I find this man fascinating....he really make you think!!!..fact that not to many people consciously liked...most of us do not want to start filing unconfortable( even thought you may believe yourself as a seeker) when reading a book or listening to somebody talking about things concerning our most inner filings....He takes you out of the confort zone.....
I agree 👍. All this videos are very confusing. If you become enlighten why you teach? A more common sense approach to nonduality might be A Courses in Miracles
I had an experience a few years ago when I suddenly felt the "oneness" which lasted for a couple of weeks. No meditation, spiritual seeking, no drugs, no nothing. It took me by complete surprise. I felt like there was likely no me and no others. And while I felt at peace, I was still afraid to embrace it fully, because it meant I was alone, like when you lucid dream and realize that the other characters in your dream are just other facets of you. The oneness has since faded, but the experience left me changed. Listening to this reminds me of it, but I'm not sure I would even want to go back to that state if I could. We're probably here in this meat-realm for a reason. Knowing it's some kind of illusion helps me getting through rough patches, but in the end I feel like taking it seriously is the only helpful way to live. I don't know, it's all very confusing! :)
I haven't yet had any experience of oneness, but sense that I eventually will. I do find myself wondering if this so-called illusion has a purpose, thus maybe I should take it seriously, as you mentioned. Yes, it can be confusing!
It’s lovely to hear Tony talking like this and with such joy about this understanding. Nowadays he’s very dismissive and dry about it which is seen in his zoom meetings.
hey brother, when we leave the body we r still in the material atmosphere, the only thing that has changed is that we quit the gross body and now experience the subtle body which is still another covering of the spirit soul. This is how it goes, 1st gross body, then the subtle mind body and beyond subtle is the transcendental spiritual soul, made of pure spiritual substance. This soul functions and acts eternally and can go to any energy in this world which includes nothingness continued...
at first it was just book knowledge, reading from the Bhagavad Gita (free pdf download on my page) that was in 1974. This was intriguing, then I followed the Gitas instructions and accepted a (genuine as described in the Gita) spiritual master, Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and followed His example and teachings and slowly step by step the realizations as they r described, manifest by direct experience, in this way you attain it, its there and its real.
The transcription of this interview is included in the book 'Conversations on Non-Duality' which is available both as an ebook and hard copy. A link to the book is here: www.amazon.co.uk/Conversations-Non-Duality-Eleanora-Gilbert/dp/1901447677/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1470654154&sr=1-1&keywords=conversations+on+non+duality
I can feel my soul going in a new direction. It's interesting the eastern approach of meditation. At some point though the seeking does stop.or else we would go complete mad. I seem to enter the dark night. A few times. Usually I have to wait. And I can't push it.through especially when self medication does not work
In this life I am fortunate enough, to have received that knowledge which leads beyond oneness, knowledge beyond emptiness,knowledge beyond light or the feeling of eternity. I have also understood how to act so that no karma is created and who I am. I also have realised by direct perception the nature of Brahman and I understand that the Brahman is is the impersonal endless effulgence of God who is personal.
Is the answer to (what is spiritual truth?) to be found in what someone says - in a book or in an experience? Tony found the answer in an experience or non-experience. We do know he did'nt find it in extenal words or thoughts. A book or teacher can point the way but if we believe in a concept there will always be doubt. We must experience something that is beyond the mind.
What is beyond oneness? Only twoness! I really feel for people who are still searching. the search is preventing you from realising that there is only this. Thus ending the search= peace of mind that all is one and there is nothing that can be done about it. Just get on with life, and enjoy the miracle that is.
The ideal way to express this is not "everything is just one, there is no difference between anything" but "everything is inconceivably and simultaneously one and different in the same time. Within the oneness we experience ourselves as individuals, even if we r negate the mind & body. Our individual consciousness is not just a creation by the mind and body, but belongs to our eternal identity as living and individual spiritual souls.
the difference between the two philosophies is that one does not include the personal aspect of the Absolute and the other one does. I would say that the personal aspect of the Absolute is always higher,because it gives love and affection (bhakti) which can only be experienced & realized in the relationship between the soul and God, whereas the other one is bereft of this love and more self indulgent, wanting to become God, which is not possible anyway & therefore ultimately bound to failure.
