Why Does Ralsei's Sprite "Glitch" here?

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024


  • @HalfBreadChaos
    @HalfBreadChaos  2 роки тому +770

    Q: Wait, so is the sprite used for the Sweet Cuppin' Cakes battle or not? (3:00)
    A: Alright so! The sprites used for the Sweet Cuppin Cakes battle are ralsei_dance, which are indexed from 0-7 (ralsei_dance_0, ralsei_dance_1, etc)
    The sprite used for the Snowgrave cut scene is not one of those sprites, it's it's own sprite ralsei_dance_2 which has a single index, so it's named ralsei_dance_2_0.
    Thank you to Nyako Holiday of the Underminer discord for catching this! Have I mentioned I'm not a coder?
    Q: "Wait we were supposed to?" (2:15)
    A: Okay so Toby likes to put double entendres in the dialogue, y'know text that reads differently as subtext.
    For example when Ralsei says "there's a fork in the path," what he's literally referring to is the actual physical split in the road, but as subtext the game is also hinting that this is where the story can diverge into the Normal Route and the "Snowgrave" Route, which would be a "fork in the path" of the story.
    Toby does this quite a lot. Ralsei saying "Wait we were supposed to-" could then be interpreted in the straight forward way "We were supposed to switch to Susie's perspective and watch a cutscene" but it's also perfectly applicable to the sprite-change. Ralsei was "supposed" to fall asleep, and then be woken up by Susie, and that didn't happen. So having that line after that sprite-change is a pretty funny double entendre.
    Q: I don't get it what's this video about?
    A: This is what I get for not putting a "play both Deltarune routes" disclaimer...
    Ahem in Deltarune there are 2 routes, the 'normal' route and the 'weird' or "snowgrave" route. In the normal route you see a cutscene with Susie and Noelle, but in the 'Weird' route, that doesn't happen. instead Ralsei falls asleep waiting for it, and then Susie comes out and wakes him up when the cutscene is over.
    However sometimes, very very rarely, Ralsei won't fall asleep! Instead he'll do a weird dance-pose, which looks like a glitch, but why would that be happening? This video is me trying to understand this "glitch."
    Q: Is it a glitch?
    A: No. It looks very deliberate. The closest it could possible be is a 'joke' the devs forgot to remove, but I doubt it. This sort of rarely-occuring joke is in line with Toby's previous work, the most obvious example being the Fun Events in Undertale, but there's also a similar sort of rarely occurring sprite-gag in the room you obtain the Apron in (in Undertale). Any time you enter that room there's a 1/30 chance a mysterious shadow will appear on the far right side of the screen. That sprite is typically used for mercenaries, and seems to imply one of them is stalking you before you reach the resort.
    The only thing about this joke that's odd for Toby, is the exclusivity to The Snowgrave Route. Usually jokes and gags, even RNG ones, are removed from The Evil Routes of his games, such as The Egg, which cannot be obtained in Chapter 2 when on this Route. Having a gag like this *specific* to this route is very weird.
    Q: Wait, so is the sprite used for the Sweet Cuppin' Cakes battle or not? (3:00)
    A: I thought it was, but then *riiight* as I went to upload I realized that no, the sprite called for the Noelle-Room cut scene (ralsei_dance_2_0) is in fact *not* used for the Sweet Cuppin Cake battle. The sprites for that battle are all labeled ralsei_dance_(number). (so, ralsei_dance_0, ralsei_dance_1, etc) Having a "2_0" breaks that pattern and is weird and difficult to explain.
    Normally I would assume this was a prototype of ralsei_dance_2, but it does not match the ralsei_dance_2 sprite at all, so that can't be right. The second guess, then would be that it's meant to be a prototype of ralsei_dance_0, but then, why is it labeled 2_0? Typically older, or prototype versions of sprites are renamed to "old" or "prototype."
    The only other exception I can think of, off the top of my head, is the kris_talk_tube (the thing in your room in queens' mansion). There are 3 versions of that sprite, kris_talk_tube_old_0, which is a metal-gray sort of color, kris_talk_tube_old_2_0 (which is purple) and kris_talk_tube_0 (the blue, final version). But in this case, 2_0 is being used to indicate that there are 2 different "older" unused versions, and that simply isn't the case for ralsei_dance_2_0. (that or we have a ralsei_dance_old_0 unaccounted for somewhere). So why....?
    The other time we see "name_#_#" formatting in the files is when the game is specifying which chapter, for example "krisb_defend_ch1_0" but this is not typically done for chapter 2 sprites, and even if it were, it should have the "ch" for chapter to indicate that. So.....?
    Listen, Toby's naming schemes are weird and inconsistent sometimes, abandon hope all ye who enter here. This sprite might be a prototype for the dance animations, or it might be a weird spooky sprite that Toby named dance_2_0 just to stop dataminers from wonder what it's for. Without asking him directly, there's no way to know for sure.
    Q: How are you accessing the game data?
    A: Undertalemodtools made by krzys-h! You can find them on the Underminers discord! But... I'm kind of nervous about direct linking them because the version keeps changing and I can't seem to find the hub page with the latest versions.
    Q: Why not just search for cutscenes by dialogue?
    A: That can work sometimes but it requires knowing the exactly dialogue, and how the code is going to display it, which is hard because it sometimes injects random symbols into places that are hard for me to anticipate. Searching via sprite is more reliable in a case like this, although more tedious.
    Also I'm bad at coding and reading code, so I will probably often take the sub-optimal path to find things, as I flail around wildly in the dark.
    Q: Why are you using a TTS?
    A: this channel uses TTS, don't worry about it.
    Q: But what if I don't like it?
    A: Sorry bruh, you're in the minority, the Patreons paying my bills voted to keep it.
    Q: Okay but what if I *really* like the TTS! Can you tell me which TTS it is so I can check it out for myself?
    A: The TTS is called Nuance.
    Q: Did you just call Ralsei 'they?' (0:19)
    A: Aw crap! In my effort to use the correct pronoun for the nb characters it would appear I over-correct and started using nb pronouns for masculine characters? Darn it! My brain is pretty glitchy, I'm still working out the bugs. If I use the incorrect pronoun, I promise no disrespect is ever intended.
    Q: What are *your* pronouns?
    A: I keep forgetting to put this information somewhere accessible but, I prefer they/them.
    Q: Who voiced Ralsei?
    A: Hollarity! You can find her Twitch here: www.twitch.tv/hollarity
    Q: Who was that speedrunner again? I want to check them out but the description is being buggy.
    A: That was TheMagicD found on twitch here: www.twitch.tv/themagicd
    Q: Where's your Patreon? I want to throw Kromer at you!
    A: Here you go, you delightful little apple! www.patreon.com/HalfBreadChaos?fan_landing=true

