I think it would be awesome if CMDR’s could call colonization dibs on systems they were first to discover. I think this would incentivize exploration as a whole as well.
I think that would act too much as a blocker - there are whole swathes of areas already discovered by one or two industrious individuals and who knows if they are even playing any more. To have vast areas effectively permit locked from being built in would be unhelpful
@@dwsnz You can only colonize one place so this is not really a barrier. Plus you simply have a 30 day hold on those areas. So you simply claim your discovered system within 30 days or there is no claim.
A nice way to introduce true colonization would be if you needed fleet carriers’ worth of materials to establish one in deep space, the more remote the more materials needed, and in order for a colony to become self-sustaining it needs to expand to the point of having extraction, manufacturing, and farming facilities (at least!) within short jumps of each other to meet its own needs.
Great video as ever! On this thing everyone’s referring to as a problem with limpets, just wanted to point out that’s a misnomer. It’s a problem with the cargo hatch's ability to accept the limpet's payload (or more technically the resulting server transaction I suspect) and it affects manual scooping too.
I do hope at some point we can make our own middle of nowhere colonies and that we have enough time to ferry the materials needed to make these places. I do lament the idea that every nebula will become a tourist trap.
20 ly from nearest colonized system distance would allow "bridge-systems" to edge of Galaxy. Colonia with new systems especially would be a tourist destination for new and old players.
Here's my problem with the current ideas on Colonization: 10ly limit Must complete first station before anyone can use that system to extend the range. Distance from Bubble to Colonia 22,000ly (est.) Assumption - "Finishing" will happen at the weekly tick. Based on this information, assuming there's no deviation on distance because of star locations, and assuming perfect rate of weekly completion to allow the next expansion, We can do the following calculation: 22000ly / 10ly per week = 2200weeks / 52 weeks per year = 42 years, 4 months to bridge from Bubble to Colonia.
@Wyrnikh not exactly a helpful thought, but are we able to expand from colonia? If so with proper coordination it could be faster (probably not as fast as we want but yknow...)
I did the same calculations and concluded that for proper deep-space colonization, the range should be 500ly. This would mean we could reach Colonia in 10 months and the farthest star in 2.5 years. But might there be an alternative way to make those longer ones, maybe with the help of fleet carriers?
How exactly is this a problem? Players shouldn't be able to rapidly expand across the whole galaxy. Connecting the two is a one-time goal that would forever change the landscape of elite dangerous, for the worse.
The galaxy is very, very big. There is zero reason why there should be a limit to colonization, but perhaps having distant colonies be centered around natural Earthlike worlds would make the most sense.
Do you think Fdev has learned what "in perpetuity" means now? I mean they just said they would leave them up there all year round, then said they were taking them away, and now they are saying "Ok fine we'll leave them until May." Seems odd to not just say "Fine we'll leave it up forever."
I'm hoping the colonisation will ask for high tech and industrial goods rather than raw material. Right now silver and gold are extreamly profitable to move around as is while high tech just doesn't have the same profit margin so it would be nice to boost consumption and get a more stable flow of resources going.
Same. I can see that different stages would require different goods and resources, eg. building a superstructure needs metals, polymers, etc., but building the actual facilities would require actual machinery and tech. Raw minerals wouldn't make much sense because you need to refine them, and that's an entire economy type in itself
i can deal with lazy limpets/hatches, what strikes my nipples is the transfer bug on the fleet carrier. Data, Assets, Materials that cant be transferred from/to carrier (resource not available..), i guess those that are/were involved a barkeeper trades, but thats just a guess.
and get VR experience to work when disembark from the ship for a more seamless experience. Right now I have to plan if i'm going to do more on foot things or more ship/srv things to if to put on my VR headset or use my monitor before i start the game.
The way I had interpreted the new colonisation feature was that the 10 ly was from the bubble and colonised systems as they mention daisy chaining out. I was anticipation a player rush out to colonia along the highway straight off the bat. Basically for every system colonised a new 10 ly radius will be created for other players to expand from. Unless I have mis-read the way the feature will work.
Paint jobs? Not particularly turned on by "bling." Limpets? Yes, they are still "obediently" running into every obstacle committing suicide rather than picking up stuff they are supposed to.
I rly hope I get the system I'm after when colonisation comes out.. I'm a little worried that I will fall behind the people who can play immediately and have big fleets of friends to run supplies and occupy a space. I have a pretty small squadron of only around 3 people at a time, and I'm worried that the organisations with huge numbers will get all the good systems lol I also wonder if we'll get to rename our systems if they become prominent enough. I doubt it'll be a simple and standard feature like naming your fleet carriers, but it would be nice to not live in a system that's just a long string of letters and numbers
When the time comes just give me a shout be more then happy to help....Hnnnn I can see a Discord coming just for something like this where CMDR's help each other by request ;)
So I busted out laughing when I heard "bottomless pits of money the same as the likes of universal cartographics or the hilariously wealthy Vista genomics who appear to have liquidated an entire galaxy in order to pay for what equates to vegetable photographs." Well done!
