I once played against a Diana that kept trying to push the wave under my tower, but me, playing Veigar, just held it right in front of the tower and wound up with nearly double her cs throughout most of the game.
NextXander this is new only like last year or so, this was done to reduce average game time I think, also they made it if you lose 3 inhibs each wave has two super minions.
i've played for 8 years and i still haven't noticed this lmao. league changes too much too often and they don't really emphasise any of the changes. even reading patch notes becomes a chore sometimes FeelsBadMan
@Silver Grin Dude I was the same until I started playing with a friend. First against bots, then a couple of aram by myself (for some reason they feel safer to play, it can be its random nature and shorter time). After a few weeks I already wanted to play blind by myself because bots were boring at that point.
ive been playing bots for almost a year now. Swear to god even online I'm shy and no one can even see me. I just get waaaay too nervous to play blind pick, let alone even ranked
Just a friendly advice, don't try to do slowpushing on low elo, unless you're a splitpushing smurf yourself or you're 5-pre. You'll just donate 20-30 CS to the enemy who goes there and your team will take absolutely no advantage.
Can you please elaborate? In what way does this affect top? If I'm Jax against teemo and kill casters first, I build up more casters than the teemo, unless teemo kills me and clears. So if I'm Jax against a better matchup that doesn't kill me, say, maokai, and I freeze lane, then slow push, do I still gift him cs if I keep this up for 10 minutes? Because I feel like it honestly depends on matchups, but I'm just silver 4 so I'd love to have this explained in more detail!
@@V.o.i.d.v It doesn't affect top alone, in low elo, people don't know when to capitalize, slow pushing will only give whoever rotates to top lane a good number of Cs, Exp and Gold, no one will take advantage of that rotation and thus, causing a loss for you. Let's say you slowpush top lane, the top laner rotates to clear the wave, this makes for a 4 v 5 situation down at dragon or force a fight and take objectives like mid turret or bot turret etc, in low elo, they don't think that, slowpushing will only go to waste and give the opposing laner some freeby. Aside from what is mentioned in the previous comment, the only way that I see it working in low elo is that if you are a hard splitpusher like Udyr, Tryndamere or Jax etc, you slowpush top lane and have someone rotate there, it then opens a window for you to solo an objective like getting a turret or dragon. You can also use it to bait someone who is behind, the person who is behind will most likely rotate to the free minion wave and you can pick them.
Might be a little bit late to the party, but fully understanding each thing mentioned in this video is NOT, at all, that simple and basic. I'm considered a high elo, but I still have to dissect each number to actually understand, and am still learning from this video. For that, thank you for this quality content!
This is the second time Im watching this video. The first time I listened but only got gibberish out of it. Now, after 50 more hours and waaay too many guide videos referencing wave tactics, I finally got the main parts from this vid
You should have mentioned slow pulling, which is the opposiste of a slow push. You can initiate a slow pull, go away to ward or mid lane if you can and then you return for a massive wave while doing something in another place.
I Dragonfly I Actually i dont see any in my plat games.. Though there are the occasional few that knows their matchup well and will know how to play against it.
And im fcking Gold that knew every minions manipulation, every game I do 7 more kills than deaths, winning 63% of games...and I cant get out to plat because I always get shit teammates on series
The only thing that is missing about slow pushing is that it has a huge down side. Creating a slow push gives u pressure in the map, but denies you from farm and experience. Slow pushing forces you to be proactive, because if you don't accomplished anything in that window of time u only managed to get yourself behind and starved.. Slow push is a double edge sword!
Even though I’m not high elo, one of my biggest frustrations is when my idiot team got baron but decides to go for some dumb team fight that gets everyone killed rather than push a lane.....isn’t that the whole point of Baron modifiers?
