Tete wakadzidza manje..... and warikurota and biology dzirimo . Human anatomy warunatsoziwa zvese zvema pathologists. . Im happy mambo wanyatsobata nyaya
Something is fish somewhere chief dig it with e help yemufi u are going to go far go go go our our chief u are going to be famous big up auntie vakafunda futi vamwe vese mazidofo
Nyaya inotyisa kudai ndoyavangatore like mahumbwe ,instead yekuti vafambire nyaya iyi kuti how come zvakadaro,mupurisa uyu akaunza musoro arikuziva chete ,dzikafambirwa wese na doctor kwazvakatangira anopinda mu Jeri
At first this lady complainant was not taken seriously. Well done amai for coming to this dare. Pano panotongwa nemazvo. Iye Muzukuru cop uyu ndeane yese. He took law into his own hands. I can’t wait for the next court hearing pava nemupurisa uyu and the wife of the deceased. They can’t act forensic detectives kudaro.
Same applies nasekuru wangu was killed akadrainwa blood akabviswa mboni dzemaziso post mortem ikat natural death police doc ma1 kani munhu akabhinywa uyu
At first i thot maybe tete vakaroya mushakabvu but later on ndazonzwisisa nyya yavo woow tete is well educated shem and deno pasina kudzidza kwavakaita deno nyya iyi yatongorova zvakadero but vadzifambira nyya dzacho.Still there is more on this case ikuita sedoko but ahisi pane nyya apa
Imi musoro waka wanikwa after mwedzi yet munhu akaputika ari mumuti saka wakauya uri fresh seyi? Mambo sunga rudhende urwo. Shevedzayi Dr Mukotsanjera vazvi bvondore.
If it was suicide then after some time munhu odonha mumuti mabondo ake anotowanika not too far from muti wacho. If not disturbed everything zvinogona kuwanikwa ne outline yacho. I think fowl play happened. This is a sad story indeed and vanhu vari kuuraiwa 😢
All the Gwiriris know what happened but they were given something kuti vaite senge pasina nyaya. They thought kuti since ari muzukuru hapana chaizoitika. Mupurisa arikuzvifarira nemukadzi wemufi. Pane nyaya hombe apa.
Mambo this is no more your case yes you heard the case but call the police this is a police case chero munhu akazvisungirira mabhonzo haaite rimwe rimwe anowanikwa tunhu twake twese turi paakafira ipapo kunyange zvaora sei unless adyiwa nezvikara but apa hapana zvikara bcz maparts arikubuda 1- 1
There's more to this case than meets the eye.What proof do you have that that person you buried is the right person? For all we know, the person might be very much alive an busy committing crimes elsewhere under the guise of a dead man walking. There's the South African case of Bester and Magudumana where a corpse was sourced to cover a prison escape....that aunty is saying she had taken him from jail, if he's still alive, he might most probably be pulling shenanigans out there... The symmetry of the bone cuts alluded to by the aunt begs more questions than there's answers
Mkadzi wemufi nehama mupurisa, vanozivana and vamwe vemufamily vari involved. Tete vanoda spiritual protection yakasimba. She knows what she's talking about and these people are causing confusion because they’re scared if the perpetrators
This story is very big looks like small inonyudza vanhu vakawanda nyaya iyi thank you Gogo very intelligent
Tete sando dzenyu mhani imi , very intelligent, learning took place.🎉🎉🎉🎉
She's learned 😊😅
This issue is for police simple mambo ipai nyaya mapurisa .ko munhu akazvizungirira anobviswa musoro here ?
Intelligent vs wise
I am so proud of that woman. .Unapologetically educated Zimbabwean woman❤
Hanti waona kuti vanhu vamboseka kuseka tete avo,kugara kumusha hazvirevi hapana education.
Tete wakadzidza manje..... and warikurota and biology dzirimo . Human anatomy warunatsoziwa zvese zvema pathologists. . Im happy mambo wanyatsobata nyaya
Pane nyaya apa...and this thing of kuzvisungirira haipo...thank you mambo batsirai mhuri...i salute you shumba
Tete needs protection vanogona kutouraiwa
Tetez vakaita human anatomy. And she has proved it.
Hands off tetez!!
Educated aunt i salute you and luv u sorry ndambokushoorai forgive me,and vachapera nengozi
ZRP, Doctor, Mortuary attended must brought to book.
