Some in the audience are trying to “grasp” what Tony is saying or conveying. It can’t be grasped! Never! So how did I come upon this message? Why did it open up to this organism? I heard the words “this isn’t about me!” And it hit me like a ton of bricks. It was like a flash of realization… instantaneous, immediate and liberating. From that moment, the me had finally died!
What is it that I long for?? This question has eluded me for over 60 years. The answer is simple. It’s whatever is happening in my room ! Is there anything more beautiful than that? Nope.
min. 26.26 "I haven't said that there is no me, I have said that the me is an appearance, the WHOLENESS appearing as me" "me" is an appearance like every appearance else, like the whole dream
@@doncandelario9102 We already are in the unknown so 2 speak...there is what 2 fear 4 ? Fear only arise when there is a identification with the body ...mind...but even awareness and consciousness is empty and in here arises ideas etc. In reality u may only are in fear by ur own phantasy...making out nothing something...its own imagination who arise as fear...its also empty...or wholesome love....all is empty but we like 2 put a content in the forms 2 play it more juicy...
@@Itwasrealbutnotfun U can call it ur own magical dream u woke up in and dreams are made of thoughts...that u may could call magic...though its all own mind in the end and who cares = maybe all out of Love 4 urSelf...whatever u play out in ur mind ...if conscious or unaware...its quiet amazing I mind=
I finally understand what he is talking about. You think your the person experiencing the outside world but the whole experience of life is what you are
There’s no you. The claim of there being an “I am” (separate individual) along with there being a knowledge are the illusion. “You” will never get it. As long as the separate self is taken to be real or unreal “you” will keep claiming to have found whatever you claim to have been looking for and the seeking for more will continue. Seeking is hopeless. Seeking is needless. It’s not ever what’s happening. There isn’t a person here that can understand. The one who claims to have finally “got what he was saying” is still the individual claiming to be real and that the knower (individual or “I”) is real. This isn’t about gaining something that’s missing. Understanding isn’t missing. Everything already is what’s happening. The dream individual that claims to be the dreamer is the dream. It’s a story. All that it claims to be saying it’s not saying nor knows what’s being said. No one is talking, talking is just what’s happening. No one is watching this, watching is just happening. No one is hearing this, hearing is just happening. No one is understanding this, understanding is just what’s happening. This is APPARENTLY happening, but for no one.
@@highvibefreqzshow5967 Give Him/Her a break. They are stuck with using language to convey their opinion. They could have said "Nothing apparently "understands" what nothing is apparently saying" but it then it then just becomes illegible for most people to read.
@@MrJamesdryable People are reading THIS? Is THIS not appearing as the reading and what's read? The "break" was already given, but no one is getting a break as they are never going to get THIS, just as they are never going to have their own personal opinion. Someone having an opinion is just a dream. There isn't anything that isn't THIS.
@@MrJamesdryable it’s honestly enough to turn people running for the hills which is a shame because there is such truth in what the speakers are sharing. Then a purist comes along and shits all over it all. Same as the non duality subreddit, there’s coherent discussions then a purist comes with their dogmatic preaching
Of course Tony still gets annoyed . Saying “there’s nobody here”, doesn’t mean he won’t feel the pain of a toothache or if he’s pricked with a pen. He’s still an organism with all the trappings that come with it.
Dr. Paul Brunton author of Secret India, advice was to keep this information to yourself. He was one of the first popularisers of interest in the gurus of India to a western audience. In his day, as now, the suggestion of self falling away, in a conversation, is the fastest way to lose friends, even family.
“… for the individual, this meeting is absolutely pointless! “ Simple statement but true. If you think you’re an individual (therefore separate) , these talks and meetings will distress and annoy you. To enjoy the talk fully, leave the me outside.
I'm surprised there weren't more people challenging the communication here. The challenges usually come out of the mind not being able to varify what's shared with what it already knows. So, it's a case of, 'but what you're saying doesn't match up with what I already know, so, tell me, how can I fit you're saying into what I already know?', and when the response is, 'you cant', the mind/me doesn't like it. Oh, and so called non duality has nothing to do with certain states, like the state of not getting irritated by a question. It's free to be whatever arises, because it is already everything.
You bring up an interesting point. It could very well be, for example, that I don't value irritable reactivity, and so wish to transcend that. And might, we will see. But there's no fault here because there's no need to "practice the guru's flaws" -- or the speaker's flaws, in this case. It's only a person, not reality, that cares about such things.
Unless you already get it he comes across as completely bonkers. I think the missing point in his discussion is how the limited finite mind fits into this
I think obviously all problems arising from selfish egocentric mind but what they usually fail to mention enough that when you see through the illusion you’re not losing anything but gaining everything. But this radical uncompromising message it’s terrifying because God’s face in all experience and since I’m targeted I never know what my perpetrators up to.
what you are is a Supreme Energy sometimes called the Self or the Atman or the I can realize THIS by going beyond the body/mind space/time/causation complex beyond the waking, dreaming and deep sleep states...its unknowable to the mind before the realization of ItSelf..after realization the mind will know..what you are isnt a mystery anymore...the mind is in bondage and spiritual practice liberates it..
That's why it's communicated that Wholeness can appear as anything including as you say "rattled & upset", accept from the individual point of view it can only be seen that's happening to a some one , in this case "Tony" , but if you could only hear what's being said which you obviously cannot, there is No Tony as there is No You....
@@carlrichards9333Similarly, if you could only read about how rattled and upset Tony was without it rattling and upsetting you in the slightest, then there truly would be no you; but, the fact that there is no you and no me, ultimately, doesn't prevent me in the slightest from pointing out how rattled Tony was, and how, on an individual level, it sorta sucks. Or do you like it when spiritual teachers get irritated and rattled? I find it a turn off, especially when such teachers are so adamant that there is no you or me. Because what, is Reality getting upset?
1 Beyond etc. -beyond the relative world which is a mixture of existence and non-existence. The world is said to be existent as it is perceived in ordinary consciousness, but to be non-existent as it is lost in super-consciousness. Knowing the nature of the world, the man of Knowledge is quite unconcerned with it. ASTAVAKRA SAMHITA
I actually get to which he is pointing, but I don’t get this: He talks so richly of compassion, but there is no one having any compassion for anyone else ! First of all neither of them exist , and secondly compassion is by definition dualistic! One bestows compassion and one receives it Any ideas?
But he says that awareness and consciousness are the me which really aren’t so he’s saying it’s energy like he knows... none of us know but awareness resonates more for me
Well, even though he had a revelation while walking through a park what is being said is still just a concept, the world is full of concepts, every religion is just a concept. The likes of the Indian sages Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta also postulated that everything was an illusion of consciousness empowered by the absolute which was formless and without attributes. Nisargadatta said that our true state was prior to consciousness, the unborn state that was never born nor will ever die (sounds like death to me though) Ramana Maharshi said, "it is a mistake to think that you are a person". Where he makes sense (The open secret) in his book he says that there can't be an enlightened person because enlightenment entails the death of the 'me', the ego so there is no longer an experiencer who can know that he is enlightened.
al bundy yes exactly if we decided to say absolutely nothing our whole lives we’d have said everything, the problem is people love to use words to try to explain their experience and the unexplainable Yeah there’s no one enlightened cos it’s all a play, dance etc I’ve had awakenings but I still came back to apparent every day life and thoughts I’ve found the work (Katie Byron) brilliant... they’re always there and if I believe them I suffer so I put pen to paper when I do and I’m so at home with what is now whatever appears we’ll , most of the time ❤️
@@claresmith9261 The word suffering comes up often in spiritual meetings, that has always confused me because I don't suffer. Unpleasant things happen but that is just what is. The way it is used in these meetings makes it sound like a 1st world problem. In syria parents have to see their children suffer horrific injuries, that is suffering, they don't question whether this is just an illusion and that nothing has really happened, that there is pain but for nobody. Nonduality has become almost a religion these days, a fashion for the 'awakened'. There is obviously no need to 'KNOW' otherwise we all would, perhaps maya is just another word for reality. If everything arises in consciousness then the dinosaurs were obviously a consciousness prefered species because they lasted for hundreds of millions of years whereas mankind has been around for only 300,000 years desperately wanting to be awakened from suffering, something dinosaurs never pondered. We live in a world full of concepts, I'm sure someone is giggling in the background.