@@ot5936 sadly I'm the support and I always have to look out for the adc and the team in general, so that's not an option. Split pushing is more the top laner's job
@@jinhunterslay1638 a support is a very important role create the rhythm for the whole team but in low elo they won't acknowledge that, many pro team have a sp as their leader so they can call for important team fights
My suggestion is that you should play top or mid or even jungle to diamond 4 and then you can return to your main position(don't play adc unless you're a smurf since no one gonna care about how important u are in team fights)
For slow pushing, you all forgot to mention how critical it is to successfuly get the objective after setting up the slow push because if you are to fail, you will be losing the xp/gold from your massive minion wave killing all their minions while they will have someone able to catch the huge wave. It's the same concept as taking inhibs and being unable to close out the game. While the info isn't wrong, 9/10 times in SoloQ you just want to fast push a side lane to make sure you don't miss gold/xp because the pressure of a massive minion wave on enemy tower can't be reliably taken advantage of in SoloQ. It's more of a free minion bomb present for the enemy team, while denying yourself. High quality content, if not a little misleading with "high elo" in title. This is mostly basic information.
It's because you don't necessarily need it if you're mid-low diamond It's good to know, sure, but if you're decent at mechanics you can get low D5 without knowing this :)
I like the video, but it should also be said that the lose of the 5 extra damage to minions in 8.4 doesn't allow midlaners to lasthit with the generic 2 turret shots one auto rule. Some Mages can do it from lvl 3 on, others from lvl 4,5 or even 6. Before those windows it is not possibly anymore, making hartpushing a wave against a mage a living nightmare to them right now.
Yep, hardpushin mages now will win midlane even harder because of hard it's gonna be to last hit under tower and mana costly + free harass from enemy mid while as you need more autos on minions if u want prepare to last hit.
Omg thank you so much! I actually got so much better and my csing is better too!!! I’ve watched many videos like this but this is the only one I understood thank you so much!!!
Great video, it was very informative and helpful. But I recommend slowing down a little bit cause it's a lot of information to take in at once if you're a new player.
I've been playing LoL for about a month now. And I've noticed that almost no one uses these lane strategies. Everyone just goes for champion kills and lane pushing.
If you care to read the guide we get a little more in depth on the topic our aim was a guide to be used by all and gain some sort of knowledge without going into to much detail since its pretty lengthy to begin with heres a link if your interested docs.google.com/document/d/1rXzeofM54cZHBU1lf46JPzSwE4EbQDEJ7CeqIMpbISc thanks for the feedback much appreciated!
3:00 yup that's definetely gonna happen in my silver game first I freeze than the enemy jungler (who doesn't even know what a freeze is) comes in to break my freeze and my jungler "obviously" immediately notices that with his superb map awareness and they pull of a perfect bot lane tower dive.
Literally what i thought as a bronze fella lol i was like most junglers Don't even notice that ur being camped or fighting or that yasuo is literally ALWAYS pushing under our turret
I’m Gold 2 and I wish people would understand this better . Not being able to have objective control because they don’t want to slow push nor control a wave for a free gank .
keep in mind freezing lane may be good but you have to sustain the freeze if your waiting to get ganked which can lead to the enemy laner getting poke forcing you to back
When you always lose the opponent in terms of level, learning to control the minions. Will keep your enemies busy to farm, Or rush the minions quickly so that you have time to support other lane.
I'm confused. From what I'm understanding fast pushing is meant to accomplish the same thing as shoving; having a large minion wave hit the tower immediately. But why do you only kill the melee minions instead of just killing all the minions? Wouldn't it be more efficient to kill all the minions to minimize the damage your minions take before they hit the tower ?
I think it's to give more time for another wave to come so that you have a bigger group on the tower which will do more damage than a smaller group going and dying quicker
These are all basic stuffs that every Nasus player will learn on their own. ONE THING this video didnt mention is when your lane is pushed and the situation allows for it ( enemy champ just recalled to base or you simply got tanky enough), you want to stop the enemy wave right outside the range of your turret. This will prevent your lane from being pushed back and maintain a large pool of farm and stacks for your Q, WHILE you still remain in the safe zone and easily retreat behind turret if enemy jg ganks
True, i honestly was bad at CS and wave manipulation before i started playing nasus, now my average CS is high dia average. Nasus is a great way to learn to play this game.
