I keep thinking how controlled all of those people were. I would not be physically able to be in that memorial, I'd be crying beyond words for the whole thing, I would not be able to speak at all.
Frank and Jim were friends for 27 years and he is up there only 5 days after Jim's death. He has only had 5 days to analyze 27 years of friendship at this point. It's amazing he can speak a word about Jim without tears let alone 8 minutes. Now trying to get across 27 years of friendship in 8 minutes. 27 years of friendship summed up in 8 minutes only 5 days after the friends death.
You have no idea how many people you see from day to day carry that kind of pain. It's always there right beneath the surface, waiting for the wrong word or memory so it can spill over.
Especially with the moment of silence followed by the banjo opening to rainbow connections playing over the still shot of the church, idk just something about it makes me cry every single time
man I want to say you are so lucky, if then again if I was there I probably would have been blubbering like an idiot by the time it was over, but also laughing my butt off at Franks story and Bernie Brillstein's comment on being told to never follow the bird
I would have been on my blog to talk about this... But Damn it all... I miss Jim... I would have sobbed and soaked my Super Grover doll... Jim was and is a friend to all... Even though a house coat made into a frog named Kermit...
My God, i was not prepared for the last few seconds. I actually broke out crying...i know i'm not the only one. Jim and Frank were/are so brilliant together. They must have had so much fun working together. And bringing us so much joy. God bless you both.❤❤
It's interesting what things can make us "burst out" crying. I seem to be able to remember certain things in my life that made me burst out laughing and also burst out crying.. They become memorable..
You can laugh all about the good times all you want, but in the end, you remember why you loved that person. then you cry. I know its sad and Jim will always be missed by family and fans :(
Damn, he was so broken up about it that he quit the Muppets all together a few years later. And he quit going on Sesame Street as often too, though he does take some of the roles again occasionally for the sake of it. It really is a shame to see such a talented guy like Jim go, and I really do feel sad for all of those friends and families who had to witness his loss. Bless him.
@@averyetvspecial1487 In a way, I kind of agree. Though Frank has made it clear that he doesn't blame the Muppeteers. If they were given the right material, by guys who clearly watched The Muppet Show, their potential could be fully realized.
He’s also talked about how he never really wanted to be a puppeteer either and wanted to focus on other avenues. He did it out of his friendship with Jim, and once Jim passed away he just quit altogether to become a director.
I once was a marginally gifted but enthusiastic singer and guitar player. I shared so many hours on stage with my then girlfriend. For fourteen years, we sang. All the time, when we were cooking and cleaning and driving. Then she left. And although I quickly picked up my life and am now happily married, successful and content, I’ve all but stopped playing and singing altogether. It doesn’t feel right anymore. It’s like the soul has been ripped out. That may be kind of how Frank Oz may feel.
I attended this memorial and it was an extraordinary experience. It contained the fullness of life -- sadness, joy, laughter, tears, music -- all coming in waves. Frank's story poignantly related Frank & Jim's special friendship. So glad there is a video record of this event, thank you for sharing it.
Considering Jim lost his own brother during his (and Jane's) Sam & Friends era of his life, he gained another along the way in Frank. The whole eulogy is a testament to their friendship and brotherhood
That was when I knew his time with the Muppets brand was over indefinitely plus Richard Hunt's death less than 18 months later. It was never going to be the same; not even compared to when Jerry Juhl died
My heart breaks every time I see this. But I laugh so hard at 3:02. That is the best story! Thank you Jim Henson for giving me the best childhood ever. And for the 16 people that thumb down this video.. I wish you well. Sorry you can't see the beauty in this that all the others see.
Beautifully put. As the children that grew up loving and learning from the characters they both imagined. The nakedness of emotion shines though not only from Frank..... But as an adult watching this very lovely tribute to a man we grew up with behind a few yards of felt.
I wonder if he was really finished with his tribute or if he just couldn't go on. Just think they played best friends in each show.....Bert and Ernie, Fozzie and Kermit. And each got to play a jokester (Ernie and Fozzie) and a serious guy (Bert and Kermit). They were magic together, along with all the other characters they portrayed over the years.
