Yes, they do. Maybe you can explain to the others your age the difference between singing to the Lord together, and watching a worship band sing to the Lord. The energy will always be different be because the Holy Spirit shows up.
Me too! I had this played at my mother's funeral. This song represents our hope and our life! A week before my mother died of cancer at almost 70, she asked me what she had done wrong that the Lord was doing this to her. I told her I thought she was looking at it all wrong. The Lord gave her, her 3 score and 10. I told her she had completed her work and the Lord was calling her home. It's a graduation, not a punishment. It's the greatest reward he can give us! Eternity with Him and the great cloud of witnesses! I can't wait.
A quote from Martin Luther… “I have no use for cranks who despise music, because it is a gift of God. Music drives away the Devil and makes people joyful; they forget thereby all wrath, unchastity, arrogance, and the like. Next after theology, I give to music the highest place and the greatest honor.”
I will be leading a hymn in my university in the next few months. It may eventually be a full set of hymns as well. My church almost always sings hymns. I was touched by a sermon last week, which led me to cover the song and post the video to my Instagram, and also picked that song for a future worship set.
I'm Catholic but Luther wrote a truly majestic hymn. When I was a kid pre Vat 2 we sang this in church. Its very appropriate for the times we're in now.
Probably not...but possibly. Luther not only translated the Greek into German but also brought singing back into the church. With the The printing press, which was invented by the German Johannes Gutenberg around 1440, he put the bible into the hands of the common man for the first time in history.
My father was an ordained Lutheran minister who had high respect for Martin Luthers works. I grew up with this song naturally and here 50 years later it sends chills up my spine.
Charlotte, Was your father a Wisconsin Synod or an Evangelical Lutheran Synod pastor? I was raised Wisconsin Synod and also confirmed also in the Wisconsin Synod faith ( I also may add to that Imwas baptized in a Wisconsin Synod Church in Waukesha, Wisconsin. I no longer live in Wisconsin, but in New Mexico, which I thank and praise the Lord that I have been a member of Shepherd Lutheran Church, which is a Wisconsin Synod Church. One of our only of only about a total of only five WELS churches that are in the entire state of New Mexico.
The papists had not believed that Luther would really venture to appear at Worms, and his arrival filled them with consternation. The emperor immediately summoned his councilors to consider what course should be pursued. One of the bishops, a rigid papist, declared: "We have long consulted on this matter. Let your imperial majesty get rid of this man at once. Did not Sigismund cause John Huss to be burnt? We are not bound either to give or to [154] observe the safe-conduct of a heretic." "No," said the emperor, "we must keep our promise."-Ibid., b. 7, ch. 8. It was therefore decided that the Reformer should be heard. 0:19
So beautiful! Reminds me of my childhood before churches had music ministries, and had organists and choir directors. Now people watch the band perform, and the music ministers give their version of a concert. This is real worship. The PEOPLE are singing to their God. What a beautiful sound! It moves me to tears, in a way that a band playing 10,000 reasons never will.
What you describe happens every week in most Lutheran churches. Lutherans love to sing. I guess it just depends on where you go. I wouldn't trade the great hymns of the church for anything. I can't stomach most of that trite "contemporary" and "praise" hogwash. And I'll take an organ over a guitar band any time. What's interesting to me is that most contemporary worship you describe--with people standing around and watching others worship with unsingable music on their behalf--is very similar to the experience of the medieval Latin Mass. Protestant worship has always been about active participation. The entire Lutheran liturgy is participatory. And Lutherans still often use pipe organs because it supports the human voice singing so well.
@Lukemwills I feel the same way about guitar bands. Although, running a close second was the last church I attended. Even my teen son couldn't stand it. It was a husband and wife team. He played a little portable organ, even though they had a piano and pipe organ, and his wife belted out every tune at full volume, off key, with the mic all the way up. My husband called the The Captain and Tenille. I left with a headache after every service. After church once, I asked the man about lowering the mic volume slightly, and he was offended. He said he couldn't dream of suggesting it; his wife's feelings would be hurt. The problem was, because she was soo loud, no one else bothered singing at all; and she was fine with that. It was a mini concert for her, and she actually did a little bow after her songs! This is why I prefer the organ and congregation. Otherwise, it becomes too much like a performance, and the musicians get too caught up in how great they sound, and forget it's supposed to be about God. People aren't showing up to see them ( Then again maybe they are). I wish they had a church like you describe near me.
