+Roger Solé Guixeres You probably also think that your raging bronze teammates hold you back from achieving challenjour.Come on,join the vvvortic gang.We got cookies!
thanks for all pall, i love that u don't do only educational content just for people on silver and gold and actually care with the ones on diamond and plat
First one is right on the money. My teammates tend to spam the mastery emote and laugh when we're ahead. And when we make a comeback, they don't want to take a free Baron. I keep on telling them for a fast push since we need to take into account the death timers of the enemy. You know what they do? They run to Drake instead, and all of a sudden, the enemy team respawns and we have to engage in another teamfight.
Congrats on 250k Subs! I watch your videos semi-frequently and use all of the tips you give me! I'm currently a B3 player, I was S5 before Season 5 ended and now I am climbing after being placed in B5.... Only two divisions but my Win/Loss is at 70% (Or around there) and I tend to play ad carry or jungle with my friend when possible..... I am using about 3-5 champs max that I am very comfortable with, and it tends to work regardless if they counter me or not.... It's all about the plays! Thank you so much for all the tips, I'll stay tuned with your videos :)
I think you should make a video with totally different style from your usual stuff to celebrate 250k subscribers. Most important thing is that it's something fun you enjoy doing. It could be an ARAM game with fans or a fun build in normals. And congratulations on 250k subscribers!
These videos are for more helpful, then a lot of stuff other people make. I remember Fox made a video about why people don't move up in the leagues, and it was just him looking down his nose saying "You just don't have the right attitude." Which though attitude does have a part of it, having a smile on your face when the you're team is 0:20 at 10 isn't going to win the game. Stuff like this is ACTUAL advice, so 5 internet points for you sir.
Overstaying is what i was aware of for a long time now and i still find myself getting caught because of trying low reward aggresive plays for high risk poke etc. The thing i started to notice recently is that gambler's syndrome you talked about, when someone from my team gets caught, i assume that i should use enemy spell cooldowns and make the situation not as bad, but its really dumb and always gets makes things worse, because having enemy team made a play you can't retaliate too is unevitable. I guess i'm just gonna work on adding it to my mindset. Nice video as always m8
One of the most common ways to throw games are risky baron calls. I so often see that "oh we got an inhib, they might respawn in 10 seconds but lets get baron", "oh one of them died lets get baron", "I spotted their adc bot, lets get baron". That might work if its min 45+ and you can rush it but in min 25-30 it usually ends up in getting spotted and aced.
I'd love to see a video on how to win bad fights. Let's say you see a nightmare game -- bad match-ups in every lane, and a bad match-up in the jungle as well. What does each player in that game do to help win that game anyway? You don't always have much leverage in terms of good match-ups, so you can't just try to hold and not feed while your team carries the game. Sometimes you have to go against something that counters you well and win anyway. How to do that would be helpful. Severe equipment adjustments? ADC doesn't have to build super-squishy vs assassin compositions, right? Tactics positionally? How you might rotate positions with teammates? I'm sure there are a lot of tips that could be great, and it would be 5+ videos worth of subject matter since there are 5 positions. One example might be how to counter Lux (or similarly long range champion) with Heimerdinger.
I'm sooo guilty of trying to help someone that gets caught and staying behind and I die almost every time... It's a bad reflex that I need to work on, so thanks for pointing it out!
The problem with these advice-type videos is that people watching them already want to improve. Those who would benefit most from the video don't even know (or care) they are doing it (in this case, throwing). So a better advice would be: How to stop your team from throwing
im plat 3 and im still going up,ty for guides like this,it help alot ps: s4 i was silver,then i start watch ur guides and i make it to plat 4 in s5,thatnks alot
phy, you dont have to thank us. your vids are great and extremely helpful. you're incredibly competent and that number of subscribers is a consequence of that. you should really try a career in teaching in the future. c ya
I give up. Everyone at high elo says that every loss is my fault. yet I go 5/0 and have 200cs, splitpush and tp gank to spread my lead to other lanes. even if every lane win they overextend and throw over and over again. I try to communicate, tell them what to do but they never listen. I just cant win anymore..
that last one was jungle 101... see who plays well or is ahead... and feeed them till they look like gragas after thanksgiving ... dont let them die , give them all the farm and buffs they want and engage for them xD works for me at least
#1 Way you forgot to mention. Get 3 higher Elo friends on smurf accounts to carry your ass, because that is all "Solo" Q is these days. Also the number one reason I quit ranked this season.