    • @teraspeXt
      @teraspeXt 2 роки тому +3

      (Reposting my comment here because it's more likely to be seen(
      HalfBread, I'm trying to draw your 'sona but it looks like it's not entirely consistent. Like for example at one point the cape thing is red and at another it's blue. Do you have a good reference? (For both regular and "dark world" outfit)

    • @supremechaosbeing2696
      @supremechaosbeing2696 2 роки тому +12

      Actually at 0:19 the they should be referring to kris so that is completely in line with the pronouns. Plus, using a gender neutral pronoun for a gender binary person is typically fine and unnoticed as long as it's not overused

    • @pr6806
      @pr6806 2 роки тому +2

      Am I the only one who notices that if you swap a few letters in Ralsei's name you get Asriel or is that obvious-

    • @pr6806
      @pr6806 2 роки тому +1

      Ik Ik completely random

    • @supremechaosbeing2696
      @supremechaosbeing2696 2 роки тому +5

      @@pr6806 Ralsei is an anagram for Israel

  • @TheRealSuperKirby
    @TheRealSuperKirby 2 роки тому +4543

    I imagine toby saying something like "I was gonna have a random chance that ralsei would dance to pass time, but it didn't fit the serious tone of the rest of the route so I just left a single frame in there for fun"

    • @hggs4466
      @hggs4466 2 роки тому +296

      on point with Toby

    • @vinnyplayz08
      @vinnyplayz08 2 роки тому +114

      I can see that lol

    • @pablopereyra7126
      @pablopereyra7126 2 роки тому +229

      Knowing Toby and his magical-glass-that-only-appears-when-you-step-on-it shenanigans this would be in line

    • @boreaseasanimationchannel7573
      @boreaseasanimationchannel7573 2 роки тому +64

      In my opinion he's just looking at the player and judging them for their decisions

    • @HollowLeif
      @HollowLeif 2 роки тому +23

      Yeah that sounds like something Toby would say

  • @jakethatdog
    @jakethatdog 2 роки тому +1986

    Honestly, this sprite does just look like Ralsei got so tired of waiting they just decided to lean up against the weird computer chip potted plant thing and wait in a more comfortable spot, and yeah, it is definitely something toby added for spice with speedruns, I cannot really see it being anything else with the code you showed as well as it being a wholly untouched sprite in the "place it is reused from"

    • @ninolloydbandiola5581
      @ninolloydbandiola5581 2 роки тому +47

      actually ye, his legs are slightly bent so this is more probable

    • @wildenboy_
      @wildenboy_ 2 роки тому +4

      Its looks like she's sitting

    • @fivepainbbles
      @fivepainbbles 2 роки тому +16

      I don’t think breaking your legs would be more comfortable than standing

    • @Flowey.The.Flower
      @Flowey.The.Flower Рік тому +18

      @@wildenboy_ he's, not she's

    • @Dolphin2048
      @Dolphin2048 Рік тому +1

      ​@@ninolloydbandiola5581 its a goat

  • @stevo1922
    @stevo1922 2 роки тому +336

    I'm imagining that this sprite was supposed to be part fo the dance animation but it looked too weird, so Toby just made it randomly appear here for memes
    normal game design decisions

    • @liamwhite3522
      @liamwhite3522 2 роки тому +25

      Based on naming convention, he probably made a 4 frame animation loop for Ralsei. Looking at 2:58 we can assume the original loop was ralsei_dance_0, ralsei_dance_1, ralsei_dance_2_0, then a sprite like ralsei_dance_5. Forward, left, forward, right. Then, when he actually got into doing it, he made a longer sequence for more bounce, and decided that the scarf should flip sides halfway through, so ralsei_dance_2_0 was replaced by the rest of the sequence, and Toby kept it in since it was something he had completed.

  • @jpsalis
    @jpsalis 2 роки тому +636

    that "Wait, we were supposed to --" line is kind of ominous, though it could just be a troll. If not, this would imply Ralsei knows about the cutaway to the other two protagonists in the neutral route, but simultaneously doesn't know about the 1 hour of gaslighting we forced noelle to endure.
    At the same time, I'm kind of curious - What other random dialog events are there that we're not aware of?

    • @modestMismagius105
      @modestMismagius105 2 роки тому +111

      I always interpreted it as ralsei trying to make a cutaway happen (like how he did in the card castle's dungeon) to talk to kris without us being able to read it, considering all the evidence that he knows about the player

    • @Buglin_Burger7878
      @Buglin_Burger7878 2 роки тому +61

      He doesn't know about the cutaway per say, rather he knew to distract the Player's Soul in Ch1.
      He is aware of things he shouldn't be which is very concerning and is why all the "Ralsei is evil" theories exist. We are all basically puppets right now dancing to invisible strings and trying to break free before it is too late...

    • @shaneharding7399
      @shaneharding7399 Рік тому +5

      ​@@Buglin_Burger7878 so we are like spamton in a way??