No matter how much they try to silence us, the script is already written and we win in the end. This song is a wonderful reminder of the fact that we are at war, but we will emerge victorious because of our Savior. I heard my son playing this hymn in his room on Friday night on his digital piano and it made me weep. He didn't know I was listening. I felt so blessed, when I considered what many young people are out doing. I may not be rich, or even have much of a life by worldly standards, because I am a stay at home mom, and some days can barely move due to arthritis. But I would rather have a son playing "A Mighty Fortress is our God" by his own choice, than a million dollars.
Nehmen sie den Leib. Gut ehrbkibd und Weib, lass fahren dahin, sie habens kein gewinn
11 місяців тому+4
Grace & Peace! I would like to be there with the brothers worshiping our LORD JESUS. We will meet in heaven and there we will unite in one voice to the great I AM. Greetings from Brasil !!!
Only God knows the hearts of men. It is in His word from His mouth. Do we make ourselves greater than God to judge the worship of others. I would hate for all the hypocrites to be exposed.
"Even after my skin is destroyed, Yet from my flesh I shall see God; Whom I myself shall behold, And whom my eyes will see and not another. My heart faints within me!"
@@timothyfreeman97 no the great schism was around long before and kinda led to the reformation in a way. The great schism was the break of Catholicism into roman catholic and orthodox. But I will argue this, the catholic church was NOT the original church.
I was feeling overwhelmed with all I had to handle being sick myself and wanting to care for my parents. The Lord reminded me " A mighty fortress is our God." I was reminded i dont have to handle it. He will. He is my mighty fortress, my rock, my King forever.
My fav hymn, and apparently one of Martin Luther (its composer) as well. He was so fond of loudly singing it on the road to the Diet of Worms, to the delight and annoyance of many along the way, I'm sure.
Having been to 4 Shepherd's Conferences, I miss hearing 3,000 men singing like this and wish there were high quality, professional videos to enjoy over and over again. It's just awesome.
ToshiroHoshi I would love to send my pastor to get loved on at the Shepherd's Conference next year. Would you mind telling me the kind of cost I would need to cover in order to send him?
Brandi Peterson the last time I was there was 2012 and a group of us went together. It was $300 per person at the time, just for the conference and then the cost of the hotel. Since a group of us drove there, we split the gas costs. That's probably all the info I can give. They sell tons of books at discounted prices so, hopefully he can have extra money for that. I hope you do get to send your pastor there.
We think of Luther's Fortress as the Battle Hymn of the Reformation - and that it is. But, did you know that when Luther penned it this city was battling the plague???
Oh the joy that fills my soul to hear this...tears fill my eyes, for it is this eternal orderly worship which we will partake of for eternity in His presence.
This is honestly better than listening to contemporary church music like Hillsong where the electronic music and electric guitars overshadow the voices of the people of God. I'm slowly starting to grow a distaste for it when I hear music like this.
Amen! I'm sure God would rather hear 3,000 of his children singing his praises, than watch a worship band perform with a light show perform while people dance in Christian t shirts. There's always a difference between a congregation singing to the Lord, and a congregation hearing a worship band perform a conc ert for the Lord. Also, with organs and choirs even, each person is looking to blend in not stand out. It's about worshipping together. Whenever I see a worship band in church, you can tell it's a performance. They aren't performing for God, they're performing for the congregation. Gosh, I miss the old days. I wish I could find just one normal church near me.
Amen! That's because there's a difference between worship and entertainment. The musicians are playing to worship God, and provide a background for the singers, not to create another Christian hit single and sell t shirts.
This is dope. It makes the anticipation of the worship in God's kingdom ever more exciting and worth committing to. I hope this is just a sample of what it will sound like.
Singing with 3,000 others is a special experience. I've had that experience years ago in Detroit sining, "Come Ye thankful people, come" and "Now thank we all our God".