All these will be learned through experience... Internet is just making things so much easier for new players now... I remember how i used to just count how many shots each minions can take before i need to bail the tower before i get hit by it... Classic Internet.
I started season in Silver 4 and right now im Silver 1 aiming for Gold. And honestly, im bad, im shit at this game, how did i make it this far? Luck, getting carried 40% games and teamplaying a bit. And i still dont know how i managed that. xD
also some mages have low ad early thus will not kill melee minions with one auto, so if you let a melee take 2 turret shots and 1 auto it will not die to that auto attack you will need to auto it 2x.
Super clean Video & very helpful. But I have a question: which Programm where used in the making progress? Are there any ‚pre sets‘ for ur slight shows or sth like that?
Melee caster? you mean melee creeps, also thats assuming that the champ didnt purchase a starting item that gives damage to creeps, dorands blade, dorands shield, dorands ring (requires abilities) Supports cant kill melee creeps in 1 hit because they dont have the extra damage from their starting item
InHaledFlame there are champs that have lower ad stats, like Zilean or Anivia, and need more autos to kill minions early game, even with Doran starting items
On mid I play taliya ahri viktor lux. All of them need 2 aa to kill a melee minion under tower, even with doran's ring. On top and bot side is other story.
For those champs that need the 2 aa on melee creeps, I recommend minion dematerializer. I know nobody likes using it... but the lane gets a lot easier to manage and secure some gold.
Been learning about this stuff in Silver (I have a coach) and I had a great freeze going, and was zoning my enemy really hard. But my jungler wanted to hit 6. So, he decided to come top lane, and hard shove (or in this case, fast push) two entire waves into my enemies tower. Even smited my cannon creep. Fucked up my freeze, let J4 set up his own freeze, and cost me the entire laning phase. But you know, its not my team that makes me lose.
Climbing in League? Check out our desktop app with automatic runes, builds, and teammate and enemy scouting! blitz.gg/onetool
This don’t help me at all i jungle
I once played against a Diana that kept trying to push the wave under my tower, but me, playing Veigar, just held it right in front of the tower and wound up with nearly double her cs throughout most of the game.
Does it work on WIN.XP ???
Nothing loads works like shit
Are you planning to make an updated video with the changes to the minions on the previous patch? I really liked this one, thank you :)
I've been playing League for over 4 years and i never noticed that post 20 minutes all the waves have cannons lol
NextXander this is new only like last year or so, this was done to reduce average game time I think, also they made it if you lose 3 inhibs each wave has two super minions.
Oh, first i assumed it was added with the rift visual update or something, at least i didnt miss it for as much as i thought xd
i've played for 8 years and i still haven't noticed this lmao.
league changes too much too often and they don't really emphasise any of the changes. even reading patch notes becomes a chore sometimes FeelsBadMan
each wave having 2 super minions after all inhib down has been a thing for years
Gregory Samuel Teo what do u mean 8 years
When you have to study for a test, and you study this instead.
Described me perfectly rn
@@marvelrivclips me too xD
The feeling is the same tbh
my test is tmr and im studying this 😭😭
So basically
Freezing= only last hits
Slow push= kill casters
Fast push= kill melee
Thank you, that summary is a lot easier to remember
I was wondering do we kill cannons at all???
@@turboswordsman9693 it's because they are not always there so I think it's like upgrading your ult, do it every time you can
@@turboswordsman9693 so kill him always
why dont kill every minion?
my bronze brain can't understand this
Ariel Gemilang Jaya probably because you don't have one
merlin :3
Roasting hand activated lol
my silver brain tells me to just kill minions
my bronze brain tells me to just kill myself
my unranked brain says riot is introducing iron division soon
@@branchy7159 im too nervous to even play blind pick ffs whats wrong with me
@Silver Grin Dude I was the same until I started playing with a friend. First against bots, then a couple of aram by myself (for some reason they feel safer to play, it can be its random nature and shorter time). After a few weeks I already wanted to play blind by myself because bots were boring at that point.
ive been playing bots for almost a year now. Swear to god even online I'm shy and no one can even see me. I just get waaaay too nervous to play blind pick, let alone even ranked
Looking at the minions only looks kinda cute lol
I have killed millions oh no
Eggplant Edwardson What the hell?
