Old-fashioned things I do that bring me peace - sitting on my back porch watching the birds while knitting socks for my youngest grandchild, and sewing for him, quilting, all things he loves. Knitting while watching grandchildren’s ballgames, reading an actual,hard copy book while waiting on a dr. appointment. I’ve been cooking more, nothing fancy, but I’m liking it. And I’m big into using what I have, using my imagination instead of going out and getting a specific gadget. Big into not being wasteful, and I avoid buying from businesses whose products make a lot of waste. Not the most popular thing to do right now. Thank you for a great episode, Michelle. Big laugh when you talked about the piano tuner telling you to go to hell, but that he doesn’t have the power to do that :)
Haha It's good thing too, right? We don't need our fate in the hands of those temperamental piano tuners, lol. I think about how you've simplified your life often, Pam. Especially when I use your Corelle dishes - simplification for you meant super nostalgic eating experiences for me. :) But I do admire the realistic and responsible way you view your belongings and your time. I have been trying to get back in the habit of cooking every night, or most nights, after a busy of time of too much eating out. Maybe it's a sign of age that I just don't feel like going out and like the quiet puttering around in my kitchen. I especially like cooking with my husband or daughter. I've been meaning to join a bird-watching group near my home for a few walks this year, but never did it. I find myself wondering what the birds I see are and wishing my grandfather was around to tell me. He loved to sit outside, smoking a pipe and watching the birds.
One of my old fashioned habits is ironing. I love a crisp ironed pillow slip when I go to sleep. Feels so lux! Also, a few years ago I hemmed up a set of linen sheets - they are a bear to iron, but feel so great when I get into bed, it's worth it. I don't iron everything - just the linens & clothes that I think make a difference. I know it's an unpopular task, but it really slows me down, provides opportunity for thinking quiet thoughts whilst enjoying a steam facial (lol) and I love the results. I decided to 'own' the laundry room a few years ago. Removed the ugly old tub, improved the plumbing, added an attractive & useful sink & cabinet, painted the area soft colours, added inset lighting & a 'folding station'. It's not pintrest-worthy but it's bright & clean, tidy & pretty, and now a comfortable space in which to work. Laundry is no longer a necessary chore. It's a retreat from all the other chores calling my name. lol. Anyway, I learned how and how much our environment affects us. I learned how much I value creating a calm, clean, and (to my mind) beautiful space and caring for our home. Home-making - it's undervalued or taken for granted by many, and especially by influential people in my life. I grew up in an extremely chaotic home. I think that really contributed to the fact that my sisters are (unwittingly)pretty addicted to drama🙄 And so was I for a long, long time. But now I iron pillow slips for fun. lol!!!
Ha! I love to iron aswell, pillow slips too...I love it so much I even go and do it at my father in laws home. I am a quilter, so I think that's where my love of ironing has come from.
I love all of your old-fashioned homemaking ideas! The idea of owning the laundry room speaks to me. I love that you fixed all of things that classically frustrate us about laundry areas. Our laundry area is in the garage where we have a lot of workout equipment. I have dreams of making it a calming, clean space once we move our kids' stuff out, lol. I want it bright and swept clean all of the time. Much like Jenn and Christie said, it seems like creating a calm, orderly environment helps you feel ... calm and orderly. :) My mom kept the sweetest little old-fashioned home. We didn't have much money but she would add cute little touches to her "Early American" decor. Things like saloon doors into the kitchen and folding shutters over a big window. She got my dad to add a DIY bay window to their room and always kept houseplants. I know this greatly affected my desire to have a peaceful home for my children. I used to lay around on weekends, as a kid, and think about how much I liked to be at home. Is that normal? lol. My old-fashioned habits are writing notes, watering plants, gardening, knitting and crochet (of course), taking evening walks, reading out loud on trips, and I love to sweep and rake. Vacuuming is alright too :)
I am happier now than I have been in years. The hard things have made me more appreciative. My socks are coming along nicely, but a prom dress is taking up my time at the moment, so not much knitting are taking place.
A prom dress sounds like an ordeal to make! I can't image how much skill you have to feel so confident with all of the things you make. How long had you been sewing before you felt you could knit formalwear?
Also, I love this quote that's attributed to Socrates - it reminds me that regardless of the availability of TV, social media, or whatever the technology du jour, we human beings clearly have always found activities to distract us from contemplative immersion🙂 - "Beware the barrenness of a busy life". 🌿
Yes!! In the book about Hurry I was reading, he actually quoted an ancient Roman playwright lamenting the invention of the sundial and how it was breaking up the day and pressuring him to hurry. Lol! That cracks me up. I will be thinking about this quote you shared in days to come!
very thought-provoking. The Pandemic is the BEST worse thing that has ever happened to me. I am happier than ever. Extremely stressed due to personal obligations etc., but extremely happy
I haven't heard many people say that Edina, but I instinctively know it must be true for many of us. It was a time that brought what is important into focus and helped a lot of us get "un-stuck" because we had to. It also gave many of us time at home with family to reconnect and consider the changes we needed to make in our lives. Yes, it gave me asthma, and that's been a bummer, but there were some good decisions that came from that time. But I know people who thrive on a certain amount of chaos or constantly changing circumstances. I hope your stresses have a clear end in sight that you can hold out for. I don't know that I can feel happy and very stressed at the same time.