If you read Ezekiel 13:6 to 13:10 it finishes with the word whitewash - Or you may have heard conspiracy theories about greys and lizards. And if you look with your spiritual eye considering one side of his face is burned as well, you won't need to read any of it. Because you'll see the lizard himself. They are masters of drawing attention. --------------------------- Maya is imagining that what one is imagining is happening outside one's imagination. In order for it to be, that that's the definition of reality, not Maya. The mind is a dirty trickster presupposing the before to be the after - IE: We might be battling the unknown if they don’t - Once you know Father Christmas isn’t real, you can never get back to believing he’s real again ??? Not knowing what had happened would have been intolerable - I’m finding that there’s something else going on, nothing to do with reading a book ??? - It’s strange, it’s like it’s not in the words but maybe it wouldn’t be happening without the words ??? - It’s definitely not in the ideas and yet maybe it wouldn’t be happening without the ideas, maybe it would be, people go on silent retreats !!! And that’s the system itself - The things/objects are over (Cloak) emphasised and the awareness is under-played - (Thus awareness is not being conscious, it’s what we’re conscious of - To tell you your trapped by inferring that there is a you which could be free to think there’s a better way - A parasitic supplanting optical and imaging system super-imposed by a morphic phantom which thinks it's watching TV which are actually morphologies, IE: Kurt Russell wore body cam over 40 years ago, and this binds the person as the thinker and the doer in terms of I, me and mine so that the noun isn't seen as the doer of the verb - It has to traumatise you in order for you to remember picture'red as a body, then uses contraction in the body to facilitate resentment and self deprecating thought etc - The phantom can't be seen due to looking from it. It may have a real importance to being wrong because it will be right about how wrong it believes you are, so your wondering why your messing things up because then it can be right about how wrong you are. IE: What is life all a’boat ? Lets began If they concentrate on the eddy they’ll miss the river. I will conclude from it how things were. Nataly didn’t end well - (Gnat All Lie/Gnat Telly) - Perpatrated by a subset of bottle guzzling Licorama's inventing story's in order to draw in the customers - The entertainment industry. IE: You won’t recognise where your here because you believe you can be somewhere else. It’s like trying to do a jigsaw when you haven’t got the picture on the box. If they take off in the fog they’ll never land it. And if they try to they’ll crash. You think you want freedom, but if you know what freedom means, you will run away from that. The Matt and Satin finish is yet to be de-term-Inn’ed. How far into this clock have ever been I hadn’t had a drink since then. Thus, they believe, once they saw the false you, that that is the authentic you. That event will now be an experience that you thinks they had. And not it’s a totally interesting hagstone if the view is looking at the ‘see’
Rubbish! Rubbish! Rubbish! My story is not insignificant!! Everything revolves around me. I am the center ! I’m in control! How dare you say otherwise. Even though I’m liberated, I still have a personality; and that personality is a jokester!! LOL
the apparent men in the front are obviously not having their egos boosted as they hope to do in paid lectures :D also to another comment here, all emotions can still arise. it's not like he can't feel frustration or sadness anymore.
@@sunbeam9222People get visions and then start setting themselves up as guru's - If you read Ezekiel 13:6 to 13:10 it finishes with the word whitewash - Or you may have heard conspiracy theories about greys and lizards. And if you look with your spiritual eye considering one side of his face is burned as well, you won't need to read any of it. Because you'll see the lizard himself. They are masters of drawing attention. --------------------------- Maya is imagining that what one is imagining is happening outside one's imagination. In order for it to be, that that's the definition of reality, not Maya. The mind is a dirty trickster presupposing the before to be the after - IE: We might be battling the unknown if they don’t - Once you know Father Christmas isn’t real, you can never get back to believing he’s real again ??? Not knowing what had happened would have been intolerable - I’m finding that there’s something else going on, nothing to do with reading a book ??? - It’s strange, it’s like it’s not in the words but maybe it wouldn’t be happening without the words ??? - It’s definitely not in the ideas and yet maybe it wouldn’t be happening without the ideas, maybe it would be, people go on silent retreats !!! And that’s the system itself - The things/objects are over (Cloak) emphasised and the awareness is under-played - (Thus awareness is not being conscious, it’s what we’re conscious of - To tell you your trapped by inferring that there is a you which could be free to think there’s a better way - A parasitic supplanting optical and imaging system super-imposed by a morphic phantom which thinks it's watching TV which are actually morphologies, IE: Kurt Russell wore body cam over 40 years ago, and this binds the person as the thinker and the doer in terms of I, me and mine so that the noun isn't seen as the doer of the verb - It has to traumatise you in order for you to remember picture'red as a body, then uses contraction in the body to facilitate resentment and self deprecating thought etc - The phantom can't be seen due to looking from it. It may have a real importance to being wrong because it will be right about how wrong it believes you are, so your wondering why your messing things up because then it can be right about how wrong you are. IE: What is life all a’boat ? Lets began If they concentrate on the eddy they’ll miss the river. I will conclude from it how things were. Nataly didn’t end well - (Gnat All Lie/Gnat Telly) - Perpatrated by a subset of bottle guzzling Licorama's inventing story's in order to draw in the customers - The entertainment industry. IE: You won’t recognise where your here because you believe you can be somewhere else. It’s like trying to do a jigsaw when you haven’t got the picture on the box. If they take off in the fog they’ll never land it. And if they try to they’ll crash. You think you want freedom, but if you know what freedom means, you will run away from that. The Matt and Satin finish is yet to be de-term-Inn’ed. How far into this clock have ever been I hadn’t had a drink since then. Thus, they believe, once they saw the false you, that that is the authentic you. That event will now be an experience that you thinks they had. And not it’s a totally interesting hagstone if the view is looking at the ‘see’
@@moonglow6639 the core madness is actually the sense of 'me' and 'they'... but the 'me', which is mad thinks that anything outside of that paradigm is mad... it's an adorable arrogance.
The story isn't real. Only the moment is real in which you find yourself as a tired old, used and abused mule owned by a blind master who has no idea what he's doing, but you're there to serve him until you drop dead. People get tired man. Tired of life and you can't live in denial of it and morbidly disassociate from it. Oh, nothing is all there is! There's a lot more than that trust me and it ain't pretty.
People get visions and then start setting themselves up as guru's - If you read Ezekiel 13:6 to 13:10 it finishes with the word whitewash - Or you may have heard conspiracy theories about greys and lizards. And if you look with your spiritual eye considering one side of his face is burned as well, you won't need to read any of it. Because you'll see the lizard himself. They are masters of drawing attention. --------------------------- Maya is imagining that what one is imagining is happening outside one's imagination. In order for it to be, that that's the definition of reality, not Maya. The mind is a dirty trickster presupposing the before to be the after - IE: We might be battling the unknown if they don’t - Once you know Father Christmas isn’t real, you can never get back to believing he’s real again ??? Not knowing what had happened would have been intolerable - I’m finding that there’s something else going on, nothing to do with reading a book ??? - It’s strange, it’s like it’s not in the words but maybe it wouldn’t be happening without the words ??? - It’s definitely not in the ideas and yet maybe it wouldn’t be happening without the ideas, maybe it would be, people go on silent retreats !!! And that’s the system itself - The things/objects are over (Cloak) emphasised and the awareness is under-played - (Thus awareness is not being conscious, it’s what we’re conscious of - To tell you your trapped by inferring that there is a you which could be free to think there’s a better way - A parasitic supplanting optical and imaging system super-imposed by a morphic phantom which thinks it's watching TV which are actually morphologies, IE: Kurt Russell wore body cam over 40 years ago, and this binds the person as the thinker and the doer in terms of I, me and mine so that the noun isn't seen as the doer of the verb - It has to traumatise you in order for you to remember picture'red as a body, then uses contraction in the body to facilitate resentment and self deprecating thought etc - The phantom can't be seen due to looking from it. It may have a real importance to being wrong because it will be right about how wrong it believes you are, so your wondering why your messing things up because then it can be right about how wrong you are. IE: What is life all a’boat ? Lets began If they concentrate on the eddy they’ll miss the river. I will conclude from it how things were. Nataly didn’t end well - (Gnat All Lie/Gnat Telly) - Perpatrated by a subset of bottle guzzling Licorama's inventing story's in order to draw in the customers - The entertainment industry. IE: You won’t recognise where your here because you believe you can be somewhere else. It’s like trying to do a jigsaw when you haven’t got the picture on the box. If they take off in the fog they’ll never land it. And if they try to they’ll crash. You think you want freedom, but if you know what freedom means, you will run away from that. The Matt and Satin finish is yet to be de-term-Inn’ed. How far into this clock have ever been I hadn’t had a drink since then. Thus, they believe, once they saw the false you, that that is the authentic you. That event will now be an experience that you thinks they had. And not it’s a totally interesting hagstone if the view is looking at the ‘see’
These comments are full of people claiming to have had some kind of breakthrough, for example to have lost their sense of self after listening to Tony ("the 'me' died", etc.). So if they've lost their sense of self, how come they sound so goddam pleased with themselves?
I would love to hear anyones take on what the difference is between this message and Rupert Spiras as Tony seems to think there is. However, if you just substitute Tony's use of the word 'energy' for Rupert Spira's use of the word 'awareness' are they not just the same thing? I cant quite understand Tony's reluctance to engage with the word awareness - I know of course there is no personal awareness but its undeniable that the energy he speaks of is self aware so to speak as it is clearly registered - otherwise he wouldn't be able to speak! Can anyone shed any light on the distinction? The cynic in me says Tony just denies consciousness to differentiate himself from other speakers to make his message 'special' but to me its just the same thing said with a slightly different choice of words....
I've tried to shed light on this for years. Jim Newman has said as long as you're not talking about personal awareness then sure you can call all there is 'awareness' but you could equally call 'all there is dogshit' since there cannot be anything to compare it to and therefore all words fail. I *think* Tony is just cutting the legs off anyone trying to walk on 'what is' but cannot be sure.
@@hanibasim7598 Thank you Hani. What he says in the linked video is exactly what I've heard J Newman say. He does *seem* to change his mind on it but I get the impression he does so to cut the persons reliance on anything.
@@kopilit Exactly, Just like the Buddha when he said that form is emptiness. and emptiness is form, It is very similar to his approach Like you have said. He does so to cut the person's reliance on anything.
Genuinely wondering why there seems to be so little opening from "Tony" to listen and answer when what comes from the audience doesn't fit with "his" message. The constant negating instead of trying to redirect, is putting up a wall, and that may be just as "right" as it is "wrong", but there was a time where Tony Parsons couldn't speak like this. But there doesn't seem to be any will to speak to those who apparently now are where he apparently once was. (Did I put in enough apparently's? 😜) Why would everything/nothing put up walls against itself. That seems like just another "game in duality". So Tony's energy doesn't seem like truth to me.