They have them, just these are hidden to our eyes (?)
Minions = Pewdiepie confirmed
when the only information you learn from this video is that minions don't have feet ^_^
Just a friendly advice, don't try to do slowpushing on low elo, unless you're a splitpushing smurf yourself or you're 5-pre. You'll just donate 20-30 CS to the enemy who goes there and your team will take absolutely no advantage.
Well said dude
Il do it and than solo drake
Can you please elaborate? In what way does this affect top? If I'm Jax against teemo and kill casters first, I build up more casters than the teemo, unless teemo kills me and clears. So if I'm Jax against a better matchup that doesn't kill me, say, maokai, and I freeze lane, then slow push, do I still gift him cs if I keep this up for 10 minutes? Because I feel like it honestly depends on matchups, but I'm just silver 4 so I'd love to have this explained in more detail!
@@V.o.i.d.v It doesn't affect top alone, in low elo, people don't know when to capitalize, slow pushing will only give whoever rotates to top lane a good number of Cs, Exp and Gold, no one will take advantage of that rotation and thus, causing a loss for you.
Let's say you slowpush top lane, the top laner rotates to clear the wave, this makes for a 4 v 5 situation down at dragon or force a fight and take objectives like mid turret or bot turret etc, in low elo, they don't think that, slowpushing will only go to waste and give the opposing laner some freeby.
Aside from what is mentioned in the previous comment, the only way that I see it working in low elo is that if you are a hard splitpusher like Udyr, Tryndamere or Jax etc, you slowpush top lane and have someone rotate there, it then opens a window for you to solo an objective like getting a turret or dragon. You can also use it to bait someone who is behind, the person who is behind will most likely rotate to the free minion wave and you can pick them.
@@Just4StreamingIG what should I do then
I love this series! Please make more league content like this for us players to learn more at the game. And as always quality content from Blitz!
good guy blitz helping bronze/silver promos
5:41 was I the only one who got confused that she said the same thing twice?
kingdra deck Yea I thought was weird asf
probably she just said something wrong so she said it again. But the editor forgot to edit it out.
i didnt even notice lmao
this is like the "the the" thing
Might be a little bit late to the party, but fully understanding each thing mentioned in this video is NOT, at all, that simple and basic. I'm considered a high elo, but I still have to dissect each number to actually understand, and am still learning from this video. For that, thank you for this quality content!
I had to rewatch this 10 times cause I started thinking of something else.
@@DanielSanchez-py2kz No, my brain is just super-interesting.
This is the best wave control guide on youtube. Period.
This is the second time Im watching this video. The first time I listened but only got gibberish out of it. Now, after 50 more hours and waaay too many guide videos referencing wave tactics, I finally got the main parts from this vid
You're a godsend. I've been looking for tips and tricks that pros know that aren't necessarily common knowledge. Thank you so much!
Wait a minute, minions float? THEY DON'T HAVE LEGS?!
You should have mentioned slow pulling, which is the opposiste of a slow push. You can initiate a slow pull, go away to ward or mid lane if you can and then you return for a massive wave while doing something in another place.
Loooved the table of content with timestamps what a great idea.
This video shows once again what makes Blitz Esports special.
Their freaking high-quality videos! Keep up the great work!
This should be a required to watch vid if You are entering Your B1 to S5 promo.
I barely even see this form of minion manipulation in plat - diamond...
That is the reason for my suggestion mate.
Wouldn't You want to see it?
Literally me
I Dragonfly I Actually i dont see any in my plat games.. Though there are the occasional few that knows their matchup well and will know how to play against it.
Im in mid Dia since 4 years and still learned much in this video :/
Excellent guide.
Thanks for providing such essential material for free, it's much appreciated.