@@mysocalledhandmadelife I'm an introvert. Being home in my space is pleasant and refreshing to me. I am presently in my last year of Law School, then I take the BAR. School is extremely expensive and tests are stressful, so is thinking about the BAR. But these are stressors I chose and there is a finite end :) Additionally, I have created a GoFundMe page for financial assistance while I wait and see if I receive any scholarships in November
Your Tobago Bag is looking really good! I’m definitely happier than I was at this time, four years ago. In late September 2019, I was getting ready to transfer to another department at work and take a 33% pay cut but I was about to regain so much more peace, joy, and family time. My last job did not fit my introverted personality and I was miserable. Four years later, I am more honest with myself and others and less of the people pleaser I’ve been for the majority of my life. My relationship with my husband and daughter is better, too. The three of us have become a tighter unit since 2019 and we are supportive of each other’s goals and interests and give each other grace and space when we need it. We live in an 864 square feet home so it’s a necessity. With all of the uncertainty in our world, it’s comforting to know that we have each other’s backs and we don’t have to do what everyone else is doing. ❤
Thank you for sharing this Kalen! It is so encouraging for me to hear you say that making big changes, even the pay cut kind, and working on how you relate to people has been so worth it. So many people feel like they could never make enough change to improve their own lives. There is such an attitude of defeat around us in the world. And I do get why! Things have been very hard for so many people. I have had feelings of defeat in the past. But, wow, it encourages me to hear someone say that (1) they can even see a need for improvement in themselves, and (2) that they went after it, working at it, and that it did make life better. I'm so happy for your family!!
Michelle!! That incident with the piano tuner!! I am so sorry that happened to you, but as a musician, I was also cracking up that a PIANO TUNER talked to you like that. Geeeze, music people are so intense sometimes! I have totally dropped the ball on my weekly “day off social media.” I have also found myself scrolling more and more lately, and after some reflection yesterday, I realized it was because I am really missing the feeling of community I used to have. Both on and offline, I have lost a lot of the communities where I used to feel comfortable and inspired. And of course, Instagram used to be one of those places where I connected to craft/knitting/sewing communities. I have not yet come to any conclusions about what comes AFTER this realization, but it was a good one nevertheless. Speaking of community and participation - I just got all my materials ready to cast on the worsted version of the Simply Irresistible Socks, woohoo! I WILL post photos. We are going camping this weekend so this will be the perfect camp project. I’m using leftover WOTA so might go for a striped pattern. Your tabago bag is sooooo cute!! Now I’m thinking this might be a good Christmas gift idea for someone…. I love the idea of the TV knits KAL and I will definitely participate. I have a photo of a crochet top that I have had saved for YEARS and would love to replicate. I am not super into pilates but I just listened to an episode of the podcast “Maintenance Phase” where they go into how it was created and it was VERY interesting. Since you mentioned it was “for rich women,” I think you would also find it interesting if you don’t know much about the origins! I won’t spoil it for you! Old fashioned habits: hiking, walking, tending to plants/gardening. And sewing. Knitting, I can do while watching or listening to something else and ENJOY doing both at the same time, but with sewing, it takes much more focus and more physical movement, so I usually end up concentrating more. AND this year I have gotten back into journaling. It started as just an expansion of my “productivity” planner book, but has morphed into a daily journal plus lists and appointments, and sometimes photos. I would also love to add sketches into the book and I’m thinking about the next evolution of my journal. It’s not only impossible to do this while doing anything else, but it forces me to reflect on the previous day and record some of what happened and how I was feeling. Your last question hit me in the gut - this year has been one of loss over here for sure. And after going through emergency gallbladder surgery in July, I am also struggling with financial uncertainty. Recently my sister said to me “don’t burn yourself out working so hard, because the debt will still be there. Work it off slowly and try not to stress about it.” Woof. But can I be happy, right now? I think so. This is where the journaling becomes very helpful to sort through my day to day feelings and decide what is real and true for me right now, in the moment, and what I am just overly worried about that’s a distant, probably-not-going-to-happen future. There are small ways I can reestablish my footing without killing myself, and take comfort in the idea of WORKING TOWARDS stability and a sense of wellbeing.
@@katiecanavan I had to listen to that episode, lol. I actually knew all of that dirt on the Pilates method. Plus, there's more about the proprietary hoarding of Pilates info: www.reddit.com/r/pilates/comments/og91f0/the_truth_about_classical_vs_contemporary_my/ I am too DIY to get into the boutique exercise experience, but I do appreciate instructors who, though they may charge that $85 rate for privates, will also provide online instruction, group deals, or a sliding scale. I mean, of all the things I've done, from yoga, to martial arts, running, to old-school calisthenics, I think Pilates kept me the most injury free. I will say that the club I went to didn't seem like the best learning experience, but I liked the normal people vibe of the students. The piano experience- wow. It is proof that I have chilled way out over the years. I was troubled, but not really for the reasons I would've been in the past. I think this man was a little confused, so I felt concern more than anger. And it was all over the cost of a cheap follow-up tuning of all things. After he freaked out on the phone, I called and left a message saying, "Well, we still need a tuning. Just let me know what's left to pay for. Not sure if you're coming since you told us to go to hell... but I cleared the day to make time for it. "(The tuning, not hell. lol) and HE CAME and acted like nothing happened, lol! You high-strung musicians!! I can't wait to see your TV Knit inspo! (Not sure what I'll dub this ongoing project. Maybe TVKnits or Famous Knits.) I mean coveting famous knits is sort of how a lot of us got into knitting, right? Yes to deciding where to file the thoughts as either realistic stuff that needs to be dealt with right now or distant, nebulous worries that are unlikely! I feel like the internet has really encouraged us to borrow trouble that doesn't really exist. And it is enough to keep my heart rate up, or keep me so focused on problems that I miss something that would make me laugh or soothe me. Perimenopause has been like three years of a migraine and stomach virus, lol. I guess I'm about out of it now but my cycle is leaving with a bang! I really, REALLY realized that I have to be gentle with myself and set up boundaries that let me have space to heal. A friend said it well: "Some days I feel like I spend all of my energy on controlling my emotions." It's been like that for me, but more physical than emotional. I am injury prone, etc. It's weird how I rarely ask myself if I am happy. I don't even consider it an option. Something from my upbringing, I guess. Like being useful is best. And, I mean, I can be both! Watching my children grow up and get overly worried or down, much like I once did, has really made me think about my example in the past and now. The things that have helped me most in recent years is establishing boundaries, while forgiving and just easing up on myself. I don't know if I count as happy. Steady, for sure. But I want to radiate it. 2024 goalz.