Ooh Dear, same here @charlotteknutsen7262 (Continue to Rest In Eternal Peace DAD-MY FATHER) My Dad was called to heaven In 2002. Whenever we meet together at Our Parents' Home, Especially at the memorial of his Death, We have to Sing this Song. He always talked about Martin Luther. Born and raised Lutheran, We are Lutheran Per se! My Dad and My Mama were always in Church Choirs wherever we lived in our Country. We have Our Family Choir. We Love Music and we love to Sing. My Late Sister who passed away on 26th January this year, ((Continue to Rest In Eternal Peace My Sister) was a women's Choir Mistress in a particular Lutheran Parish in Our City. We Miss her and Our Father Dearly. Until We Meet at the Habour, Indeed "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God"
I always say that if old is gold then latest is simply the greatest. But, when it comes to the worship songs nothing compares to these old time hymns, in them we have rich theology, the attributes of God presented so beautifully, good music and great poetry! Unfortunately my generation does not know what worship songs sound like.
A wonderful rendition of this hymn. I also listen to Bach's version in one of his Cantatas. I agree fully with many of the comments below re: type of service they enjoy. I was brought up in a Methodist church where there was always an organ & choir. Also my love for choral music.
I was raised pentecostal. Was at churches all over . Friends were baptist and lutheran. Im catholic now and love all hymns epecially luthers. Luther a priest stood for jesus.. im following christ and his cross. I pray all of us christians will sing strong these words until we die or are martryed , a mighty fortress is our god.
I do believe in my heart that HE sees and Hears us when we Praise Him in thought, words, music, singing and in good deeds. I do believe HE sheds tears of Happiness that so many people around this sad little planet LOVES and HONORS HIM May you all be filled with the powers of the HOLY SPIRIT and share your Faith in GOD, not a faith in any set religion. Faith in GOD is the key to happiness. May you all be blessed and many thanks for sharing with the world. BRAVO Pax+
Wise men bend their knee before Lord Jesus, not before one like themselves. They seek the Lord daily for they know that without Him they can do nothing good. This is amazing! "As iron Sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." (Proverbs 27:17)
This is such an amazing and encouraging song. I remember this hymn from my childhood, standing next to my father as we sang this song. Great memories!!
Come fate a radunare tanti uomini insieme? Soltanto udirli l'esperienza è meravigliosa. Mis respetos para todos ellos. Jamás he visto nada igual ni iglesia como ésta.
"In our own strength did we confide, our striving would be losing. Were not the right man on our side, the man of God's own choosing. Don't ask who that may be, Christ Jesus it is He. Lord Sabaoth, His name, from age to age the same, And He must win the battle."
"Did we in our own strength confide, Our striving would be losing; Were not the right Man on our side, The Man of God’s own choosing: Dost ask who that may be? Christ Jesus, it is He; Lord Sabaoth His Name, From age to age the same, And He must win the battle."
No strength of ours can match his might! We would be lost, rejected. But now a champion comes to fight, whom God himself elected. You ask who this may be? The Lord of hosts is he! Christ Jesus, mighty Lord, God's only Son, adored. He holds the field victorious.
If I had to vote for the two top worship songs ever written I would probably go with the Gloria in Excelsis Deo, which has been sung nearly every Sunday by a majority of the world's Christians for about 1600 years: Glory to God in the highest, and peace to his people on earth. Lord God, heavenly King, almighty God and Father, we worship you, we give you thanks, we praise you for your glory. Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father, Lord God, Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world; have mercy on us; you are seated at the right hand of the Father; receive our prayer. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen. My second choice would probably be the hymn Paul quotes in Philippians: "Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited. But emptied himself...." (2:5ff) If I were to vote for any others it would probably be one of St Ambrose's hymns, which the church has also been singing for about 1600 years. My favorite is Veni Redemtor Genitum, often sung as "Savior of the nations come" and "Come thou redeemer of the earth." Personally, I'm not a big fan of Amazing Grace. I think it's definitely overdone.
I wonder how many churches would fill with men if we had worship like this and good manly leadership - teaching them to be men of God in their homes, and work place. The impression some churches give is that redeemed men need to become fluffy and feminine, instead of the tough spiritual warriors Jesus called his disciples to be. "Love as I have loved," Jesus said, and then went to the cross for us. We tend to forget that love is not an emotional feeling, it's an act of the will. Read 1 Corinthians 13. It takes guts to love like that.