@@markcounseling Then don't ever watch UG or even JK, don't read stories about how fierce Lao Tzu or Bodhidharma were, ignore Ramana's temper, best not listen to any accounts of how temperamental the Zen guys or Guru's could be. It might shock one out of the idea that liberation means the appearance of peaceful abiding on a cloud of fluffy angel-kittens at all times. The guy wasn't even challenging Tony, he was just being relentlessly smugly dumb, He'd already meandered wasting Lisa's time for 20 minutes previously and was unable to answer anything that came back to him but tried to lord it over the speakers regardless. Best to dismiss him,
@@wavesfromthedarksea You could be right. Maybe Tony felt so irked by the ego display that he was triggered to shut it down. But he certainly seemed triggered, no? I'm quite familiar with heavy gurus and don't particularly appreciate lovey lighty, it's not that. But I've not experienced realized people being so transparently reactive. Instead I've seen compassion in response, even if it's fierce. The root feels pure, not imperious or irritated, which is what I see here... _resistance_, you know? Curious why you feel like defending his behavior.
@@markcounseling I don't see any contradiction in his 'no self' position and his irritation here so therefore there is no need to defend any behaviour on his part so I didn't do any such thing. My explanation above was just 'yeah a lot of them are like this.' UG being especially pertinent here since we have many films of his behaviour unlike those mythologised (and shall we say 'sanitised)' from the past - there's certainly no sign of evidential compassion in his anger. I think in this context 'compassion' is greatly misunderstood. The 'Natural man' , as UG coined it , would let anything arise because there is no 'self' there to stop it. But once whatever anger or frustration that has arisen due to clashes of energy or sudden phenomena disperses there is no one there to keep it going afterwards. This Aligns with what most ND teachers say.
@@wavesfromthedarksea I'll have to check out some films of UG, never been interested before. If you mean that "compassion" in this case is liberating people from their naive ideas about good/bad, about what liberation actually is, etc. -- maybe. But there's a long history of mixing ideas about "uncivilized man", a "natural man", with a "realized man". This is Zorba the Buddha territory, and as much as I like the idea, I think it's missing something transpersonal. A "Natural Man", with no self, would neither "let" nor "not let" because self-less activity would spontaneously respond to situations. The emotions are almost entirely tied to a sense of self. There is no "anger" without a self/storyline. No "irritation". Because what is sourcing the resistance or rejection? On the other hand, if the root of the apparent "emotion" is clear seeing/compassion, then it could certainly arise in all sorts of ways, including looking angry. But I think the vibration is different. It feels different to people; it does to me, and I've certainly seen compassionate anger. I don't know in Tony's case, but at first glance what's on display there looks like good old-fashioned egoic pissyness. In the realm of psychodynamics there are no mere "clashes of energy", "sudden phenomena" dispersing -- that's absolute-analysis language when we're recognizing the fundamental equality of everything. Fair enough, but if you hastily apply that to egoic pissyness, it's lipstick on a pig, in my view. Could be wrong of course. But where this really takes me is to how brilliant the traditional spiritual paths are in trying to clear up all of this emotional residue before presenting people with nondual teachings. Because you can end up with nondual narcissists or, good god, even psychopaths I guess. Not that I think that about Tony in any way -- just that he seems a bit, what, undercooked? Doesn't mean I don't also appreciate him -- I definitely do.
The seeker is the sought, what we are all looking for is what’s looking and so on and so on blah blah blah. That’s what they all say right? I honestly wish I’d never found nonduality sometimes. Some old school reliance on Jesus or Krishna or something sounds easier. 😂😂
When Tony can't answer the question, and also knows the questioner is right, Tony instantly dismisses it with "Thank you very much, that's what YOU believe", he then looks very annoyed. The question of causeless compassion for those who are suffering is a case in point, because when compassion arises from nothing it suggests that this energy DOES have compassion, and therefore IS an intelligence. On a zoom meeting Tony was questioned by someone who said that their person-hood had fell away and was awesome. They said that a totally and a spontaneous feeling of Love bubbled up within for no one and for nothing. Tony didn't seem to understand this and tried to find a "personal" reason for this, but after much questioning he couldn't find it. It was suggested by this character that rather than everything being pointless and having no reason, that Love is the purpose for this appearance. It was also suggested that Tony had not yet reached that level. Tony didn't like that response and gave up by dismissing it with "Thank you very much, that's what YOU believe". This character wanted to go further, but Tony closed it down with a blank expression on his face. Non-duality isn't the totality of Absolute truth but is just a part of the bigger picture.
I appreciate the message that is being said here. But Tony isn't really helping anyone with it. Tony doesn't seem to acknowledge the relative differences between beings, and instead just spews out absolute statements which no one will understand or hear. Rather than just lecturing people it would be better to actually guide them through the self inquiry process. Tony isn't appreciating the level of consciousness of the audience members. Maybe some of them have never even heard this stuff before. In particular with the gentlemen at the back. Why didn't Tony try to guide him through his direct experience rather than just kinda laugh at him or dismiss every sentence he says. Most of the people will leave this lecture being more confused and dismissive of non duality.
I agree with you here but I think there were lots of other speakers who illuminated different aspects of non duality. Tony’s form is radical but others are far more understanding of the human dimension e.f Jeff foster who was also speaking that year. So the combo of all of these styles Of communication I think worked beautifully together. Tony can be a bit arrogant tho
This apparently can break the trance humanity is in about thinking they gave a personal self. It is a trance. Not true. The laughter, apparent confusion, lack of understanding breaks the trance we are in thinking we are here. Thank you tony for helping this illusory me get out of the selfish hole I have been in. Laughter is the best medicibe
Eye Eye I’m not necessarily saying I seek pleasure , all my thoughts are harmless unless I believe them so it was through looking and questioning them that I now suffer very little...I naturally see the beauty now even in pain where once I didn’t ...
Thank god for mahamudra and Dzogchen. An honest teaching. Just denying everything ,was never done by ramana maharishi or papaji or padmasambhava or tilopa, or shiva,or krishna or huang po, or huineng or Buddha or......etc not that we need to follow teachers of the past but as humans we first get introduced to the transcendent Being , then adjust to it in daily life with all our human attachment, until we can let everything go, all desires and fears , that level is rare .at the same time, NOW and NOW, we see through the PLAY of phenomena as all things ,even now are merged in consciousness NOW .BOTH are true. Sort of a horizontal and vertical both .time/progress and yet ONLY Here and Now. BOTH. The ego and separate sense is definitely our daily experience ,but THAT EXPERIENCE IS ITSELF a movement of consciousness. Duality existing IN NON duality. Just thinking or claiming "no ones here" is just another thought.
He would probably think that was a dualistic concept since it necessitates one who is aware and that of which the one is aware. Actually he does say as much in the video.
That’s a tricky one. Adyashanti said something along the lines of, in the beginning of the non dual path people are told they are not their thoughts, body etc. and instead are awareness of. What happens tho is ego then claims “I am awareness.” 😂 The hope is for the collapse of the duality of what is seen and what is seeing. When that collapse happens there is just this. 1 beautiful, horrifying, terrifying, lovely IS-ness.
Regardless as to whether he is right or wrong, Tony appears to be experiencing depersonalisation. Although he clearly has no sense of self, all the things that are experienced as a result of being a separarte organism still occur. His way of rationalising this is to say 'things are still happening, but to no one'. Depersonalisation is generally regarded as a clinical condition, which cannot be brought on through will power. This is maybe why he keeps telling the audience that his message cannot be understood. It can however be induced temporarily through drugs, or occur as part of a mystical experience.