There routine to work was driving together and cracking jokes, playing characters, imitating accents, and simply enjoying each others company. That was part of the origin of all the magic those two brought to the life, as many of their creations stemmed from that time together driving in a car and then at the studio. There aren't that many creative teams that work as well as those two did and even less that legitimately had so much fun each time.
I was a member of the Muppet show fan club when I was a child. I have never been hit so hard as I was when Mr. Henson passed. I am a fan of many actors and musicians but none of their deaths hit me as hard as his. I grew up with him
It'll be a very sad day when one day Jim, Frank, and Carroll are gone. It is heart wrenching to hear Frank at the end there. It's apparent that He loved Jim and Jim loved him. Jim was a visionary, and with the help of both Frank and Carroll, made a world everyone regardless of age, race, etc etc, can love and appreciate.
Frank Oz Fran brill Martin p Robinson bill Barrett’s David rudman Joey mozzerino Kevin clash Camille bornea Carmen oshbar Stephanie puppeteer Dave goelz Steve Whitmire are still alive
Jim connected with every one of us because he was our best friend. He understood us and we shared jokes together, he taught us without teaching, and he loved us as we loved him. Jim was our teacher, our parents, and our relatives, but most of all; he was our friend. We'll all grow older and miss you, but we'll never forget all you've done for us and we'll never forget you.
Brothers in all but blood. Jim Henson collected a lot of very talented people to work with and practically adopted them as family. Jim and Frank did many character duos, but the one character they did together was the Swedish Chef. It was the perfect combination of the two. Frank did the hands while Jim did the head. Never in the realms of entertainment will there ever be another duo like Jim Henson and Frank Oz.
I think we can all agree that one of the reasons that Frank Oz left the Muppets is probably because, after Jim died, his heart wasn't really in it anymore. It probably wasn't the same for him after Jim passed away.
this is an amazing story. it was so sweet and fun. the end rips your heart out. this used to be posted on here but they were taken down. please leave this on here for jim's fans.
Frank really was the other half of Jim's talent; together, they were like a force of nature, yin and yang. I'll never forget the day Jim died, because part of me died too. I had always wanted to one day be a muppeteer and work with Jim and Frank on some amazing future project. Dark Crystal is still one of my "top 20 films ever made". It makes me smile when I see new muppet projects succeed, but the true genius Jim had will never be seen or felt again. I hope Frank stays nearby; we need him, too.
For Frank, heading into the 1990s, Frank Oz started working on and off with the Muppets, in fact, his last Muppet project he worked full time on was The Muppet Christmas Carol where he was the Executive Producer, after that, he still did some bit parts (not related to Sesame Street), some of them he was late for shooting with, including Muppet Classic Theater, Muppet Treasure Island, and Muppets from Space. With this drastic change in direction Frank's career seemed to be taking, he slowly started to fade away from working with the now-owned Disney Muppets. Reason for that: Because Frank was no doubt incredibly troubled by the death of his friend Jim Henson, and it's been said that Frank probably would've continued working with the Muppets had Henson never passed away.
I read that he didn't even want to be a puppeteer at first. He just did it because that's where the money. It could be that he distanced himself from The Mupppets because he was pursuing his original aspirations.
George Lucas asked Jim Henson to assist with the make-up and movements for Yoda and Jim told Lucas he knew just the puppeteer to bring the character to life.
