap on it with the syllables of my question. If I am reading for someone else, I will have them either pick the card or cut the deck while they focus on their question. I do take my decks with me, I don't sleep with it or keep it on me at all times. I have several decks but the one I use the most is the online app Labyrinthos and for my physical deck I use The Wild Unknown by Kim Krans. Well done tutorial.
It was really awesome to see I'm relatively on the same page with another tarot reader. I've also heard the 'can't buy' rumor, and read the burying cards in books in places, and looked at those like, well that doesn't work for me and not really been proven from any anecdotal stories, so throwing that out. When it comes to negative: I was in denial of negative readings for a few months, and then the negative things came true anyway. Ugh, was taught real fast.
Haha I really appreciate your content and you made me laugh (all by myself at home). I'm just getting started with things although the more I learn the more I notice I've been doing things all my life and maybe just lost myself to life and it's demands. I appreciate your "it depends" and being reminded of it. I have used osho zen tarot off and on for a couple of years now. When I started to want to get more into witchcraft a couple of weeks ago I purchased a more classic tarot. I read a spread and then usually I leave it on the altar for a week or so coming back to it to think about it. The reverseness of the cards threw me off and I figured I should go back to the osho zen since I know it better. So a week later I did that one again and got a very similar message to what I had gotten earlier with the other one. I noticed I shouldn't doubt myself so much, I use my head too much anyways and need to listen to my intuition. It's nice to get confirmation by your content as well ❤
For cleansing decks: im of the personal opinion that i dont cleanse, or i just dont do it very often. I like to think of my decks as sponges and they "soak up" experience. So, they build up knowledge with use. If i cleanse it, im wiping away whatever energy has been imbued in the deck. That being said, if i give a reading to someone and i dont like their vibes, or someone touches my deck and i didnt want them to, then I will cleanse. I'll usually cleanse a deck once i receive it so that I have a clean slate to start with. But once ive bonded with a deck i dont really do that stuff. I dont give readings to people whos vibes are off, and i dont let people i dont like touch my deck. One type of way i might cleanse as like "freshen up" is by putting all the cards in order. It doesnt "cleanse" per se, it more just straightens out the energy. I like my decks to have lots of experience. The more experience the more accurate i find it. Im really bonded to one deck because i havent cleansed it in years. I think it should have as much knowledge as possible in it. But like. If something "icky" were to happen -- no idea what, just, y'know. You get a feeling sometimes that the energy is wrong or somethings just off, i will cleanse. I treat it as like... My deck has gotten an illness and needs some tlc
Dion Fortune - the renowned occultist - was the person who originally suggested sleeping with your deck under your pillow. Don't do this, you will have an uncomfortable night's sleep. Don't put salt anywhere near your deck - the salt can damage the cardstock. All the myths covered in this video are really persistent - they are self propogating! Brilliant video, there are lots of tarot videos that cover these topics but this is definitely one of the best.
I cleanse my deck with the "Reiki chop". I hold the deck in my left hand, draw the power symbol with my right hand then do a horizontal chopping motion like I'm brushing the old energy off it. It's quick and easy if you are initiated into reiki.
I favourite cleanes is so lazy and easy .I keep deck in cute little bag and I have two small bells in bag with it so when I take them out two use the ring same when putting them back in . Cleanse done.
thank you Oliver I'm new to the tarot and get very confused by all the information it's like you spend more time doing all sorts of stuff and very little time doing the reading.Theres so much to take in
Interesting topic. I don't know anything about it, but I've noticed a LOT of common concepts between witchcraft and the yogic system, and snakes are a positive symbol in it. Is it also the case in witchcraft? (I'm relatively still new to it)
It's funny that I know you were only making a sample reading midway in the video but I love the way I actually resonated with what you said on the career reading. Lol
lol That tarot reading totally resonated with me and I wasn't even expecting it to. My hubby is having a lot of money anxiety right now, as I'm sure everyone in the USA is. And it's something we kinda butt heads on, just because he's more anxious than I am, because I'm more aware of our finances because he doesn't want to deal with them, but is still anxious.