My Decals are not getting mirrored on the Imperial Eagle!!!! Just got it and its not applying, only the front right side. 😢😢😢 Im not even getting a button to remove it....
For those who need limpets to complete PP2 tasks or other things, you're best chance of success is during less popular times for your region. Details below: The limpet bug was an issue before PP2, however it became at times nearly impossible after PP2. This was a huge hindrance for pod rescues. Those doing pod rescues reported a lot of data and it appears that it is related to server traffic levels. Limpets were more likely to timeout or delay as traffic levels to the server increased. This was based on the geographical region, meaning that European servers might run fine while American servers struggled under their local traffic load. One theory is that messages to the server are being dropped or back logged at the server, leaving the limpet transfer result unresolved. The client not having heard a success or failure is stuck in a default "cargo full" state. The server then later processes the message and things move forward or the client hits a time out point and resend the message with success. Probably the former, but it's hard to say. Hopefully this helps someone. o7
Didn't notice any problems with my limpets on the last 2 mining trips I did, bar once. This was after I ditched some cargo, then changed my mind about ditching it lol (I was running out of limpets and time), and I couldn't get my limpets to pick up the canisters (although I did wonder if that was by design).
I'm hoping that once were able to purchase systems and we've built that system up to a certain point it starts making us some money instead of us having to pay the whole time for the dang thing like a rental
Great video, as always - my no.1 news source for ED! Love that player numbers go up and content gets expanded! Personally, I'm a bit old school maybe - I don't care about Fleetcarriers or PowerPlay or Colonization (for myself, gladly for who likes it!). What I don't like though, is when they worsen existing/core gameplay, when introducing new things. Current hyperspace times are super annoying for example... the development rule should be only to introduce new stuff if it doesn't break/worsen existing stuff... is that really too much to ask?
you could head out to the center and help look for the landscape signal you could help take back Ngurii so people can buy Soontill relics to unlock Elvira Martuuk without supporting an Imperial corporation
As an explorer I agree I wish I had more to do But that Thargoid stuff… nothing for me, it was all combat. My first log in of 2024 came on the 10th anniversary because I heard about new ships.
Also, consider how slow it's spinning. How fast would it have to spin for the blade to just fly off? And more importantly, what was the cause for it to spin this fast?
Burr... Watched you for over 7 years. I may sign back into ED. I know I am about 6k out from the bubble. But, I might fly back in after a drop out since 2019. Regards
AH so i wasn't wrong i am spending a lot longer in a wormhole jump... sometimes i thought i was getting the super rare interdiction by Thargoid but nope
I was wondering why I started getting more drops in the middle of system transfers as well as why it was taking so damn long to jump between systems. If I have to read Mojave adder one more time I'm going to get a aggravated 😂
I bought this game just to be a system architect, I hope the system is actually fun and something a solo player can enjoy. So much of this game's most fun activities and content seems gate kept by large organized squadrons.
Which one is the shiny mirror surface again? the chrome/gold or the chromed/golden? Yes I looked at the store - it's more or less broken for showing you 'mirror' versus 'applied with paintbrush' finishes and yeah...I think we should be exposing all the systems we're first discover of within the galaxy map and allowing those to be colonised. Add some multiplier for distance from nearest million/billion populated system if one must. Personally, I don't much care about expanding the bubble. I could be enticed to plant a seed in the middle of nowheresville try to make that succeed.
What’s the logic behind removing them? Is it just to drive better sales when they bring them back later? I find this tactic from Frontier to be truly disappointing.
- ARX can't be bought using steam wallet. (at least not by me). It now wants my credit card number. Yeah, not gonna happen. - Orbit lines not turning off after turning them on - Fire groups changing after every high wake and low wake jump - Black boxes you are contracted to collect are simply not there - NPC marauders not in the required number (should be 9, but only 6 are there) - NPC's that are stuck in walls - In Private Group Sessions Cargo is not being logged, when bought, or sold on a Fleet-Carrier (After selling, or buying one has to open the maket place a second time !) The list is long goes on... And now the time for an intersystem jumps almost doubled !? That's a NO GO !!!
I'm really hoping that they stretch the range of these new installations out more than 10 light years, or at least that their definition of an occupied system is pretty loose so that new territory can be built along the Colonia Bridge network of Megaships. Not gonna lie, I was really imagining this more as buying a grounded fleet carrier that you would set up for your chosen "industry, you could pick a spot to call your own, rather than the whole system, and other players, or even NPCs could do the same to build a community. I guess we'll have to wait and see...