It's nice to know that even though Frank Oz was one tough son of a b****, he still loves his best friend. He loved doing the Muppets for Jim. He himself really didn't take the puppet work to seriously. He had other career endeavors. But he loves Jim like his own brother. In fact, I'd like to thank that Frank was the brother that jam needed. Considering that he lost his own brother, Frank took over as not only his best friend, but brother figure. Thank you Frank Oz
I watched this last night after going down memory lane watching the muppet sing a long songs I had and grew up to love Kermit and the Muppets so much for the first time when I was little. Kermit and Barney were my hero’s. ❤️❤️ After Frank aka Fozzie etc. said “that’s when I knew He Loved Me and I Love Him.” and couldn’t continue I lost it. But mannnn soon as I heard that banjo playing after that 💔💔😢 I just fell apart. And I remembered during elementary school we sung that song for a concert it was my grandmas 👵🏼👼 favorite and became mine as well. I couldn’t finish singing a long without crying lol. And boy, is this song much more relevant today. 💔💯💯💯🙏🏾 🌈 Cuz like Kermit said, “Someday we’ll find it, the Rainbow Connection..” but will we ever find it?? 😢😔 thank you Jim, Kermit. ~whoever takes the time to read this, from one neighbor, stranger to another, I Love You. And hope you have a Merry, Merry Christmas this year. ❤️🎄✝️
Thank you for everything Jim Henson. You were my childhood. I remember every morning before school Sesame Street would be on. I don't know what my life would be like without that show. The end of the video really did break my heart. Happy Birthday Mr. Jim Henson: September 23 1936- May 16 1990. RIP
A legend and an almost god like creation artist. When I saw Big Bird singing It ain't easy being green and thanking Kermit at the end I felt and still each time feel like I've been shot in the chest with a blunderbus. And still I watch it because this kind of pain is essential to a proper human existence. Horrible as that is, we'd be non human without it. Thankyou so much to every last person involved in the Muppets. Thankyou . Thankyou the size of mountains. I treasure this kind of beauty as it's the sunshine of my soul. Xxxxxxx
I'm 42 years old. Grew up learning from Sesame Street, and laughing with the Muppet Show. It's incredible that at my age, with about 20 years having passed since Jim's death, I still tear up watching this and the other tribute videos. Genius is rare, and having a genius with such a profound sense of kindness and responsibility towards others is simply something that future generations may never know. Death is clearly not final, because there is no doubt Jim lives on in my heart and many others.
I wrote a letter to frank oz over 20 years ago frank wrote back to me. Sent me autograph and letter and i lost the autograph i hated that . Love jim henson as ernie frank oz as bert the best
To frank Oz if you ever read this > Its hard to lose your best friend. But with this speech you honored your friend in such a way that you now can look back and say i am glad i did this for him at such a hard moment. In 2007 i lost my best friend i did the same thing. Dang its so hard stand up there in front of the croud. Words are never enough to say that you miss your friend. But frank > remember >Jim lives on inside you > through your great work. As he is the biggest inspiration to us all.
When you realize it's Bert and Fozzie voice and the care we all feel for those characters and the man who gave them life...that ending just breaks my heart. They were/are both national treasures. 💔💔💔 Miss you Mr. Henson.
Its amazing how many people know and love him, and will continue to love him. What an amazing life and accomplishment. He'll be with us until the next chapter of earth, whatever that'll be.
All this outpouring for Jim! Just want to also say- you are a wonderful and talented man too Frank! Thank you for continuing his magic and for keeping his dreams and Kermit alive!
Thanks SO much for posting this; I have no idea why you would have it to post but I am glad you do. I was so touched by the Muppets as a child and still relive those memories regularly via UA-cam. I knew it had been hard on Frank, and had always wondered... like someone else said, it is really nice to finally get some closure about it and I too hadn't realized how much it meant to me. Peace, to you, and to all the puppeteers; I hope they know how much they all meant to us and still do.
My children grew up on Sesame Street and now I have a grandson who loves it. The show made me laugh so many times, too. I thank Jim Henson for all those wonderful, precious memories we created. RIP.
he gave us something soooo great it's beyond words! i can't even begin to imagine what this world would be like if he was never here. thank you Jim & god bless you!
Every now and then I re-watch this video and it's really sad to think on what could have been... Although the Muppets live on, it is a fairly sad, wrote existence bereft of much of the life, energy, originality and uniqueness it had when Jim was around. He had such a unique mind, I often wonder how he would have made use of modern film making technology.
You know that you really, really, *_really_* trust someone when they ask you to get naked to take your picture, and you do it, not asking why before, during or after and just wait patiently until you find out why when it's time, which wound up with Frank Oz receiving the best gift ever in this case.
I'm 35 now. When I was a kid I would watch the Muppet Show with a stuffed Kermit toy around my neck. That toy went everywhere with me. I had so much magic and wonder in my childhood thanks to people like Henson, Lucas, Oz, and Spielberg. I watch this video and it makes me happy and sad at the same time. Even though Jim is gone I think he had to know that he brought magic to millions of children around the world and I can't think of a more noble life than that.