ZRP muzukuru wawo
Huwori ndohwanetsa munyika
You can say that again... Nyika yedu yakaoma veduwee hakusisina ari nani
Pakutanga ndambofunga kuti Tete dzakatamba nepwere, apa pane nyaya hombesa, munhu akapondwa uyu.
Kana neni ndambofunga kuti adzina kumira mushe
Tete is fundi mai mwana
Thats why they say don't judge a book by its cover tete is learned 😊
Tete is an asset to the whole clan, ndoomadzotete ekupira vana mazita aya
Varume vemumusha umu mazunga zunga chaiwo. Kupusa chaiko.mungaviga hama yenyu isina kukwana and you keep quite
😂😂😂😂haaa zvakati sare pakufunga shem
Varume vakuru kuita zvekupusa motadza kuongorora hama yenyu kukura mahara... Yoh andisati ndamboona madhara akapusa so Kufukura guva pasina vabatsiri kushinga kuvhura guva muchiisa maparts yoh🙌
Iwe usadeerere very intelligent Tete
Makamiramira tete. Ndokunzi tete uku. ❤❤
Something is fish somewhere chief dig it with e help yemufi u are going to go far go go go our our chief u are going to be famous big up auntie vakafunda futi vamwe vese mazidofo
Gogo vakaita human anatomy and physiology fundi ❤❤❤❤
Wat a genius. RESPECT TO GOGO
Mambo fambirai nyaya iyi pane Jeri ririkunhuwa apa
I need part 2 of this story
I love this man, thank you mambo mutasa
Loving Secretary's outfit 😍
Ndozvavatoipfekera outfit iyoyo sando dza vo secretary
Gogo hamusikuvaziva vakadzidza kuSkuru kwaTsambe
Iproduct ye old curriculum futi! Vanoziva! kkkkk
Haaa dare ra chief Mutasa # 1...Rina vana gogo vakadzidza zvavo
i love this aunty❤❤❤❤. pane zvakawanda zvakavanzika panyaya iyi
Kudzidza kwakanaka shuwa tete is well informed.
Tete manyama, sando nezvipikiri zvenyu izvi 🔨🔨🪛🪛. Mwakaafunda kwaTsambe diko. Sad story, akavigwa zvinorwadza mufi uyu.
Mudzimai wemufi anenge anoziva dhiri racho. Vese ne muzukuru purisa
100% correct
It's human anatomy for me... well done Gogo
Hanzi mauya kuzo saver nyika 😅😅😅.
Musadheerere tete vakadzidza human anatomy 😅 pathologist haaa tete ndakufarirai mhani imi rambai makadzvanya chengetwai naMwari muonese varume madofo vemudzinza menyu.
Nyaya dzekwa chief Mutasa dzotyisa asi pamwe unomboseka.
Kkkk sure seiyi story itori African move chaiyo.
@@otilliafireyi 😂😂😂
Kkkkkk musoro wauya
these stories should be on national museum cloud for future generations.
Nyaya ihombe iyi kuchasungwa vanhu. Tipeiwo part 2 mukoma Taps
Iam so proud of that woman kkkk but nyaya iyi ine kakusekesa kainoita kkk ndiani nani vadzokorodza pakumover kwecoffin gogo vachizodonhera mukati kkkk
Tete sando nemaruva enyu ndakupai thank you 🎉
Ummmmm gogo. avo varikuda kuchengetedzwa vanogona kuuraiwa veduwe ndarwadziwa mukotsanjera ngaakasike anunurengogo avo
Kuviga munhu asina musoro.kwakutoti ziii.mhondi dzevanhu
Madzisekuru ayo imhondi vakachekeresa munhu vakutoda kuuraisa witness. Foul play there imhondi idzo that case needs serious investigations
Shumba chikumbiro chengetedzayi mbuya avo because she is the key witness
Yeah Tete avo vari pama1
Aaaah payatanga l thought tete varikudhomoka, but shuwa mupurisa nemukadzi wemufi vanoziva zvakaitika.