There is so much talk about what colonization entails and how to do and such, but nothing about what it does for us other than just make another system with stations. If I was to 'architect' a system, what am I getting out of this other than playing a management sim, and getting my name on a plaque?
Everyone knows elite dangerous space travel is managed by two computer gnomes banging their single braincells together to generate a hyperspace tunnel.
Theres still lots of unpopulated systems within the bubble, so I imagine they're heavily restricting the range for colonization at the beginning, to let people fill out the bubble while the devs figure out what they need to change and tweak
I hope they're not just restricting range for the beginning. Much of what makes Elite what it is, is humanity being small against the backdrop of the entire cosmos, with travel to colonia, beagle point, etc, necessarily through the wilds so to speak. Allowing us to quickly colonize deep into the black will rob as much as it gives from the player experience, and make it harder and harder to experience the game that we love now.
Still waiting on chrome for the mandalay.... The lag between jumps is really.. pushing me away as an explorer at the moment. It sometimes takes 5+ minutes between jumps and at times it will just crash to desktop from it. I'm burning too much time waiting on jumps over actually exploring.... Like taking 10+ minutes to jump across 3 dead systems is a tad much.
Wow !!! just awesome you two, that Trailer is "knocked out of the ball park" you should be paid to show ED:Odyssey off to it's very very best by FDEV. CMDR [BRAVO 2 ZERO] Looking forward to meeting you both again at Pit Con 2025 in April.
elite commanders should be given 1 free system colonization ANYWHERE of their choosing as long as its the system they discovered. take it as part of seeding the galaxy. 1 per commander isnt tht bad
im sitting in colonia and im waiting until they fix their onground loot, its hilarious. And i went to colonia because of they thargoid content removal. great game
I started accumulating merits and rank doing powerplay 2.0 and then I couldn't figure something out so I decided (upon the advice from somewhere about PP2.0 when it came out that you could switch powers and still accumulate rank) to swicth to a different power. There went all my progress up to about rank 5. Now I have built merits back up to about 17,000 with the Prism Shields Girl but my rank remains at 0! Why? Am I being punished for leaving or a bug or something else? I'm trying to complete 5/5 assigment and I'm at 4/5 now because I'm told I have to complete 5/5 to gain rank - but I'm positive I was gaining rank before when I didn't complete more than 2/5 assignments at any time!
Another great update.!! re colonization it will be interesting so see what "return on investment " the architect will get for dishing out x billion credits and time/effort to haul needed material... a % of the system's trade revenues? or will the benefit be limited to participating in the expansion of humankind ?
I also want to see some form of ROI. Whether in credits, commodities or resources, or a player-determined mix - I don't need it to be huge each week, but something to offset the initial outlay and subsequent investment on additional stations would be good.
Frankly that colony ship with that huge lined-up landing pads is ugly as hell. Wouldn't be amazing to land "inside" a ship landing bay instead on the surface of the ship?
There's also a bug that's allowing ships in a winger 3 NPCs to shoot at you at the same time when the Odyssey first got released and horizons 4.0 around 3308 NPC ships in a wing of 3 are not shooting at me all at once I like that new direction because I can focus on the other two and then attack a mean ship after destroying its other two ships that are not shooting at me Despite they are marked red It made it a lot easier for me to get my bearings and credits but now I shoot at one of them they all started shooting at me and overwhelming me Other thing that's going on is certain fuel stars My fuel scoop doesn't want to fuel scoop doesn't want to work Other thing I have noticed just now is my pre-built AX KRAiT PHANTOM Mark II won't be able to use because it's saying it's not available in my fleet carrier despite I purchase it from a arx store. So its not showing a ship anywhere Other bug I'm noticing is the shields on my ships They don't want to charge unless landed causing me bunch of credits bunch of time Time is credits And having ships escape from you that are wanted waste more credits than any other draining source can Time is credits thank you very much community please grill frontier And let's do 800 million light year jump range upgrades and more customization upgrades for our flea carriers
Hi from Hawaii 🏝️ Wait wait your vocal wobbling are not gospel?? Then why am I watching.... trout flavored ice cream yum yum yum.. So what are you and your lovely Co commander's plans for expansion / colonization, are you going to get neighboring systems or put some distance between you and then dominate everything in between, it won't be difficult to claim large areas because it is basically a single player game mode that most people will be playing in.. good luck have fun in this game that I won't ever be playing, but do enjoy galnet and your news updates thank you for sharing 🪐
NO player should have to wait more than 5 minutes to jump a carrier, and the cooldown should NEVER be more than 5 minutes, I don't care what anyone says, I don't care what any dev or community manager says. Also, carriers should be able to jump more than 500 light years, they should have set it to 1000. The range and time to wait is so abysmal that carriers are nearly useless out in deep space (especially when using them to go to Colonia or from Colonia to the bubble), when a ship like a mandalay or anaconda can jump over 80 light years. They designed them wrong and the upkeep.. don't even get me started on the upkeep, I spend 19 million a week for my carrier to sit there and do nothing, it's simply stupid design.