Just watched The Muppets last night and I teared up a bit when I "Rainbow Connection" was performed. I was 8 when Jim died and I think I closely relate that song with his funeral. It was the first time in my life I came to terms with mortality and that even a legend like Jim was not meant stay on this earth forever. I now realize 22 years later I was totally wrong and that Jim will live forever in the lasting impressions he's made on all our lives. Thanks Jim for all you've done for us!
Thank you for everything Jim Henson. You were my childhood. I remember ever morning before school Sesame Street would be on. I don't know what my life would be like without that show. The end really did break my heart. Happy Birthday Mr. Jim Henson: September 23 1936- May 16 1990.
"I think that's when I knew he loved me and I loved him..."
I probably wouldn't be able to go on after that either. What a sweet tribute...
Thank you for clarifying what he said. I wasn't sure.
+Elizabeth Nourse I had been trying to figure it out for a while...they are both such wonderful friends...
I keep thinking how controlled all of those people were. I would not be physically able to be in that memorial, I'd be crying beyond words for the whole thing, I would not be able to speak at all.
That part got to me
heart wrenching
Frank and Jim were friends for 27 years and he is up there only 5 days after Jim's death. He has only had 5 days to analyze 27 years of friendship at this point. It's amazing he can speak a word about Jim without tears let alone 8 minutes. Now trying to get across 27 years of friendship in 8 minutes.
27 years of friendship summed up in 8 minutes only 5 days after the friends death.
Those last 5 seconds just stab you right in the heart.
Yeah Frank Oz is a strong guy
@@ChristyWalkautismjourney “Strong guy, he is.” -Yoda
Perfect ending. Said it all. ❤
You have no idea how many people you see from day to day carry that kind of pain. It's always there right beneath the surface, waiting for the wrong word or memory so it can spill over.
Especially with the moment of silence followed by the banjo opening to rainbow connections playing over the still shot of the church, idk just something about it makes me cry every single time
I was there and will never forget Frank Oz's tribute.
man I want to say you are so lucky, if then again if I was there I probably would have been blubbering like an idiot by the time it was over, but also laughing my butt off at Franks story and Bernie Brillstein's comment on being told to never follow the bird
Did you work for Jim?
@@ricarleite I’m pretty sure the memorial was public
I would have been on my blog to talk about this... But Damn it all... I miss Jim... I would have sobbed and soaked my Super Grover doll... Jim was and is a friend to all... Even though a house coat made into a frog named Kermit...
So many people have claimed that
His regular voice sounds so much like Fozzie and Bert in real life!
I always hear Fozzie, Bert and Grover in Frank, and Kermit and Ernie in Jim.
It’s not so nazzle anymore
Nazzle? @@letstalksports4800
Sadly it doesn’t sound like that anymore, but that’s age
The ending makes me cry every time I watch it.
Me too!!!
Katie Rowen Wow, watching it for the first time, I see what you mean.
me too
Without fail.
U think talking about the good times would cheer u up, but then u realize he’s gone forever n u break down
My God, i was not prepared for the last few seconds. I actually broke out crying...i know i'm not the only one.
Jim and Frank were/are so brilliant together. They must have had so much fun working together. And bringing us so much joy. God bless you both.❤❤
It's interesting what things can make us "burst out" crying. I seem to be able to remember certain things in my life that made me burst out laughing and also burst out crying.. They become memorable..
You can laugh all about the good times all you want, but in the end, you remember why you loved that person. then you cry. I know its sad and Jim will always be missed by family and fans :(
oh god, the way Frank stops so abruptly.... absolutely heartbreaking
Damn, he was so broken up about it that he quit the Muppets all together a few years later. And he quit going on Sesame Street as often too, though he does take some of the roles again occasionally for the sake of it.
It really is a shame to see such a talented guy like Jim go, and I really do feel sad for all of those friends and families who had to witness his loss. Bless him.
Frank makes no bones about what he perceives as a mishandling of the muppets. He really gave Disney a dress down on Twitter recently.
@@averyetvspecial1487 In a way, I kind of agree. Though Frank has made it clear that he doesn't blame the Muppeteers. If they were given the right material, by guys who clearly watched The Muppet Show, their potential could be fully realized.
He’s also talked about how he never really wanted to be a puppeteer either and wanted to focus on other avenues. He did it out of his friendship with Jim, and once Jim passed away he just quit altogether to become a director.