People get visions and then start setting themselves up as guru's - If you read Ezekiel 13:6 to 13:10 it finishes with the word whitewash - Or you may have heard conspiracy theories about greys and lizards. And if you look with your spiritual eye considering one side of his face is burned as well, you won't need to read any of it. Because you'll see the lizard himself. They are masters of drawing attention. --------------------------- Maya is imagining that what one is imagining is happening outside one's imagination. In order for it to be, that that's the definition of reality, not Maya. The mind is a dirty trickster presupposing the before to be the after - IE: We might be battling the unknown if they don’t - Once you know Father Christmas isn’t real, you can never get back to believing he’s real again ??? Not knowing what had happened would have been intolerable - I’m finding that there’s something else going on, nothing to do with reading a book ??? - It’s strange, it’s like it’s not in the words but maybe it wouldn’t be happening without the words ??? - It’s definitely not in the ideas and yet maybe it wouldn’t be happening without the ideas, maybe it would be, people go on silent retreats !!! And that’s the system itself - The things/objects are over (Cloak) emphasised and the awareness is under-played - (Thus awareness is not being conscious, it’s what we’re conscious of - To tell you your trapped by inferring that there is a you which could be free to think there’s a better way - A parasitic supplanting optical and imaging system super-imposed by a morphic phantom which thinks it's watching TV which are actually morphologies, IE: Kurt Russell wore body cam over 40 years ago, and this binds the person as the thinker and the doer in terms of I, me and mine so that the noun isn't seen as the doer of the verb - It has to traumatise you in order for you to remember picture'red as a body, then uses contraction in the body to facilitate resentment and self deprecating thought etc - The phantom can't be seen due to looking from it. It may have a real importance to being wrong because it will be right about how wrong it believes you are, so your wondering why your messing things up because then it can be right about how wrong you are. IE: What is life all a’boat ? Lets began If they concentrate on the eddy they’ll miss the river. I will conclude from it how things were. Nataly didn’t end well - (Gnat All Lie/Gnat Telly) - Perpatrated by a subset of bottle guzzling Licorama's inventing story's in order to draw in the customers - The entertainment industry. IE: You won’t recognise where your here because you believe you can be somewhere else. It’s like trying to do a jigsaw when you haven’t got the picture on the box. If they take off in the fog they’ll never land it. And if they try to they’ll crash. You think you want freedom, but if you know what freedom means, you will run away from that. The Matt and Satin finish is yet to be de-term-Inn’ed. How far into this clock have ever been I hadn’t had a drink since then. Thus, they believe, once they saw the false you, that that is the authentic you. That event will now be an experience that you thinks they had. And not it’s a totally interesting hagstone if the view is looking at the ‘see’
Mr No-one got rattled, at 37mins by someone a “you” who gave an opinion but as he also doesn’t exist, how could he have a belief🤔 . Luckily no-one is reading these apparent comments 😈
You claim to know what’s going on, but that claim is never affirmed. It cannot be affirmed which suggests THIS is unknowable thus the story of “I know what this is” unknowable. You will never prove you exist and real by making endless claims as there is no you to begin with. It’s a dream. The claims are mere content in the story that is never happening. The claim that the thought “I am” refers to a real separate individual isn’t ever known, it’s never happening. The story of the individual appears to be happening, but the separate individual knower is illusory. Claiming “I know what I am seeing is proof that I am real” is only a claim that is never affirmed thus there’s only unknowing appearing as knowing.
freedom77 Advaita is NOT knowledge as it literally means not two. There isn’t a knowledge thus there isn’t a knower to know or not know what THIS is. Words/language are meaningless which makes every discussion absolutely absurd. There isn’t anyone ever imparting knowledge. THIS isn’t a teaching. There isn’t something else and something more to gain as there isn’t anything missing. You will never know what’s happening. You will never get it.
Is "unconditional love", compassion, etc. simply a creation of someone without any foundation or basis? I can say that the "nothing" is made up of "hatred", envy, desire, doubts. What makes that untrue and "unconditional love" truth. After all, it's all nothing which is made up of unconditional love, compassion,,.... and hate, dislike. We seek not because something is lost. We seek because we do not understand or comprehend. Scientists seek what matter is made up of not because it is lost but because they want to understand the material universe. In the same way, spiritual seekers seek because they don't understand or comprehend life, and thus they simply want to understand and explain. The smaller particle in matter is both a wave and a particle. Cannot life also be dual?
The physical universe is for sure based in duality. However, dual consciousness is based in an illusion and the source of psychological suffering and violence. No, explanation alone can end this illusion which is something you must see for yourself. When that is seen, positive change takes place and an awareness without a center.
It might very well sound as a charlatan. I got he same feeling when i listen to Jim Newman, who offers a very similar message. They both interrupt the questioners, with cutting and sharp, radical speech. I see them just as the bad boys of non duality.
@@JuanSinMiedo441 Jim Newman was awakened through Tony Parsons.They are not charlatans, in my opinion. They simply offer the steepest approach to non-duality. But it is easy to self-contradict the moment you say anything. Also, the less you say, the more some sort of non-verbal transmission is required. The steepest approach would be complete silence and simply sitting with the enlightened one. For example, any conversation with me or just looking into my eyes, that is, if I look into yours, is very dangerous to the dual mind.
I notice that they always say something similar, like -It's a mystery, -Can't be known or comprehended so don't try to know it. -there is no answer or conclusion ...Then proceede to describe. 😅🤣😂 The no thing of everything seems to not want to be known. If you start to dig in to know it you'll get snagged by one of these roadblocks who chunks back into the game of not wanting to have answers. 👀
I find Tony Parsons rude and obnoxious and lacking the necessary empathy and common decency in just hearing out a person as he tries to explain his/her dilemma, apparently. According to him there is no truth but then in some sort of round about way proclaims that everybody’s version is just that person’s opinion but that his version is the one to follow but then states there is no “he” that can have a version but argues with anyone one that version is just his belief. To anybody who have half a brain should see through this fallacy his preaching, apparently.
Who is driving the Dreambus? There is no Dreambus. Life comprises of the imagination of Shiva, the Dreamer. in his dreams. Just as we believe there never was any smaller part of what everything is made up of. Then we disovered cells, atoms, electrons, protons, neutrons, quarks and more. We didn't even know that gravity was made up of particles!!! Then we discovered even more attractive and repulsive forces, which all are made up of subatomic particles. In fact, we further discovered that vacuum is not vacuum, but made up of dark matter. And matter gets its mass by other particles known as Briggs field. Without the Briggs field, or Briggs particles, matter would have no mass. Without mass everything would in fact be able to travel through time, and space. Light is energy, which travels at the speed of light. Light is particles, photons. Photons have mass, given to it by Briggs field. We will continue to discover this same thing about LIFE.
Gravity is not made up of particles- there are no particles. Dark matter is a complete nonsense, so too big bangs and nuclear driven stars. Light is not a discrete package called a photon, neither the electron. Institutionalised science is a religion preaching perfect mumbo jumbo. We've been duped upon every level imaginable....and then some...
several decades ago I went to some spiritual studies at Omega institute and someone pointed out its all very simple, its a mystery bus ride and we are all bozos on the bus! I loved the equalizer quality of that. It's a relief to just be a bozo and forget about it! Nevertheless, alas I am still here trying to figure it out!
The me will ramble on and on and believe in what it is saying is reasonable, logical, sensible, legitimate, accurate , and will argue with you till the cows come home …. etc. etc. , like the guy in 34:48 , that is its nature !!
Oh dear, what an embarrassing watch. He seems to only tolerate the sound of his own voice. The person is trying to engage and Tony guy is acting so rude and disnissive. To then ramble about unconditional love and compassion to then sit there looking utterly miserable? Poor soul. I'd rmuch rather go to a funeral 🥺
“that feeling of comfort can last even up to a week sometimes” 😂😂😂
People get so annoyed when someone kindly stands up and says that their story is insignificant. They really do.
Every story is beautiful everything is IT the stories the thoughts the feelings everything is nothing
Apparently..... 😅
Some in the audience are trying to “grasp” what Tony is saying or conveying. It can’t be grasped! Never! So how did I come upon this message? Why did it open up to this organism? I heard the words “this isn’t about me!” And it hit me like a ton of bricks. It was like a flash of realization… instantaneous, immediate and liberating. From that moment, the me had finally died!
I can relate. Similarly, after years of seeking, I heard the phrases "nothing is personal", and "leave the mind alone", and that was the end.
You have no “i” to relate
@@unitedivide13communication still works though
@@unitedivide13 Exactly!
@lisalawwill4843 Profound and transformative message.
All is energy. When this is seen and felt causeless smiles and chuckles appear and all is Peace, Love, Joy and Happiness!!
What is it that I long for?? This question has eluded me for over 60 years. The answer is simple. It’s whatever is happening in my room ! Is there anything more beautiful than that? Nope.
Who said that?
min. 26.26 "I haven't said that there is no me, I have said that the me is an appearance, the WHOLENESS appearing as me"
"me" is an appearance like every appearance else, like the whole dream
What speaks is awsome words 4 it...just a sense of deep relaxation arises...after the rollercoaster dreambus...laughter.
Love it ♡♡♡♡
It is the same for me. And a kind of fear, like dizziness or vertigo, arises too
@@doncandelario9102 We already are in the unknown so 2 speak...there is what 2 fear 4 ? Fear only arise when there is a identification with the body ...mind...but even awareness and consciousness is empty and in here arises ideas etc.
In reality u may only are in fear by ur own phantasy...making out nothing something...its own imagination who arise as fear...its also empty...or wholesome love....all is empty but we like 2 put a content in the forms 2 play it more juicy...
Which people?
@@Itwasrealbutnotfun U can call it ur own magical dream u woke up in and dreams are made of thoughts...that u may could call magic...though its all own mind in the end and who cares = maybe all out of Love 4 urSelf...whatever u play out in ur mind ...if conscious or unaware...its quiet amazing I mind=
@@ketwals2723 lol. Could be
Everything that’s happening is the song of the beloved 🙏🏽
I finally understand what he is talking about. You think your the person experiencing the outside world but the whole experience of life is what you are
There’s no you. The claim of there being an “I am” (separate individual) along with there being a knowledge are the illusion.
“You” will never get it. As long as the separate self is taken to be real or unreal “you” will keep claiming to have found whatever you claim to have been looking for and the seeking for more will continue. Seeking is hopeless. Seeking is needless. It’s not ever what’s happening. There isn’t a person here that can understand. The one who claims to have finally “got what he was saying” is still the individual claiming to be real and that the knower (individual or “I”) is real.
This isn’t about gaining something that’s missing. Understanding isn’t missing. Everything already is what’s happening. The dream individual that claims to be the dreamer is the dream. It’s a story. All that it claims to be saying it’s not saying nor knows what’s being said. No one is talking, talking is just what’s happening. No one is watching this, watching is just happening. No one is hearing this, hearing is just happening. No one is understanding this, understanding is just what’s happening. This is APPARENTLY happening, but for no one.