@@mysocalledhandmadelife He SHOWED UP!? And acted like NOTHING HAPPENED?! Hahahhaha, that really makes the story that much funnier. Wow. I completely agree with the phrase "borrow trouble." I am not a person who gets invested in online comment sections, etc, but I still feel the impulse to comment and have to talk myself down! It has been totally normalized to have an opinion on something that has nothing to do with you, and to share that opinion with the world. Boundaries are definitely the way. And I am the same way - happiness is never my goal. Usefulness, productivity, keeping busy and helping others. Which - that stuff is great, but a shift is necessary in order to life a full life.
The slow, old fashioned thing I do is knitting :) But then, it is under attack so much, that knitting practice of mine, by the lous and noisy "buy it!" or "do more faster!" that is everywhere I look. It is hard, finding axommunity out there and still staying centered around the making aspext of it. Also: I think when it comes to happiness, I agree with you: mostnpeople I know fine it hard to be satisfied or call themselves happy anmore. I think the constant feelnof crisia is taking its toll. That said, it was such a relieve to watch this episode today. You are such a beavon for me at times, just hearing you chat. About the good things, the sill things, the hard things, the spiritual things, the knitty things. Thank you so much for putting this out here for me to find. Specifically, I am sure :)
Well, that made me feel so good to read. Every few months I wonder if this style of video is obsolete to people. I mean I like more long-form, chatty videos but I see fewer and fewer of them and wonder if they will eventually fade away- which would make me sad. I'm happy to hear that you enjoy thinking about normal life stuff and making at the same time, with no pressure to purchase or be at the cutting edge of knitwear design. I'm right there with you! We have to hold onto the wonder of making and making together. The last year has strengthened my resolve to not let the joy of frugal making and DIY with others be ruined by algorithms, trends, or trying to squeeze a dime out of everything. And I haven't made anything quickly in ages, so no pressure here! haha As for hard times and trying to find happiness, I think it can take major life changes. My backing away from the internet has been almost a 3-year process. I'm obviously still on, but it is different than it once was and it doesn't disturb my joy as much. When I start to feel that sick feeling of being glutted on images and info, I turn it off... for days. Clearly, there are many other things that have been hard in our lives the last few years, but every single person I know who has struggled would do (or has done) better by getting offline more often. It has been a catalyst to a lot of extra anxiety. I hope your week is peaceful and full of old-fashioned, quiet moments.
I love simple housekeeping activities, especially vacuuming and ironing :) I am happy at this stage of my life, but I can honestly say I've always been happy and always appreciate the now. It's great that pilates helps you with the back! I've recently found pilates classes and love it :)
It's a pretty great way to recover from and prevent injury! But I like mixing in other disciplines with Pilates too. Simple housekeeping is so meditative. I find I love washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen. (Not if the mess is out of control, but just after dinner cleanup) I feel very satisfied putting my kitchen to bed at night.
As usual, I really enjoyed your podcast. I am happier overall then I have been before. But not without effort to get to this place. I've had things happen that make it so that nothing will ever be the same. Just that now I realize that sometimes never being the same can be ok also. I think it's interesting that things that are hard at one point in our life, might not be as hard later in our life. I'm going to use a knitting example. For about 20 of my 40+ years of knitting I really wanted to be able to knit stranded colorwork flat, so that I could just make a blanket or other item that way, instead of having to steek. For me this meant that I wanted to be able to work purl stitches with one yarn in my left & another yarn in my right hand. It was so hard that I just couldn't wrap my head around it until this summer. I was working a mosaic style shawl and instead of working all one color then all the next, I decided to work the colors on the knit side with one yarn in each hand. All of the sudden in the middle of watching TV I realized that I had turned my work and was on the purl side, purling with one yarn in each hand. I wasn't even aware that I had done it. It shocked me so much that I couldn't replicate it when trying, so that I could see what I was doing. It took me 2 days to be able to have it happen again and be able to mentally take note of what I was doing. I have had this happen before with other things as well. Things that I really struggled with all of the sudden seem to be easy to learn if I wait until my brain is ready, so to speak. It really enforced in me the idea that everything has a time & a season. Maybe that's the way it is with relationships, learning, and most things in our life. Maybe we just need to give things time, so that we are ready for them, instead of forcing our way through life. As a side note, I went & bought one of the Simply Irresistible Socks patterns and I'm "in" on the KAL. I just need to finish one project before I add another. So I'm barreling through projects that are almost done this weekend so that I start my socks this coming week. Take care and have a wonderful week.
Thank you for that example Jess! It's true that we aren't always ready for mastering certain tasks or realizing certain truths. It makes me think of how I thought I understood forgiveness, but I recently realized I wasn't quite forgiving- not completely but hanging onto some hurts. I'm amazed that it took me so long, but also grateful to finally "get it." I hope you've found this to be true of happiness. Let me know how your SI socks are going!
I am happy atm after going through a loss in my life recently....finally. I felt quite stuck and found myself doom scrolling more. In N.Z it is Spring here so my old fashioned ways are sowing seeds this time of year , it brings me joy when they germinate , also walks, ironing, knitting, quilting and gardening and kneading bread are all my slow , joy bringing movements in my life. I love your 1 day a week without social media. I will introduce this into my life...and try to grow those days away.
Ooh let me know how your experiment with time offline goes. Also I love gardening from seeds. I haven't done much of it in my new house. I have mostly had "Weeds" come up and I watch to see what they develop into and find they are native plants. So I've moved a lot of plants around in my yard and got a few from a native sale. But watching seeds grow resonates with the kid in me. : ). I am sorry you've had to deal with a loss recently, but I know this is the way life is. How good that you realized the doom scrolling was not helping matters. I have been wondering if I would've recovered from some losses I experienced faster without the internet. I certainly had friendship via online friends through that time, but there was also the doom scrolling... I do hope you are finding your way to a deep, steady happiness Sarah.