In our sampradaya Bhaktivedanta Narayana maharaja the present Acarya, before Him Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, has come in a line of spiritual masters going back 5000 years to when Lord Krishna Himself spoke the Bhagavad Gita. Disciplic succession or Sampradya in our line means never to change even one word of Krishnas original teachings. As such they have arrived in this age completely intact and following them bears genuine tangible realizations and results.
@Essanach I meant that there are no requirements heaped upon you by unenlightened people involved in dogmatic religious practices when you discover the Course. Other than that, yes, I agree! The requirements are personal and potentially demanding. Love to you!
That is not true!! Those words come from the Dalai Lama, a false spiritual leader. Meditation gives the body and mind a much deeper quality of rest than sleep. Obviously it is also a very different subjective experience, and it is a much different physiological experience as well. This can be seen through EEG measurements of the brain, hormone levels in the blood, and cellular metabolism. But the real value of meditation goes far beyond rest; it is how we awaken to our true selves and attain our full human potential. Sleep does not give you that.
Sleep is not meditation. Sleep is important. If you need rest, sleep is best, if you are looking within to understand your true nature and find inner stillness and peace then sleep is not going to anything
The Supreme has millions of energies, like endless light and seemingly endless darkness or nothingness, endless riches, endless activity and pastimes and if you like nothingness, you can go there, but because u r conscious & alive, you become restless after a long time & want to get away from there, so u have to take birth again. Whatever does NOT reflect our real nature we will reject again ones we have experienced it & get bored with it. In this way we learn & finally arrive at His Lotusfeet
"There's nothing You can do" "There is no You!" "There's nothing You can do" "There is no You! "There's nothing You can do" "There is no You!" Clarity doesn't contradict itself. Half of what Parsons says is absolute bullshit. The other half is exactly what you need to hear. Whereas other teachers will zen-trick the mind to focus on the sense of I with various methods, Parsons is an absolute relentless sledge hammer on your sense of "I". "THIS has nothing to do with You" umm.. "There is no You"
and yet you feel the need to comment about it...your ego hates what he is saying.. you identify with a form of thoughts in your mind that you mistake as being you..and thus threatened by it..just as a gun to your head..and thus you are defensive.. like avoiding death..however your liberation or "happiness" goes hand in hand with your death of the idea of you.. What a beautiful paradox. isn't this ridiculous.
yes the illusory identity is that we are the body & the mind, the real identity is this "I am a spiritual soul, I am an eternal part and parcel of God, one in quality with God and small in quantity." Maya or illusion means to think that " I am God, I am the enjoyer, I am the controller, I am everything, Iam you and you are me, evrything is one and diversity is illusion" The reality is this "We r inconceivable and simultaneously one with and different from God in the same time"
This mind does'nt understand exactly what Tony means but there is a 'sense' that the seperate person is an illusion. There is a deep (knowing) that I am not seperate, you are not seperate, there is only this 'that' is all - that all is.
Maybe you can go into a little more depth on your comment. But I would say it's not a good idea to be too sure of your self when speaking of something you've never experienced.
That's the "problem". your trying to find this thru language...language is just a tool in existence as is a clock..time dosnt exist..but we have clocks to help us accomplish certain things. We have lines of latitude..that does not mean we can cut a piece of cheese with it.
I don't exist, but I did this, and I did that, and I'm the guy that people want to hear, and I thought, and I realized, and I was, and I wasn't, and I, I, I, I, ...
If everything was truly only one and the idea of separation from this oneness is an illusion, then this illusion would be qualitatively higher then the original oneness, because it has managed to take away our so called real and unique identity. According to this, illusion must be more powerful then the truth and also must be separate from oneness to have an effect on what should be all one. The theory that everything is just one, does not stand.
Hi Not being condescending here, but you havn't grasped what he is comunicating. What he is comunicating is there is no self! So who can have responsibilty. It can be very difficult for the message to sink in, believe me, i have been searching for years! But there is no answer. The search for liberation is useless. its like looking for a pencil when its been in you're hand all the time. Hey, any questions just reply.
So there is God and there are innumerable spiritual souls which all have the same quality like Him similar to the Fire and a spark of fire, or the sunshine and the sun rays."The same quality" in our case means that like God, we are also conscious entities and even in our liberated situation our difference is maintained and eternal.According to the Vedas we all have wonderful & eternally cognizant individual spiritual identities which r now covered by maya illusiory identities our physical bodies
negative karma arrives via three ways 1 our own body and mind 2 via other humans and entities 3 via natural catastrophes it is caused by performing activities which cause any type of harm to other humans including the unborn and animals, which includes meat eating, selling meat, buying meat ordering it, cooking and serving & growing the animal. Visa versa "good" karma ( good birth, parents looks,health & wealth e.g. are the results of pious activities during our many life times.