I'd say it's like: 20% games you easily win (30-10 for example on total kills) 20% you easily lose (10-30 on total kills) 10% trolls (afk or feed on purpose) 50% hard fought games (there isn't a much of kill diference and teams are usually tied)
What is a good mixture between taking towers and ganking (from a mid-lane perspective. Also keep in mind that I'm in silver and at that level most junglers either only gank and fall behind in farm or just farm and not exert any map pressure. So the mid is left to roam and gank) I used to just roam over and over, but when I did that what would happen is my team would not try to take objectives and instead go for kills. On the other hand if stay in lane, and keep the other laner behind while taking the first tower before really doing any real roaming then my other lanes will lose 60 percent of the time, and eventually we lose due to the other team focusing me. So what should I be doing.
it might sound a little presumptious but i would like a really detailed twitch guide. or kinda personal just straight up educate me on what i'm doing wrong on twitch
In my experience, pretty much all throws occur because of a team comp that falls off late game or even mid game. You just can't win if you're a team of snowball dependent duelists against an Amumu, Sejuani or anyone else with an unavoidable AoE CC engage.
The last point seems to be my biggest issue as of late. I'll get fed and shit on the enemy, but my team doesn't seem to accept that they're weak and can't win a 4v4 without me. I'll be clearing a tower, tell them "don't fight without me", spam ping for them to fall back.... but they fight anyway and lose. I'll then try to explain the issue and receive a torrent of abuse.
Hey man, thank you so much for all the work you do, its really helped me a lot and ive learned so much! League's become really popular in my country lately (Argentina) and there's so many new players, but there's not a lot of people teaching others how to play in my language, and that proves to be detrimental for the level of play you can find in solo q here. I would love to do this for others, same as you, but I'm terribly inexperienced, and since my elo is not that high I fear for my credibility, if that makes sense... I guess what I'm asking is for some advice on how to get started, any tips you can give me I'd really appreciate it.
I see ranked as 20-40-20. 20% are next to impossible due to AFK/DC/Trolls or just unusually bad teammates, 40% are competitive, and 20% are "easy" wins due to the other team having an AFK/DC/Troll or simply being unusually bad.
I have a question. Over my match history, I've wavecleared, I've played for towers, and dragons, and for objectives, and I haven't overstayed, but I still lose, because it's physically impossible to carry 1v5 when the entire enemy team is shitfucking yours. An example? I took seven towers, or contributed majorly, in my last match as Ekko. I was top, but I soloed Dragon, played for the team, roamed, provided objective pressure, took two inhibs, soloed a second dragon, and then still lost because for each tower i'd take, four of my teammates would die. How do I carry that, because it's become a stupidly frequent thing for me to be the ONLY ONE out of five that is doing decently, and I can't move that into the teamfight phase, because four behind squishies and one fed tank (I main tanks) vs four fed carries and a maybe behind tank usually doesn't go well. There has to be a trick, or a style that can move a whole team with me, and it has to be something other than TP ganks regularly, and focus towers and carries, because that just doesn't work when I'm basically 1v5 with 4 meat shields.
In my experience the reason many players go in when a teammate is caught is because the enemy has used some resources to kill that teammate and if they're ever going to win a 4v5, in their minds, its at right that moment
The third one happens to me all the time. Got pretty fed as adc in early and being able to win 3v4 fight, then the team thought they are strong and went 4v5 without me...Any advise?
Nearly every video I happen upon that I think will help my team and I's play just turns out to be common knowledge for us. So either, we think we know all of this but don't worry about it much in game, or we aren't technically skilled in the game because we don't have all too good rankings.