I'm 19. But these hymns do more for me than modern worship music
Yes, they do. Maybe you can explain to the others your age the difference between singing to the Lord together, and watching a worship band sing to the Lord. The energy will always be different be because the Holy Spirit shows up.
facts. the older hymns hit different😩
Fishers of little boys...
Every word of this hymn is thrilling. Nothing stirs the soul like the good old hymns!!
I don't know if you know Martin Luther wrote the song after Satan try to get him to stop interpreting I mean translating the Bible
This is Luther's hymn of the Reformation.
I live and die on the theology presented here. I have requested this song to be played after I have left this world. Jesus is our only Hope!
Some live and some die by this theology, blessed are those who believe and live by it!
Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus
Me too! I had this played at my mother's funeral. This song represents our hope and our life!
A week before my mother died of cancer at almost 70, she asked me what she had done wrong that the Lord was doing this to her. I told her I thought she was looking at it all wrong. The Lord gave her, her 3 score and 10. I told her she had completed her work and the Lord was calling her home. It's a graduation, not a punishment. It's the greatest reward he can give us! Eternity with Him and the great cloud of witnesses! I can't wait.
Jesus is worthy of our praise
I live and die on Biblical theology. MacArthur is heretical on certain doctrines/teachings. The song is nice, though.
A quote from Martin Luther… “I have no use for cranks who despise music, because it is a gift of God. Music drives away the Devil and makes people joyful; they forget thereby all wrath, unchastity, arrogance, and the like. Next after theology, I give to music the highest place and the greatest honor.”
I love this song. Wish contemporary churches sang more hymns like this.
I will be leading a hymn in my university in the next few months. It may eventually be a full set of hymns as well.
My church almost always sings hymns. I was touched by a sermon last week, which led me to cover the song and post the video to my Instagram, and also picked that song for a future worship set.
I loved this song since I was a child. Martin Luther wrote it.
His kingdom is forever so we must always show the seeds of righteousness no matter what happens upon this old tottering earth. Psalm 119. GRACE alone...through FAITH Christ Jesus alone
Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus ✝️🇻🇦🕊
Amen !!!
@@timothyfreeman97 No Popery!
I'm Catholic but Luther wrote a truly majestic hymn. When I was a kid pre Vat 2 we sang this in church. Its very appropriate for the times we're in now.
I thought the Catholics pursued Luther. the verse ""His Kingdom will I've Forever after they may kill us
@@garythorington1600 I'm not fan of Martin Luther, but this is a great hymn. He did one thing right.
@@themysteriousdomainmoviepalace not only one thing. God did a lot of throght him. May him rest in peace.
@andreadilorenzo_ I am. Jesus is my Light and my Rock. I am nothing without Him.
The Reformation is 500 years old this month. Luther would be so proud of these men!
I wonder if he knew that 500 years later we would still be singing his hymn?
Probably not...but possibly. Luther not only translated the Greek into German but also brought singing back into the church. With the The printing press, which was invented by the German Johannes Gutenberg around 1440, he put the bible into the hands of the common man for the first time in history.
My father was an ordained Lutheran minister who had high respect for Martin Luthers works. I grew up with this song naturally and here 50 years later it sends chills up my spine.
Charlotte, Was your father a Wisconsin Synod or an Evangelical Lutheran Synod pastor? I was raised Wisconsin Synod and also confirmed also in the Wisconsin Synod faith ( I also may add to that Imwas baptized in a Wisconsin Synod Church in Waukesha, Wisconsin. I no longer live in Wisconsin, but in New Mexico, which I thank and praise the Lord that I have been a member of Shepherd Lutheran Church, which is a Wisconsin Synod Church. One of our only of only about a total of only five WELS churches that are in the entire state of New Mexico.
ELCA Lutheran Minister.
My father too was an ordained Lutheran minister. This hymn brings tears to my eyes when I sing it. It is so very moving,
The papists had not believed that Luther would really venture to appear at Worms, and his arrival filled them with consternation. The emperor immediately summoned his councilors to consider what course should be pursued. One of the bishops, a rigid papist, declared: "We have long consulted on this matter. Let your imperial majesty get rid of this man at once. Did not Sigismund cause John Huss to be burnt? We are not bound either to give or to [154] observe the safe-conduct of a heretic." "No," said the emperor, "we must keep our promise."-Ibid., b. 7, ch. 8. It was therefore decided that the Reformer should be heard. 0:19
Amen praise God
I wish people who say “but the church didn’t burn Jan Hus on a stake, it was the emperor!!!” Would see this.