I have been enjoying the sock knit a long so much and sharing the patterns with my knitting friends and encouraging them to purchase a pattern and try one. I don't really pay attention to all those famous sweaters on tv. I do however love the Norwegian made tv shows because they have all the sweaters on all the people.
Yes! I may do a whole episode on Scandinavian TV sweaters, lol!! I do watch a good bit of series and movies, and I am as interested in the background set and characters' knitwear as the plot, lol. I made my husband rewind something the other day so I could see what books were on a UA-camr's shelf. Haha. I'm so glad you enjoyed the KAL I am getting in touch with Christie about my prize drawings and then will announce them on Instagram and here. I know she will appreciate you spreading love for her patterns. You have encouraged me to knit more of them - I loved watching your socks work up. I finished my second pair today. Will cast on a third tonight, most likely.
Thank you, Anna! I love this as a beginner project! I can't believe my seaming looks so good, but I think it is Toni's video that made all of the difference.
I garden and cook food. We rarely eat packaged food and wasting or throwing food away is also not done often in our house. We live very simply because we are a one income family and spend our time enjoying the outdoors because it's free and stress relieving. I read that book by John Mark Comer and loved it! I'm happy you also read it and talked about it here.
Thanks for sharing that Jean. We are a single-income home right now and were for many years, off and on. It does require frugal, simple living, but I truly love simple living. The areas that weren't in alignment with that (like my crafting supplies) I have been slowly trying to get in line and I feel much more peaceful for it.
@@jeanunger70 My husband picked up Comer's book when I finished it and he has really been evaluating how "busy" he keeps his mind. Hope you have a great week!
Knitting is definitely the most old-fashioned thing I do. 👵 I also like to read classic literature - does that count, even if I’m reading on a Kindle? I agree with Edina - the pandemic changed my life for the better. I know that isn’t true for everyone. It gave me a new perspective and presented different opportunities for growth. I would say more, but this is the internet. 😂
I’m happier now at almost 70 then I have been since I was a kid. I retired at 64. My dad passed away at 53 so as a teenager I learned a big lesson not to wait to enjoy your life and if you make it to retirement fill your life with things that you love to do. For me that’s learning, reading,art,music and fiber arts. I also hike exercise and do yoga. I plan my days and use my timer lol so I don’t go down rabbit holes. During yoga and walking I spend time in contemplation. I’m very careful with my spending due to the financial crisis(where I lost my job)and my parents depression stories. I make saving and budgeting kind of a game or challenge.
Yes, those family stories about hard financial times really impacted me when I was growing up. I love trying to reuse things and buy resale when possible. I'm sad that you lost your job but happy that you have found clever ways to make do and compensate. Finding time to explore creative interests is something I think too many of us put off for "one day." Then years have passed and we feel the loss for all they could've been doing in that time. I've heard people think this happens bc of a lack of money, but libraries are free and most of us have enough time to read or learn something new rather than scroll Instagram etc. We sort of hamstring our own development (and peace) this way.
Oh and Susan, did you email me about yarn and needle choices for the sock KAL? I did get the email and responded if that was you. Sorry for the slow response.
@@mysocalledhandmadelife yes agreed and beautifully stated. I’m going to get the sock pattern later this month and get appropriate yarn and needled size although I would still like to use nine inch circulars. I find them easier to use so I hope they will work. I’ll use the other yarn for hand warmers. I love the idea of the socks and I really want to finish a sock project lol. Thank you for great podcast.
Haha nope, I'm just that excited about a heel-less sock. It is just now cool enough to wear mine so I need to hurry and take final photos of them before I cover them in dog hair by walking around the house in them. I'm interested to see how yours turn out.
@@mysocalledhandmadelife I’ll let you know how they turn out. I have the same dog hair situation. I figure the little hairs that get stuck in my socks add strength! ☺️
😢 I had my birthday this week, 61. Just found out that my mother is a narcissist. She is 88 and was always depressed. I felt like I had the responsibility to make her happy. My god I feel like I have been such a fool, really. Luckily I have a fantastic therapist 🙏, she guides me through this trauma. I lost so much time pleasing my mom. I am sick now, hope to heal and finally live my own live 😊🫶
I've had to think about what you said for a couple of days before responding. Thanks for sharing this with us. You are not alone in dealing with narcissistic parents, step-parents, and family members. Many of us do and I think people my age and up (I'm almost 50) grew up with less awareness about mental instability. We accepted wrong treatment as the way of the world or sometimes, sadly, as deserved. I have dealt with that with family members- narcissistic and verbal abuse and it took a big toll on my health too. I went into adulthood feeling hobbled, healthwise. I think I got my first glimpse of how God saw me and that it wasn't how those relatives did when I was in my twenties. I was already a parent and still operating under someone else's lies. I'm sorry you have been robbed of a healthy outlook for so long. I don't know if you believe in God, but replacing what I had heard with what he said really helped me re-program my brain. I went thru stages like- seeing it wasn't true, finding what was true, healing from it, then seeing little bits of the narcissism I learned showing up in myself (ugh- I hated that), and recently truly forgiving (though I thought I already had.) Honestly, some of the forgiveness I talked about in this and the last episode was, in part, about those mistreatments from narcissists. There was more to deal with than I thought. I hate that it is sometimes a lengthy process and a puzzle we have to work out over time- but I do think a big weight of shame can be lifted immediately by seeing the truth. I hope you have felt that huge cloud of shame come right off of you, Kris.