    • @averagegenzguy2751
      @averagegenzguy2751 Рік тому +11

      @@Buglin_Burger7878 And yet we are a puppeteer too. So many layers of control
      Anyways, there have been 3 instances of Ralsei wanting a cutaway to seemingly talk to Kris, in Chapter 1 in the Jail when it switches to Susie's perspective, and we return to Ralsei saying "And that's why...", in Chapter 2 when it switches to Susie's perspective when she goes to save Noelle and we return to Ralsei saying "And that's why..." a second time, and then the instance the O.Poster mentions, in the Snowgrave run
      It has been pulled to our attention 3 times now, so I'd have to take an educated guess and say, this is probably an important plot point

    • @NYKevin100
      @NYKevin100 9 місяців тому +3

      It's technically possible that Ralsei was going to say something like "Wait, we were supposed to bring Noelle to the roof, wasn't that the plan?"
      I'm like 50-50 on Ralsei being a fakeout. There's an innocent explanation for literally everything he says and does. In some cases it requires a little bit of thought, but it usually isn't too implausible once you seriously consider it.

  • @alexgreen3203
    @alexgreen3203 2 роки тому +981

    The vibe I kind of get is Ralsei looking at the player like, 'really? you're really trying to do this? ' very much judging

    • @interdimensionalgoober8769
      @interdimensionalgoober8769 2 роки тому +8

      How would he know what wall to look at

    • @zixvirzjghamn737
      @zixvirzjghamn737 2 роки тому +30

      @@interdimensionalgoober8769 that’s why it’s random

    • @interdimensionalgoober8769
      @interdimensionalgoober8769 2 роки тому +3

      @@zixvirzjghamn737 that both is incorrect and dosen’t make sense

    • @zixvirzjghamn737
      @zixvirzjghamn737 2 роки тому +8

      @@interdimensionalgoober8769 but it is random, if generates a value between 0 and 20, and if it's 0, then pose.
      also I would say it ddoes make sense since ralsei does seem to know of the players existence in some way

    • @amazingbloodmoon2688
      @amazingbloodmoon2688 2 роки тому +35

      @@interdimensionalgoober8769 by that same reasoning how did Sans know what "wall" to look at when he cracked a joke in snowdin?

  • @greyscaleadaven
    @greyscaleadaven 2 роки тому +473

    This kind of feels like fun value stuff toby puts in to mess with the player lmao, just this time it's less obvious. The whole line of code making this happen just tells me that it was completely intentional, and he probably wanted us to think it was a glitch, look into it, and be terrified when we find out it's not

    • @MarcyTheKindaCoolWizard
      @MarcyTheKindaCoolWizard 2 роки тому +14

      Or it originally was a glitch but Toby though it was funny so he coded it in

    • @-ZH
      @-ZH 2 роки тому +13

      But why would he make an entirely new Sprite for it?

    • @guilhermeshiba3135
      @guilhermeshiba3135 2 роки тому +5

      @@-ZH not new, it's from the sweet cap n cakes dance, he's doing the charlie brown

    • @King_Luigi
      @King_Luigi 2 роки тому +11

      @@guilhermeshiba3135 2:48

    • @ember2286
      @ember2286 2 роки тому +5

      @@King_Luigi the one that's "glitched" is sprite_2 while the one that appears in the dance is sprite_4, i believe Toby originally made the glitched one, but thought it was too rough and made a more polished one, and used the first one as a joke

  • @kyan2632
    @kyan2632 2 роки тому +190

    There's something UNNERVING about that sprite. Ralsei long legs, staring at your soul... it's funny but unnerving, is like ruining the whole mood. Something unexpected.

  • @љјхгхј
    @љјхгхј 2 роки тому +700

    Something that I dont think people talk about is the twisted sword. You can craft the twisted swort in ralseis town in the bakery where you can fuse items like the white and pink ribbon into the twin ribbon. For the twister sword you need the thorn ring and the pure cristal. The pure cristal is unused and its descriptiom reads " the shadow purified by the cat" and thats probably catty or seam

    • @irisgiles3612
      @irisgiles3612 2 роки тому +58

      Spamtons element is "cat" I think

    • @ElJavones
      @ElJavones 2 роки тому +85

      Bro, This guy has talked about the Twisted sword about 3 times, ¡check the goner code video!

    • @љјхгхј
      @љјхгхј 2 роки тому +23

      @@ElJavones oh I didnt know that, sorry

    • @nethowarrior3294
      @nethowarrior3294 2 роки тому +33

      @@irisgiles3612 It could be String or Sound, actually, it's never said to be Cat specifically.

    • @deleting-e9p
      @deleting-e9p 2 роки тому +21

      @@nethowarrior3294 String would make a lot of sense.

  • @rekaraker
    @rekaraker 2 роки тому +130

    Between this and Spamton's randomized recruitment sprite, plus all the unused items in the game code that bizarrely still have comments and interactions from all your party members, I almost feel like Toby's doing... “something” ...with the concept of unused/dummied content, doing things you're not supposed to do, and seeing things you're not supposed to see.
    Given the game's emphasis on concepts like chaos, freedom, and the meta game code elements from Undertale, it seems like doing this would even fit the narrative.
    But to what end, I have absolutely no idea. 💭

    • @tonberry2670
      @tonberry2670 2 роки тому

      Might have something to do with Gaster

    • @atc5412
      @atc5412 Рік тому +8

      @@tonberry2670 yeah yeah anything that happens, just say "gaster did it"

    • @Tulip_bip
      @Tulip_bip Рік тому +11

      breaking games seems to be a big theme so far, especially with how much it was focused on in the spamton sweepstakes. the weird route itself feels like you're doing something that isn't supposed to happen. it's like, deltarune seems to be portraying the idea that this story is supposed to be linear and to go a specific way no matter what. my idea of the outcome is that the "intended" ending will be bad, and so you need to completely break the game an unearth hidden parts of the code to manipulate the story into what you want it to be

  • @andrew_cunningham
    @andrew_cunningham 2 роки тому +208

    Lacking any and all evidence, my bet is that whoever was working on the Ralsei dance animation took a few passes to get it looking right, and by chance this particular WIP sprite ended up so uniquely cursed that it became an inside joke for the devs, and Toby just shoehorned it in here as a really dumb Easter egg. Kind of like a watered-down sequel to the ugly Gloomwood table.

    • @AldinRamic
      @AldinRamic Рік тому +12

      actually that makes sense that's actually a good Theory
      You're pretty smart.