So beautiful! Reminds me of my childhood before churches had music ministries, and had organists and choir directors. Now people watch the band perform, and the music ministers give their version of a concert. This is real worship. The PEOPLE are singing to their God. What a beautiful sound! It moves me to tears, in a way that a band playing 10,000 reasons never will.
Plenty of churches still have organists and choir directors. This kind of hymn singing happens every week in most Lutheran churches.
+Jb George indeed, when I went to church every Sunday, the entire congregation sang the hymns. they still do.
What you describe happens every week in most Lutheran churches. Lutherans love to sing. I guess it just depends on where you go. I wouldn't trade the great hymns of the church for anything. I can't stomach most of that trite "contemporary" and "praise" hogwash. And I'll take an organ over a guitar band any time.
What's interesting to me is that most contemporary worship you describe--with people standing around and watching others worship with unsingable music on their behalf--is very similar to the experience of the medieval Latin Mass. Protestant worship has always been about active participation. The entire Lutheran liturgy is participatory. And Lutherans still often use pipe organs because it supports the human voice singing so well.
@Lukemwills I feel the same way about guitar bands. Although, running a close second was the last church I attended. Even my teen son couldn't stand it. It was a husband and wife team. He played a little portable organ, even though they had a piano and pipe organ, and his wife belted out every tune at full volume, off key, with the mic all the way up. My husband called the The Captain and Tenille. I left with a headache after every service. After church once, I asked the man about lowering the mic volume slightly, and he was offended. He said he couldn't dream of suggesting it; his wife's feelings would be hurt. The problem was, because she was soo loud, no one else bothered singing at all; and she was fine with that. It was a mini concert for her, and she actually did a little bow after her songs! This is why I prefer the organ and congregation. Otherwise, it becomes too much like a performance, and the musicians get too caught up in how great they sound, and forget it's supposed to be about God. People aren't showing up to see them ( Then again maybe they are). I wish they had a church like you describe near me.
The body they may kill, the truth abideth still.
+Alex Foo Exactly!
No matter how much they try to silence us, the script is already written and we win in the end. This song is a wonderful reminder of the fact that we are at war, but we will emerge victorious because of our Savior. I heard my son playing this hymn in his room on Friday night on his digital piano and it made me weep. He didn't know I was listening. I felt so blessed, when I considered what many young people are out doing. I may not be rich, or even have much of a life by worldly standards, because I am a stay at home mom, and some days can barely move due to arthritis. But I would rather have a son playing "A Mighty Fortress is our God" by his own choice, than a million dollars.
wmnoffaith1 What riches you have! Good job faithful mama.
@john hobson war with satan
Nehmen sie den Leib. Gut ehrbkibd und Weib, lass fahren dahin, sie habens kein gewinn
Grace & Peace!
I would like to be there with the brothers worshiping our LORD JESUS.
We will meet in heaven and there we will unite in one voice to the great I AM.
Greetings from Brasil !!!
Greetings to you from Ukraine!
The Reformation is still going on through true worshipers by Holy Spirit.
Very true, praise God!
Only God knows the hearts of men. It is in His word from His mouth. Do we make ourselves greater than God to judge the worship of others. I would hate for all the hypocrites to be exposed.
To me this is hymn of all seasons. It strengthen my faith in God no matter what am facing .
I play this each morning with Morning Prayer. I am a Cranmerian Anglican with Reformed Theology. Great youtube. Thank you.
"Even after my skin is destroyed, Yet from my flesh I shall see God; Whom I myself shall behold, And whom my eyes will see and not another. My heart faints within me!"
Great hymn. To God be the glory for bestowing Martin Luther with the required courage.
A great worker for Christ.
sunil zephaniah yes indeed!!
He created schism in the bride of Christ.
@@timothyfreeman97 no the great schism was around long before and kinda led to the reformation in a way. The great schism was the break of Catholicism into roman catholic and orthodox. But I will argue this, the catholic church was NOT the original church.
Courage nothing, he was probably constipated.
How brave Martin Luther was!
How beautiful. What will heaven sound like with ten thousand time ten thousand voice praising God?