10LY from the bubble is pathetic. Colonia once again given the cold shoulder. Fdev really dont want the universe expanded. Why not allow explorer pilots out in the deep to be able to establish outposts for future explorers.
great video. i love playing Elite, but i'm not very optimistic about the next contents considering what has been done in the past, especially with Odyssey, which is a complete failure for me. In particular, I like exploration, and that aspect has been really poor from the start. so, colonization is not really my thing and i'll wait for another game closer to my expectations.
Hey i just started with Ed! And I am looking for some dudes where we can mine together or something like that. Anyone interested or are there clans where I can join.
I bought Odyssey before its release, downloaded it right when it became available and found that the Odyssey expansion was awful, very poor fps, game would randomly freeze etc. I quit playing Odyssey only 40 minutes in never to return, but only played Horizons after that. Well, the last time I played E.D. was Sept. 1 2022(Horizons), life just sorta got in the way, but I decided to play E.D the other day out of boredom, so, I did all the updates Frontier put out over the past 2 1/2 years, found that Horizons server is closed, so I am forced to play Odyssey, and let me tell you, NOTHING has changed. Terrible fps now, in fact, I can't read things at times, and I don't thinks it my computer because even tho my gaming laptop is 3 years old at this point, it was able to play Horizons on Ultra settings, but now, even if I put the settings on Medium, its still awful to play
It's gotta be your laptop man. My pc is also a few years old and I can run odyssey in ultra settings with no problems at all with high fps. I'm using a 3060ti, ryzen 5 5600x, and 32 gb ram. The only time my frames drop to ~60 is when I step off my ship on foot, but then goes back up. Try it on another pc if you can.
I think it would be awesome if CMDR’s could call colonization dibs on systems they were first to discover. I think this would incentivize exploration as a whole as well.
I marked mine and going to call dibs. :)
I found a system with 51 bodies. I recently returned and am parked there now.
I think that would act too much as a blocker - there are whole swathes of areas already discovered by one or two industrious individuals and who knows if they are even playing any more. To have vast areas effectively permit locked from being built in would be unhelpful
@@dwsnz You can only colonize one place so this is not really a barrier. Plus you simply have a 30 day hold on those areas. So you simply claim your discovered system within 30 days or there is no claim.
@@dwsnz Only 0.06% of the galaxy has been explored in game. There is PLENTY left to discover.
I have noticed that hyperspace jump times are now back to near normal levels. Perhaps the hamsters have been fed at last.
mine aren't, unfortunately
I still have sedated load times, but at least I'm not losing connection anymore
Sadly no, they are not. At least not about 2 hours ago.
It's depends upon server traffic, so you can expected longer hyperspace jumps from say 5 - 10PM on Fridays and weekends, which are peak gaming hours
A nice way to introduce true colonization would be if you needed fleet carriers’ worth of materials to establish one in deep space, the more remote the more materials needed, and in order for a colony to become self-sustaining it needs to expand to the point of having extraction, manufacturing, and farming facilities (at least!) within short jumps of each other to meet its own needs.
Great video as ever! On this thing everyone’s referring to as a problem with limpets, just wanted to point out that’s a misnomer. It’s a problem with the cargo hatch's ability to accept the limpet's payload (or more technically the resulting server transaction I suspect) and it affects manual scooping too.
I do hope at some point we can make our own middle of nowhere colonies and that we have enough time to ferry the materials needed to make these places. I do lament the idea that every nebula will become a tourist trap.
20 ly from nearest colonized system distance would allow "bridge-systems" to edge of Galaxy. Colonia with new systems especially would be a tourist destination for new and old players.
Here's my problem with the current ideas on Colonization:
10ly limit
Must complete first station before anyone can use that system to extend the range.
Distance from Bubble to Colonia 22,000ly (est.)
Assumption - "Finishing" will happen at the weekly tick.
Based on this information,
assuming there's no deviation on distance because of star locations,
and assuming perfect rate of weekly completion to allow the next expansion,
We can do the following calculation:
/ 10ly per week
= 2200weeks
/ 52 weeks per year
= 42 years, 4 months to bridge from Bubble to Colonia.
@Wyrnikh not exactly a helpful thought, but are we able to expand from colonia? If so with proper coordination it could be faster (probably not as fast as we want but yknow...)