I remember being told as a child that my first bible (i was raised catholic) had to be gifted to me...maybe the first deck gifted stemmed from something like that...some christian/judeo belief? I actually was given my first deck by a close colleague. But I gave it to my daughter, at the time not practicing. I eventually bought my first deck after I began practicing and am a devout reader after a year of coming into practicing. Love your video Olivia!! Thank you. --Tess
23:50 I interpret them as the cards of the rightfull wrong path. The fuel to feed your spiritual wealth based on how they resonate in your natal tropical chart
Just got the LOTR tarot deck and she is a tough cookie on me😭 she was intimidating when I was first working with her. Now I fucking love that deck. Give me to me str8 ma’am!!
A pal of mine found an old pack of Tarot cards in a wooden box in a charity, and the pull was really strong. She brought them home, and was going to cleanse them, but the previous owner was very 'chatty', so she held off resetting the deck as she was enjoying the woman's 'chats' through the cards. I don't know how I feel about cleansing a deck already bonded with someone else, to me it's rather feels like destroying their photos. I have had decks that I actually feel nauseous using, so I put them away for a few months after cleansing, but it doesn't always work.
I started after knowing just a bunch of basic stuff about tarot and not knowing the personality thing, but later into my fist reading I realised my deck is witty and sometimes it banters with me😂
i have many different tarot and oracle decks but i only connect and trust the readings with a couple of them.i think you just know and have a feeling which ones are right to read xxx
When it comes to reversals I typically do, but I have a deck that I will NOT read reversed. It just doesn't feel like it needs to be for whatever reason. I can't explain it, but it doesn't feel right when I do. So, I think a lot of anything related with Tarot is just based on your own intuition, and how it feels for you...you just have to trust yourself to connect with your deck that way.
I cleanse or rather "reset" my decks by bringing them into chronological order. That has proven to be the most effective method whenever my readings feel off. :)
I did this once not with this intention but because I played a game of solitaire with my deck. If you're bored, that could be a more fun way of doing this
@The Sacred Cottage personally I'd want to get a marseille deck or other traditional tarot deck for games, just because I think the illustrated pips of a divination deck are not suited to a card game
@The Sacred Cottage I know it was originally a card game; what I said about pips is more a personal preference thing
Though I’ve heard some say Tarochi is less like poker and more like bridge
Idk, I’ve never played bridge so I couldn’t say which is the more apt comparison
I love how your method is basically "Have you tried turning it off and on again?"
It sounds like it would be really effective! It's like a factory reset. But I'm lazy so I'll stick to smoke cleansing
I totally agree with decks having different personalities. Believe it or not. My “prettiest” deck is absolutely BRUTAL. But the one that has darker art work is the happier, gentle one 😅😅
Same!!!! I thought it was strange at first but when I'm feeling gloomy I pick my gloomy deck and it's so beautiful and kind to me 😊
I brought the True Black to work people LOVED IT
I feel the same about Thoth vs other, more modern decks. Thoth has this bad rep because of Crowley, but I’ve always had positive feedback from ppl who’ve chosen to use it in readings. Lively, but blunt n honest
this!!! mine is SO beautiful, and so brutal. I ADORE it
I just got a cat deck, and if I’m understanding the cards right, they won’t be glossing over hard stuff 😅
Me: closing the Etsy tab and deciding not to buy my first tarot deck out of fear.
Olivia: ...WELL, ACTUALLY.
Me: opens tab again.
Just buy it !
I just bought it
@@realquirky I hope it's going well for you! I just bought my first deck too 💜🥰
Wait till you start collecting and you find a vintage out of print deck you want that costs $100
A year later! I hope you got your first deck, and I hope things I going well in general for you! Put those fears in their place and keep moving towards your learning urges.