Kana tazogara kumanicaland kwakaoma nemabhinya uye vanourayana pachavo....kwaMutasa ingozi dzoga dzavarkutonga mazuvano
Nyaya inotyisa kudai ndoyavangatore like mahumbwe ,instead yekuti vafambire nyaya iyi kuti how come zvakadaro,mupurisa uyu akaunza musoro arikuziva chete ,dzikafambirwa wese na doctor kwazvakatangira anopinda mu Jeri
Nyaya iyi ichanyudza vakawanda... Mapurisa.... Doctor varikunyura namortician wacho otherwise nemkadzi wake is involved
Tetes to the fullest new curriculum 😂😂😂😂 ,,team iro rakadherera kuti tete mukadzi zvino tete vakuratidza the probability of education
Kkkkkkk yes yes wabaya wangu education is power
Koo mukadzi wemufi zveaive nazvo muplastic zvaive zviri fresh zvaimbowe zvii zvaitotesa maoko emuroora
I like the way Chief Mutasa works
At first this lady complainant was not taken seriously. Well done amai for coming to this dare. Pano panotongwa nemazvo. Iye Muzukuru cop uyu ndeane yese. He took law into his own hands. I can’t wait for the next court hearing pava nemupurisa uyu and the wife of the deceased. They can’t act forensic detectives kudaro.
Vanga vachitovaita majokes havo vanhu vacho vazoona kuti nyaya yakakura iyi
Ko part 2 iripi. Mupurisa akazouya kudare here atsanangure kuti musoro wakawanikwa kupi.
Munhu uyu akaurayiwa nevehukama,im so surprised astonished why kupfekedza cap zvekuvhara chitunha face and vairambidza body view nekurambidza kuona munhu. Mufi ange asimo mucoffin,akauraya akabhadhara doc,police and dzimwe hama dzakabhadharwa,mufi ngaapfuke,tete ndambonzwa kunge vakurasika nyaya,bt yoh she need strong protection vane nyaya hombe vanoda kubatsirwa.... Vafi ngavamuke kune vakauraya
Same applies nasekuru wangu was killed akadrainwa blood akabviswa mboni dzemaziso post mortem ikat natural death police doc ma1 kani munhu akabhinywa uyu
Kupfekedza chitunha mashades kkkkk m picturing chitunha chine mashades (glasses)
Well done atete ngadzifambirwe Yaya dzacho Mambo
Tete manyama vanoziva zvinhu zvavo, she did Human Anatomy, she wants to know Pathologist akaita nyaya iyi. Very enlightened lady
Panenyaya hombe apa doctor Mukotsanjera mutsayi vanhu vakatsipikwa and mukadzi wemurume wekushaya knows something
Aaaah mhuri iyi sure kuviga box risina chinhu aaah aaaah mhondi dzakaponda munhu dziripi haiwa gogo avo vagona kutsanangura sure vave kuda kuchengetedzwa vanourawa avo mambo mutasa udzai vanhu kti mai ava ndikavashaya imbosva
Hama dzacho dzinoziva chakauraya munhu and hama ndiyo takatouraya hurombwa chete
Wierd story. Great job from ba Taps @mambo Mutasa. This mambo has sound wisdom
Doctor,mupurisa namortuary attended ngavauye paground vataure kuti sei vakati coffin risavhurwe
At first i thot maybe tete vakaroya mushakabvu but later on ndazonzwisisa nyya yavo woow tete is well educated shem and deno pasina kudzidza kwavakaita deno nyya iyi yatongorova zvakadero but vadzifambira nyya dzacho.Still there is more on this case ikuita sedoko but ahisi pane nyya apa
Sando kuna tete hanzi inini ndakaita human anatomy tete. Vakadzidxa ava excellent vane njere
Imi musoro waka wanikwa after mwedzi yet munhu akaputika ari mumuti saka wakauya uri fresh seyi? Mambo sunga rudhende urwo. Shevedzayi Dr Mukotsanjera vazvi bvondore.
Tete well done makangwarira musabvume kudzwinyirirwa
Mhuri iyi ngaisungwe yese, how can they bury body yemunhu isina kukwana without a specific reasons
Love you gogo, hope hama dzenyu dzinorealiser kukosha kwenyu mu family?
Tete needs protection coz i threat kmabhinya ayo
Aunt learning took place big up mambo Mutasa Shumba
Mambo mutasa sure kugara kwemunhu nguva yakareba mumochari hakubvisi musoro wemunhu ndakambowona akanga a and three yes arimumochari
This family knows the truth,ngavasungwe like now
Musadherera muchembere boys 😂😂😂😂 ,,,boys idzo ngadzitaure chokwadi
Human anatomy, mbuya vakadzidza avo 👏👏👏👏
Forensic n pathologist
When I grow up I don't want to be a secretary Baba Ayo unojambwa nezviri kunakidza nekunyora
Mukomana uyu haana kuzvisungirira.... Foul play. Chief paongororei
Tete vaakadya mabhuku ahbbhh ❤❤❤❤❤
Well done mambo ..huchenjere hurambe huripo🎉
Ndafarira tete knowledge yavo. Kudzidza kwakanaka hama dzangu. Nyaya iyi ingadai yatotsakatika.