I did the same calculations and concluded that for proper deep-space colonization, the range should be 500ly. This would mean we could reach Colonia in 10 months and the farthest star in 2.5 years.
But might there be an alternative way to make those longer ones, maybe with the help of fleet carriers?
@@fishthemeh6346 from the bubble as Frontier stated
There's already a bridge from the Bubble to Colonia. What you're describing is a superhighway.
How exactly is this a problem? Players shouldn't be able to rapidly expand across the whole galaxy. Connecting the two is a one-time goal that would forever change the landscape of elite dangerous, for the worse.
Great to listen to and wonderful to watch.
Not to mention that if you call your carrier to the system you are in you won’t be able to see it UNTIL it gets there unlike before the ppv2 update
The galaxy is very, very big. There is zero reason why there should be a limit to colonization, but perhaps having distant colonies be centered around natural Earthlike worlds would make the most sense.
"vegetable photographs" 🤣🤣🤣
Do you think Fdev has learned what "in perpetuity" means now? I mean they just said they would leave them up there all year round, then said they were taking them away, and now they are saying "Ok fine we'll leave them until May."
Seems odd to not just say "Fine we'll leave it up forever."
I'm hoping the colonisation will ask for high tech and industrial goods rather than raw material.
Right now silver and gold are extreamly profitable to move around as is while high tech just doesn't have the same profit margin so it would be nice to boost consumption and get a more stable flow of resources going.
BioWaste eh?
Sure thing buddy, I’ll deliver all ya want
Same. I can see that different stages would require different goods and resources, eg. building a superstructure needs metals, polymers, etc., but building the actual facilities would require actual machinery and tech. Raw minerals wouldn't make much sense because you need to refine them, and that's an entire economy type in itself
i can deal with lazy limpets/hatches, what strikes my nipples is the transfer bug on the fleet carrier. Data, Assets, Materials that cant be transferred from/to carrier (resource not available..), i guess those that are/were involved a barkeeper trades, but thats just a guess.
VR bugs are killing me. Orbit lines rendering in only one eye, not rendering zoomed in during FSS, wacky shadows.
and get VR experience to work when disembark from the ship for a more seamless experience. Right now I have to plan if i'm going to do more on foot things or more ship/srv things to if to put on my VR headset or use my monitor before i start the game.
@ the movie screen is kinda neat if it doesn’t crash
The way I had interpreted the new colonisation feature was that the 10 ly was from the bubble and colonised systems as they mention daisy chaining out.
I was anticipation a player rush out to colonia along the highway straight off the bat. Basically for every system colonised a new 10 ly radius will be created for other players to expand from. Unless I have mis-read the way the feature will work.
Paint jobs? Not particularly turned on by "bling." Limpets? Yes, they are still "obediently" running into every obstacle committing suicide rather than picking up stuff they are supposed to.
I rly hope I get the system I'm after when colonisation comes out.. I'm a little worried that I will fall behind the people who can play immediately and have big fleets of friends to run supplies and occupy a space. I have a pretty small squadron of only around 3 people at a time, and I'm worried that the organisations with huge numbers will get all the good systems lol
I also wonder if we'll get to rename our systems if they become prominent enough. I doubt it'll be a simple and standard feature like naming your fleet carriers, but it would be nice to not live in a system that's just a long string of letters and numbers
I can Help youre Team when time is coming 😇
When the time comes just give me a shout be more then happy to help....Hnnnn I can see a Discord coming just for something like this where CMDR's help each other by request ;)
@@MetalDragon42 Sounds great 🫡
@hydroxu CMDR "Sirius A" btw
I love the erudite vocab used in these presentations. Keep up the good work.
So I busted out laughing when I heard "bottomless pits of money the same as the likes of universal cartographics or the hilariously wealthy Vista genomics who appear to have liquidated an entire galaxy in order to pay for what equates to vegetable photographs." Well done!
My Decals are not getting mirrored on the Imperial Eagle!!!! Just got it and its not applying, only the front right side. 😢😢😢
Im not even getting a button to remove it....
For those who need limpets to complete PP2 tasks or other things, you're best chance of success is during less popular times for your region. Details below:
The limpet bug was an issue before PP2, however it became at times nearly impossible after PP2. This was a huge hindrance for pod rescues. Those doing pod rescues reported a lot of data and it appears that it is related to server traffic levels. Limpets were more likely to timeout or delay as traffic levels to the server increased. This was based on the geographical region, meaning that European servers might run fine while American servers struggled under their local traffic load.
One theory is that messages to the server are being dropped or back logged at the server, leaving the limpet transfer result unresolved. The client not having heard a success or failure is stuck in a default "cargo full" state. The server then later processes the message and things move forward or the client hits a time out point and resend the message with success. Probably the former, but it's hard to say.
Hopefully this helps someone. o7
Thank you for this.