1. don't overstay - don't be overly ambitious...that's difficult lol 2. if someone get's caught - don't spend more to try to get back what you lost...this game is gambling lol 3. stick with the fed one - use their gold lead to your advantage...stick with the carry
I have a question about the second tip. If 1 person on your team is consistently getting caught and the rest of your team is constantly looking to even that out regardless of your pings or advice would you rather join them to make it a 4v5 or continue to leave them making it a 3v5, at which point you then have to defend objectives solo?
Join them, perhaps You can turn it around and win the team fifth 4v5, if you don't join them then the chances that your team will win 3v5 is highly unlikely.
Speaking of that mentality, "hey their top jungler has 13 kills. We've lost this game" - my team when the rest of the enemy team is piss weak and has mostly fed. But you know, one person on the enemy team has lots of kills so therefore it must be that they're massively ahead.
Yea I always w courage and say that there is no winning not if the nexus is down. With all the kills and feeding team they still can win. If the enemy is taunting etc focus on objectives and playing it safe, and push, what's even worst is that if you team is taunting and getting greedy it's easier to split push and get distracted. When nexus is down its game over. It's always say in bronze.
It's always good to encourage everyone to try their best to win! I remember a Rammus game no one had hope and I just went on a suicide mission to face check baron and I STOLE IT. We then proceeded to push and win fights and win the game. Considering this is bronze, all you need is good shot calling and you can carry almost any team!
First off congrats for 250,000 subs! That's big!!! Second, 30% Easy wins, 30% Really hard and 30% Winnable... that's 90%, so whats the remaining 10% of games?
That thing with let teammates die is so right: so I was in a game where we were losing,but we I was pretty strong and could carry(we were defending base), after we win a fight 4 for 2 we start wardin to get vision, enemy team respawnd and my supp got cought, I was pinging to fall back but my other 2 mates jumped in fight then my last mate jumped too so I couldn't save the base and we lost.
Very good lesson like every Video! I was the guy who asked you about attackmove. I know now that you can cast your attackmove on left mouse klick whats very nice BUT is it usefull to do it? Do you play with attackmove? What kind of attackmove do you use and whats your opinion about Dublelift who dont use attackmove anyway? You are free to do a Video about this if u want to :P
Question! How should you react when one of your teammates all-ins or gets caught out on a fairly obvious 1v4? Usually i just let the person die instead of just rambo-ing in with them. But then i get flamed in chat for just 'letting me die n00b' Do i just mute them? Ignore them? Am i in the wrong for not just going all-in as well? I know this is situational, but thought i'd ask.
A massively common way I see people throw a game is by making a poor Baron call, I have one and lost many fights at baron purely because the rebuff baron applies makes killing people a littoral joke.
+Wild Danimal Interesting, I haven't seen baron throws for quiet some time. It was a thing some time ago though. Now in my experience people take baron for free like 95% of time. But they do throw(maybe not whole game at one fight, but repeatedly or losing next fights of of that lost teamfight) on dragon fights. "Drag is weak, we can take it quickly; we can fight them because all of them won't come; ..." but they calculate it wrongly and get killed, and get into game because of that fight.
Thank you all for 250,000 subs! If you want to see anything special let me know!! :)
Full ap trundle montage
+Deadman Grape definetely.
+Phylol COngrats m9 gg wp
Please full ap trundle montage, it carried me to bronze 4
+Phylol Q&A!!!
Me 0% Easy Games
60% Really Hard Games
40% Winnable
+Roger Solé Guixeres You probably also think that your raging bronze teammates hold you back from achieving challenjour.Come on,join the vvvortic gang.We got cookies!
+Quigily the Great Athan go fuck yourself
+Roger Solé Guixeres I solo que as support...I hate myself apparently.
0:23 Flawless math.
10% They have Kog And Udyr and u're fucked
+Fleck I actually think 40% for the middle section is more realistic.
+Whitebear look at the rigt bottom corner
90% of my class doesn't understand maths. I belong to the other 50%.
thanks for all pall, i love that u don't do only educational content just for people on silver and gold and actually care with the ones on diamond and plat
This is a good ass video for all the Throw-Lords out there, please pay close attention!