  • @aspectofthecat9781
    @aspectofthecat9781 2 роки тому +379

    This is...mostly unrelated to the video, but I just wanted to thank you for the amazing content. Videos like the ones you make were some of the biggest joys to me even back when deltarune hadn't released and everything was Undertale! And just when I thought I had finally stopped, your channel came along, rose in popularity and blew my mind.
    So thanks. You've gotten another subscriber in a sea of thousands of them.

    • @HalfBreadChaos
      @HalfBreadChaos  2 роки тому +125

      I'm always so nervous when a new video goes live, so comments like this do more than you can imagine. Thank you all for the support.

  • @Nikowo1610
    @Nikowo1610 2 роки тому +67

    What the hell is that sprite I'm scared

      @CR1MSONACE 2 роки тому +9

      What happens when you say waffles are better than pancakes

    • @Nikowo1610
      @Nikowo1610 2 роки тому +5

      @@CR1MSONACE ayo my guy I see you so much in other comments

  • @steepslopesmm2
    @steepslopesmm2 2 роки тому +107

    just a tip for the future
    you can usually find cutscene controllers more easily by going to the room the cutscene is in and checking the list of objects in that room
    and when you find it, it'll probably be used multiple times, so in the code for it, search for the room name or some dialogue from the cutscene you're looking for

  • @cardboardegg7470
    @cardboardegg7470 2 роки тому +23

    It almost looks like Ralsei is standing on his tippy toes, looking up at us wondering as to why we aren't doing anything in that moment, not even responding to him. That's at least how I look at that sprite but it probably is just a fun little thing.
    Though I do find it funny how he got so thrown off by Susie coming back that he let "Wait! We were supposed to --" slip out. Makes me wonder if the "we" was really just Ralsei waiting on us to start the cutscene or at least give an answer on if we wondered what was going on with her. Cause I find it weird how Ralsei acts all calm and collected when in the normal route, we say we aren't curious. So why would he be okay with skipping out there, but not here? Was he really that flabbergasted by the sudden jump?
    Deltarune's wild.

  • @HalfBreadChaos
    @HalfBreadChaos  2 роки тому +53

    *supposed to write an FAQ but mind goes blank*

    • @somerand0mpers0n
      @somerand0mpers0n 2 роки тому +5

      Q: hi

    • @featherferocity
      @featherferocity 2 роки тому +3

      why is toby fox such a troll?
      A: He just is

    • @doplop
      @doplop 2 роки тому +3

      q: 🔫

    • @itap8880
      @itap8880 2 роки тому

      Want a Q? Here's my Q:
      Does the game save what Ralsei's sprite is (whether it was "spr_ralsei_dance2") before it changes the sprite?

    • @HalfBreadChaos
      @HalfBreadChaos  2 роки тому +3

      @@itap8880 Not reeeeally as far as I can tell. The object location is persistent to the object (where ralsei is standing) but the sprite is set by the cutscene itself the moment the cutscene starts, and is specified within the script of that cutscene.
      So as far as I can tell there's no way to make it call the sprites for one cutscene in another the same way you might for text, or shop dialogue.
      But it's very much a "as far as I can tell" sort of scenario since, again, froggit. Code is not my specialty.

  • @Greatwolfpearl123
    @Greatwolfpearl123 2 роки тому +55

    I love this new ‘instant noodle’ technique. That way you can keep the algorithm and us theory hungry monsters at bay!
    I’m still not sure wether this is a glitch or another one of the billion instances of Toby showing is inner troll..

    • @HalfBreadChaos
      @HalfBreadChaos  2 роки тому +25

      At this point I'm pretty confident he's just trolling.
      The sprite is only used for this scene and there are other more obvious instances of Toby doing this sort of thing, (there's the 1/30 chance of the shadow sprite appearing in the room with the apron in Undertale, the Egg stuff, the many, many, fun value events, just so many instances of Toby making little Easter Eggs like this).
      Also there's just that the coding here looks very deliberate.

  • @soopGnat
    @soopGnat 2 роки тому +63

    Ha. First time I saw this sprite show up, I thought I was tripping. Turns out it's literally just a random chance of happening. I feel both relieved and confounded. I am envious of Toby's capacity for silliness, among other things.

  • @GippyHappy
    @GippyHappy 2 роки тому +25

    It kinda feels like Ralsei is looking at the player judging them for doing the Snowgrave route, but maybe that’s just what Toby wants us to think

  • @ItsCosmoTewulf
    @ItsCosmoTewulf 2 роки тому +10

    That standing pose that Ralsei's in is hilarious though. From now on I'm going to call it「THE STANCE」

  • @nicegoodstylish
    @nicegoodstylish 2 роки тому +32

    He just thought about dancing for a sec

  • @Spartanblood7
    @Spartanblood7 2 роки тому +26

    I like the small video format for small bits of info like this! Quality as always.
    As for the content, I just wonder if that’s a placeholder sprite for a more serious ‘stare at the player’ one. Could be updated as more content’s added, since it could be a spoiler 🤷‍♂️

  • @heyctf
    @heyctf 2 роки тому +9

    Although I love the more elaborate videos on your channel, I would love to see more like this! Especially since I didn't notice the sprite and was interested in why Toby would code something like this, btw I love your channel and your content! greetings from Peru/LlamaLand lol

    • @HalfBreadChaos
      @HalfBreadChaos  2 роки тому +7

      Woah, the realization I'm apparently entertaining people all the way in Peru, it fills me with Determination!

    • @heyctf
      @heyctf 2 роки тому +1

      @@HalfBreadChaos yeah, its pretty amazing and the fact that you noticed my comment also fills me with determination!!

  • @SunShadow878
    @SunShadow878 2 роки тому +47

    I can imagine this either Toby being lazy or Toby being a top chess player, toying with theorists as he wills. You can't tell with that guy, really.
    Anyway, thanks for a cool instanoodle video!