Just wanted to say that I thought this was great! I look forward to more informative videos like this one!
Wow this is actually very good guide, I didn't even know about slow push until now and im mid-plat
Garnet Universe I’m plat too and I knew about freezing and stuff but really didn’t know how to control waves.
And im fcking Gold that knew every minions manipulation, every game I do 7 more kills than deaths, winning 63% of games...and I cant get out to plat because I always get shit teammates on series
The only thing that is missing about slow pushing is that it has a huge down side. Creating a slow push gives u pressure in the map, but denies you from farm and experience. Slow pushing forces you to be proactive, because if you don't accomplished anything in that window of time u only managed to get yourself behind and starved..
Slow push is a double edge sword!
I have never seen your videos, but this is concise and well done.....Kudos to you!!!!
This is what I wanted to learn/figure out for so long ! thanks blitz!
"This lets your wave to clear throw the enemy minions faster, creating a large wave pushing very quickly" x2
the first wave control guide that i actualy understood. tnx =D
I'm kinda new to LoL, but this helps me think more about how to deal with minions. I appreciate this video
Even though I’m not high elo, one of my biggest frustrations is when my idiot team got baron but decides to go for some dumb team fight that gets everyone killed rather than push a lane.....isn’t that the whole point of Baron modifiers?
just give 0 sht about them and push 1 lane, better than joining with those players and lose your buff
@@ot5936 sadly I'm the support and I always have to look out for the adc and the team in general, so that's not an option. Split pushing is more the top laner's job
@@jinhunterslay1638 a support is a very important role create the rhythm for the whole team but in low elo they won't acknowledge that, many pro team have a sp as their leader so they can call for important team fights
My suggestion is that you should play top or mid or even jungle to diamond 4 and then you can return to your main position(don't play adc unless you're a smurf since no one gonna care about how important u are in team fights)
Thank you so much. Before i watched this at 10 min i have 50 cs or less and now i get 90+
For slow pushing, you all forgot to mention how critical it is to successfuly get the objective after setting up the slow push because if you are to fail, you will be losing the xp/gold from your massive minion wave killing all their minions while they will have someone able to catch the huge wave. It's the same concept as taking inhibs and being unable to close out the game.
While the info isn't wrong, 9/10 times in SoloQ you just want to fast push a side lane to make sure you don't miss gold/xp because the pressure of a massive minion wave on enemy tower can't be reliably taken advantage of in SoloQ. It's more of a free minion bomb present for the enemy team, while denying yourself.
High quality content, if not a little misleading with "high elo" in title. This is mostly basic information.
I'm diamond and i still dont follow these strats lol
who cares??
you do
John b u salty u what wood5?
It's because you don't necessarily need it if you're mid-low diamond
It's good to know, sure, but if you're decent at mechanics you can get low D5 without knowing this :)
Ikr it's just like, push the lane if you want to, don't if you feel uncomfortable
you need a ton of videos like this. this is very helpful.
I'm considered "high elo" and i have absolutely no clue about creep control.
I just kill stuff lol.
Then you might not be high elo
Nick T its called basic info for a reason. Some players dont think too much abouy their actions, they just play that good unlike bronze
cause u aint high elo lol
What elo do you consider high elo?
then you probs do well in other areas
Great video! It explain perfectly and in a simple way how minions work
First vid I viewed from u I subscribed already! It's a great tip tnx for makeing such an awesome video!!
love the table of content! That deserves a instant like!
I like the video, but it should also be said that the lose of the 5 extra damage to minions in 8.4 doesn't allow midlaners to lasthit with the generic 2 turret shots one auto rule. Some Mages can do it from lvl 3 on, others from lvl 4,5 or even 6. Before those windows it is not possibly anymore, making hartpushing a wave against a mage a living nightmare to them right now.
Yep, hardpushin mages now will win midlane even harder because of hard it's gonna be to last hit under tower and mana costly + free harass from enemy mid while as you need more autos on minions if u want prepare to last hit.
finally. every vid told me what a freeze is but didnt tell em how to freeze
Omg thank you so much! I actually got so much better and my csing is better too!!! I’ve watched many videos like this but this is the only one I understood thank you so much!!!