On the material plane this is true, however on the spiritual plane material laws & concepts do not apply any more. The real philosophy is this. "acinta beda beda tattva, inconceivable simultaneous oneness and difference." We r one with The Supreme only in quality, but not in quantity creativity or power. We have individual qualities and so has The Absolute. His personal form is known as Sri Krishna but we r not Him, we r His eternal servants a very high position, the relationship is beautiful.
if everything is one, then explain the differences which are obvious. To say everything is one is easy, explain why the oneness is in illusion to think it is two? if its all one then why do two manifest and three and so on? why does oneness act trough so many different forms, all experiencing individual consciousness? How did oneness split into so many and why? The Vedas say we r all individual spiritual sparks, which makes much more sense.
It would be great to be in a commune with these two and just talk all day...all day long...no bier, no girls to laugh at us, just talking...about whatever it is they are talking about now....and in between, just silence to reflect about what we were talking about.
As an individual... I find this teacher as meaningless as the teachers he discards. The concept "Open Secret" is -quite frankly- ludicrously simplistic.
I don't exist. I never have existed as an individual; I am not a Drop of water in the ocean, but I am the ocean. I am one with the whole, with The Eternal and Infinite. I don't have a past, present or future. I am out of time and space. There is not and never has been an existent I. This body-mind has been an instrument through which life has flown, the Being, the Conscience has manifested to experience Itself without any own volition from my part. In conclusión, I am not a person with free will, and so the concepts of guilt, responsibility or merit lost every meaning, COMPLETLY AND ANSOLUTLY ELIMINATING THE IDEA OF KARMA OR NEED OF REINCARNATION to correct or pay for errors or to receive rewards for acquired merits.
if you can't describe what TRIGGERED the collapse of the illusory self at the MOMENT of realization.....then can't you at least give some description of what [in retrospect] it was that was preventing your eventual realization? if you're unable to say what triggered your awakening, or at least give some insight as to what was preventing your eventual realization, then i dont really see much point in you saying anything, as what will be coming out of your mouth will just be irrelevant waffle.
No one can be called a genuine spiritual master if he does not belong to one of 4 disciplic successions in India. These 4 are the Brahma Sampradaya, the Kumara Sampradaya, the Laksmi S. and the Rudra S. Anyone outside these ancient 4 disciplic successions, teaching something else, is understood to have manufactured his own concoctions or accepts someone elses concoctions as you have on your page description, does not represent the light of the Vedic scriptures and his teachings are rejected.
You totally miss Tony's 'point'-- you are coming from TWO-ness and Tony from ONE-ness. Two can never be one and vice versa. There's no wrong here -- just a different 'perception'.
Hi, the dream is, that u think you r the body,the body as self seems real, but it isn't, because it is temporary. The self, the soul is eternal, it has no birth nor death. The spirit soul is not what the folks here propose it to be, meaning to be God itself or one with everything. We r all individual spiritual souls & there r trillions of us, all parts and parcels of God Krishna, we r all His loving servants and have forgotten our original positions. In illusion Maya, we think we r God
a case of "true but not right - right but not true" this guy teaches you to walk on one leg - you may well end up hoping towards enlightenment when you could be riding in a car - your chances of reaching the end of the journey are vastly reduced because his skilful means are non existent - he is the skilful means - when he dies his teaching will die
Once, a Buddhist Master asked Siew Kon Sum, _"Siew Kon, are you enlightened?"_ The latter replied, _"Siew Kon doesn't know._ _Even if he were enlightened, he doesn't know._ _Because he doesn't know what is Enlightenment!"_ 😮
My thing is Just be. Just be in life, don't force anything. Of course we are going to have our own experiences but to say there's nothing and no you!!!? I don't believe that for one minute. Hogwash is what it is! What the hell is this!? Just stop drinking the Kool- aid and everything will be fine. Adios!
okay if all points are part of the one, then listening to and accepting with love what a paedophile or a or a murderer has done is also valid as the rest. babies which r dying of hunger so many things, its all one. You might not realise but this is pure nonsense and unintelligent. It means that u have no proper information of the Absolute Truth & in ur ignorance drag Him down to lower then an animal level, thinking He is enjoying like a pig and worse. In Sanskrit this its called tama guna.