    • @ninolloydbandiola5581
      @ninolloydbandiola5581 2 роки тому +6

      Toby outright says he's lazy somewhere doe
      idk if it was in an interview or some tweet but I vaguely recall it

  • @KittyKatty999
    @KittyKatty999 2 роки тому +6

    Just Monika vibes from this. Like Ralsei is staring us down for our assholish behaviour. The RNG of this happening, shows us he has Free Will, and can go off-script if circumstances force him. He is *REALLY* not happy with us, since we are ruining his "Ralsei joins the group and has fun adventures together as heroes of prophecy!" narrative.
    Just Ralsei. Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei, Just Ralsei,

    • @Aleja_-bb7hi
      @Aleja_-bb7hi 2 роки тому +2

      not really, idk if you have saw the theory, but apparently ralsei "needs" us (the player)
      tldr of that theory: ralsei knows who we are(the player) and also knows that kris is being controlled by us. ralsei also seems to know when does cutscenes happen and could be able to see what we see in that cutsene (explaining why he gets surprised when the susie and noelle cutscene doesn't play in the snowgrave route)
      but the reason why ralsei needs us is because we, as the player, are the soul controlling kris, and our soul makes him feel... good, i think? apparently darkners needs lightners to survive or smth, and if the soul sprite inside the kris sprite touches ralsei, he will eventually blush not because of kris being close to him, but rather our SOUL being close to him
      that would also explain why after some cutscenes we can see ralsei talking to kris, meaning that ralsei is telling "something" to Kris, while we can't see the conversation because we are seeing the cutscene

  • @Xesh
    @Xesh 2 роки тому +12

    Ralsei realizing what path we took, "Wait we were supposed to-" as though gauging where they are in the timeline.. looking right at the player while we wait.

  • @bruhmomento477
    @bruhmomento477 2 роки тому +6

    Has anyone ever realized how there's 6 (technically 7 if you consider the supply closet a "locked" door) locked doors in DR Ch. 1 representing where the chapters take place? Other than the supply closet there's... 1. computer lab, 2. locked door in Kris' house, 3. ornate gate leading to Noelle's house, 4. locked door in Asgore's flower shop, 5. locked door to the left of the supply closet at school, 6. big red doors to Southernmost point of the light world.
    These doors also foreshadow the settings of chapters, as we can see with chapters 1 and 2. Supply closet/old classroom: the cards and checkers foreshadow the setting of chapter 1 being a sort of fantasyland with things of the past. Computer lab: foreshadows the cyberworld with the technology that is in the closet.
    Another thing that stood out to me is how the flowers in asgore's flower shop foreshadow certain colour themes on chapters; the supply closet doors are blue, which goes with the darker colours and themes used in chapter 1, while the computer lab in chapter 2 foreshadows the common use of cyan in cyber world. The flowers also represent the colours of bosses, with chapter 1 being linked to the dark blue flower, having the Chaos King and his son, Lancer, both being dark blue. Queen has a cyan colour theme, of which is line with cyan flower. Considering that Kris opened a dark fountain in his home, and there's a locked door that's also in his home, we can assume that the theme of chapter 3 will take from Kris' house and things in it.
    For some reason I couldn't find anything about people talking about this, so I felt I should post it here.

    • @BlueAvocado3
      @BlueAvocado3 10 місяців тому +1

      Asgore's flowers reference the Seven Souls and Flowey

  • @yecksd
    @yecksd 2 роки тому +7

    dude i love your vids so much, they feel like id feel if i was going on an adventure with friends, it's hard to describe.

  • @notthatcarcompany
    @notthatcarcompany 2 роки тому +4

    Sprite : *a pixel off*
    HalfBreadChaos: *WRITE THAT DOWN*

  • @RandomGreenFishPhone
    @RandomGreenFishPhone Рік тому +4

    I thought it was done on purpose and was done to signify a period of time passing, like when a video fades between scenes. Ralsei moved during that time and Kris stood completely still like a machine. Kinda of creepy when I think about it.

  • @GodChaos333
    @GodChaos333 2 роки тому +38

    Toby is such a madman. He set it up so that it could show up rarely. For….reasons. I love it, but just why Toby?

  • @randomsomewhat-kinda-quasi1065
    @randomsomewhat-kinda-quasi1065 2 роки тому +12

    I’m a small-brain person, so can anyone tell me what the text "Wait, we where supposed to -" means…?

    • @vanda7
      @vanda7 2 роки тому +10

      In a normal, non-genocide route, Ralsei and Kris' conversation about Susie who ran off by herself would prompt the whole cutscene with her and Noelle. In the Snowgrave route though, Kris ignores Ralsei and therefore the cutscene isn't prompted. Ralsei's comment references the fact that that cutscene should have played out if this were a normal route, and perhaps a hint that he is sentient (aware of the fact it's a game) :]

    • @HalfBreadChaos
      @HalfBreadChaos  2 роки тому +25

      Oh just, it's funny because a different sprite is 'supposed to' play here. And a different scene is 'supposed to' play here. So it's a double entendre and that's very clever.
      Toby does that quite a bit. "It looks like there's a fork in the path" is said just before you get Noelle (which is also where there's a 'fork in the path' of the story, e.g. the multiple routes) is one of the more plot-pertinent ones, but some are just cheeky winks to the audience.

    • @Cri_Jackal
      @Cri_Jackal 2 роки тому +5

      He was expecting the Susie and Noelle cutscene to happen, so that we the player would be drawn away from controlling Kris, allowing Ralsei and Kris to discuss things without us knowing.
      He did the exact same thing back in chapter 1, during the prison sequence.

    • @randomsomewhat-kinda-quasi1065
      @randomsomewhat-kinda-quasi1065 2 роки тому +2

      Huh, ok, thanks! I DID think that what you guys stated was a possible answer, but i guess i overthought it and just got confused… Again, though, thanks!

  • @DackiLol
    @DackiLol 2 роки тому +4

    Yo I found you and your channel like 3 months ago. Every time you upload a new video I'm hyped af. Really great content! I'm always waiting for a new video from you!
    You really are a [BIG SHOT!!] for me.
    The quality of the videos are sick, the way you communicate, I love it.
    I believe that your love for the game and details is your [ONE WAY TICKET] to make you [ BIG]!