I once was a marginally gifted but enthusiastic singer and guitar player. I shared so many hours on stage with my then girlfriend. For fourteen years, we sang. All the time, when we were cooking and cleaning and driving.
Then she left. And although I quickly picked up my life and am now happily married, successful and content, I’ve all but stopped playing and singing altogether. It doesn’t feel right anymore. It’s like the soul has been ripped out.
That may be kind of how Frank Oz may feel.
I attended this memorial and it was an extraordinary experience. It contained the fullness of life -- sadness, joy, laughter, tears, music -- all coming in waves. Frank's story poignantly related Frank & Jim's special friendship. So glad there is a video record of this event, thank you for sharing it.
I was a teenager when Henson died and I remember tears. We should all be so loved as to be given a eulogy like this.
Considering Jim lost his own brother during his (and Jane's) Sam & Friends era of his life, he gained another along the way in Frank.
The whole eulogy is a testament to their friendship and brotherhood
Thats one of the coolest gifts I have ever heard of. What a beautiful thing, to have a friendship like that.
And it just shows how creative a person Jim was . How does anyone even begin to think up a gift like that ?
It's honestly kinda profound.
Those last 5 seconds are truly a sword through the heart. Bless you always Frank Oz
Jim Henson was such a huge part of my childhood. When I heard he passed away, I was heartbroken. There will never be another Jim Henson.
5:40 “By the way, I do Bert to Jim’s Ernie!” Beautiful Tribute!
Don't you mean 5:39?
The end is so emotional. I instantly teared up.
"I think that's when I knew he loved me and I loved him..."
Pretty sure my heart just broke.
That was when I knew his time with the Muppets brand was over indefinitely plus Richard Hunt's death less than 18 months later. It was never going to be the same; not even compared to when Jerry Juhl died
My heart breaks every time I see this. But I laugh so hard at 3:02. That is the best story! Thank you Jim Henson for giving me the best childhood ever. And for the 16 people that thumb down this video.. I wish you well. Sorry you can't see the beauty in this that all the others see.
It's as though, in that last moment, Frank Oz shows us his small, vulnerable, naked self behind the puppet.
badhorseification he likes to play small characters doesnt he
Beautifully put. As the children that grew up loving and learning from the characters they both imagined. The nakedness of emotion shines though not only from Frank..... But as an adult watching this very lovely tribute to a man we grew up with behind a few yards of felt.
Depends on what you mean by "naked."
I wonder if he was really finished with his tribute or if he just couldn't go on. Just think they played best friends in each show.....Bert and Ernie, Fozzie and Kermit. And each got to play a jokester (Ernie and Fozzie) and a serious guy (Bert and Kermit). They were magic together, along with all the other characters they portrayed over the years.
There routine to work was driving together and cracking jokes, playing characters, imitating accents, and simply enjoying each others company. That was part of the origin of all the magic those two brought to the life, as many of their creations stemmed from that time together driving in a car and then at the studio. There aren't that many creative teams that work as well as those two did and even less that legitimately had so much fun each time.
When Frank and Jim were performing together you could see their friendship in what they did. The end really got me
@@BTMVideos37RYT I saw them do a show at Maplewood Elementary School in Connersville, Indiana 1971. I never forgot it.
@@vguyver2 Man what a charmed life to lead!
Thank you Jim Henson. I'm 41 and grew up watching the Muppets, still love them as much as I did back then. What a gift he gave the world.
I'm 22, but I grew up on Muppet movies and Sesame Street, so even after his death, his work still influences many.
I was a member of the Muppet show fan club when I was a child. I have never been hit so hard as I was when Mr. Henson passed. I am a fan of many actors and musicians but none of their deaths hit me as hard as his. I grew up with him
the last 20 years seem like only yesterday. Frank's honesty is moving beyond words. Rest in Peace, Jim Henson. We all loved you.
His natural voice sounds like Bert!! Always thought he used to change his voice for Bert's character. RIP Jim.
Frank Oz did the voice of Bert not Jim Henson Jim Henson did the voice of Ernie.
Eric Purkey
Brings a whole new dimension to imagine the photo-taking session as Bert and Ernie. :P
@ 3:03 when he remembers responding to the naked photo request with "WHOA" it sounds like Fozzie to me, made me giggle so hard.
@@bulletnetwork6348 , don't you mean Sam Eagle?