A game? what planet are you living on? God enjoying Himself as a baby abused by a paedophile who is also God? Or God as a soldier who just lost a leg and his eyesight in an explosion? So many examples..Why should Krishna who is known to play beautiful topmost pastimes in Goloka Vrindavan His eternal abode, do something so totally beneath Him. Even a "normal human being" would not dream of something like that. What you just wrote is a complete distortion of what is given in the ancient Vedas
Totally dont agree... there is no seeker.. etc. etc.. there is a seeker, dont get fooled. You seek and your way is the wisdom through experience... i totally dont agree with Advaita Nonsense..
I find this man fascinating....he really make you think!!!..fact that not to many people consciously liked...most of us do not want to start filing unconfortable( even thought you may believe yourself as a seeker) when reading a book or listening to somebody talking about things concerning our most inner filings....He takes you out of the confort zone.....
I think i'm going to stop watching these videos and find out for myself
I agree 👍. All this videos are very confusing. If you become enlighten why you teach? A more common sense approach to nonduality might be A Courses in Miracles
I had an experience a few years ago when I suddenly felt the "oneness" which lasted for a couple of weeks. No meditation, spiritual seeking, no drugs, no nothing. It took me by complete surprise. I felt like there was likely no me and no others. And while I felt at peace, I was still afraid to embrace it fully, because it meant I was alone, like when you lucid dream and realize that the other characters in your dream are just other facets of you.
The oneness has since faded, but the experience left me changed. Listening to this reminds me of it, but I'm not sure I would even want to go back to that state if I could. We're probably here in this meat-realm for a reason. Knowing it's some kind of illusion helps me getting through rough patches, but in the end I feel like taking it seriously is the only helpful way to live. I don't know, it's all very confusing! :)
I haven't yet had any experience of oneness, but sense that I eventually will. I do find myself wondering if this so-called illusion has a purpose, thus maybe I should take it seriously, as you mentioned. Yes, it can be confusing!
Can listen to this a hundred times!
It’s lovely to hear Tony talking like this and with such joy about this understanding. Nowadays he’s very dismissive and dry about it which is seen in his zoom meetings.
What might have caused this dryness?
@@DilbagSingh-sp2yp 25 years of dealing people who think they are people?
YES! thank you for bringing Tony to us
Very profound teaching on the nature of Mind. Eventhoe no-one is teaching - the message is great and so simple
The transcript of this interview is available to view here.
Thanks so much for this.
hey brother, when we leave the body we r still in the material atmosphere, the only thing that has changed is that we quit the gross body and now experience the subtle body which is still another covering of the spirit soul. This is how it goes, 1st gross body, then the subtle mind body and beyond subtle is the transcendental spiritual soul, made of pure spiritual substance. This soul functions and acts eternally and can go to any energy in this world which includes nothingness continued...
at first it was just book knowledge, reading from the Bhagavad Gita (free pdf download on my page) that was in 1974. This was intriguing, then I followed the Gitas instructions and accepted a (genuine as described in the Gita) spiritual master, Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and followed His example and teachings and slowly step by step the realizations as they r described, manifest by direct experience, in this way you attain it, its there and its real.
The transcription of this interview is included in the book 'Conversations on Non-Duality' which is available both as an ebook and hard copy. A link to the book is here:
Hi Tony, thanks for sharing
Beautifully said, "I have to become worthy."
Profound dropping. ❤
wonderful stuff. tx.
I can feel my soul going in a new direction. It's interesting the eastern approach of meditation. At some point though the seeking does stop.or else we would go complete mad. I seem to enter the dark night. A few times. Usually I have to wait. And I can't push it.through especially when self medication does not work
The western spiritual uniform is a woolly jumper without sleeves. Tony, Eckhart, Rupert and Francis
In this life I am fortunate enough, to have received that knowledge which leads beyond oneness, knowledge beyond emptiness,knowledge beyond light or the feeling of eternity. I have also understood how to act so that no karma is created and who I am. I also have realised by direct perception the nature of Brahman and I understand that the Brahman is is the impersonal endless effulgence of God who is personal.