Graz to 250k! I watch your videos for a couple of seasons now. Go on like this! ;)
First one is right on the money. My teammates tend to spam the mastery emote and laugh when we're ahead. And when we make a comeback, they don't want to take a free Baron. I keep on telling them for a fast push since we need to take into account the death timers of the enemy. You know what they do? They run to Drake instead, and all of a sudden, the enemy team respawns and we have to engage in another teamfight.
Congrats phylol on 250 k. You're definitely my favorite informal league UA-camr :D
Congrats on 250k! You deserve it man!
I'd say 10% of the games being unwinable is pretty accurate, trolls,feeders,afks or just the enemy team being flat out better and not making mistakes.
Way to go phy. Happy for you for that milestone.
I really enjoy videos like this Phy. It really helps me get better at league.
Congrats on 250k Subs! I watch your videos semi-frequently and use all of the tips you give me! I'm currently a B3 player, I was S5 before Season 5 ended and now I am climbing after being placed in B5.... Only two divisions but my Win/Loss is at 70% (Or around there) and I tend to play ad carry or jungle with my friend when possible..... I am using about 3-5 champs max that I am very comfortable with, and it tends to work regardless if they counter me or not.... It's all about the plays! Thank you so much for all the tips, I'll stay tuned with your videos :)
I think you should make a video with totally different style from your usual stuff to celebrate 250k subscribers. Most important thing is that it's something fun you enjoy doing. It could be an ARAM game with fans or a fun build in normals.
And congratulations on 250k subscribers!
Congrats! I love your videos and btw the upload rate you do is perfect its not too many to watch but it's enough to keep me satisfied :D
Riot should force people to watch these videos before ranked :D
Congrats on the 250K! Lets hit that next 500K milestone.
These videos are for more helpful, then a lot of stuff other people make. I remember Fox made a video about why people don't move up in the leagues, and it was just him looking down his nose saying "You just don't have the right attitude." Which though attitude does have a part of it, having a smile on your face when the you're team is 0:20 at 10 isn't going to win the game.
Stuff like this is ACTUAL advice, so 5 internet points for you sir.
congrats on 250k! I watch every video because u are just awesome ! :3
you deserved it man, i like this ways of explaining cuz i can understand and remeber in-game
Congrats Phy. You really deserve the 250k
Overstaying is what i was aware of for a long time now and i still find myself getting caught because of trying low reward aggresive plays for high risk poke etc. The thing i started to notice recently is that gambler's syndrome you talked about, when someone from my team gets caught, i assume that i should use enemy spell cooldowns and make the situation not as bad, but its really dumb and always gets makes things worse, because having enemy team made a play you can't retaliate too is unevitable. I guess i'm just gonna work on adding it to my mindset. Nice video as always m8
1:10 that Inhib heal though
One of the most common ways to throw games are risky baron calls. I so often see that "oh we got an inhib, they might respawn in 10 seconds but lets get baron", "oh one of them died lets get baron", "I spotted their adc bot, lets get baron". That might work if its min 45+ and you can rush it but in min 25-30 it usually ends up in getting spotted and aced.
+ImpHax0r True.
Really needed this video. Thanks for the tips!
Good job for the 250k Subs you deserve it :D
I'd love to see a video on how to win bad fights. Let's say you see a nightmare game -- bad match-ups in every lane, and a bad match-up in the jungle as well. What does each player in that game do to help win that game anyway? You don't always have much leverage in terms of good match-ups, so you can't just try to hold and not feed while your team carries the game. Sometimes you have to go against something that counters you well and win anyway. How to do that would be helpful.
Severe equipment adjustments? ADC doesn't have to build super-squishy vs assassin compositions, right? Tactics positionally? How you might rotate positions with teammates? I'm sure there are a lot of tips that could be great, and it would be 5+ videos worth of subject matter since there are 5 positions.
One example might be how to counter Lux (or similarly long range champion) with Heimerdinger.