It'll be a very sad day when one day Jim, Frank, and Carroll are gone. It is heart wrenching to hear Frank at the end there. It's apparent that He loved Jim and Jim loved him. Jim was a visionary, and with the help of both Frank and Carroll, made a world everyone regardless of age, race, etc etc, can love and appreciate.
Frank Oz Fran brill Martin p Robinson bill Barrett’s David rudman Joey mozzerino Kevin clash Camille bornea Carmen oshbar Stephanie puppeteer Dave goelz Steve Whitmire are still alive
Jim connected with every one of us because he was our best friend. He understood us and we shared jokes together, he taught us without teaching, and he loved us as we loved him. Jim was our teacher, our parents, and our relatives, but most of all; he was our friend. We'll all grow older and miss you, but we'll never forget all you've done for us and we'll never forget you.
Brothers in all but blood. Jim Henson collected a lot of very talented people to work with and practically adopted them as family. Jim and Frank did many character duos, but the one character they did together was the Swedish Chef. It was the perfect combination of the two. Frank did the hands while Jim did the head. Never in the realms of entertainment will there ever be another duo like Jim Henson and Frank Oz.
That "WHOA!" at 3:03, his Sam the Eagle voice makes an appearance.
James McDonnell so funny- I was wondering whose voice that was -thanks!!!!
What a gift to get. There's nothing more personal than something handmade. It's priceless. Something like that could never be bought in a store.
Tribute to the childlike imagination that ALL children love to watch and sing and dance and laugh. Jim Henson was truly a genius kind of talent.
Touches my heart every time I watch it. We all miss you greatly Jim, R.I.P.
The John Lennon and Paul McCartney of puppets.
Not at all. John and Paul spent five years drifting apart and the next 10 staying apart.
Jim and Frank were partners from start to finish.
Not a good analogy at all. Jim and Frank were way better.
But without the feuding!
Jim Henson and Frank Oz got on better, but I understand the analogy: two titans who changed their artistic medium forever.
I choked at the end. Thank you for all the wonderful memories Jim and the whole Sesame Street. ❤️
Thank you for posting Frank Oz's beautiful, sweet, and sad speech.
He gave us great gifts
I think we can all agree that one of the reasons that Frank Oz left the Muppets is probably because, after Jim died, his heart wasn't really in it anymore. It probably wasn't the same for him after Jim passed away.
such a connection these men made, its like all of the sudden loosing a part of your body, like a arm or a leg. GOD bless them both
this is an amazing story. it was so sweet and fun. the end rips your heart out. this used to be posted on here but they were taken down. please leave this on here for jim's fans.
Frank really was the other half of Jim's talent; together, they were like a force of nature, yin and yang. I'll never forget the day Jim died, because part of me died too. I had always wanted to one day be a muppeteer and work with Jim and Frank on some amazing future project. Dark Crystal is still one of my "top 20 films ever made". It makes me smile when I see new muppet projects succeed, but the true genius Jim had will never be seen or felt again. I hope Frank stays nearby; we need him, too.
For Frank, heading into the 1990s, Frank Oz started working on and off with the Muppets, in fact, his last Muppet project he worked full time on was The Muppet Christmas Carol where he was the Executive Producer, after that, he still did some bit parts (not related to Sesame Street), some of them he was late for shooting with, including Muppet Classic Theater, Muppet Treasure Island, and Muppets from Space. With this drastic change in direction Frank's career seemed to be taking, he slowly started to fade away from working with the now-owned Disney Muppets. Reason for that: Because Frank was no doubt incredibly troubled by the death of his friend Jim Henson, and it's been said that Frank probably would've continued working with the Muppets had Henson never passed away.
I read that he didn't even want to be a puppeteer at first. He just did it because that's where the money. It could be that he distanced himself from The Mupppets because he was pursuing his original aspirations.
What a beautiful partnership and friendship that brought to life so many of our favourite characters. ❤️ Such a touching tribute.
Jim gave that same exact gift to all of us.
George Lucas asked Jim Henson to assist with the make-up and movements for Yoda and Jim told Lucas he knew just the puppeteer to bring the character to life.