Love your take on Tarot. When I am doing a reading for a friend who is either really nervous/anxious about the potential message or someone who is very skeptical about the legitimacy of Tarot, I tell them to try and look at it like a self help card game. The way the cards correlate to your life is going to be up to you to draw those connections. That's why I think Tarot is great as a tool in shadow work. No matter what your question, if you view the cards as a jumping off point to explore your own mind or take into consideration different ideas that you may not come to on your own, than it will feel like a magical experience. Life is magical and that is what Tarot helps me to see.
That's basically how I use my cards. I don't really set out that intention, but it's how it usually ends up playing out and I love it. It's like a little therapy session or even an intervention lol. It's very confronting since you're being "physically" confronted (since the cards are laid out in front of you) about things that you subconsciously know but are ignoring or avoiding.
Well put! My favorite deck (right now) is called Dark Wood Tarot, and book is basically a shadow work 'work book'. It's a beautiful idea!
@@Lioness_of_Gaia definitely going to look into this!!
On the subject of bonding with your deck, I have a little ritual where, for my first reading with any given deck, I ask the deck to introduce itself to me in a one-card draw. For instance, my first deck introduced itself with the knight of pentacles (that deck also LOVES pentacle cards for some reason) and I usually go to it when I want the straight shit. After the deck introduces itself, I’ll go find the card I identify the most with (it just so happens to be the king of cups) and I set the two next to each other and see how they compare. Idk, I think it’s cute ☺️
I really, really love that! I may end up doing that today with my decks now!
I like that very cool idea
I’ll do it too!
My deck likes to be right in the middle of my kitchen window shelf, for everyone to see, and get tempted. It also mostly likes to really be brutally honest/provoking with anyone trying them. I curse at them a lot and they serve me the brutal facts/answers everytime.
We're in a stable love/hate relationship
I love that!!
Honestly, the idea that you have to be gifted your first deck always felt a little gatekeep-y. Because for that to happen, you have to have someone in your life that either also reads tarot, or is at least cool enough with it to want to give you one, and not everyone has that, especially if you're practicing in secret. It's maybe a little more feasible now that tarot is more mainstream, but yeah.
I never heard you had to be gifted your first pack, my cards always seem to chose me, so being given them negates that.
I have dozens upon dozens of tarot decks. A few have been passed down from family and date back to the early 1700’s. When I get a new deck, I cleanse them with smoke, charge them under a full moon and then sleep with them under my mattress for a bit. This is how I was taught by my mother, taught by her mother and so on. Every deck I own is different in style, art, and feel. I love hearing how others handle their decks. Thank you for sharing, Olivia.
It's so cool when it's a family thing. I learned about tarot reading back in middle school through my best friend and she got the knowledge from her mom and grandma...
I have chills reading this. Lovely history. I sleep with a new deck under my pillow/adjacent to my head. I love the idea of charging it under the full moon, though!
I've been in a real rut lately, and it was really lovely to be reminded that I don't need to be in a specific headspace to read the cards. Thank you!!
Although I've been reading tarot for a while, seeing this video feels like a refresher that my practice is valid but also makes me think about how fucking cool other people's practices are and the differences are what makes all this so beautiful. Thank you for bringing up the negatives. I had recently found a book that goes along the lines of "how to make any reading a positive one" and was geared toward people who sell readings. I was kind of shocked since the "bad" or "negative" cards tend to help me grow the most!
Also one more thing, thank you so much for your hard work in this video since it's 30 minutes long, I just know it was so much more editing than usual!
I felt it too. It's nice to feel that what you have experienced and what you are doing is "valid"/"right". I'm glad Olivia made this video.
I used to read reversals but now I don't. For every reversed meaning, there is an upright card that can deliver the same message, IMO. Especially when reading for others as I've noticed reversals stir anxiety in those without a solid understanding of the cards. I may go back to reading reversals one day but have really loved not working with them.