Congrats man on the 250k
Congrats on 250k !
I'm sooo guilty of trying to help someone that gets caught and staying behind and I die almost every time... It's a bad reflex that I need to work on, so thanks for pointing it out!
Plays with my emotions every time we get to robots. We never make it to the funky breakdown anymore
Make a video about Baron, when to take it, when not to take it and how to use it? Dunno if you made one already.
Best way to stop throwing is to put glue on your hands.
The problem with these advice-type videos is that people watching them already want to improve.
Those who would benefit most from the video don't even know (or care) they are doing it (in this case, throwing).
So a better advice would be: How to stop your team from throwing
Can you do something with off-meta picks?Like a video expressing your opinion on the most strong off meta champs,or commentary with off-meta pick?
You should do a video on picks and bans at different elos. Does Elo affect bans or does meta affect bans more than Elo?
Hey Phylol,
I was wondering if you could do a video on some of the best adcs to carry low elo.
Much love :)
im plat 3 and im still going up,ty for guides like this,it help alot ps: s4 i was silver,then i start watch ur guides and i make it to plat 4 in s5,thatnks alot
phy, you dont have to thank us. your vids are great and extremely helpful. you're incredibly competent and that number of subscribers is a consequence of that. you should really try a career in teaching in the future. c ya
Thank you so much for making this video. I don't why but this happens a lot for me. My team and I get ahead and then they ace one and end game :(
Love your vids from bronze to gold
ty for ur work brother i love you
I give up. Everyone at high elo says that every loss is my fault. yet I go 5/0 and have 200cs, splitpush and tp gank to spread my lead to other lanes. even if every lane win they overextend and throw over and over again. I try to communicate, tell them what to do but they never listen. I just cant win anymore..
that last one was jungle 101... see who plays well or is ahead... and feeed them till they look like gragas after thanksgiving ... dont let them die , give them all the farm and buffs they want and engage for them xD works for me at least
Quality production :) Gratz on the 250 man!
Grats 250k!
#1 Way you forgot to mention. Get 3 higher Elo friends on smurf accounts to carry your ass, because that is all "Solo" Q is these days. Also the number one reason I quit ranked this season.
+OmegaGamingNetwork I have not really run into this problem. At least going from Silver 5 to Gold 5... Where did you see that?
Lmao higher elo is easy! It's fun camping hem and tilting them and then they throw the game!
I'd say it's like:
20% games you easily win (30-10 for example on total kills)
20% you easily lose (10-30 on total kills)
10% trolls (afk or feed on purpose)
50% hard fought games (there isn't a much of kill diference and teams are usually tied)
30+30+30=100 kappa
+EZDyen Dude no the 10% are the troll games but there really isnt much to be said about them.
you know what kappa means right?
What is a good mixture between taking towers and ganking (from a mid-lane perspective. Also keep in mind that I'm in silver and at that level most junglers either only gank and fall behind in farm or just farm and not exert any map pressure. So the mid is left to roam and gank) I used to just roam over and over, but when I did that what would happen is my team would not try to take objectives and instead go for kills. On the other hand if stay in lane, and keep the other laner behind while taking the first tower before really doing any real roaming then my other lanes will lose 60 percent of the time, and eventually we lose due to the other team focusing me. So what should I be doing.
Do a Stream Week that you play with viewers every day, and then make a montage with it
Love how you posted the view 3 minutes ago saying how you are going to hit 25.000 K subs, and 3 minutes later u have 250.000 :)
+zigeta123 Im pretty sure he says 250 000 :p
I had a silver V game this week. Enemy Kogmaw had like 20 kills. So we killed the kog and then pushed to win.
it might sound a little presumptious but i would like a really detailed twitch guide. or kinda personal just straight up educate me on what i'm doing wrong on twitch
In my experience, pretty much all throws occur because of a team comp that falls off late game or even mid game. You just can't win if you're a team of snowball dependent duelists against an Amumu, Sejuani or anyone else with an unavoidable AoE CC engage.