Old-fashioned things I do that bring me peace - sitting on my back porch watching the birds while knitting socks for my youngest grandchild, and sewing for him, quilting, all things he loves. Knitting while watching grandchildren’s ballgames, reading an actual,hard copy book while waiting on a dr. appointment. I’ve been cooking more, nothing fancy, but I’m liking it. And I’m big into using what I have, using my imagination instead of going out and getting a specific gadget. Big into not being wasteful, and I avoid buying from businesses whose products make a lot of waste. Not the most popular thing to do right now. Thank you for a great episode, Michelle. Big laugh when you talked about the piano tuner telling you to go to hell, but that he doesn’t have the power to do that :)
Haha It's good thing too, right? We don't need our fate in the hands of those temperamental piano tuners, lol. I think about how you've simplified your life often, Pam. Especially when I use your Corelle dishes - simplification for you meant super nostalgic eating experiences for me. :) But I do admire the realistic and responsible way you view your belongings and your time.
I have been trying to get back in the habit of cooking every night, or most nights, after a busy of time of too much eating out. Maybe it's a sign of age that I just don't feel like going out and like the quiet puttering around in my kitchen. I especially like cooking with my husband or daughter.
I've been meaning to join a bird-watching group near my home for a few walks this year, but never did it. I find myself wondering what the birds I see are and wishing my grandfather was around to tell me. He loved to sit outside, smoking a pipe and watching the birds.
@@mysocalledhandmadelife What a sweet memory about your grandfather. Glad you’re getting some use out of the dishes!
One of my old fashioned habits is ironing. I love a crisp ironed pillow slip when I go to sleep. Feels so lux! Also, a few years ago I hemmed up a set of linen sheets - they are a bear to iron, but feel so great when I get into bed, it's worth it. I don't iron everything - just the linens & clothes that I think make a difference. I know it's an unpopular task, but it really slows me down, provides opportunity for thinking quiet thoughts whilst enjoying a steam facial (lol) and I love the results. I decided to 'own' the laundry room a few years ago. Removed the ugly old tub, improved the plumbing, added an attractive & useful sink & cabinet, painted the area soft colours, added inset lighting & a 'folding station'. It's not pintrest-worthy but it's bright & clean, tidy & pretty, and now a comfortable space in which to work. Laundry is no longer a necessary chore. It's a retreat from all the other chores calling my name. lol. Anyway, I learned how and how much our environment affects us. I learned how much I value creating a calm, clean, and (to my mind) beautiful space and caring for our home. Home-making - it's undervalued or taken for granted by many, and especially by influential people in my life. I grew up in an extremely chaotic home. I think that really contributed to the fact that my sisters are (unwittingly)pretty addicted to drama🙄 And so was I for a long, long time. But now I iron pillow slips for fun. lol!!!
Ha! I love to iron aswell, pillow slips too...I love it so much I even go and do it at my father in laws home.
I am a quilter, so I think that's where my love of ironing has come from.
I love all of your old-fashioned homemaking ideas! The idea of owning the laundry room speaks to me. I love that you fixed all of things that classically frustrate us about laundry areas. Our laundry area is in the garage where we have a lot of workout equipment. I have dreams of making it a calming, clean space once we move our kids' stuff out, lol. I want it bright and swept clean all of the time.
Much like Jenn and Christie said, it seems like creating a calm, orderly environment helps you feel ... calm and orderly. :) My mom kept the sweetest little old-fashioned home. We didn't have much money but she would add cute little touches to her "Early American" decor. Things like saloon doors into the kitchen and folding shutters over a big window. She got my dad to add a DIY bay window to their room and always kept houseplants. I know this greatly affected my desire to have a peaceful home for my children. I used to lay around on weekends, as a kid, and think about how much I liked to be at home. Is that normal? lol.
My old-fashioned habits are writing notes, watering plants, gardening, knitting and crochet (of course), taking evening walks, reading out loud on trips, and I love to sweep and rake. Vacuuming is alright too :)
Yeah, ironing rules!
I am happier now than I have been in years. The hard things have made me more appreciative. My socks are coming along nicely, but a prom dress is taking up my time at the moment, so not much knitting are taking place.
A prom dress sounds like an ordeal to make! I can't image how much skill you have to feel so confident with all of the things you make. How long had you been sewing before you felt you could knit formalwear?
Also, I love this quote that's attributed to Socrates - it reminds me that regardless of the availability of TV, social media, or whatever the technology du jour, we human beings clearly have always found activities to distract us from contemplative immersion🙂 - "Beware the barrenness of a busy life". 🌿
Yes!! In the book about Hurry I was reading, he actually quoted an ancient Roman playwright lamenting the invention of the sundial and how it was breaking up the day and pressuring him to hurry. Lol! That cracks me up. I will be thinking about this quote you shared in days to come!
very thought-provoking. The Pandemic is the BEST worse thing that has ever happened to me. I am happier than ever. Extremely stressed due to personal obligations etc., but extremely happy
I haven't heard many people say that Edina, but I instinctively know it must be true for many of us. It was a time that brought what is important into focus and helped a lot of us get "un-stuck" because we had to. It also gave many of us time at home with family to reconnect and consider the changes we needed to make in our lives. Yes, it gave me asthma, and that's been a bummer, but there were some good decisions that came from that time.
But I know people who thrive on a certain amount of chaos or constantly changing circumstances. I hope your stresses have a clear end in sight that you can hold out for. I don't know that I can feel happy and very stressed at the same time.
@@mysocalledhandmadelife I'm an introvert. Being home in my space is pleasant and refreshing to me. I am presently in my last year of Law School, then I take the BAR. School is extremely expensive and tests are stressful, so is thinking about the BAR. But these are stressors I chose and there is a finite end :) Additionally, I have created a GoFundMe page for financial assistance while I wait and see if I receive any scholarships in November
Your Tobago Bag is looking really good! I’m definitely happier than I was at this time, four years ago. In late September 2019, I was getting ready to transfer to another department at work and take a 33% pay cut but I was about to regain so much more peace, joy, and family time. My last job did not fit my introverted personality and I was miserable. Four years later, I am more honest with myself and others and less of the people pleaser I’ve been for the majority of my life. My relationship with my husband and daughter is better, too. The three of us have become a tighter unit since 2019 and we are supportive of each other’s goals and interests and give each other grace and space when we need it. We live in an 864 square feet home so it’s a necessity. With all of the uncertainty in our world, it’s comforting to know that we have each other’s backs and we don’t have to do what everyone else is doing. ❤
Thank you for sharing this Kalen! It is so encouraging for me to hear you say that making big changes, even the pay cut kind, and working on how you relate to people has been so worth it. So many people feel like they could never make enough change to improve their own lives. There is such an attitude of defeat around us in the world. And I do get why! Things have been very hard for so many people. I have had feelings of defeat in the past. But, wow, it encourages me to hear someone say that (1) they can even see a need for improvement in themselves, and (2) that they went after it, working at it, and that it did make life better. I'm so happy for your family!!