It's nice to know that even though Frank Oz was one tough son of a b****, he still loves his best friend. He loved doing the Muppets for Jim. He himself really didn't take the puppet work to seriously. He had other career endeavors. But he loves Jim like his own brother. In fact, I'd like to thank that Frank was the brother that jam needed. Considering that he lost his own brother, Frank took over as not only his best friend, but brother figure. Thank you Frank Oz
Gut wrenching, and hilarious -- thanks for posting the video -- Beautiful stuff
I watched this last night after going down memory lane watching the muppet sing a long songs I had and grew up to love Kermit and the Muppets so much for the first time when I was little. Kermit and Barney were my hero’s. ❤️❤️ After Frank aka Fozzie etc. said “that’s when I knew He Loved Me and I Love Him.” and couldn’t continue I lost it. But mannnn soon as I heard that banjo playing after that 💔💔😢 I just fell apart.
And I remembered during elementary school we sung that song for a concert it was my grandmas 👵🏼👼 favorite and became mine as well. I couldn’t finish singing a long without crying lol. And boy, is this song much more relevant today. 💔💯💯💯🙏🏾 🌈 Cuz like Kermit said, “Someday we’ll find it, the Rainbow Connection..” but will we ever find it?? 😢😔 thank you Jim, Kermit.
~whoever takes the time to read this, from one neighbor, stranger to another, I Love You. And hope you have a Merry, Merry Christmas this year. ❤️🎄✝️
Hope you and yours are safe and well.
Paul Zammataro Thank You, You too.
thank you for sharing this with us all
Losing your best friend is a horrible thing. What a great tribute.
This breaks my damn heart.
Thank you for everything Jim Henson. You were my childhood. I remember every morning before school Sesame Street would be on. I don't know what my life would be like without that show. The end of the video really did break my heart.
Happy Birthday Mr. Jim Henson: September 23 1936- May 16 1990. RIP
What a wonderful tribute to a man that gave so much to all of us. You can tell how close they were.
Frank crying at the end made me cry :(
Beautiful Frank oz! I liked a lot of him and Jim Henson work but loved Frank oz and Jim Henson as Bert and Ernie
Mee too I like them because they sound like Kermit and fozzie bear on the muppet show
Jim Henson even though I wasn't born when your were alive you will always be the real kermit and ernie to me RIP
Me too
The child in all of us cries, remembers and thanks Jim Henson (and his crew).
A legend and an almost god like creation artist. When I saw Big Bird singing It ain't easy being green and thanking Kermit at the end I felt and still each time feel like I've been shot in the chest with a blunderbus. And still I watch it because this kind of pain is essential to a proper human existence. Horrible as that is, we'd be non human without it. Thankyou so much to every last person involved in the Muppets. Thankyou . Thankyou the size of mountains. I treasure this kind of beauty as it's the sunshine of my soul. Xxxxxxx
He is so strong at the end of this video. Oh Frank
Thank you for posting this. Beautiful and touching eulogy. Jim Henson was a gift to the child in all of us.
I'm 42 years old. Grew up learning from Sesame Street, and laughing with the Muppet Show. It's incredible that at my age, with about 20 years having passed since Jim's death, I still tear up watching this and the other tribute videos. Genius is rare, and having a genius with such a profound sense of kindness and responsibility towards others is simply something that future generations may never know. Death is clearly not final, because there is no doubt Jim lives on in my heart and many others.
I wrote a letter to frank oz over 20 years ago frank wrote back to me. Sent me autograph and letter and i lost the autograph i hated that . Love jim henson as ernie frank oz as bert the best
Adorable and heartbreaking. I cried the entire video
To frank Oz if you ever read this >
Its hard to lose your best friend. But with this speech you honored your friend in such a way that you now can look back and say i am glad i did this for him at such a hard moment. In 2007 i lost my best friend i did the same thing. Dang its so hard stand up there in front of the croud. Words are never enough to say that you miss your friend. But frank > remember >Jim lives on inside you > through your great work. As he is the biggest inspiration to us all.
These two have provided so many laughs for so many over the years
Jim and Frank = Forever Kermit and Fozzie.
They became more like brothers
Forever Ernie and Bert
More like Forever. Bert & Ernie
I like Ernie and Bert
I like Kermit and fozzie bear
Thankyou so much for sharing this, though it made me cry it was ever so touching to know how much Jim meant to those who knew him so well.