I always look forward to the Friday news update.
Didn't notice any problems with my limpets on the last 2 mining trips I did, bar once. This was after I ditched some cargo, then changed my mind about ditching it lol (I was running out of limpets and time), and I couldn't get my limpets to pick up the canisters (although I did wonder if that was by design).
I think they mean each base/settlement/planet/system is a "colony", rather than groups of systems and governments like Colonia.
6:04 and the blessing of the Supermassive One and His anatine emissary of course 🦆
I'm hoping that once were able to purchase systems and we've built that system up to a certain point it starts making us some money instead of us having to pay the whole time for the dang thing like a rental
Bugs just going forever and ever without getting addressed is very tiring
Odyssey has had 19 major updates since launching in 2022. Bugs are being addressed based on voting.
As in Star Citizen. What you buy with REAL CASH is not physical, and can never be tangible to hold in you hand !!
Any update on Odyssey loot not spawning in Colonia… including data? It seemed to stop in October after PP2 was released.
Great video, as always - my no.1 news source for ED! Love that player numbers go up and content gets expanded! Personally, I'm a bit old school maybe - I don't care about Fleetcarriers or PowerPlay or Colonization (for myself, gladly for who likes it!). What I don't like though, is when they worsen existing/core gameplay, when introducing new things. Current hyperspace times are super annoying for example... the development rule should be only to introduce new stuff if it doesn't break/worsen existing stuff... is that really too much to ask?
All I want is something to do in elite dangerous it feels like we lost stuff to do when we stopped the thatgoid war 😅
you could head out to the center and help look for the landscape signal
you could help take back Ngurii so people can buy Soontill relics to unlock Elvira Martuuk without supporting an Imperial corporation
Well damn 🥲. I play legacy
As an explorer
I agree
I wish I had more to do
But that Thargoid stuff… nothing for me, it was all combat. My first log in of 2024 came on the 10th anniversary because I heard about new ships.
0:41 Someone needs to fix those blades in the air vent. If a blade is missing... where did it go? I hope it didn't hit anyone.
Also, consider how slow it's spinning. How fast would it have to spin for the blade to just fly off? And more importantly, what was the cause for it to spin this fast?
Okay, we need to petition for Carbon Dioxide And Trout Flavored Ice Cream to be a new rare commodity, available only at Wilson Port in Tewanta!
i`m for frying fat icecream
Burr... Watched you for over 7 years.
I may sign back into ED. I know I am about 6k out from the bubble. But, I might fly back in after a drop out since 2019.
yes another great video from the one and only Buur!!! and i am first
AH so i wasn't wrong i am spending a lot longer in a wormhole jump... sometimes i thought i was getting the super rare interdiction by Thargoid but nope
You can do the holload hacking with a friend from a different power - they hack it to their own power and then you hack it back
I always enjoy these. o7
I was wondering why I started getting more drops in the middle of system transfers as well as why it was taking so damn long to jump between systems. If I have to read Mojave adder one more time I'm going to get a aggravated 😂
For PP2, you still can't deliver cartographic data and get credit for your task.
I bought this game just to be a system architect, I hope the system is actually fun and something a solo player can enjoy. So much of this game's most fun activities and content seems gate kept by large organized squadrons.
is there any reward for making a new colony? do we collect tax(in credit/cargo/material) for building a star system from scratch?
Which one is the shiny mirror surface again? the chrome/gold or the chromed/golden? Yes I looked at the store - it's more or less broken for showing you 'mirror' versus 'applied with paintbrush' finishes
and yeah...I think we should be exposing all the systems we're first discover of within the galaxy map and allowing those to be colonised. Add some multiplier for distance from nearest million/billion populated system if one must. Personally, I don't much care about expanding the bubble. I could be enticed to plant a seed in the middle of nowheresville try to make that succeed.
The mirror surface paint is "chrome" and "gold".
There needs to be a benefit in having a system. Do you get what is manufactured at cost prices for example
What’s the logic behind removing them? Is it just to drive better sales when they bring them back later? I find this tactic from Frontier to be truly disappointing.
Only bug that anoys me is the power care package menu doesnt work at all after 250 pacakages on there lol
- ARX can't be bought using steam wallet. (at least not by me). It now wants my credit card number. Yeah, not gonna happen.
- Orbit lines not turning off after turning them on
- Fire groups changing after every high wake and low wake jump
- Black boxes you are contracted to collect are simply not there
- NPC marauders not in the required number (should be 9, but only 6 are there)
- NPC's that are stuck in walls
- In Private Group Sessions Cargo is not being logged, when bought, or sold on a Fleet-Carrier (After selling, or buying one has to open the maket place a second time !)
The list is long goes on...
And now the time for an intersystem jumps almost doubled !? That's a NO GO !!!