  • @Nugcon
    @Nugcon 2 роки тому +23

    Deltarune theories explaining how this means Ralsei is secretly an evil manipulator and is controlling Gaster and Chara at the same time in order to commit mass acts of genocide in the light world:

    • @_-Lx-_
      @_-Lx-_ 2 роки тому +10

      I mean those ones are definitely dumb but he's definitely a lil shady, I wouldn't say he's evil per say but he's definitely withholding information and got some kind of secrets or skeletons in the closet.
      I'm still hoping/expecting him to be good after all though, he seems genuinely kind even if he's hiding something, plus I don't really want to turn on him with how precious he is (though knowing Toby there'll probably be something heartbreaking involving him in one route or another)

  • @liamsi5405
    @liamsi5405 2 роки тому +4

    I also encountered this error and was quite surprised, but I did not use glitches to go through the chapter, however this happened only once, but it was slightly different from your glitch, at this point Ralsei also used a different sprite, but Ralsei himself was rotated to the left side as in his dance animation.

  • @Zenoc_gamer
    @Zenoc_gamer 2 роки тому +7

    Uuuh thats a nice instance noodle, i imagine the ralsei thing is probably there to unsettle the player, especially after one that did this before.
    Like suddenly seeing ralsei like that would probably have them like wtf

  • @dasirrlicht5415
    @dasirrlicht5415 2 роки тому +4

    What kind of noodle Incident did cause the rise of instant noodles? We will know once the video is out!
    Mmmm. Tasty noodles.

  • @inciniumz4671
    @inciniumz4671 2 роки тому +70

    Those legs haunt me. Seriously, I doubt this is a glitch. My personal theory is that Ralsei is sentient, not idolizing and instructing the character but the player themselves

    • @xxsegaxx
      @xxsegaxx 2 роки тому +4

      It's like...a femboy pose like wearing high thighs and doing that leg pose...it's sus

    • @MarcyTheKindaCoolWizard
      @MarcyTheKindaCoolWizard 2 роки тому +7

      "What do you mean i didnt need to strip myself away from the bery fabric of existence to achieve higher knwoledge of the world? WHAT DO YOU MEAN A FURRY GOAT DID IT ALREADY!?" -Mr Wingdings Man

    • @inciniumz4671
      @inciniumz4671 2 роки тому

      @@MarcyTheKindaCoolWizard I mean you have flowey and sans

    • @inciniumz4671
      @inciniumz4671 2 роки тому

      @@MarcyTheKindaCoolWizard Also you're one to talk buddy, mr proto pfp

    • @SurmenianSoldier
      @SurmenianSoldier 2 роки тому

      @@inciniumz4671 Buddy chum pal, the entire Deltarune fandom are furries, whether you like it or not.

  • @BIGSHOT__1997
    @BIGSHOT__1997 22 дні тому +1

    I think this increases the theory of ralsei only caring about you the player/ the soul where in the other one he is caring about kris

  • @succojones
    @succojones Рік тому +3

    Very interesting. In Game Maker sprites actually store multiple animation frames that are cycled through based on the object's image speed. I thought that maybe Ralsei was stuck in that pose because his image speed is set to 0.1 right before the dance sprite is set, but it seems like spr_ralsei_dance2 only has that one frame anyways. Seems like the intention would've been to have Ralsei do a silly dance 5% of the time but instead of using the original dance they made a copy of it and deleted all but one frame. Weird!

  • @damonkatumaru
    @damonkatumaru 2 роки тому +4

    ...I think Rasei knows more than what is going on. He tries to play it cool, but when the cutsean didn't play, he knew... But didn't want to cause an alarm.

  • @lincorecybergnida
    @lincorecybergnida 2 роки тому +1

    hey my guy
    just wanted to say thank you for your content
    i really love not only your editing but also your sense of humor
    i really love undertale and deltarune community and want to just thank you for not just speculating with random theories but talking about something that actually in the game and also even looking inside game's code
    thanks man you're awesome ^-^

  • @unikoala30YT
    @unikoala30YT 5 місяців тому

    This is the first HalfBreadChaos video I’ve ever seen and now this is one of my favorite UA-camrs

  • @crispee_bills
    @crispee_bills 2 роки тому +7

    0:04 What type of weapon are you holding? Also this video timing is so good as I just got his hatless plushie.

  • @v0calgiant12
    @v0calgiant12 2 роки тому +4

    This took, "it's not a bug, it's a feature," to a whole different meaning

  • @JezElectro13
    @JezElectro13 Рік тому +1

    imagine there being FUN (which i still believe stands for Fundamental Universe Number) added after Chapter 7 as an ACTUAL Stat which is now hidden... in some way... like as a concept... and this being on only ONE FUN Number with perhaps not 100% appearing every time. (Like Gaster Door in Gaster Hallway)

  • @redhairshanks9491
    @redhairshanks9491 2 роки тому +2

    Every time you upload I get excited, your one of the best theorists I know and I love how you always disclaim that these are just theories and don't act like its cannon and get mad when people disagree. keep up the good work

  • @kavokav
    @kavokav 11 місяців тому +2

    This sprite scares the living shit out of me for some reason

  • @sspptthh
    @sspptthh Рік тому +1

    I heard Mini Studio playing in the background of the video and I thought my alarm was going off 😂
    I am on edge, Mini Studio is still playing. My alarm has scarred me.

  • @phacey4444
    @phacey4444 2 роки тому +8

    can we acknowledge that he's way taller than he should be

  • @thefrogthatknows5251
    @thefrogthatknows5251 Рік тому +1

    Ralsei just casually staring at the player with a look of concern, mentioning outright that things were supposed to go another way, and that whatever you've done has disturbed some unspoken peace.
    Why is he looking at me.
    I just had to know.
    I just had to see.