Agreed! 1:49 1:49
I absolutely love your no BS approach to everything. Lol It’s so refreshing and helpful for a busy mom witch like me lol Thank you for this great video as usual. ❤️👏
I feel like my deck was meaner at first but she really grew to like me at a fast pace. She was just so cut throat and harsh. But now I find our readings to be caring, guided and wanting the best for me. I sit a calcite stone on top of her and sit her by the window so the sun shines and recharges. It’s like having a girl friend that won’t talk behind your back. 😆
I have a tree that from my childhood I sat in. I dreamed and prayed in that tree. I watched the stars over head in the winter when the leaves were gone. When I had troubles or sadness I sat in that tree and pondered. It was my comfort zone and my safe zone. I felt at least resting on the limbs and the bark. Even when I had a NDE the tree was in my dreams of my after life. I took a piece of bark and made it a necklace. I also use pieces of the bark to ornate my third eye. I also use pieces of the bark to bless my cards and Voo Doo Dolls, Gris Gris and spells with much success.
Everything you've said resonates. My thinking is that tarot are simply a way for the universe to communicate to us. I don't need rules and rituals to put my ear to life and listen.
I have about 10 decks now. I honestly didn't understand 'why more than one?' NOW, I know. LOL. I keep my decks in their original boxes, so far. And in my antique desk altar that I am at frequently. THANK YOU for acknowledging one does not have to record every reading (I read only for me, at this time). I was writing down every one I did, but then I started feeling bogged down by writing down everyone. Now I just do the ones that I feel are most pertinent for me in detail and just record all others. Love your videos!! Thank you.--Tess
I actually choose to read reversals bc in my opinion you miss a lot of the meanings that could show up without it. It can be tricky at first to understand them but once you get the hang of it, it becomes really easy. Amazing video Olivia!
I end up taking my decks with me to work whenever they ask to come along, many times I don't end up using them that day. They just want to feel like they're a part of my day. They all have their own personalities for sure. It's so rare for me to buy a deck in the first place, so if one comes along and says "PICK ME" I'll grab it then and there.
This was a wonderfully put together video Olivia, thank you.
My tarot deck and I bonded in a really magical way. I was drawn to it from the start, and I was very unsure of myself when I decided to do my first daily reading. The deck guided me, and a card popped out during shuffle. My next few drawings happened similar that way, until I decided to read the "popped out" card and the intuition drawn card, and they both told two sides of a story for me. Over time, depending on what I'm connecting to, how lost or connected I'm feeling, I shuffle, draw, entirely differently. I am so connected to my cards, they always show me and guide me to what I need. Sometimes drawing is painful, sometimes it feels loving. This is such a beautiful experience, they feel like an extension of my soul.
As a person who reads for myself and others, I find this video very informative and helpful. I’m no beginner but I’m no expert either, and I’m happy you are able to “debunk” some tarot myths and point out my blind sides.
Thanks for this video, Olivia ❤️ In my eyes, you are a babaylan in every sense of the word~
A very practical, no nonsense and accurate video about the cards. Thanks, and well done.
Spirit is really reaching out to me dude. I just had a baby, and haven’t practiced literally at all since I got pregnant. I was just thinking yesterday about how I missed working with my tarot decks and seeing witchy videos pop up in my apps randomly. And then this pops up today 🥰
Talking about reading "negative" cards - I was in a relationship a little over a year ago, and I asked the tarot the outcome of me staying with this person, and I got Death. Spirit was telling me "If you don't leave this person now, the relationship is going to end anyway later on." and sure enough, it did. And it was a lot harder than if I had just listened to start with. I also had the tarot warn me that I would be manipulated for money by someone I thought I could trust, and because I didn't listen, that person was successful. "Negative" readings have turned out to be the most helpful ones for me because they make me look at the things that I don't want to and actually think and make decisions about them. Pay attention when tarot gives you tough love or tells you something you don't want to hear because it's probably really important.
I always say that the Oracle is like visiting a therapist- you can talk it through/out-and the tarot is like visiting the psychologist- you can talk it out AND get a remedy 😉
I like how you present you information you're very down to Earth. I'm newer at Tarot but I've learned so much! I like to watch people like yourself for tips! But what I love most about Tarot is how you exercise your intuition it's a beautiful thing!