Yeah you might understand this but 90% of time your team won't know any of this and just wont listen to you... good luck then
This is just really useful to understand what pro teams are doing
Thanks for posting this and giving a good explanation
I appreciate the effort put into this. Great video
This video is so catchy.good editing
Great video, it was very informative and helpful. But I recommend slowing down a little bit cause it's a lot of information to take in at once if you're a new player.
Even though I'm relatively new to league (4 months) this was extremely helpful👍
SWEAR to god i read the thumbnail "High ELO Mind Control"
This vid is almost two years old but so much more ussefull than the vid proguides recently put on.
Wow this is the exact video I needed! Thank you!!
wow didnt knew nothing of this thanks a lot appreciate your hard work keep it up
I like guides like this to improve ur overall skill
That moment when you’re trying to implement these but your low elo team doesn’t have a clue what to do to take advantage...
I've been playing LoL for about a month now. And I've noticed that almost no one uses these lane strategies. Everyone just goes for champion kills and lane pushing.
I neva freeze
Azarel Azriel Uriel Benjamin Kolaiah Israel nice try monkaS
Zander Chen lmfao needed some time to understand that tyrone😫
hE pOiNtEd tHe gUn tO mE aNd hE sAiD "fReEze"
aNd i sAiD tO hIm "bRudDa i nEvA fReEze"
Quality content as always
i love this chanel,always so gud content 10/10
Great video, but it's very basic information and doesn't go into high level tactics.
wickd U the OG wickd! Nerf sustain!
If you care to read the guide we get a little more in depth on the topic our aim was a guide to be used by all and gain some sort of knowledge without going into to much detail since its pretty lengthy to begin with heres a link if your interested docs.google.com/document/d/1rXzeofM54cZHBU1lf46JPzSwE4EbQDEJ7CeqIMpbISc thanks for the feedback much appreciated!
We have SRO for that
He's just grasping at straws in the fear of fading to insignificance.
Isaac Whitehead who are you again?
3:00 yup that's definetely gonna happen in my silver game first I freeze than the enemy jungler (who doesn't even know what a freeze is) comes in to break my freeze and my jungler "obviously" immediately notices that with his superb map awareness and they pull of a perfect bot lane tower dive.
Literally what i thought as a bronze fella lol i was like most junglers Don't even notice that ur being camped or fighting or that yasuo is literally ALWAYS pushing under our turret
Very informal, you guys earned a sub!
Probs for making this specific and exact!
I’m Gold 2 and I wish people would understand this better . Not being able to have objective control because they don’t want to slow push nor control a wave for a free gank .
Then climb up and people will
Misfits were so good at creating pressure against TSM with minion waves and slow pushes, it almost won them one of the games
What game exactly? I’d like to watch it
@@Isoldemain I think it was the first match between them at worlds 2017
Some basic stuff here, but still nice to hear it again ! Great efford for making these kinds of videos, good job :)
Thanks for this, I really needed help
being average is less complicated
There's like 15 videos about minion waves. This one said high elo so I thought it might actually be more advanced. It wasn't. :(
ikr, this is litterly basic manipulation
Its for high elo because in this scenarios you have a team to cooperate XD
Is there anything more to wave manipulation tho?
High elo is like silver and gold fam
mighty kuriboh *High elo is like platinum and Diamond fam
If I took anything from this video it's attack ranged minions slowly to slow wave, attack melee to fast push
keep in mind freezing lane may be good but you have to sustain the freeze if your waiting to get ganked which can lead to the enemy laner getting poke forcing you to back
When you always lose the opponent in terms of level, learning to control the minions. Will keep your enemies busy to farm, Or rush the minions quickly so that you have time to support other lane.
wtf this is so neat and helpful
I'm confused. From what I'm understanding fast pushing is meant to accomplish the same thing as shoving; having a large minion wave hit the tower immediately. But why do you only kill the melee minions instead of just killing all the minions? Wouldn't it be more efficient to kill all the minions to minimize the damage your minions take before they hit the tower ?
