Dr. Gary Miller - Basis for Muslim's Belief (Part 1/6)

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024
  • A fantastic lecture on why the belief of a muslim has solid foundations in logic and rationality. The lecture is broken down into 6 parts (due to the 10 minute restrain), of which this is the first.


  • @DaWanderer
    @DaWanderer 13 років тому +2

    Pretty good talk. Very logical and very coherent. Thanks for the post!

  • @xandercage741
    @xandercage741 14 років тому +2

    @DictaduraNo123 Try to review the verses again. Then what about Physics, astoronomy, geography, geology, oceanography, biology, botany, zoology, physiology and embryology...etc. Did you read anything about the historical statments or the predictions and the future events. The speech of Qur'an never ends because it contains things from the begining of the creation till the end of the world.
    Many proofs and evidences.
    Look further into that.

  • @xandercage741
    @xandercage741 14 років тому +2

    @MegaLoveMessage One more thing, Muhammed PBUH ordered His companions to free all slaves and the slaves of the leader of Korish, were baught by the companions then set free.
    Did you know how was life before Islam ? Morals and Ideiologies ? I doubt you know history!

  • @Wiggyify
    @Wiggyify 14 років тому

    i like the way he talks...calm and thoughtful.

  • @DictaduraNo123
    @DictaduraNo123 14 років тому +1

    @moonlight859 Are your talking for yourself? You're the one who seems to copy things from google. You haven't answered his accusations about islam being cruel. All you do is insult as if you didn't have any arguments.

  • @xandercage741
    @xandercage741 14 років тому +1

    @Libre333 Man all the scientists of the world has proven what the Qur'an said look further into that please. The preachers and the ministries of the churches comes to Islam because a strong belief, Islam is growing because it is the only true religion
    check out mircalesofthequran It says error when I post the link so google it.

  • @786Nasrat
    @786Nasrat 14 років тому

    thank you..

  • @Islamwisehappy
    @Islamwisehappy 9 років тому

    Where is are beloved brother Gary Miller? Can anybody tell me please?

    • @ulysse21
      @ulysse21 9 років тому

      Tahera Chaudhary Gary
      Miller ( a petrodollar slave, that's it ) ! just a former evangelist
      and math professor whilst the real Gary R. Miller that this hoax is
      pretending he is, is in fact this man : fr.wikipedia.or/wiki/Gary_L._Miller which has nothing to do with islam !!
      Whilst the former evangelist is this one, an anonymous canadian maths teacher
      and evangelist who was smart enough to realise that he would get rich
      faster and easier if he works for saudi king family :
      • Brother Gary R. Miller (ABDUL AHAD OMAR) is a mathematician and a
      theologian. Born in a Christian family, he was active in Christian
      missionary work in his youth. Later he discovered many inconsistencies
      in the Bible.
      • In 1978, he happened to read the Qur’and expecting that it, too, would
      contain a mixture of truth and falsehood. To his surprise, the Qur’an
      did not contain any falsehood or any discrepancy. Brother Gary Miller
      embraced Islam and became a Muslim.
      • Brother Gary Miller (Abdul-Ahad Omar) has given several public
      presentations and radio and television appearances on Islam. He has also
      the authored several articles and publications on Islam.
      • Postal Address : King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
      P. O. Box 192, Dhahran 31261, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
      Tel (Res.): 8606915
      Tel (Off.): 8602810
      Fax: 8602340
      e-mail: gmiller@dpc.kfupm.edu.sa

    • @Islamwisehappy
      @Islamwisehappy 9 років тому

      Thanks for the information. Yes I already knew that he changed his name to Abdul-Ahad Omar. Brother G Miller took a great deal of courage to talk against his own Christian people and evangelists . He tried his best to present facts and important important ones for Islam and against his own bible, like mathematical facts about words in the Quran and so many others. I learn a lot from him too.
      May Allah swt accept his efforts and keep us all under his guidance. Ameen.

    • @azastardin
      @azastardin 7 років тому

      yeah.if you know where he is,please inform me.i would like to invite him to give a lecture in my country

  • @culbriz
    @culbriz 17 років тому

    What ever happened to Gary Miller? What's he doing now? And why do you say there's a 10 min time limit when Islamicmedia has hour and a half long videos up?

  • @LadyPLo12
    @LadyPLo12 14 років тому

    thx for the video barakallahu feek

  • @xandercage741
    @xandercage741 14 років тому

    @MegaLoveMessage Sorry but what are the sources of your information you have. Deuteronomy 20:16, Numbers 31:17,18, 1 Samuel 15:2,3 say do not leave alvie anything that breathes.
    Where or in which hadith or verse did Islam permit to kill women and children. The word Jihad means struggle, define the term "struggle" and how it is explained in Islam and then you may undersatnd.