Everything you've said rings true with how I read the tarot,... it just depends. Learning about symbols and patterns helps as well. Trust your intuition and look at the artwork with a focused intent on the question. Great advice and happy Yuletide!
I agree with deck personalities because one of my decks is very blunt and sassy, another one acts like a spiritual mom so she sometimes doesn't say clear answers and another one is flowy jellyfish energy even though its rose themed. Like "no thoughts, just....ah~"
I first started doing tarot readings in middle school with my mom's deck. A few years later she gifted me my own deck which I have used on and off for years. Our styles are different, she reads reversals and I do not. She also reads it as fortune telling while I use it as a way to reorganize my thoughts and look at situations in another way. I do readings when I am stuck on a decision. It feels like I'm asking advice or opinion from a old friend who can see things from an outside prospective. Sadly I am terrible at writing my readings down, I sometimes take pictures but then not look back at them. I really want to get better at that as I feel the readings sometimes get forgotten too soon and the advice is lost when I needed it.
I really loved this video! I’m glad that you brought this up. I have been reading tarot for a while and when you brought up bonding with your deck. Literally just play around with the deck and just see it. I personally like to go through each card individually, look at the imagery, and the energy that you pick up from each card. Then shuffle it and you can do a small interview spread and understand the deck a little bit more.
I've been reading oracles for years. But earlier this year, my son "gave" me his Tarot deck that he has never used - never opened. I didn't think much of it, until I opened it and found that the boxes had the infinity symbol in it - which was my very first tattoo - and can only be found by actually taking the deck out of it's storage boxes. Now I pull a card every Monday to determine how my week is going - nothing elaborate - but damn - it has been spot on every week for 4-5 months. I found the guide book with the deck does not reference reversals and is not really informative, so I bought the Tarot Guide book by Stephani Caponi (yellow book), extremely informative to help me learn the cards in a more in depth way.
Thanks for making this, I’ve had my first deck for a couple weeks now but I wanted to make sure I was well informed before using them. Now with my four pages of notes I think I’m ready 😅
And may your gods treat you, as you treat others… Beautifully phrased.
And I love the point of 'getting into the headspace'. Not everyone feels all ~witchy~ and in-tune when practicing, and I know that I am trying to just bring it into my every day routines.. It feels less stressful to me, and less performative.
I wrap my deck in a piece of leather to cleanse/protect them. My deck is “the Sacred Circle tarot, a Celtic Pagan journey” by Anna Franklin and Paul Mason, which is ‘organized’ a bit differently than a Rider-Waite deck. I have asked this deck for guidance for years, but have never done a reading for anyone else. Blessed Be!
there are always so many takes I've read about tarot and other such things that I've also thought were so excessive and like how and who has the time for all that (especially in this day and age and society). these takes were a breathe of fresh air, love it thank you ❤
This was awesome! You guys' videos keep getting better and better!!!
The Ryder Waite is the best explanation book on the importance of the significance of the colors etc. With your art skills it would be great if you’d make a set!
This will either help people, piss them off, or make them indifferent, but this is just me. The way I "cleanse" my decks are by playing with them. Basically I play solitaire with them and this also does sort of a recent on them as well. This is mainly one deck who gave me the ok to do this, the fact that this same deck gave the ok to be mixed with my newer deck i feel as though there will be another game they want to play together when i do cleanse them. Basically i cleanse them the same way i cleanse myself of stress and negativity by relaxing and having fun. Sometimes i have them outside with me when i sit under the full moon too as another cleanse but still playing with them is still my main way of cleansing them.
I LOVE tarot. i've been doing it for about 7-ish years now. I really enjoyed this video and it was so interesting watching you shuffle and interperate the cards. i think the way someone shuffles and pulls cards says a lot about them :)
thank you for such a wonderful video!