@@mysocalledhandmadelife Thank you so much! ❤
Michelle!! That incident with the piano tuner!! I am so sorry that happened to you, but as a musician, I was also cracking up that a PIANO TUNER talked to you like that. Geeeze, music people are so intense sometimes!
I have totally dropped the ball on my weekly “day off social media.” I have also found myself scrolling more and more lately, and after some reflection yesterday, I realized it was because I am really missing the feeling of community I used to have. Both on and offline, I have lost a lot of the communities where I used to feel comfortable and inspired. And of course, Instagram used to be one of those places where I connected to craft/knitting/sewing communities. I have not yet come to any conclusions about what comes AFTER this realization, but it was a good one nevertheless.
Speaking of community and participation - I just got all my materials ready to cast on the worsted version of the Simply Irresistible Socks, woohoo! I WILL post photos. We are going camping this weekend so this will be the perfect camp project. I’m using leftover WOTA so might go for a striped pattern.
Your tabago bag is sooooo cute!! Now I’m thinking this might be a good Christmas gift idea for someone….
I love the idea of the TV knits KAL and I will definitely participate. I have a photo of a crochet top that I have had saved for YEARS and would love to replicate.
I am not super into pilates but I just listened to an episode of the podcast “Maintenance Phase” where they go into how it was created and it was VERY interesting. Since you mentioned it was “for rich women,” I think you would also find it interesting if you don’t know much about the origins! I won’t spoil it for you!
Old fashioned habits: hiking, walking, tending to plants/gardening. And sewing. Knitting, I can do while watching or listening to something else and ENJOY doing both at the same time, but with sewing, it takes much more focus and more physical movement, so I usually end up concentrating more.
AND this year I have gotten back into journaling. It started as just an expansion of my “productivity” planner book, but has morphed into a daily journal plus lists and appointments, and sometimes photos. I would also love to add sketches into the book and I’m thinking about the next evolution of my journal. It’s not only impossible to do this while doing anything else, but it forces me to reflect on the previous day and record some of what happened and how I was feeling.
Your last question hit me in the gut - this year has been one of loss over here for sure. And after going through emergency gallbladder surgery in July, I am also struggling with financial uncertainty. Recently my sister said to me “don’t burn yourself out working so hard, because the debt will still be there. Work it off slowly and try not to stress about it.” Woof. But can I be happy, right now? I think so. This is where the journaling becomes very helpful to sort through my day to day feelings and decide what is real and true for me right now, in the moment, and what I am just overly worried about that’s a distant, probably-not-going-to-happen future. There are small ways I can reestablish my footing without killing myself, and take comfort in the idea of WORKING TOWARDS stability and a sense of wellbeing.
Oooops, I wrote you a whole book with this comment! 😂
@@katiecanavan I had to listen to that episode, lol. I actually knew all of that dirt on the Pilates method. Plus, there's more about the proprietary hoarding of Pilates info: www.reddit.com/r/pilates/comments/og91f0/the_truth_about_classical_vs_contemporary_my/
I am too DIY to get into the boutique exercise experience, but I do appreciate instructors who, though they may charge that $85 rate for privates, will also provide online instruction, group deals, or a sliding scale. I mean, of all the things I've done, from yoga, to martial arts, running, to old-school calisthenics, I think Pilates kept me the most injury free. I will say that the club I went to didn't seem like the best learning experience, but I liked the normal people vibe of the students.
The piano experience- wow. It is proof that I have chilled way out over the years. I was troubled, but not really for the reasons I would've been in the past. I think this man was a little confused, so I felt concern more than anger. And it was all over the cost of a cheap follow-up tuning of all things. After he freaked out on the phone, I called and left a message saying, "Well, we still need a tuning. Just let me know what's left to pay for. Not sure if you're coming since you told us to go to hell... but I cleared the day to make time for it. "(The tuning, not hell. lol) and HE CAME and acted like nothing happened, lol! You high-strung musicians!!
I can't wait to see your TV Knit inspo! (Not sure what I'll dub this ongoing project. Maybe TVKnits or Famous Knits.) I mean coveting famous knits is sort of how a lot of us got into knitting, right?
Yes to deciding where to file the thoughts as either realistic stuff that needs to be dealt with right now or distant, nebulous worries that are unlikely! I feel like the internet has really encouraged us to borrow trouble that doesn't really exist. And it is enough to keep my heart rate up, or keep me so focused on problems that I miss something that would make me laugh or soothe me. Perimenopause has been like three years of a migraine and stomach virus, lol. I guess I'm about out of it now but my cycle is leaving with a bang! I really, REALLY realized that I have to be gentle with myself and set up boundaries that let me have space to heal. A friend said it well: "Some days I feel like I spend all of my energy on controlling my emotions." It's been like that for me, but more physical than emotional. I am injury prone, etc.
It's weird how I rarely ask myself if I am happy. I don't even consider it an option. Something from my upbringing, I guess. Like being useful is best. And, I mean, I can be both! Watching my children grow up and get overly worried or down, much like I once did, has really made me think about my example in the past and now. The things that have helped me most in recent years is establishing boundaries, while forgiving and just easing up on myself. I don't know if I count as happy. Steady, for sure. But I want to radiate it. 2024 goalz.
Oh and have fun camping!!! We are excited to start up again now that it's not so hot.