  • @adamj1367
    @adamj1367 2 роки тому +4

    toby is the only creator i can think of who goes back into his games and adds in fake glitches for flavor

    • @_-Lx-_
      @_-Lx-_ 2 роки тому +2

      There's probably more out there, I'm sure some game like Anodyne must have a similar thing.

  • @Lilith_DragonPuppet
    @Lilith_DragonPuppet Рік тому +2

    1:49 I love how your mouse is Bill cipher

  • @TheRedPhant0m
    @TheRedPhant0m 2 роки тому +2

    im always happy when you upload and its Friday and I'm going bowling later good day!

  • @smashfanx7560
    @smashfanx7560 4 дні тому

    this kinda reminds me of that wierd thing in the gamecube luigi's mansion, where (in one of the rooms) there was a chance to see luigi in the self-unalive position, with the rope n' everything if it thunders.
    maybe its just a reference to that, wich fits concidering the route is about you manipulating the only character in the game to literaly have a blog about this kinda stuff.

  • @JustATDPl4yer
    @JustATDPl4yer 14 днів тому

    spamton is being evaporated, and is crying for help before vanishing

  • @perryisthehat
    @perryisthehat 2 роки тому +1

    I thought the thumbnail said “Why does Ralsei do things” which would be the funniest way to word Ralsei hate LMAO

  • @Vexcenot
    @Vexcenot 2 роки тому +3

    Please don't let MatPat see this

  • @charlieburnham39
    @charlieburnham39 2 роки тому +1

    It seems like every time I think I've seen every easter egg or quirk of undertale and deltarune, a new one pops up.

  • @quantdev
    @quantdev Рік тому +3

    Honestly more menacing than the entire route.

  • @TheAdvertisement
    @TheAdvertisement 2 роки тому +2

    1:17 That "hmm yes" tea animation is too good. xD

  • @SleepingTroubles
    @SleepingTroubles 2 роки тому

    I'm so excited whenever you upload a new video, It's amazing that we can keep finding stuff in it while we wait for the next chapters... though it's still so long....

  • @MyUsernameIsGoofy
    @MyUsernameIsGoofy 2 роки тому +1

    Ralsei just returned to his feral instincts and tried getting on all fours but only his bottom half got affected so he looked weird for a sec

  • @r221grace
    @r221grace 2 роки тому +2

    it would be cool to have an "inventory" (playlist) of all the instant noodles

  • @avebave6550
    @avebave6550 2 роки тому +2

    I love subbing to someone, then they suddenly upload within a dya of subscribing!!!

  • @mikemiles1727
    @mikemiles1727 2 роки тому +1

    it looks like he's just sitting on the floor

  • @Aleja_-bb7hi
    @Aleja_-bb7hi 2 роки тому +3

    didn't ralsei say that because they were supossed to see the cutscene? you know, that theory of ralsei knowing who are we (the player) while seeing what we as the player would normally see (the cutscene, that is). the theory says that ralsei gets surprised because he was expecting to see the susie and noelle cutscene, and that would also explain the animation "glitch" because is ralsei staring at us

    • @Maxclockwork
      @Maxclockwork 2 роки тому

      I think it shows how aware they are

    • @prolsoc7350
      @prolsoc7350 Рік тому

      Ralsei can sometimes use a sprite where he is dancing to the left

  • @ChairTheBee
    @ChairTheBee 2 роки тому +2

    "Hmm, so, people are doing SnowGrave eh? Lets give them something cursed! T A L L R A L S E I!!!

  • @mash5a
    @mash5a 2 роки тому +7

    Wait, so what's the importance of the "wait, we were supposed to-" line? Why is it a troll?

    • @CReiKampa48
      @CReiKampa48 2 роки тому +4

      Idk, i think it just refers to the fact Ralsei only then realized things weren't going as they should go, after all it is the snowgrave route

    • @bitrr3482
      @bitrr3482 2 роки тому

      From that line it seems that Ralsei knows the normal route and when you are in a cutscene. In the normal route a cutscene would start. However, he doesn't seem to know about snowgrave.

  • @conflictinmybrain2019
    @conflictinmybrain2019 3 місяці тому

    I think it may be a hint that the weird route is LITERALLY breaking the game. Toby has stated that he misses the days of playground rumor type glitches like missingno, so i wouldnt be surprised if the weird route ends up full of walking through walls, weird code-like inputs, and stuff i cant even imagine. Snowgrave was just the tip of the iceberg (HA) chap 3's weird route is going to be even more convoluted to access i think because toby knows we're looking for it.

  • @Grxblrg5757
    @Grxblrg5757 5 місяців тому

    I saw this in my playthrough, and I thought it was Ralsei looking worried, wondering why things aren't going as planned.

  • @maroonjacketdkid08
    @maroonjacketdkid08 2 роки тому +2

    As a gamedev myself, I tend to forget to replace placeholder sprites for the final game in things like game jams or just small cutscenes. IMO toby used that ralsei sprite as a placeholder for... Well this may be a stretch but maybe toby intended ralsei to dance while waiting instead of to sleep while waiting for suzy in which he forgot to replace that placeholder with ralsei dancing and released the game as is. Yes you could argue that instead of a dance sprite he intended something else but from what I've gathered here, I think it's safe to say this is the most reliable scenario, and not some extra lore pieces scattered in the game files.

  • @func_e
    @func_e 2 роки тому +1

    oh.... my.... goodness.... Toby you madman... wait, it's NOT that sprite used in the dance sequence? This goes deep. If only instant noodles did that in the Sans fight. I like this type of video. Keep up the great content, my dude :D

  • @Johnm.499
    @Johnm.499 2 роки тому

    You always seem to make the most mundane sounding of topics, interesting, good job

  • @fellow_1955
    @fellow_1955 2 роки тому +2

    Thanks for the birthday present my guy :) made my day!

  • @AlexNeon97
    @AlexNeon97 2 роки тому +2

    The "Howdy" never gets old for me!