Im excited i found your channel. I just got my first deck last week
I appreciate your take on tarot readying. Really simple and adaptable. I always felt like I was reading or shuffling wrong. And when I was younger I definitely held back on buying a tarot deck because I thought I wasn’t supposed to buy one for myself lol
I opened UA-cam to find a video to play in the background while I do my daily tarot reading...and BAM you hit me with this :)
The single most important thing is you must like the pictures.
I did not know of this video before ! this is so enlightening. Thank you Olivia.🥰
Thank you for your AMAZING channel and community! You’ve taught me a lot!!!! As far as shuffling my Tarot decks, I am open to doing it a lot of ways as long as my cards are NOT bent. Shuffling cards for me is very soothing, I can get caught up in an almost trance-like state simply shuffling my deck(s); usually I will stop once a card or cards falls or until I am satisfied I’ve shuffled enough.. I hope learning what I do was helpful to some other souls.. I love you all, be safe!!!
Glad to have found this video. I didn't think there was a "wrong way" to read tarot any more than there is a "wrong way" to do magic.I'm always looking for tips and spreads though.
Amazing timing because I just bought a tarot deck 😍😁
I've been in a tarot reading rut and this is perfect for rejuvinating my motivation to go back to it. Lovely video as always, Olivia!
there's a guy that does wonderful readings answering people's questions on tiktok using sesame street vocabulary cards for kids! I actually love them and his readings are so valid
This is one of the most helpful how to videos for Tarot I’ve seen
Holy wow, I've never run into anyone else who does the "shuffle until a card falls out" thing, and I'm 100% behind everything you say here. (I'm here by advice from my deck, oddly enough, which is why I'm almost a year late.) Thank you for this common sense presentation!
Re: reversals. I read them I Tarot but not Oracle. If it pulls revers in an Oracle deck I just flip it back to right.
I'm learning so much about tarot thanks to you! Thing's I had never even thought about before! Like cleansing the decks! Had no idea that was necessary, but makes so much sense!
A 30 minutes video on tarot by Olivia? Yes PLEASE!
Wow. Thanks for the information. I'd just been wondering about my tarot readings being in-tune with my intuition. You're the best, as usual ❤️
It's interesting! I haven't done much tarot and have not studied it at all really - when I do it, it is mostly referring to the book it comes with and using my intuition and observation skills to ascertain meaning and application of the knowledge/insight it's giving me.
My main and favorite deck is... I would say, primarily 'negative' in feel. It isn't warm and fuzzy or super encouraging. I love that, personally. It confuses me most of the time and I have to put in a lot of effort to try to understand the message(s).
You, Olivia, have this deck so you'll probably understand exactly where I'm coming from!
It's the Murder of Crows tarot deck I also got from the Witches Box!
I'm fairly positive that if anyone has this deck and reads my comment, you'll get where I'm coming from when I say it feels 'negative' and kind of obscure. For me, it often feels like it is telling me things based on a bigger picture perspective that I have little sense of. My most recent reading, though, was the first time it was very clear and connected intimately to my current reality, my perspective and not to much from a distant bigger picture... sort of... and the meanings were mostly easy to connect and understand and apply. It was very eeriely connected to a dream I had the night before the reading, and a shadow spirit I saw the evening before (that does NOT happen often in the current house I live in).
I have two other tarot decks and at least two oracle decks, too. Maybe one oracle deck and I gifted the other? I don't remember. They're all on my altar shelf, though.
If I want warm and fuzzy and positive vibes, I go to my Spirit Song tarot.
If I want an enriching message, I add a card or two from my Gaia oracle deck to my readings.
I want to learn more about tarot and the system of it all, for sure!
Thank you for this video!
This was by far the most helpful video I've encountered. Thanks a bunch!
My go to deck is the Everyday Witch deck. I love it.
I always eagerly await new witch/tarot videos from you!! I love your honesty and the care that you put in all your works!! Keep up what you LOVE!!
This was most excellent advice. I liked that i could sense your energy. Very unique, and a bit quirky.