@@highvibefreqzshow5967 Give Him/Her a break. They are stuck with using language to convey their opinion. They could have said "Nothing apparently "understands" what nothing is apparently saying" but it then it then just becomes illegible for most people to read.
@@MrJamesdryable People are reading THIS? Is THIS not appearing as the reading and what's read? The "break" was already given, but no one is getting a break as they are never going to get THIS, just as they are never going to have their own personal opinion. Someone having an opinion is just a dream. There isn't anything that isn't THIS.
@@highvibefreqzshow5967 It's always fun talking to a Non-dual purest.
@@MrJamesdryable it’s honestly enough to turn people running for the hills which is a shame because there is such truth in what the speakers are sharing. Then a purist comes along and shits all over it all. Same as the non duality subreddit, there’s coherent discussions then a purist comes with their dogmatic preaching
I now understand what Ramana Maharshi meant when he said if it could be shown to you what enlightenment is like you'd all run away
Of course Tony still gets annoyed . Saying “there’s nobody here”, doesn’t mean he won’t feel the pain of a toothache or if he’s pricked with a pen. He’s still an organism with all the trappings that come with it.
Yes. Getting annoyed is another appearance
I love this message although extreme. Its very beautiful
Unconditional love
That “message” is your whole life, it has just been overlooked 😂
Liberation is beautiful! What is is beautiful. Freedom from the clutches of the me is beautiful!
Dr. Paul Brunton author of Secret India, advice was to keep this information to yourself. He was one of the first popularisers of interest in the gurus of India to a western audience. In his day, as now, the suggestion of self falling away, in a conversation, is the fastest way to lose friends, even family.
You don’t have friends or family 😊
@@BiancaTheAlchemist No I don't.....a complete failure...but I did once upon a time.
“… for the individual, this meeting is absolutely pointless! “ Simple statement but true. If you think you’re an individual (therefore separate) , these talks and meetings will distress and annoy you. To enjoy the talk fully, leave the me outside.
I am so happy that people like his work Wow❓❓❓❓❓
This is free?
I'm surprised there weren't more people challenging the communication here. The challenges usually come out of the mind not being able to varify what's shared with what it already knows. So, it's a case of, 'but what you're saying doesn't match up with what I already know, so, tell me, how can I fit you're saying into what I already know?', and when the response is, 'you cant', the mind/me doesn't like it.
Oh, and so called non duality has nothing to do with certain states, like the state of not getting irritated by a question. It's free to be whatever arises, because it is already everything.
You bring up an interesting point. It could very well be, for example, that I don't value irritable reactivity, and so wish to transcend that. And might, we will see. But there's no fault here because there's no need to "practice the guru's flaws" -- or the speaker's flaws, in this case. It's only a person, not reality, that cares about such things.
Kinda like a so-called night dream, things are happening but nobody is really there
It would be great to see MR BEAN ,attend the meeting !
How would be. !😂
what a fun comment, he always looks apropos to this kind of vague musing.
My toothache, my cancer is shouting at me! But the me can’t hear it because it wants something else …. a pain free existence.
At 28:12 there is an apparent woman apparently getting the apparent pauses in between the apparent talk.
Unless you already get it he comes across as completely bonkers. I think the missing point in his discussion is how the limited finite mind fits into this
He spells it out that it cannot be figured out, yet people get frustrated that they cannot figure it out....
beautiful mood of wonder that contaminates all of us. Thank you Tony
You only don't live once.
ydl - you dont live.... life is just happening (to no one)
I think obviously all problems arising from selfish egocentric mind but what they usually fail to mention enough that when you see through the illusion you’re not losing anything but gaining everything. But this radical uncompromising message it’s terrifying because God’s face in all experience and since I’m targeted I never know what my perpetrators up to.
Thank you 🙏
what you are is a Supreme Energy sometimes called the Self or the Atman or the I can realize THIS by going beyond the body/mind space/time/causation complex beyond the waking, dreaming and deep sleep states...its unknowable to the mind before the realization of ItSelf..after realization the mind will know..what you are isnt a mystery anymore...the mind is in bondage and spiritual practice liberates it..
Nahhhhh garbage
People paid money to be told that they don’t exist !! 😂😂😂
There is no money, there is NOTHING. Nobody paid anything nobody even went anywhere
Amazing how rattled and upset Tony appeared when he was challenged.
That's why it's communicated that Wholeness can appear as anything including as you say "rattled & upset", accept from the individual point of view it can only be seen that's happening to a some one , in this case "Tony" , but if you could only hear what's being said which you obviously cannot, there is No Tony as there is No You....
@@carlrichards9333Similarly, if you could only read about how rattled and upset Tony was without it rattling and upsetting you in the slightest, then there truly would be no you; but, the fact that there is no you and no me, ultimately, doesn't prevent me in the slightest from pointing out how rattled Tony was, and how, on an individual level, it sorta sucks. Or do you like it when spiritual teachers get irritated and rattled? I find it a turn off, especially when such teachers are so adamant that there is no you or me. Because what, is Reality getting upset?
1 Beyond etc. -beyond the relative world which is a mixture of existence and non-existence. The world is said to be existent as it is perceived in ordinary consciousness, but to be non-existent as it is lost in super-consciousness. Knowing the nature of the world, the man of Knowledge is quite unconcerned with it. ASTAVAKRA SAMHITA
When one sees through all the fabrications of the me, everything becomes clear!
“And I’ll even put on music!” 🤣😍🫠💭
I actually get to which he is pointing, but I don’t get this: He talks so richly of compassion, but there is no one having any compassion for anyone else ! First of all neither of them exist , and secondly compassion is by definition dualistic! One bestows compassion and one receives it Any ideas?
Good question. *Compassion is dualistic
Interesting. For compassion to be there must something opposite which requires compassion?
Either everything is energy or everything is unknowable. When he claims that everything is energy it means he knows.
well if you listen its just a word that is being used for what cant be described
But he says that awareness and consciousness are the me which really aren’t so he’s saying it’s energy like he knows... none of us know but awareness resonates more for me
Well, even though he had a revelation while walking through a park what is being said is still just a concept, the world is full of concepts, every religion is just a concept. The likes of the Indian sages Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta also postulated that everything was an illusion of consciousness empowered by the absolute which was formless and without attributes. Nisargadatta said that our true state was prior to consciousness, the unborn state that was never born nor will ever die (sounds like death to me though) Ramana Maharshi said, "it is a mistake to think that you are a person". Where he makes sense (The open secret) in his book he says that there can't be an enlightened person because enlightenment entails the death of the 'me', the ego so there is no longer an experiencer who can know that he is enlightened.
al bundy yes exactly if we decided to say absolutely nothing our whole lives we’d have said everything, the problem is people love to use words to try to explain their experience and the unexplainable
Yeah there’s no one enlightened cos it’s all a play, dance etc I’ve had awakenings but I still came back to apparent every day life and thoughts
I’ve found the work (Katie Byron) brilliant... they’re always there and if I believe them I suffer so I put pen to paper when I do and I’m so at home with what is now whatever appears we’ll , most of the time ❤️
@@claresmith9261 The word suffering comes up often in spiritual meetings, that has always confused me because I don't suffer. Unpleasant things happen but that is just what is. The way it is used in these meetings makes it sound like a 1st world problem. In syria parents have to see their children suffer horrific injuries, that is suffering, they don't question whether this is just an illusion and that nothing has really happened, that there is pain but for nobody.
Nonduality has become almost a religion these days, a fashion for the 'awakened'. There is obviously no need to 'KNOW' otherwise we all would, perhaps maya is just another word for reality. If everything arises in consciousness then the dinosaurs were obviously a consciousness prefered species because they lasted for hundreds of millions of years whereas mankind has been around for only 300,000 years desperately wanting to be awakened from suffering, something dinosaurs never pondered. We live in a world full of concepts, I'm sure someone is giggling in the background.
He's just riding a dreambus to $$$ fueled by the insights of Buddhism.
If you read Ezekiel 13:6 to 13:10 it finishes with the word whitewash - Or you may have heard conspiracy theories about greys and lizards. And if you look with your spiritual eye considering one side of his face is burned as well, you won't need to read any of it.
Because you'll see the lizard himself. They are masters of drawing attention.
Maya is imagining that what one is imagining is happening outside one's imagination.
In order for it to be, that that's the definition of reality, not Maya.
The mind is a dirty trickster presupposing the before to be the after - IE: We might be battling the unknown if they don’t - Once you know Father Christmas isn’t real, you can never get back to believing he’s real again ??? Not knowing what had happened would have been intolerable - I’m finding that there’s something else going on, nothing to do with reading a book ??? - It’s strange, it’s like it’s not in the words but maybe it wouldn’t be happening without the words ??? - It’s definitely not in the ideas and yet maybe it wouldn’t be happening without the ideas, maybe it would be, people go on silent retreats !!! And that’s the system itself - The things/objects are over (Cloak) emphasised and the awareness is under-played - (Thus awareness is not being conscious, it’s what we’re conscious of - To tell you your trapped by inferring that there is a you which could be free to think there’s a better way -
A parasitic supplanting optical and imaging system super-imposed by a morphic phantom which thinks it's watching TV which are actually morphologies, IE: Kurt Russell wore body cam over 40 years ago, and this binds the person as the thinker and the doer in terms of I, me and mine so that the noun isn't seen as the doer of the verb - It has to traumatise you in order for you to remember picture'red as a body, then uses contraction in the body to facilitate resentment and self deprecating thought etc - The phantom can't be seen due to looking from it.
