BV-Interview-2 Wrong Mindfulness? - Craving? Two Types of Jhana? Concentration vs Aware Jhana

  • Опубліковано 14 вер 2017
  • David Johnson interviews Bhante Vimalaramsi on two important subjects. What is Mindfulness? A new definition based on the suttas is given based on the Satipatthana Sutta.
    Based on this new definition of mindfulness this leads to a whole new type of Jhana, not an absorption jhana or state of concentration, but, rather, an aware relaxed, open state.
    What is confusing is that these two types of jhana are related and have similar characteristics. The Buddha had rejected the concentration states that he found in the first few years of his journey; later he found a different type of jhana. Bhante discusses this.
    What is Craving? Bhante talks about tension and tightness.


  • @johninman7545
    @johninman7545 Рік тому

    A very direct teaching. Craving is a tension no picking and choosing

  • @seminchung2433
    @seminchung2433 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you so much for getting me to a right track of meditation!

  • @K0GAi.
    @K0GAi. 6 років тому +2

    David, you read my mind on the question around 34:11, and Bhante's explanation and how he actually makes it fit within the context of Paticcasamuppada and the impersonal nature of the entire sequence is really nice. Take care, sadhu, sadhu, sadhu! :)

  • @anthonybrown7964
    @anthonybrown7964 6 років тому +3

    This really is amazing stuff, I have been following a different tradition and was lost in meditation techniques, or just making it up as I go along and this has totally blew me away. I now look forward to meditating and have even woke up at 2:30 in the morning fresh and ready to go because I done a good meditation the day before. Its amazing.I hope that there will be a retreat in Europe, I spoke to a member of staff there and he said it might be possible in 2018. It would honestly be a dream come true for me.Thankyou Bhante and all of the staff helping out. Thankyou!!!

  • @bayarjigjid8671
    @bayarjigjid8671 3 роки тому

    Thank you very much!!

  • @seminchung2433
    @seminchung2433 Рік тому


  • @constipatedbowels3473
    @constipatedbowels3473 5 років тому +3

    Bhante Vimalaramsi looks like Enlightened Thanos!!...😂😂...But on a serious note,This was helpful!!!...

  • @colinellesmere
    @colinellesmere 3 роки тому +1

    Ajahn Sucitto who follows the Thai Forest tradition of Ajahn Chan in a talk gave a very simple teaching. When meditating engage awareness,soften,and include everything. Does this not cover much of what is being said here albeit not specifically stating watching how the mind changes? I find recalling these three reminders very useful and it greatly helps letting go of craving. But this teaching is very useful as it emphasises the key element. Understand change.

  • @LCD72
    @LCD72 Рік тому

    Bhante defines the TWIM jhanas as levels of understanding of how the mind works/levels of understanding of meditation, that is, how the attention moves from one object to another. I'd like to know how the experience of the TWIM jhanas relates to the descriptions of the jhanas in the suttas e.g. 1st jhana: vivicc'eva kamehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi sa-vitakkam sa-vicaram vivekajam piti-sukham pathamam jhanam upasampajja viharati. One translation of this from the Vism. (I understand this might not be your preferred source) is: 'Quite secluded from sense desires, secluded from unprofitable things, the meditator enters upon and dwells in the 1st jhana, which is accompanied by applied and sustained thought, and by happiness and bliss born of seclusion'. Is this what a TWIM meditator experiences? Is there a TWIM text or video that goes into this more? I found this talk fascinating, but would like to know more about the TWIM jhanas. Thank you.

    • @DhammasukhaOrg
      @DhammasukhaOrg  Рік тому

      Please see this video

  • @johninman7545
    @johninman7545 Рік тому

    Nirvakalpa Samadhi is what the Buddha knew was incomplete. The letting go of tension craving

  • @vivekamara437
    @vivekamara437 3 роки тому +1

    Unfortunately I found the questions frequently interjected by the interviewer cut off some of Bhantes answers part way through, which was a great pity

    • @ben1344
      @ben1344 3 роки тому +2

      great piti, you mean.

  • @theunmanifested
    @theunmanifested 5 років тому

    totally agree. so mindfulness = sati, pay attention = ... , please?
    i would like to learn. thank you. p.s. ven. analayo translates satipattana into sati at present moment..sort of. p.s.2 = citta?

    • @DhammasukhaOrg
      @DhammasukhaOrg  5 років тому +1

      Yes - Observing Mind's attention - how it moves. It is not concentration on an object but observing the movement from one thing to another. In other words how the craving mind runs from one sense contact to another.

  • @ashwinipanchbhai3182
    @ashwinipanchbhai3182 6 років тому

    Venerable bhante metta
    My is question is that after a long practice after nam rup paricched nana (bhang nana) the body n mind becomes very sensitive...and ..who ..has done very deep practice and seen ..dependent origination practically...and ...has..
    Also ...observerd the Patthana ( conditional relations) How mind is moving ...bhavang chitta to paritta chitta to javan chitta.. long it will take to come in normal position...because in this position body n mind become very sensitive even a seen or a sound contact is simultaneously feeling by our .the practionor can not remain in this position for a long time he has to come in ..normal life ...or he has to continue the practice in a safe place please
    Give some guide lines it will be very helpful those who r doing deep practice....

    • @davidjohnson8218
      @davidjohnson8218 6 років тому

      Replying for Bhante: It takes no time at all to come back to "normal". The meditation just makes you more aware and alert. There is no transition period. You feel great.

  • @magina23
    @magina23 5 років тому

    Does Bhante really believe in monks with Psychic abilities? or did i miss understand? Sadhu... Sadhu... Sadhu...

  • @hosweepoh8753
    @hosweepoh8753 4 роки тому

    Jhana is different levels of concentration and Bhante also mentioned that a different level of understanding is also called jhana which I understand is called Nana. So what is the difference between jhana and nana!

    • @davidjohnson8218
      @davidjohnson8218 4 роки тому

      Nanas are levels of Insight Knowledges in the Vipassana Mahasi Sayadaw System. Some say there are nine. The vissudhi Magga talks about insight knowledges. However the Suttas do not mention these. The Buddha did not talk about them but he did talk about Jhanas which are levels of -Bhante says understanding, you might say unification of mind - not concentration. However Jhanas are also used to denote one pointed concentration states. There are two types of Jhana. One pointed and Aware where in the former you have no body awareness and the latter it is more subtle and you are fully aware of body if you put your attention there. Bhante V believes these aware jhanas are the ones the Buddha taught.

    • @hosweepoh8753
      @hosweepoh8753 4 роки тому

      Thank you for clarifying, sadhu!

  • @damodarvinayagam3552
    @damodarvinayagam3552 3 роки тому
