Polisch... Jeden z NAJPIĘKNIEJSZYCH WYWIADÓW CECYLI... MAMA I CÓRKA... skromne, radosne w miłości do siebie... i jak KOCHANE! Serdeczności Sygnuję Andrzej Celmer Zajączkowski Ps. Cecili, dla Mamy ode mnie zostaw różę... 1.11.2022
My opinion 0:24 Cecilia Bartoli’s technic is top and no one can compare, her singing is very organic, her passion and energy on stage is incredible, she is great unique artistic & musician❤
Amor mio sieño contigo. Siempre te he amado. No por tu voz ni posicion social sencillamente por esa esplendida, hermosa y bella sonrisa en tus apetitosos labios. Te quiere Pipo hno Betty desde Texas..
Сисилия Бартоли сплошная Радость. Счастье и благословение.
I loved this and so, very proud to be Italian 🇮🇹
É sempre così solare Bartoli!
Cecilia, you're the best I've ever seen. Long live Cecilia. Greetings from Turkey. ❤
She is such a sweet beautiful gorgeous talented woman!!!
Hanno lo stesso colore....!!!che meraviglioso vederle cantare insieme,! GRAZIE MAMMA SILVANA!!!!
Viva our Bartoli
A rare gem! Thank you for sharing this!! Bartoli
2:51 min "Soprano......!!!!!"😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
She has such a captivating voice
Unvergesslich für mich war ein Konzert in Hamburg zusammen mit genialen N.Harnoncourt und seinem fantastischen Orchester!
Mille Grazie!
One ofmy my very very favourite singers.
Jeden z
skromne, radosne w miłości do siebie...
i jak
Andrzej Celmer Zajączkowski
Cecili, dla Mamy ode mnie zostaw różę...
I've never heard her speak English which this flavor of accent before. This is awesome!
My opinion 0:24 Cecilia Bartoli’s technic is top and no one can compare, her singing is very organic, her passion and energy on stage is incredible, she is great unique artistic & musician❤
Does anyone have the full performance seen at 6:46 "agitata da due venti" ?! I would love to see/hear it!
Rare Record !!!
You are indeed a great singer.
I hate Happy Birthday song, except when Cecilia sang it like in this video!
I love those eyebrows🥰
Uhm sorry Americans but Carnegie hall is not "the world's most famous opera stage"...obviously that would be La Scala
It's the world's most famous concert and recital stage, not opera stage.
She’s definitely got the guts!
Amor mio sieño contigo. Siempre te he amado. No por tu voz ni posicion social sencillamente por esa esplendida, hermosa y bella sonrisa en tus apetitosos labios. Te quiere Pipo hno Betty desde Texas..
the interviewer appears kinda intimidating lol
I Googled Scaltriti..I think Cecilia WAS the winner there😜 Though if thos was Roberto Scaltriti..just listened and he does also have a beautiful voice
Глаза Чечилии - ребенок непосредственный и чистый
Jana Wendt: icky question about being great . it doesnt matter how you answer it's awkward . nice interview though overall.
She's 29 here and looks like a schoolgirl!
I absolutely love all the old Cecilia stuff you keep posting. Thank you so much!