Ok no problem. It really does not matter wheather you agree or not. You're point is as valid as the rest. All points are part of the one.
thanks for the share!!
Is the answer to (what is spiritual truth?) to be found in what someone says - in a book or in an experience? Tony found the answer in an experience or non-experience. We do know he did'nt find it in extenal words or thoughts. A book or teacher can point the way but if we believe in a concept there will always be doubt. We must experience something that is beyond the mind.
What is beyond oneness? Only twoness!
I really feel for people who are still searching. the search is preventing you from realising that there is only this. Thus ending the search= peace of mind that all is one and there is nothing that can be done about it.
Just get on with life, and enjoy the miracle that is.
The ideal way to express this is not "everything is just one, there is no difference between anything" but "everything is inconceivably and simultaneously one and different in the same time. Within the oneness we experience ourselves as individuals, even if we r negate the mind & body. Our individual consciousness is not just a creation by the mind and body, but belongs to our eternal identity as living and individual spiritual souls.
They would probably say that "returning to the one, is in fact realisation that you never went away, and there was no one to return."
the difference between the two philosophies is that one does not include the personal aspect of the Absolute and the other one does. I would say that the personal aspect of the Absolute is always higher,because it gives love and affection (bhakti) which can only be experienced & realized in the relationship between the soul and God, whereas the other one is bereft of this love and more self indulgent, wanting to become God, which is not possible anyway & therefore ultimately bound to failure.
In our sampradaya Bhaktivedanta Narayana maharaja the present Acarya, before Him Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, has come in a line of spiritual masters going back 5000 years to when Lord Krishna Himself spoke the Bhagavad Gita. Disciplic succession or Sampradya in our line means never to change even one word of Krishnas original teachings. As such they have arrived in this age completely intact and following them bears genuine tangible realizations and results.
Is there a way that I can email or contact Tony myself. Its very important. Thank you..
@Essanach I meant that there are no requirements heaped upon you by unenlightened people involved in dogmatic religious practices when you discover the Course. Other than that, yes, I agree! The requirements are personal and potentially demanding. Love to you!
Sleep is the best meditation.
That is not true!! Those words come from the Dalai Lama, a false spiritual leader. Meditation gives the body and mind a much deeper quality of rest than sleep. Obviously it is also a very different subjective experience, and it is a much different physiological experience as well. This can be seen through EEG measurements of the brain, hormone levels in the blood, and cellular metabolism. But the real value of meditation goes far beyond rest; it is how we awaken to our true selves and attain our full human potential. Sleep does not give you that.
Sleep is not meditation. Sleep is important. If you need rest, sleep is best, if you are looking within to understand your true nature and find inner stillness and peace then sleep is not going to anything
@Essanach I hadn't heard of Jed McKenna; I will check him out.
The Supreme has millions of energies, like endless light and seemingly endless darkness or nothingness, endless riches, endless activity and pastimes and if you like nothingness, you can go there, but because u r conscious & alive, you become restless after a long time & want to get away from there, so u have to take birth again. Whatever does NOT reflect our real nature we will reject again ones we have experienced it & get bored with it. In this way we learn & finally arrive at His Lotusfeet
"There's nothing You can do"
"There is no You!"
"There's nothing You can do"
"There is no You!
"There's nothing You can do"
"There is no You!"
Clarity doesn't contradict itself. Half of what Parsons says is absolute bullshit. The other half is exactly what you need to hear. Whereas other teachers will zen-trick the mind to focus on the sense of I with various methods, Parsons is an absolute relentless sledge hammer on your sense of "I".
"THIS has nothing to do with You"
"There is no You"
There is nothing to seek, uncover what is already there.
Tony Parson,
Were You The Same person who was A Friend of Clyde on fb 2011?
Life is all about "something something " ..Sex and $ !!! Everything is just appearance !! Once I accept this there is a liberation I feels !!
and yet you feel the need to comment about it...your ego hates what he is saying.. you identify with a form of thoughts in your mind that you mistake as being you..and thus threatened by it..just as a gun to your head..and thus you are defensive.. like avoiding death..however your liberation or "happiness" goes hand in hand with your death of the idea of you.. What a beautiful paradox. isn't this ridiculous.
yes the illusory identity is that we are the body & the mind, the real identity is this "I am a spiritual soul, I am an eternal part and parcel of God, one in quality with God and small in quantity." Maya or illusion means to think that " I am God, I am the enjoyer, I am the controller, I am everything, Iam you and you are me, evrything is one and diversity is illusion" The reality is this "We r inconceivable and simultaneously one with and different from God in the same time"
This mind does'nt understand exactly what Tony means but there is a 'sense' that the seperate person is an illusion. There is a deep (knowing) that I am not seperate, you are not seperate, there is only this 'that' is all - that all is.