I think it's to give more time for another wave to come so that you have a bigger group on the tower which will do more damage than a smaller group going and dying quicker
Thanks a lot am gonna slow push the top lane more oftenly now.
These are all basic stuffs that every Nasus player will learn on their own. ONE THING this video didnt mention is when your lane is pushed and the situation allows for it ( enemy champ just recalled to base or you simply got tanky enough), you want to stop the enemy wave right outside the range of your turret. This will prevent your lane from being pushed back and maintain a large pool of farm and stacks for your Q, WHILE you still remain in the safe zone and easily retreat behind turret if enemy jg ganks
True, i honestly was bad at CS and wave manipulation before i started playing nasus, now my average CS is high dia average. Nasus is a great way to learn to play this game.
Great guide ! surely helped a lot
All these will be learned through experience... Internet is just making things so much easier for new players now...
I remember how i used to just count how many shots each minions can take before i need to bail the tower before i get hit by it...
Classic Internet.
Quality content. Can you make vids about how to get out of silver elo
Just lose some games and you get into Bronze. Thank me later.
Sergey Smolin good tip thanks
Criosse Lizada just spam a champion that benefits or create pressure on other lanes (twisted fate)
Concentrate on your farm always get objectives like try to take all drags help team more by roaming stick to a few champs gg
I started season in Silver 4 and right now im Silver 1 aiming for Gold.
And honestly, im bad, im shit at this game, how did i make it this far? Luck, getting carried 40% games and teamplaying a bit. And i still dont know how i managed that.
You guys should make a video explining macro game and why it is more important than micro game, this would help low elo players a bunch
Great video. Well constructed.
The video effects were awesome.. I wish I knew what they did so I can make my videos look more professional
this is so good and easy to digest ty
This video was helpful and inspirational.
thanks this helped me climb from silver to gold
Now I know why it's easier for me to play support...
I didn't know this earlier
Wow holy shit, a high elo tutorial i actually understand
this, this is why i play support and don't have to worry about csing
Great tutorial! Thanks
also some mages have low ad early thus will not kill melee minions with one auto, so if you let a melee take 2 turret shots and 1 auto it will not die to that auto attack you will need to auto it 2x.
This is so complicated so I play jungle and supp :)
Please make more videos like this!!
Ty this video was very useful.
this gives me a lot of advice thanks :D ♥♥♥
Super clean Video & very helpful. But I have a question: which Programm where used in the making progress? Are there any ‚pre sets‘ for ur slight shows or sth like that?
any tutorial on convincing your 20 and 3 jax to stop spilt pushing while you're losing nexus?
1:14 no more true. Some champ has to use 2 aa to kill a melee creep right now.
Melee caster? you mean melee creeps, also thats assuming that the champ didnt purchase a starting item that gives damage to creeps, dorands blade, dorands shield, dorands ring (requires abilities)
Supports cant kill melee creeps in 1 hit because they dont have the extra damage from their starting item
InHaledFlame there are champs that have lower ad stats, like Zilean or Anivia, and need more autos to kill minions early game, even with Doran starting items
Not how I said Dorans ring *(requires abilities)*
On mid I play taliya ahri viktor lux. All of them need 2 aa to kill a melee minion under tower, even with doran's ring. On top and bot side is other story.
For those champs that need the 2 aa on melee creeps, I recommend minion dematerializer. I know nobody likes using it... but the lane gets a lot easier to manage and secure some gold.
Been learning about this stuff in Silver (I have a coach) and I had a great freeze going, and was zoning my enemy really hard. But my jungler wanted to hit 6. So, he decided to come top lane, and hard shove (or in this case, fast push) two entire waves into my enemies tower. Even smited my cannon creep. Fucked up my freeze, let J4 set up his own freeze, and cost me the entire laning phase. But you know, its not my team that makes me lose.
this is very useful... *very nice 10/10*
Great video!