I like to use the bottom of the deck as well as I’ve seen readers peek at that, as a ‘what’s hidden, or what you don’t see coming, or what you need to do’ corresponding to the spread
Second time watching this video and what you say still rings true for me. I don't do any ritual or ceremony when reading, I simply clear my mind and focus on the question or person and tap on it with the syllables of my question. If I am reading for someone else, I will have them either pick the card or cut the deck while they focus on their question. I do take my decks with me, I don't sleep with it or keep it on me at all times. I have several decks but the one I use the most is the online app Labyrinthos and for my physical deck I use The Wild Unknown by Kim Krans. Well done tutorial.
It was really awesome to see I'm relatively on the same page with another tarot reader. I've also heard the 'can't buy' rumor, and read the burying cards in books in places, and looked at those like, well that doesn't work for me and not really been proven from any anecdotal stories, so throwing that out. When it comes to negative: I was in denial of negative readings for a few months, and then the negative things came true anyway. Ugh, was taught real fast.
Fun fact if you are speaking your question and putting it just helps
Haha I really appreciate your content and you made me laugh (all by myself at home). I'm just getting started with things although the more I learn the more I notice I've been doing things all my life and maybe just lost myself to life and it's demands. I appreciate your "it depends" and being reminded of it. I have used osho zen tarot off and on for a couple of years now. When I started to want to get more into witchcraft a couple of weeks ago I purchased a more classic tarot. I read a spread and then usually I leave it on the altar for a week or so coming back to it to think about it. The reverseness of the cards threw me off and I figured I should go back to the osho zen since I know it better. So a week later I did that one again and got a very similar message to what I had gotten earlier with the other one. I noticed I shouldn't doubt myself so much, I use my head too much anyways and need to listen to my intuition. It's nice to get confirmation by your content as well ❤
For cleansing decks: im of the personal opinion that i dont cleanse, or i just dont do it very often. I like to think of my decks as sponges and they "soak up" experience. So, they build up knowledge with use. If i cleanse it, im wiping away whatever energy has been imbued in the deck. That being said, if i give a reading to someone and i dont like their vibes, or someone touches my deck and i didnt want them to, then I will cleanse. I'll usually cleanse a deck once i receive it so that I have a clean slate to start with. But once ive bonded with a deck i dont really do that stuff. I dont give readings to people whos vibes are off, and i dont let people i dont like touch my deck. One type of way i might cleanse as like "freshen up" is by putting all the cards in order. It doesnt "cleanse" per se, it more just straightens out the energy. I like my decks to have lots of experience. The more experience the more accurate i find it. Im really bonded to one deck because i havent cleansed it in years. I think it should have as much knowledge as possible in it. But like. If something "icky" were to happen -- no idea what, just, y'know. You get a feeling sometimes that the energy is wrong or somethings just off, i will cleanse. I treat it as like... My deck has gotten an illness and needs some tlc
Thank you for your suggestion on present, opticles, and advice. That's going to help me when I'm ready to do my next reading. ❤
Dion Fortune - the renowned occultist - was the person who originally suggested sleeping with your deck under your pillow. Don't do this, you will have an uncomfortable night's sleep.
Don't put salt anywhere near your deck - the salt can damage the cardstock.
All the myths covered in this video are really persistent - they are self propogating!
Brilliant video, there are lots of tarot videos that cover these topics but this is definitely one of the best.
I cleanse my deck with the "Reiki chop". I hold the deck in my left hand, draw the power symbol with my right hand then do a horizontal chopping motion like I'm brushing the old energy off it. It's quick and easy if you are initiated into reiki.
❤ I feel your frustration about the mic! That has happened to me before.
So lovely to see your face again! Thank you for such a wonderful, educational video :)
I favourite cleanes is so lazy and easy .I keep deck in cute little bag and I have two small bells in bag with it so when I take them out two use the ring same when putting them back in . Cleanse done.