The last point seems to be my biggest issue as of late. I'll get fed and shit on the enemy, but my team doesn't seem to accept that they're weak and can't win a 4v4 without me. I'll be clearing a tower, tell them "don't fight without me", spam ping for them to fall back.... but they fight anyway and lose. I'll then try to explain the issue and receive a torrent of abuse.
Hey man, thank you so much for all the work you do, its really helped me a lot and ive learned so much!
League's become really popular in my country lately (Argentina) and there's so many new players, but there's not a lot of people teaching others how to play in my language, and that proves to be detrimental for the level of play you can find in solo q here. I would love to do this for others, same as you, but I'm terribly inexperienced, and since my elo is not that high I fear for my credibility, if that makes sense...
I guess what I'm asking is for some advice on how to get started, any tips you can give me I'd really appreciate it.
ily you are a great coach
I see ranked as 20-40-20. 20% are next to impossible due to AFK/DC/Trolls or just unusually bad teammates, 40% are competitive, and 20% are "easy" wins due to the other team having an AFK/DC/Troll or simply being unusually bad.
2:30 I was like: people lose 200 pounds? oh wait i forgot he was brittish
So what if, as the jungler, you are 6 and 0 as Shaco. Should you then stick with your team or split push?
Do a video about how to get out of bronze / silver ty :)
and 10% your jungle is foxdrop and a garen-teed loss right from champ select
Thanks for this video phy I wish my silver teammates would adapt to this
I have a question.
Over my match history, I've wavecleared, I've played for towers, and dragons, and for objectives, and I haven't overstayed, but I still lose, because it's physically impossible to carry 1v5 when the entire enemy team is shitfucking yours. An example? I took seven towers, or contributed majorly, in my last match as Ekko. I was top, but I soloed Dragon, played for the team, roamed, provided objective pressure, took two inhibs, soloed a second dragon, and then still lost because for each tower i'd take, four of my teammates would die. How do I carry that, because it's become a stupidly frequent thing for me to be the ONLY ONE out of five that is doing decently, and I can't move that into the teamfight phase, because four behind squishies and one fed tank (I main tanks) vs four fed carries and a maybe behind tank usually doesn't go well. There has to be a trick, or a style that can move a whole team with me, and it has to be something other than TP ganks regularly, and focus towers and carries, because that just doesn't work when I'm basically 1v5 with 4 meat shields.
In my experience the reason many players go in when a teammate is caught is because the enemy has used some resources to kill that teammate and if they're ever going to win a 4v5, in their minds, its at right that moment
The third one happens to me all the time. Got pretty fed as adc in early and being able to win 3v4 fight, then the team thought they are strong and went 4v5 without me...Any advise?
Do a video on how to win a hardcore cc. Hopefully you have read my comment. thanks phy. Much love.
Can you make a video to talk about zz'rot portal and banner of command on top lane??
Nearly every video I happen upon that I think will help my team and I's play just turns out to be common knowledge for us. So either, we think we know all of this but don't worry about it much in game, or we aren't technically skilled in the game because we don't have all too good rankings.
congratz bro :)
U should do a Jhin guide, as he is on rotation today.
1. don't overstay - don't be overly ambitious...that's difficult lol
2. if someone get's caught - don't spend more to try to get back what you lost...this game is gambling lol
3. stick with the fed one - use their gold lead to your advantage...stick with the carry
I have a question about the second tip. If 1 person on your team is consistently getting caught and the rest of your team is constantly looking to even that out regardless of your pings or advice would you rather join them to make it a 4v5 or continue to leave them making it a 3v5, at which point you then have to defend objectives solo?
+Rob R Let em die - grab an objective/turret instead
Join them, perhaps You can turn it around and win the team fifth 4v5, if you don't join them then the chances that your team will win 3v5 is highly unlikely.
10 win streak hype! Mostly with Vi, ekko and Gragas!!
anyone else see amumu just walk through the river wall at the very beginning? or did I miss something
hey phylol, i would love to get some tips from you on how to play as adc when your support is afk, ty :)
This advice is amazing so much fucking props dude
Speaking of that mentality, "hey their top jungler has 13 kills. We've lost this game" - my team when the rest of the enemy team is piss weak and has mostly fed. But you know, one person on the enemy team has lots of kills so therefore it must be that they're massively ahead.