Maybe you can go into a little more depth on your comment. But I would say it's not a good idea to be too sure of your self when speaking of something you've never experienced.
That's the "problem". your trying to find this thru language...language is just a tool in existence as is a clock..time dosnt exist..but we have clocks to help us accomplish certain things. We have lines of latitude..that does not mean we can cut a piece of cheese with it.
I don't exist, but I did this, and I did that, and I'm the guy that people want to hear, and I thought, and I realized, and I was, and I wasn't, and I, I, I, I, ...
is that a cannabis plant in the background???
The artificial construct 🎃
@TheMartras are you a fly-fisherman?
If everything was truly only one and the idea of separation from this oneness is an illusion, then this illusion would be qualitatively higher then the original oneness, because it has managed to take away our so called real and unique identity. According to this, illusion must be more powerful then the truth and also must be separate from oneness to have an effect on what should be all one. The theory that everything is just one, does not stand.
yes the way to do that is to stop defending it
Beyond the mind sure. But knowledge assumes something else.
@Essanach I was awakened by a Zen Buddhist and THEN found the Course so my path was Non-Dualism to Christian! lol
LOl you are so lost, but it is all part of the hilarias fun that oneness is having. It is the one delighting in experiencing through multiplicity.
Not being condescending here, but you havn't grasped what he is comunicating.
What he is comunicating is there is no self! So who can have responsibilty.
It can be very difficult for the message to sink in, believe me, i have been searching for years! But there is no answer. The search for liberation is useless. its like looking for a pencil when its been in you're hand all the time.
Hey, any questions just reply.
He wouldn't tell the interviewer the sentence he wrote, he said its in page four of his book, sounds like their is a ( I ) trying to sell his book..!
+Adam Naperty psychology to brainwash feeble minds. just bullshit.
So there is God and there are innumerable spiritual souls which all have the same quality like Him similar to the Fire and a spark of fire, or the sunshine and the sun rays."The same quality" in our case means that like God, we are also conscious entities and even in our liberated situation our difference is maintained and eternal.According to the Vedas we all have wonderful & eternally cognizant individual spiritual identities which r now covered by maya illusiory identities our physical bodies
negative karma arrives via three ways
1 our own body and mind
2 via other humans and entities
3 via natural catastrophes
it is caused by performing activities which cause any type of harm to other humans including the unborn and animals, which includes meat eating, selling meat, buying meat ordering it, cooking and serving & growing the animal.
Visa versa "good" karma ( good birth, parents looks,health & wealth e.g. are the results of pious activities during our many life times.
On the material plane this is true, however on the spiritual plane material laws & concepts do not apply any more. The real philosophy is this. "acinta beda beda tattva, inconceivable simultaneous oneness and difference." We r one with The Supreme only in quality, but not in quantity creativity or power. We have individual qualities and so has The Absolute. His personal form is known as Sri Krishna but we r not Him, we r His eternal servants a very high position, the relationship is beautiful.
if everything is one, then explain the differences which are obvious. To say everything is one is easy, explain why the oneness is in illusion to think it is two? if its all one then why do two manifest and three and so on? why does oneness act trough so many different forms, all experiencing individual consciousness? How did oneness split into so many and why? The Vedas say we r all individual spiritual sparks, which makes much more sense.
Fortunate is anyone who gives this guy half a chance in..umm..person(goddammit)
It would be great to be in a commune with these two and just talk all day...all day long...no bier, no girls to laugh at us, just talking...about whatever it is they are talking about now....and in between, just silence to reflect about what we were talking about.
please translate into german. I need this information.
I went to see him in Holland, very interesting, but when i had a hypo manic one day, then i knew really what he was saying,Bipolar x
chips was here....
There is no chips.
As an individual... I find this teacher as meaningless as the teachers he discards. The concept "Open Secret" is -quite frankly- ludicrously simplistic.