Great video! Very informative! Thankyou! So glad I subscribed to this channel!
This was very helpfull for a me as a beginner. Thank you.
thank you Oliver I'm new to the tarot and get very confused by all the information it's like you spend more time doing all sorts of stuff and very little time doing the reading.Theres so much to take in
Hi Olivia, I love your videos ❤. Can you please make a detailed video on "the significance of serpents in witchcraft"? Thanks in advance. 👍❤😊🙏
Interesting topic. I don't know anything about it, but I've noticed a LOT of common concepts between witchcraft and the yogic system, and snakes are a positive symbol in it. Is it also the case in witchcraft? (I'm relatively still new to it)
Loved your honesty, thanks for your input.
It's funny that I know you were only making a sample reading midway in the video but I love the way I actually resonated with what you said on the career reading. Lol
Most of the decks are so different . Fun to collect and expensive 💖💚☘️💕
I just got my first oracle and tarot cards this morning and u pub this video at the same day 🥰😍🥰😙 i watch this video along my ritual tonight
Thank you 🙏 . The video came out Great 😊.
lol That tarot reading totally resonated with me and I wasn't even expecting it to. My hubby is having a lot of money anxiety right now, as I'm sure everyone in the USA is. And it's something we kinda butt heads on, just because he's more anxious than I am, because I'm more aware of our finances because he doesn't want to deal with them, but is still anxious.
I remember being told as a child that my first bible (i was raised catholic) had to be gifted to me...maybe the first deck gifted stemmed from something like that...some christian/judeo belief? I actually was given my first deck by a close colleague. But I gave it to my daughter, at the time not practicing. I eventually bought my first deck after I began practicing and am a devout reader after a year of coming into practicing. Love your video Olivia!! Thank you. --Tess
Thank you so much for all this info! I've been wondering for a bit, and it's been a while since I've done a reading.
Honestly the examples really helped and honestly I am gonna use some of those questions you used to ask mine!
I feel like it's cool when you're tarot deck has a specific place where you keep it, kind of like a bed it sleeps in and gets some rest
Im still practicing my cards so thank you for helping me understand my cards better
You are glowing!
23:50 I interpret them as the cards of the rightfull wrong path. The fuel to feed your spiritual wealth based on how they resonate in your natal tropical chart
Just got the LOTR tarot deck and she is a tough cookie on me😭 she was intimidating when I was first working with her. Now I fucking love that deck. Give me to me str8 ma’am!!
Hey girl, great to see you! Hope you're doing well. 😊
A pal of mine found an old pack of Tarot cards in a wooden box in a charity, and the pull was really strong. She brought them home, and was going to cleanse them, but the previous owner was very 'chatty', so she held off resetting the deck as she was enjoying the woman's 'chats' through the cards. I don't know how I feel about cleansing a deck already bonded with someone else, to me it's rather feels like destroying their photos. I have had decks that I actually feel nauseous using, so I put them away for a few months after cleansing, but it doesn't always work.
Your videos are always so great. Thank you!!
Such a helpful video!! Thank you for filming it for a 2nd time so we could learn❤
Id love to hear your thoughts on the fools journey in tarot! Its something ive always been curious to learn more of
I LOVE my deck, it's the white sage tarot. It's beautiful, absolutely my vibe, and also SAVAGE. It's perfect
I started after knowing just a bunch of basic stuff about tarot and not knowing the personality thing, but later into my fist reading I realised my deck is witty and sometimes it banters with me😂
Great video! Thanks! Nice to see this subject treated with basic common sense, which is not always the case!
i have many different tarot and oracle decks but i only connect and trust the readings with a couple of them.i think you just know and have a feeling which ones are right to read xxx
When it comes to reversals I typically do, but I have a deck that I will NOT read reversed. It just doesn't feel like it needs to be for whatever reason. I can't explain it, but it doesn't feel right when I do. So, I think a lot of anything related with Tarot is just based on your own intuition, and how it feels for you...you just have to trust yourself to connect with your deck that way.