What’s the jump range of a max cargo anaconda?🤔
I'm really hoping that they stretch the range of these new installations out more than 10 light years, or at least that their definition of an occupied system is pretty loose so that new territory can be built along the Colonia Bridge network of Megaships. Not gonna lie, I was really imagining this more as buying a grounded fleet carrier that you would set up for your chosen "industry, you could pick a spot to call your own, rather than the whole system, and other players, or even NPCs could do the same to build a community. I guess we'll have to wait and see...
Right, one planet would fit all of us with settlements , but having a whole planet or system for yourself is quite generous.
Hopefully I can make a few small outposts, nothing fancy. Just trade and federation glory!!!
There is so much talk about what colonization entails and how to do and such, but nothing about what it does for us other than just make another system with stations. If I was to 'architect' a system, what am I getting out of this other than playing a management sim, and getting my name on a plaque?
Ah i felt like something was weird with 2.0 also i had a mission to take data from A to B and when i got there the power contract didn’t want it
Everyone knows elite dangerous space travel is managed by two computer gnomes banging their single braincells together to generate a hyperspace tunnel.
Theres still lots of unpopulated systems within the bubble, so I imagine they're heavily restricting the range for colonization at the beginning, to let people fill out the bubble while the devs figure out what they need to change and tweak
That would imply that Frontier are being tactical and know what they're doing.
I hope they're not just restricting range for the beginning. Much of what makes Elite what it is, is humanity being small against the backdrop of the entire cosmos, with travel to colonia, beagle point, etc, necessarily through the wilds so to speak. Allowing us to quickly colonize deep into the black will rob as much as it gives from the player experience, and make it harder and harder to experience the game that we love now.
I feel like FDev has a serious problem with their internal departments just don't talk to each other at all.
They’d call it “Nesting” 😂
Umm.... what happened to the 12 days of holiday free arx (log on bonus) this year btw ????
Still waiting on chrome for the mandalay....
The lag between jumps is really.. pushing me away as an explorer at the moment. It sometimes takes 5+ minutes between jumps and at times it will just crash to desktop from it. I'm burning too much time waiting on jumps over actually exploring.... Like taking 10+ minutes to jump across 3 dead systems is a tad much.
Wow !!! just awesome you two, that Trailer is "knocked out of the ball park" you should be paid to show ED:Odyssey off to it's very very best by FDEV. CMDR [BRAVO 2 ZERO] Looking forward to meeting you both again at Pit Con 2025 in April.
elite commanders should be given 1 free system colonization ANYWHERE of their choosing as long as its the system they discovered. take it as part of seeding the galaxy. 1 per commander isnt tht bad
if the new coll... feature ends up being cg's all over the place its only gonna be for groups
What about SRVs sent flying by outcrop materials? And those same mats disappearing xd
if buying a star system is anything less than 10 billion id be surpised
@@Princeofmellon in the interview fdev said it would not cost as much as a fleet carrier.
@TheWhizKid007 but that the materials are astronomical which is a fair balance imo, it means the vets sitting on 10+ B cant immediately set off
@@TheWhizKid007 i am surprised
im sitting in colonia and im waiting until they fix their onground loot, its hilarious. And i went to colonia because of they thargoid content removal. great game
The people behind Elite sure are smart. 1 step forward, 7 steps back. Oh well... Nice game run by "Smart" people.
any clues about the broken concord cannons not reloading?
engineering them for some g5 modes does not allow them to reload normaly unless sything
Is team or wings broken now? Trying for like 30 min to group with my buddy the other day
which 15 min? before delete my save FC had 3h jump time returning from Colonia
I started accumulating merits and rank doing powerplay 2.0 and then I couldn't figure something out so I decided (upon the advice from
somewhere about PP2.0 when it came out that you could switch powers and still accumulate rank) to swicth to a different power. There went all my progress up to about rank 5. Now I have built merits back up to about 17,000 with the Prism Shields Girl but my rank remains at 0! Why? Am I being punished for leaving or a bug or something else? I'm trying to complete 5/5 assigment and I'm at 4/5 now because I'm told I have to complete 5/5 to gain rank - but I'm positive I was gaining rank before when I didn't complete more than 2/5 assignments at any time!
Another great update.!! re colonization it will be interesting so see what "return on investment " the architect will get for dishing out x billion credits and time/effort to haul needed material... a % of the system's trade revenues? or will the benefit be limited to participating in the expansion of humankind ?
Unfortunately I expect it to work as BGS where you dont have any real benefits from it. Hope I'm wrong on this!
I also want to see some form of ROI. Whether in credits, commodities or resources, or a player-determined mix - I don't need it to be huge each week, but something to offset the initial outlay and subsequent investment on additional stations would be good.