It may have a real importance to being wrong because it will be right about how wrong it believes you are, so your wondering why your messing things up because then it can be right about how wrong you are.
IE: What is life all a’boat ?
Lets began
If they concentrate on the eddy they’ll miss the river.
I will conclude from it how things were.
Nataly didn’t end well - (Gnat All Lie/Gnat Telly) - Perpatrated by a subset of bottle guzzling Licorama's inventing story's in order to draw in the customers - The entertainment industry.
IE: You won’t recognise where your here because you believe you can be somewhere else.
It’s like trying to do a jigsaw when you haven’t got the picture on the box.
If they take off in the fog they’ll never land it. And if they try to they’ll crash.
You think you want freedom, but if you know what freedom means, you will run away from that. The Matt and Satin finish is yet to be de-term-Inn’ed.
How far into this clock have ever been
I hadn’t had a drink since then.
Thus, they believe, once they saw the false you, that that is the authentic you.
That event will now be an experience that you thinks they had.
And not it’s a totally interesting hagstone if the view is looking at the ‘see’
He is already rich
so the pain that is here is what is longed for?
honestly if my experience is of pain and is a nightmare, doesetn feel like wat is longed for
Rubbish! Rubbish! Rubbish! My story is not insignificant!! Everything revolves around me. I am the center ! I’m in control! How dare you say otherwise. Even though I’m liberated, I still have a personality; and that personality is a jokester!! LOL
the apparent men in the front are obviously not having their egos boosted as they hope to do in paid lectures :D also to another comment here, all emotions can still arise. it's not like he can't feel frustration or sadness anymore.
And who is perceiving, knowing this? Who or what is hearing these words?
@@eyeeye7356 Thought says,"I AM" but thoughts cant hear,what in actual experience is hearing sounds?
@@robertjsmith the body
@@eyeeye7356 there isn;t a hearer,there is only hearing
Delightfully freeing. He reminds me a little of Eckhart Tolle
He said Eckhart Tolle was delusional. What tells me he isn't,then?
@@sunbeam9222People get visions and then start setting themselves up as guru's - If you read Ezekiel 13:6 to 13:10 it finishes with the word whitewash - Or you may have heard conspiracy theories about greys and lizards. And if you look with your spiritual eye considering one side of his face is burned as well, you won't need to read any of it.
Because you'll see the lizard himself. They are masters of drawing attention.
Maya is imagining that what one is imagining is happening outside one's imagination.
In order for it to be, that that's the definition of reality, not Maya.
The mind is a dirty trickster presupposing the before to be the after - IE: We might be battling the unknown if they don’t - Once you know Father Christmas isn’t real, you can never get back to believing he’s real again ??? Not knowing what had happened would have been intolerable - I’m finding that there’s something else going on, nothing to do with reading a book ??? - It’s strange, it’s like it’s not in the words but maybe it wouldn’t be happening without the words ??? - It’s definitely not in the ideas and yet maybe it wouldn’t be happening without the ideas, maybe it would be, people go on silent retreats !!! And that’s the system itself - The things/objects are over (Cloak) emphasised and the awareness is under-played - (Thus awareness is not being conscious, it’s what we’re conscious of - To tell you your trapped by inferring that there is a you which could be free to think there’s a better way -
A parasitic supplanting optical and imaging system super-imposed by a morphic phantom which thinks it's watching TV which are actually morphologies, IE: Kurt Russell wore body cam over 40 years ago, and this binds the person as the thinker and the doer in terms of I, me and mine so that the noun isn't seen as the doer of the verb - It has to traumatise you in order for you to remember picture'red as a body, then uses contraction in the body to facilitate resentment and self deprecating thought etc - The phantom can't be seen due to looking from it.
It may have a real importance to being wrong because it will be right about how wrong it believes you are, so your wondering why your messing things up because then it can be right about how wrong you are.
IE: What is life all a’boat ?
Lets began
If they concentrate on the eddy they’ll miss the river.
I will conclude from it how things were.
Nataly didn’t end well - (Gnat All Lie/Gnat Telly) - Perpatrated by a subset of bottle guzzling Licorama's inventing story's in order to draw in the customers - The entertainment industry.
IE: You won’t recognise where your here because you believe you can be somewhere else.
It’s like trying to do a jigsaw when you haven’t got the picture on the box.
If they take off in the fog they’ll never land it. And if they try to they’ll crash.
You think you want freedom, but if you know what freedom means, you will run away from that. The Matt and Satin finish is yet to be de-term-Inn’ed.
How far into this clock have ever been
I hadn’t had a drink since then.
Thus, they believe, once they saw the false you, that that is the authentic you.
That event will now be an experience that you thinks they had.
And not it’s a totally interesting hagstone if the view is looking at the ‘see’
Most of the audience are staring at him like he's completely mad, and they have wasted money by being there. Apparently 😂😂
Him he they .???...all there is is energy ......appearing apparently as him he they
He is a little...all these teachers are ;)
@@moonglow6639 the core madness is actually the sense of 'me' and 'they'... but the 'me', which is mad thinks that anything outside of that paradigm is mad... it's an adorable arrogance.
The story isn't real. Only the moment is real in which you find yourself as a tired old, used and abused mule owned by a blind master who has no idea what he's doing, but you're there to serve him until you drop dead. People get tired man. Tired of life and you can't live in denial of it and morbidly disassociate from it. Oh, nothing is all there is! There's a lot more than that trust me and it ain't pretty.
Dear God, please save me from all your non duality teachers.
People get visions and then start setting themselves up as guru's - If you read Ezekiel 13:6 to 13:10 it finishes with the word whitewash - Or you may have heard conspiracy theories about greys and lizards. And if you look with your spiritual eye considering one side of his face is burned as well, you won't need to read any of it.
Because you'll see the lizard himself. They are masters of drawing attention.
Maya is imagining that what one is imagining is happening outside one's imagination.
In order for it to be, that that's the definition of reality, not Maya.
The mind is a dirty trickster presupposing the before to be the after - IE: We might be battling the unknown if they don’t - Once you know Father Christmas isn’t real, you can never get back to believing he’s real again ??? Not knowing what had happened would have been intolerable - I’m finding that there’s something else going on, nothing to do with reading a book ??? - It’s strange, it’s like it’s not in the words but maybe it wouldn’t be happening without the words ??? - It’s definitely not in the ideas and yet maybe it wouldn’t be happening without the ideas, maybe it would be, people go on silent retreats !!! And that’s the system itself - The things/objects are over (Cloak) emphasised and the awareness is under-played - (Thus awareness is not being conscious, it’s what we’re conscious of - To tell you your trapped by inferring that there is a you which could be free to think there’s a better way -
A parasitic supplanting optical and imaging system super-imposed by a morphic phantom which thinks it's watching TV which are actually morphologies, IE: Kurt Russell wore body cam over 40 years ago, and this binds the person as the thinker and the doer in terms of I, me and mine so that the noun isn't seen as the doer of the verb - It has to traumatise you in order for you to remember picture'red as a body, then uses contraction in the body to facilitate resentment and self deprecating thought etc - The phantom can't be seen due to looking from it.
It may have a real importance to being wrong because it will be right about how wrong it believes you are, so your wondering why your messing things up because then it can be right about how wrong you are.
IE: What is life all a’boat ?
Lets began
If they concentrate on the eddy they’ll miss the river.
I will conclude from it how things were.
Nataly didn’t end well - (Gnat All Lie/Gnat Telly) - Perpatrated by a subset of bottle guzzling Licorama's inventing story's in order to draw in the customers - The entertainment industry.
IE: You won’t recognise where your here because you believe you can be somewhere else.
It’s like trying to do a jigsaw when you haven’t got the picture on the box.
If they take off in the fog they’ll never land it. And if they try to they’ll crash.
You think you want freedom, but if you know what freedom means, you will run away from that. The Matt and Satin finish is yet to be de-term-Inn’ed.
How far into this clock have ever been
I hadn’t had a drink since then.
Thus, they believe, once they saw the false you, that that is the authentic you.
That event will now be an experience that you thinks they had.
And not it’s a totally interesting hagstone if the view is looking at the ‘see’
These comments are full of people claiming to have had some kind of breakthrough, for example to have lost their sense of self after listening to Tony ("the 'me' died", etc.). So if they've lost their sense of self, how come they sound so goddam pleased with themselves?
I would love to hear anyones take on what the difference is between this message and Rupert Spiras as Tony seems to think there is. However, if you just substitute Tony's use of the word 'energy' for Rupert Spira's use of the word 'awareness' are they not just the same thing? I cant quite understand Tony's reluctance to engage with the word awareness - I know of course there is no personal awareness but its undeniable that the energy he speaks of is self aware so to speak as it is clearly registered - otherwise he wouldn't be able to speak! Can anyone shed any light on the distinction? The cynic in me says Tony just denies consciousness to differentiate himself from other speakers to make his message 'special' but to me its just the same thing said with a slightly different choice of words....
I've tried to shed light on this for years. Jim Newman has said as long as you're not talking about personal awareness then sure you can call all there is 'awareness' but you could equally call 'all there is dogshit' since there cannot be anything to compare it to and therefore all words fail. I *think* Tony is just cutting the legs off anyone trying to walk on 'what is' but cannot be sure.
There is a clip of him saying that energy is self aware. When there is no judgement in it, simply awareness. here it is :
@@hanibasim7598 Thank you Hani. What he says in the linked video is exactly what I've heard J Newman say.