I just found this,,,,,, now this is what edification is all about and giving glory to God! How uplifting!!
Truly it was!
Praise the Lord!
From Doha, Qatar
I was feeling overwhelmed with all I had to handle being sick myself and wanting to care for my parents. The Lord reminded me " A mighty fortress is our God." I was reminded i dont have to handle it. He will. He is my mighty fortress, my rock, my King forever.
you should look into "Hydrogen water" i got a personal generator bottle for about $50 or google about getting a "iteracare wand"
Listening to this wonderful worship gave me chills up and down my spine and legs. God is our Mighty Fortress! All!
Happy reformation day my brothers and sisters in Christ
Thanks, I hope you had a great Reformation Day too!
And to you, friend!
2998 men singing A Mighty Fortress is Our God*
My fav hymn, and apparently one of Martin Luther (its composer) as well. He was so fond of loudly singing it on the road to the Diet of Worms, to the delight and annoyance of many along the way, I'm sure.
Having been to 4 Shepherd's Conferences, I miss hearing 3,000 men singing like this and wish there were high quality, professional videos to enjoy over and over again. It's just awesome.
I don't think any video can really do it justice, you have to be there!
ToshiroHoshi I would love to send my pastor to get loved on at the Shepherd's Conference next year. Would you mind telling me the kind of cost I would need to cover in order to send him?
Brandi Peterson the last time I was there was 2012 and a group of us went together. It was $300 per person at the time, just for the conference and then the cost of the hotel. Since a group of us drove there, we split the gas costs. That's probably all the info I can give. They sell tons of books at discounted prices so, hopefully he can have extra money for that. I hope you do get to send your pastor there.
Thank you so much for the information! That gives me a good ballpark starting point!
You're very welcome! :)
We think of Luther's Fortress as the Battle Hymn of the Reformation - and that it is. But, did you know that when Luther penned it this city was battling the plague???
Oh the joy that fills my soul to hear this...tears fill my eyes, for it is this eternal orderly worship which we will partake of for eternity in His presence.
Sometimes, when I see what people penned down, joy fills me like I’m there also.
My all-time favorite hymn along with “Jesus all my Gladness” by Bach and Finlandia “Be Still my Soul”.
@freebeerfordworkers me too.
This is honestly better than listening to contemporary church music like Hillsong where the electronic music and electric guitars overshadow the voices of the people of God. I'm slowly starting to grow a distaste for it when I hear music like this.
I agree, while I can put up with some contemporary music but hymns are far better and the singing is great
Right. I wholeheartedly agree.
I agree!
Amen Brother
Amen! I'm sure God would rather hear 3,000 of his children singing his praises, than watch a worship band perform with a light show perform while people dance in Christian t shirts. There's always a difference between a congregation singing to the Lord, and a congregation hearing a worship band perform a conc ert for the Lord. Also, with organs and choirs even, each person is looking to blend in not stand out. It's about worshipping together. Whenever I see a worship band in church, you can tell it's a performance. They aren't performing for God, they're performing for the congregation. Gosh, I miss the old days. I wish I could find just one normal church near me.
Praise Him for He is Worthy .His truth Abides Still
the reformation is alive again!
Real music that inspires ...... Todays "Christian Music" is shallow in comparrison.
Amen! That's because there's a difference between worship and entertainment. The musicians are playing to worship God, and provide a background for the singers, not to create another Christian hit single and sell t shirts.
This is dope. It makes the anticipation of the worship in God's kingdom ever more exciting and worth committing to. I hope this is just a sample of what it will sound like.
Wow! What a comment? One can really know your heart. Kingdom heart!
You hope? No way... This is just sample for sure ...... Oh.... On that day when He descends and when we all look up .... It's gonna be ...... 🤯😇
Terraforming planets through worship music
Holy Frequency and vibrations Batman!
The Lord Jesus is my mighty fortress, oh how i love this him, GLORY TO KING JESUS.
Just Wonderful! Martin Luther has to be listening in heaven!
This is why Hymns are so important. There is substance and a "tried and true" power that the contemporary music can never produced.
Absolutely! These are the truths that do not change when our culture does change!
THIS, the music, the passion, the faith has stood the test of time, stress, battle and storm. And STILL proclaims Man's trust in his God.