If the fed member of my team is a god splitpusher like zed etc. Isnt it better to let them push a side lane while we group mid and clear waves?
I watch and try ur tips and watch foxdrop game play :D
If my team starts talking shit about me, I start to get these weird lag spikes when I get close to enemies :D
Yea I always w courage and say that there is no winning not if the nexus is down. With all the kills and feeding team they still can win. If the enemy is taunting etc focus on objectives and playing it safe, and push, what's even worst is that if you team is taunting and getting greedy it's easier to split push and get distracted. When nexus is down its game over. It's always say in bronze.
It's always good to encourage everyone to try their best to win! I remember a Rammus game no one had hope and I just went on a suicide mission to face check baron and I STOLE IT. We then proceeded to push and win fights and win the game. Considering this is bronze, all you need is good shot calling and you can carry almost any team!
+Hurtunknown you are right? Not only just a good shot calling but also, knowing where is the opponent and knowing how to back out in the game.
First off congrats for 250,000 subs! That's big!!!
Second, 30% Easy wins, 30% Really hard and 30% Winnable... that's 90%, so whats the remaining 10% of games?
This video should play before every match
That thing with let teammates die is so right: so I was in a game where we were losing,but we I was pretty strong and could carry(we were defending base), after we win a fight 4 for 2 we start wardin to get vision, enemy team respawnd and my supp got cought, I was pinging to fall back but my other 2 mates jumped in fight then my last mate jumped too so I couldn't save the base and we lost.
+É o Juninhu (Delish Hotsky) It's funny that in the end they said: why did you pick Caithlyn.
Hey phylol i wanna ask you i main rengar since s4 is he a good pick?
Is that a visual glitch on the inhib at 1:10?
The other 10% is trolls
I see you everywhere
commenting on vids?
+Gayren or Feed Yup
Those games where 3 people enter queue together going "Everyone be an ADC"
and you're just like "Fuck it. I'm in." And it's actually fun.
+Wrigglevision and the best thing about it is you win because the enemy team underestimates you and says ggez win because they have a "normal comp
Very good lesson like every Video!
I was the guy who asked you about attackmove. I know now that you can cast your attackmove on left mouse klick whats very nice BUT is it usefull to do it? Do you play with attackmove? What kind of attackmove do you use and whats your opinion about Dublelift who dont use attackmove anyway? You are free to do a Video about this if u want to :P
congratz on 250k! foxdrop only 200k more. :3
+Peder Thorsø Is there some sort of competition between the two ?
They are both good content creators :)
yea they're bothers xD
IMO the most important tip to avoid throwing games - NEVER TOUCH BARON. Unless it's free i.e. you just aced them in a fight.
How should you react when one of your teammates all-ins or gets caught out on a fairly obvious 1v4?
Usually i just let the person die instead of just rambo-ing in with them. But then i get flamed in chat for just 'letting me die n00b'
Do i just mute them? Ignore them? Am i in the wrong for not just going all-in as well?
I know this is situational, but thought i'd ask.
I'd recommend split pushing when they do this, never let a death be in vain or be wasted. Also just mute :D they aren't worth it
is the other 10% when I get ap lucian mid in my team?
gr8 vid m8
A massively common way I see people throw a game is by making a poor Baron call, I have one and lost many fights at baron purely because the rebuff baron applies makes killing people a littoral joke.
+Wild Danimal Interesting, I haven't seen baron throws for quiet some time. It was a thing some time ago though. Now in my experience people take baron for free like 95% of time. But they do throw(maybe not whole game at one fight, but repeatedly or losing next fights of of that lost teamfight) on dragon fights. "Drag is weak, we can take it quickly; we can fight them because all of them won't come; ..." but they calculate it wrongly and get killed, and get into game because of that fight.
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30% Hard Games
30% Normal Games
10% AFK
How does one stop the younger brother from raging and tilting?