He does *seem* to change his mind on it but I get the impression he does so to cut the persons reliance on anything.
@@kopilit Exactly, Just like the Buddha when he said that form is emptiness. and emptiness is form, It is very similar to his approach Like you have said. He does so to cut the person's reliance on anything.
Well fck me dead!- there is not me!
An exquisite conundrum.
Genuinely wondering why there seems to be so little opening from "Tony" to listen and answer when what comes from the audience doesn't fit with "his" message. The constant negating instead of trying to redirect, is putting up a wall, and that may be just as "right" as it is "wrong", but there was a time where Tony Parsons couldn't speak like this. But there doesn't seem to be any will to speak to those who apparently now are where he apparently once was. (Did I put in enough apparently's? 😜)
Why would everything/nothing put up walls against itself. That seems like just another "game in duality". So Tony's energy doesn't seem like truth to me.
I was shocked by this actually
@@markcounseling Then don't ever watch UG or even JK, don't read stories about how fierce Lao Tzu or Bodhidharma were, ignore Ramana's temper, best not listen to any accounts of how temperamental the Zen guys or Guru's could be. It might shock one out of the idea that liberation means the appearance of peaceful abiding on a cloud of fluffy angel-kittens at all times.
The guy wasn't even challenging Tony, he was just being relentlessly smugly dumb, He'd already meandered wasting Lisa's time for 20 minutes previously and was unable to answer anything that came back to him but tried to lord it over the speakers regardless. Best to dismiss him,
@@wavesfromthedarksea You could be right. Maybe Tony felt so irked by the ego display that he was triggered to shut it down. But he certainly seemed triggered, no? I'm quite familiar with heavy gurus and don't particularly appreciate lovey lighty, it's not that. But I've not experienced realized people being so transparently reactive. Instead I've seen compassion in response, even if it's fierce. The root feels pure, not imperious or irritated, which is what I see here... _resistance_, you know? Curious why you feel like defending his behavior.
@@markcounseling I don't see any contradiction in his 'no self' position and his irritation here so therefore there is no need to defend any behaviour on his part so I didn't do any such thing.
My explanation above was just 'yeah a lot of them are like this.' UG being especially pertinent here since we have many films of his behaviour unlike those mythologised (and shall we say 'sanitised)' from the past - there's certainly no sign of evidential compassion in his anger. I think in this context 'compassion' is greatly misunderstood.
The 'Natural man' , as UG coined it , would let anything arise because there is no 'self' there to stop it. But once whatever anger or frustration that has arisen due to clashes of energy or sudden phenomena disperses there is no one there to keep it going afterwards. This Aligns with what most ND teachers say.
@@wavesfromthedarksea I'll have to check out some films of UG, never been interested before. If you mean that "compassion" in this case is liberating people from their naive ideas about good/bad, about what liberation actually is, etc. -- maybe. But there's a long history of mixing ideas about "uncivilized man", a "natural man", with a "realized man". This is Zorba the Buddha territory, and as much as I like the idea, I think it's missing something transpersonal. A "Natural Man", with no self, would neither "let" nor "not let" because self-less activity would spontaneously respond to situations. The emotions are almost entirely tied to a sense of self. There is no "anger" without a self/storyline. No "irritation". Because what is sourcing the resistance or rejection?
On the other hand, if the root of the apparent "emotion" is clear seeing/compassion, then it could certainly arise in all sorts of ways, including looking angry. But I think the vibration is different. It feels different to people; it does to me, and I've certainly seen compassionate anger. I don't know in Tony's case, but at first glance what's on display there looks like good old-fashioned egoic pissyness.
In the realm of psychodynamics there are no mere "clashes of energy", "sudden phenomena" dispersing -- that's absolute-analysis language when we're recognizing the fundamental equality of everything. Fair enough, but if you hastily apply that to egoic pissyness, it's lipstick on a pig, in my view. Could be wrong of course.
But where this really takes me is to how brilliant the traditional spiritual paths are in trying to clear up all of this emotional residue before presenting people with nondual teachings. Because you can end up with nondual narcissists or, good god, even psychopaths I guess. Not that I think that about Tony in any way -- just that he seems a bit, what, undercooked? Doesn't mean I don't also appreciate him -- I definitely do.
This is why I stopped lecturing drunk!
What can a person do other than seek? If there is no end to the seeking then existence is pure illusery hell for the illusery identifying ego.
seeking isnt the problem. If you perceive it as a problem it becomes hell. The mind takes everything very seriously, thats the joke.
Exactly the person and seeking are the same thing.
The seeker is the sought, what we are all looking for is what’s looking and so on and so on blah blah blah.
That’s what they all say right?
I honestly wish I’d never found nonduality sometimes.
Some old school reliance on Jesus or Krishna or something sounds easier. 😂😂
When Tony can't answer the question, and also knows the questioner is right, Tony instantly dismisses it with "Thank you very much, that's what YOU believe", he then looks very annoyed. The question of causeless compassion for those who are suffering is a case in point, because when compassion arises from nothing it suggests that this energy DOES have compassion, and therefore IS an intelligence.
On a zoom meeting Tony was questioned by someone who said that their person-hood had fell away and was awesome. They said that a totally and a spontaneous feeling of Love bubbled up within for no one and for nothing. Tony didn't seem to understand this and tried to find a "personal" reason for this, but after much questioning he couldn't find it. It was suggested by this character that rather than everything being pointless and having no reason, that Love is the purpose for this appearance. It was also suggested that Tony had not yet reached that level. Tony didn't like that response and gave up by dismissing it with "Thank you very much, that's what YOU believe". This character wanted to go further, but Tony closed it down with a blank expression on his face.
Non-duality isn't the totality of Absolute truth but is just a part of the bigger picture.
The compassion that guy needed was a specialty of the of Rinzai school.
He sounds a right weirdo to me. He called Eckhart Tolle delusional. Because he experienced a sudden awakening
I appreciate the message that is being said here. But Tony isn't really helping anyone with it. Tony doesn't seem to acknowledge the relative differences between beings, and instead just spews out absolute statements which no one will understand or hear. Rather than just lecturing people it would be better to actually guide them through the self inquiry process. Tony isn't appreciating the level of consciousness of the audience members. Maybe some of them have never even heard this stuff before. In particular with the gentlemen at the back. Why didn't Tony try to guide him through his direct experience rather than just kinda laugh at him or dismiss every sentence he says. Most of the people will leave this lecture being more confused and dismissive of non duality.
I agree with you here but I think there were lots of other speakers who illuminated different aspects of non duality. Tony’s form is radical but others are far more understanding of the human dimension e.f Jeff foster who was also speaking that year. So the combo of all of these styles
Of communication I think worked beautifully together. Tony can be a bit arrogant tho
You want a missionary
I agree, he always cut people off, instead of being more understanding of there lack of understanding.
This apparently can break the trance humanity is in about thinking they gave a personal self. It is a trance. Not true. The laughter, apparent confusion, lack of understanding breaks the trance we are in thinking we are here. Thank you tony for helping this illusory me get out of the selfish hole I have been in. Laughter is the best medicibe
Is this Richard Lang sitting on the first row?
Yes that's Richard
tribalizm Tim Cliss at 7:18
And you can often find Richard Sylvester and Jim Newman in videos of his talks too ✌🏼
Is it best to live our lives saying nothing..
thats just another clever mental conclusion. There is no better or worse way to live.
Exactly there is no right or wrong thought... I just rather believe the thoughts that bring joy ..
@@claresmith9261 we all avoid pain and seek pleasure, thats natural :)
Eye Eye I’m not necessarily saying I seek pleasure , all my thoughts are harmless unless I believe them so it was through looking and questioning them that I now suffer very little...I naturally see the beauty now even in pain where once I didn’t ...
@@claresmith9261 it's all good, its all life :)
Love and compassion don’t exist
Thank god for mahamudra and Dzogchen. An honest teaching. Just denying everything ,was never done by ramana maharishi or papaji or padmasambhava or tilopa, or shiva,or krishna or huang po, or huineng or Buddha or......etc not that we need to follow teachers of the past but as humans we first get introduced to the transcendent Being , then adjust to it in daily life with all our human attachment, until we can let everything go, all desires and fears , that level is rare .at the same time, NOW and NOW, we see through the PLAY of phenomena as all things ,even now are merged in consciousness NOW .BOTH are true. Sort of a horizontal and vertical both .time/progress and yet ONLY Here and Now. BOTH.
The ego and separate sense is definitely our daily experience ,but THAT EXPERIENCE IS ITSELF a movement of consciousness. Duality existing IN NON duality. Just thinking or claiming "no ones here" is just another thought.
Duality existing in nonduality would be two not one so the very terms are just bullshit.
What is the difference between apparent reality and reality. Doesn't the apparent have a reality? I'm not here but I'm still typing.
The irritation at min 37.00 shows there is a real person / human being inside Tony which totally contradicts his message that there is no real person.
No earth no nothing all in
I am. I am not
What does Tony think about "just be aware of awareness"?
He would probably think that was a dualistic concept since it necessitates one who is aware and that of which the one is aware. Actually he does say as much in the video.
@@guglesux6327 thanks
@@socrates8495 Rupert Spira and Mooji territory 😬
That’s a tricky one.
Adyashanti said something along the lines of, in the beginning of the non dual path people are told they are not their thoughts, body etc. and instead are awareness of.
What happens tho is ego then claims “I am awareness.” 😂
The hope is for the collapse of the duality of what is seen and what is seeing.