Frankly that colony ship with that huge lined-up landing pads is ugly as hell.
Wouldn't be amazing to land "inside" a ship landing bay instead on the surface of the ship?
FOMO is not a business strategy I can get behind. Fdev can stick their golden paint job where the pulsar don't shine.
That FDL ❤
Colonization 2.0
Sadly and disapointing, "rare" paintjobs does not cover all ships
excluding the 4 new 2024 ship, 9 ships does not have Chrome and gold paintjobs
Definitely not looking forward to colonisation, I’m expecting some major bugs with it and not of the caustic cauliflower kind.
There's also a bug that's allowing ships in a winger 3 NPCs to shoot at you at the same time when the Odyssey first got released and horizons 4.0 around 3308 NPC ships in a wing of 3 are not shooting at me all at once
I like that new direction because I can focus on the other two and then attack a mean ship after destroying its other two ships that are not shooting at me
Despite they are marked red
It made it a lot easier for me to get my bearings and credits but now I shoot at one of them they all started shooting at me and overwhelming me
Other thing that's going on is certain fuel stars My fuel scoop doesn't want to fuel scoop doesn't want to work
Other thing I have noticed just now is my pre-built AX KRAiT PHANTOM Mark II won't be able to use because it's saying it's not available in my fleet carrier despite I purchase it from a arx store.
So its not showing a ship anywhere
Other bug I'm noticing is the shields on my ships They don't want to charge unless landed causing me bunch of credits bunch of time Time is credits
And having ships escape from you that are wanted waste more credits than any other draining source can Time is credits thank you very much community please grill frontier
And let's do 800 million light year jump range upgrades and more customization upgrades for our flea carriers
Hi from Hawaii 🏝️
Wait wait your vocal wobbling are not gospel?? Then why am I watching.... trout flavored ice cream yum yum yum..
So what are you and your lovely Co commander's plans for expansion / colonization, are you going to get neighboring systems or put some distance between you and then dominate everything in between, it won't be difficult to claim large areas because it is basically a single player game mode that most people will be playing in.. good luck have fun in this game that I won't ever be playing, but do enjoy galnet and your news updates thank you for sharing 🪐
NO player should have to wait more than 5 minutes to jump a carrier, and the cooldown should NEVER be more than 5 minutes, I don't care what anyone says, I don't care what any dev or community manager says. Also, carriers should be able to jump more than 500 light years, they should have set it to 1000. The range and time to wait is so abysmal that carriers are nearly useless out in deep space (especially when using them to go to Colonia or from Colonia to the bubble), when a ship like a mandalay or anaconda can jump over 80 light years.
They designed them wrong and the upkeep.. don't even get me started on the upkeep, I spend 19 million a week for my carrier to sit there and do nothing, it's simply stupid design.
10LY from the bubble is pathetic. Colonia once again given the cold shoulder. Fdev really dont want the universe expanded. Why not allow explorer pilots out in the deep to be able to establish outposts for future explorers.
Burr Pit, you didn't cover the response from the user-base to their "we hear you" response.
I think all colonization ships should require Hutton Mugs for the construction workers' coffee/tea. But I'm crazy, so...
great video. i love playing Elite, but i'm not very optimistic about the next contents considering what has been done in the past, especially with Odyssey, which is a complete failure for me. In particular, I like exploration, and that aspect has been really poor from the start. so, colonization is not really my thing and i'll wait for another game closer to my expectations.
Hey i just started with Ed! And I am looking for some dudes where we can mine together or something like that. Anyone interested or are there clans where I can join.
I bought Odyssey before its release, downloaded it right when it became available and found that the Odyssey expansion was awful, very poor fps, game would randomly freeze etc. I quit playing Odyssey only 40 minutes in never to return, but only played Horizons after that. Well, the last time I played E.D. was Sept. 1 2022(Horizons), life just sorta got in the way, but I decided to play E.D the other day out of boredom, so, I did all the updates Frontier put out over the past 2 1/2 years, found that Horizons server is closed, so I am forced to play Odyssey, and let me tell you, NOTHING has changed. Terrible fps now, in fact, I can't read things at times, and I don't thinks it my computer because even tho my gaming laptop is 3 years old at this point, it was able to play Horizons on Ultra settings, but now, even if I put the settings on Medium, its still awful to play
It's gotta be your laptop man. My pc is also a few years old and I can run odyssey in ultra settings with no problems at all with high fps. I'm using a 3060ti, ryzen 5 5600x, and 32 gb ram. The only time my frames drop to ~60 is when I step off my ship on foot, but then goes back up. Try it on another pc if you can.
Not another sexy chrome ship, you have to many ARX😅
This community is still trying to change a multiplayer game into a single player one. Its kinda weird.