  • @ouzldarkflower
    @ouzldarkflower 2 роки тому +2

    That thumbnail is unsettling

  • @mekafinchi
    @mekafinchi 2 роки тому +1

    imo it kinda looks like he's sat down and propped himself up with his hands and is staring up into space (and your soul)

  • @liamwhite3522
    @liamwhite3522 2 роки тому +3

    This is literally just Toby hiding an easter egg where, instead of Ralsei falling asleep while waiting, he's just leaning up against the pillar while waiting.

  • @stardust-reverie
    @stardust-reverie 8 місяців тому

    0:59 it’s ok halfbread i have looked through things like folders trying to find a specific thing countless times to no avail only to realize it was There The Whole Time Somehow And I Was Just Missing It. the human brain is an amazing pattern recognition machine and yet it does this

  • @CertifiedMadman
    @CertifiedMadman Рік тому +1

    1:06 it looks like Kris is either doing the Russian kick or the Can-Can dance lol

  • @Minal_Aurapine
    @Minal_Aurapine Рік тому +1

    Maybe it is the shock Ralseih realizing Susie and Noelle fuckin

  • @AT7outof10
    @AT7outof10 2 роки тому

    I knew something was off when I saw that sprite, I remembered him falling asleep, not awkwardly pidgeon-toed looking up at the sky.

  • @zigazav1
    @zigazav1 2 роки тому +1

    That short voice work for Ralsei sounds identical to the voice given to the Sonic franchise's Miles "Tails" Prower. At least one of the voices given to that character anyways.

  • @Dolphin002
    @Dolphin002 2 роки тому +1

    I was wondering why this was happening when I was speedrunning, but I did think it was a random chance

  • @gabrielnavia168
    @gabrielnavia168 Рік тому +1

    0:26 😊❤ thank you
    i could not find that sprite before

  • @ConnanTheCivilized
    @ConnanTheCivilized Рік тому +4

    I love how all you people have no problem with doing the “Snowgrave” Route, yet are scared shitless by a silly Ralsei FUN event.

  • @user-nk2pd1oo2p
    @user-nk2pd1oo2p Рік тому

    He just wondered if we have anything to do with all the unusual stuff, so he decided to do a little scanning!

  • @PotatoPlaysThePotatoQueen
    @PotatoPlaysThePotatoQueen 2 роки тому

    more things I had no idea I was on the route to finding, if I found this without seeing this video I would've said "Wait- Ralsei isn't supposed to do that pose here!" but because of this informative video I know it's all one of Toby Fox's tricks! thanks

  • @literallyalois2966
    @literallyalois2966 2 роки тому

    WELL! That was confusing BUT funny! Thanks for showing me this, HalfBreadChaos!! Just know we all love you and your content!! LET NO ONE TELL YOU TTS IS BAD, I LOVE IT AND IT GIVES YOUR CHANNEL PERSONALITY, NOBODY ELSE USES IT AFTER ALL!! hahahha Lotsa love and best of luck!

  • @maykonbrasileiro761
    @maykonbrasileiro761 Рік тому +1

    Normal people: it must just be a glicht
    Deltarune/Undertale players: What is the secret meaning of this sprite that apears only once under this specific circunstances

  • @yourdemiseishere
    @yourdemiseishere 2 роки тому

    It's probably a way to make the next frame smoother, since it seems to work, recycled but prob dies hard in funny glitch.
    And it isn't really on purpose, seems like a placeholder or again, shows up for the animation.

  • @oddlandlad2804
    @oddlandlad2804 2 роки тому

    Love the instant noodles idea, super respect ya gaming the system like that m8. Keep it up!

  • @a.j.outlaster1222
    @a.j.outlaster1222 Рік тому

    Tbh, Your TTS actually sounds nice, Most just give me a headache from it being hard to hear,
    But, Yours?
    I feel like I could easily listen to it for 20 minutes!
    Oh, wait...
    I have...

  • @BlaxeFrost-X
    @BlaxeFrost-X 2 роки тому +1

    Is Ralsei looking with sadness at the player? It's the snowgrave route after all...

  • @SproutMole
    @SproutMole 2 роки тому +1

    i like the little "pipis" styled "the video" text

  • @danielpetersen2307
    @danielpetersen2307 2 роки тому +6

    Question/possible theory: what if the whole point of the snow grave route is to make Noelle more obedient/receptive to the player's orders so that, if Kris ever goes rogue without us, Noelle would be able to act as our temporary player avatar?

    • @forkgodsdescendant2503
      @forkgodsdescendant2503 2 роки тому +1

      i can already see that happening, her eyes go blank white while casting snowgrave. So that may be what she looks like when the soul takes over her body. There would probably no need for Kris if we achieve that since Noelle is arguably the strongest character so far.

    • @LyraKat_
      @LyraKat_ 2 роки тому

      It would be cool if as a "choices don't matter" type of thing, you can't beat the game or do a certain task (tasks?) as Kris-
      Like what if you had to "prepare" a character in advance (so far, only Noelle) to be usable in that situation? Would be cool if depending on different chapter alt routes, you could change what happens with a different character.
      Or, instead of just playing as someone else, an alternate route could cause an environmental change (think like Spamton's takeover) that would affect things later on?

    • @dylanzlol7293
      @dylanzlol7293 Рік тому +1

      @@LyraKat_ Then a Ch1 weird route needs to happen for Playable Sussie

  • @Maskka
    @Maskka 2 роки тому +4

    1:39 people seeing coders be like :

  • @romualdoxdstaiti7387
    @romualdoxdstaiti7387 2 роки тому +2

    2:09 wait this is WEIRD? because I literally played the genocide route today and I had the wrong number event

    • @-ZH
      @-ZH 2 роки тому

      There’s like a 38% chance, so I wouldn’t say it’s weird

  • @lonelychair9294
    @lonelychair9294 2 роки тому

    The best thing about the mechanics of Snowgrave for me was realising how it taught us how to permanently raise our hp, through making us make Noelle stronger.
    Those few extra bits of hp really saved me during the final boss of that run, I even started a new Snowgrave route just to make sure I got all the extra hp I could get.
    Only Noelle attacks and she gets stronger, only we attack and we get stronger. I found this little detail that can easily be thrown away as not possible because we think it just applies to one character fun.