When that collapse happens there is just this. 1 beautiful, horrifying, terrifying, lovely IS-ness.
Regardless as to whether he is right or wrong, Tony appears to be experiencing depersonalisation. Although he clearly has no sense of self, all the things that are experienced as a result of being a separarte organism still occur. His way of rationalising this is to say 'things are still happening, but to no one'. Depersonalisation is generally regarded as a clinical condition, which cannot be brought on through will power. This is maybe why he keeps telling the audience that his message cannot be understood. It can however be induced temporarily through drugs, or occur as part of a mystical experience.
If there he wasn't here, he shouldn't speak. But yes, he speaks. End of story
phew dealt well
Ya, the energy is boundless nurturing all lives and everything in the entire Creation, which is, and is ITSELF!
It's THIS!!! "KATZ!!!* 💥
What I want to know is what is the purpose of this talk? What are we to take away from it?
You're not supposed to take away anything that's the whole reason
People get visions and then start setting themselves up as guru's - If you read Ezekiel 13:6 to 13:10 it finishes with the word whitewash - Or you may have heard conspiracy theories about greys and lizards. And if you look with your spiritual eye considering one side of his face is burned as well, you won't need to read any of it.
Because you'll see the lizard himself. They are masters of drawing attention.
Maya is imagining that what one is imagining is happening outside one's imagination.
In order for it to be, that that's the definition of reality, not Maya.
The mind is a dirty trickster presupposing the before to be the after - IE: We might be battling the unknown if they don’t - Once you know Father Christmas isn’t real, you can never get back to believing he’s real again ??? Not knowing what had happened would have been intolerable - I’m finding that there’s something else going on, nothing to do with reading a book ??? - It’s strange, it’s like it’s not in the words but maybe it wouldn’t be happening without the words ??? - It’s definitely not in the ideas and yet maybe it wouldn’t be happening without the ideas, maybe it would be, people go on silent retreats !!! And that’s the system itself - The things/objects are over (Cloak) emphasised and the awareness is under-played - (Thus awareness is not being conscious, it’s what we’re conscious of - To tell you your trapped by inferring that there is a you which could be free to think there’s a better way -
A parasitic supplanting optical and imaging system super-imposed by a morphic phantom which thinks it's watching TV which are actually morphologies, IE: Kurt Russell wore body cam over 40 years ago, and this binds the person as the thinker and the doer in terms of I, me and mine so that the noun isn't seen as the doer of the verb - It has to traumatise you in order for you to remember picture'red as a body, then uses contraction in the body to facilitate resentment and self deprecating thought etc - The phantom can't be seen due to looking from it.
It may have a real importance to being wrong because it will be right about how wrong it believes you are, so your wondering why your messing things up because then it can be right about how wrong you are.
IE: What is life all a’boat ?
Lets began
If they concentrate on the eddy they’ll miss the river.
I will conclude from it how things were.
Nataly didn’t end well - (Gnat All Lie/Gnat Telly) - Perpatrated by a subset of bottle guzzling Licorama's inventing story's in order to draw in the customers - The entertainment industry.
IE: You won’t recognise where your here because you believe you can be somewhere else.
It’s like trying to do a jigsaw when you haven’t got the picture on the box.
If they take off in the fog they’ll never land it. And if they try to they’ll crash.
You think you want freedom, but if you know what freedom means, you will run away from that. The Matt and Satin finish is yet to be de-term-Inn’ed.
How far into this clock have ever been
I hadn’t had a drink since then.
Thus, they believe, once they saw the false you, that that is the authentic you.
That event will now be an experience that you thinks they had.
And not it’s a totally interesting hagstone if the view is looking at the ‘see’
Mr No-one got rattled, at 37mins by someone a “you” who gave an opinion but as he also doesn’t exist, how could he have a belief🤔 . Luckily no-one is reading these apparent comments 😈
Exactly,there's always a bit of hipocrasy in advaita "knowledge"
You claim to know what’s going on, but that claim is never affirmed. It cannot be affirmed which suggests THIS is unknowable thus the story of “I know what this is” unknowable. You will never prove you exist and real by making endless claims as there is no you to begin with. It’s a dream. The claims are mere content in the story that is never happening.
The claim that the thought “I am” refers to a real separate individual isn’t ever known, it’s never happening. The story of the individual appears to be happening, but the separate individual knower is illusory. Claiming “I know what I am seeing is proof that I am real” is only a claim that is never affirmed thus there’s only unknowing appearing as knowing.
freedom77 Advaita is NOT knowledge as it literally means not two. There isn’t a knowledge thus there isn’t a knower to know or not know what THIS is. Words/language are meaningless which makes every discussion absolutely absurd. There isn’t anyone ever imparting knowledge. THIS isn’t a teaching. There isn’t something else and something more to gain as there isn’t anything missing. You will never know what’s happening. You will never get it.
Congratulations 🍾 that you have finely debonked him 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😋
The Absolute is really just an innocent baby 😂 ?
He should visit india where questioner will ask real hard question.. European doesnt have good questions.
Is "unconditional love", compassion, etc. simply a creation of someone without any foundation or basis? I can say that the "nothing" is made up of "hatred", envy, desire, doubts. What makes that untrue and "unconditional love" truth. After all, it's all nothing which is made up of unconditional love, compassion,,.... and hate, dislike.
We seek not because something is lost. We seek because we do not understand or comprehend. Scientists seek what matter is made up of not because it is lost but because they want to understand the material universe.
In the same way, spiritual seekers seek because they don't understand or comprehend life, and thus they simply want to understand and explain.
The smaller particle in matter is both a wave and a particle. Cannot life also be dual?
The physical universe is for sure based in duality. However, dual consciousness is based in an illusion and the source of psychological suffering and violence. No, explanation alone can end this illusion which is something you must see for yourself. When that is seen, positive change takes place and an awareness without a center.
"Nothing is happening" "it only appears to be happening" This is to say nothing at all.
YOU GOT IT! No more retreats, or books or videos for you! Just kidding. I like Tony.
What’s happening is nothing appearing as everything. Everything is not a thing as there are no things, everything IS nothing.
It might very well sound as a charlatan. I got he same feeling when i listen to Jim Newman, who offers a very similar message. They both interrupt the questioners, with cutting and sharp, radical speech.
I see them just as the bad boys of non duality.
@@JuanSinMiedo441 Jim Newman was awakened through Tony Parsons.They are not charlatans, in my opinion. They simply offer the steepest approach to non-duality. But it is easy to self-contradict the moment you say anything. Also, the less you say, the more some sort of non-verbal transmission is required. The steepest approach would be complete silence and simply sitting with the enlightened one. For example, any conversation with me or just looking into my eyes, that is, if I look into yours, is very dangerous to the dual mind.
I notice that they always say something similar, like
-It's a mystery,
-Can't be known or comprehended so don't try to know it.
-there is no answer or conclusion
...Then proceede to describe.
The no thing of everything seems to not want to be known.
If you start to dig in to know it you'll get snagged by one of these roadblocks who chunks back into the game of not wanting to have answers.
I find Tony Parsons rude and obnoxious and lacking the necessary empathy and common decency in just hearing out a person as he tries to explain his/her dilemma, apparently. According to him there is no truth but then in some sort of round about way proclaims that everybody’s version is just that person’s opinion but that his version is the one to follow but then states there is no “he” that can have a version but argues with anyone one that version is just his belief. To anybody who have half a brain should see through this fallacy his preaching, apparently.
Who is driving the Dreambus? There is no Dreambus. Life comprises of the imagination of Shiva, the Dreamer. in his dreams.
Just as we believe there never was any smaller part of what everything is made up of. Then we disovered cells, atoms, electrons, protons, neutrons, quarks and more. We didn't even know that gravity was made up of particles!!! Then we discovered even more attractive and repulsive forces, which all are made up of subatomic particles. In fact, we further discovered that vacuum is not vacuum, but made up of dark matter. And matter gets its mass by other particles known as Briggs field. Without the Briggs field, or Briggs particles, matter would have no mass. Without mass everything would in fact be able to travel through time, and space. Light is energy, which travels at the speed of light. Light is particles, photons. Photons have mass, given to it by Briggs field.
We will continue to discover this same thing about LIFE.
Gravity is not made up of particles- there are no particles.
Dark matter is a complete nonsense, so too big bangs and nuclear driven stars.
Light is not a discrete package called a photon, neither the electron.
Institutionalised science is a religion preaching perfect mumbo jumbo.
We've been duped upon every level imaginable....and then some...
several decades ago I went to some spiritual studies at Omega institute and someone pointed out its all very simple, its a mystery bus ride and we are all bozos on the bus! I loved the equalizer quality of that. It's a relief to just be a bozo and forget about it! Nevertheless, alas I am still here trying to figure it out!
I’m afraid he seems to be missing something
Stephen Hawking wanted to prove that time travel is impossible. So he sent out his birthday invitations after his birthday.
Hilarious 🤣 I love it! 💕
The me will ramble on and on and believe in what it is saying is reasonable, logical, sensible, legitimate, accurate , and will argue with you till the cows come home …. etc. etc. , like the guy in 34:48 , that is its nature !!
Hahahah... a guy behind
Oh dear, what an embarrassing watch. He seems to only tolerate the sound of his own voice.
The person is trying to engage and Tony guy is acting so rude and disnissive. To then ramble about unconditional love and compassion to then sit there looking utterly miserable? Poor soul. I'd rmuch rather go to a funeral 🥺
Partly cloudy 😊