Also I wanna know why Americans aren’t more like cats, too!!!
@@mysocalledhandmadelife He SHOWED UP!? And acted like NOTHING HAPPENED?! Hahahhaha, that really makes the story that much funnier. Wow. I completely agree with the phrase "borrow trouble." I am not a person who gets invested in online comment sections, etc, but I still feel the impulse to comment and have to talk myself down! It has been totally normalized to have an opinion on something that has nothing to do with you, and to share that opinion with the world. Boundaries are definitely the way. And I am the same way - happiness is never my goal. Usefulness, productivity, keeping busy and helping others. Which - that stuff is great, but a shift is necessary in order to life a full life.
The slow, old fashioned thing I do is knitting :) But then, it is under attack so much, that knitting practice of mine, by the lous and noisy "buy it!" or "do more faster!" that is everywhere I look. It is hard, finding axommunity out there and still staying centered around the making aspext of it. Also: I think when it comes to happiness, I agree with you: mostnpeople I know fine it hard to be satisfied or call themselves happy anmore. I think the constant feelnof crisia is taking its toll. That said, it was such a relieve to watch this episode today. You are such a beavon for me at times, just hearing you chat. About the good things, the sill things, the hard things, the spiritual things, the knitty things. Thank you so much for putting this out here for me to find. Specifically, I am sure :)
Well, that made me feel so good to read. Every few months I wonder if this style of video is obsolete to people. I mean I like more long-form, chatty videos but I see fewer and fewer of them and wonder if they will eventually fade away- which would make me sad. I'm happy to hear that you enjoy thinking about normal life stuff and making at the same time, with no pressure to purchase or be at the cutting edge of knitwear design.
I'm right there with you! We have to hold onto the wonder of making and making together. The last year has strengthened my resolve to not let the joy of frugal making and DIY with others be ruined by algorithms, trends, or trying to squeeze a dime out of everything. And I haven't made anything quickly in ages, so no pressure here! haha
As for hard times and trying to find happiness, I think it can take major life changes. My backing away from the internet has been almost a 3-year process. I'm obviously still on, but it is different than it once was and it doesn't disturb my joy as much. When I start to feel that sick feeling of being glutted on images and info, I turn it off... for days. Clearly, there are many other things that have been hard in our lives the last few years, but every single person I know who has struggled would do (or has done) better by getting offline more often. It has been a catalyst to a lot of extra anxiety. I hope your week is peaceful and full of old-fashioned, quiet moments.
I love simple housekeeping activities, especially vacuuming and ironing :) I am happy at this stage of my life, but I can honestly say I've always been happy and always appreciate the now.
It's great that pilates helps you with the back! I've recently found pilates classes and love it :)
It's a pretty great way to recover from and prevent injury! But I like mixing in other disciplines with Pilates too. Simple housekeeping is so meditative. I find I love washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen. (Not if the mess is out of control, but just after dinner cleanup) I feel very satisfied putting my kitchen to bed at night.
As usual, I really enjoyed your podcast. I am happier overall then I have been before. But not without effort to get to this place. I've had things happen that make it so that nothing will ever be the same. Just that now I realize that sometimes never being the same can be ok also.
I think it's interesting that things that are hard at one point in our life, might not be as hard later in our life. I'm going to use a knitting example. For about 20 of my 40+ years of knitting I really wanted to be able to knit stranded colorwork flat, so that I could just make a blanket or other item that way, instead of having to steek. For me this meant that I wanted to be able to work purl stitches with one yarn in my left & another yarn in my right hand. It was so hard that I just couldn't wrap my head around it until this summer. I was working a mosaic style shawl and instead of working all one color then all the next, I decided to work the colors on the knit side with one yarn in each hand. All of the sudden in the middle of watching TV I realized that I had turned my work and was on the purl side, purling with one yarn in each hand. I wasn't even aware that I had done it. It shocked me so much that I couldn't replicate it when trying, so that I could see what I was doing. It took me 2 days to be able to have it happen again and be able to mentally take note of what I was doing.
I have had this happen before with other things as well. Things that I really struggled with all of the sudden seem to be easy to learn if I wait until my brain is ready, so to speak. It really enforced in me the idea that everything has a time & a season.
Maybe that's the way it is with relationships, learning, and most things in our life. Maybe we just need to give things time, so that we are ready for them, instead of forcing our way through life.
As a side note, I went & bought one of the Simply Irresistible Socks patterns and I'm "in" on the KAL. I just need to finish one project before I add another. So I'm barreling through projects that are almost done this weekend so that I start my socks this coming week.
Take care and have a wonderful week.
Thank you for that example Jess! It's true that we aren't always ready for mastering certain tasks or realizing certain truths. It makes me think of how I thought I understood forgiveness, but I recently realized I wasn't quite forgiving- not completely but hanging onto some hurts. I'm amazed that it took me so long, but also grateful to finally "get it." I hope you've found this to be true of happiness.
Let me know how your SI socks are going!
I am happy atm after going through a loss in my life recently....finally. I felt quite stuck and found myself doom scrolling more. In N.Z it is Spring here so my old fashioned ways are sowing seeds this time of year , it brings me joy when they germinate , also walks, ironing, knitting, quilting and gardening and kneading bread are all my slow , joy bringing movements in my life.
I love your 1 day a week without social media. I will introduce this into my life...and try to grow those days away.
The North Water miniseries has my "famous Knits" 💡 ideas
Ooh let me know how your experiment with time offline goes. Also I love gardening from seeds. I haven't done much of it in my new house. I have mostly had "Weeds" come up and I watch to see what they develop into and find they are native plants. So I've moved a lot of plants around in my yard and got a few from a native sale. But watching seeds grow resonates with the kid in me. : ).
I am sorry you've had to deal with a loss recently, but I know this is the way life is. How good that you realized the doom scrolling was not helping matters. I have been wondering if I would've recovered from some losses I experienced faster without the internet. I certainly had friendship via online friends through that time, but there was also the doom scrolling... I do hope you are finding your way to a deep, steady happiness Sarah.