Tete to the nation.vanoziva zvavanoita.thumps up
Munhu akazvisungirira asina musoro here vanhu ityai mwari 😢😢mabhinya manje makaura mushonga wekutsipinura tete varoteswa bvondoooo 😂😂😂 tsoka hero basa
If it was suicide then after some time munhu odonha mumuti mabondo ake anotowanika not too far from muti wacho. If not disturbed everything zvinogona kuwanikwa ne outline yacho. I think fowl play happened. This is a sad story indeed and vanhu vari kuuraiwa 😢
Protruding 😊 I’m impressed na gogo ❤
Karanganda kana part 2 yauya mundidaidzewo.
All the Gwiriris know what happened but they were given something kuti vaite senge pasina nyaya. They thought kuti since ari muzukuru hapana chaizoitika. Mupurisa arikuzvifarira nemukadzi wemufi. Pane nyaya hombe apa.
Vatete is a jewel in the family she needs protection ❤plus vakafunda Human anatomy
I love you Aunt chokwadi chese makatochipihwa chasara kutivanhu vasunungurwe
Tete tete tete hw many times did i call you 👏👏👏 very intelligent
Kkkkk hanzi toda kutourima muti uyu 😂😂😂 haa kwa mambo kunofaya
Uuuum apa pane nyaya, ngapavhurwe docket kusvika vanhu vakauraya vasungwe
Mambo this is no more your case yes you heard the case but call the police this is a police case chero munhu akazvisungirira mabhonzo haaite rimwe rimwe anowanikwa tunhu twake twese turi paakafira ipapo kunyange zvaora sei unless adyiwa nezvikara but apa hapana zvikara bcz maparts arikubuda 1- 1
Tete vakaipfekera wig nyaya iyi ende vanechikwadi problem mambo haasikuitora serious nyaya iyi aruitongera paukama
Please protect tete iyezvino mapurisa nadoctor vave kutoda msoro watete manje
Hama idzo dzinoziva zvakaitika ,@41:17 baba vakagara pachair pinched muchinda arikutaura kuti asarotomoka .
Mambo Mutasa ❤❤ shumba mai wangu my best chief
Ukanzwa mambo mutasa waakuti nguva tinayo ziva kuti nyaya yakora muto.
There's more to this case than meets the eye.What proof do you have that that person you buried is the right person? For all we know, the person might be very much alive an busy committing crimes elsewhere under the guise of a dead man walking. There's the South African case of Bester and Magudumana where a corpse was sourced to cover a prison escape....that aunty is saying she had taken him from jail, if he's still alive, he might most probably be pulling shenanigans out there...
The symmetry of the bone cuts alluded to by the aunt begs more questions than there's answers
Zvekuti Police n doctors inhema idzo,I think mambo vanofanirwa kutonga pachitova Police yototora munhu ipapo ipapo
Munhu akauraiwa akasiya asungirirwa haaa musha hauna varume uyu kukundwa natete munhukadzi haaa zvakaoma vadzvanyei mambo mabhinya anojairira
Mkadzi wemufi nehama mupurisa, vanozivana and vamwe vemufamily vari involved. Tete vanoda spiritual protection yakasimba. She knows what she's talking about and these people are causing confusion because they’re scared if the perpetrators
Nyaya inotyisa iyi yoooi.Iyi nyaya ihombe iyi haaaa ana wasu anonyepera kudzungaira
Mambo should stop judging ppo before listening to the news,now does he believe auntie fell in the coffin nemhepo
Chief nyaya ine vanhu hobho ava batai vanhu uye Mota ye bakery toda kuziva kuti yakapinda papi kkk muchingwa imomo😢
Ungati inyaya yekunyepa,apa iri real nyaya
Secretary asi vaive teacher. Vanonyora
Kana tazogara gogo vapedzera boys rese remumusha 😂😂
Ummm ndatya. Musoro wakabvepi apo akazvisungirira. Ati ayi. Foul play
Dare iri rakarongeka haro pakutonga ...vaakungodawo decent shelter yekuitira matare
Best story yet on karanganda hehehe