I don't exist. I never have existed as an individual; I am not a Drop of water in the ocean, but I am the ocean. I am one with the whole, with The Eternal and Infinite. I don't have a past, present or future. I am out of time and space. There is not and never has been an existent I. This body-mind has been an instrument through which life has flown, the Being, the Conscience has manifested to experience Itself without any own volition from my part. In conclusión, I am not a person with free will, and so the concepts of guilt, responsibility or merit lost every meaning, COMPLETLY AND ANSOLUTLY ELIMINATING THE IDEA OF KARMA OR NEED OF REINCARNATION to correct or pay for errors or to receive rewards for acquired merits.
how do u knw with certaintity you are the parcel fo god
if it comes to the mind,it's false.
in consciousness,Truth.
what about this onenesss infinite love being a illusion itself everything is a dream pick yours thats what im starting to think
Try to repeat I I I in your mind. You see? Just a thought :)
if you can't describe what TRIGGERED the collapse of the illusory self at the MOMENT of realization.....then can't you at least give some description of what [in retrospect] it was that was preventing your eventual realization?
if you're unable to say what triggered your awakening, or at least give some insight as to what was preventing your eventual realization, then i dont really see much point in you saying anything, as what will be coming out of your mouth will just be irrelevant waffle.
Nothing 1Earth
No one can be called a genuine spiritual master if he does not belong to one of 4 disciplic successions in India. These 4 are the Brahma Sampradaya, the Kumara Sampradaya, the Laksmi S. and the Rudra S. Anyone outside these ancient 4 disciplic successions, teaching something else, is understood to have manufactured his own concoctions or accepts someone elses concoctions as you have on your page description, does not represent the light of the Vedic scriptures and his teachings are rejected.
whose rules ?
You totally miss Tony's 'point'-- you are coming from TWO-ness and Tony from ONE-ness. Two can never be one and vice versa. There's no wrong here -- just a different 'perception'.
Hi, the dream is, that u think you r the body,the body as self seems real, but it isn't, because it is temporary. The self, the soul is eternal, it has no birth nor death. The spirit soul is not what the folks here propose it to be, meaning to be God itself or one with everything. We r all individual spiritual souls & there r trillions of us, all parts and parcels of God Krishna, we r all His loving servants and have forgotten our original positions. In illusion Maya, we think we r God
a case of "true but not right - right but not true" this guy teaches you to walk on one leg - you may well end up hoping towards enlightenment when you could be riding in a car - your chances of reaching the end of the journey are vastly reduced because his skilful means are non existent - he is the skilful means - when he dies his teaching will die
Nobody talk’s about nothing to noone
Too bad Tony didn't find A Course In Miracles before other Christian teachings. No requirements there at all!
Once, a Buddhist Master asked Siew Kon Sum,
_"Siew Kon, are you enlightened?"_
The latter replied, _"Siew Kon doesn't know._
_Even if he were enlightened, he doesn't know._
_Because he doesn't know what is Enlightenment!"_ 😮
My thing is Just be. Just be in life, don't force anything. Of course we are going to have our own experiences but to say there's nothing and no you!!!? I don't believe that for one minute. Hogwash is what it is! What the hell is this!? Just stop drinking the Kool- aid and everything will be fine. Adios!
okay if all points are part of the one, then listening to and accepting with love what a paedophile or a or a murderer has done is also valid as the rest. babies which r dying of hunger so many things, its all one. You might not realise but this is pure nonsense and unintelligent. It means that u have no proper information of the Absolute Truth & in ur ignorance drag Him down to lower then an animal level, thinking He is enjoying like a pig and worse. In Sanskrit this its called tama guna.
nothing comes from nothing, what your daughter probably saw is that "nothing teachings" are nothing and mean nothing at all.
All the mannerisms of a covert narcissist
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A game? what planet are you living on? God enjoying Himself as a baby abused by a paedophile who is also God? Or God as a soldier who just lost a leg and his eyesight in an explosion? So many examples..Why should Krishna who is known to play beautiful topmost pastimes in Goloka Vrindavan His eternal abode, do something so totally beneath Him. Even a "normal human being" would not dream of something like that. What you just wrote is a complete distortion of what is given in the ancient Vedas
this is worse than religion
the thumbnails are hilarious
Totally dont agree... there is no seeker.. etc. etc.. there is a seeker, dont get fooled. You seek and your way is the wisdom through experience... i totally dont agree with Advaita Nonsense..
Who you are is not an experience...