Singing with 3,000 others is a special experience. I've had that experience years ago in Detroit sining, "Come Ye thankful people, come" and "Now thank we all our God".
I couldn't agree more!
At this crazy time in history, this song gives me comfort.
I agree, especially as I sit here listening to the air raid sirens and hearing incoming missiles explode.
Ooh Dear, same here @charlotteknutsen7262 (Continue to Rest In Eternal Peace DAD-MY FATHER) My Dad was called to heaven In 2002. Whenever we meet together at Our Parents' Home, Especially at the memorial of his Death, We have to Sing this Song. He always talked about Martin Luther. Born and raised Lutheran, We are Lutheran Per se! My Dad and My Mama were always in Church Choirs wherever we lived in our Country. We have Our Family Choir. We Love Music and we love to Sing. My Late Sister who passed away on 26th January this year, ((Continue to Rest In Eternal Peace My Sister) was a women's Choir Mistress in a particular Lutheran Parish in Our City. We Miss her and Our Father Dearly. Until We Meet at the Habour, Indeed "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God"
Grace Community Church, preaching Gods Word fearlessly and faithfully in the belly of the Beast.
So AWESOME! Glory to GOD, our lord and savior JESUS CHRIST!!!!
POWER, power... there is power in the blood of Jesus! Col 3:16
About the best recording of this one I have heard yet.
Thank you!
They sing it straight and true, some versions add lots of fan fair.
Jesus was the greatest reformers who ever existed and had given us His everlasting gospel that will endure for all eternity!
Amen and amen!!!
I always say that if old is gold then latest is simply the greatest. But, when it comes to the worship songs nothing compares to these old time hymns, in them we have rich theology, the attributes of God presented so beautifully, good music and great poetry! Unfortunately my generation does not know what worship songs sound like.
A wonderful rendition of this hymn. I also listen to Bach's version in one of his Cantatas. I agree fully with many of the comments below re: type of service they enjoy. I was brought up in a Methodist church where there was always an organ & choir. Also my love for choral music.
... one little word shall fell him! Allelujah!!!
The Lord shall reign forever and ever. God is the judge: He brings down one and exalts another!
It's as though we are witnessing Martin Luther carrying on the Reform... Amen Lord, indeed Come Lord!
I was raised pentecostal. Was at churches all over . Friends were baptist and lutheran. Im catholic now and love all hymns epecially luthers. Luther a priest stood for jesus.. im following christ and his cross. I pray all of us christians will sing strong these words until we die or are martryed , a mighty fortress is our god.
Perfect time to be watching this as we remember Reformation Day coming up. Martin Luther wrote such a beautiful hymn.
Guess what. God wins in the end.
Absolutely! And doesn't that give us a great hope?
A chill goes thru my bones.
A flood of tears well up and floods my checks and face. Oh such rapture.Oh joy. Oh bliss! 🌹
So true!
Amen. They are far better than all these modernities.
❤Very beautiful with majestic voices from heaven.
Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!
men always sound awesome together
Men drool, women rule.
Martin Luther & the Reformation intensifies!
Real men worship the LORD JESUS CHRIST !!
I do believe in my heart that HE sees and Hears us when we Praise Him in thought, words, music, singing and in good deeds.
I do believe HE sheds tears of Happiness that so many people around this sad little planet LOVES and HONORS HIM
May you all be filled with the powers of the HOLY SPIRIT and share your Faith in GOD, not a faith in any set religion. Faith in GOD is the key to happiness.
May you all be blessed and many thanks for sharing with the world.
From age to age the same... our awesome God is He
Beautiful hymns. I don't know why but I just to hear the men sing and worship.
Praise God for the Lord Jesus the Christ
Psalm 110:1
Christ is Victorious.
Thankyou for this rendition
God bless all his chosen people
Wise men bend their knee before Lord Jesus, not before one like themselves. They seek the Lord daily for they know that without Him they can do nothing good. This is amazing! "As iron Sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." (Proverbs 27:17)
Grateful. Praise our Lord Jesus Christ.
Missouri synod loving Lutheran here !!🎃😜
I learned this in Vacation Bible school over 60 years ago.
Nice to see men taking leadership in their GOD given roles.
(Hope they are as holy as they sing)
We in Christ bow our hearts and spirits before Thee, O GOD THE I AM.