I have been enjoying the sock knit a long so much and sharing the patterns with my knitting friends and encouraging them to purchase a pattern and try one. I don't really pay attention to all those famous sweaters on tv. I do however love the Norwegian made tv shows because they have all the sweaters on all the people.
Yes! I may do a whole episode on Scandinavian TV sweaters, lol!! I do watch a good bit of series and movies, and I am as interested in the background set and characters' knitwear as the plot, lol. I made my husband rewind something the other day so I could see what books were on a UA-camr's shelf. Haha.
I'm so glad you enjoyed the KAL I am getting in touch with Christie about my prize drawings and then will announce them on Instagram and here. I know she will appreciate you spreading love for her patterns. You have encouraged me to knit more of them - I loved watching your socks work up. I finished my second pair today. Will cast on a third tonight, most likely.
😍Your Tobago Bag is Super Cute💫
Thank you, Anna! I love this as a beginner project! I can't believe my seaming looks so good, but I think it is Toni's video that made all of the difference.
I garden and cook food. We rarely eat packaged food and wasting or throwing food away is also not done often in our house. We live very simply because we are a one income family and spend our time enjoying the outdoors because it's free and stress relieving. I read that book by John Mark Comer and loved it! I'm happy you also read it and talked about it here.
Thanks for sharing that Jean. We are a single-income home right now and were for many years, off and on. It does require frugal, simple living, but I truly love simple living. The areas that weren't in alignment with that (like my crafting supplies) I have been slowly trying to get in line and I feel much more peaceful for it.
@@mysocalledhandmadelife I agree, it brings so much more peace.
@@jeanunger70 My husband picked up Comer's book when I finished it and he has really been evaluating how "busy" he keeps his mind. Hope you have a great week!
Knitting is definitely the most old-fashioned thing I do. 👵 I also like to read classic literature - does that count, even if I’m reading on a Kindle?
I agree with Edina - the pandemic changed my life for the better. I know that isn’t true for everyone. It gave me a new perspective and presented different opportunities for growth. I would say more, but this is the internet. 😂
I’m happier now at almost 70 then I have been since I was a kid. I retired at 64. My dad passed away at 53 so as a teenager I learned a big lesson not to wait to enjoy your life and if you make it to retirement fill your life with things that you love to do. For me that’s learning, reading,art,music and fiber arts. I also hike exercise and do yoga. I plan my days and use my timer lol so I don’t go down rabbit holes. During yoga and walking I spend time in contemplation. I’m very careful with my spending due to the financial crisis(where I lost my job)and my parents depression stories. I make saving and budgeting kind of a game or challenge.
Yes, those family stories about hard financial times really impacted me when I was growing up. I love trying to reuse things and buy resale when possible.
I'm sad that you lost your job but happy that you have found clever ways to make do and compensate. Finding time to explore creative interests is something I think too many of us put off for "one day." Then years have passed and we feel the loss for all they could've been doing in that time. I've heard people think this happens bc of a lack of money, but libraries are free and most of us have enough time to read or learn something new rather than scroll Instagram etc. We sort of hamstring our own development (and peace) this way.
Oh and Susan, did you email me about yarn and needle choices for the sock KAL? I did get the email and responded if that was you. Sorry for the slow response.
@@mysocalledhandmadelife yes agreed and beautifully stated. I’m going to get the sock pattern later this month and get appropriate yarn and needled size although I would still like to use nine inch circulars. I find them easier to use so I hope they will work. I’ll use the other yarn for hand warmers. I love the idea of the socks and I really want to finish a sock project lol. Thank you for great podcast.
I just purchased Christie archers socks. I’m doing the Worsted ones and I’m so excited! She should give you a commission!
😊 Christina
Portland, OR
Haha nope, I'm just that excited about a heel-less sock. It is just now cool enough to wear mine so I need to hurry and take final photos of them before I cover them in dog hair by walking around the house in them. I'm interested to see how yours turn out.
@@mysocalledhandmadelife I’ll let you know how they turn out. I have the same dog hair situation. I figure the little hairs that get stuck in my socks add strength! ☺️
Want to knit the sweater you are wearing!
Do It! It would also be awesome in wool! But I'm so pleased it has the same look even in Berroco Remix Light!
😢 I had my birthday this week, 61. Just found out that my mother is a narcissist. She is 88 and was always depressed. I felt like I had the responsibility to make her happy. My god I feel like I have been such a fool, really. Luckily I have a fantastic therapist 🙏, she guides me through this trauma. I lost so much time pleasing my mom. I am sick now, hope to heal and finally live my own live 😊🫶
I've had to think about what you said for a couple of days before responding. Thanks for sharing this with us. You are not alone in dealing with narcissistic parents, step-parents, and family members. Many of us do and I think people my age and up (I'm almost 50) grew up with less awareness about mental instability. We accepted wrong treatment as the way of the world or sometimes, sadly, as deserved. I have dealt with that with family members- narcissistic and verbal abuse and it took a big toll on my health too. I went into adulthood feeling hobbled, healthwise.
I think I got my first glimpse of how God saw me and that it wasn't how those relatives did when I was in my twenties. I was already a parent and still operating under someone else's lies. I'm sorry you have been robbed of a healthy outlook for so long. I don't know if you believe in God, but replacing what I had heard with what he said really helped me re-program my brain. I went thru stages like- seeing it wasn't true, finding what was true, healing from it, then seeing little bits of the narcissism I learned showing up in myself (ugh- I hated that), and recently truly forgiving (though I thought I already had.) Honestly, some of the forgiveness I talked about in this and the last episode was, in part, about those mistreatments from narcissists. There was more to deal with than I thought. I hate that it is sometimes a lengthy process and a puzzle we have to work out over time- but I do think a big weight of shame can be lifted immediately by seeing the truth. I hope you have felt that huge cloud of shame come right off of you, Kris.