When you realize it's Bert and Fozzie voice and the care we all feel for those characters and the man who gave them life...that ending just breaks my heart. They were/are both national treasures. 💔💔💔
Miss you Mr. Henson.
Henson and Oz created their own universe. There is no better accolade.
Beautifully told, Mr. Oz, beautifully told.
Its amazing how many people know and love him, and will continue to love him. What an amazing life and accomplishment. He'll be with us until the next chapter of earth, whatever that'll be.
All this outpouring for Jim! Just want to also say- you are a wonderful and talented man too Frank! Thank you for continuing his magic and for keeping his dreams and Kermit alive!
I thought these memorials weren't recorded. Thank you for finding this. Truly, thank you.
Thanks for posting this. It has been up before but most of these were removed for some reason.
That ending was sooo sad 😥
When Frank Oz lost it at the end of his Eulogy and Speech I got teary eyed 😢😢😢
Thanks SO much for posting this; I have no idea why you would have it to post but I am glad you do. I was so touched by the Muppets as a child and still relive those memories regularly via UA-cam. I knew it had been hard on Frank, and had always wondered... like someone else said, it is really nice to finally get some closure about it and I too hadn't realized how much it meant to me. Peace, to you, and to all the puppeteers; I hope they know how much they all meant to us and still do.
God, the last ten seconds of this are so hard to watch. But it's also the most beautiful part. So, so lovely.
The last five minutes - no wonder In & Out hits so well
My children grew up on Sesame Street and now I have a grandson who loves it. The show made me laugh so many times, too. I thank Jim Henson for all those wonderful, precious memories we created. RIP.
The end of that tribute was heartbreaking.
he gave us something soooo great it's beyond words!
i can't even begin to imagine what this world would be like if he was never here.
thank you Jim & god bless you!
If there is a greater testament to friendship and creative partnership in this world, I haven't witnessed it. Sad, profound, and wonderful.
Man, it's amazing how after all this time, I still cry over Jim Henson dying.
And we love you, Frank...
Now Jim leaves us the Crystal of Truth. Let us make our world with his Light.
Every now and then I re-watch this video and it's really sad to think on what could have been... Although the Muppets live on, it is a fairly sad, wrote existence bereft of much of the life, energy, originality and uniqueness it had when Jim was around. He had such a unique mind, I often wonder how he would have made use of modern film making technology.
Me too, he was ahead of his time, he would be all over the technology we have now
@@mesquitegirl2013ⁿllópó⁹ I'll67⁸k
Beautiful ❤
Ya know- even though Carroll has been called home too.. the emotion in this gets me everytime. Such a gift these two men were. ❤️
I am around the same age and feel the same way. Beautifully expressed.
We still love you Jim ❤
You know that you really, really, *_really_* trust someone when they ask you to get naked to take your picture, and you do it, not asking why before, during or after and just wait patiently until you find out why when it's time, which wound up with Frank Oz receiving the best gift ever in this case.
Thank you!!! I would have never gotten to see this if you hadn't uploaded :)
it makes me happy this is here
This always makes me cry
I'm 35 now. When I was a kid I would watch the Muppet Show with a stuffed Kermit toy around my neck. That toy went everywhere with me. I had so much magic and wonder in my childhood thanks to people like Henson, Lucas, Oz, and Spielberg. I watch this video and it makes me happy and sad at the same time. Even though Jim is gone I think he had to know that he brought magic to millions of children around the world and I can't think of a more noble life than that.
Anticipation of giving, thoughtfulness, craft, joy,love .
Just watched The Muppets last night and I teared up a bit when I "Rainbow Connection" was performed. I was 8 when Jim died and I think I closely relate that song with his funeral. It was the first time in my life I came to terms with mortality and that even a legend like Jim was not meant stay on this earth forever. I now realize 22 years later I was totally wrong and that Jim will live forever in the lasting impressions he's made on all our lives. Thanks Jim for all you've done for us!
Thank you for everything Jim Henson. You were my childhood. I remember ever morning before school Sesame Street would be on. I don't know what my life would be like without that show. The end really did break my heart.
Happy Birthday Mr. Jim Henson: September 23 1936- May 16 1990.
He said...."I think that's when he knew..he loved me and I loved him."