  • @seamr05
    @seamr05 14 років тому

    The devil is smart, Ill give you that one. But God is smarter. I dont beleive in attributing divinity to Jesus, however I do beleive as muslims and christians that we should take him seriously when he gives us pointers by saying that the devils Kingdom will crumble when its divided against itself. The devil cannot turn truth into falsehood or vice versa. He has his limitations that makes him what he is. If you disagree with me, then how do you know that you were not tricked into christianity?

  • @seamr05
    @seamr05 14 років тому

    I know that your beleif is firmly rooted in christianity, BUT imagine for a second that God is trying to tell you something, by leading you to these videos and the muslims, then what would constitute proof for you in order for you to understand or accept the idea that you might have been mislead?? When Jesus resurected Lazarus with the help of God, the Jews called it whichcraft, and some christians cry big tears over it. Did it never occur to them that they might do the same with Muhammed?

  • @faheemthedream2007
    @faheemthedream2007 14 років тому

    @lithopoonwit u just missed the whole point of the lecture LOL

  • @ummekulsummasuma3575
    @ummekulsummasuma3575 3 місяці тому

    Who's watching it in 2024???

  • @seamr05
    @seamr05 14 років тому

    The devil can fake a miracle, but he cant fake truth. Whats miraculous about christianity anyway?The cornerstone of your faith is based on conjecture, and simple repetition of the people of old used to say about their pagan gods. Why choose Jesus when I can choose Mithra, or Christna or Osiris as my personal savior? They were part of a trinity too, born dec 25, they were called the way the truth and the light, and did an act of selfmutilation to purge the earth and resurrected 3 days later?

  • @seamr05
    @seamr05 15 років тому

    But why do you believe that this book come from God anyway?
    What kind of devil would ask of you to seek protection from God against Satan the rejected, every time you pick up the holy Quran to read in it?
    According to Jesus the devils kingdom will fall if he is devided against himself.

  • @seamr05
    @seamr05 14 років тому

    Off course Mithra, Khristna or Osiris were no saviors. But my point is that people beleived that they were divine and could purge the earth through that type of sacrifie. The way u do about Jesus. I beleive that these were myths too, the work of satan. In regards to other religions, As muslims we beleive that they came from God to begin with, but that people distorted the religion of truth, by setting up idols, or turning away from the truth.
    Which is why God continued to send prophets.

  • @786Nasrat
    @786Nasrat 14 років тому

    the devil has no pwoer over human beings at all..he can only influence yu on things but he has no power over you..we human beings chose what to do ..i can be a devil as wel. al i have to do is tell you to do this and that, i keep tellign you to do it, but the decision is down to you..i cant put a guy in ur head and say do it, dats how devil works, he trick you to thinking something is wright when it is not, why do ouy think we you do sumfin, you ask your self 50x before doing it,

  • @yhwhisoneandonly
    @yhwhisoneandonly 11 років тому

    Then read new and old testaments of the Bible if you do.The whole of quran came from one mans mouth. If you choose to believe one man what he says about others and not go investigating what those others have to say for them self's, then you are just playing ignorant. quran twists the reality, there for in order to believe one must twist his own reality in order to continue believing it. You will recognize a man by the fruits that he produces. Read hadith carefully. May YHWH grant you wisdom.

  • @DictaduraNo123
    @DictaduraNo123 14 років тому

    The quran has nothing scientific. 67:5 says that "stars are missiles to shoot the devil" and not what they are, huge suns. In 41:12 it talks about 7 heavens, the old false belief that the universe was divided in 7 heavens. Today muslims try to say that "it is only referring to the 7 layers of the atmosphere", but 41:12 says also that "the stars are located in the closest heaven"...PFFFFFFFF! So it can't be the atmosphere. LOL..Too close

  • @faheemthedream2007
    @faheemthedream2007 14 років тому

    @MumbhaiMBBS LOL!!! :D

  • @786Nasrat
    @786Nasrat 14 років тому

    lolzz mhammad did more mirracle den jesus has ever done, muhammad preeched longer than jesus, my fiend how can you leav a holly book in charge of human beings and still say it is perffect..dat doesnt makes sense, if a book is from god, its gods, only god can chagne or be in charge of that book..if you leav it to human beings, they will change it to thier own ways, we humans are not perfect..how can you call bible authentic

  • @seamr05
    @seamr05 15 років тому

    LOL "according to my knowledge Mohammed was originally a Chritian who lost his faith" hello???
    What kind of KNOWLEDGE is that??? Can you look into peoples heart and see whats in it?? No you cant. Another weak and commun and irrelevant argument is "it has no original revelations to it". It doenst claim to be new, it has come to correct and confirm what you have been given and challenge the other theologies that doenst hold up, for instance the trinity.

  • @seamr05
    @seamr05 14 років тому

    "the secret of the Holy trinity" LOL! that is the biggest joke of all time played on you Christians, I swear.
    There is nothing to understand. Its the emperor without clothes. Judging from your answer about the topic of knowledge about the universe, you dont know what is up and what is down, what comes from God and what comes from the devil. whatch " a conscice reply to christianity" and "reason and revelation" with an open by Gary Miller and see if you can refute him.