This is such an amazing and encouraging song. I remember this hymn from my childhood, standing next to my father as we sang this song. Great memories!!
Great! This is surely the doing of the Lord!
Yes, in all the right ways :)
You can sense a Holy Awe as this precious song from the reformer is sung by elder brothers.. Love it.. Hallelujah to the Lord Jesus
Amazing!! Nothing comes close to these timeless hymns. This is one of my favorites!!! Modern worship (praise) songs don't do anything for me.
True, there's a timeless depth in this hymn.
Moving the heart of God
Praise You Jesus Hallelujaaaah!!!!!!!!!! so blessed!
Lets sing this song to rebuke the tyranny of this present pandemic situation. Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott! Amen
We may well be called to give up our lives "Our bodies they may kill", BUT THE TRUTH ABIDETH STILL"
Fabulous! Great recording!
Thank you, it was a great conference.
Even though I am agnostic, this hymn is a favorite of mine.
Richard, may the Lord touch your heart and make Himself real to you. He promises that you will find Him if you seek Him with all of your heart.
Come fate a radunare tanti uomini insieme?
Soltanto udirli l'esperienza è meravigliosa.
Mis respetos para todos ellos.
Jamás he visto nada igual ni iglesia como ésta.
Sang this in church today.
So did we along with thousands of other churches I'm sure!
We sang it this morning.☺️
Amen Lord, Come Lord!
"In our own strength did we confide, our striving would be losing.
Were not the right man on our side, the man of God's own choosing.
Don't ask who that may be, Christ Jesus it is He.
Lord Sabaoth, His name, from age to age the same,
And He must win the battle."
"Did we in our own strength confide, Our striving would be losing;
Were not the right Man on our side, The Man of God’s own choosing:
Dost ask who that may be? Christ Jesus, it is He;
Lord Sabaoth His Name, From age to age the same,
And He must win the battle."
No strength of ours can match his might!
We would be lost, rejected.
But now a champion comes to fight,
whom God himself elected.
You ask who this may be? The Lord of hosts is he!
Christ Jesus, mighty Lord,
God's only Son, adored.
He holds the field victorious.
I'd prefer to sing "And He has won the battle." Well, He has!
I am a latino woman proudly ordained Lutheran pastor.
Right, I understand that some Lutheran confessions ordain women as pastors, but I don't believe they all do.
I never thought Grace Community Church's audience was this large!
This was a Shepherd's Conference for pastors. Nearly every state was represented here.
My son and I were there singing!
What a great thing to share with your son!
@@CalebSuko Actually, my son shared it with me--he's a pastor!
How Love this himm!
This song and amazing grace are the two top worship songs ever penned.
If I had to vote for the two top worship songs ever written I would probably go with the Gloria in Excelsis Deo, which has been sung nearly every Sunday by a majority of the world's Christians for about 1600 years:
Glory to God in the highest,
and peace to his people on earth.
Lord God, heavenly King,
almighty God and Father,
we worship you, we give you thanks,
we praise you for your glory.
Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father,
Lord God, Lamb of God,
you take away the sin of the world;
have mercy on us;
you are seated at the right hand of the Father;
receive our prayer.
For you alone are the Holy One,
you alone are the Lord,
you alone are the Most High,
Jesus Christ,
with the Holy Spirit,
in the glory of God the Father. Amen.
My second choice would probably be the hymn Paul quotes in Philippians: "Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited. But emptied himself...." (2:5ff)
If I were to vote for any others it would probably be one of St Ambrose's hymns, which the church has also been singing for about 1600 years. My favorite is Veni Redemtor Genitum, often sung as "Savior of the nations come" and "Come thou redeemer of the earth."
Personally, I'm not a big fan of Amazing Grace. I think it's definitely overdone.
I wonder how many churches would fill with men if we had worship like this and good manly leadership - teaching them to be men of God in their homes, and work place. The impression some churches give is that redeemed men need to become fluffy and feminine, instead of the tough spiritual warriors Jesus called his disciples to be. "Love as I have loved," Jesus said, and then went to the cross for us. We tend to forget that love is not an emotional feeling, it's an act of the will. Read 1 Corinthians 13. It takes guts to love like that.
Amen brother!
I love these old hymns